1 I VOL IIIL-KO. m. TlttE 'SENTINEL THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1876. - llw Oar XortH. Carolina Con te4 Looks to an Indepen dent Outsider. V T , - .r.. From Ui Philadelphia Time. ' , ' -The meet totems tine , local .political contest of the centennial year will come off to North Carolina, where ex-Governor Vauce and ex-Judge Settle are rival candidates for governor. Fortunately for the Rood people of North Carolina, their state election hat been postponed from August until November, and the contest will, therefore, be left to the tar-heelers themselves , to "fight their great battle. If the governor was to be chosen to August, as was the cae In 1872. the whole power and appli ances of both parties would be exhaust ed to control the result. Money would flow from the Tilden bankers and from the Grant bankers from the Hayes civil service reform office-holders and from hungry democratic expectants j political olllcials would squander the national treasure and wield their power to terrorize the people ; the democrats would convulse the state with their protests against the Iron heel of po'itl csl despotism, and fraud would play Ita part to the outside capacity of both par ties. This humiliating panorama of political prostitution will not visit North Carolina this year, and while the Til den and the Hayes managers are flood ing Ohio and Indiana with debauchery, the struggle in the Old North Stale will recall the better days of the south. "when Tier iblesYiiieVw :tt to the front to contest the highest hon ors of her people, . ' While North Carolina will be unheard - and mjfolt in the national conflict, there will be a widespread interest manifest ' ed in the wrestling of her giants. Vance and Settle are the ablest popular campaigners in the state ana cacn Has peculiar., elements of strength,, with - some qualities of weakness. Of the" . two, Vance Is the most ready in con troversy, the keenest in repartee, and overflows with genuine wit and pungent rejoinders, while Settle is the abler die Eutant and keen aa the eagle to fasten is talons in a moment of unguarded exposure by his enemy. They wilt traverse the mountains and valleys from Buncombe to the sea, and from the Old Dominion to the Palmetto borders, their own companions la their long journeys and face to face In every effort for their respective causes. Both are inspiring leaders and can - enthuse their following, and they will ' consign Hayes and Tilden to forgetfulnesa. in the struggle for the unimportant office of governor of a fifth-rate common wealth. In their elemenu of weakness the honors are probably easy between theru. Vance will be assailed for his conservatism as the Confederate gov ernor of the state- for seeing the end of'lhe rebelliou long before it came and bravely dissenting from the policy of Ihe Jeff Davis administration. Settle will be assailed for hi radical devotion to the Confederacy, aud his persecution oi the Quakers aud Moravians who be lieved in Union and peace. ' When Vance was the fretful Confederate dis senter in the gubernatorial chair. Settle was the pitiless official Confederate prosecutor of all who provoked the displeasure of the Davis despotism. The singular spectacle Is thus present - ed ofthe- conservative Confederate leading the deuywraiic ranks in battle, - and the radical Confederate marshaling the republicans under his banner. It will be a grand contest one worthy o! North Carolina in the- days of her Gra hams and Mangumn, and the whole country will turn with pride to the elevation of southern political , domina tion that it foreshadows. If ludiana and Ohio should both be swept by the republicans in October, a resistless tidal wave for Hayes would be started throughout the country, and the elec tion of Settle could be classed among the- possibilities f but if iheraaliall be anything like a hopeful struggle for Til 1 den alter the preliminary elections in - the west, Vance will be - successful by . from five to ten thousand majority. VIRGIMA. Richmond has a big club christened "Tilden Town Talkers." , . , George Higgina, a farmer near Rich mond, was killed by lightning July Rev. Wm. Meade Nelson, of the Episcopal church, died receully , in Charlottesville.. . , ; , ,. r , George Vest was killed tn the Rac coon mine near Richmond, July 1, by a lump or coal ratling on mm. . In Rockbridge county, a few days aro. John Dobbins. ' negro, was shot and killed by John Thompsos,' white. Aiken's Landing, an estate of 1,000 acres on James river, twelve miles be - tow Richmond, has been sold to James ... U. Butler, of Pennsylvania, for 130,000. The decoration of Confederate sol dim' graves at the Montgomery hiie Sulphur Springs took place July 14. Judge Farrar, of Amelia county, deliv ered the address. A Richmond letter to the Baltimore Sun says : "It aeema to be understood that an order for the sale of the Chesa peake and Ohio railroad will be entered at the October term of the court. It i highly probable that the road 'will be purchased by . the bondholders under the first mortgage of the Chesapeake I and Ohio company. . Prior to that ii a mortgage for about a million or a mil-1 lion and. a half on thfr lilJf jrzlnla ""Central." . . T .., ' Nothing Else Could be Expected. In the course of a long article1 on the unfortunate affair at Hamburg, South Carolina, the New Vork World, of July 15, says : - . f ,, Imagine New York Under the condU tlona of South Carolina. Imagine the lowest and most ignorant, the most debased find servile elements of her population, controlled by still worse and more i" tmsenrpulou ruffians from other states, making and administering her laws shamelessly plundering her treasuries ; burning the houses of her citizens ; outraging her women ; riding rough-shod over the country, with in sult and robbery and murder every where In their track with these thievea and murderers filllnsr the bench and jury-box t even the chairs of the - high- .a ft.1V SB . est state omces and the naua oi tuo legislature itself no redress for the victim of robbery and no punishment for the murderer Imagine the proper-ty-ownera of the New York, the Intel ligent and orderly classes of the com munity, the husbands and fathers of our people, subjected to thia saturnalia of misrule, of robbery and of violence, for long and weary years. It is the story of South Carolina since the war the story of "the Prostrate State." It does not need that we should tell it here, as advocates of our party friends. It has been told in the columns of the bitter partisan press ; It may not be de Died In any detail. But there has been occasionally so rarely aa to excite wonder that long suffering can so pre vail without returning violence for vio lencean outbreak of the people, aud one bloody reprisal occurs for a long succession of not leea bloody crimes. FOTgetttoxihrT prlsala are of a character to shock the country, and, of course, are eagerly seized upon by the partisan press to ex hibit the bloodthirsty character -of the southern whites against their former slaves, God save the mark ! Shall we sympathize only with the brutal negroes of the Mauritius la sacking the houses and torturing the bodies of their old-time masters T - Do we declaim against the frontiersman who avenges the murder of his family and the plun der of his cabin by a savage band t And can we have no heart for the outrages against our brothers of a sister state Should we hang the ..workmen over in New Jersey, the other day, who stoned the three murderers to death t This tragedy in South Carolina, shocking as it is, la to be referred directly to the misrule of the state for long years, marked bv an uninterrupted reign of rapine in every form or. niuraer in every degree, ;t; ; ; .y; ,-rj'. How to Dress At the Centennial. ... Jennie June, one of the most obser vant and sensible fashion-writers in the country, famishes these valuable sug gestiona to ladiea attending the Phila delphia exhibition : The question of dross at the centen. nial is really a very important one. thonah not from the roint of view from which most women regard it. It really matters very little how they look ; but it is of the greatest importance to their enjoyment how they feel To be bur dened with one s clothes on a hot day, in a hot place, and when the measure of satisfaction depends on rapid movement or the wearer, is all the more exasperat ing because she can blame nothing but her own stupidity. -A dr of cotton or linen that will clear the ground, well out, but made with as little trimming as possible, a shade hat that requires no veil, English or French lisle thread gloves, plain linen collar and cuff, a fan hung from the belt, a parasol or sun-umbrella, which can' be likewise strapped to the side. complete a sensible .. costume, which does not embarrass the wearer or stand in the wav of her enjoyment. But if she has to hold up a trail made heavy with flounces, carry a weight of pannier ana a whalebone, run the risk or blind ness by tying a piece - of spotted lace tightly across hex face,. and cover up her hat with a gauze veil to save it, why.'slie had better make np bar mind not to go to the exhibition," but" be content with her usual promenade up and down Broadway, with a visit to Stewart's aud J. iff any 's, instead. . ' PARTY ORGANIZATION, At a meeting of tho Central Executive Committee of the democratic party it was ', Resolved 1. That the chairman of eaoh County Executive Committee be requested to report to the secretary of this committee the name and postoffice address of eaoh member of the same. S. That each member of the several congressional oommittees be requested to report his name and address in like manner ; and also to take notice that he is ex-officio a member of the State Ex ecutive Committee, j i; J 3. That this committee urgently calls on the conservative people of North Carolina who favor reform in state and national affairs to form without delay Tilden and Vance clubs in their reapco tive townships or neighborhoods ; and the officers of all such dabs are reques ted to report their names to the secre tary of thia committee. i. That the democratic papers throughout the state be requested to pnblish the above resolutions. ; - W. R. COX, Chm'n. S. A. Ashk, See'y. . - According to the new lettiogs for carrying the mails in this part of the state, several changes of postoSces have been made: Fleming P. O., in T.inpitln ronntT. has been discontinued. d Wowntaio Cretk P. ia Catawba, has been re-established. RALEIGH, Nj C, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 136. WHOLESALE CASH ; PRICES - Csvrectad by 1'. - ! f. C. CH KI3T0FIIEB8 A Q. I ; Ralbior, July 191870. ' osHiaai. Maaarr. -Uoa Ties, bi cents :'i Flour, North Caroluia IA0O0.3r. Corn 74 76 cents. , - , Corn Mfl, 75m ' Bscon, N. C bog round, 143l4. ?. . ? , hams Bulk Meats, Oear&ib Bldos, 12J11. , .. Shoulders. i eents, . Lard, North Carolius, 17. ;-- " ( Western tierces, lrt. ' . r ' kees, 17. . Coffee; Prime Rio tfJil. . , (iood, 8l(tii. i Common. lUaSO ' NsUs, on basis or 10s, $3.6.1 . Sairsr A. IX " Extia C, 13. " Tellow C. 9lfl. Leather, Red Sole tfr2?. - v . Oaktanaed, 40. ; . Ilidss, green, a. - .r ".. . - " f dv. txio. TsUiw047 . .. Potatoes, sweet 70rti75 cents per bushel. - " Irish, new o75. , Oats, shelled, 5000. " shesf.from wfron, BOOCenU -baled ai.Oll. Fodder, aled, Ida Hsy, N. C. baled, good, 6073 ., lftrgs, perdoxen, 15eta. Butter, N. C , 22,ff25. Beeswax, 25. Bags, 24.- " ptuked, S cents. -Beef, on foo o4'!(7c " i dressed prims, 5 8 , Tfeavy Copper, per pouud, We. Light lJc Brass, per pound, 8 to 10c. Pewter, per pound, 7 to 10 eta. ' Lead, per pound, 84c. ,: Old Iron, per 100 pounds, 00c. Sheep Bklns per piece, aO)e. Wool wsshed, per pound, S5(e - nnwssbed SO to 85c. '-: : old 75 cents 5 burry, 90 ets: "f" feKKT-TATOta XHB-TOiK BCH IIV i ULK TO THE W KpT, via T1IK CHES APEAKE A OfllO B. K. first class fare from I sleigh to Cincinnati 23.35. First elass fare from Raleigh to Indlanap 01U85.75. 1 First class fare from Raleigh to Chicago 8L35. . First class from Raleigh to Bt. Louis 83.25. First class from Hsle)KU to LouUvUls 27ii, Passengers for Cincinnati and the West, leaving lUleiRh by the R. ti, . . 10.W a., m. train, resch Bichmond at 8. IS p. a.( lesve Richmond at 10.30 p. nu, by the Cln clnnatl & Ohio Railroad, and reach Cincin nati at S.00 on the morning of the second dr j : CON WAT R. noWARD, Oen. Pas. A Ticket Agent, W.- U-..8,, Venn..- , i ngluneer and Bup't. N C E Tit nmrt Annnal vnt In or nt t h it AtM.V holders of the K. fe A. A. L.K. R. Co., wul be neia at tne uompanv's oniea, in luieiga on Friday the Slst July, 1870, commencing at 13 o'clock, noon. - . . W. W VAHS. ' JuDe23 aiswtd See'y and Treasurer. APPLICANTS for Teacher's position in the Graded School will appear before vhe Examining Committee t the Deaf and Dumb Institution next Wednesday at 0 A. M . All spplying must have a First Grade Cer tificate from the Comity Exsmtn ng Board. July 7-ot y A GENTS WANTED for thV Historical Work Our . . W-NlfiK ItOltDKIf. A Complete and Graphic History of Ameri can Pioneer Life 100 TEARS AGO. Its thrilling conflicts of Red anl White Foes. Exciting Adventures, Captivities, Forays, Scouts, Pioneer women and boys, Indlau war-paths, Camp life, and Spo ts. A book for old and young. Not a dull page. No competition. E normous sales. Agents wsnted everywhere. Illustrated Circulars free. J. C. McCUKDY & t o., Phtlada., Pa., . June 15-sw. a GKNT8 25 e(eant 0 x 11 Chromos, 11 100 for X National Chromo Co., Phlla., Pa. . j A CTJUIOSITY A TEN-DOLJjAR bill of 177H sent free for stamp. Addrea, Hurt St Co., 77 Nassau St., N. Y. AGENTS Wastkd for THE CENTENNIAL BOOK OF BIOURRAPHY, or the Uvea of the great men of our first 103 yesrs. Send for circulars. P. W. Ziegicr A Co.. Phllada., Pa., or Chicago, III. , , P8YCHOMANCT,T or SOUL CHARM ING. Bow tlther sex may fascinate shd gain the love and affections of any per son tbey choose lnttantly. This simple, mental acquirement all eaa possess, free, by saallr-for gSc,-lojretherwlta . a. marriage guide, Kgytian Oracle, Ltreams,- llinls to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, c A queer boot. Address T. WILLIAM A C., Pubs. Phlla - July 16-4w mvtrt '3 subscribers In one dsy. - Best "u" literary papers. Onlyfl.SOa year. Three 110 chromos free. Mcstom k SronsLta, Pubs., Phlla., Pa. 4w AOENT8 Wanted for THE CENTENNIAL BOOK OF BIOGRAPUT, or the lives of the mat men of onr flrnt 100 years. Send for circulsrs. P. W. ZIEGLER A CO., Phllada, Pa. er Chicago 111. 4w, Fuller. WaTren tfe Co., 1 MANUFACTURERS OF , S3 T "V T- S RANGES AND FURNACES, TBM 1JMOZBI ASHOsTinET I!t TBS MAKKCT. Our new wood and coal cooking stoves Golden Crown, Iltporler, M FIHIT OF '76. vOUTIIEElfJGEr.. f 1 AND TUB VAnoi'9 LM TEYART 4 1.?.!PR0VED s Meet the wants of every dealer. Correspondence Invited. Price list - and eut npon application to FLLLLKR, WARREN A CO, 235 Water street, New fork 44tmhv FOB . ' " Csotht. CslJt, OoarttBcts tail all ' ; V Thriat Oiitaui, ", . use . : -: - . j Weill' firbolie Tablets, PUT TIP ONLT IN BLUE BOX fc. A TRIED AND SUBE REMEDY For sale by Druptsts renerally, and JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAT A CO.. RAILROADS, &c SCSIMXa l?URSI9y-TH,KST4,J0 - - IlUt 8EASQN Of lbio. r;2z ' I IUlmoh A Gastoh E. B. Co. GE'LPasEii03t AoB!tT,s OrriCB, ., BaleUh, N. C, July 8, 187S. trln thkd. ti fha fnllnvlns' Dlacea are now on sale by- the tletret aprat of this company, st Raleigh, at GKEATLT RE UL'CKi) PRICES. Good until November 1, ISTnt " .".' - - Niagara Falls, via nine different routes. a ... .i - . 1. ,Lotig Bran h, vis two different routes. Monlrwil l'j.nil VIA IVA airfRraln DOS Wstklns Uliim, via two different routea. ...p.t. un.wiK ...... I Cape May, AtlauUc City, Bedford Springs and Cresson, Pa. i 1UJNM BAUUa.IV, Gcn'l Passenger Agent. July 8-Steowtlllang U psTcasnvh Ya March 81st, 1876. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS. . . . OOINO SOUTH. Through Mall leave Peters burg st... ..... Arrtvs at Weldoa at. Southern Express leave Pe tersburg at.... , ' ' : Arrive at Weldoa at.... . Through Freljrbt with Pas ' sender Coach attached, " lesve Peterbnrg at... 8:37 P. M. 1 M P. M. S:30 A. M A M. 8:30 A. M. r 8:15 P. M. Arrive at weiaoa at.. O0T8O WOBTH. Through Mall leave Weldon at 7:85 A.M. Arrive at Petersburg at. 11:65 A. M. Southern Express leave Wel don at ......... 4:00 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at 7:09 P, M. Through Freight with Pas seuger Coach attached, leave Weldon at 4:15 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at.... ' 10:10 P. M. Through Tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points, and Barirare Checked through. u, T. DOUGLAS, an i-t Superintendent. TJiCaMONDA.M -PETERSBCBO XV BaiLmoao ooktvaat, oomtxacmo ar-aiii 1st, istol Trains on mis roaa wiu run as follows t ; ' LKAVB PXTKBSBUBO WORTH. ' 740 A. M. Freight train daOy except Sunday, with coach attached. 12:00 : M. ThrouKh Mali dally connecting with R., F. A P. Baiiroad tor ' all poinla East and West ?:8 Pr- M. Through-Mail ... dally exeewt ----- ,- Sunday, connecting with B-. F. A P. ilailroad, for all points j" East and West. Pullman's Sleeper attsehsd, rannlng through to Baltimore, making close connection with C and . O.R. R., for Virginia Springs and all points West and North. "The 8:10 A. M. train from Rldunond,.and the 7:85 P. M. train from Petersburg will stop at all regular stations. Passengers for Clover Hill connect at Chester MONDAT, WEDNE8DAT and FRIDAT. All trains leaving Petersburg will start from the Appomattox Depot. A. SHAW, spMt Superintendent. PIEDMONT AIR-LUTE RAIL WAY. Richmond & Danville, Richmond A Danviixk IL W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. C.IL W. CONDENSED TIME TABLE, In Efftct on and after Sunday, Dee. -': : 1M, 1875. . - - GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Man. Leave Charlotte ...... Air-Line Jnne'n ; " Salisbury j " Greensboro.... ; - Dsnville ,...-! " Dundee.... r BurkeviNeTrrr.J i Arrive at Richmond.. 8,45a M. 6.25 " 8.20 " 10.58 " 1.84 P. M. . 1.49 , " -aat Ji 9.85 GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Man Leave Richmond..... 5.80 A. at. " Burkevllle .00 " - Dundee.. 1.80 r. n. t Danville 1.48 " " Greensboro.... 4.28 " " Salisbury 0.54 " " Air-Line Junc'n M - , Arrive at Charlotte... 0.15 " -GOXGEASTl GOING W. STATIONS. Man. Maru. ii w . Leave Greensboro U.OJa. u. A. 4.18 a. m. " ' Co. Bhops - I Rmirlirh... Lv. a a lU'ru 8.40 pm A.11.05 " U 8.20 i j vive at Goldsboro STATIONS . Vn Train. Leave Greensboro . .. " - Co. Shops .... Arrive at Raleigh.... Arrive at Goldsboro.. 700 pm . 5.00 am A. 8.00 an. Lv A. 7.80 P M. 11.14 Lv 2.00 PM. NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R Salex Branch. lave Greensboro 4.45 P. M. Arrive at Salem 6.45 u Lesve Salem 8.15 A. M. . ; Arrive at Greensboro 10.83 " Psssenger Trains leaving Raleigh at 10.05 A. M. connect at Greensboro with the South era bound train , making the quickest tims to all Southern cities. Accommodation Train leaving Raleigh mt 7.30 P. M., connects with Northern bound Train at G-eensboro for Richmond for all points East. Price of Tick eta same as via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7.00 P. M connect at Goldsboro with Northern and Southern bound trains on the W II mlneton and Weldon Railroad. Lynchburg Aecomn odation leaves Rich mond daily at 0.00 A M., arrives st Burkevllle 12.30 P. M. leaves Burkevllle 1.20 P. M ar rives at wcamond 4.34 f. at. No chanqb or Cabs between Chab LOTTB AND RICHMOND, 282 MtLES. - JOHN R. MACMURDO, General Paasenjrer Agw, 1 t - Richmond, Va. T. M. R. TALCOTT, UeaT Superintendent. kMu mmSt m BTAPl.i.. oorr I B. u rmm (.UlfiKtLUCO. M. Amm, aw- ' MISCELLANEOUS. milRELY. MUTUAL. ... ! THE NEW YORK LIFf! INSURANCE COMPANY Was organised In ISIS, and sines that t sae has been doing a success! ul business. It has returned to Its members or their It-tal repre sentatives 834,000,000 In Ivldends, Return Premiums, and Death Claims, r it has no Stockholders to share In the profits ; all fts surplus ts divided ielukivel among its members. Assets, January 1st, 187ft. 30,G43,55 84 Surplus, January 1st, 1876, 5,4r,841 08 The nremlums at a riven an are practi cally tb same In all Life Insurance Cum pa nics, but the net eost of the Insurance Is very different, depending entirely upoa the surplus or dividends returned to pollcy-bo ders, and this depends upon the management ef the Com pny' affairs. . - ,.;.' -t- v - 1 he long and successful expert ace of this Company enables u to recommend its poli cies to cltiseas of North Carolina as worthy of their attention and a good Investment. Reliable business men who desire to work as Agents of ths New York Life in Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, and Intermediate points, are Invited to communicate with w. u. Biavti unu, - Manager South-eastern Department. No. 8, eoulh Street, Baltimore, Md. : July8-d3u , iN O T I C E The 36th Annual meeUne of the stock holders of the R. A G. R. R. will be held at the office of the company hi Kaleieh on Thursday, the 30th of July, 1876, commenc ing at is o'eiecK. noon. - W. V. VABB, i i See'y and Treasurer. Jun 22-41 awtd - - . , gO L T E D M E A L 800 to 1,900 bushels per week received and old cheap foteaslonlyet OATTIS A JONES' fJV) ALL MEN A SPEEDY CURE. Weakness of the Back or Limb, sltrictures, Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder, Invol nntary Discharge, Impotency, General De bility. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low SptriU, Confusion of Idea, Palpitation pf the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease -of the Head, Throat. Nose, or Bkim Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those ter rible disorders arising: from solitary Habits of Youth secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims inaa tne song or tne Syrenesto the Mariners of Ulysses, blight nlng their Boost brilliant hopes and anticlpa- tinna. Mnderinsr marrlasre almost lmDossible. destroying both Body and Mind. ' : Blarx-tate- Married oersons or vounr men contempla ting marriage, suffering from Organic and Physical Weakness, Loss of Procreative rowers, impoiencj, rroeuuon, ustnneo Vltillt. lnvolnntarv Diacharres. Non-Eree- tability, Hasty Emissions, raTplutlon of the Heart, nervous axcttaouiiy, uecay oi ih Phvsleal and Mental Powers, Derangement of all the Vital Force and Functions, Nerv ous Debility. Loss of Manhood, General Weakness or tne urgans, ana overy outer unhappy disqualification, speedily removed, and full manly vigor restored. s:t ; . ! To Youns Hea These are some of the sad snd melancholly effect produced by early habits of youth, vis : Weakness of ths Back and Limbs. Pains la the Head, Dlmuess of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, - eneral Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, etc. - MiPAXlTT. The fearful effects on the mind are mucU to be dreadedLcs of Mem ory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spir its, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude. Timidity, etc.. are some of the evils produced. Thousand of persons of sll sges can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singu lar annearance about the eves, ciuigb and symptom ox eonsumpuoo. f . .. . . Dr. Johnston, - OF THX BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, A'O. 7, HOUTll FREDERICK HT.t BETWEEN BALT1MORR AND ECO AD HTREKT8, BALTIMORE, MD. luae 21, ly. AKE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. . ( ScMMoaapoa Baxiar. Jones Watson sod T. P. Dev reux, Ex'trs. of P. A. 8teuberg, dee'd. Amiiut .- Joanna F. Stenberg, Beda W. Stenberg, Chaa. W. Stenberg, Sarah Jane Loader. James B. Loader, ary John Loader ana Annie Jones Loader. THE STATEOF NORTH CAROLINA, Toth Sheriff af Waks Cmiiity-Gretng : You are hereby commanded, ta summon Joanna'F. Stenber, Beda W. Stenberg, Chas. W. Stenberg, Sarah Jane Loader, James K. Loader, Mary John Loader and Annie Jones Loader, the defendants above named. If they be found within your county, to apear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Wake, within J0 dsys after the service of this summons oa this, exclusive of the dsy of such service, and snswer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited ia the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within ten days from the date of this summons, - and let them take notice that It they fail to an swer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiffs will apply to ths Court for the relief demanded In tlie complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 17 day of June 176. ; J. N. BUNTING. ' Clerk Superior Court Wake County. nortii Carolina" wake county. , PaOBATS Cocar. . Jones Watson snd T. P. Devereux, Ex'rs. of Peter A. Stenberg, dee'd. James T. Stenberg, B. W. 8tenberg, Chas. i W. Stenberg, Sarah Jane Loader, James R. Loader, Msry John Loader, Annie Jones Loader and Susan C. Loader. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by the affidavit of Thomas P. Devereux one of tne plaintiffs herein that a good cause of action exists In the above ease that after due dUligenc the defendants Joanna K. Stenberg, Sarah Jane Loader, Beda W. Stenberg and Charles W. Stenberg cannot be found In the State of North Uarolloa, and that they are proper parties to this action. It la therefore ordered bv the Court that summons by publication be made in the ! Weekly sentinel once a week lor six weeks, snd further that a copy ef said publWbrd summons be enclosed and directed to such of the within named non-residents whose address Is known to the plaintiffs herein ' ' J. N. BUNTING, ' Clerk. " BnsBia A Busaaa, plaintiffs Attorneys ua38-law-6v PRICE i FIVE CENTS MISCELLANEOUS. J Established 1841. PaOtcnt ;Cliampion. EURGLAR AID FISE PEOOF Bank Vaults & Doors, ALSO "1 Till LOCKS. 1? HERRING & CO., " 251 & 252 Broadway, New York; 5160 Sudbury Bt., Boston, ap l&Vod-2m . , TBIUMra TRUSS CO., 834 BOWERY, N. Y., to whom was awarded the Premium JtZedal tor the best Elastle Truss and Supporter at the last session of the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR,' cares S rupture la from JO to 80 days and offer 1,000 dollar for a case tbey cannot cure. They employ a FJJtST. CLASS IAD Y SURQKOX. uTertos raoderate. Cases rWMtwi-Or. ders nUled by malL Examination free;"Th nsuai aiscount to patron, eena l cents fordescripUv book to " Prof. W. H. BUBNBAM, M. D.,' O martS-d ly Chief Surgeon. G: , .;;;;-:;. :f r:.:;:" Coming aud going an the while very low for Greenbacks or Silver promises are aofeaK" reot-at ; ' i . ;' : ) ' . ' firW i - GATTIS 4 JONES' c .-. I Wholesale Grain and Feed Store, -pwrfte Dr, MeKee'sOffleeC MISCELLANEOUS. ' OrriCB F 8DTalTXDV, I PBTaasaoaa Railboad CoitrAar, . " Petersburg, Va , November 84, t 75. ) CHANGE OP SCHEDULE TO take effect SUNDAY. November 85th GOING SOUTH. Leave Petersburg at 6:80 A. M. and 827 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 53 A. M. &5S P. M. GOING NORTH. Leave Weldon at 7:85 A. M. and 4 P. M. ' Arrive st Petersburg at 11:48 A. M. and 7:07 P. M. Trains connect at Petersburg and Weldoa with trains for all southern and northern points. Tickets sold to all southern, south western, northern and eastern points, and hainrage checked through. fl. T. DOUGLAS, feb 18-ditw-tf. . Superintendent. EVEItgBEFOKE EQUALLED I 1 lie Largest Stock on s , Kecord. C7r,EIK.KLHm-tte1urner H is still at the old Stand with a larger 3 i martam!tiot ,-,.v. . SFRIITCa- GOODS Tt TnAN EVER. - ' U. a. CENTENNIAL OCOD3. rOURTn JULY CENTENNIAL GOODS l?7 f ' UIESniM ' 1376. ""Look at my-latest Fashion Flatea and - choose your stjle. CLOT I U, "It - CASSIMERES, - surrxNaa. In ret anything you want. Come and see sue, I know I can suit you. ' WEIEEL'S ESTABLISHMENT is at the old place, one door south of the Southern Express ofHoe. ; ' I guarantee all my fits. " '" apr ISSm C 'WEIKEL. JICHMOND PETERSBURG R. R. CO Commencing Oct. 84th, 1875,, Trains on , this road wul run as follows i . , f Lbavb Richmokd, So cm. - 8:10 A. M.. Through MaOj 7:4S A. M., ' Freight Train ; 1:45 P. VLn ThroughMail ; 8P.M.,rreightTratn. Lbavb PaTBBSBtrao.TfoaTa. T0 A. M., Preleht Train ; 19 M.j Through Mail; 5 P. M. Freight Train; 7:35 P. M., Through Mao. i - Coaches attached to all freight trains for " -aceommodation of paaaeuRers. . l. This Company offers special Inducements to the shlppinr public on Una of the RaXtra A Gaston, Ksieigh dt AngusU and Western N.'C Rsffroada, la the way of low freight aMpa.gerrate. 8nAW d&w-tf ' Super la tenad OHITERSIIT OF TOIIA. SUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly ), begin 13th July, 1878, and end 13th Sep tember. Have proved of signal use, 1st. to -student who design to pursue their studies at this or other Law-school ; ad, to tboaw who .. propose to read privately: and ard, to prae tltloeers who have not had the advantage . f systematic Instruction. For circular ap- Sly(PiO. University of Va) to Jobs B. Irsoa, Prot. Com. and Stai. Law. r June e-wsw. ,-.-.'.- ( aSUHPaaanvaaSl - V-

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