t::iAf-'i: ,y :'.:.,:,o ''r :.:: mmM f&M : rra PS vol xxh-no.w TlffiTSE'NTlNEE TUESDAY. JULY 18, 1876 t . -A Fickle One. T Fortune, you have lately been . Treating ma unkindly You woo were my fancy's queen, ' Voa 1 loltoweU blindly. . , Ones your love lor me tu strong, ' " Now you never trat mer Really, dear, you're g otng wrong ?. t'onuM, you disgust me 1 ; Thoe were Joyous' momenta' when foadneeayon affected- -So you flirt with other men, 1 ' Leaving ms neglected, r ' t Jflo, av girl, and bavs your fling , j, T Maybe, you'll discover t Some deyHwsss creel thing ' , v Thus to Jilt lover s ,.. ., . . . (.: - ' "" J Like the rMt,70u'r full of T"f irt( jou rondly peiw we t (iieetmg as with loving smiles, Then yoo seou forget us. ' ' 1 Long sgo I gsve my he art w Gladly to your keeping ; . - Now my rherUhed dreams depart ' Pleasure's turned to weeping ) , . ;; i VanUh quickly from my Sight, 4 " : Here you needn't lint er; ' !' ! ( You, who, know iuf well my plight, " , , Never rsi a Auger I , .4-,t, ; , i All my pleading jeu evade, ,( Though I'vs oft caressed joo ' , Fortune, you're a flck lade,' ; Fortune, I detest yawl. , - fw PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. "Honestjls the lx It Indian policy,' - siys the Philadelphia Timet. ,' , (" . The - wife and daughter of Duke Gwin of California will summer at . General A. W. Webber, at one time editor of the Mississippi lllot, died at ( Memphis, Julj 7. ( Curl Hchuis would rather take lluyea with Grant hitched to him, than Tilde n i with a Hendrlcka attachmeut. i Bryant ia not only the oldetof li " "Ins poeUTtAit raliothe--rtcbetr-lIi . fortune ie eaUmatedat 1500,000. ' The aigoature ia the ' aignatare of U. B. . Jiajet, hut the tentiments are the tentltuenU of Carl Schurz." That ia what the Springfield Republican aayi about Mr. Baitazzi, the winner of the Derby and French grand prize, belong to a wealth fannlof Greek ' banker, the chief teat of whose business is at Coo- stantinople. :.; ;: i'f Te "So Uie Philistines were subdued, and they came no more into the coasts of Israel, and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the . days of Samuel.'-! Samuel, vli: 13. r Lord Hamilton, of the Eleventh Hussar, hss become a Catholio priest, lie served with Lord Napier in Abys siuia. He now leads the choir - of the Carmelite chape), atKeusington. Colonel Lovelace, ' of Montreal, A well-known clergyman, who has ali-eady served in the Turkish army, has just been oflered a major-generalship in the Suitan'. service, but has declined.. j( Indiana is to be overrun with radical oraturs. Like certaiu other objection able people, mentioned ia the New TesUment, they think that they shall he heard for their much speaking. New York Herald: We are fnfotmed that the friends of the second Wash- : . ingtout who is now about to retire into Erivate life, are incensed ' because ayes made no allusion to' the : great soldier-statesman in his letter of accep Prince Milan, of Set via, is a biblo- maniac, cf all things in the world.; His favorite author are Napoleon III. and Theopbile Gautier. .Alexander the Great always curried the Iliad , with him, and Prince Milan never parts with a superbly bouud copy of the - "Life ot Caesar." He has translated ' Gantier'a "I'rip to Constantinople" into German "nlaisellTand cafrres ibduf With hhaiits own version,jsuirbly bound in Turkey morocco. -- - . - t .. j,. ., Hosser to the rront. General A. F. McBeynolds, who commanded a Michigan division during the late war, in a letter addressed to Major Geo. Thomas LI Bosser, of the late Confederate army, Inquired s 'Would it not be a grand opportunity for you to rally around yoa a mounted force of Minnesota men accustomed to the horse and the rifle, which you could readily do. and tender your services to the government to aveuge the death of the brave boys or the seventh cavalry who fell so nooly on the field of duly?" In his letter rep'ying to the above, General Itosser uses these words i W I should like to be commksiooed by my country to avenge the death of my gallant friend and old enemy, but to do so I should like to go back to old Virginia and get my divUion, ho once so fiercely fought hint,: aud who, like rayseir, have learned to respect, hon r and appreciate the high soldierly quali ties and exalted manhood of General Custer." i Caster Details. Agency Indians along the upper Mbsouii who have received account of Custer's fight through some hostile In dians who took part in it, say Custer shot three Indians with his pistol and killed three others with his sabre when he fell shot through te head by Kain in the-fatf , a chief whom CuiOer baJ forcibly arreaied some time ago for mur der. The Iudians lost 70 killed, anxwg them many nottd chiefs. The tiht wna huntl in hand. Tha Indians saV tbey did not ft ar the pistols as much as Aahr - . ' , . ' ' Family en a Rampage. t r. ' ,1,. . t: " 1 1 ,.-f v:l Washington Special to the Bait. Gazette. IA lew nights tines the' coachman of President Grant, a tall and powerfully' built negro, began putting on airs in the northernmost . part or , wasnmgton. which did not suit the company be was In. and the result was he received a rood threshing. - About two hours after ward another member of the Grant family received good drubbing, but under, different circumstances. It ap pears a son of Marshal fcharpe, the lat ter a Drotaer la-taw or urant, ga on a Fourteenth-street car which was very much crowded, and pushing through the car to the door of the front platform met Col. R. I. Fleming, a well-known builder of this city. Hharpe endeavored to pass ont, rut finding there vrjs no room, v pushed (Colonel , Fleming, the same as to say, get out of the way and let me through. Colonel Fleming called his attentiou to the (act that the plat form was crowded, and ia addition to its Dassenzers there were two lares market baskets, and if he cot out he would be obliged to stand ia one of them. ; Sharps made an insulting reply, and for his trouble received from the hands of the colonel a blow back ol the head that nearly sent him over the dashboard. Sharpe got out of the car and followed It, abusing Col. Fleming and threatening to shoot him. On reaching Corcoran Street the colonel alighted from the car and Was accosted by bnarpe. The colonel prepared lor the fray, and when Sharps came within distance Colonel Fleming warmed his jacket well with a cane. Sharpe ran mtA hlaJaihsrVhouse, and that gantle man and bis wife were soon on the street, and followed the colonel. ' Meet ing an offloer, he ordered the arrest of Fleming, and the omcer took mm to the station-house, where collateral was left for bis appearance the next day at (lie police court. Jibe following day tne ouiooei was uu uauu wua mis w miens ew. and after sroinsr through the form of a trial Judge Suell fined him $20 for the first offence- and the second offence be declared the colonel was justified la committing, and therefore released him. When It is taken into consideration that Snell hat recently been reappointed judge of the police court, this action on his part can be accounted lor. colonel Fleming is not done with the case yet. S, I. I I ..i, .-.I-,' Caster aad Uaanseur. -?. r I " , ' , From the Wilmington SUr. , .' The death of General Custer recalls to mind an incident occurring during the late war between the stales, the mere recitation of which will endear bis memory to maay at Uie south, and, serving as it does to illustrate the chiv alrous gallantry of a brave soldier, well deserves a lasting and perpetual tribute. t At the battle near Winchester, Vir ginia, ia ths fall of 1864, (October 19) Uenerai Jtamseur, or Aortu Carolina, was' mortally wounded shot through the body, whilst in the act of mounting bis horse and, through the chances of war, was left to the mercy or the ied- sral forces. General Luster happening to find him in the bouse to which hs bad been carried, and recognizing in his strickea toe sa old classmate and com- E anion, tenderly nursed and cared for itn, ministering with bis own hands to his dying wants, and when the gallant Bamseur breathed his last the day lol lowing the battle General Custer had bis remains placed lo a metalic coffin. and with all bis personal effects, aent them, by way of Washington City and Yorktown to - llaiuseur's . home "and friends in N arth Carolina. s f r u ! Kamseur and Custer had confronted each other on many a hard-fought field J in battle they were fierce foes, yet when the fight was over, each to the other was as gentle, as a brother, and the grief of the survivor at the death pi his foe and quondam comrade was profound and poignant. . . . .- ; ! i " " From the Philadelphia Times. , Our old friend Settle turns op once more as candidate -ior governor in North Carolina, having been nominated by the republican convention at llal- eigh Wednesday. : Settle has a . way of turning up. lie lamed up urst as an original secessionist, and did as much as anybody else lo tske North. Carolina out ol the Union, s During the war he turned up at various points under cir cumstances not always creditable, and when the war ended he turned up as a devoted Union man. " He presided over the convention in this city that nominated Grant for a, second term, and of course be got a good appoint ment as his reward. But somehow he didn't seem to be as much appreciated at home as he bad been, and ; for some time past we have not beard ' much of Settle. He now comes up smiling as ever, and hopes to be made governor of the old North State. It Is possible that he will be. if Mr. Grant gets anew attorney general meanwhile, who will start up the outrage mill that Williams aud Settle ran so successfully and so regardless! of expense.. They csrry elections In North Carolina by means or deputy marshal, and as Settle has had experience in that way he is the man to manage the campaign. Jlut it will be necessary fori Tall to stand aside, ,. ', . .: i r- 1 .. . . , j Never be afraid to do right. Never do wrong for policy. Money obtained by dolog wrong will buster the hands. , Fi ieuds obtained by compromising the right will never be worth anything in the eod. Dare to do right though the ; very heavens f .11. rung doing shall never prosper in the end. Bi nil en vious of tha wron j-doer, for though he seem to prosper fuf a season, dextrur lion shall eventually overtake him. ; RALEIGH, N. ft, TUESDAY MORMG, i evMtA li Ji-"- ; T7C. CHKlSTOPHISfl A CO. ; Cotton Ties, 6 cents. Flour, North Carolina to,00g.t ' Cera 74(70 eeats.1 a , f,., ' Cora ketl, TSua ' . , Baeon, M. C. hog round, 4(gX ) c . . kaina 14tlfti--,'' .-""- i Bulk Heate, Gear Kib Uldee, 13,(413. , ' M Vhoulders, rwata. ; , Lard, North Carolina, 17). ( , t Western tierces, Id. j ' -i m.A keea, 17. - ' Coffee, Prime Rio JfiS. . ' . " Oood,tl. .. " . Common, ltfaSO Kaila, oa oaaia for lUa, 3.M . Sugar A. 13. . , -t Yellow C. ill WO. 1LlSb, K4 sWUiWoK." ' ' I OaktanMd, 40. : Hides, green, A. " dv. IKiJIO. .TahVw6sj7 .Po'toe, aweet 70r75 cenu per but bet .- Irish, new 80-78. .Oats, shelled, A0fla. - j . " , sheaf, from wagoa, ttHgfiQ eenU baled 1.U). 'Fodder, baled. luO. Hay, N. C. baled, good, K37 Kfrvs, perdosan, licia. .s Butter, M. C ti'O. '- Beeawas, S5V , , j Rag', 2. ....... . ., " picked. 8 eenta. Beef, o foot. 5,$7e. M dreeaed prime. 6 IaB . Heavy Copper, per poand, 18c. Light i ' - .lac, braaa. per pound. 8 to 10c. Pewter, per pound, 7 to 10 eta. Lead, per pound, 80. ' - ' . Old Iron, per 1U0 pounds, 60c Bheep Bklna per piece. W($4ije. Wool washed, per pound, 85e unwashed 2Q. to 25c old 7 cent;burry,lkTcls. I $1,250 Profltfirom Investment of 0. one of our etu torn era purebaaed Cpread on 100 shares of N. T. Central be Put 106 and .Call 1M buying 100 shares airalnat the Put a 107 which waa sold 114 selling at the same price 100 shares called (c$ ws neuing prons si,km, ums peratlon can be repeated every month of the year f io. au, oo, iw, iuw, wui payaeweu sot amount invested. Gold, Stocks, Cotton and Tobacco nought ana sola on eommiasion. Advaneea oa eonslgnmeata. 1 ; . Price UU and Circular free. ! -, t , CHA&LKa BMKDLET A CO., . i t , Bankers Brokers, ; ' ' 40. Bond 81, Mew fork, .aeae Gold and fitock Ixcbange's P .0. Box 8774. , feb 174f THOMAS 8TANLT, , NEWBKRN, N. C, ! ' . Dealer in all kinds of G R A. I N CORN A SPECIALTY. i JJewbern, Jan. 14 la LOOK, LISTEN, READ. ! GOOD NEWS I ' Just received 5000 yards . r" 1 AC J FJ C LA WN.JS, in short lengths, at 10 cents per yard. These LAWNS are good styles, fast colors and are worth eighteen cents. j Theyjbeat L . ' . ; ' , ' !' ' ' ! ' SPECIE PA YMMNT )'i all to pieces, at tea cents per yard. Come toQllEECITS. may 4-d2tawlt ; ; TICKET rARtS ANb TIME BCOED ULK TO THK W EST, m THE CH 8 APEAKE A OHIO R. First class fart from ksletck te Cincinnati 23.25. First class fare from Raleigh to Indlanap- 01U95.7S. , First clsas fare from Raleigh to Chicago 81.115. . - First claaa from Raleigh to Ht. Lodislim First clasa from Balefgh to LooUyUIs 27.25. Paaaeneers for Cincinnati and the Wet, leaving Kalelgh by the R. O. K. R. 10.00 a. m. train, reach Rlchmood at 8.45 p. m.; leave Richmond at 10.80 P. wt by the Cla clnnatl A Ohio Railroad, and reach Cincin nati at S.0O on the morning of the second - ? i Uen. Pas. A Ticket AgenU i W. M. 8. Down, ...-.!.. -t 1 1 Dglnneer and Sup't. N O The next annual meetlnr of the Stock holders of the R. A A. A. L.R. R. Co., wUl be held at the Company's office, la Raleigh oa Friday the Slat July,! 1876, commencing at IS o'clock, noon. W. W.VA88. Juoe23 dlawtd Scc'y and Treasurer. APPLICANTS for Teacher's position in theUraded School will appear before .be Examining Committee tt the Deaf and Dumb Institaiion neat Wednesday at 9 A. at. Ail applying must have a First tirade Cer tificate from the Couuty Examin ng Board. July 7-Ot i - pACONl BACON I ; , , , , ; i , - Jut received tO.OOO pounds Western bacon, bought before the rise. Can and get your auppliea. At email advance for cash, at F.C. CUhUaTOPHEKSACd.'8, , Wilmington atreet, near Ctty Scales. O UE AT MEDICAL BOOK. " and SnereU for Ladles aad Gents, Sent free for two stamps. Address. t 8t. JoearwaisDiCAJ-IsiTiTtrra. . . at. Joeeph, J4"0 M't i-l2m . , IS, R1 UUUER EXCURSION TICKETS FOR TILE SEABOJI VI 18.0. ; h . , UtiKioa k Gastox R. B. Co. i Oin'l Paspehois Aobwt'1 OrncE, Raleigh, N.C-, July 8,lii7o... Round trie tickets te the following pi are now on aale by ths ticket srnt of this company, at Kalelgh, at GREATLY RB- un-.u. i'iULta, uooa um nvvemoex l,is;t: Nlsirara Fulls, via nine different routes. raratotra, vf three eiJinmot reetea. , Lona Branch, via two different route. Montreal, Canada, Via two different routes. r haron Bp'lnga, via two different routes. Watkins lilno. via two different routes. Newport. Gettvabarar. attnneqna Bprisga, Cape Hay, Atlaolic City, Bedford SprbKs aau creasoa, ra. . . , . TH DMAS BADGER, . Gen'l Passenger Agent. July S StcowtlUsug 13 Pstrwboho. Va.. March lt, lt7o. OCllDDL OF THAINS, U - OOIXO SOUTH. Through MaQ leave Peters burg at ' 8:87 P. V, Arrive at Weldon at..- M P. M. South era Exrreea leave Pe- -terabargat - 8:80 A. M. Arrive at Waldos at . 9M A. X. Through Freight with Paa- senger Coach attached, ; ' ' ' leave Peterburg at..... .. 8:80 A. M, Arrive at Weldon at. . 8:15 P. M, ' 't ' OOIHO HOBTH. '" 4 : i ' ";' Through Mali leave Weldon at Arrive at Peter burg at. Southern Express leave Wel don at. ...... Arrive at Petersburg at Through Freight with Psa eenger Coach attached, leave Weldoa si Arrive at Petersburg at.... 7:85 A. M. 115 A. M. 4:00 P. K 7m P. at. 4:15 P.M. 10 :10 F. H Through Tickets sold to all Eastern and Boutnera points, ana jsaggare unecsea throurh. IL T. DOUGLAS. sgS-4s-- Superlntesdenli. RICHMOND AN D PETERSBURG BA.ll.SOAD CO Mr AWT, COMMSSOIMe April 1st, ltjTflL Tralus oa this road will run as follows i ..!. - i ' i I ' LEA VI nTKRSBUBO HOBTH. 7 JO A. M. Freight train dally except Buoday, wua eoaca aitacnea. 13.00 M. TkrouKh Mall dally connect In r i - with F. A P. Railroad -for ' all poinU East and West. 7-39 P. M. Through MaQ dally except Bundar, connecting with K.. T, , r. Kauroad, lor au poinu . Eaat and West. Pullman's Sleeper attached, running through to Baltimore, making .ciose connection wun v. ana a R. R., for Virginia Springs and all points West and North. The 8:10 A. M. train from Richmond, and the 7:36 P. M. train from Petersburg will stop at all reirular stations. - Passengers for Clover Hill connect at cnester auavai, ntu."tBLiAi ana FRIDAY. All trams leaving Petersburg will start rrora the Appomattox Depot. , , , , . A. SHAW, :apS4t Superintendent. I1EDM0NT AIR-LTN E KAIL WAY. Richmond & Danville, Richmond Si Danville R. W N.C. Division, , and North WBrreiur N. C. R. W. : CONDENSED TIME TABLE, fi. In Effect on and tfter Sunday, Dee, . 19f,l875. . GOING NORTH. . JUL! 13, i . .... , . ' STATIONS. , Maul . Leave Charlotte..... B45a m. ' " Air-Line June's S.a5 " I Salisbury...... 8.5 ft " Greensboro.... 10.58 " " ' . M Danvule 1.84 r. m. Dundee.;.;..;. 1.40 " ! BnrkeviHe 8.51 I Arrive at Richmond v 8.35 " GOING SOUTH. I" - . .. . .....!-.. , - STATIONS. ' Mail, m Leave Richmond. .. . . 8.50 A. at. " BurkevUle..... 8.00 " Dundee 1.80 r. v. DanviUe 1.48 M " . Greewaboro.... 4.38 " i - Salisbury 8.54 M Alr-LlneJunc'n .6J M " Arrive at Charlotte,.. 8.15 GOING EAST. GOING W. 1 STATIONS. Mail. Maiu Leave Greensboro .... U.0a.m. A. 4.18 a.m. " Co. Shops ; .Ralelgh... v. Tive aGoldsboro,. Lv. A.11.05 " i U 8.80 8.40 r u 0.40 r Mi STATIONS t'a Train. Leave Greensboro... 700pm A. 8.00 AM. Ce. Shops .... Lv. Arrive at Raleigh.... 6.00 am A. 7.80 rM. Arrive at Goldsboro.. 11.15 4 Lv2.00rM. ; NORTH WESTERN N. C R. R. 1 Salem Banch.1 ! , lave Greensboro........ 4.45 P. M. Arrive at Salem 8.45 " . LeaveSalrm.... 8.15 A. M. s Arrive at Greensboro 1038 : Passenser Trains leavtaf Ralelarh at 10.05 A. M. eoonect at Greensboro with ths South ern bound train , making the quickest Ums to all Southern ciUee. Accommodation Train leaving Raleigh at 7.30 P. M., connects with Northern bound Tram at G eensboro for Richmond for all poinU Kaak Price of Tick eta tame aa via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7.00 P. M connects at Goldsboro with Northern and Southern bound trains on tbs Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lynchburg Accomn odatton leavea Rich mond dally at 9.00 A M., arrives st BurkevUle 13.90 P. M., leavea Burkeville 1.30 P. M., ar rives at Richmond 4.84 P. M. NO CHAHOE OF CABS BETWEEN ChAB lottb and Richmond, 282 Miles. t . JOHN R. MACMURDO, u t . f , General Passeoger Agent, ' . Richmond, Va. -, M. R. TALCOTT, - 7 " .; Geal Superintendent. .' $10 to 25 per Day 2",,hi?:,t T. mmmrn Ban anS UKELY, MUTUAL ' THE NEW YOR8T' i ';!!'. ..! -r rt '"ft 1 FE INSUllANCE COMrATJ Y Was organised la 1848, aad since that t nu has been doing ssuccesslul business. It has returned to Its members or their legal repre sentatives 14,000,000 la Mvldends, Return Premlame, nd Death -Clalma,-"-- i I it has ao Stockholders to share 'fat the profits ; all Its surplus is divided exclusively among Its members. ' ' Assets, Jsnuary 1st, 1870, - . 830,815.055 fc4 Surplus, January lat, 1876, 5,4ofl,34l 00 , The premiums sts givea age are praetl eally the same la all Life lasaraace Compa alea, but the net cost of the lniurance la very different, depending entirely epoa the surplus or dividends returned to policy-ho dors, and this deoends upon the management ot the Company's affaira. . he long and successful expert nee of this Company enables us to recommend Its poll eles to dtlseas of North Carolina as worthy oi ineir attenuon ana a gooa investment. . . Reliable baalness men who desire to work as Atrats of the New York Life la RaMgh, v.aarioe, ureensooro, ana iniermediate polnli, are Invited to eemmunlcate with - W. H.B AC a FORD, j,, ' 1 Manager Bouth-eaaters Department. ' No. 8. fouth street, Baltimore, Md. JolyMat.'..,, , .t ,li; N O T I C E The 80th Annual meetlnr of the stock holders ot the R. A O. R. R. will be held at the office of the company m Raleigh oa Thurtdiy, the 30th of July, 1878, commene- big at 13 o'clock, soon. .WM.vi,.. ..ri " W. W. VABS, See'y sad Treasurer. jni 83-41 swtd Vc-v Pest -Pnii is cot chIt aL; Safe, .Sure "and Cheap DE 3l W IOTIWTER of the Colorado I 7 V Beetle or Potato Boo, but of all oissots which prey oa Veg etation Cut and Asmt Wobm Gassa Fli, Ae. Unlike Paris Greea and other Poisons, It eaa be entirely dissolved hi water aad ap plied by sprinkling. Not Isjubiocs to Plaits, Not Damosbods to Use. Never Fails to K1IL Costs a boot 85 CBMTS as Acbb. Pnt no In half lb. boxes, enouirh for twe acraa. rncs ou ueaw eena lor circa lar. Made only by the KEARNEY CHEMICAL WORK, 60 COBTLAJTD KT. P. O. BOX 8139. , , - ' B -A-Lr L A R - D -4irL GM , ' GENERAL r . - - 'h . COHMISSIOH MERCHANTS AKD DfiALCKS IK ' GRAIN, HIDES, WOOL, TOBACCO, lions, Eggs, : Buttef,2 Cheese, Dried Fruits, jresthera, run, Lara, l allow, eeeua. Bacon, Beans, Poultry, Flour, Veg wrvssumWf sjsj) aa. vav WAREHOUSE, 307 A 900 N. BROAD ST., PHILADELPHIA. april 7-wftm 1 $250 A MONTH- Siral wantr ever wlMrtf. Hu.lliM lionnrmbla and Inl claw. Prilralniviiirre. Addreai 4 . w uaiu au auM.ja OHIYERSITT OF YIBQIHIA; O DktMKR LAW LECTURES (nine weekly). O beiria. 13th July. 1878, and end 13th Sep tember, uave provea ox aignai une, in, to students who uesUrn to pursue their studies at this or other Law-school; 3d, to those who propose to read privately ; and nrd, to prac titioners who hsve not hsd the ad vanUrs of systematic Instruction For circular ap ply (P.O. University of Va.) to Johw B. Liaoa, itol loss, ana bul, imw. juns 8w4w. , g 0 L T K ,D , M E A L 800 to !,30O bushels per week received and sold cheap for cash only st ., .4. . . ' i GATTIS A JONES' po ALL. MEN A SPEEDY CURE. Weakneaa of the Back or Limb. Strictures. Affection of the KJdnrvs or Bladder, Invol untary Dischinre, I m potency, General De bility Ne.nroumess, Lypep la, Languor, Low HPtnta, sjomnaioa 01 laeaa, x-aipiiauoa of the iieart. Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness, Disease of the Ltesd, Throat, Nose, or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those ter rible disorders arising from solitary Habits of Youth eecret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrenesto the Mariners of Ulysses, blight nlng their asost brilliant hopes and anticipa tions, rendering marriage almost Impossible, destroying both Body and Mind. Harriafe. ' If.i.linl nMAn4 m vminff tnen CAntftmnlm. ting Buuriasre, suffering from Organic and Physical Weakneaa, Loss of Procrestlve rowers, lm potency, rrosmuon, auuunea Vt.lltv Imrnlnntar niaehanrM. Non-Eree- tablllty, Ilaaty Emissions, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Excitability, Decay of the Physical and Mental Powers, Derangement In iK. VH.I Tnrm anil runrtlnna. Nanr. mi 1 . U U . .MM . . ons Debility, Loss of Manhood, General Weakneaa of the Organs, and every other anhannv diaauallflcatioa. speodllv removed. aad full manly vlgo iwewred. . ; r , '- To Voung Men These are some of the sad and melancbolly effects produced by early habits of youth, rial Weakness of the Back and Limbs. Pains in the Head, mmuess 01 Big lit, ies 01 Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Iieart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functiona, t-eaerml Debility, Symptoms or uonsumpuon, etc, ManAuvr. The fearful effects oe tha mind are much to be dreaded Lots of Mem ory, Confusion of Ideas, Depressioo of Spir it, S.VU-S oreoouuffa, jtwiu m oucmy, Hi(-Diatrnat. Love of Solitude. Ttmldltv. etr., are some of the evils produced. . fThonsande of persons 01 all ages can now judge what lathe causa of their declining healiA, loalng their vigor, beeosnina; weak. Ele, nervous ana emaciatea, navtng a singu appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. ' Dr. Johostcnt v or rnx niinnonx lock hospital, ' BBTWKKS BAITIMOHX AND ' ICOA'O ' HT&KKTH, BALTlMOkK, MD. , ons 31, ly ;- PRICE FIVE CENTS MISCELLANEOUS. Established 141. hbiuhng'o -ratent-waanpicn, tUEQLlR ' ili) ' FIHE PROOf ' SAFES" Bank Vaults & Doors, ALSO J HERRING & C0n 251 & 252 Broadway, New York. fil 60 Sudbury Bt, Boston, jip 18-eod-2m TRIUMPH TRUSS CO., 834 BOWERY, N. Y., te whom was awarded the Premium - Vfl ' for the best Elsatie Trass sad Supporter at the last session of the GREAT AMERICAN IN8TITUTE FAIR, esres a rapture In front 30 to 00 days and offer 1,000 doUars for a eats they cannot cere. They employ a FIRST CLASS LAlW&UMMoSC: 1 , ..... Terms moderate. Cases guaranteed. Or ders tilled by mail. Examination free. The usual discount! to patrons. Send 10 cents for descriptive book to Prof. W. U. BURNHAM. M. D., mar2S-dly Chief Burgeon. O Coming aud going all ths while very low for Greenbacks or Silver promises are not ear- rant st GATTIS JONES' Wholesale Grata and Feed Store, Opposite Dr. McEee's Offices. MISCELLANEOUS. orrioi or BornramrnBiT. as, 1 PAsr. V -84, 1 75.J Pbtbbsbom Ratlboab CoMPsar, i retersburg, Ya , November 1 0 1HANGK OF SCHEDULE TO Uke effect 8CWDAT. November 2Mb GOING SOUTH. ' Leave Petersburg at 8:30 A. M. and 8:27 P. SI. Arrive at Weldoa at 0:53 A. M. 6:55 P. M. GOING NORT1L Leave Weldoa at 7:85 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg At 11:48 A. M. and 7:07 P. M. Trains connect at Petersburg and Weldon with trains for all southern and northern points. Tickets sold to all southern, south western, northern aud eastern points, and baggage checked through. fl. T. DOUGLAS, feb l&dAw-tf. Superintendent. ' ' tKVEK BEFOUE EQUALLED! ... . . , ... . ... The Largest Stock on ' Becord. C. tfElKEI, Urn Htturnt. He is still at the old Stand with a larger j . assortment of - sip;RjnsrGh Gr6brs U. a CENTENNIAL OO0D3. r-OURTR JULY CENTENNIAL GOODS Look at my latest Fashion Hates and choose your style. 7 ' , : 7 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, .; -"'! .r i.' - , BUITINQH. In vet anything you want. Come and see me, I know I can suit you. ! El EEL'S ESTABLISHMENT is at the old place, one door south of the Southern Express offioe. ' : 1 1 guarantee all my fits. ' apr ISSm a WEIKEU jICHMOND A PETERSBURG R. R. CO Commencinr Oct. 3ith. 1875. Trains oa this road will run as follows 1 Lbavb Ricb-moitd, Sours. K.in A w r u.n . v-ak a Xt Freleht Train : 1:45 P. M.. Throueh Mall : 8 P.M., Freight Train. LSAva rsTsnsBOBO, zhobth. iw a. h., rrcifut nun , ., i m i . m Mail; 8 P. M. freight Train 7:35 P. U., Through MaO. Coaches attached te all freight trains for secommodaUon of passengers. ' This Company offera spuclsl "uWtueemente to ths shipping publie on line of tbe Raleigh As Gaston, Raielgh A Augusta and Western M. C Railroads, In the way of low freight sad passeager rates. t A. SHAW dAw-tf Superls'. . . . .ro7 ; CMfka, Coldt, loaricitn, aid all Tknit Biuairs, . ; Wells' Carbolit Ttbleta. PUT TTP ONLY IN BLUE BOXFJ. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY For sale by Drurclsts renerslly, and JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAT A CO., , Phusdelphla, Pa. TEIELOCRS. fciTTOi?'T3'Ti,ratii- tx K ..... fi 4 ft t ? ii r I I i

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