f f - - ' - -.-;--r--f - -- - -i--- . -.id.vIXj .HIT '. "try.. 'Ml . I I H . . il r, rr .s I "t l .1 t-. i -! .1. -.J f 7 ...iT I0IiXXII0.;l3l.v RALEIGH,' &Cy SATURDAY MORNLXO,1 JULY' 15, 1S76. f PRICE: FIYK CENTS IVltntt M Jt ;i'4v-:"i'i,;if1i ta.w i i & 11 r;i.l 4 r - - - - - - - - w - riIEJSJ5N"WNlit ..UATUJilMlVi J - iy m k t -jinn -Wii' .!!,".By.tic. Jlcml the-tlailon. li oecUrt J1 fttith in ihe-n-etuHy of -Wrobllea - Tull it dvoitc. Al)ylilt. tcquie? In the will ot th majority. C i remacy of lh dvi 6Trt Ihe tallitarj p0W cc. tseimrntion ot church and state. Kounliij f h'1 citizen .bei'w lwt ol their own enactment. Libcrtj of all citizeus nnvexodifcjiwiftilfluarj laws. Jucaiioi of .the. .riioj!. feneration. And reeogniaiDS th a fumttraenu) maxliin of all , free govtr'omfnf ; id Itartlctilarly aprHc8ble,'iitulc yur avi; tern to the tale, it eclare( m warr t!iat they hall not b Uiiwlersdj but a fir as may be, shall b, advanced bv' the Moral goferumeot;'ltfytoitterl6& dp rotion to the Tederuf coutitUuUij: aa4 all its ameutIineatai.)iAa4 riig to the f cotisidei avioa- fMf - "ftreeBI 1 ills ana liifir ifrneay;.,irqi,c:irf'ii0r I reform;; refot,tlivsi,11tlefa ,X-,,atn U . a- lault... Iteform. I- tbctial in "the;:-: federal admlnUtraiion in order ' that while '. M the,,' powers granted" 'rialT bi maiLtairfif iu 'their integrity, that other jirotWon,'lOaH j -dear to etert freeHatL:'!thrf ttovrera Ijgt ' granted are,.4iereby rem;rve!illl WI ? asttirUHl ' witU :oduaI ilelity ul -this f - noma tum or, preiiT iu cwu i, states rights shall (U rf'W "nrnl fiat ixntralism shaQ' be "avoid tVliicb has proven the hey-dr vif MKpaotT aid waste nd fraadu the nu ef .small iutAlleots.anil gigantio eriDieai"tne!'TeTy g)lden age of the ooirard sod the' bigot and tit slave Tjlleforin vtrfMtad jb : th : tobnelarri: andfliianciiij policy order that ' a system pf pablie ecotao mies. omciai rtrencuniou ana wise finanoe," crstwig 1jm3 tim s artiQr-U scarcity of ourreuey, at no time alarm ins the pnblkr mind mid a withdrawal ol the vsst machinery , pi , icratMy, tne. i'jreat ofauoh acamtinky inspire geft eral couflduce,, relieve sU one lmrasnml industry, set ia motion the wheels of 03iumerce, rnaunfitcturee and mechanical arts, restore employment k abor, and renew in sll its national source the pros perity of the people and tiros prepare lor resumption, iiexorm is necessary in tne sum ana moae-or leoerar xsxarion in "the inena&Htii. iuiustice and fraud' of the tariff, which has "obstructed the proceetMHi of production and wfcsltfd the frniUof latxar 1" which : aas "impover ishel many Uidiitriee to( ,snlidzf aJ few ;" and above all, lo establish thati "custom-house taxation shall be for reveune oalv."- Deform Is essential ill the amount of government expenditures, for they have swollen from $5 a head in imt to $18 a head ia 1876. , 'R forrtf ia essentia in the administration of the public lands; foe in fifteea : yearn more land has been gives in rnilroml vribnfdfte than ia contained ; in " kll the f $Ldt : pi Maine, aewilumpbiiire. , juuowL, sachuscttSt .IUiode ltUiiid,i tjonneotioot; New York, New Jeweyvi Pwwyrvam, I'bilusiaM IfarelanJ lliirk mnA 1 rwl i A Tl fi ' litform :1s e88coti4l jUiihe treaties sml j T . laws, iu orucr iu. riv(;i J vivij kvil ner of the globe wt reyer j(hep may gt American citizeae, wWhernaturaliied or native. Hefona, it essential in the 4one and discussion oT our party,, politics in ordetj to stamp out ' the n o fcu and fraudulent issues of sectional iiabred, and sectarian strife. . . Befarm is'eeesntisi is the civil serviceVktbat a-iffioearmay be posts of ,lionor, assigned for prowed e mpet"ney and. held for. fidelity' in the public eniploy.v This is tlie creed jfthw democratic party this is its prOfesinrl of faith. It presents to yon clearly tin lternativd, ! OrBloUsttf bu J fli. Ooe sidA; Bafornr eo he other. . The deosoeratiw party' declaree these reform essential to " fie remedy 6f existing evila wrMri Troin """rjpubllcaii i "ml1ire,,"iaa"pTomisf to eury them'enit ih administration, and in t)ken "of Ita' kinoetity it has nominated tist man who. bv his talents, b w -expe- rience, hiaoonragJ ailirt'tWtit'uwti practical reform thairiry 'otber man in 1 V,... L " ..1 .it . Trericli )Stregx,, STATa :J . IFromthSaa AntaelHBr4l4div.s Waen the French wes in Mexice kite itase robbcHe b Ibe VidKilyW Mot terey becam ainiot a ftdqenr lhei are getlIn&,tOi-itVrenli'luan4' Kinglwry Wkktbe pracikatcOnMnba sense fofwMeW the'FveiKh 'areith gulsbed wheitllre go 1)t KiHiiji'pepi ole. the Freuth. jteijeial' at MopUiev devised a plaft Uat worktdlike a haruu He pickedout'hairia.ioaenior- ?h smallest ob!ves khd drpM.'d thehi tip aa fcmalea and f uf. uieni oil ,tl.cja'e, Each !iniroUtctedsiftnoll.a avliott hrperh-ioadinsr Carbine eeoeealed sndkr hie Ttt1pants, and I'the ttivVivdtf demure laqea py reuf,,rif rm , t ,v Of course the rdar uivuudcd.tj stage, andtlio Utdio4..ith an exe-si i.f feminine ' flio.htj' .t4idd.P ef ' tl vehicle nud fen lu! lilie with'thk feft of thepssenrers..whejB oandden an epidemic broke "out among thoe Mexl J ai;e. destroyed about three ol theni, aud Ihe rest lost all tate,forffaii!e aocie, . and went away dispusted. The ludien returned t1own 1n hikH glee1, but tor long Hme the' Mexican--bsndits enf taiued uch" ?on3,,,ftuqrapu',for fit Mntlertex tlat.au fid poottcl -a"'I a 9 shawl" dplsd". Vipkwisly siavre securro inmiunnj ""ui ruption. i 4 .: ?.f t.- i.l ii in mi i 0611 1 fiaily! brWgfif t'fut.XXak V;Mi in little rag-wraii)l fiaiuhrn km1 .wsll. jo banks and store.'- t '. ' IFrop tlie lLpuLivj;i piricr J' WWU. L. i - . . , ,All!of i.'knw Ctial4r.he ia I- iile, and all of us were ifpnd of l.in and all of us laiuenf lint.' 'He wn a bravq ldcaiTieroY a cf hQj lit tlje . , u teraiico of Lla.fuioy, a uian all oyer iu (lie elear-hcuded darinir. self-nossesslon iod poise wilh which he led lit fllow eq-somutliirg of a wizard in the sad Sie. Tall, ikuJeiv raefiit, - light siriid and lons-linjreil, always dashinjj, et lit aion always silent, CMtcc Ju- pirea TrspectDy his coolness. aua r ard b hU wai mtli." He was anarJcot krver.of, Uiearw. lis loved books and pictures and musta lie loved the eon aniQiiHiitp t( own, ,of letters- and .r sts. No soluirr of bis time showed I ntommg for the pardou of all, the coo idre1bri!!iahrlvt1il oMirv ' Tn hTk pan I vieted friends of the nrettidoht.' end the iiffllliatitv nercT'Vlv,gc,nerated luto'ton - 'mpf.'"-4Thcrc"Was nothing mean or until about hiaw He was Uacntiullf a (valier and; wan I o . U9 rWOrid, ao 3 jxx.risy.or cant.Ja hlsmake-flp.. Jle ied sloriouslv' as he wished to. die bed his time should come, at the bead trig cotetnaaff.1 the central ftenre of a agedjIftOTurpfteff, nnenoalel box- er annals. -All dead.' Noti aoo! oui s,of ina,fieavt.vaiuwiu foatiow ju)v tX ist'SuiaA.iiow uieyaieo,w J-xe auoinor the policy that made se dire event Dossible. Execration for the Ktwa ichieftato who, refusing W sVe hi 9n eomraae eeaue tnftt comrade i tae fasMitf uotuse ol f uU-growa Men, as uot -ki thlef'oMere' Wm"' ta i-tilsrkaJ ther rra in ntirnDiid bloom, uui gf-ave. Down with the 'arty" ondef m ' . V . . .hvm V .... k wmm U ! Klmm liutt uuilrai'lAn miy ij-oa vr and Be able to contribute to U iei,ubiiT.I ckn , cauipalun : laud. . "U:t,.tba,wle n ifi'on kouUi aujV uorth nvooroj'oe Oust tc raa gallant au5tjas liberal a gentle n aa at ever dre wliibdfi, whilst hon til men aruCiJdie.. e-arywtorry. Down Willi luM .MHR.fnii.'' ih ruliral administration. . : . J, RluHllns. raakilouariui lA.tis hvst Leadon! letter to the New rk World, speaklug of the Immcflse cijowd al, Uba -eticket dualcawbelweeb Oifoid aud 0amDri4-lpik'liJ.fchi nrnga says t "I doubr Wheih'er ilia" ,k dia'UKK',mh'hirett:Tt'l'tn1,ine admire In 'each otlier'a 'pull-back .'.i'.''nr iV.''.' ' t. t 3 iO oijSi o f.utj uiotHf i qv matet puna. Sdiaeiaf these dresaes are'Tfow' pulled- biick to that degree'ihaNittififf d'own'lu theai must oa tlmrnV impossible As (life English wotuan' in ' seldom con tructed otl Vory slight'' tr fragile sckle. the effector a eelume--which re veals the outliue of the whole 'fle 'Is calculated jo couitiihirably . ahtou'mh wiak'berv'e.',!, saw a couple of youug girls coQiln oid if the Royal, Academy tojda'y, and kt '.fli jtt really ..thought that a brace of statues bad bocn , eo (Tilled with motion, aud had walked iliJu'u fniBi hin ) i(llitlsl tnti tli s t iee t J I Fot h4 dresses iwet of I verv t $ it . . . j i j i .ji L biiLkuWaaaiotly atonendorsV'aadldjat petbapsa. bad aetter. act eaMraoy fur thftintaiUicaubjecLifor some, people ark nattier jamcuiat and tltfey might not l it. I may go ti far at, that Oidrli tliijr Wat' 'precept:1 ' ;lhou.1d !te,.afraid. Ihar fti h'1 tpra' nnii' fuAn .4vi!ilfmnt hs Imnroter and Vfiat Sou bad Jott acv- eral'saWcribers In cbuxeouence".. ' If the ocxt change iu fahLiuUfU)t iu a total) v dirferenVdirecB-artiptjWI ttf i tmd it accessary logo to tlie at British MnftPuih ."Hr Mpw1 tatuarv in the British Museuib, or feUe where, lostudv taj ttmaa forri'divlue.,'. t; it . : . .-a . ' . v e ' Scfinra 'and iiaTes.;;, .-.j,----tfrom ilia w.York World. J . V r BlJCarl hu,' aeoording Ut news paper report Tkot yet contradicted, , wa IS aware in atrvanoe or tuo character af Mr.;nayes letter of acceptance aud lounwu. ii saiitiacturYy ,) ulale Mr. Schuri oa tie position iu which lie ftufJl bimsolf.t Mr. Hayes ap pr.jvee genarally the. platform that ap lien, urant a sttmanistrauop. and cially the resolutions wbidhaitt tlMC m'n,e continuance pi Uragoonmg at tuersouth and a revival of sectional r- 4re at the north.' "Inasmuch aa Mr. Bchniw ia bis 'day fired a good many rounds ci wan it i cartridges at tne ad ml lustration aud the carpet-baggers for trsaipUng on and robbing the southern i ,wo r curious 10 see now ne is go tnH to wear his collar withont galling his m. 'Whu,"Vewever, we reflect that Mri Solturs lived ia Six states r in seven ieek months, a Japhet in search of senstorship, aud touka,eat in the sen are I torn tlfldiod,, gaag MsHnoaii, 4l4ra ipiquitoua lqgiidation had diafraa-j be f ill ! "Til a rrri,1""t fha K"' tine ly days, we cannot lesuri)riaed if hi) as a fellow -lecung lor carpet-oag- gei ; . i ai : u w :i Ciiste.Utccdlriff:nritrt..I 1 f T-.lt. '..l1.i.w.'IVAm' Vlin''Ti1arrt SVlllillliI kliv 11', 14111.. v i a Y bare the. . batlle ,i with. 'A Cur ur was r.miil.l. iu aiw uya inl tint i.hariia' Niioq vile joauprriip , ur ptwgs rf riawitn a-wiae crescent looped out or fBfeihlo.'jIJwn .wiil the uijthorait,ol jtkipttj Jiia eoat, i wtKtu be had1 one, tl.tlier wit,lqUict rarv met-i am ptSatiy. to. bi hoela, .and fed t&e streets, of London, or the fashion -.1 eVfenrai?MrliM' Vclduni ..Weaented I Js . 16; Interest -the ciirlon ei s Uian I'- font treatment vf ths tKidica of the JJ2,'5.2 a T a i ii i T i al V .a. li 1 aw?CsftlUia? SO TMr IBCNbOS fill, Maed soldjcf s. ' Ram-u-t!)e-rac ,8 efoek prtvucros.ha brewcht ... cut he heart ftDiu. Custer'a botly. , . . , : 1 . i Mil at on a iwle fetid a brand war danct a 4 Field arotinn . iubrtaiit,'b(?a.sLfu( lg j belter iernia sucgesa. It. To a Indians wcrer,u "J7 - .f-,w",-i oik account iiraheliSSlT IPf III . . 1 lastaMiawir. ' j, -r-- ' I - - r' T . ' i '- - ' ' I , Jostaa theaemtiuolhaspreijicttio-fer t1"..' :oil1a, iallLtLe UiKjyr-jring 8coa3pUoe,an4, jneaua w C rar;t"are to le pardonetl , pijt, o( pent ttnti! ceJls, and aent Xortlt to j labor for layes anirefonj, A ,?PPa4, jlispatcb Tfom V, ashipton4tj JJieu 3alUmore Ua ztUaenvi: , HhVtlhe' ient wui pardon juejiee in a lew days. gojnatter wkatedrioe Taft tnay bare to dive, on the- sabject.T Jhe pardoa of 4very wui iojiovt sovn after Mclioe s erilarSremebt andUhun'McDonalJ and Joyce ia tcr doe Girder" The Vhite Honse orjrua comes out , JUt-footed , this 1 severe panisbaient of the duititlers and IP punty.' The attltade of the leaders of Ike eepuljlloju party 'toward these acta of the president .will be .watched otaaely by the country , ,There ia, but one way for1 the tart to escape the resDonsibilitr VJZ"' . t'6se i fbbrt3 srnd tha U-to 'formally iq -' - .jr " t-VT,.T ..r-r.- -li l ,J4 .,i.1..,1ti1UlMfw U 1,1 ' " ' " " " rKi7 ' I di 1 b -ui- I. J Uaklobrrti aa'alWays' drwtied- In flntteriug1 with rags. ..Hia hat was a vast r Dm"- J , , " 1 . i 1 1 IranTwJril rmtfotif far rinwn tits back Plt 6ne Buitpenfie' supported Ti troa I W aeai or. iu nosiser nagged 1r nd eoDtauumi nothing r tha.fnnged lt" "gg'd in the dM ,wnen, not rolled nP ' Huckleberry came and went at his lt alep on aoorttepa tn I weatuer and W empty nogslieadt la I j he did not have to go to school or y anyootiy i ne oudij ko nwuog or swimming, when or Wlre he ehcee, and stky ss long as it suited him ;. aobedy furbaile him to tight : , be could ait up as tkeaabe pleased . be waS id ways the nrs ;poy max went barefoot "ttt" the nrinir and the last to- .resume loather in the f all; he nerer-lad to waah. nor. put on ciean ciouies ; lio oouia Swear wop dtrfully.1 la a, wordj avery thing 'that goes lOj nka jble preoiouai that buy had. l-.;d-i-f " -iu 1 J 1 lift . 1 I I IV1H W.D f. II. !. IW" VW.l 'J Jl i This Ikket.ilioueh undeniably slrone. cah be heatert badly. ' 1 1 will be, unless tnadnefs has seised the people. 'Vance m eycrywbera a- aronger nian-41an Tiinma Set tin. . Ha , will nlivt. ,,lh di jileu hoimrs of Grapt'i favorite, aud Walk clean "over the doughty captain. Tlie';isoe l!H ' now tj.dUtd the chiefs bale r been tlioen. .iLel the " welkin Hi with !Vnce,.apd victory, fc m ViHOLESAT.K ' CASH PUICES 'j -Luuoa dvi-l MH Ja'' "Klou. orUiyUMluw M.OU(idUi&(f lid Uucof,, ,aae reiei iguv Ji i 'aCkl!! ...Jt, !." iihouiaets, Ui. emits, si IwiiiTT'l eauwa tiercee, a.,,T " ' ; .. j?.. . i . .r. vit i m sihiui r ri mn nin v.. in y . j A" , tCeoinjos,,W30i: .-.if )hm il :.,iu xiauB, on wail mr (us, axiw r . ti.tiiiWin K.iil.uiU I'd ujuJA 'j, JJesther, Bed SoleaSiMU d i. -: jni il'iw oy$ r. . .tatqes, irVW(?iff5 cents per trnshS. Irt.h, new titi&X r r " ' I'Otal OktWi (( r snear, irom wagon, oouueenu, I Sealed t.wi.Ajllil: i Fsdjer, baled, 1UQ, j. j-.jf ml-i ' Vsiioq on' 'ttMinMiM l.r 1 r". Id t!dwi. "'"Bauer, N. 0,avd sll .11 iT-ivni1 fjottsssse prims adyis ,'VjivU V" w Mvy Copper, per ppusd, dJ ) b T Bra, per pound, 8 to-0p- i' f v PswteV) pot potted 7 to 10 tts-t-fc J 'Liad, per pounL HJe. , , r tUM j at od iiwit pe lod pounas, floe.1 ",u IU " j Rheepjpkhfrple,aiiS4roJ lo s-. Ww.r wiihwl. nnr noun.!. "Iitiic . " r. ' ' -.,.,. l . i t ,rani . Tanwaabsd SU to ,. 250!PifitfrpM ' inventment of 30(t, 'oue of our" customer Purchased pread on lOO'sTIares of. N. T. Ititral hstt v 109 and Oall 109 buying 1U0 tharaa agalnot the Put dj 107 .which was solder II Selling- at the same price' 100 shan-s railed 0 W petting profit ll,2SO, this epera'lon can te repeated every month of ths yeas f 10, 80, 60, 100, 3000; will pay as well for aaxiuDt invested. Gold, 8locka,rotta snd Tobacco bought and sold qb.. c mmissiou. Advances oa consignments. . - ftiee lists sad Cireulara fees.- i,a'i ..-' ., LIlSKLtS CSrVDUI VJLt,ii soi 1,. hi Bankers 4 Broker wa ilttut wi i 40, Bond et.LNw York, n near Gold and Stock Kictianyr's . Box TT4.'-"- - " ' "Teh I"f'- F lBvet' or 10, in nou rmurmiiii wnu inui ior tune to Ue careful taveti.a-.,.Ha aJl w hen and bow to operata safely. ;Bok itk ..n i..r..M.iiaasuesaaa a . I . I b duiotxR KxcuRsipN Tit-KiTa ob i Raleigh & GaotoxB. K. Co. , ' 6lfLl,AJWBJ(6EAlEST, Omflft, '7".T-J1o" ".JtaleigB,- U aif ir Round trip tickets to the following plares are now on sale by the ticket s?-iit of this compeny, at ICalvijHi, at 4KATLY' Jt&V OH HI) PKICK4. Good until Novembur 11 1876: ' iu - i- i ' ' J - NIrart Full i, Via ntae dhTorimt routf. f aratoca, via three dliTerent route. .Tfty? Long braii' h, via tvdditTemit routea. kloBtraal. Canada, Via two aUfcraatroate I r haron tiiotusr. yia two different routes. ' ' 1 w Kj'i .... i.w m in n.u ...m n W aiklns 01'nn,-vla two different routes.' J Kwiort, GittjBburr, Xlnaequs gprtnes, j Uaoe May. AilauUc CUT. Bedford Mi Bedford tfprlnL'il and fmuiin. Pa. ' iti..a s J . Cen'i Passenger agent. 1 ijuly a-ateowtqiaag UV ! J 1 ' Psversscso. Vs March Slst, 18M t C UI. JS1 UMU 0 1 T U AIXS . M tit -"l. i'"1 T'!. ftiiiuS t m I ,v OOIMO BOL'TII. , , Throagm Vafl leave Peier- i . t . . i . i i . purr at., ....... ,u,,N .j H;2T 1. M. Arrive at Weldoa at....'..... Si5 P. itoataerBlzTmaalaavaFaw'ii4'i ui , tersburgat.... i n. . . .. Arrive at Weldon at........ 9.S3 A. M. Through Freight WiU F..l'.h! u ij l seoger Coach attached. , , .-. , , lesvs Peterbursr at....:" 8:90 Al' It' ArrlTSStWeldoB aLk....a v ,-ifi. S:1A P. it. ijj.f luiswwaitt awn, W! Through Van leave Wsldoaat K. 7A1 Ai, If. Arrireat Peteraburr at.'...'... 11:65 A. at. Bsqthera Kxpreas leave W4-r; ;.. .. ..i. , I eonai Hllr.M , , r. H. arnve st reterabarg st. . . .. 7:09 r. at iprougn fiwigbt wit Pas- a .1 In- m) attached, - at.,...!;. ' 4:15 F.M. irg at.t ,ioaa P. st. 1 eenirer Coach I leave Waidoa at Arrive at Petersburg: Through TlckeU sold to 'all Eastern and teuUiera jboIuU.i And Bae rsirs Checked through. , ,; JLT.lMt'0LA8,;,,... OICUMOND AN 4 D FITIESBURQ ravVv couMBHCiso JL V aavtMoat h Araiv 1st, 1870. .Trains oa ibla.road. wUll run st follows t '" ' ,' I t ii... i n; r i LKAVa PETKR8BUUO NORTH., , , U " '' 1.' .' i " i iV ' ' i r)A MTf.rel?bVJ,BJ,'.;,xf'?t t-u?t- Sunday, with coach attached. iiiMrTiS? 1MS,BT,raeim for iirea f 7:W Pf) ,w.r-rTbrouh, ,,laU- dally heseept i7.nr ii. Jund.y( eonnecting with K, F, iiil iu.;P.,ltollrDad.fer-sll poiut , . Kant sad West, i Pulliaaa's i. .1 SMIer attached, running cvtlirough to BadUmora.' .maksog close, coniiacuoa wita c. andl O.K. R.. for Vlrgiuta Bprtnn aaa au poinu west na north. aU no :I0 A. If. train from Richmond, and the J186 ft. At. train from Fetersburr will avp a mil rrguisr aiauuna. ,',.') ', , passengers for Clover tint connect at Chester .JMONOAT.t WKDNESDAT and K1UAI. , , ., , . , All tram leaVfar Tetersburr will start frsui the Appomattox Depot, t - i , A. D11AW, ApMV! - 'BuperinteudenC 1 i .. , . . 1 i , i mil i T- liiDMONl? -JtXBrUSX BALL Dill 1 .1! B(CHMo.Nl & DaNVILUE, BlCHMONP j (. I)anvillk U, W., ?, C. Division, fiiiu liuni ii ii uiicnn a. .v if , j -'it viia ii-i-t, ; j -..n l'. lo (.1-il CONDENSED TIME TABLE, ' - Effect on and after Sunday, IDetl i d i iU h 1875." J 'l'fWJ i--" I k GOING NORTH. ri-iii; i ijii i I'li'lf") li. " TiIONe.i8li ,. M .IS" i i.iiiiJ hi iiLiiiiiial .Lesvs Charlotte ... ,., ' "'Air-LlneJunc'a Mi teiiaaia-y'jyA . .Oreennboro.r.. BjfJu sl Danville , n BurkevlHe..... Arrive at Richmond. .' 5.48 a, a 10.M. 1.84 r. a.M 0.SS Ul.il- "vTTT oorxCriQUTrr, l 4 I llliiiifl. f l I rr -iadt i,i.1lOl: MAIU . f. - -rti ' 1? 7 141'" . Jave Rlebmond, , A 6,'Qa. w. ill " ouraevuie... -lew if; DwBde.; 9.00 1.1 T.'t. 1 . -. f'n t DaavilJaM.4 l i li Vl IB I urvtTuauviu.. . . A as .M" I Alr-UmJuaii'n, ."IS K' Arrive st cnariptte... .is 7 1 l-i s-i nlva I? & OT iii.iu naqir i r J GOING W. (STATIONS.. .lljv'.i il .jiiiirt lo tip'"! "IW Leave Green borf A. 4.13 a, a. it'l -RaieirliJ.lv..'.. 'S.4sif A.ii!":; In S.2 f.! rive at UoldljorovJ.,i0.wO K U, rot i " t ' ' ..i ", 1.......... i.VT "' I'11 STATIONS T ' t'n Train: STATIONS j V1-. Nlil Itt Leavw flreenatioro. ;v a: 6.00 a sr. fit) Mkopa.ti.l Ill . ..w..ll,V.W.r4. J'.' 5.00 AM A. 7.8(1 PM. Arrive at Kaieiirii.... rrive st Goidaboro.'. 11.15 1LV8.00 r a. Ulil 11 IV J-flKliiN K. K' a Salem fTt.J , sveGteeusbreJi.7J4U.45 Fi M.'Ji." Arrive at Salem., .,..,w 6.45 .,(, lave Salem :.V.U?T.! s.le I'.W r, arrives Ureenkboro.wiy.S3ii5 ,vi.'. '' Fssse'nge Tralus letviniTrlatehrh at 10.03 Ai. M.eonneet at, Greeaaboawwith the Soatbi crn souna train . tnakiug, the quickest tiros to aB bouUioni eltles. AcCiinmodatlon Train tiros' 1 Praln l leaving Kaleiijh mt 7.30 K. AL, eoonfcU with Northern bound Train at til eensborn for Kicnia d lor' all poiut Cast. Prfcs'of Tick ' eusame as vts uier roatee. is ...rj , AecornmodatioU Train leaving Grceaiboro StT4S)d'wf.vntiaoat as UoidaboroiwUh Northern and Bout hern bound trains OS tla WUmlorrton snd W'eldon Railroinl.- '' Ho Lyncbburg Accoma odatkas ; .wsves - Bii- mond dally at W.00 A M., arrives at ISurkevuie liW P. M., leave. BurkeHfe1.90 P. M., ar rives st Richmond s.a p M. i- '- No tHAvaf or gAKHBKTWicKK Cham i. nti AtticrrwoTTi WMiive'" rtl f Bi.f - j. JtMiN a. MACMUKDO, , U'.s-i ' .GeueraiPaaaenirerAi'eut, .. j .vy lid . '..iRitraoad, Vs. .: fP-V'A .. ' I4i.l Kniw.rliitjwni.i.r ' i . . . . . , . . . tA i.ii l-.-i.IT f. Liu 1-.il T1H- Jienew. i utrnTM-.tt M4'iH.U.f f j, J lw..1fup tL r-4lT- r:.iMipltili-.r I S K ml '.ut- ,hii pat.im. ITW TDURgLY MUTUAL. .!' t.j,p 'I ' J '! ' I ui-fc Jm EW TQK; ,? -H r.r? irtt-r 4. as enranlxd in 1843. and sicca Ihi't t W his bt.a dain(SMca.ul buaiiira. i li has returned to It members or their 1 ru rpr MStathres a:j4,0U0,OliO Is " IvtdendR, Returs Premiums, and Dcatb Clalins. :it'Trv r : jit has no stockholders to share "la the profits all Its surplus Is divided xckilvelv iSioDz it member. i. .- Assets, January st, 1$7. $3u,6I,Oj& M CsTass, January 1st, 187,'' 4,40(5,841 CO . fl ue premiums at a rlvea age are practi elly the same in all lite insurance Compa-nfc-a, but the net eost ef the Inaiuaaee la veri dbtnrent, depending entirely upon the surplus Ot dividends returned td policy-be ders, aud thi depends nnoa, tee ruausgeipent mt lae, fnti steeesaful ..pert see of tU "Pny eaables a to sseessfaead its poU . 1 eto to eitlsess of North Csrollns ss orthi . a a Hfijktv A Kami lam . n .. a ii m . . Kell able bnalnftaa mnn wha if mIm in mnrit SS AretiU Of the New Tork Life In Kalclirh. C)arlotte, , Greensboro, and Intermedial Pfinta, are Invited to communicate with i . au nw.a, Bi AcaroRU, ' " Manager 8onth-atero ItartBieut, ,t ' " No. 8. t outh ftnrL B&lUmnrc. UI jfulj -d3ti, !i L! .f-,-!t J J;it:iui..i )' M..O.T ,fiiSi.r.ft fbs 36th Annual' sueetissr ot iha ;tock- holders of the B. A (i. K. K. wUl be held st theefnee of1 the ompany 'rn Kaltlgh on Thursday, the 2Uth of. July, JWjfc eouiiMi Ing at t'2 o'clock. Boon. ,Df , . !,, ,J W. W.'VABH, . 0B2-dlaatil' (t , y Sac'y ao4 ,Teasnrar.. "j H'J Fest Pcisoii is not tmJr - t a Bafn, iurft :aad Chran Dt- 8TK0XEH ot tb. 'vlorado Beetle or Potato Bdo, but of all ixsaoTS whica prey aa Ves station Ctrr and Abmt Woaatisssa Fn, to. Ualike Parts iireea and othes rluus. itssa be entirely eissoivea ia wstes andaix piled by priuklln)f. . Not , Isuaiot . To ' lasts, iNov Dasoikocs to Ue Never Fails to KlUCosTa aaoot i. tT4 aa .. !, i K.if u, k,,.. ...... fc ... a. . -.s.;. r.a . .... u.i'M F.O'BOXsUO; .4l ".t'.Tirt k w ;n .sir rf sew t"ki, W-4t. ii 'd vI.im fcili'i nd ,! ,i. Im;tnn yd flXKKBAIi i V,i 1 i IDS 15 K -.Ji!t i -ii .ui iivli'w ;f.l id U'iKp AKD DEAIjKBS IH ii . QRAIN, HIDES, WOO WT0BA0C0, Ilop,' Eggs ButlerV'cheWr ed Frulta, ! Feathers, Furs, Lard, Tallow, "Becds, .liacon, ucans, rouiirr, siour, f eg;j WAREHOUSE, km Jk'acitl & BEOAU 8T eutmus, sc. ac , etc. a'HILADEWHTA' y aprll tw0m $250 MOTII--.Vie-al MH4 Krrm liiiKim.lioiioriiiMaaMd Srai PikrllL.lilar. MH& fnrt. AllilmA wouTU a cu au uuu.u- SUMMER LAW LECTURES, nine weekly). begin IStli July, 1878, and end 13th Sep tember Have proved of signs) use,- UL, to students who desiirn to cursue their Atudies st this or other Law-school i 2d, to those who nropoM to read arivately s and 8ed u.orar tltioners who have aov'had ths sd vantage systematic tnatructiow Fee -circular sp; P'yKr. y,, wniversvy pr . va i to Jou;u, Misok, rror. ijoia. ana eiak Law. L-J&ue)-r4w.: Id'.v.ij'ia WU'IiT-i ''sH HI fjui ;tM.rtlil ijjiif-.fHid H -Jijil"- U ;Lif T f i!!.is "Q JsTifB i A J kV Jf- B soot 01,200 bushels per . week received ana !) kl --.'l ilv) '.Willi 4 sold cheap for cask only at, uu Ir. -it tfATTlSaJONFJ' , . Weakness r the HaCk or 14rab, strictures, Affuctlon of ths KlUnevs or Blsdder. Invot. autsrv" Wachsrce,' Inipotency. General l)e- bllltytNrwusBeee, ljyspspatayJLaagUor, JjOW Bpmta, conius ion oi aueas, rsipiiauoa of the Heart. Tlinidltr. Tremblinr, Dimness of Bight or Giddtness, Disease of the Head, JVAM AV Dv. vs tBWisa, aBv)wws va waaw Liver, Lunga, Stomach or BOweh'those tei ribla disorders arising from solitary Uapita tVouth secret and solitary practices more faUl to their victims tuaa tbe song ef the rrtM-A...e axJ..A A. aa Ir in a tTaartt ona tnW Iha Syreiies to the Mariaenof Ulyssea, biirbV nlrt their most brilliant hopes snd autlciia tloui, readeriiig. nwrrtage ahaost isnpueaible, :dMW5JS:-no-i'tia; Mirried person or yoang men eoatowular Ittng'marriaire, suffering from Organic and fhyflral Weakneaa, voss" ti rrorreative Powers. Imuotenev. Pmetratloa; Ei haunted Vitality, Involuntary Discharges, Nou-Erec-taWllly, Itasty EnilxaloiM, Palpitation of the llearv NecvoOJ Kxarubility, lieeay uf tbe Phral.-.l biuI Mental Powers. Derauiruiiicnt of aQ the Vital Force And Function, Nerv ous Debility. Loss lift Manhood,! .General Weakness of the Organ,, and every other uuhaiipy -dtaouaMScavtlon, speedily 'reiaoved And a nam y ,rwf, j i (Uil Hi.w These are some Of tbe sad sma metaneholty ' effect prod ucedj, by early habiu , of youtii, vts - .l Weakness ol tbe tsaca ana Limbs. Paint m tlie Head, DlauiesS ef Sight, Loss ef V ifta nn i Muscular PowerP Palpitation of tbe Heart, 11 7 I , . f. , i j .i.'' .1 1 J- " 'I Dyspepsia; Nervous 'irritability, Derange- T bext annual meeting of the Stock-. . meutT of the Dlgeatlverf fitfltlone, - eneral holdrof the R. A A. A.L. U. 8. Co.( wUl be- ' ' Di-hlllty Synrpfcuas efConraaiptioa.'pte. ', taeld at the Company's. office, la RaUtgh oa , .IMSSaliti. The , fearful effect -a that Frldty the Slst July, 1878, commencing st mladare muc'Jtobe dreaded Los of Mem-. W o'clock, soon, i . i ,v : I ' oty, Cewfoatoaof tdeas, uepiwsstoo aftsptr-' Ita. tvUorsoodinirs, Averaion to Sodeit. Self-Distrust. Lave of Solitude. TUnidiir.I etc.,kiwaemeof t.eev.Uprodie I Thpaeands of person of all age can now 1. ludrt what ' Is the cause' of their declining t or.ufi, nwin aw : iis.,i nawiai srran.. I 'a SISIiSTf h!2?rtt 'JH " i.,,CUi 1 .- , " . . ... -' j it-"" -r 7 nun hu f i DrJons i'l - 21 rr,Mr 7iriy j 4' I IMOKll AM OT THK BAi.TlVOKS a. II 7 IIJ. I 1 Juii-i, ly, MISCELLANEOUS. Established 1hI nniutivfiMv ULQtiL.l!3JJPIlfE3r. f tj 3a "- X3i A l I I i J. J -.'i M t. ank Vaults & Door v IIEUIUNG,'& CO, ) 2J 1 & 252 Brdadway,:NcwYork. 1 fsraa aa m mm 11 . r - oi ou suaourj bl, Uoston. " ,t,.S li i l i I I ' TBITJMrn TBTJ8S CO. , 834BOWMT,'ir.T., to kora was awarded the'' 'riniNM 'Mtdml i.itii r'i i' ,K -t-l. t H W i.J. I ti ths best ElasUc Truss sod Supporter at . last session of the OfaUl laTXRICMf- W8TITtrraT TPAIR, cures a rupture la from 33 to 90 days snd Oder 1,000 dollars for a rate they cannot euw i raey employ a i 4i i :t . , v WIRST VLASS.UkDJ SURQSON. ! Terms moderate, fjasss guaranteed, fir ders filled by mail Kxamluatioo free. , The usual dUcounti to patrons. Send 1 ceula a f rof!vv!u BUKJiniiii m'd.V ' ' niarlO-dly , Chief fiurgaoa. m0KSI8mLrACADXMTZTT T he 22d Beaalos of my School will Open July 10, 1878, and eonUnas five months. TulttpD, Board snd Washing par Beasloa , a. IX. FATTON, Principal,, MorrUvtUe, N C.I SflSCELLANEOUSr urricS or StmaiBTaanaw. ' tM.iri o ...... .u.. Petersburg, Va , November at, I C HA NUE OF SCHEDULE TO J Uks effect SUNDAY November S&tkt t uuiau BUU UL, i. . tesvs Feteraburg at 6 JO A. M. and 8:27 P. Arrive st Weldoa et fc.VJ A. M. 6:55 P st. J - GOING NORTH. , . tears Weldoa st 7:85 A, 3t. snd 4 P. M, Arrive at Petersburg at 11:46 A. at. aad fO P. M. - . .M.,. Trains connect at Petersburg and Weldoa' 1th trains for sll. south em . aad northern posuta. Tickets sold to all southern, south western, uorittern and eastern points, snd baggage checked through., . V i H. T. DOUGLAS, ftb 18-dtw-tf. Superiutendeiit. V KVEll 1IEFOHE EQUALLED ! f- X'Jili-'tC-ft: K i'A-A IJ - a IJ.li -. 1 lie, Largest Stock on , Jf, ,iecord. , In Hli? i . . ... t I- ) t.i - n i t 7-' 'i i -'T i.' Maw -Sit assortment of ;.(v spRma GOODS i 1. .e-.-T.n,KVEB, .. -i p, 8. CENTEMAL GOODS. FOURTH 4CLT CENTENNIAL GOODS i i J: took at my latent Fashion Plates and ch-lyottf style. ' !( JLj-f kctanything you wanUCnujmdU see md, I know I can suit yon.'-:) '. r itfii V t.i .r.fA-M ii;f,-i"i "lilt , EIKEL'S EATABLI8UMENT , ..! is a the old place, one door south of tlie , . iidhern' Expreas offlca. ;S rn:ii7 j...t: ii l jgnsrantee all my fits. kpf 18-3m Ct WEIKEI? Samaritan 'Nehrlrie;1 t li THE great Nerve Conqueror, a cures SLfajepuenu.uonvuimoas. C Vpuras, SV Vltna, Danee and v au Aervous inseases : in, i all Nenrou Diseases; the only Veiknowa aoaravw remedy for r.pH I . liptlcFlU., It has been tested by " thousands snd has sever beea 13 f known to fail 1b a aiarloeaaa. . ' Trial packara -free. Kaeluae - litAmBfor flrefilrt rtvinar rl. III EE. uam i 1 xnr- i y v u.i.,- (....danueaf uuraS.1 Address. t t f i f i no a l tormnnwn Oct U-nm ' ' Hox 141, BL Joseph, HO - M 1 iK : C' -jlliL'i ;.i di- f t'J , , n ! ,f L.Juu29 dlswtd ' See'y aad Treasurer. 3 ir ' I ..i.......! 1 . V.iii.j'an fii.Ti,. I .11.1- for Tak4 aaaSrto-la i v, fh.' Graded School will appear before . k, ramlniag Committee t the Deaf and ! PP teir MM m Grade Car- ii. ncate rrom ins vo .tT axamin ag Boani. ' icox i bacqvC: r:":.; recrired 10,000 pound. Wtfwmbst,, ,i . , h.anrfct befora tbe rla. Call aad get your u,a.l . llM.lliaa.aMin.llul. ,1 . . : -fa " Al pmaii svi wnsvrv a-- wn. aa a r.i:, t llKIIlHXRS A C'U.'tU. Wllmlnirtoo street, near City Scales.' E f i -,,:',;.:-: t. I i- ' 5? k I I 9- Ml iT l-t nit f. it i S .' A 1 V TV

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