o t ar - s All- i w'v. 0 VOL. XXII -NO. 127.' RALEIGH, N. C,, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY U, 1370. PRICEj FIVE CENTS ; ' ' THE SMTINEE TUESDAY. JULY 11, 1876. WASIII5IOTO.il LETTER.- Uraatl leaeertle Rallfleatloai nertlag -Thin Radical At tempt at One Oranl'i XXaorUa amlAa Evaag eltcal UavcriH meat Tramp Hob Yanee ai a Waskijioto!, p. C.t July 7, 1876. Editor &kumI ; A grand meeting of the District deroomcy to ratify the ad mirable nominations ' 1 Tilden - and , Hendricks, fck place here last night, aud was celebrated In a manner .that reflect credit oa the Jackson Deno cratlc Association aud other clnba chiefly Instrumental In getting it np. It it ganerall r conceded oa all sides to Jiaye been the largest and moot enthusi astic political assembly which has oc curred in tbe District in twenty yean. To see a multitude estimated at 20,000, iucludiug tlte ladles quite a number of whom were present, standing for Are consecutive hour in the midst of the excessive heat and a threatened storm, eagerly listening to the enthusiastic and able speeches delivered by representa tives from every section of the country, was a tight which, together with the elaborate display of pyrotechnics, ban ners, transparencies, torchlight and patriotic , enthusiasm, has not. been equaled since 1810. . " ' v L targe Dumber or government (employes were assessed to raise funds for and at tended ex necessitate the Hayes and Wheeler meet ins lately held at the same place," the attendance was not near so large nor ilie display half so extensive as lust night. Tbe reason undoubtedly Ja tlut :ihrej. no section of the coun try where tit people are more familiar tKIH&Soptbffll "IliiAiu'tt a twt ..a...!. GESEBAI. BA8CALITI E8 Or TUB FRES . ' B.1T A DMIMI8THATI01V, "which to be bated needs only to be teen," than lu the District vf Columbia. " lure we are In the Immediate presence) of the While House, tbe District ring, the real etate pool, the freedmen't est in'gs bank, (in which the hard-work ing colored laboring men in all parts of the country bad placed their little earn ings in the bands of tbelr radical friends ouly to be swindled in the most out rageous manner,) the Babcock Harring ton safe-burglary conspiracy, tbe treas ury robberies, the stealings in the office : of the late. District-attorney, Fisher, (whtMte n-tiue the President has recently sent to the eeuate to be confirmed district-attorney in Delaware, and whose sou is now In jail for stealing,) the ill treaUveut, if not robbery, of, those whom even a Jeffreys would have pitied the iomate of the government insane SKjluui but to enumerate in the brief est manner the corruptions of the radi cals, even In this tea mile square, would dizzy the arithmetic of memory. " "The 4th was duly celebrated here, though a large number oi citisens, at well at the military companies, went over to Philadelphia and participated in the grand celebration which took place in, Independence Square; upon which occasion Dom Pedro, Kir Ed ward Thorn ton and other distinguished foreigners manifested great Interest, Meanwhile the official head of our republic, as if again seeking the most conspicuous oc casioo to indicate an utter contempt rather than "a decent respect for the opinions of mankind, consulted hi own personal ease and remained here in Washington to attend the exercises inaugurated by that rTT ;,.1JM;. GREAT KVAKOEIJCAL. GOVJSBJNMCKT ,. :!J i. .-. -tbahp . who baa visited the people-of every other country at the expense of those pf,.his .own the Iter. J. 1 Newman, whose sycophantic laudations ' dt'Oeai Grant are so notorious, and who on this occasion of courte made more honora ble mention of General and Mrs. Grantr holhof whom were present, with Coi. (?) Fred Grant as the reader of tbe Declaration, than or aU the framers of that instrument coiubiued. Mince the retirement of Secretary Biistow, on account of ' onpleasant nes " created by a too impartial prose cution of Ui whisky thieves, tbe ad idiuittratiou U making some headway iu kicking out the nioti efficient otlicers in the reveuue service who have been o Hilly as to construe literally the sol iliorlike phrae " let no guilty man es c;Hj." - feolicilor Uluford ViUoni of the Uciudry, and Mr. Yaryan, agalnat the protest of the commissioner of In ternal, revenue, though perhaps the most valuable officers known to the service, must step down and out at tbe invitation of the president. Whether the commissioner will not follow suit remains to be seen, but that will nut doubtedly be determined by the course to be pursued by Secretary Morrill, Who will be sworn in to-day ; if, a is prcba ble, the appropriation bills shall be in a condition to allow him to do so. ' The radicals, having made loug and desperate fight against all effort of the democrats looking to retrenchment and reform, have at last virtnally surren dered to the inevitable ad the bills will thus pas substantially as they came from the house. The senate has agreed to a reduction of some $22,000,000 ai- ready. J ' ' ' " ' : ltecurring to the Tilden and Hen dricks ratification meeting,' 1 desire to add that speeches were made by Sena tun Thui man,-Hazard, Eaton- and Me Crecry and Representatives Tucker, liarrU, llaudall, lAoe, lhillips, Cly mer, "Blue Jeaus" Williams of In--diaua,- Tarbox, lieaan and, last though iiotJee&W our -efficient representative, Gen' K; "BVtLtmi aiioWlmtriotIc 'ma wwvuw fiuu lugiKu great applause. The anecdotes re- minded one of his brother, YOCR DIRTINOCJSHBli CAXM1ATK who can hardly be excelled in that line and whose election, from what I can learn from all parts of the state. Is a foregone conclusion. I regret that have not tbe space to give a synopsia OF the. able apeecnes delivered, espe cially as I know your readers' win hot be able to form an v idea of their merits by reading the, report - furnished or gathered irotn tbe leading paper here, an ox wnicn are republican and nnreu. able in such cases, there being no dem ocratic paper here as there ought to be, to seep the party throughout the coun try Informed as to matter trantpiring ia inia our ppiH.ca. meu oponr. , Tbe St. Loui nominations give uni versal satisfactioo here among retire' tentative from all parts of the country, and the conviction is very strong that it cannot be beaten unless we ignomiu- iously stay away from the polls upon the miserable pretext that has hereto fore actuated some of our citizens who would not consent to be mixed up is tbe excitement and disorders at the polls, alleging that we had no chance to elect, but as this is by bo means the case now, it becomes the imperative duty and otie that will undoubtedly be cheerfully discharged tor every one entitled to vote early if not often. The radical will make desperate effort to carry the election, but they are doomed to certain defeat so far as the good Old North Slate u concerned. - Tab JIkkim FORU. .-: S I We give below the corrected text of the National Democratic Platform, which la every paragraph was badly mutilated in its transmission by telegraph to an je eastern journals ; ,. We, the delegate of - the- Democratic party or the vatea Mate ta - isUoul Convention" aiBwrnbledT'do" lte'rebyde- cltre the administration of the Federal Government to be ia nnrent need of ira mediate Reform ; do-hereby enjoin upon the nominees of this Convention, and of the . Democratic. party in .each State, a sealous effort end co-operation to this end ; and do hereby appeal to our fel low-citixena of every former political connection, to undertake with ua this first and moat pressing patriotic duty, For the Democracy of the whole coun try, we do here reaffirm our faith in the permsaeBce of the federal talon, our devotion . to the Constitution of the United State with its amendments uni versally accepted a a final settlement of the controversies that engendered civil war, and ao here . record our steadfast confidence la the perpetuity . of Iiepnl- lican BelMiovernraent. la absolute acquiescence In the will of the majority th vital principle of repuuues ; in tn upmiiaoy oi tun over the military authority , in the tetal separation of Cburch and State, for the sake alike of civil and religious freedom; ia tbe equality of all ciUzena before just laws of their own enactment : in tbe lib erty ef Individual conduct, unvexed by sumptuary laws ; in the faithful educa tion of the rising generation, that they may preserve, ee joy; ami transmit-thass best conditions of hnman happiness and hope, we behold the noblest products of a hundred years of changeful history ; but while upholding tbe bond of our Union and great Charter of - these our rights, it behooves a free people to prac tice also that eternal vigilance which is the'price of Liberty, , .( -, " ' . . . i -. ! a , ; Bxroax is necessary ' to j rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole peo ple, the Union, eleven years ago happily rescued I rota tne danger oi . a secession of Htates : but now to be saved . from a corrupt Centralism which, after inflic ting upon ten States the rspacity of earpet-bag tyrannies, haa honey combed the otloeeof tn-Fedral Government itself with incapacity, waste, snd fraud ; infected States and .municipalities -with the contagation of misrule, and locked fast the prosperity of an Industrious peo ple in the paralysis of 4'Hard Times.'' - REPOBtt is necessary to establish a sound currency.restore the public credit, anl maintain the national honor. . - W denounce the failure for all these eleven years of peace to make good the promise of the legal-tender notes, wnicn are a changing standard of value in the hands of tlte people, and the non-pay ment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the nation. , ' V denounce the improvidence w hich in eleven years of peace has taken from the people in Federal Uxes thirteen times the whole amount of the legal tender notes and squand red four times their sura in useless expense without ac cumulating any reserve for their redemp tion. - We denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of - that party which, during eleven year of peace, has made no advance toward resumption, no pre paration for resumption, but instead has obstructed resumption, by wasting our resources and exhausting all our surplus income ; and, while annually prof eating to intend a speedy return to specie pay ments, haa annually enacted fresh hin drances thereto. As such a , hindrance we denounce the Resumption-day clause of the act of 187S and . demand its re peal. ' .' " We demand a judicious system of preparation by public economics, by official" retrenchments, and by wise finance, which shall enable .the nation toon to assure the whole wor.LLa it perfect ability and it perfect readiness to meet any of its promisee at the call of the creditor entitled to payment " We believe such A" 'lysfrciuy-wcU dr vised, ami, above all, intrusted to com t petcWt hands To executienv wemtttut at , no ume an aruuciai scarcity or enrrency and at no time alarming the public mind into a withdrawal of that vaster maehin- cry of credit by which S3 per cent of all bum nest transactions are performed, a yttcm oiH!tt, public, and Inspiring gen eral confidence, would from the day of its adoption bring healing on it wings to all our harassed Industrie, set la mo tion the wheel of commerce; manufac tures and tho mechanic arts, rettore emplujmwit to. Ubor, and ..renew Jo all its natural sources the prosperity of the people . lUroRM it necesury in the sum and modes of Federal Taxation, to the end that capital may beset free from distrust, and labor lightly burdened We denounce the present Tariff, levied unon nearly ,quo article, aa a . matter piece ot injustice, inequality, and false pretense, t yields a dwindling, not a yearly rising revenue. It has impover ished many industries to subtidue a few. It prohibits imports that might purchase the products of American labor. It has degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior rank on the high seas. It has cut down tne sales of American manufacture at home and abroad, and depleted the return of American agri culture an industry followed by half our people. It costs the people five times more than it produces to the treasury, obstruct the processes of pro duction, and waste the fruit of labor, It promotes fraud, fosters smuggling. enricnes aisnonest officials, and bank rupt hoqfst merchant. We demand that all Custom House taxation shall be only for Revenue, 'r, RxroHV is hecessnrv. itt the tenia of ru one 'jtJtiuserHiiv f-,WftWH"' Municipal. Our rederal taxation ' ha swollen from 60" million gold, in 1900, to 400 million currency, in 1870 ; our aggregate taxation from 114 millions gold in 1800, to 730 millions currency in 1870 : or ia one decade, from less than $3 per head to more than $18 per bead. Since the peacertaepcopltfnaYe paid te their 4 gatherer owt, thaa-ilirice the um of the national debt, and more than twice that sum for. the Federal Government alone. We demand a rigor ous frugality in every department, and from every officer of the Government. Rkfokk ia necessary to put s step to tbe profligate watte of public land and their diversion from actual set tiers by the ; party in power, which haa squandered 200 million of acres upon railroad alone, aud out of more than thrice that aggregate haa dUpoted of less than a aixtb directly to tiller of the oil."' ". 1 ' Reform is necessary to correct the omissions of a Republican Congress and the errors of our treaties and our diplo macy which have stripped - our fellow citizens of foreign birth and kindred race re crossing tbe Atlantic, of the shield of American citizenship, and have exposed our brethren of tbe Pa cific coast to the incursion of a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, and la fact new by law denied citizenship through naturalization . a being neither accustomed to tbe -traditions of a wosrresjive civilization nor exerched iu liberty under equal law. w euenounce the poitcywntch thtrv discard the liberty-loving German and tolerate the revival of the coolie trade -la Mongolian women imported for., im moral purposes, and Mongolian men hired to perform servile labor contract. Reform U neeesary and can never be effected but by making it the con trolling issue of the elections, . and lift ing It above the two false issues wilh which the office-holding class and the party in power seek to smother it-- 1. The false issue with . which they would enkindle sectarian strife In re-1 spect 10 tbe ' public schools, of which the establishment and-: support belong excluiively to the several , States, and which the Democratic party haa cheer- j tehed from their foundation, and Is re solved ia maintain .without prejudice or preference lor any etas, sect, or creed. and without largesse from the treasury to any..::... . x. The false Issue by which thev seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional hate between kindred peoples once estranged, but now reunited in one indivisible republic and a common destiny. ' - : RirORH ia ' necessary In the Civil Service. Experience prove that ef ficient economical conduct of the gov- ermental business is not possible. if. its civil service be subject to change at every election, be a prize fought for at the ballot box, be a brier reward oi party seal, instead of post of honor assigned tor proved competency, and held for fidelity in the public employ: that the dispensing of patroaage should neither be a tax upon the time of all our public men, nor the instrument of their ambition. Here again promise falsified In the performance, attest that the party In power can work out no practical or salutary reform. - Reform is oecestary even more in the higher grade of the public service. President, Vice-President, , Judges, Senators, Representatives, Cabinet officers, these and all others in authority are the people' servant. Their offi ce are not a private perquisite : they are a public trust. - - When the annal . of tint Republic show the disgrace and censure . of a Vice-President ; a late Speaker of the House oi Representatives of - marketing his rulings as a presiding officer; three Senators profiling secretly by their vote as law-maker ; fire chairmen of tho leading committeeiofthe late House of Representative exposed in jobbery; a late Secretary of the1 Treas ury forcing balance in me public .ac counts ; a late Attorney-General mis , appitopria'.lej -puUk fund! a , JSecreUrjj of the Navy enriched or enriching friends, by percentages, levied oft the profit of contractors with hi depart ment an Embassador to England cen sured in a disponorable speculations the President's Private Secretary barely escaplug conviction upon trial for guilty complicity in frauds upon the revenue i a Secretary of War Impeached for high; crimes and misdemeanors, the de. monstralion la complete, that the first step In Reform murt be the people's choice of honest men' from" another party, lest the disease of one political organization infect the body politic, and lest by making no change of men or parties we get no change of measures aud no real Reform.. , . :, ' All these abuses, wrong aud crimes, the product oC" sixteen, yean' ' ascen dancy oT the Republican party, crette a necet'liy lor Reform confessed by Be publican themselves ; but their refor mers are voted down in convention and displaced from tho Cabinet. The party' mass of honest voter 1 power less to resist the 80,000 office-holders, iu leader and guides. Reform can ouly be had by a peaceful Civic Revolution. We demand a change of system, a change of administration, change of par tie, that wo may have a change of measures and of men. ' The moat expert swimmer in the world are native, male and female, of the Polynesian Islands. Visitor to the Hawaiian and Society group have been astonished at the velocity with which the people of both aexe propel them eelvee through the water and board hip which touch at those far-away ehoree, 8ome year sinoe an American iraveleirn'i the detailed account which he give of how the nut-brown maiden 'aped through the sea and made their way on shipboard, and the rapidity of their re treat back to the palm-cover e4 beaoh. would delight mermaids, ; but put our fashionable bather to blush when botBting of their water-art. : WHOLESALE CASH I'UICES '(viTected by I-, a CI1RI8TOPIIEES A CO. ' tllJiiOH, Jnly , 187ft. OOTTO. CU. i Mlildlinra. -l . lUfl '." -. . T . (ileaa 0talne, -WctW " lierp -Inferior and dirty, big.,7 , w 01kkl. Maaaar. - Cotton Tie, tot eouu. Curn hi(i,n eenu. Cora Ural, rj$75. Bacon, N. C. bo- round, 14(gl5. .. ... . .." . hamt layflflO. . Bulk Meats, Clear Bib aides, 1UI3? H Shoulder. V cent. Lard, North Carolina, 17J. Western ttcrcct, In. . " aect, 17. Coffee, Prime Rio ifcJil. " Good, 8123. Common, lttaao Mall, oa bailt for 10s, $3.U . Bngar A. 13. v " . t?, KxtiaC, 11. ' Yellow C X. Leather, Bed Bole 8.117. .. fw.Oaktaaaed, 40. , Hide, green, 5. " d-v. tsl0, TaB i &$7 Fo'atoe. twe t 7&ciH ceuU per bushel IrUh, new0i(j.5. . OaU, thelled, 60(rfft0. , theaf, from wagon, HXyOO cent- . baled Sl.00. , , Fodder, baled, loa Hay, N. C. baled, good, 607 Km, perdosen, l&ct. . , Butter, N. C , iKjUS. . ' Beetwax, 85. ' , Kfft,a. j . 4j , " picked, 8 cent. , w Beef, on foot, &J(rt7c - t , " , dressed prime, 8(8 v , - ''po.AIXJIaK-A 8PEKDT CUKE. 'j' Weak neat of the Back or Limb, Stricture, Affection of the Kldnrya or Bladder, Invol untary Dtschirjre, Impotettey, General De bility. -Nervouaneat, , Dytpepaia, Lanimor, Low Spirit, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, TrembUnf, Dtronet of 8lf ht or Olddlneta. DiteaM of the Head, Liver, Lunes, Btonwci! or- Bowel taoto tee-- rlble alsoruer ansing; irom aouwry iimuuM of YoBth ecret and solitary practice more fatal to their victime ituto tne song oi in 8yrenet to tbe Martuert of Ulysse, blleht ning their most brilliant hopes and anticipa tion, rendering marrtag almost Impossible, dettroyiog both Body and Mind. ... Marriage. Married neraont or vounir men contempla ting marriaee, Buffering from Orpaole and fbytlcal neaaneta, loa oi rrocreauTe Power, Impotency, Prottratlon, Exhausted Vitality, Involuntary Discharge, Moa-Krec-tabUlty, Hasty Emitwlont, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Excitability, Decay of tbe Phrsical and Menial Power. Derauremeat of all the Vital Force aud Function. Nenr ont Debility, Los of Manhood, Ueneral Weakae oi th Unrans, anu overy ower unhappy dlsqualilicatlon, tpeodily removed, and full manly vigor restored. . , To Young Men These are tome of th tad and melancholly effect produced by early bamta ofvontb, via: Weaknes of the Back and Limb. Paint in the Head, Dlmneta of Blgbt, Lot of Muscular rower, 1'alpiiation oi tne uean, Dyspepsia, Mervoua IrriUbility, Deranfre ment of th Dtgestlv Fnnetlon, t-en eral Debility, Symptom of Contnmption, etc. MUAUtr. The fearful effecU on the mind are much to be dreaded Loa of Mem ory, Confusion of Idea. Depression of Spir it, Eva-Foreboding, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Lor of Solitude. Timidity, etc., are some of the evils produced. Thousands or peraont oi au aire can now udre what to the cause of tiwir declining icakh. losin their vleor. becomina weak. pale, nervous and emaciated, having a atagu Ur appearance about th eye, cough and tymptoin of consumption. Dr, Johostcn, Or TUB BALTIHOSS LOCK hOSHTAL, JiO. 7, hUUTH fKAUBKUsA at., ' BKTWKKN BALT1MORK AKU n tVOXlf STRKXTS, BALTIMORE, MB. juu 8r.-ty.- - r AGENTS for best ehane ia tne world to eoin 'moMV Address U. 8. 8AFKT? POOEKTC a Newark. N. J. ! j' ' TO COK8fJSirnTIa. ! The advertiser, aa old phyticlaa, retired from active practice, saving had placed la bit Sand by aa tut India KUaloaary the for mula of a tloipl Vegetable Bemedjr, for the tpeedy and permanent Car of Contain pll on. Bronchitis, Catafrh, Asthma, and aU Throat and Long Affection, alto a Foaltiv and Radical Curt far Ntrvoa Debility and ell Kervom Complaint, aft having thoroughly ietted tit .7 weadarfut ' enratfv powers in thoaaaads of eaea, feel it hit duty to tnak It known to alt Buffering fellows. Actuated by ltd motive, and a eonaclentlou detlr to relieve human tafferlog, B will send (free of thart-e), to all who dtlr It.thtt reel e, with full direction for prepartnr sad iaecetfally itns Heat by mum mall by addreMlnf , i . Da. W. C. 8TIVXN6V. . ? ' " " Monro Block, Syracuse, N. T. . i aov 23-ly ,,,,. . - ; - a card. - ' i Ta m wKa una mlf-Hn fmm IHa mm Sad indiacretloBSOf youtbraervoat wtaknett. cany aacay, mm oi raanoooa, x.t 1 win tena B ndM that will rura kid TRIE fir CUAKUX. This grant raatedy was dnwovsrad ke a eniHlnuM 1. HA..tk M.aM fi.a . vj ea mwaij an dw b auhhkb a7Jliea elfdrMMd ovelopc to th fier. JoBra fl, . tr n at a. mr . i. laaaji, amnmm tft jnmi at, arm itrm VMf. BMvidtoaaweni pUHELY MUTUAL. " TUE NKW YOBK1 UFEINBURANCECOMPANY Wa organlird ia tStS, and Bine that time ht been delnicatacceatlulbntlne. It haa Nturaed lo I's wember or tbelr It-aal repre tentaUve I.OUJ.OOO In Uldenda, Return in tkV proBU;al itt tnrplatt divided sxelualtely ant na it atniber. Atae's, January tat, 1878. 830,64 5,955 84 Burplo. Januar. 1st, 18T8, ; 5,4e8,Ml 08 Tte prtuiluma at a rive a age ara 'practi cally to tarn ia all Lu Inraranc Compa nies, but tb net cost of the Insurance la very different, dependlne entirely upon th surplus or dividends returned to policy-bo dert, and taw nepena upon in management oi me CotnTnv affsi- ' 1 he long and tucceMTfil erpert nee Of thtt Comptay enables n to reeonmsnd it poll ciea to cilistn of North Carolina a worthy of their attention and a rood iaveatnent. Bella ble baslnes men wh deatrt to work as Acenu of th New York Lif In Raleigh, CharloUa, Greensboro, and tntermedlat potattrara invited to communicate with,.;.;. W. H. B AC K FORD, -Manager Boutb-eastern Department. o. 8, outh Btreet, Baltimore, Md. - utya-jst. ir-r-r; NO T I C K . : -Tbe 'JOth Annual meetinir of th atock holder of th K.4U.ILK, will be held at theoinee of the company in Raleurh on Thursday, the 80th of Jnly, 1876, commenc- idk at o ctoea, noon. W. W.VASS, Sec'y and Treasurer. . juo22-dlawtd ? Pest fra is net only a Safe. Bur and Cheap DE STkOYEK of tbe Colorado Beetle at Potato Boo. but of all insaoTS which prey oa Ve etation in ana abmt wont uaann Ae, Unlike Pari Green and other Poisons, It can be entirely dissolved in water and ap plied by prb-iklios;. MoT Iajua'iou to Plakts, Not Daboibocs to Use. Never Falis to Kill, Cost aboot 85 fmrrt ab Acaa. Pat p ia half lb. boxea, enoar h for tw acre. Price svuenueena lor urea lar. Made only by tho ' - KEAILNEY CHEMICAL WORK, - ! 60 CoRTtiAirD 8t.' P. a BOX 818.T 7T7 ;,'"':V ' SEW TOIL w-iu . - " ': $1,200 PROFIT $100 Mad aay dsy fas PtTt ana Call. Invest aeeordlDg to your mean 610, 830 or 6100, ia Stock Privilege, ha brought a email for tune to th careful investor. We advtoe when and now WopenUaeatelv. Book with full Information bbnt raaa. Address ordr-t by snail and telegraph to , " BAXTER k CO., Banker and Broken, 17 Wall 8t, N. T. Jan SU-dawly B JXi I A t M ,. V v t aXSKBAI. ; -- eouuiiiioi mm ASD DKALERS IK GUA1N, HIDES, WOOL, TUUAUCO, Hop, Egg, Butter 'Cheese, Dried FrniU, . Feather, Fur,' Lard, Tallow, eecos, . Bacon, Beans, Poultry, Flour, Veg etable, &, e , e. WAREHOUSE, 807 dc 300 N. BROAD 8T., 1 HILADKLFHI A. . aprfl 7-w6ta ACON! BACON I Just received 10.000 pounds Western bacon. bought before th rise. Call and get your npulie. At small advance for eah. at , F. C CHRISTOPHERS CO. 8, . Wilmington street, near City Scale. -A M mm JK A MOJlTH A rent want every. tj I J M 1 1 wh m. Kuil km hunMlila nl t rm n.tlllia rBrtlrulaniMOtfrM. Addrw U CU UJ. WOUTU CO b iiaa.M4t. JHIYERSI1T OF. YIEGIBIA. : SUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly), bMFln 13th July. 1S78. and end 13th Sep tember. Have proved of signal use. itt, to Student who design to pursue tbelr studies t thl or oilier Lw-cnooi ; zo, totnose wno pro poet to read privately ; aaa jra, to prac ttttoMrs who have not had the advantage of systematic instruction For circular v- My (r. u. university oi -io tuai ; a. Aiiaoa, Prof. Com. and Stat. Law, joneo-wtw. B O L T S D ' M E A,L 1 . - . -tb i. - -a. 00 to 1 ufteTerwceB old cheap for each only at ' : -OATTis JONES': urTcrnrtT tiarnno ;.r ? ...H.H.MHn.MM MM '.it' tlQ . Z ' U EOEGLAR AID FIBE': PROOF- '.1,' ' 1 Bank Vaults & Door. ayers .'' 1)7 fl ; . UERRINO & CO 251 & 252 Broadway, NewYork. J 51-60 Sadbnry BL, Boston. I p 18H5od-2m :::.f-,, v;,fr. TBIUilPH TBUSS CO., r 83 BO WERT, N. T., to wboni wa awarded the Premium . JVedml for th best Elastic Trot and Supporter at th laat session of the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAiU, a rupture la from 30 to M days and offer 1,01 10 dollar for a car they cannot enr. . They employ a ; , , - . FIRST CLASS LADY SUUQKOSt. Term moderate. Case guaranteed. Or -dert filled by mall. ' Examination free. The usual discounts to patron. Bead U cent for descriptive book to ,. . ' - ; ' Prof. W. H. BCRNHAM, M. D., I ! : mar 2S-d ly Chief Burgeon. - lroRRISVILLS ACADEMT. The83deBlon--of'rtrhoof-wiM-e July 10, 187A, and continue flvemontha. Tuition, Board and Washing per Seat Ion 75.00. . . - ' B. C. PATTON, Principal., JuneS-deodlm . Morrkvul, N C.I "lIISCELtOEOUS Orfici or BoraaiiTBBDBaV, ' i PBTtKSBUBa RajLBoao (Jour a Br, V Petersburg. Va , November 84, 1 7S. QrtANUE OF SCHEDULE TO take effect SUNDAY, Nevember 25th; GOING SOUTH. Lav Petenburg at 6:30 A. M. and 8:27 P. Arrive at Weldoa at 9-.M A. M. 6:55 P. M. OOINONORTIL . Leave Weldon at 7:85 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at 1 1:46 A. M. and 7:07 P. M. Trains eonneet at Petersburg and Weldoa with trains for all southern and northern point. Ticket sold to all south era, south western, northern and eastern point, and baggage checked throuirb. H. T. DOUGLAS, feb 18-d-lf. ' Superintendent. Ik EVER BEFORE EQUALLED! ;' 'f ' ' ! ' ' - - i , The largest Stock oa R ecord. Be is still at the old Standi with a larger BMortmont of siirisrcr GrOOiDS ' ' " ; THAN EVER. V t:' ' ' ' U. B. CENTENNIAL GOOWi. ITOTJETH' 4rUt.T' CENTENNIA L -GOODS J - Look at my latest Fashion Tktoa aud ohoone yonr style. . j.w CLOT! XASSIMERESr -surriMja In ret anything you want. Csiw and ee me, I kuow I can suit you. : , , W EI K EL'S ESTABLI8HMKN r ia at the old place, one door south uf ttm Southern Exprees office. ! I (roarantee all my fits. ' ' '' apr lMn ' ;i. C. WEIKEL. , r Samaritan Nervine. TUE great Nerve Conqttorur, A cure Epl)eptlcFlU,C!onvulsloiii. (Apasm, St. Vila, Dance and aU Kervoua Weaaes ; the only c known poritlvt remedy fur r.4- ::pticFlt. It haa heea tested 1) r'st'. .i tkonsand and hat never been known to fail in a single raw 1- V .' Trial packao. frae.M KncMc itampfor Circulars giving evl Addrea. DR. B. A. R1CHHUMD, Oct 15-1301 Box 741, St. Joseph, Me O Tha next annual meeting of tbe Stock - boldert of th R. A A. A. UK. K. Co., will be held at th Company' oinee, In KaJeitb Friday tbe Slat July, ISfti, commencing at 13 o'clock, noon. W. W. VASS, Juoe33dlawtd See'y and Treasurer. WJNIVERSITT Or NORTH CAROLINA. Tbe I&tth session will begin oa Fiiday,' July Hb, and cloee on Thursday, December 7th. . - Beside three courses of study arraoired by the Faculty, an Optional cxu- admits a large range of choice. . ' The necessary expensea. exctuaive of clothing ami trtveTitOg, ai fiuia l(J in 1 1.10 for tbe session. - -- For Catalogue, with circulars, ap4, tw ' KEMP; P. BATTLE, Pat.ir.BKT. Jon 17-dlt-wtd. Chapel UUI, N. C, - 1 i i . , w 111 LOCKS ft-: - 1 . .T T i- 9 r t r .t ,4 f f K. V' i i i -V r ...V rrz- :T.