4 Vj- - .'v . J si!':.- If k ' .' " . ' cf ' "v V ' '.4 1 ' hi 'liJte ' tv 1 $ ;.1B ! ' il 14 4 Jr- : THE SENTINEL TnUHSDAY, JULY 13, 1875. TIIKDEMOCItATIC FLAT i' rosm. !-! " 11 We givo Ixlow the corrected text of - tho attonaH-IeHreratie.-r I'Ut.'onn, which, in every paragraphias badly mutilated in IU transmission by telegraph ..-iall Iho pastor totirnHls !"! ' party o( the 1'uited States in- National ' Convention as.'mblixl, do .hereby le - dure the administration of the Federal Government to be in urgvnt need of im- mcdiate llt-form t do hereby enjoin upon tho nominees of this Convention, and of the Democratic party in each State, a ..zealous effort and on-oierat'.oo to this end ; anl do hereby appeal to our fsl-hw-citi4.'na ( every, former political - Hiwiitu, to undertake .. with. u Jhia first and moat pressing patriotic tiutj. For the Democracy of the whole conn try, we do here reaffirm our faith in the nermanenee of the Federal Union, our devotion to 'the Constitution of'' the United States with its amendments uni versally acceded as a final settlement of the controversies that engendered ' eivii war, and do here record our stem! fast confidence In the perpetuity1 of" Kepnb- Iican Self Government, f . vi tffV i-j ' In absolute aeoaiescence' In the will . of the majority the vital principle i of rr publics m ine supremacy oi me viu ,overtlis military authority ; in the total . separation of Church and State,' for ' the sake alike of civil and religious freedom; iu the equality of all citizens before just Jaws of their own cnactmeni ; in ine uo erty of individual conduct, uavexed by sumptuary laws : lirthe faithful etliica- tion of tho rising generation, that they may preserve, enjoy, ana transmit, ineso best conditions of human happiness and hoi e, we behold the noblest product of a hundred years of changeful history "1)ut while upholding the bond of; our Union and great Charter of these our rights, it behooves a free peopbt to prac tice also, that eternal vigilance which Is (,i Rivomm is necessary to rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole peo ;' pie, the Union, eleven years ago happily rescued from the daugcr oi a beecasion of States i but now to be saved from a corrupt Centralism which, after inflic - ting. uponacnJLj3tatefthe rapacity of - earpet-ba'g ty rannieg, has honey coiuleI the offices of Ihft Federal - Government itself with incapacity, waste, and fraud j infected States and municipalities with the contagatiori of misrule, and locVed fast the, prosperity of an Industrious jch pie in the paralysis of "Hard Tunes.,,! ) ItfeFOBM is necessary to ' establish a sound enrrency, restore the public Credit, ani maintain the national honor, . i , We denounce the failure for all these eleven years of peace to make . good the promise of the lejtal-tender notes, which are a changing standard of value in , the hands of the people ana the nou-pny- mcnt of which is a disregard ' of the " Pliirlited faith of the nation We denounce the improvidence which in eleven years of peace has taken from the people in Federal taxes thirteen limes the whole amount of the legal tender notes and squand red , four times their sura in useless expense without ac cumulating any reserve for their redemp- tion. . ,; v We denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of , that party which. durinor eleven years of peace, has made no advance toward "resumption, no pro' paration for resumptjon, but instead has obstructed resumption, by wasting our resources and exhausting all our surplus ' income ; and, while annually professing to intend a speedy return to specie x nients, has annually enacted fresh I drnnr.es thereto. As such a hindrance we denounce the Resumption-dsy clause of the act of 1873 and demand its re peal. . , , We demand a judicious system of preparation by public economies, by oflicial retrenchments, and by t wise finance, which shall enable the nation soon to assure the whole world of its lcrfoct ability and its perfect " readiness . to meet any of its promises at the call of the creditor entitled to payment. We believe such a system, well de vised, and, above all, intrusted to com petent hands for execution,' creating at. no time an artinciat scarcity oi currency and at no time alarming tne public mind into a withdrawal of that vaster machin ery of credit by which" 93 per cent, of all business transactions are performed, a system open, public, and inspiring gen eral confidence, would from the day of j its adoption bring healing on its wings to all our harassed industries, set in mo tion the wheels of commerce, manufac tures and ths mechanic arts, restore I employment to labor, and renew in all its natural sources tho prosperity of the people. "" - ; - i Rekobm is necessary in the sum and modes of Federal Taxation, to the end that capital may be set free from distrust, and labor lightly burdened. We denounce the present Tariff, levied upon nearly 4,000 articles, as a master piece of injustice, inequality, and false pretense. It yields a dwindling, not a yearly rising revenue. It nas unpover- -ished many industries to subsidize a few. It prohibits imports that might purchase the products of American labor It lis degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior ranx on the high seas. It has cut down the sales of American manufactures at home and abroad, and denleted the returns of American ani culture an industry followed by half our people. It costs the people five times more than it produces to the treasury, obstructs the processes of pro duction, snd wastes the fruits of labor. It promotes fraud, ' fosters smuggling, enriches dishonest officials, and bank rupts honest merchants. We demand that all Custom House taxation shall be only for Revenue. ; ."' , ; : -4lxroBianccciwriirith scl f Public Ixpense Federal, State . and Municipal. Our Federal taxation has swollen from 60 millions gold, in 1860, to 400 nuuona currency. ui ibtq ; our airsrresrate taxation from . 154 millioni gold in 1860. to 730 millions currency in 1870 ; or In one decade, rrom less than tlptr head to more than 18 per head. Since jhe ptjacc, the people Late i paid to tlicir tax gatherers uiro than thrice the sura of the national debt," anl more thin twice that sum for tho Federal Government alone. We demand a rigor ous frugality in every department, and from every oflicer of the Government. ., ltEKOitM is necessary to put a stop to the protligate waste of public lands and their diversion from actual settlers by tho party in power, which has jqusndered 200 millions of acres upon railroad alone, and out of mora titan thrice that aggregate has, dispbed of lens than a sixth directly to tiller of the Uekokm is necessary to correct the omissions of a Republican Congress and the errors of our treaties and our diplo macy which have stripped ' our fellow citizens of foreign birth and ' kindred race ' recrossing the Atlantic of the shield of American citizenship, and have exposed our brethren of the 1'a ciiic coasl to the loxmrsions of race not spruug from the same great parent stock, and in fact now . by law denied cillzenship through naturalization , as being neither accustomed to the tradi tions of a progressive - civilization nor exercised iu liberty under equal , laws. We denounce the policy which tuus dbt-ards the libcrty-loviug German and tolerates the revival of the coolie trade in Mongolian women imported for im moral purposes, and Mongolian ; men hired to perform servile labor contracts ItEFOKM Is necesary and can never be e dec ted but by making it the eon trolling issue of the elections, and lift' Inz it above the two false issues with which the office-holding class and the party in power seek to smother U- 1. The false Issue with which they would enkindle sectarian strife, la re spect to the - public schools, of which the establishment and support belong exclusively to the several elates, and which the Democratic party has cheer IebeJ from their foundation, aod Is re solved to maintain without prejudice or preference for any class, sect, or creed and without largessea from the treasury to any. 8.' The false issue by which Uiev seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional bate between kindred peoples owes estranged, but now. reunited In one iiidlvisihle republtc and' aoimubn destiny.:' i - J-'. .o cm i..i 1 Reform is necessary in the Civl Service. Experience proves " that ef ficient, economical conduct of the "gov ef mental business la not possible If It civil service be subject to change every eleclioivbe a prize Tought for the ballot box," tar W" brief ; reward party al," instead or posts of honor assigned ior proved competency, and held for Oddity In the public employ lhat dispensing of patronage should ueUher be a tax upou the time of all our public men, nor the Instrument of their ambition. Here azain promises falsified in the performance,' attest that the party in power can work out' no practical or salutary reform. Reform is necessary even more in tho higher grades of the public service President, Vice-President, Judges Senators, Representatives. - Cablne officers, these and all others in authority are the people's servants. Their oul ces are not a private perquisite ; they are a puoue trust. . w hen the annals of this, Republic show the disgrace and censure of a Vice-l'residcut : a late Speaker of the House of Representatives marketing his rulings as a presiding officer : three Senators profiting secretly by their votes at law-makers t five chairmen of the leading committees of ' the ' late House of Representatives exposed in jobbery f a late Secretary of the Treas ury forcing balances in the public ac counts ; a late Attorney-General mis appropriating public funds I a Secretary of the . Navy enriched , or . enriching menus, oy percentages levied off. the profits of contractors with his depart- ri i r "tut ku jwiwiHauur vj jaiauu cen sured in a ; dishonorable speculations the lYestdent't Private Secretary barely escaping conviction upon trial for guilty complicity io irauaa upoa me reveuue ; a Secretary of, War impeached for high; crimes and misdemeanors, the ; de monstration Is complete. , that the first step in Reform must , be the . people's choice ol honest : men from another party, lest the disease of one political organization infect the body politic, and lest by making no change of , men or parties we get no change : of measures and no real Reform. J All these abuses. wYdnsslind crimes.' Hie product or sixteen years' ascen dancy of the Republican par ty.create i necestHy for Reform confessed by Re publicans themselves; but their t lor mers are voted down in convc.nion and displaced from tho Cabinet, , The party's mass of honest voters is power less to resist the 80,000 office-holders. its leaders and guides. , . r Reform can only be had by a peaceful uvic nevoiuuon, we demand a change of system, a change of administration. a cnango oi parties, tliat we may have a change of measures and of men. . I can lift up these hands be fore you, in the presence of my Creator, and say that in. all that time of war and publio distress, and through all that period of temptation and ' corruption which followed the war, not one dollar of dishonest money has ever stained their palms ; and,' lastly, I can say that I never had a thought vherein self was preferred to the prosperity and honor of my native land. Vance's speech at the Raleigh Convention. - ! tOOK OX THIS riCTlRE. la answer to a call from the United States senate, the treasury department sent to that body a list of the publio de faulters, and the amount stolen. It ap pears that about One Hundred Millions of Dollars of the people's money has been stolen by s the republican party officeholders H The republican ma jority rathe seot refused to publish thelixt ' . . - Night-prowling I thieves infest Wel- UOOi- MISCELLANEOUS. gEYDEL & CO'S. ; - Pocket Hammock, '; WIIGI1T ONLT 1 rOUND, BEAES! 1,300 tii , ().fOUNlS. PHJCOFNo. 4, $.,-,' A most luxurious Conch, S&t, 8w!ng, Ac. I- i s ClreuUrs may bs bid by addressing rf ; i . , r -rft, i - VAN WART A McCOT, ,. f tS4 and 138 Duans Btreet, ew Tork. UNIVERSAL LIFE INSUUANCE COMPANY it "'t1fnarrtn Street,, f V Statement, ;:p January " 1st,' '1876 Gross Liabilities, includ ing reservt.., . ..sr,, 1,834,101 Surplus Jan, 1st, 1S73 657,153. Income ,3,331,645. Policies Issued dur'ff 1875 t,iO Amount 'of new Insurance 14,575.219, XTet Gain in 1S73. ; - 333,6a Amount of Ins. in force. 25,907,240, .... j j ' I i 4 ' ' . ' WnxiAX tatJB,Preeidont ' IIkkbt J. Fcrbek, Vioe-l'resldeut. Joh IL Bewlxt, Secretary. ' " " naoRoa L. Montagu. Actuary. I Edwabo W. Laxbxbt, Med'l Examiner. ' '',V"'' AOtNCT ' DEPARTMENT. Charles P. Q&mx, General Manage BakcbIi I. KjrtoHT, Superintendent.' Axparw Snu, Oenl Agent for N ' rpUE SALEM AGIUCULTUEAL WORKS. OA. IIEdE, Pkopkiktok, Msnufaeturer of the New Improved Ealsm P ows, and other Agricultural Implement asd tbor-savmg Macninery." " TOBACCO BOX 8CRRW8 AND MACDIN - EKT MADE AND UEPAIEED, Foundry and Machine Work dona to Or-eeivrllpaW"f-ol M acUaary atom pUjr atr. tenacd-to, an wora warraaiea. - M us trial. 'r-v:Zl-r 'r"" $210. THE CARDWELL 300 MANUFACTURED ' POR Til it SALEM j 1 " 'AGRICULTURAL WOKK8, .--'- SALEM, N. C. Simplest, best and most easily worked thnwhat and separator in th world.. Send tor Illustrated circular to the 8lera Agrlcul turat Works, Balem. X. -i June I7-tl Ap .!!! rpiIE SALEM AQRICULTC X BALWORKS'- Are Manufacturers' Arents for Steam En gtnes and Boilers, and can furnish Engine oi any sise, eitner ronaoie or eutionai iSE and on as reasonable terms as can be had rect from the manufacturers. Ws are pre pared to give price, with full particulars, for Bsw MUia, unsi jams, iSC, as snoix nouce. and on as reasonable terms as they can be had anvwbere. Turbine v ater Y beels. or any make desired, caa b ' bad at manufac turers' prices: Parties intending to purchase sny Agricultural impiemenu.or Labor-Bavin Machinery. will find it to their Interest to eal and see or address ns before Durehaslncr. as we have on file the Pries Lists and Descrip tive catalogues oi ail tne leading manufac turers In tlia United States. . For further particulars call on or address, v. a hkub, rropnetor, :.. .! ! . ....; Salem, n. c flOO. HORSE POWERS 1 $100 HAVING recently made several Impor tant Improvements- to our Hone-10 W; era, we are therefore now manufacturing, we believe, as good Lever Iiorse Powers, tor operating Threshers and Cleaners, Cotton Ulns. wooaisaws, aa Mills, die., ss caa be had snywhere. . All our work warranted. Bead for descriptive circulars giving full par- tienlara. Liberal discount to agents.. r Price of 8 Horse Bevel Power 1125.00 " 6 Horse ImDroved Salem Power 1100.00. 'f - m - Price of 8 IIorM Internal Trlpple Gear Pewer $100.00. frice or a Horse Bevel rower flio.oo. Price of 1 Horae Bercl Power OO.oa Ws furnish with each of the above powers. Line Shaft, Head Block and Band Wheel, all complete. ; waea - a Jack or extra geai required we charge from SIS to 130.00 extra. Alanulactored lr the SALEM AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Salem, S. C. une Htf rpHOMAS STANLT, NEWBERN, N. C., Dealer mankinds of CORN A SPECIALTT. ; New bern, Jaa, 14 lm. LOOK,. LISTEN, READ. 1! lH!f! il ! 1 Mil'' t W-1 U GOOD TjTW'S I Just received 5000 yards '. P A CI FIG' L A WN $, .'..! ; JS I ' : r . ' . in short lengths, at 10 cents per yard. These LAWNS are ood. style, fast colors and are worth eighteen ceots.t They beat i: '' SPECIE PAYMENT ,!,.(.,. . , ' . : , , i ..4 .,: ..' islLto pieces LLcjeDt8rwjari Comfi to OREECITS. k: may 4-d2law 1 1- 'vi.;. RAILROADS, TICKET FARES AND TIME BCIIED IJI.K TO TH k W i T, vu THE CU3 " " APEAKE&OiUO K. . First Class fare from balelKh to ClnclnnaU 8a 23. , t int class fare froat Raleigh to Indianap olis 25.75. . . . , First elass fare from Raleigh to Chicago First class from Ralrltrb to St. Louis 83.25, First claa from Raleigh to Loulevllls 27.25. - Pasasfiirera for Cincinnati and the West, leaving Raleigh by ths R. V. B. R. 10.00 a. m. train, reach Richmond at 8.45 p. m.; leave Richmond at 16.30 p. m., by the Ctn einnaU A ObU Railroad, and reach Ctnda. ' : - i i CONWAY R. HOWARD," SA Gen, Pas. A Ticket Agent, i nginneer and BupX V iJ Pi TIRSBFUO, Va March 81, lrA SCHEDULE' OF TUAINSi ',' ( .mi ' V ,-m:l - GOIKO SOCTH. ': " Ibrougn Man oaTa row- j 4 1 bunr at Arrive at Weldon at.. Southern Express leave Per: tersDurg ai..., Arrive at w el don at........ ' Through Freight with Pa- i : aeoger Coach atlachdrt "l! lesvs Pctcrburg at..... ' ' Arrlrs at WelJoa at... -.;-r-h- .ooiko worth. ' Through Mall leave. Woldon at 1 Arrive at Petersburg at....... , Southern Express lea v Wel- S:30 A. y P M. :i . :f l TJI5 ATM. U; A-jM. son at. ...... .& I U. . V. .. . . 4:00 P. IL ri 1 w 1 , . t,k ... ': ftreeager Coach 'attached,''1"--'''"'1' "' leava Weldon at.. , - 4:15 P. M. Arrlrs at Petersburg at.... 10:10 P. M. Through Tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points, and Baggage Cheeked through. II. T. DOUGLAS, ap fr-ft Superintendent. I IEDMONT AI1V-LINE llAJL WAY. Richmond & Danville, Uichmosd & Danviixs U. W N. C. Division, and XoKtH Western N. CVIL W. CONDENSED TIME TABLeI a Effect on ani after Sunday, Dec. . GOING XOgTlI. -, Leave Charlotte J.... ' " AliLlneJune'n SalUbury..i, " Greensboro..,., on DanvUle...... " Dunds,...v.j.i " BurkevUle Arrive aAKU-bmond., 5 45 M. e.as .'M : 10.58 " 1.84 r-.M. 1.4H- . 61 -..15 - OOINO BOUTH. STATIONS,; Man., . Lesvs Richmond... 5.50 a, sr.-'" 8.00 'it 1, 1.89 r. M.. L43 i.. 4.28 ' 8.54 .,, ... t!.5H r ' O.lft " , , Dundee,,....., -'rt-,...4. DanvUla......: " Greensboro.... , , M Salisbury ' " Alr-LlnaJunc'n Arrive st Charlotte. GOING EAST. GOING W. STATIONS. '", Mao. aLtiu Leave Greensboro.. . . M (!o. Shops...,, Raleigh .V. stva atGoIdsboro.. U.00a. sr. A. 4.18 A.M. Lr A.U.05 U 8.90 .40PHi STATIONS t'B Train. Leave Greensboro . ; 7.00 PM A. 6.00 AM. I 14 O. Shops .. "iaJaVt Lv Arrive at Ralelrh.. A. 7.30 f M. Arrive at Goldsboi ro.. 11.15 Lv3.00rM. NORTH WESTERN N. C. B. B. " " Salem Branch. ? lave Greensboro..;..,.. 4.4S P. M. . Arrive at Salem.......... 8.45 . Leave Salem..., 8.15 AM. . Airivs at Greensboro..... 10.83 u Psssenavr Trains leavinr Ralatirh at 10 05 a. ji. connecs as ureensnoro wun toe Boutn- . . " . . . " ..zz - :. era bound train . makta tha onlrkut tlma to all Southern eitioa. AecoramodatioaTraia leaving Kalelgh at 7.30 r. M.. connects with ortuern bound Train at Greensboro for tuebmond for all points East. Pries of Tick eu same as via other routes. Accommodation Train leavtntr Greensooro st 7.00 P. M.. connects at Goidabem with Northern and Southern bound trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. I.yncbburg Aecomn odation leaves Rk'hr mond daily at 8.00 A M., arrives at BurkevUle w & . m., iwtct irurarviiie t.v I. n,, ar- i nres at nicamona .t r. Al. . . ; -'. , , NO CHANGK 0FTJAR8 BETWEEN ClIAlt LOTTR AND RimMOIf D, 282 MlLES. ., ? JOHN R. MACMURDO, , General Passenger Agent, i'' Richmond. Va. r. at. h. lAMUiu Gen'l Superintendent. R' ICHMOND - A N DPETERSBURQ aaiLsoan com ran 1, commbrciso I apbil 1st. 1876. Trains oa this road will run as iouows : , - ' : LEAVB PETKltSBURQ NORTH. 7Q A. M. Freight train dally except Sunday, with coach attache sea. 13:00 ' If. Throueh Mall dally eonneetina t . with R. F. A P. Railroad for all DoinU East and West. 7:85 P. If. Through Mall dally except eunday, connecting who it., . A P. Railroad, for all points East and West. Pullman's Sleeper attached, running through to Baltimore, making close connection with C. ani A O. R. R., for Virginia Springs and all DOlnts West and Aorth. 'The 5:10 A. M. train from Richmond, and ths 7:35 P. M. train from Petersburg; will two at all regular stauoua. .... ,f Passenjtprs for Clover Dill connvt at Chestw MONDATi WEDNESDAT and FRIDAY. .. (-,;! .! ; All trains leaving Petersburg will start from ths Appomattox Depot. . apM Superintendent. SIO to 25 tier 'xJavSiSSSaSSSa' m to Mil a m 8TA M.1 Cor F i. S. to Farmers aaaothrrt iu Itioir own nrif !.h'r!wMi4ia Partioulara Fraa. AdSraa-XlU CAM I AJUilAI. CO, at Iaia, MT I J. W . T II O M 'A. S Attfirnpr At T.tw .... t - ',.. i'.ii. AND GENERAL, LAND AGENT, SAX SAB1, TEXAS. Special attention given ta locating lands.' ' Furnishes abstracts of titles. Redeems lands sold for taxes. Does all things pertaining to Real Estate Aeencv.'. -v : L-i-SpecU aUCTlion given to Immigrants. . Cor respondence soucnau. ruuti years prscuce in icxaa. CotTesDondencs - merely of enquiry must contain one Dollar U. 8. C. r , ;; . ..... luue 30-21 ' -l 8:27 P. M. r" ff:55 P. M. J0 A. M. ' M A. M. M. I N S U . R LAWRENCE - GENERAL INSURANClGEIsTS, FIFTEEN FIRST CLAPS COMPANIES IF.PRESENTED COMPRISING (Oliror ;.:!,... ,1 - 'THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST IN THE COUNTRY r ...-t., ...-f ....- fvivol ;: ' . . ,- ! - - ' AGCaUCGATC ASSETS OVEItTWEXTTT MILLIOM DOLL Alt v ' : . .' '.- -.' ..1;j, j ' "' ' ,: "-A '' -; 8EVENTT-F1VE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN BONDS ON DEPOSIT IN TH18 iTAT FOR SPECIAL SECUBITr OF OUR POLICT IIOLDIRS. IvS-lv i p sai s s 1111M wtmm ise li ! t fm ! 1 ... ;,. ; INSURES AUt JvIM DS Oil PHOI'EIITY AGAINST ; : ; LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,'4 ASSETS, MAV 5, 1876," KCOISaTE : AUMISTEAD JONES, Pkksident. Parties desiring to Insure their property lowing reasons ; . It la a safe corporation, combining solvency snd stability, (two of the most essential points la aa Insurance Compaay,e the following certificate from the Sec retary of Stats sets forth : . " -J . ':.: " .1 u i r-r-.M - To All WhotnitXaUiCeernrt hhu?: , the pro vis ions af aa act to amend soctloos tiled lath day of March, A. D., K aad upon sound principle, within the provisions ql Its charter, and la compliance with tba laws 4 tars fttata of North Carolina," and that thsy are posseMaed of the followlnir seourltln. wbirh will mora fully sppear (rom atatetaant on file ta tlus ofllcc : United States Bonds,, (market value,) , K (. s . j , . $70,200 00 N. C, K. Boad Bonds, (market value,) ' 19. 000 no N&J&nuityand City Bonds, (market Alnrtgagea on Baal Estate in . U. (mrt$mi!fi " Cash oft hand, in Bank and in bands 61. Agents, . - r;rrr--r--T -rlLIOrF-'IFrTT Total, i.wiiiu'l.Vofliilnil 152,379 19 In acoordanoe witU tUo authority delecaiecl to me by tlie'Lecisladirf. I ln r. liv approve the Boport of said Compauy Uiven nnaor my nana ana seat 01 omop. ui , ,; i. , ' r' -V;;:WMjll,.,IiOWEIlTOX 8cm-ary 81atc It protects the policy-holder, for its ums received to bo deposited with the State Treasurer: for tliat pnrpoae. Its stockholders are among the prominent business men in North Carolina. It is under the control and management 01 native North Carolinians. Its ofllcers are known throughout the tftate. -i( -v It will insure your property on the most reasonable terms. It will keep your money at home. f , , ,. LiveActivet Reliable Agents wanted in every part of the State. Addros, -.,.,..,.. ..... t ...u .ii.iaii.ti.. JLBZ .WBEST, Secretary. Italoigh.N. C. ... ' t . tii i in itnoaes super We are noa-. selllag , KOODES' 8TANDAR Prepared Expressly for Cotton. This Pertlllaer has given the greatest grower of Cotton, but as a riLKMAHKNT bign in percentage of the most valuable rerttllxlng iogredlents, wblch are Bone fboephate of Lime, Ammonia, Potash, A. We respectfully refer by permission to the following par ties who have nsed this Fertiliser: R. J. Ivev. Rslittch: W. O. Rld.llclr 'Kfuar: F. . tophers,Ralelgh ; R. I'uUy, Wakefle'd; A. B. and others. Cotton growers would do wU 1 B. F. JONES & CO. Also keep on hsnd a full 11ns of GROCERIES and LIQUORS. . . ". .- ; feb lMw Sm. Wholesale Liquet) r. l a inirtob street. Raleleh. N C HiE D jW IE E : r v- orisviixnr bcscmrTZon, Shapley and Bigelow-Stcswi : FtsJtcrBiittUinq : ' . WRITE TOR CATALOGUE, PRICES, Ae., f 1 StatiEy! in 'i if CONTINUES TO WRITE POLICIES ON ; ON THE MOST 1 ; . '. - " H :Cmia lie Ios. Cs., Ita Stockholders are among tha most prominent and responsible business men In ths 8late. Durlna- Us exIsVmee it has paid out to Insure rs. for Josses, over loO.OCO, aad Us sccumu- isted earnings have been loaned to our owa -A.gents inevery R.IL BATTLE, Jr., I " - . i . u. i. j;uu .',- I RKATDN flAT.K.S'. I nVU rrT ' 1 -s- " x " r A K C , E & WINSTON, -'- : il '7. 1 li. :ir: '1 I 1 $1,000,001) (Mt. $152,379 U. A- OFFICE . i ( G.i W. BLACKNALL, Tkeisukeii, should patronize this Comnanv. for tha f,.i j " ' Departmewt or State, p1 ' Balelgh, JUy 5th, 187C. j,ti ww?.,.;.,, ...... ,,r. 43. 43 and 44. "Battle's Revlsal." chanter m mt. . do Had that said company la "doing business value,) ! " 19R75 m filoj this day; " ' i 1 Cliarter . requires 5 per cent of the premi il1 " " ; . 'n late. AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPI1 A 1 K. I. satisfaction to all who have used I not only as lMf ROVER OP Til K BOIL. It Is sn artltln Dewar. Harnett; Dr. Walter Debrai a, Ralolgh, to see us before n urchaslna- their Guaiu. Chris i li. V. JONES & CO. -i Promptness 1 1 PIiosdI . ;'. A' 10 "lltiE .,..h,ii...s ALL CLA8SES OF INSURABLE PROPERTY REASONABLE TERMS. n . people. Uountv m"tlieStator President. -Vice-Pfeeident Secretary. Supervisor of Agencies. 8180,0002 7 - :f

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