1 '''"'C' i',.:v. ; V i 'Arft, . r I k XT ' ...',.,,(,..!,) I ' 1 1 " If ! 1 Ti;.'.."I CI !, ; . r 1! ' ' , I 1 . 1) 1 1 '1 S T- 1 ! ! f VOU XXH.-NO. 130; I , ; Tr'7 ' - j -t, t 1,'BALEIGH N.;C.;. FEIBAY.HOBSINTi, JULY 11, mc, PRICE t FIVE CENTS . FRIDAY, JULY 1M 187 , : Tjtom UarpeVs Magazine for August. !1 ' t-I ' ,V.l Ik hnnntu auuag wv "j 1 - ; . A Tradition of Saratoga mk? ! William L. Stone, in Harper' Maga zine for August, says i There is an In dian superstition attached tothi lake WHOLESALE CASH; , PAIGES ' turectedby ) , , FC. CJiEISTOrusiW w. MISCELLANEOUS, , ' ' l l. ,;si Uuiva the Hayes lelteWee ttioosr bef. the casual reader, sf ys the Internet and excitement which naturally I hleh brobntl v had its source la It te- Mtent- prwdimtialkwtioB SSJu.UeVlJJuoiVnl" traJ3qtdlity. tUuno ways been shown ia the seme way Will be surprised to know that the monster meeting ana tne universal sinmp ppea ing are a comparatively moderq prae- t.n..,i-il11i!A Time, when it la tested I tin(, . The national nominating eonven- . . .. : ..... i -..tl . whtr.h. eon front It. I tian iUeli ia not half a century old. Ix.. IIlP IlilV IUUO ( H'1" r I ' r - . . . - r At. - Thu nl.1 nractioa wftA A caucus 01 , me held with donbt and protest ini 15Z1, and nominated Mr. Crawford, the eeo refer of the treasury tinder Mr. ; Mon ro!.. Rnt that election waa a "acrub- rtvre" between General Jackson,! John OaiueT Adams, Villiatn U. Crawford and Henry Clay, in which tbe fanoaa The Mohawka believed that it skllneM wai sacred to the great spirit, and that U a human voioa uttered a", aoond npo"1 its waters, the canoe ef the offender vguld insntljr BiolcA' rtory is of an Englihwomant ia, the. early daya of the first settlers, who had ooooakmto cross thia lake with a party of Indians who, before embarking, warned her most impressively of the, spell. , , .It, 'was a sUent, breuthleas day, and the canoe shot over the surface of the .lake like jaa ar row. ( About nail a mua irwin iue uwiw, Cu. .itiar. MAUUT. m . njg-jvhvlous truth .bsolu nf its chief feature becomei painTully different partiea. , The last of thewas BPptrent Hi unmanned and tela to rate pledge in favor of tliorough ?tvU refurm are the severest strain n, rredulity of the natien: ' If 1 t. tnhll ha nominated him for a mo- favor of civil service reform, he would tonaTcwhaeJacWrecWmnety- SZETw uSSition. ut- ba beaten fifty thousand In Ohio, nearl v one, Adams eighty-lour ana owyi Muny- d Tba counteaanoee of S that l rudiana,1 would no H.ure SJS S S much above scattering in Peun.ylvani et WSSM JS 8nd New York, end Vermont would be legbkturea, and at b LTroWng .Ueno. drove the light bark doubtful. The tns of thousands of tional oonvenUon, Am th iwifUy over the waters. They reached r..ilprl nflices in tne various nonuauivu ub no w wSSdly CUed by the jnost do- the prosecution of the canvaas has . uifid form of the systeut that Mrf sumd more of the same character. The HaTe proSs unconditionally tO over- father, of the epnsUtuUon funded that .,ayl '.. rir.f bulieved bv hla the selection of a candidate should b '"""' BUV4 . "7 " .:..il..nKthotAra themseltea. Dui I ? . . party leader, uu 'taUT- chosen by the people canuo. noia ner t,( the shore in saieiy, sou utew up canoe, when the woman rallied the chief on hi credulity. "The great wpirii is merciful" answered the scornful Mo- hk "he knows that a white woman mere songs But this method xne wmu t ZZkA'esent his arrogant lnteg- faUed for obvious wasons. xne tVbfem w.n tnnw that it is but tba promise pra. wu. 'r 1 ijii! !,;.. x tTHdea Accept. e j The committee' appointod by the 6fc Louia convention' waitei ou 'Governor Tilden last Tuesday eyeuing. and ofn claUy notified him of bominAtion for the pteaidwy: This addreWs of 40 the . nominating - conventions, I flcation were made by uen. Joan a. . in iha hecinuinc often jnae ' tt Illinois, and ' Hon. ' B. . h a mbm r monater meet I ' .' - "" t c.' wmild nrefer W ncn a l : "7" ; rru- K5nini ial ",uu T I . 4 1 IfllM WOA 1 nLTTM 1 IIUOLA . t 1UV Jtk P I as he i'oreahadows inmsi-o r' , . 0nillcY Adam the f Oov. , wo do not doubt j but wkeo he J&j. political observer in nomlnaUoH, 'and said he'' would j , to administer it, wUl he hrlthe n witll gre.t alarm and ap. twi8mi tbera k formal letter of U Herar4acmn - u-iv-ni;., was a omethLng of i . . . :.. . . i T.,i Vn t; theTe-form ear.to be broken to KSn W the hope. Of all men mtresteci m ve netUe other, an4 M the method iMsndina canvass, the Mortons and t nl.-eo that of With . 4-ek-vav VTIdJlfiien, - ,. tow atiddllnsrs, Cleaa eUluod, ,, .- Deep ' Inferior and dirty. , '.-i , i . entail. MASJUT.;.,' ( ! ,.' Vlour, KortU Cllua tC.0O5.23, 1 -t t!orsT3(a45r!i. , ,!,; ,, n-m Corn Meal. ?a hj. .. lt;Jti Bacoa. M. C. roufMi, 14l Bulk Aleatf, CUnrKib bidet, llif5US,,f . , tthoulder, s eeeia. imu tard, Jforta CaroUna, J7t. 4 r r Western iiurce, iu, H,.. , 17, .-,, n Coffee, Prime Rto suiJ. - . ,i. ' m Good, 81(23. ' , . " .,. Comown, ln30 Kails, on bails for lUs, 13.65 , , turar ' - 1 if"' " iw 'i yellow C. 5M. ' " t JUither, Bed Bote ttWtf. .- - , M " . Oaktanned, 40. ., . Etl'le. green, 5. " ; ' 1 " dv. uatOL., .!.: I ," i Tallowy ' routoea, aweev iw"a cou w "-'-. " , , IrUk.sew , j,,;.,,; - OaU, .belled, oowj. i. " aheaf, from wane, 8060snU rodder, baled, 100. ' ''' 'J ; Hay, . C. baled, awd, 07 '; J-Ktri, perdoien, lSeta, . BMwax,2&,,I ,! !ii ; . Bags,!. . n-. .picked, leeete.' f iv . Beef, on loot, &t7c areaaea pruue, , ana a vv. - .R'LiFEIN TI18 SEW YCBK ;( INSURANCE COMPANY .MISCELLANEOUS. ;,nEHHIN6'8 Bat:afcCliannan, i . ... M. SJ. AKD tIBE PROOF W. nrr.Bl.teii To 1S43. and Since that has been doing atucceMlul bolue. ill bat returned to Its members or tlielr legal trepre- aenutlvea ;H,(M)O,0UU in iJiviaenus, Biarn ' fremlunu, and Death Claims. ' L.jt .has no fctockbolders to share in. is proUta ; all its surplus is umueu c.ciuutcj lanioDl Ita toe mbera. . , .J 1v.TO;W .sis Bank Vaults Doors, Th nrniniuma at a riven atre are practl- I aii tba aim In all Lare insaranee uompa- Diea, dui to H0 coa u. vuw hiumv j dlflerent, depending entirely upon the surplus or dividends retained to poUcy-ho fleet, aid this depends upon the management of tba 1 1 nmn.m'1 aniilra. . 1 lb long and suceesaful expert: nee Of tblt tlnmnanw nnablea ut to recommend 1U poll- I cles to citlxens of North Carolina as worthy I ot their atteutlon and a goo tavestment. RpH.hu huiinnia men wno aesire i wor at Agents ot the New York Life in Raleigh, I Charlotte, ureentooro, ana uwiwauM Dolnts. are luvitea to communing wau ' Manager South-eastern Departmet. t -I 10. o, eouta Btreet, wajiunore, no, uiy a-aat , v j rv 5.! 'I ALSO ,-! !-ft ' iIERRING i CO. i3 N O T'l' C 251 & 252 Broadway. NcwYork. 5160 Sudbury St., Boston. 1 ap 18cod-2in- ; TEIUMPH TRUSS CO. 334 BOWKRT, N.T ,.te whom was awarded the f rretnium i V tdal Supporter at UK I. HC0PipW,perrad,l: .i -" -PlSt PfllSOll IS Braes, per pound, to' l(Je.' " "' 1 V a Safe, Sure and Pewterrperpouad.TtolOeU. .'' . ! N8TKOiER of th Tba 20th Annual meetlnr of the stock holders of the R. 4 O. K. E, wUl be held at Ibeetnce Of the company tn Salelirh oo Thursday, the 20th of July, 187, commenc ing at 12 o'clock, noon.' t ' ' ' 1. DUC riUU AITWtAvi. I ' . . )a tlUlawtd - ;-.''! I GREAT AMERICAN IN8TfTPT FAJI cures s rapture In from- "10 w aays ana offer 1,000 dollars for s cats they cannot cure. They employ a for the best El at tie Truss and the last sasalos si the ' ' and Babcocks and Kellogg best tmdet 'PI, TIa atav w Al , Thai Hajes , government letter, ramci farm nf tlflmeren plaoeme . power in Pennsylyao? T Bn? P1 - out the Conkhng dependenty from end Antin thA Kmnlra State? N? ill he ostracise the Morton tribe of reckless officials in Indian t, Will he turn, back ' the hands in the desolated south and destroy the Clayton, Spen Ar, , JJrUce, l'attersoui Porsey and finchbackhoaU of plunderers? If his pledge, rnean . ' anything in the lin of honesty, it means that ha will sweep the whole cltil ser vice out pf place, and end the degene ! rate power of Grant by calling new nin-il. tn avnrv Dublic trust, over the ho.Hi of the leaders who have dis Tilden 'replied, accepting the he" would ; soon so- MntAniw. n said he beuevea m nom- matiod was not a mere personal prefer ence between ' citizens and statesmen, but rather a declaration in favor of ad ministrative reform with' which event had associated him in the' publio mind.' Demand for reform in all the govern ments, and chiefly in the federal gov ernment, have led to a series of surprises in popular assemblage, and perhaps ia tV.a umvAntinn itaaif. - mi.' till'. ; What we have witnessed, may be an .'nmn nf what we mav witness ia the election about to take place. The labor nt Mfarmina- a svstem of government is nt and if elected I should enter upon P. . . .. - t,i;.in it as ou . 4t. aii.i. AT Ann do t and more, he uoes not aw u I invitea wieir juuguuv, - r rr-i . jnB ;n whioli a soldier enters war Had he given an uo tuyu i a wugu au wp"tc"- . i i Old Iron, per 10 pounds, 0e. !' : .. Pheep Skint par piece. )(?.: . , t , Wool washed, per pound, a5($e -,it 1 .. i: -UDwaked 0 to 25. old 7 cents i hurry, 20 eta. i ; A GENTS not only A. i. -'am assascTa uuuw aaaaiw vhik v i D-8TKOrEtt . of the Colorado T I j kL' Beetter .roTixor Hot. but ot , tA aiAIMSCTS which prey on Veg etation Cut and Aanx woait uaaita i. linhba Parla Green and other Foisona. U can ba entlraly diaaoived ia water and ap- h. nrlnkUlIB'. MOT !JDaIOt5S TO i .Ta.Nor Uamosbocs te Use. .Never tar th Hlatorical v-n. in K1U. Costa about 25 CBJrrs AS U'l.ia Tumffmitn in Baltimore ixt 1810 which nonunatea uen. MrrwBvu ed, be say, with amazement, to twenty thousand delegate. This wa followed "oonTooations of thousands of 'peo- nU a hAar , inflammatorv ' harangues i against Martin Van Buren and hU ad- mimsirauon y ikiuj -Webster and all the principal opposi tion orators in and out of congress. Mr. Adam was invited to adoree suca meetings in all part of the country, in cluding Virginia, xennewwi land, but be declined with a kind of ter ror. jur., uaieo wum"-k- r""-; WANTED Wnrlr Our " iv f NTElln KU1CUKK. A Complete and W History or Amen- 'CEMICAL WORK. rioaesr u iw . Arma ?ut up In half lb. boxes, enough for t arrwa Price 50 Cents Send for Clreu Mar."1- Made Only by Terms moderate.. Cases guaranteed. Or ders filled by mall. Examination free. The usual discount to patrons. Send ll cents for descriptive took to .... . Prof. W. IL BCRXnAlf, M.D., mar 23-d, ly. , . f ChUfflorgeon. JORRISVILLE ACADEMY. - The 22d Sessloa of my School thriitinar Mtnfllcta of Red and White roes, Eacltlng Adventarea, CapUvlUes, Forays, Scouta, Pioneer women and boys, Indian war-paths, Camp life, and Bpo U. A bojtk for old and yonag. Not a dull page. No competition. E normoua . sales. . Agents wanted everywhere. Illustrated Circulars free, - - i. U MeUUBDX Co.)riiiiaaa.l Pa., , . t , june iw. AGENTS Wanted for THE CENTENNIAL hook or BIOGRAPIir. or the Uvea of the great me of onr Bret luu years. Bend lor circulars. P. W. ZIEGtER 4s CO., Philada, Pa. or Chicago w. ew. P.O.BOX 8139.' I;l i 'l' lU CoKTiAiip St. -.it HEW TOIL delyiKrW,-ideotaa five moatha.-- ; Tuition-, oaru anu wtU.opea Washing per Session - arn".jv. I ' - - B. C. PATTOIT, Principal,, jaseS-deodlm ' ,n MorrtsvUle, H CI B ALL A R 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Sed ! da. evlcrbrthelr favorite- and frfendTv. U public toner; .midst &t fienchmeu. This Mr. Haydar not PM""' cK? but much i mi 79 Subscribe rt In one literary papere. . Onl Three S10 . chromos - free.. day. Best Only 11.60 a vear. .. Mvavou ' A Khimlu. Pube.. Phila.. Pa.. . '. ':. - , 4w OXNEBAIi 1 AMQ. DEALERS III c Wo nnw aae the dawn pf a better J r mnnfH ThA reDUDUO IS Viou that is sick at heart with the greedy I wrote in his diary i ;Mr. Webetw ana 1 to live in all future 7 l:rL.. :r: ZL time. Gov. Tilden wound UP dv coroi- it. the broad pledge he ha made tq a na -1 .ix. to attend. Bnt he Mr. tialtonstall were declined,;, and Webster and ...iiun liitrka. forced lulo n ace ov uie , i a-w- .v..- - - a ..aaFin men who made Air, uayes a prusmcu- Bpeecu - --. thinking th memners m w com- 1)11 WANTED -AGENTS For the Great .1-. I Cabinet Humbug. Tku.M nartv mnvAments. and , must. In th natoral oroCTess of things, be- i.ftt.mnl.i.wi These meetings I . 1 The iudeDondent rhUadelpW Times 1 ba mnltlDlied in nnmber and Don Cameron must maaq imsie i iieauency, .wituout reeiuuuK. j aeeper tragcui3. , uo u.cuuv-t - An Alleged Defaleatloo. A dispatch from Petersburg. Va., ' aavs : ' PAvUii both hlstorv and his geogra- , phy. His pathetic notmcauon w ne president that the Sioux or Dakota na tion of Iadiaus, thve for ceitorles beco pushed westward by the ABirano lug tide' of dvuflon?rwTei"Jai the primers of" the country. Half tMats- . ry ago ie Sioux,1 '.dioaH even flur to the Cooper stories or the Longfellow song of Ithat day,- and civUaation ' never1 struck the trail of the SiouE' unUl ''.nor thrT vet vouna secretary bf war eney is to civil war. MTlmeTand My Jllght.1 I ' if. I to the New York Herald reports that lido namsdelL chief deputy and cashier In the office of CoL llicbards, collector of Internal revenue for that district, is a defaulter to the extent of 18,000.) About two weeks ago he snot nimscu, supposed, by accident, through the left wkr. it i now stated, that his wounds have broken out afresh. Ramsdell is a sou ot C. P. Ramsdellv United Stote marshal for the eastern distrkt of Vir ginla who was ( the republican aom fno for lieutenant eovernor on the re- nubllcaif Ute ticket in io. CENTENNIAL tuiTiiuAt HISTORY. to the doss of the first 100 years of ,ur Na tional Independence, inciuuuig an of the coming Grand Centennial Exhibition, 700 pages, fine engxavhiKS, Irow pride, quick i sales, iiiut iciihb. v.. 7 P. W. ZisoLsa & Co EbU. Pa. f Chicago 111. , . " . GRAIN, HIDES, WOOU TOBACCO, Riti.i. Eitm. Butter. Cheese, Dried Frarta, - f eathirt, Furs,: Lard, Ta low, RfxxU, nit tBaoou. Beans, Poultry, Ftour.Veg eubles. Ac, Ac . c. ' WABinOUBE, fcfl A 3M N. BROAD ST., - apru i-wom . .- $2501 HONTIt-Airent. .nlv rr. wbir. Uuilmit lHHHmw wo nr. claat. 'Iartlenlanielfre. Aalrt ' tFrotn the Tew York Times.) v, hi lung. His case wa. W;7t ! -- critical, but be mended sufftclentiy fast l The coat-of-arm of the princes of ieaTa a few days ago for Philadelphia, : CUrvfa " i. m. hitA flTOM on a KU field. " i ii j. ... .t.t.J (. hia wminria I ,u -t. t. roK.i r Ceuihi. Cold. BoaricnatV ) Tbreit DiKBua, -," ' . , use . Weill' CarbolU Ttblett, --t POT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXTA . -A TMFD AND BURE ' REMEDY For sale by Drnsirlsta generally, and , JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAT A CO.. ';r J7-1 s - isvitJ..U.hl Ua - m j t l- I t li fBUIsUCIklUaeA, 1 sa t nUIYERSITY : OF, YIEGIHIA: a nr r VWtlli VII Inlna twaalrtf V. i s I'uaiiH a.m war a .ma . u ivauu i uiuv wwj m till till IS hWia 13tk July. 187. and end 13th Sep- ' " OmCl OF 80PBBtBTSHDBST, 1 PrTEHaBCKO Raimoau CoatrAsr. Petersburg, Va , November 84, 1 75. ) nAKWE'Or SCHEDULE TO take effect SUNDAY. November 85th: Laays Petersburg af 6.30 A- M. and 857 T. " Arrive at Weldon at 9:52 A. M. A55 T. M. GOING NORTH. ..Leavs Weldosat7:S5A.M. sndir. M. Arriveat.l'tttecshurg iUMilL sad Traiiu eoaneet at Petersburg and Weldoa - with trains for all southern ana nonnern points. Ticketo sold to all southern, south western nortbtvn sad eastern points, and baggag, checked through.. fob TS-dutw-tJ. Superintendent. JEVER BEFORE EQUALLED! The Largest Stock on Record, Toung fUrria' is a white cross on i red neia. with a drawn aword between twq date 1389-1815 and the legend,'! Time and My Bight" A whole bistort i in this heraldio device For nearly five centuries the Servians have upnew ine I fphfti hri blood v fields anainBt the Tucks. ' " , r r a viv f3 r , . had beeu born, , Th century , caaw w Through the middle ages mey were i0 i,, 1,-125,0007 hi Tathe r ' the white man alter tne rea manoi uiu borderguara or xurope.- . iwi u i Wgij, one 0f the- bondsmen, f Tne Sioux persuasion, don't fit Any fno V1389 represents th ywof thefgfeat g,,,, , Pennsylvanlane, having history outside oi me oiuwat .rxjwta-oatue wtien vne ireecuneuaH i""- m0ved'lo VirginK during tne recon thn war ollice. ana-eiiner u win 0r servia was Drosen oy aiuuhum , 1 .,-t. r: t f lions and records must bo corrected, or Bajazct, and this brave people! was Uie pocucai young Feu-Yu? mZTfZkSJu waa an TIME 6CHED department must amcna nu iac l intervening centuries r iouS i.'r"- ' 7,7s Vn th k wTEST via THE CUES :L: hfi htue Iravelhe Hold ot Indian fie-Lfomiression. servitude and suffering -l.j Vg .TOTHk ' w0EWuSr " . . m tha nocta and novelisU of the Undera coonueror whe heverknew the V,,.!--. taia from BaleUch te CtathinaU . . ..j . f.Lji Mmkrttv' the1 morel ....ninif nftha word merer to a chris-1 . t ; ; -.,-.?.,( v facrHuestionofdc Sbvl VVhe.u we recaU that in this long v, ' troop can be spared from the field of er. the best youth ot 'Serviaerf ' taken ollt:icM from Raleigh to Chicago .lndiao hostilities to carry th southern b7chadren to he. trained -. .or, Mhanv. Z,.,,..,., , r a , ' elctUms next fall,' : -A medan .lave? .or -Jtnisarie. . wd Jhat a ;4 First - - r 1 christian motner oiien ueutm 1 r u-. - k. ; wMt. carried awa; byviolenc to serve tt. OTjTM 1 -t . . , 1 unnatural Vice 01 visiers " wm--, lram retcll uu-nmona a o.w w.m., - : , and grow up as Mohammedan servants, toT, luchmoud at iaa p. v.AnrtTirniii!rivea inisrriiiiu 1 w ---- ---- -'-BT-r-- . A.w, J , .,it,-r-, n j . : . " picture of the SpanUh guerrilla-king 1 ng hU of fyranUyt re. Dori Carlo4,: ; whil standing, pijesenb- uMon was Insulted and aU righU tram ed the appearance of tall, somewhat led 0t we maT undcrsUnd the1 deep , slim, but yet heavily buUt man of about nd htter paMlons which He back of thirty years or less, with good strong ,h pre8ent otbreak. 1 The tember. Have provea 01 sijrnai im AMtira to naraue tbeir studies at this or other U w-schoel 1 2d, to those who propose to read privately ; and 3rd, ta prac iittonerswbe have not- had the- advantage I of systematic mstrucuott ply (P.O. University f Va.) to Joa B. iimon, ITof. Com. and Stat. Law. i -s 1 ,f June a-ww.T r i.n C. irIKCX. Mia iltturntd. 'ivVi Fuller Weupo., U"o l t.ipt'M -"a . MANUFACTURERS OF, ! ... . i . - ' . i 1- '.'!".. MANUFACTURERS OF ,4 800 tb 1.900 buthels per week recelvid and .....Vx.. a tv i,jui e.-i. i-nl xrr.tra a WTt TrnTfVAPFS. I aold cheap for cash only at, i tv 11 11 iat fv ja. mj aA.i f","i""ri ,ar,'. , . - - - - ..T. n Twa market. r o' . Ih. "i 'i'-G ATTIS A JOC(E8 ,. Our aa;woediau4 eoal eooklng stoves a aolden Oosrn,! IttpffUn 1 PiniTfjF'76:; uUTUEntl -BECK 1 ' ' AND TOE VAMOIS ,, Wl!iXlinPiOyEDt IfeTsTtiirat lhe"oIISSuTTwith a larger ,nit.Xl wrlbeul ol f ' SPEHTG ; GOOCS 1 THAN EVER. . U. B. CENTENNIAL GOODS. H-bURTI! JULY CENTENNIAL GOODS rno ALL MEN A SPEEDY CUBE, - Weakness of the Back or, Limb, Strictures, Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder, Jnvol untary Discharge; Impotency, General De bUity?; Nervousness, . iVyspepsuv ?W0 i-ftnirit.Cniilnaloufif Ideas. Palrkatlon of theTfteart. Timidity, TrembUng, Dimness of eight or uiaamuwr Throat. Nose Lrveri Lungs, i r Look at my latest Fashion Plate and chodHtf your stylo. .''. in! T ' CLOTI13,!:-. ' "" BUITINGST tn rtt finWhiutr vou wauta Ciuc ami -j t -s " . , .. . v Meet the wants of every dealer. ' Correspondence' Invited. ' PrlcS "HkxLLER, WARREN A CO, ' i !. '-'v'aatef street, NcwYork Bthl44w :i'i.n!!TJf:i ' i list r and Dlaaase f the Head, nr Kkln. Anecuou,ui u? :ymuh nP Bowels thOSS tflf- jiM-uWaz irom.SOiiMkrr iiauiw of Youth-eecret and solitary practices more fatal to then victims than the soog of the Ku?mottb the old place, one door soutitof the nrioHnif marrlaire almost lmpotswle, I A. . - see mo, 1 Know a ciui suit . , . . . -:,ti , "'' ' I MiliHnir marrlaire al destroying oov u"J tm Ut mnm)m Vt. Oaf- ii w iiim Haririaf). '"''.''' been; WoilVR TlnWARD. '4 i.w .:Gen. Paa.'&TfcketAient.9 W. M. A-DWrr-,' ."t 1 ( ; gnglnneerand 8upTt. . . ! t $1,250 Profit Iroia . a ma nf our" customs rt nn.kuui Knraaa on iw iukw Cendh. Put 10T and Call 108 buying I 'i 1 ... o ,u 1 100 ahares ajrainw utrona nam 1 1 1 as 1 1 111 in. t-v;rviia a . w . a 11.. nrva 11 as 1 . 1 alias uvvh bswmu w uv , aa - -t . r" 1 1 t ,a m 111 aai liner avu, i.iih atasiiiv kiaeiut Kttt Mr MftS are leuuisn I .;n. Wn & fr liind I "T.T " ,7 lAfl tiMtinfr rimllt f 1.250. bU I browu, large and wiOi pre-ppssess- Mlfgoverning stale. Her progress sudl ieraUoB ea. ba pe'ted every sac ath of the ol openness freedom, the Happiness ana courage 01 year i.v 7' &tto and Tnhum bonirht ana soia on cuwmu, Advances ou conRlirnmenta. j, Price lists an f Circulars J'Ji:',. J . Bankers A Brokers, . - rt ; , . 40, Bond BU.New York . near Gold asd 8ck Eanire's P.O. Box S774. " fob 17 -tf , - . ! bTlMsou (t X., roruaua, - . atarchttwli i-ac'h- -i!J I M!? rhest. lithe limbs, powenui suouiucia d to ,.18i5. u yCar of. Servian in and a? loDir.' ovat face, whose sallow I denerJdece. won kv u,a . valor of the comnlexion betrayed at once his tB I people : and. thouah a nominal tribute ... a.i x Met . ' ' - . . ' era naUonalitjw u oair bas lx "A GENTS for' best 'chance in the twl4 to ii. coin mosey Address O.J Sj; SAFETY POCKET CO,.. Newark, S, J. 3k.! , inn Y nrPRA lrtll tures are decidedly large, the! nose the gganu-y, the 1 Advance of public innrr fnit ' the mouth sehsuous I a nemelaal r tiiodel " and the chin peaked and eloquent the subject Sclavonic i provinces in determination. : There is nothing Intel- thelr et,ftude and barbarism of what 5 ttTltf A "MEDICAL BOO' and Secrets for Loaiet anu mbu, I Sent free for two aUmpS. Addreaa. jA.naUIIeU.UITlTUia mit.It hmnnr mpn eonteinula- ting marriaVe, ; suffering from OryanJe and Physical Weakness, Loss ot Procreatlve izLl tmncr, Proat ration, Eahausted 'rs I vitality. Involuntary Discharges, Non-Erec- f tmhiiitv. IIasty Emissions, raipiiaiwn yi iuo Heart: Nervous ExcHaMiity, uecay pi uia Physical and Menial Powers, Derangement of all the Vital Forces and Functions Nerv II. ilkim, ..-tjiaa. of Manhood. General V7 th. Oreans. and overy , other nh.nnv disoualificatfoB, specdUy renioved, and full manly vigor rswrea. ' I gua'ratilee all' my fito "i r C. WEltEL. 4 These are some u m uu u.ii.ia.auiji t vr denca 'SamritanvNrvinfl.,,j f ".! !i fHE rreat Nerve' Conqueror, Ctfpame, St. Vitus, Dance and .W f, 1 tu...k tha mil altM positive remedy for Kpl :rptlcFiU. It bas beep tested by f thousands and bas f knnwa to UU m I f ?Mjk.ff frea. " jitampfor Circulars giving evt- ofcures. Addrei never been a single case. Enclose lectual or commanding arjous tue aawo, it-l- n,Wni tirincelV.' It I tu countenance or A rather good-natured , man of moderate intelligence, but con siderable back-bone and strength or character.i-Tbe best feature of the face are the eyes. Don Carlos smile very frequently whUe he P"JEf dressed in a simple cheap suit of Scotch -KrayTinclraTniittr aclerk -t btewarfs would despise, but ported a rather gorgeous blue necktie, lies wore .imni riniT. and silver coin as "cuff stUds.""Don Carlo' manner a : cecdingly lively and his gesticulation is incessant. 1 ,i ;i ' , ,,, ' they would be, of the Turks. freed from the tyranny ii . - , has beeu organized in the city of Staunton, Ta, whose act rial csp uJi.nntatbless than Slff.OOO.t The I object of the company is to manufacture blinds, doors, sash, io., and eventually to erabntee wheels spoaes, bio-uoit, pick-handles, Ac. , , The New York World claims that three-fourths of the German papers in k- TTnit.! States "eiva; the' St.- Louis I ticket and platform a warm support. c R .1 Coming aud going all the while very low for. Greenbacks or Silverpromises are pot car rent at-. ..'''' . ' ' ! '' ' GATTIS'A JONES' Zl' I v Wholesale, Grain and Feed Store, y ,. Opposite pt. McKee's Olfiest. ' r-, as-' n OL P. ROWELL A CO., Sew O York, for Phaphlat of W talnlng Hsuot3ownewtpijci.,- v bowing cost oi aaverueiuti. v I Made any day in PCTS if uaTm Tliii L. i.m; . BIB. 630 or! $100, 7wZ Wukw broif ut 'j:z: tuna to the eiu nw-- F-",r when and how to operate safe y. J&ook with full Information SSNT rasa, auuiw. by mall and teiegrapa ' I ; , r . . . j BAXTER A COji : , i Bankeraand Brokers; 17 Vall bt, -Y, X . lanlHMawly. . 1 , v -l "1 - I .j . . v. l rroru nroaueea.ByeariT mu w,uuyu. ill : Weaknent of the Back ana Umbs. Patnsinhe Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular .Power,, Palpttatton of hseart, Dyspepsia; Nervous IrrtUbnity, Derange ment of the Wirestive Fuaetlona,?. b'eaeral DebilitV. Symptoms Ol vonanmpwou, ck. , MslLiTr.JL.The ' fcrful eilecU on the mmd are much to-ba drec4-Loa Of Mem ory. Conf ualon of Ideas, Depression of Splr t EvuVForebodings, Aversion to Society, Sf-DiatrusVt-"-f Solitude. Timidity, .r. aome ol Uie eviw proaucea. ! Tbousaade of persons of all sgee can now ludgre what lstha cause ..of their declining health, losing their vigor,' becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singu lar appearance about the eyes, cough aud ijmptoma ol consumption. STL RICHMOND. ,eet5-12a.M .frf St6!' tk. imt .nnu.l meeting: of the is toe K KMnr. nftha R. & A. A. L. tt. K. Co, heldattheComrny somce,in naieuia uu Friday the Ut July, 1MB, commencing at will be Kaleliih on 12 auoek. aooa. ,i June23dUwtd W. W. VA8S, Sec'y and Treasurer. tDr Johnston.. A PPLICANTS for Teacher's position in JvriMl Behoof will appear before the Examining Commltiee at; the Deaf K!!t. i..xint!rn n.t Wadncadav at it A. " All applying must have a First Grade Car .locate from ths Couaty Biaraie ng Board. JuiyT-et . . t ... , and M. OF THS AJLITIXORE LOCK HOSPITAL, USTWKZy B.iLTlMORE AKIi , . SCOAD HTJiSTS, UALTlilOKICy 21D. -June 21, ly.- .J., JpAgHJ.gAjar1';-,V,.1 .J- td "Just received 10,000 pounda Wasters bacon, bought before the rise. Call and get your annulies. ahhiiii nirem i" wj Z Wflmingtoa ttrect, near City Scalu. . I.-.;. !-, - r. "i . .... ...... . i ; .., I. A