t' - - I it V' 7 - 1 , v 0 - S J ..p i , . , t . , . ) .'"-.''.. 1 . Jii .:. . ... r. 1.1,1,1.1 f s:, I , ii. ; t- .,..r i i 1.. i.-'i. .:.t.-.'l ' ..' t 7 'S v vNVy:. Ao Mi I.' " . VOL-nil-KO. 123. RALEIGH,' N. : C., WEDNESDAY HORNING, JULY 12, 1376J PBICEtFIYE CENTS:; V i ill w a Bdaak. t i - ' - vcJ i ' : C THE SENTIN EL WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1876. ; poon CTITCR. , lu the course of a long article,, lu which it lays the whole , blame c4 tha Little Iton niaeaacre u.Grantand hi, policy ia regard to' Custer, the New York Herald, of Jul 7, Bays i .i The brave Custer, the best Indian fighter ia the army next to Sheridan, may have been rash ia the desperate encounter ia which be and hla three liuudred comradea dared death and scalpiui and met their fate, but we nut treat hie memory with Indulgence. Not the famous six hundred in the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, when Boldly they rode, and well. Into lb )aws of death, - ?. Into the aiotita of heli, f ' perTormed a wore alfrna! act of uncal cuiaiiog beroirm than tha dashing Cue ter and hie eerenth regiment of cavalry. The country will give him its admira tion, its tears, its regret ; It will pardon his error, if he committed one, and in scribe bis name ia bright letters on the roll of lame. For the planning of this mismanaged, ill-starred campaign ha was not responsible. It was at first in tended that he should command it, and in that case the details would hare been committed to his discretion and ax pericnce. But in an evil hoar the pres ident, acting on an unworthy impulse, displaced and degraded tha brave Cua ter. putting him in so i ubordinate po wwiitftfa that m auBpatga "iorihbetW!fit Oi nia counsels anu uirecuuo. im in sult was a blanderlng and disjointed plan of operatlona ; its first fruit the surprise, repulse and retreat of General Crook and his arm yt the second fruit is seeu to the scalp of three hundred and fifteen fallen soldiers dripping with blood at the: belt of 6ioux warrior. Some ooeltoaj. Jave;laodcred mt .the iJtUftJlorncai.tvaH. merely one consequence of the parent blunder per petrated by President Grant when, b lit of undignified wrath and petulance, he degraded Gen. Custer after the latter had given his testimony in, the matter of 'pot-traderhipeia -obedience lo the subpeena of a committee of congress, and did not thereupon require General Hlieridan to take immediate direction of tle Indian campaign. But it would have been too great a compliment to Custer to assume that nobody but Sheri dan could usefully replace him, and so the president committed the expedition to incompetent hands, with the result which we see. .m?,: .. - A Dabaejaer sU the Falls. The Dubuque (Iowa) Times prints a letter from a citizen of that town, now at Niagara Falls ' in which the writer gives thia bit of graphie descrip tion: "The falls look to me like a river standing on end and trying to walk off on stilts. The only thing I can compare . Niagara to is Julian Avenue, and that covered with sleet and ioe, and about thirty boys and girls riding down on bandsled of a moonlight night at light ning gait, and fetching up at the Lori- - tner house all pellmell, With a few legs and arms broken after running over three or four horses and carriages. Our Dubuque water-works don't begin to compare with : Niagara to Quantity and noiae,but the water ia better for drinking purposes, and comes out of a great deaf longer hole, A person view ing the falls has a sort of nervous feeling almost 'afraid the water will all run over before one can have a fair look at it. The water, after it passes through the falls and rests from its labors in the abyss below, collect itself together and forms itself mto a river again, and passes down the deep gorge at a rapid gait, whirling, leaping ana loamiag like a thousand whale when it reaches the nt whirlpool ; there it performs a i waltz, and after sashaing up the fessste-ive ..anon aisianoo w wjua m narrow opening and passes on to mingle with the. briny deep, never to return until taken up by evaporation to the clouds and brought back by the winds of hea ven to take toe eame iearinl leap again. XV b j I sun Poor Blaui. A southern farmer aoUloquizes in the rlanter's Advocate; , I am poor because I buy more than I sell Ia the first place, I buy a part of my meat from the northwest. My fish comes from Portland, for the taking of which , the . Mainelanders receive a bounty from the RovernmenL Mt onion sets and alltay garden seeds I buy from Michigan. I so: di the wool from eighteen sheep at 37 cent a pound to an agent of a hat manufacturing company at T?AA1itnv pAnnsTvlwafiiA V.a vtAitla ; IKMUUk A taaaaci j a v aj a iviu UiUUUia thereafter I bought a hat from the same company, paying at tue rate of aix do! lars a pound for the wool. The hide of aback Isold at 5 cents a pound. It went to Elmira, N. Y., was tanned, sent back, and I bought it at 85 cents a pound and it weighed more than it did when I sold it. My axe handle come from Con necticut, my matcnes irom Delaware, my pen, ink and paper from New York. Am I the only old fool in Georgia? . ' Growth. ' - ' (From the Baltimore Sun. . The wonderful progress of agriculture in the west daring the last quarter of a century may be gathered from the fact thain Minnesota, according to reliable statistics, where in 1850 only 3,000 acres were under cultivation, and the produo Tion was 1,400 bushels of wheat, 6,000 or corn and 16,000 of oats, there were in 1875, 2,816,413 acres under rnlUvahon, and the products tpgrtmted 31,473,000 bushels of wheat, 15,775,000 bushels of "cats,-and 9,500,000 bushels of earn. : The New York Herald, of July 8, pub liabeai a twelve-oolamn letter from a oorrespondent on the little Horn battle ground, in which he says: ; I write from the seen of Custer's mag nificent but terribly fatal charge, from a flatean on which, but a few hoar since, saw at a glance 115 herote soldiers of the BeTenth United Btatea cavalry lying where they fell at the hand of a savaga foe. eoLl and dead. Near the top of a little knoll In the centre of this plateau lay Caster himself ; and It touched my heart to aee that the savages, b) kind of human recognition of heroic clay, had respected the corpae of the man they kne 9 so welL Other bodies were mu tilated: Custer's was untouched tri bute of respect from auch an enemy more real than a title of nobility. II lay as if asleep, hie face calm and a smile on hi lip, - Kew- kins -wers eleven dead ofUoera. Captain Miles. Eeogh was on hi right, and hi brother, Capt. Thorn Custer, on his left Almost at Custer's feet lay a fair, beautiful boy of nineteen. Thia was young Reed, Custer's nephew, lie was visiting the general at the time he was ordered on thia expedition, and insisted upon coming with him. In tha field, a little way off, lay Boston Ouster, another of the general's brothers. With in a few feet of each other the three brothers had fallen, and on the skirmish bine wa the body of Lieutenant Calhoun, the husband of Custer's sister. ' Mrs. Calhoun lost here a husband, three brothers and a nephew. Kellogg, the special correspondent of the New York llerald, was found on the skirmish line, near to Calhoun. , - The Ruling Passion Strong la . Death. , The ' ruling passion of bull-making strong La death, or it near neighbor hood, was strongly illustrated in a story MoGee waa fond of telling that of two Irishmen who were strollinar alonir tha dock of .Liverpool penniless and with out any prospect of ' aeuui iug money or mplojBenW- Presently ihay eame to a placard: . , iVi Xtoyai Humane booiety.J -, 2 reward for saving a life t 1 10s for recovering the body I "Mike," said Dennis. "Alike. dTye fee tiiatt I'll-fidl overboard -and -you'll Jump in and rescue me and we'll divide tne reward, which u be a pound apiece, Agreed," said Mike ; "here goes," and a minute later be Waa floundering in the water. Hut no sooner had ne fallen in than Dennis to his inexpressible horror remembered that he didn't know how to swim, and so instead of springing in and rescuinff the drowninff man he stood leaning over the rail staring at the bub bles which marked where Mike bad sank. Once Mike came up, but Dennis Kre no sign. Twioe he earns up, but nnis could neither move nor utter a word. For the fatal third time he came to the surface and faintly exclaim ed t "Denny, sv ye ain't quick, It s only fifteen ahillin i son we ll get for re coverin the body l" . Information for Distillers. By the act of March 3, 1875, the tax on all spirits produced in the United Slates, is ninety cents on each proof gal ion. ; y r , . , , .-. ' Before oommendng the distillation of. brandy from apples, pcachea or grapes, tne uisui'.er is required to regis ter his still for use, on form No. 26, in duplicate, give notice of hla Intention to distill on form 27 in duplicate, and me a Bona on lorm sol, with the cot lector of his district, r v On receipt of form 27 a survey of tne still will be made by tne collector. without expense to the distiller. This surrey will show the number of gallons that may be produced by auch still on der most favorable circumstance each 24 hour, and the distiller will be re quired to pay tax upon, at least eighty per centum, or such surveyed capacity. The distiller is required to keep a book on term showing how 'many hours his still Is operated, how much material ne uses, and bow many gal lons of brandy are produced, and make return at the close of the mouth to. the collector on form 15 in duplicate. By addins together the nonre . worked dur ing the month and dividing the sum by 24 and adding one to the quotient for any fraction that may be left over, lae distiller will know the number of days for which be win be liable for 80 per cent, in that month. TJoon aDoIication to the collector dUtillera will be fur nished with forms, Nos. 15, 26, 27 and 30, without charge, also a copy of the regulations, series 8, No. 7. .- The book, form 25, is not furnished by the government, but may be pur chased in IUleigh at 75 cents each. Distillers should avoid using more than one kind of material on the same dar. Brandy must be gauged and stamped before sold or removed from the distil lery premises. , J. J. Todno, Collector 4th Dis. K. C. July 8, 1876. ' , V In a bigamy case at Atlanta last week a man on trial for having had two wivea escaped conviction by provioc that he bad had three. Geo. Megeewes arrested for living with Julia Mitchell, and to escape punishment married her, whereon Catherine McComb swore out a warrant against him for bigamy, alleging that he had married her some years before. It waa proved that he bad ; also, that he was then already married to another wo man, who died before be contracted the third marriage. ThJ notice considered that as Megee had a wife when be mar ried NoL 2, he was not legally married to her, and tnat therelore sne conld not interfere when he married No. 8, this marriage being further legal as No. 1 was dead, and dismissed the case. But wasn't the second marriage bigamous t Ann" Eliza can now "thumb her noae at Brigham. Iler loctnrea and books have brought her $50,000. Representative - Edward Parson, of ton Saturday of eoajeatioa of the brain A republican versifier has put the Cincinnati platform into, rhyme. Thia waa a good thlag to "do. Ehyma is of ten an acceptable substitute (or Dore for over a Tear studied human face in the operatinar ward of a Paris hospital in order to studying the vary ing expressions of misery in those who were being operated upon. ; A naareratown. Maryland, paper, ssys : We are informed that a partv of young gentlemen of our town, composed of a couple of lawyers, a couple of painter, a physician, a calorie engineer and a fid dlest, will start for Philadelphia and the centennial on Bhanka' mare in a abort time....' ! Jere fiaralaon, the negro representa tive of the Mobile (Ala,) district, says the republicans of the south are greatly mistaken if they expect to benefit them selves by having federal troops sent to the south during the coming elections. lie says : "Every blue jacket' sent to the sout makes democratic votes." At one of the cabinet receptions last winter a most distineuiahad gentleman, who has been twioe a widower, said to Gail Hamilton, as) George Q. Cannon, Mormon delegate in congress, caxe In, "Mr. Cannon haa three wives." "Yes,' replied Gail, "but the only difference between you and him is that he drives bist-wivearthieaaleas yours tandem i" ; . , . ' ! ; ' The wife of Gen. Caster is not the niece of Senator Chriatiancy, but a daughter of Judge Daniel 8. Bacon, of Monroe, Mien., an intimate Irian o of the senator. Mrs. Custer always accom panied the general In his campaigns du ring" the -war. and was-TritlihuB-jut among the. Indiana, , She will probably return to Monroe, wber all her friend are. Gen. Custer bad no children. . KGWI AND NOTES. French papers speak of hun as II. rentherford liayea. r- - - - Between 5,000 and 0,000 people per Ished in this country last year victims of kerosene oil accidents. t " 2(11 of Cuater'a dead were burled on the field, and 51 wounded brought to the steamboat that accompanied the expedition. -1 , , 1 . A dwarf la Alngpoo, China, la so small that his brother carries him In a basket, and opene the cover for those 1 . . .. . WHO pJ o ew The old flag insulted. The Ban Do minso rnulattoea boarded the Ameri can steamship Tybee, and carried off a passenger.;. .;' .;"' -yy Louisville's enthusiasm boiled over In a mammoth latlflcaUoa meeting Fri. day sveuing. Senator Beck and ex Senator Yuiee were among the speak er. ,.r ..;..,77-...,i. The Norfolk Light Artillery Blues. the Washington Light Infantry of Charleston, and the Clinch Rifles" of Savannah, have gone to Boston, and bad a grand reception. - ; ' ' A Williamsport (Pa.) mother la ex' hibiling her triplets, aged three months. at fifteen centa a sight. ' Times must be hard, Indeed, when woman will thus "coin ber blood Into drachmas." , , . The rain-storm in Iowa is a phenom enon. The region which u devastated has often been visited by tornadoes, bat this is the first destructive rain-etorra reported from there. - Indeed, rain storm capable of producing such disss trous floods is a wonderful thing to hap pen any wnere at this season. ' Vance for CSvil Liberty The Ha- HmfHlMilmw;"''" HWUB VVi JH W.MW, , lExKJCTlVX DrHTMENT 4)K-N, C- Adjutant Generatt Offiee, . j. 1 IUleigh, 86th Msy, 1803. General Order, No. . . ; ; " Militia officers are ordered not to ar rest any man as a conscript or deserter who may have been discharged under a writ 01 Aaoeai eorvm xnea Deiore any Judge of the Supreme or Superior Courts of this Bute. : They ars further ordered to resist any such arrest upon the part of any person not authorised by the legal order or pro cess of a Court or Jodge having jurisdic tion of such case. . By order of Governor Vance. DAN'L G. POWLE, "'f ! " Adjutant General. ' ' ij! t l 1 r i 1 11 If von feel that everything goes wrone if yon want to get np early in the morn ing, 11 you nave pain in tne stomacn, take a dose oi IXr. juull s Vegitabie JtHia. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO CON8UMPTIYI8. Th advertiser,' aa old phyalclan, retired from actlv practice, barl&g bad placed In hla hand by aa last India Missionary the for mala of a simple Vegetable Remedy, for the speedy and permanent Cure of Consamptloa. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, aad all Throat and Long iAeeUoiis, also a Positive Badleal Curs ler Kervous DebUlty and aB Kervoua ComplalnU, after baring thoroughly tested IU weaderful euratlv power la thoaaanda of eases, feels tt hU duty to make tt known to his afferlnr fellowm. Actaatad by thia motive, and a eonscienttona dmlre to relieve human sutTermr, he will' send (tree of wwifi au who amir n,uis recq e, wna fall direct loot for preparinr aod Sncceaafolly Hui(. neni oj ronn mui 07 aoarewinr . . !, W. C. STIViNS, " Munroe Block, Syracuse, S. I. - WOT WWJJ- YrnOLESAXK tJASIT' PRICES -; tavreeUdby . ' F. C. CBEMSTOFHKKS A t. ' Ulbjor, July 11, lsra. OOTTO. Low iliddUnw, ;JO el04 ,H - Clean Buined, 4I0 ' M lnfrrtur and dirty.. , h&7 . . esHaaai. atiaasT. CoUoa TTea, ft rent. ' iJt , lour. North Carolina .00fl.aii. Corn 3(Vi 73 en ts. Corn Weil, Wc.3. ' '' ' ! i - 1 Baeoq, M. O, bog round,. IM&li. , , " M hmal5(alB. Bulk Msata, Oear Klb bides, lliQli , " . Shoulders, eenta., Lard, Korth Carolina, 17t. " . Wettens tlerew, 1. ',. , ken. 17. , Coffee, Prima Rle ui&X 'J . i k flood, tiwa. .-. , , . ' "- Common, VhM Manages ksaU for lUa, IS.03 , y Sugar A. la. . .. p ExttaC.11. r " Yellow C. KM. , . . .. Leather, Ked Bole 27. , " Oaktanad,U . ' ' ' ' Bides, green, ft. " dy. 9310. TaUow67 ,,! Potatoes, a week 77S seats per bushel. . 44 Irish, new 60(473. OaU, sheUed, O0. V sheaf, f rom wacxm, 60(S0 eents baled 91.00. - " Fodder, baled. 100, Hay, K. C. baled, good, 00075 KfCK, perdosen. l&eta. v . ' . - ,(i Buuer. M. C . 3Bi35. ,: " , Heeawar, 25. ; '. " picked. 8 cent. Beef, oa foot, Sit47c - " M . dressed prune, B & , H eavy Copper, per pound, lie. Llshf 'tan. H 1 -11.1 rewter, per pouoa, i vo iu cu. Lead, per pound, 8e ' ! Old Iron, per 1O0 pound, BOe. Sheep Bklna per piece 8040e. Woolwaabed, ;per ponnd, a30e r anwaaked 90 to 85e. " ' old 7S eents ; burry, 90 eta. A GENTS WANTIU for thi Uiatorlcal "Work Our" A Complete sad Orapttc Htrtorr of Amrt eaa rioaeer ure iuo iaawa auu. iu thrilling eoofllcU of Red and White foes. Exciting Adventures, Captivities, Forays, Scoots, Pioneer women and boyt, Indian war-path. Camp nfe. aad Spota. A book for old and vouog. Not a dull page. No eompeUUoa. JE , aormon. ; aale., , A gents was lea everywnere. liiaauatea circulars free. J. C. McCtTKDY to., phtiada., Pa., 1 f t June 15-4. AGENTS Wanted for THE CENTENNIAL BOOK OP BIOGKAPHT. or the Uvea af the great mea of our Unit lot) rears. Send for clreuUra. P. W. ZIEGLER A CO., Phnada, Pa. or Chicago III. . r , ; , 4wT irvifi 79 sucacriDera in one day. Beat A"6" r literary paper. OnlvSLMs rear. Three 10 chromos free. Muavov A Sronaua, Pubs., Pbiia., Pa. 4w WANTED AGENTS CENTENNIAL For the Great UNIVEKSAL HISTORY to the close of the Irst 100 years of our Na tional Independence. Including aa account of the coming Grand Centennial Exhibition, TOO pages, ane engravings, Irow pride, quick sales. Extra terms, rend for circular. P. W. Zibolbb at vo., rnua. ra. or vnicaga IU. -4w. - Cooffcv ColdV Rstneirts, tie all TiM'I B'wurv fells' CarbitieTabltU. PUT 1TP ONLT IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND .BUEE REMEDY For sale by DrnpwtsU feaerally, and ;:, JOl I1N8TON, HOLLOW A I m CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. Fuller. Warren & Co., MANUFACTUREBS OF STORES, BANGE3 AND FURNACES THB UJKmST AflHORTMET U THB SUIUUT. Our aew wood and coal cooking stove , a olden ( yearn. Reporter, outi;hr geu. AND TUB VA2SOC7S TEVAaTM?.IPROVED Meet th wanta of every dealer. -CorresDondcnce invited. Price' Ml end eut upon sppUcstlou to ' r tliLLLK. W AMU.S A VV, ' !W5 Water street. New fork mh 14 4 w - . " - : OPIUO and Mnranim n.brt (Mnlatrl and wim turn p 1. r iwrrictan. Ar. v. 5t)T S20 Splw worU II fre Sriasos A Co., Portland, Maine. march T-wly - , .i., ,.n' 1 v A GENTS for best chance in the world to J coin money Address O. 8. SAPETI POCKET CU Newark, N.J. . GREAT MEDICAL BOOK, and Secret for Ladies and Gents, Sent free for two stamps. Address. T 8t. JoaraMsDicAi.IsTrrvTa . ...... fit Jnnh. oct OEND 85c to G. T. RO WELL A CO.! New York, for Phamnhlet of KM pages, eon tainlng lists of 8UU0 newspapers, and estimat I snowing eon ox saverusiag. marc 1 1 My $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Msde any day la Ptrs Calls. Invest according to your mean SIO, S50 or tlOO, tat Stock Privilege, has brought s email for toine-to tne-eawiil.inveaior.we -' kM and how to onerate aafelv. ' Book with full hi formation bbmt rasa. , Address erdr by mail and telegraph to Bankers and Brokers, 17 Wall 8t, t. -Jaa Mawlr. ; r .Ll.s MISCELLANEOUS fpURELY MUTUAX. : i THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANDE COMrANI Was organised la 183, and aloce that time haa been detngaaaccesafuibuainea. It has returned to it a member or their legal repre eatMtvsw SJi,ti0o,gu tav.i ltdaa, JUtara rreminma, ana ueata uairaa. it ha bo etockboldera to hare m th proflta ; alt It aurpla I divided exclusively among its saembera. Aesets. J anuarr 1st, ISToV 130.04 5.9SS 64 Burplus, Januarjr 1st, 1870, ' 6,4tio,84l 00 . The premium at a riven age are bractt cally the eame la all Life Inasraaee Compa nies, bat th set cost of th Insurance at very different, depeedlar etrttrely spoa the surplus or dlvtdeatds returned to policy-he dera, tad this depend apoa the maaagement f th Company's affairs. Ihe long and aaeceeeful expert -aee of thi Company eaahlea aa to reeommead Its poli cies to citlsens of North Carolina as worthy of their attention sad a good Investment. Rename ausiaeae mew was aeair to work as areata of th New York Life fat Baleirh. Charlotte, Greensboro, and Intermediate points, are uvttea to eommunieate wits . , w. n. BkAvaiunu, . Manager South-eaateni Department,1' No. 8, couth Btreet, Baltimore, ltd. July S-dS. . . ' r O T I C I Th 90th Annual meetine of the stock holders of the B. 4c O. K R. will be held at the office of th eompany In Baletra oa Thursday, the SOU et ealy, 1870, eommne ing at 14 o'clock, nooa, ', VT. VI. V AOS, See'y and Treaiurer Juata-dlaatd,., ..x .,-. Pest Pfiissa is . not only STKOTEft '-of the Colorado Beetle or Potato Boa. but of all ixsbct which prey oa Veg etation COT ana ABVTi wo an uesm lt, Ae. . Unlike Pari Green sad other Poison a. It eaa be entirely dissolved la water and ap plied bv snrtnkUnR. Nor uwoaioos to Plaits. Not Dabobboos to Use. Never raUS tO BJIL. OSTS ABOUT S3 tT AH Aoaa. Put op la half Its bores, enough for wa acrea.-a-.rnee w veata. Den ior trcn KEARNEY CllEafi(jAT7W0a I .. CO COBTLAJTD fiT, P. ft. BOX S139. ' w4t. B "ATlrL" A, R D Ttfe 0 O . j OBIfERAIi' CGMMISSIQH MERCHAST2 J: r' AirOPBAXJERS IH V, GRAIN, HIDES, WOQLTTOBACCti; Hops.'Egga, Butter, Cheese, Dried rrutts, reatnera, run, iara, isuow, oeeua, r Haoon, Bean, Poultry, Flour, Veg WAREnOLSK, SOT A SOS N. BROAD ST, april t-wflm " S250 A MONTH -ArM, wsntee ere. whvr. Bmlnrw honormbla and trsl elass. Parlt-'UlarawmtfrM. AddrM 4. w wavtu au i is. isa. UHITEESITI OF YIBGniL C VMMER LAW LECTURES (alas weekly), at this or other Law-echool ; 9d, to those who propose to read privately 1 and Srd, to prac titioners who hart not had th advaatag of systematic Instruction For circular ap- nlw I r. II Miaoa, Prof. Com. and Stat, Law. June e-w4w. B O L T t E A L 800 to 1,300 bushels aer week received and told cheap tor cash only at -:t- GATTIS A ; JONES' rpQ ALL MEN A . SPEED r CURE. ) f . Wakuu of tba Haea or, umo. euieraraw. Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder, Invol' nntarr Dls:harre.. Impotency, Uenerai ie- billty, Nervousneas, Dysp81a,Langut i n AniHta. Cnnfufttnn of Ideas. Palnilati ofthe Heart, TlmidUy, TremoUng, Dimness of Sight or Ulddmeea, Dtoeaee ot the Head, TtnuL nose, or oain. auwuwi w. u i iv.r 1 jinm. Stomach or Bowels those ter rible disorders arising from solitary llabits of Tooth secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims then toe song or sue amnM t tha Mariners of Ulysses, bUgbt- fn ll.cir mnat brillla&t hopes and anUcli tlons, nadeiing marrtag almost Impossible, destroying both Body ana auna. tvr nsurrlevce. z.t irmA mniiDinr Toanr mea eontemDla ting marriaee, suffering from Organic and Phvalcal Weakueas, Los of ProereaUve Pihk. I mnotener. Prostratioa. Exhausted Vitality, Involuntary Discharges, Non-Eree-Ubiltty, Haaty Emiaskios, Palpitation of the N.mn Exeiubflltv. Decay of the Physical and Menial Powers, Derangement of all th Vital Foreea and Functions. Nerv- Ubilltv. Loss of Manhood. General Weakneas of the Organs, and overy other unhappy dlMualiacaUoa, speedily removed, aod full manly vigor restored. . , , To Toanaj Iflca. These art son ef th sad sad atalaacholly effects produced by early habiU of Tooth, Pai D Id the Head, DimM of Sight, Loss of . ii i arnf fx ma ssn hmi ijintwi Muscular Power, raipitauon oi ueuean, Dyspepsia, Nerrous IrriUbnity, Reran ge m.alL at th DhreeUva Faacttoue, tJeaeral nM lit. STmntoms of Consumption, etc uawir.itr. The fearful effects oa th mmd are much to be dreaded Loss of Mem ory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Sptr K, Evfl-Forsbodlngs, Aversioa to Society, SeU-Dletrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, etc, are some of th evils produced. - Tboeiand of penooa el all age eaa aeW Judge what lathe cause of their declinlag- health, 1 oalng their vigor, becoming weak., pale, aervous ana ttnectetea, aavmg a siagm- lar appe aranca uwi mm eym, tymptoma of consumption. . r':'V DreoUnsUnri OF TBIBiLTlMOSt LOCK HOSPITAL, AO. 7, BVUTU rtiliLIJS.niA. Bl.t JtXTWKK'i BALTIMORE AND XCOXD STJtXJCTH. JSALTJMOJUt, UD. JIM , 'J- . ,( s ESTABIJBHED 184L - tiv i r ... u 11 i EHEdLAH t iH-j-'TIBB ;PE0?F Bank Vaults & Doors," ,tt. AUO i-f If m loco. V, r , 1 ,.i tilt. I,', UERRING & CO., 251 & 252 Uroadwaj; ewVork. 5160 isadbury SL, Uoston. A TRIUMPH TRUSS CO., -1 i 'SMBOWXRT. W.T..' to whom wm awarded the .ju Premium Jtedal-' r..r . '"'it' ! ! h: .' for th best E) as lie Trass aad Supporter, at th hast session of th GREAT. AMERICAN INSTITUTE PAIR, cure a rupture in from. 30 to M days and offer 1,000 dollars for a cat they cannot FIESTjLASS LADT tVSQSOJT. ,v t Terms modsrste. Cases ruaranteed. Or der fllled bv mall.' Examlnatioa free. The usual discounts to patrons. Send 1 1 cent ' for deacriptiv book to . 1 . rror. w. a. bv&xiiam, h. u., , . taarSMly . . i- Ubief Surgeon. 1 JtTORWayiLLE ACApEMT. aeWisialoa'ol r&yh'eoltw1littr July 10, 1878, and continue Hts months. TuiUoa, noara and .washing per session 75.00. - ' ' ' - a. u pattuw, rnocipai., uneS-deodlm MorriavlUe, N C.I omci or Botbbibtbbobby, ) pBTBasscae RaixaoiD Compaht. V Petersburg, Va , November M, i 75. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE TO take effect SUNDAY, November 85th i rLa.vePetor,burgU.:A.M.aad.37P. Arriv at Weldoa at 9-.XS A. M. &&5 P. M. n.t..ii ..... Leave weiooa as i:ao a. m. ana r. m. Arrive at Petersburg at 11:40 A. M. sad 7.-07 P. M. - - ' Train connect at Petersburg and Weldoa with trains for all southern end northern points. Tickets sold to all southern, south western, Don aera ana saner poiuta, ana baggage checked through. . - . U. 1. UULIUUIO, feb lS-ditw-tf. . . . Superiotendent. JEVEU BEFORE .EQUALLED ! The Largest Stock on . Kecord. - C. WJLIKEL j Has Utturntd. lie is still st the old Staad with a largor f aseVirtaenio1'1 sinsro- oooids THAN EVER. U, 8. CENTENNIAL GOODS. rOURTH JULT CENTENNIAL GOODS Look at my latest Faafaloa riatea and obooae your style. : CASSI1IERES, UITINO Ia.tcA anything you want. C'wne aiid aeo me, I know I can suit you. ;: , ' WEIKEL'S ESTABLISHMENT is at the old place, one door south of tho Southern Express office, ' apr J3-3m -: ; ' f CL WEIKEL. Samaritan Nerrine. " ;,; THE great Nerve Coaquerer, . . cures ulleutierUa.Coarulsiotw. V. ,r Usnasms, St. Vitus, Dance and . ' n J K. ail. .known aosltlve remedy for Epi- lenticFlu. It hss beea tested by thouaand and ha sever beea known to fail m a staple ease. Trial packag free. Eneloes- tampfor Circular glnng art- ddreaa. rtT ----- is iv m. fcuwutwij sect 15-Ual Boa 741, Bt, Joseph, Met VT O C Th next annual meeting of the Stock holders of the R. A A. A. UK. R. Co., wul be held at the Company's office, la Raleigh oa Friday the 21et July, 1878, commencing at 13 o'clock. BOOB. ' 1 , .',. . " ' W. W. VASS, June23dlawtd Sec'y aad Treasurer. TJNltERSrTT OF NORTH CAROLINA. The IMth easloa will begla on Friday, July 4h, aad close on Thursday, December 7th. , ; ; Besides three courses of stady arrsoged by Us Faculty, aa Upttosal eoaree admits a Th accessary expenses, exclusive or clothing and travelling, vary from SUM te 130 for tbeasaaioa. ,. - t , for Catalngue, with circulars, appU to, ' , ' REMP. P. RATTLE, PaasinawT. jua 17-dlt-wtd. Chapel HIU, N. C, y i I II f If MVl I 11 V -L deucol cure. r ii v. . . i- s- r"3 L ' f . -4- I' '' h " 4 . - a, ii: A.. il a . ' I 1 ' if ffi f : i ... A v., - f -'. 1.