.4' ' " r- -'it .1 ,4 ! r ' Ths SrsTiNM. U puUiebed every morn ing (MonJ,i excepted) and delivered In t city of Kalelgh for tr.vsTT-nvs csrrs rt , month. Mall subscription, potUge fre , lion Dollars per annum, in til fe, pyt ble la ad ranee. Thb Wsxxut SssTitiSi. 1 published every Tuesday. 1 Man ubcrtpUon Two ham per annum payable la advance. ' - Jjr Persons leavine the city during th summer can have Tin Saw ixil mailed to their addre by ordering tt at tbla office, it her 1 1 pmoo or by postal card. J Seveuty .V. ..JrsetiMjier jnonth, payable In advance. V-.'''Jig ubtWU'keu of aooujmouit?ofiimu1iP' "'eaUona. W cannot Undertake te return re jected manuscript. , 'f-y ." Address, ' ' ' ' i , ti MITH.BATCntLOR&CO.,, , THE- SENTINEL SATURDAY. JULT ;i5, 1878. National V: Ma-.u Tf.rri VeL we) MweemJs SAMltKL .1; TILDEN, FOR VICE PRK8IDENT: THOMAS A. iIENPiUCKS, WOU f R fTAia AT L t : Wirt n it-Aor, V' . W.k. I,VKA M.lj,EtCHV of Darldaooi -t ' bboomd pistbicv j , JOnV I. WOOTET, or Lenoir. f . -f'TniB 6WTBICT, ft -jt JOI1N D, STANFORD, of Puplla, " ' rOTETH DISTBlCT, fABlUS IL BUSBEB, of Waks.1 ! , - rim pwtbict, FRANK. C. BOBBINS, of Davidson. f . arx pistbict, - ROBERT, r. , WARING, of Mecklenburg. A WILLIAM B. GLENN, of Tadkla. ,p .; ECTOC&iTp. STATS jnCHT. ZEUULON D. V ANCE, T II O A 8,X J A'-? T I s ; pf rirr, 4 OSEPn A . EXG EJJI A RD, rot aitoRaBT Oiaaaat.: ' ... . or.wuoa. . ,,lr run rf nucf aAlia I -1 If, or E4noLr. i ! ! roa ADorroK. -. 1 I ' SAMUEL L.' LOYE, or BATWOOO. .'I r Bpr,t. of icb. in tbvctios r JOilS C. SCAUBOROUOn, ' ' FOR CONGRESS! JOSE I'll J. DAVI8 . :; . or rBlRBMN. ' rnn w at omal aociiTioiia tx otbbb 3d D a'ticr ALFRED M. WADDELL, of new uanorer. 5tb :d tt?K iIfred" 8 ?ALRSf of t Dint a oi WALTER L. StEELE, of wcamoaa 7tb DiBTBicr WILLIAM M. ROBBINS, of lmlaUt'4tin , .4. . PARTY ORCJANIZATION. At a meeting of the Central Executive Com!!?C,dJ,f Jlwno?!ti0 .Pf1 was Resolved 1. That the chairman of each County Executive tommittee be requested to report to the secretary of thia committee tba name and poetofBos address-of each member of the same. . . , . S. ,That each member . of . the several eongressional committees be requested to report his name anTaddress iu Jika . manner ; land also to take notice that be is ex-ofllcio a member of the State Ex- ecu tire CotnmittoeV 8. That thia eommittes) urgently calls on the conservative people of North Carolina who favor reform in state and national altairs to form "without1 tdelay Tilden and Tanoe dubs in their respec tive township or neighborhoods and tne officer of all such dnb are reques ted to report their names to the secre tary of thia committee. . , . . . 4.uat , ua i democrat!, paper throughout the state, be requested to publish tba above resolution. m'" 8. A. Aaaav Seo"y ' i ri r. I can lift up these hands be fore yon,, in the presence of my Creator, , and asy that in all that time of war and publio distress, and through : all that period of temptation andj corruption which, followed the wat, ijot one'dolLur of dishonest ' money has' ever' stained their palm ; and, lastly, I can say that I never had a thought wherein self preferred to the prosperity and honor of my native land.-Ync's speech at the Raleigh Convention. We hop ti aes thrughout the length and breadth of Nir'-h Carolina this year a thorough and complete organisation of the deioocracy. Mr, Tilian is going tbAlnaWnonsejanaircirth Caro lina, deeocrati want a place in the pro-1 A Tew Wort's T.Z ir At ""t Hayes' Acct. ce. The chief raer't !a (' -r. I "ayes' let- t r i! ac ;La: .o iu t emctioaa f.otn crush, j it, that l.e will be tile to inflict upoa the coulrj iLt8as-i ejul In length, nd drearloesi to those of John Tyler. Our weakebtand moat useless presidents have generally been able to " shine re splendeutlj one da; in a year. They bxurs, more of hum!, during which their messages were read before congress. ; Republicans! rofse io be pleased with this letter, and take all possible pains to Veil their JisappolntaieDt under the guise of a cheerful tumor. There are hosts of Mark Tapleys in the re publican party this year. But they hare not jet been able to show where In this letter has added a uauHreadtli to .Us author's stature as a statesman or reformer. He tell ua that lle way to reform Uie civil service i to make "honesty, capacity and fiJtlity" the test of fitness for olice,-, But, Graut la said to have tried, honestly and persl fcntljr, to Introduce a better t system of appointment, but failed,' tot the reaeon that Boscoa t'onkiinir, "a bigger man than Id Grant." held Uie keys of the New York custom-bouse, and refused to relingulnh his powfr.1 Vonkliug and Cameron made Ilayee the candidate, add will control him If hit has the luck to become president, . .When ' he talks about reforming the system of appoint raeut, be gabble of what he knows nothing about. He should have coun seled with Grant, who ' has been thipre," and then he would not have made himself ridiculous by .promising lapoeaibiliUea y Jle tells us of an Inflexible determi nation not to be a candidate for re elec- go.:? ajjouldv: greater graoe , arter . election.. He Is counting op thai ,6ne , iplltarj i Thicken before the egg la warm. '- i ... v i P( resumptioo he speaks only la gen eral terms, and like the platform, remits the question "to the domain of prom- Has not been lotiaa on kara -money re pnblioan, east or west, who dares this year to Speak in favor of fle reeumption act of 1875. It is a stupendous fraud, and n intended to be. Mr. Hayea alajiu 6U na firmer resumption ground Qian those who have been called inflai tionista, for he apeaks only for the eomplishment of resumption by natural and regularly mjoeaaivs) step, and to this nobody ha any objection. But it is atremendohs fall Irom'the hijh r- sumption hone upon which he rode into offloe last faU. ' For the south he speaks only words of tenderness, and suggest especially hon est local governmeota. . We can iuforw Got. Hayes that the sooth is going to attend to thia matter. . It ia diamiasing, and will drive out, every mother's son of ' them, the miserable carpet-baggers who, ia the name of republicanism, have plundered treasuries heaped up dsbta, exacted xuino.us taxation, stimulated murder and oatrace,r and robbed thoa- sands of our fellow-citiaens of every val- uable prerogative of oitiienship. Tea, yea, the south will attend to this, Mr. Hayes. Her the Word "republicanism" is a synonym ' for every black and dam ning crime. 1 And when , the ides of November come' round, we will teach Mr. Hayes and the army of scoundrels who support him, that the south has re- olT)d at last to enforoe honest local gov ernment by repudiating the only party that las ever mad of&oe th ref oge of the vilest oorthem criminals. ' ,,Col. Conkling, a brother of the hyaclnthlne-locked senatorlarchamDlon of Orantism, and one , of th leading liberal republican of Jfew, York, speaks f Grant as "covered over with corrup tion as the begsar Lazarus was with sores." And he adds : "Hayes and Wheeler stand on a platform endorsing Grant and hi administration.! Under thesa circumstances, I cannot conceive how1 the honest men of th party can rally under their banner. For myself, I shrink from all contact with them as I would from the touch of contagion or the embrace of death." ' J ; lleverend Mister Anderson, a gentle mad of deeply, darkly, unmistakably Ethiopian extraction, who dispenses high-colored and aromatic gospel In th region round about' Charlotte, 1 an " equal right candidate for governor," s&J confidently expects to succeed. If h and Vane should both happen to b elected, it would give some ground for a ospiciod, already faintly enter tained, that Charlotte ia trying to get iip a corner In gubernatorial honors. . Every riogmaa and ccrruptiofiiat who ha been plundering the' government, says th Baltimore Gaaetts ; every de faulter who Its used Us money for his own privatepurpose ; every thief who ha been sent to the penitentiaries counts a friend ia the president of th United State. If there are asy honest men left iu office he has said to them as plain ly a be could aay it : Do not interfere with the rings ; let tbe bribe-givers and the bribe takers alone ; do not attempt to introduce any reforms, unlea yon wiah to be driven out of office in dis- Governor Vance delivered here, ye tcri y, te mo?t j w Ae.T-1 speech of hit life. : i i Ws u lerUi.e to tay that the speech of Vacs yetter Uy aas in all respects up to the highest standard of political discussion In our stat at any time within the history of the republic. No one wbo beard him or who, will hear him during this able campaign of Wi'Wi qulaotU aiH''lS'iW. vention In selecting Governor Vanes as th democratic 1R7B. ' standard-bearer of -Indeed th lcUoo, waa oot an x hlbitioo of the mere wisdom or policy of tha : delegates themselves, for lbs nomination waa really the spontaneous work of th people at h .oe, under whose Inspiration th- delegate i th convention acted. The. nomination of Vane waa not the work of th poll' ticlans. . It was th united work of th people acting In onaoimous concert of public sentlraenL ' , Such a toDCtnt ation of th favor and afl'ectlra of the wbol peopl of a party ha not been directed to One man In , North Carolina during' th past quarter century of ur history ; and therein lies the tuot eucouraging assu rance of the triumphant success Vance In November. Ilia election consider as among the root assured event of the future, and all th indica, Uons of the day foreshadow It.' : We have observed Governor Vance closely for the pat ten ery aud have studied hi u as a p uUr orator ; aud our udgiueul is that ii it a ma of more versstility of talent, greater re source and fertility ef argument,-and that h possesses the strongest revup rative power of any gentleman known to the eoile of North Carolina. Tbe extent "of "resVmrce ''and'VuMrativ power In Governor Ync b not known to himself, or most Intimate friend He Is constantly developing something new In this direction And to the quult'irs already alluded 'IlVddalaiOnparm:th no Tnity of soul ot a ' genlat.Tgonerous gitleman. . The magus tie Influence his genial countenance, cordial Voice and generous manner exert upon those with whom be come In contact, if ap predated, baa - never- been -over-etl- inated. ;,,::; ; ?: .ii 1 Governor Vance is a patriot aud an honest man. Th great love the peopl of North Carolina give him In i bestowed ou no unworthy bject. Nor has be ever one forgotten to appreclat th affection of hi people for him, lie was never , unfaithful to a trust lepnacd ia him by them. L Tbrou b.uS th dark day of tha wr, Goverour Vnc was th faithfal friend alike of the soldier, hi family and the citizen in dutress. He discharged the dutio of a difficult posi tion in tha most trying times of which th history of our stat preseuta any re cord ; and be discharged thoa duties faithfully aud well.fniS u, Wv.v - Hi conduct was that of one who bad aeternuaea to relieve a far a waa po sibl the distress and sufferings inciden tal to a state of thing h could not con trol. Ha could not terminate the war, sven when th doom of it cause wsa for shadowed by every event transpiring in connection with it- Bat he could clothe and prevent from starving th North Caroliniaus engaged in th struggle j and he did. The high service, which Gov. Vance rendered hia people in feeding and clothing them ha never been suffl ciently known'or properly appreciated. Amid the wreck and ruin of the culmina ting devastation of the war th high per sonal service of Governor Vance to hia people waa , obscured and - forgotten. Thee acta to which , we refer, though official from the nature of things, were nevertheless th work of benevolence and kindness, and should never have been classed as acts of war. - ' From her Governor Vance goes Jo visit th peopl of Smithneld, Tarboro, Waahingtoa and Eden ton. W believe h ha never met the people of ths Pam lico and Albemarle waters la a political campaign. T T congratulate hiin, that he is going to meet soma el the very best people that North Carolina, among all her good people, produce and we apprise ,' them that their coming guest ia thrice worthy of their hospitality, themselves and th occasion, i i. . . . , . .. Pithily and forcibly doe tbe Brook tyn Eagls aay Reform retrenchment, economy, the expulsion of charlatans, thieve and ruffians from office, a vigor ous policy on home and foreign af fairs, th elevation of the whol gov ernment and the lessening of taxes on th on hand, with th decrees of ex penses oa the other all the excellencies inherent ia TildeniMS a - opposed to all th arils Inherent In Grantistnare what th country requires, , ;.... Toat staunch old champion oi right, the Richmond Whig, says : Thomas A Settl, who waa chairman of th last eonventioa that nominated Grant, baa been nominated by the radical for gov ernor of North Carolina. That settles it. W shall carry th old North State for Tilden, Hendricks and Vane like a TI.s i:::.iocriilI FJairU; . The platLirms of both the repu1 "cao Lul t'.Luoc.itio i ties avoid at. -apt icg a. y forced k ue uj'oa tlie currency queellon. Both parties seem to hav yielJed to the growing conviction that there Is no royal road to resumption, but that it must be reached through wis and economical administration. Th democratic demand for a repeal of that legislative ' fiction and fraud, th ana ouispoaen conuemnauoo o a meas ure that had no substance in It, but was passed with Intent to deceive, by tbe very tame congress that had one year before passed an inflation bill. It was fitting that th democratic convention should expose the sham pretensions of republicanism on th moat Important question that has agitated . the country since the war;' -' ( ... The only other real lssae to wh!ch the platform refer is reform. This 1 th question In which th peopl are most deeply . concerned jt this particular junctor. They see before them the op portunity to enforce reform in admin istration, and naturally seek the party that give them the strongest and most reliable pledge; On this, question th democratic platform, like the ticket, give no uncertain sound. The central idea Is reform reform at th seat of the general government, reform In the management of the country's finances. reform in th sum and mod of govern ment taxation, reform in th sxpen es of th several department of the gov rrament, reform in the disposal of th publio lands, reform iu the policy of tbe government aa regards the right of American cltixens abroad, ' and what will be expected of thoa who seek refuge on our shores, reform ia nil the grades' of ' the . public .service, and, llualTyTrefo the . dominant party shall regard Iu pledgee of reform, k This demand, though not coming last, Is what binds tha platform together and makes It In reality n reform platform. The policy of the republican party has been- to rais fiila Issue snd put their oppeoeu ts at a disadvantage, while they called at tention from the pledges which they DJ themselves' made With the delibe rate intention of violating them. The platform point out the two fal-e issues which the republican party has raided for their assistance in th present cam paign.. Tbeyar the issue concerning eur school and the Issue, with which they hop to revive sectional hate. W commend thia admirable platform as a model document of it kind, as proof ;of the ability of old-fashioned Jefftirsonian democracy to adapt itself to tbe new order of things sad mak it elf equal to great emergencies, and a the embodiment of those high aud pur ideas of government upon which ths re public s waa founded. It should be printed aa a campaign document, and placed in the hands . of every' voter. There is no sham or false pretense about it. ; WithJSamnel J. Tilden for president, eery sentence and every word will b given it fullest practical affect. Ths republican party gave u a high sound ing platform with vague pledges of re form, but dared not pat their only re former, Bristow, upon it, and finally dashed cold water over it all by endorse ing Grant administrationTr U that ad ministration ia tbe republican ideal of reform, to be exemplified under Have and Wheeler, heaven sav the country from republioaniam. If we ar to hav reform, it must be throogh the election of Tilden and Hendricks upon ' this noble and square-dealing -democratic platform. There is plainly no other way by which to avert bankruptcy, re pudiation and national dishonor. T Grant is sullen and morose sinoe the nominations. There is no question but what he ardently desired a third-term. His"no policy" character caused him to be distrusted by hia best friends, aud yet Rutherford B. Hayea is a man lost like him in that respect He is a negative n, fearful of blundering and ever seeking advice, and such a man is not wanted at the White Hons. ' , - -!.:' $ " While Custer's heroic- three hundred a-ere being annihilated by overwhelming hordes of howling savages, 7,052 sol diers, infantry, cavalry and artillery, were loafing around in the south to meddle with elections and protect nur- gers against bogus outrages. ' , Hayea,' the radioal candidal for presi dent, left his board bill unpaid at Mrs. Woodrnm's in Pearisburg, Virginia, in 1864.; .There is aery for payment after twelve yean' wailing. Many congressmen are sick ; but whether tbe heat, new cucumbers or the sickening revelation they have been making be the cause, is not stated. biroBTAjrf Niws roa DtBOCSATB. We anderstsBd that the wsil-knowa publishers. v. Api'ievop m Af., pew i ora, aare nearly ready (or pablicatioa ths fife sad public ser vices of Hon. 8 am i bx i. Tildxx, democratic Bomiae for Ltie presideocv. with a portrait k . I a . M L. . on stseL Tbe work ts written, with tee ap proval of Mr. Tiklea, by Thro. P. Cooke, editor of tb I'tlca Observer, and will doubt less bsve a krg sale. Book agents out of era ploy ment will do well to secure territory from the publishers without May. - ; -- i.S A. ltm3, - ' ' ' Victoria Las giren the JUog of Greece a t ..rter. 1 I ; i. Don Carlos and party are doing th centennial. Harsh' testimony renders Belknap's guilt vident and sure. - - All officers of the 7th cavalry bav been ordered to their regiment. Speaker Kerr's health ia won and little hop Is entertained of his recovery. An original picture of th Crucifixion more. ! An American moo a ment on th banks of the Seine to French heroes of oar revolution is projected. . t - t ! , ! Georg A. BickneO has Xeen nomi nated for congress by th democrats in Speaker Kerr s district of Indiana. -Grant demands the peremptory re moval of four of Bristow's appointee ia tn treasury ; A coat mad by Andy Johnson in bis tailoring days Has lost been presented Gen. Coster was born in Virginia, of Maryland parent, and never drank Whisky, chewed tobacco or gambled. Jaa. E. Wilson, radioal treasurer of tb District of Columbia, has absconded witn a large amount of publio funds, j "Moody and Bankey" quadril', eon Ulnlng "Hold tha Fort' and other hymns, arc set as dancing music. . C. Adams Stevens, vice-president of in Albany bridge company, has been arrested, charged with embezzling 1200,' ; Pern his had another of her little) semi-weekly tern pes t-in-a-teapot revo lution, which was sqnelcbed with a loss or tnirty lives. - The Brooklyn Eagle prinU a list f leading uermans in that city, neretoror republicans, who have declared for Til den and Hendricks. .The total admissions to the centen nial up to and Including July 10, were 2,076,106. and. the total cash recelDts for, th saniatlme 68ti30l50 showing. in qany average or paying visitors (flfty-lbre days) to have been nearly 26,000, and the daily average of total admissions about 39,000. - ' SOUTH CABOLIIVA. i ' . Sharks and big sea-turtles ar prowl- tug arounu v aatungtoo , J. M. Byrd, chief of police of Fay- sue vine, was married July , to Ails Annie Aiarun.v. v t The Fare tterlll . Wide-A wake U going to publish Weekly doses of origi nal campaign poetry.- ! Bummer Kherman pronounced the t avetteville Independent the finest- looking compauy m the Centennial Le- gion.'Ki.'--..y i : Bill Wilson, a darkey, eloped a few nignta ago witn an 18 year-old daugh ter of B. F. Summers, a respectable tanner or iredell county. VTh Charlolte Observer savs Settle and Soiiih do not constitute anything tike aa formidable a ticket as Dockerv ana jiowmao or Ucad and JSowman .a a . would hav bean. n i ,, Cantelopes are sellina at two cents apiece in Wilmington. Ob, that w could move our boardimr-housa down to I Wilmington, or WUminirton un ta our uoeraiDg-nouse. c . . . i - -. - In a fourth-of-Julv oration it Ta. iayette indiaoa. Uoa. John A. VTU a tack stronglr endorsed th anthantir-Jt of tb Mecklenburg declaration of inde pendence, and pronounced Thoa. JeffVtr. oo a plagiarist, And all Charlotte exnitelh thereat wlUi exceeding grea joy and braggery. : ,, .. : .. . In response to a toa-t to North Cam- no, at the Old Guard banquet in New xorr, apt. J, if. Smith, of the Fav ettfvllle company, ottered this model of aenten tious brevity 1 "North Caro lina was against you. Is with von and wia ver be." That waa bis whole speech and it elicited Prolonged roara -i i . ..j ,i .. m apptausv, ... r . ' . . . . A If tnt TniXG INDEED. Tb undersigned ha undertakes the agency, for the United States, of a splendid uum ui CABCBli J. Tll.niX. thm frreat ntrnrm candidate for tbe Dresideaev. ' .TM oust, woicb la nearly life size, ha been executed by'an eniliient artist, and faithfully reprsduced In blaster, msklnir It s splendid ornament and s most desirable souvenir of the great reform campaign, for wi increaioiy low sum of nve ooilara. f ; Every democrstlc campaign club ought to nave one. special arrangements made wita those who wUtt to tske sub-agencies- This win ue IDS best sellina1 article at tha earn. paign,1 Address alt onTen or enquiries to . ' J. R.REAV13, ly!5-U ..) Times Offlee, St Louis, Mo. ; ' m ee hi "': Cottwa Qarket. Ths knowing ar tb cotton quotation of yesterday as reported by Lee A Wbitakert MkldUngs. lOiOlOI cents. 1 Ui lie 10 104 " i ii :.' i X 71 . Low MiddUngs, Tinged, . Stains, ; Deep Stslns, Blue, Market quiet bat firm, oAerings very light. 8ales 15 bales. If your tonsrn ia eoated or if von have a bad breath, take a does of Dr. Bulls' Piila, Pric 25 eta. . ASTON HOUSE, NEW DCRKE.1 C. 8. B. STKEET, PKOntiEToa. ' Tb GASTON HOU8I hss. foe aeartv kalf a eestury, aulntalBed a leputatioa aa of tb beat Hotel at th South, which R full autalna aoder th present aaanajremeat. rarues Tisiung is Masaore at beaarort will and tt eoBvanleet a4 desirable to o pay North avian, la pasting, toth A them Carolina, u4 rett at theUAsTuN, aUTXSIXSOriROAT. rw Persses who come to the coast to feaat oe tUh, oyster and ether good thing frost the water, ar advised that New Bene la taw aaett aa BMrtet e ths AUaatte enact. jy s-U- ' -t--t- .M fUAk A as. JEPOKT OF THE CONDITION JU Maleigk National Bank, of North Carolina, at Raleigh, in tht StaU cf North ' Carolina at tht dote of lutituu, Jun 80, 1876 - RESOURCES. V. S. Rood te eear rlrcuktioe 0o'uoo aa Due from other National Ba?ks.: ItWLM Pus from State Rink and beakers l,!nvi jKwmw, Aunuiim. eaa Bxtare 11C,WH,U upraw ana taxes paiq Premium paid..... Checks aad athar caah IUids... Exebangee for elearlng-haaa. .... BUUof other NaUoaaTSaDk....: BUI of Stat Banks.. IracUosal eurrsBey (UKludJug nick el').. peel (mending gold Treary J Bote).. ...... Cegal4ewnerne4er.'..wr V. B. erU Scale of eepoait fur ' leiral-teoder, -..,.... JtedempUoQ fund with V. S. Treaorer(S percent, of clrcu- utioa).. pa from U. B. Treasarer, other '' thaa B per eeai. , redempUoa ejimn Bi,4.lS sea,xa. Bona. e,QO.0O KS.10 7m ra,ooo.c use. 10,011 I lunu,. none. Total.. 1,175,807.73 j. ,'rv XJAJBILITIKa. Capital stock paid m.. ...$400,000t0 BurplBSfuBd............,,....,. Ci,0UU.0O Ottar Bnrtl Tided proflU , S3.218.47 Hatiooal Rank Botes oaUUsdluf . . .900,UX).U0 SUt Bank BoteeoaUtaadlng..... sone. DlTidetMl unpaid 57700 Indlrldual depoatu sabject to ' ebeck, 153,li.N0 Demand eertlflcate of depoelt.... 43.176.UU Tlmeeertlilcatetof depoalt...... . boo. Certlfted check.. son. CaAkier' check ooUtaadlog 8.56S.M UnRad States depoalt 79,811.85 Deposit of V, B. Dtabunlnf officers 10,168.13 Due to other National Bank 8,8U5.40 Du to State Bank and bankers. 1,270.05 NoteaaMlbulr-dlacoBted...... 1,000.00 RpayaWs....... ..;! aoae. j ' Total....... ....11,175,867.78 Stavb or N. C, Coubtt or Waks. ss. I, Charles Dewey, Caahler of the above aaoied bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is tra to th best of my knowledge and belief. ' C. DEWEY. n..M ''fcieserflM end wortb before me tht WMWr-r:. tr uttaKLKB kuut, Notary Public. . . Correct Attext t ' , ' '.i W. H. BATTLE, J''1."- i ' W. O. UFCHURCIL I Directors. EAOEiINSTITUTE, 'l;Ti;t. -, ..i - ..;.! ..'V,.'. The next (Ifth) seholastK year beget on TBURSDAT, ths 14th ef Beptember.lSTe, sod eads Jaas Mth, 1877... . t ....... - . . It tsrvMed fate twe -term -of four halt Bwath each, epmmenclng the 14th of Sep tember sad 1st of February. - Board sad taltloa per term, tlOS. ' tor eatalogus and other Informatioa ad- dm Kit, R. BUR WELL A BON. jy S dtw w9o , ' Kslelgh, N. C. T AI.EIGB HIGH SCHOOT The exerclae of this school will be re- tumea oa MONDAY, AUGUST ilsr, 1870. Itpr spares it pupil geaerslly for college and practical penults. It offera, hi par ticular, a full aud appro red course of prepe. rNoe i or us university oi Horta Carolina. Boarders are received, oa good terms, Into the family of ths Principal. Ctraelars con tain tag term aed yertlealars seat oa applt- eattofl.. , , i r . . j ( H . - Rbt, 1. M. ATKINSON, JySdtd CM. BOOTT. RALEIGH A " ' ROA-i G ASTON HAIf- SCHEDULE. wan. taaia. Leav Balelgh .....:.....;,jo 00 A. M. Arrives at weldon 8 80 P. M. Leave Weldou..... 10WA.M Arrive at Raleigh.. ...... ...... 8 1 P. M. j -rt - Tsaooaa raaiawr. : - ' Leave Btalelgh.L.l:..;..;.;.. B 00 A. M. Arrive at Waldo...... ........ ""B fS P. M. Leave Weldoa 15 A. M. Arrive at Raleigh S 49 rY M. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR LINE. Eeav Balelghw..'... BMP. M. Arrive at CeiMeoaw.. 8 UP M. Lear Cameros......... 5 80 A.M. Arrlv at Raleigh. ....... ....... 48 A. M. T" JOHN C WINDEB JyS-tf , , BapertnUBdent. m AES COCNTT-IN THE SUPERIOR t.rVOVKX.-rr7 Scmkoms roa Rsxitr. -. Thomas P. Devereax,' Tnutee aymintl Joo. ueverenx; Xx'r., a. r. Jones, r. J. O.. Miller, Nora Ceaaoa aid Rachel Jones. THE STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA, Toe are hereby oamnded, te rammea Jeo. Devereux. tx'r., E. P. Jo, T. 4. U. Miller. lora Cannon a 4 Rachel Jones, the defendaau above aamed. If they be found within your eoaaty, te he and appear before the Jedg ef ear sa parlor Coert, at a Court to be held for th eoaaty of Wake at tht Court Hon ia Raleigh the 8th Monday after ths Sod Monday of February 1876, and answer th complaint which will he deposited mth onto ef the dark ef to Sapwior Coort of said eoaaty, withia tee day from the date of thle summons, and let the said defendant take notice that If they fall to answer th ald complaint whhla that time. the plaintiff will apply to the Coert for the miei aenairaea M tne complains. ' Hereof fail not. aad oi Ihla isonou mak due return. .. . . Given under sbt hand and mI of aJd Court this 8th day of March, 187. - ! 4. X. BUS UAU, . Clerk Superior Court, Waks Countj. Boia r. M. Bca, Pirs Att)'. NOR H CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTT. BtrraaioB Cocst. Jobs Tumi. 187. ' x. r. uevereux, treste, i M. Joha Devereax, KxHr. etais. This eaaas hetnsr heard e the sfttdsvlt ef th plaintiff and tt appearing to th eUafac tlon of the Court that Rachel Jone la a pro- Kr party hereto, that a cause of actio rxbt tween th parties, and that aaid Rarhel Jose is a Bon-fveadeat of North Carotin t4 cannot after a aearrh be fuand lathe It I therefore orderrd bv tb Court that no m moo b aerved by publtraUo m the Weekly Sentinel, a uhmmt peMiahed e Ue City of Raleigh, eece a week for tlx weeks and that a copy of said published aeUce be sent by mall to aaid Rachel Jon. - - -- )it a wow jkJKjra n a, e. u. ; . 4- -.-,r

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