..-.-..-.,:::-:lV: 0 Xyy KyYXyo VOL XX1I.-N0. 13G. RALEIGH, r N. C FRIDAY MORNING, JULY . 21, 1376.: PRICE: FIVE CENTS T V 1 THE SENTINEL FRIDAY. JULY 31. 1878. A Lost Lot. Oh. mystic loveliness of dear, dear womau; Ob, vanished cbarm of watlug diwtnut .. hair; .'. f . . ' -'. .-, :: f Oh, pallid giow of beauty superhuman, " XJt W Ibe-gleam thac-tnakea U angel .- fair.'- " ' Vf A dreamy sweetness now your bloom en- : lances: - - The earthly features wear tbe teavenly cmile ' ' ! That pictured angels bear Id solemn trances In silence of some dim catbetlral oldie, j We met too late. Your promise had foeo plighted, ' '." ' ' ' i And until then it pleased tne to be free- So glance of your that met mine Longer sighted , , , . Krer betrayed the sUghtest thought of w - -, ' : .-,.-, .! ,..' i ; , We went our way with dreary commonplace, . poor soul, you trod your jmth UtrUh atony wayaj . Though you nave !pt to king, Diytnrmory traces 'Mid tears the memory of those evil days, - t , I To you it seems half-forgotten story; i - lu that far land beyond the pulse of time, And thinking of yon 'mid the saints In glory, I se how earthly lovo may be sublime, " 1 linsr ou and learn the grace of (tearing ' The nerveless ping Tliat follows on your loss; For well I know that you, my love, are wearing ' . The crown that wreaths the angels of the - , ''Crof., - i liVlieellny; up Against Wheeler, From the I'lattdburg (K. Y.) Kepobllcaa, William A, Wheeler, the republican Dominae for vice president, was bora in Malono, N. Y.t June 8, 1819, mad is just -ruij-seven years or age, About the rear 1842 Mr. Wheeler was admitted to the bar. He was then ' recognized as whig, but in 1846 or 1817 ha gavs a solemn promise on lion or, to act from that time forth with the democratic party, and thereupon received the dem ocratio nomination for district-attorney jjf Franklin eonntj, ;to.biob he was eiecwn ; Tei as eonuaaea tnereaiier to im mu KHfS WU1K. 1U IlSKniUf TIOiaUOD of hw promise. About the year 1851 Mr. Frederick Ames, of .Essex county, employed Mr. Wheeler, then a member of the legislators, to purchase for Ames a piece ox una belonging to the- state. near the location of the state prison at jjanoemora, wnecier examined tne property, and finding it a good specula tion, he, together with a clerk in Lis law- office named. DouglaHa, bought . in the property.' Ames, haying discovered the tries piayeu on mm, . demanded an ex planation from Wheeler, who affected ignorance and ' charfred the fault to Douglass, whom be described ' as half lawyer, half bone-jockey and a resi dent of fjhsteaugar, which last in those days almost signified an outlaw. But this "jockey" afterward brought a suit against Wheeler for his share of the proceeds of the speculation, and sum moned Ames si a witness, when Wheeler made haste to come down and settle. When the second mortgage bondholders oi tne jNortnern railroad obtained legis- u puiuuuuj ujcu yj organize a company and transfer their bonds into stock, subject to the first mortgage bonds, W. A.Wheeler, J. a Eldredge and W. C. Crown, who . were the trus tees, find had possession of the road, reiuseu to give up tnelr possession ex cept on terms satisfactory to themselves. Possession, could only be obtained at the en a oi a teuious ana expensive law suit, and negotiations were oommenoed with he trnstees. It was fonnd that the late W.C I'rown was willimr to sten aside. but that wneeler and Eldredge insisted upon a douceur of $20,000 each, with S25,000 to be spent at Malone for depot ana worxsnops, Deiore tuey wonia sur render possession. Theso terms were . finally agreed to, and as it was oonsid- -red onlylauttapay their irieridt as much as they had to pay their oppo nents, each of the trustees received his 120,000. - Mr. Wheeler was chairman of the Northern Facifio railroad at the time when its jobs were pat throutrh concress. When the facts in regard to his share in the responsibility for those large frauds snail nave been made public, as they doubtless will be, we shall see whether Mr. Wheeler will be as successful in ex planation as were his illustrious prede- orouore, oonnyier uoirax and James O. Dlaine. ' r The Fast Mall fiervlee. A New York letter sava f )nr mar. chants and busiuess men really care lit tle or nothing about the collapse of the last mails, and will do nothing, there fore, to influence the govorment or the rauroaa companies one way or another, Tk. - : , . . aud ureuiag journals appear to -rejoice over it rather ihan to regret it, on the a sumption that the whole arrangement wav one exclusively in tne interest of the morning papeis. - I Advance In the Price of Ice. fa New York, last Monday, the price of ice was advanced to 75 cents a 100 pounds and 60 oents at wholesale. The advanoe has been agreed to by all the companies, most of whom are said to be using supplies drawn from New England at an increased cost for ' transportation. The available stock on hand at present is said to pe comparatively small. At a sale of autograph letters in Lon don recently, thirty-three letters of John Wesley brought j.350; thirteen of his brother Charles, $117 ; four of George Whitfield's, m ! and one of Dr.- Dod dridge about $14. A f on r-page letter of lU)bert Burns sold for $1,000, and one of Edmund Kean for $22. , The Memphis (renn.) Appeal states that an old-time fraud of that city was recently exposed. A negro man had for years claimed to be a - woman, and had so successfully disguised himself in female apparel that he had worked no little mischief lhe police of Memphis, by the aid of tLree physicians, exposed the wretch and bad him sentenced to (he chain gang. During the Memphis riots tms brazen rascal, wno claimed to be named i rmices Thomas, and a for mer Maryland slave, testified before a congressional investigation committee. ' . It. m oi wmcu uod. u, w asuourne, now minister to rranoe, was chairman, to uavtng been outraged by wnite men eighteen times, and to having been rob bed of a number -of silk dresses and S.KX), all of whiob was duly reported to congress, and made the basis of a btmvy indictment against the white people of Memphis. Waahlngtoii-Lc University. From lbs Philadelphia Press.! General R. D. Lilley, the representa tive of Washington and Lee University who is soliciting contributions to endow chairs, a Confederate officer, who lost bis right arm in one of the battles in northern Virginia, has called upon a number of - our prominent republican citizens, and has. been most cordially welcomed by them. His intelligence, experience,and frankness have produced a tasting impression, and we cannot doubt that his efforts, sustained by such glorious memories, and animated by such substantial national hopes, will be liberally responded to by men . of . every party in every northern alate. A Petty Outrage. tRIctmond Whig.) The people of Norfolk are justly in dignant at the hoisting of a Hayes and Wheeler flag over the costoia-housa by ojaer oi LiUtner A. Jjee, oouootorol tbat port. This is a real outrage. When was ever inch an impudent thing done be fore? The "Star-Spangled Banner" is the only flag for our publio buildings,, ships and garrisons, aud this collector shonld be taught a decent respect for it We shall look to lh president to prop erly rebuke this partisan exhibition by one oi nis ignorant appointees. ... . - . . . - ' James C. outhall,F. T. 8. From the Norfolk Virginian. As Virginians we are gratified to learn that this distinguished gentleman, whose great work nas created such a profound sensation in England, has been elected a feuow of the scientific society which bears the honored name of the Queen. We are not aware tbat a similar distinc tion has been awarded to a citizen of any of the southern states of the American union. . , - . t Big Western Ways. Cattle-raising in Texas is conducted on a huge scale, beveral weeks ago Captain King, one of the most noted cattle-raisers in tne Lione Star State, started for Kansas a mammoth expedi tion, the fitting ont of which cost$50,- uuu. .. it comprised uu.oou bead of horned cattle, under the surveillance of 700 drivers. This immense drove came from the ranches of Captain Ring and was disposed of for the sum of $320,000. Let it be published all over the north -. that already the states of .the south are being divided up into military districts, wiui commanders ordered to "move troops to any point whenever, in their judgment, it is in the interest of peace and order. V icksbnrg xlerald. PARTY ORCi AMZATIO. At a meeting of tho Central Executive Committee of the democratic party it was EesolV&d Tr-That- thtrxhairmaii -ftf each County Executive Committee be requested to report to the secretary of this committee the name and postoffice address of eaon member of the same. 2. That each member of the several congressional committees le requested to report bis name and address in like manner ; and also to take notioe that he is ex-ofilcio a member of the State Ex ecutive Committee.' i , , ! 3. Tbat this committee urgently calls on the conservative people of North Carolina who favor reform in state and national affairs to form without dtelav m w vr " xuaen ana v ance ciubs in tneir respec tive townships or neighborhoods ; and tne. o uicers oi ail such clubs are reques ted to report their names to the secre tary of this committee. - ; i. That tlie democratic papers throughout the state be requested to publish the above resolutions . : ;; W. K. COX, Chm'n. S. A. Asbx, Sec'y. .--.? '. ' . i ' ," J can up lift these hands be fore you, in the presence of my Creator, and say that in all that time of war and publio distress, and through all that period of temptation and corruption which followed the war, not one dollar of dishonest money has ever stained their palms ; and, lastly, I can say that I never had a thought wherein self was preferred to the prosperity and honor of my native land. Vsnee's speech at the Italuigb Convention. . RcnntE Cured in from 30 ta 90 days by the use of the Triumuh Truss and Triumph Kupture Remedy, manu factured by the Triumph Truss Com pany, 334 Bowery, N. y. This Truss and Supporter took, the Medal at .the last session of the Great . American In stitute Fair. Scud 10 cents for their new boo, WB0II3ALE ASIiFIUeES F. C. CHRISTOPHERS CO. ; Kalsioh, July 19, 1870. UIRKKAL MAKXIT. . Cotton Ties, Of cents. 1 lour. North Carolina 9.00.25. Corn T4i76eenU. Corn Meil, 75((t!0. Bacon, Hi. C. hog round, lla. " ham15U. Balk MesU, Clw Rib tiidea, 13113. "'"" " Kliouldtrt. cenM.'" -Lard, North Carolina, 17). Western tierces, lit. , keifs 17; Coffuc, Prims Rio ifiyfil.' .. " " Oood, 2t(ia. " Common, 19a30 Valla, on batls lor lUa, 3.05 Sugar A. 13. " J EiUsC, 12. " Yellow C. tJ'. , Lealher, Red Bole iVaiT. " Oaa tanned, 40. . i( . "'Hide, green, ft. " . d-.(tu7 i TliiW7 FoUUmk, awet 7075 eeuta per bunhel. ; s ' " , - Irlxb, new (Wdiii. ! Oats,' shelled. 600. " abeaf, fro in wagon, WXdfQ cents baled 1.U. Fodder, baled, lua Hay, N. C baled, good, 0&n Kggs, perdoaeu, locta. -v ., . Butter, N. C , 22Hfti5. Beeswax, 25. . RK,2. . . ' . picked, S eenta. 4 -, Beef, on foot, ftfr7c. - " dressed prime, 8 , Heavy Copper, per pound, Wc . Llitht " lac Bnua, per pound, 8 to 10c. Pewter, per pound, 7 to Idcts. ' ; Lead, per pound, Ha Old Iron, per 1U0 pounds, fiOc. Sheep 8k lua per piece, IWVOc Wool -WMbed, per pound, 25(Vc . unwashed 30 to 25c. - " " ' TUCKET FARES AND TIME BCHED- I ULK TO THK WEST, vu THE CUES- Ftrat claM fare from alelirh to ClnclnnaLf I T ; , Firat class tare from Raleigh to Indlansp- rirt class I are from Kaletgn to Cbicago a i. ik).--"-'-.-........,. rtnt class from Raleigh to 8t. Lou ! 83.25. ' Ftrat daas from Bclebrh to Loulsvilta 27.25. Faasengera for Cincinnati and the West, laaving Kleixb by tbs R, A O. K R. 10.00 a. m. train, rech Kirhmohd at 8.45 p. m. leave Rlcbmond at 10,80 p. ot, by the CI a clnnaU A Oliio Railroad, and reach Ciucin ntl at a.00 on tbs morning of the second JJ?l-l-C0SWAxn0WAltD Gen. Paaf A Ticket Ageat. nglnneer and Bup' N The next annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Ry& A. A. L. R. K. Co., wul be Deld at th uoqpan's olnce, In Kalelxb. on Friday the 21t July, 187D, commencing at uo'cioca, noon. W. W.VA8S, . June 33 dlawtd Bee'y and Treasurer. A PPLI CANTS for Teacher'a position In r the Uraded 8cbooI will appear before ibs Kaaminiog Commltt t t the leaf and Dumb InstiuiUoa next Wednesday at 0 A. H. Ad applying munt bave a First Orade Cer tlftcate from the County Examin ng Board. JniyT-et : . A GEST8 WANTED for th Historical 1 Work Our W'NTEH.N HOKItKff. A Complete and Graphic History of Ameri can Pioneer Lift 100 XKAKS AGO. IU thrilling conflicts of Red anl White Foes. Exciting Adventures, Captivitlea, Forays, Bcouls, Pioneer women - and boys, Indian war-paths. Camp life, aud 8ikj ts. A book for old and yowog.-Not a dull paga.- No competiiioa. E normous sales. Agents wanted ererywnere. liinstraied circulars tree. ; J. C JdcCURDx & t o.) Phllada., i a-, june lo-tw. A OKNTS 25 eant 9 x II Cbromos, 11 rv 100 lor t-i. National Cbromo Co.. rnua., ra. A CURIOSITY A TEN-DOLLAli bill of 177A sent free for stamp. Addres, uura vo., 4i xBfsna ei., i. I. AGENTS Wawtkd for THE CENTENNIAL BOOK OF BiOORRAPHY, er ttw lives of the great men of our first 101 years.' Bend for circulars. P. W. Ziegler & Co., Phllada,, I a., ur vujeagu, in. TJSYCHOMANCr, or SOUL ClURVf I ISO. How tither sex mav fasclnau abd gain the love and affections of anv wr. son .. thy-hoos.,ltwtilf ThU Titr, meuuu niuirciueiii mn can po'sess, jree, Dy mall, for 25c, together with a marrtajre guide, Egytlaa' Oracle, Uresms, Hints to nuies, weridlng-Msrht Shirt, Ac. A queer oooa. - Auareas r. niLUAM & Co., Pubs. rnna - , ulv lS-4w IPIf Ti '3 subscribers In one day. Best - nirary r(nere. Only S1.5i a thf Three $10 cbromos fre. JdcaTos A SronsLxa, Pubs., Pbila., Pa. 4w AGENTS Wanted for THE CENTENNIAL BOOK OF BIOGRAFIIY, or lbs Uvea of the great men of our first 100 years Send for circulars. P. W. ZIEGLER A CO., Phllada, Pa. or Chicago 111. 4w. Fuller. Warren & Co.. MANUFACTURERS OF STOVES, RANGES AND FURNACES, T1TB TO.ROKST ASROBTUZT CI TBI MARKET. Odr new wood and coal cooking stores Golden Ooif H, Reporter, AN P1RIT QF IB. iH riiiiB ur sS 0UTHEE1FJ RJ AD TUB t'A Stewart 4 m !ERH GEM. a no is li'FROVtD Meet the wants of every dealer. : Correspondence Invited. Price list and eut upon application to TUIXLEK, WARBEN ft CO, . aas Water street, New York FOP Cough. Colu't, BoafhCfts aiJ all ' Thriat Uitrasfi, use . . Weill' CatboIUTiibleii, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOX FA. f A TRIED J AND bUliE 1U;MEDY For sale by Dmpciata eener!ly, and , T 7 C E . - uu.igiu. uoixowai a CO., y. Philadelphia, Pa , FOB il TI1E dEAsON OF 1870. , RAi.rion A Gasroii R. R. Co. . Cek'l Fahrkngeb Aqemt's Omcs. ;JUleha. N. July 8, IHK Round trip tickets to the following plaoes are now on sale by the tk-ket afrent of this company, st Kalelgb. at GREATLY RE oL'CKD PKICES. Good untU November 1,1870: . - - ,' ' : Niagara Falls, via nine different routes. Baratoira. via three different routes. Long Branch, via two different routeST"" Montreal, Canada, via two different routes, i liaron cp'taRS, via twodlllereot routes. Watkins tilmn, via two different routes. Newport, Gettysburg, Minneoua Brirlnirs Cape stay, Atlauilc City, Bedford Springs and treason, ra. i . ' j . TIOMAS BADGER, ' Gca'l Passenger AkcuI, iuiv s-meowttiianxia , - . ' Pstb-H'ku. Va, March 81st, 187ri. -JCllfitfTJljC OF TUAINI OOINO SOUTH. ThrouRb Mall leave Petcrs- mt p. Arrive at Weldon at ;&S P. Southern Express leave Pe- icraonrg at Arrive at Weldon at...., :90 A. W W A. Through Frpight with Pas senger Uoacn altacliod, leave reierourg at.. Arrive at Weldoa at.... 8:30 A. 2:15 P. OOINO NORTH. i Through MU leaTe Weldon at 7A5 A. M Arrive at Petersburg at 11:65 A. t Southern Express !eaveWel- don at . . 4:00 P. V. RArms at Fetereburg at 7:05 F. M mrongn rreignt wita ras- aenger voaca attaclied. . leave Weldon at 4:15 P.M. Arrive at Petersburg at.... - 10:10 P. M Through Tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern pointa. and Bares ire Checked tnrrmrh. H. T. DOUGLASV -p 4- ..... . LBuperlllWBdOIlfe JpICHMOND AND - PETERSBURG XV KAILBOAD COM F ART. COMMBHCINO araii. 1st, 1876. Trains on this road wtll rua as follows I ... LEA VI PKTKKSBUKO NORTH. 7:50 A. M. Freight tram dally except - -u. i " euuaay, wita coacD attacned. 00 M. Through Matt daily connecting with R., F. ft P. Railroad for aU nolnta East and West 7:35 F, M. 1 hrough Mall dally except Buniay, connecting witn K., r. ft P. Railroad, for all point Kat and West, i Pullman's Bleeer attached, running through to Baltimore, making clone connection with V. and O. R. a, for' Virginia Springs and all points West and North. heTttuTl M7 train from Richmond, rand the 7:35 P. U. train from Petersburg will stop at an regular stations. Passengers lor Clover Hill connect at Chester MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FK1DAY. All trains leaving Petersburg will start from the Appomattox Depot. A. B11AW, ap 8-41 Superintendent. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE BAIL Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Danville R. WV, 3f . C. Division, and North Western N. C. B. W. CONDENSED TIMETABLE, Effect on and after Sunday, l)te. 19A, 1873. GOING XORTII. MI R "EXCIJRStON TICKETS :.. " ' STATIONS. " J ' Maiu fi:- l: . Leave Charlotte 5 45 a al.i ; Air-UnsJunc'n 6.S5 ' , , SalUibury...... 8.20 " Greensboro.... 10.58 " " Danville 1.84 r. m. , " Dundee.. .... 1.4U " i i " HurkeviNe .5l " Arrive at Richmond.. 9.85 ;' GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. 1 ' ,"7--'''Leave1Uc1iownd.'.'.. 5.SQ a; t.- " Burkeville..,.. 9.00 " u Dundee 1.89r. M. .,.,' Danvllla....... 1.43 , .... ',f Greensboro.. 7." " 1 - - 8ellbory 654; " Air-Line Juuc'n ".53 - Arrive at Charlotte... 9.15 ' ' 1 GOING EAST. GOING V. STATIONS. Mail. Mail.. Leave Greensboro... jU.O A.M. I- 8.4r u I 6.40 r M: A. 4.18 a. M, Lv Aill.05 L. 8.20 " - Co. Shops.... Raleigh rive at Goldsboro. STATIONS " t'n Tralu. Leave Greensboro , . . 7 00 r MA. 6.00 AM. Lv .... 5.00 a m A. 7.30 r m. 1L15 " LvfcOOrM. Ca. SboDS .... Arrive at RaMgh.... Arrive at Goldsboro.. NORTH WESTERN X. C. R. R . - Salem Branch. Iave Greensboro........ 4.43 P. M. : Arrive at Salem. 6.45 " , Leave Salem 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro 10.83 44 Passenger Trains leavtn Ralelcrh at 10.05 A. M. connect st Greensboro with tne SouUt era bound train , making tbs quickest time to all Southern cities. Accommodation Train leaving Raleigh at 7.30 P. M., connecU with nonnern oound Train at Greensboro for Richmond for all noInU East. Price of Tick eta asms aa via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7.00 P. M.. connects at i7llhorn with Northern and Soutbera bound trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lvncliburg Accomn odation leaves Rich, mond daily at 9.00 A M.. arrives at Burkeville 12.36 P. M.. leavea Bnrkevllle l.ao P. M.. ar rives at Richmond 4.34 P. M. NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN CHAR I-ottk and RrcrrMONn, 22 Miles. . . , . JOHN It. MACMURDO, . .. . General Passenger Agent, Ricbmond, Va. M. R. TALCOTT, ... . Gcal Superintendent. $10 to 25 per Uay mrm Hi mII m vtirx w STAPLE. UOtTKB. f tnMn uiMlm ia ..if ' kwiomfe Particu l.r. rrM, ?SfS UIIELY-MUTUA THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Wss organised In 18a3, and sines that t me baa been doing asncceaa ul business. It has returned to IU members or their 1 ral repre sentatives t,iwj,uuu in iviaenas, Ketarn Premiums, and Death Claims. ' it has no stockholders to share tn tb profits ; al. Hs surplus is divided exclusively am ng lis memoera. Assets, January 1st, 1876. 1 $30,645,955 64 surplus, January 1st, Join, Tbs premiums at a siven am .m tmML I cally the same In all Life Insurance Compa nies, but the net eost of the Insurance Is very different, depending entirely Don the surnlua or uivmenus returnea to poucy-no aers, ana tbis depends upon tne management of the Company 'a affairs. 1 be long and successful expert nee of this 'company enables us to recommend its poli cies to citizens of North Carolina as worthy vi umr uwnuoi sag a gooa investment, -Reliable business men who desire to work ss Agents of the New York Life tn Raleigh. vuanoite, ureensooro, ana intermediate ti . . . . . . " points, are Invited to communicate with w. it, BLA;KroKU, Manager South-eastern Department, ' No. 8, routh Street, Baltimore, Md. July 8-d3t. ; O. T. I C E The 90th Annual meeting of the stock holders of the R. ft O. R. R. wUl be held st the ollice of the company In Raleigh on Thursday, the20ia of July, 1876, commeno ug ai 13 cioca, noon. W. W. VABS. J Sec'y and Treasurer. jun uiaia O L T E D M E A L 300 to 1,330 bnsbels per - re4vd a soll ebesp for cash only at - ' -' " "J ' GATTIS ft JONES' ) ALL MEN A SPEEDY CURE. Weakness of the Back or Limb. Strictures. Affection of tbs Kidneys or Bladder. Invol untary' Dlschsrge, Imnotency,- General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepela, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of ldeaa. Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Trembling, Dlmnesa of Sight or Giddiness. Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowel those ter rible disorders arising irora solitary Habits of I outn secret and solitary pracucea more fatal to their victims than the song of tbs renes to thS ' Mariners of-Ulytsee. bHght- nlng their most brilliant hopes and antlclpa- tlons, rendering marriage almost irapoesible, destroying ooin ooaj ana aiina. ,narrlace. Married persons or young men contempla ting marriage, suffering from Organic and Physical Weakness, Loss of Prorreative Powers, Im potency, Prostration, Exhausted Vitality, InvolunUry Discharges, Non-Krec- umuty, nasty emissions, raipltatlon of tbe Heart, xnervous axeitaomty, Decay of tbe Physical and Mental Powers. Derangement of all the Vital Forces and F mictions. Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Manhood, General Weakness of the Organs, and overv other nnnaonv dlsouallflcatlun. aneedll nmnit. ana iuu maniy vigor nstorea. ' r .jf.r . ' ". ' , To l'oung .Tien These are some of the sad and melanchollf effects produced by early habit ofyoutb, vis i - Weakneas of the Back and Limbs, Pains la the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Maseular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia,' Nervous Irritability, Derange- -mem oi toe uigeauve a unctions, t- eneral Debility, Symptoms ol Consumption, etc. : Mksalitt. lhe fearful effect on th miutl are mucU to be dreaded Los of Mem ory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spir its, i-vu-roreiKHjings, aversion to ooclety, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity. etc, are aome oi uieeni proaucea. " lboHtan'l oi persons of all age can now Judge what la tbe cause of their declining ueaun. losuic vneir vuiic. oeoomina weax. paie, novous ana emaciateu, naving a singu lar appearance about th eves, cough aud symptoms oi consumption. Dr. jo Hasten, OF THK HAITI MOBS LOCK HOSPITAL, .rk i. t'AI'n i. ,, i. r. . , . . i BBTWXEX BALTIMORE AND SCO AO STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. un 81, ly. i . ' XT ARE COrjNTY.-IN THE SUPERIOR V? vOtnl. fit ii mow s roa BxLisr. ones - atson and T. r. Dev reux. Ex'tra. oi r. A. Dienoerg, aec fc Joanna F. Sleubcrir. Beda W. Stenberg. Chaa. -trrTciiucirrP"ra"a'e facade, Jawwa H. Loaacr, aary Julio Loader and Anni Jones I OHder. THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,-- - To tt) Shtrtftf Watt Vuxuty Ortttiitg louarenerebv commanded. u inmimia Joanna F. Btenoer '. Beda W. Stenberg. Chas. W. Stenberg. earth Jane Loader. James K. Loader, Mary Johu Loader and Annie Jones Loader, tbe defendants above named. If they e lounu wuniu Tour vountv. to aDDear at the ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Court rortne county or waxe, within A) day alter tne service oi mi summons ou to Is. exclusive of tho day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited In tbe ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Conn for said county, within ten day from the date of this summons, snd let tbem take notice that if they fall to an swer the said complaint within that time. the plaintiffs wtll apply to the Court for tbs relief demanded in lite complaint. Hereof tall not, and oi this summon Disk du return. Given under my band and seal of ald Court, this 17 day oi June 1876. W. Ii. BUNTING, , Clerk Superior Court Wake County. NORTH. CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY. PnontTS Coubt. Jones W atson and T. P. Deverenx, Ex'ra, of reter a. eteuberg, dee'd. tt. James T. Stenberg, 0. W. HteiiTjerg, W. P leu berg, fearan Jane Loader. James K. Loader. Mar John Loader. Annie Jones Loader and Husan C Loader. It appearing to the satisfaction of tbs Court by tbs affidavit of Thomas P. Devereos one or the piainttns nerein that a good cause of action exists in tbe above case that after due dilllgence the defendants Joanna F. Stenberg, Sarah Jane Loader, Beda W. Btenberg and Charlea W. Btenberg cannot be found In the State of North Carolina, and that they are proper parties to this action. It is therefore ordered . by the Court tbat Isummona by publication be made lu tbs vteexiy Sentinel once s week lor six weeks. and further tbat a copy of aaid published summon be enclosed aud directed to such of tbe within nsjned non-residents whose sd dress Is known to the plaintiffs herein. . J. a. BLN11NU. , Clerk. Bi ss ft Bussas. plaintiff AUornevs, -T I . . . . . I MISCELLANEOUS. fx? I Established nit n i: ii it i ( 1 s BURGLAR - AKDFIBB: PROOF SsAIH'ESji ' I i ' 'I ! , ' : V , 08 Bank Vaults & Dotr. TII LOCKS. HERRING & CO., 251 & 252 Broadway, New York. 01 ouudbury M.,Uoton, ap 18-coJ-2m , " TRIUMPH TRU.S.S CO., 334 BOWERY; N.Y., to whont was awarded the -- t remium ' Medai for the beat Elastic Truss and Supporter at the last session of the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE PAIR, cams a rapture In from M to 90 days and oner i.iw aoiiars lor a cue tney cannot curs. They em piny . FIBST CLASS LAh t SVliGKOX. Terms moderate. Cases ruarauteed. Or ders filled by man. Exacniuatioa free. Tbu usual discounts to natroua. Send 1 cents Tor descriptive book to - i i; rror. w. u. buknham, m. d, mar 23-d ly Chief Surgeon. O O R Jf- Comlng aud going all the while very low for Greenbacks or Silver promises are not cur- I rentat GATT18 ft JONES' Wholesale Gram anl Feed Store, ; Opposite Dr. McKee's Ofllcct. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Orrics or SorsaMTawDsav, 1 PsTsasscao Railsoad Compamx, Petersburg, Va , November 24, 1 75. ) HANGE OF 8CHEDULE TO take effect SUNDAY. November 25th G GOING SOUTH. Leave Petersburg at 6:30 A. it. and 8 97 P. M. ?;. - Arrive at Weldoa at 9:53 A. M. 6,55 P. M. GOING NORTH. Leave Weldon at 7:35 A, M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at 11:46 A. M. and 7.07P. M, . Trains connect at Petersburg and Weldon with tralna for all southern snd northern points. Tickets sold to all southern, south western, northern and esstern points, and baggage checked through. ; , M. T. DOLGLAn, . fob 18-dtw-tf. Superiutendunt, EVER ..BEFORE EQUALLED I The Largest St ck on ivecord: ?s .... ' J C. WKIKKI. tin IttlHi-ned. lie is still at tbe old Stiiud with a larger asHortiueut of SPRING- QO OJ3S " THAN EVER.-'' '"f .' U. 8. CENTENNIAL OOOD3. - fOl'RTH JULY CENTENNIAL GOOD8 Look at my latont Fuuhioa I'Utua aul choose your style. CLOTHS, - CASl.tllililiS. ' ' ' ' SUITINGS. tn rot anything you waut. Come anJ see me, I know I can suit you. I, WEIKEL'S ESTABLISHMENT is at the old place, one door south of tho Southern Express office. I guarantee all my fits. apr !3-3m C. WE IK EL. -p ICHMOND ft PETERSBURG R. R CO -A-f : Commencing Oct. 81th. 1S75. Tralua ou this road will run a follow : LXAVS RlCSMOKD, SoCTM. ' -n 5:10 A. M.. Through Mall ; 7:43 A M . Freight Train : 1:45 t. M.. Through MaU i 5 P. M., Freight Train. Lbavb PSTSRSBtaO. Nobth. 7:50 A. M.. Freight Train Mil M.. Through Mail : 5 P. M. Freight Train : 7:35 P. M.. Through Matt. Coaches sttsched to all freight trains for aocommodattoa of passengers. Thl Companv offer special Inducements to tbe shipping public on line of the Ralgh A Uaaton, Balelgh at Augusta ana western N. C Railroads, In the way of low freight and passeager rates. 'A. B11AW dftw-tf Super in ten nd ' ONITERSITT OF TIRGIIIA. 1 C UMMERLAW LECTURES fa ne weeklvk kl begin i:Ub July, lHTtJ, and id 13th Sep tember. Have proved of signal use, 1st, to stndesta wbo design to pursue tbeir studies at tbis or other Law-school ; 'id, tatboae who propose to reaa privately ; ana ara, to prac titioners who bava not aad tbe advantage of systematic Instruction For ; circular ai- riytf.O. U Diversity of va.ito jobs MiBoa, Prof. Coaa. and 811. Law. ,; -, , 1 ZS. I J - :'f'' i . i. v V - : ,i . i: ' V; 1 I r it .... , V ... ItV.: .,. s ','". i : v .': -. .V; -. ' " 'I 1IJI1AII AAA. CO.M. twnll jun 'J6 law-6w juna 6-w4w. - r : t - . . 'I. i - ' J

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