MINERVA I ' A HPaaicifHip irjr TUESDAY Bt HOD GE (r BO YLAN Vol. V. Numi 245 .iv-av 4 T7f LATEST Foreign Intelligence. CONTINUED. 1 I 1 - LONDONT OAolxr ij A M'.l from LiiWa arrived ye at? A letter t,n Ciiadeid the 10 b ul:, medium thai m- v.i. u n'-iri4 ihiw. of iu beinc the in- jgrn. ............ - w trtition of tc Spaniard to mike aa immediate irrup ibn iuio Portugal, f which purple a Urge army :auebird in Andaluiia. Genial EerthTer wa at Seville. It li il-MbrKori lhat a large Briutb farce bat rhere It a ic? it at fcibitht Bertha kat pre- vailed upon the King of Spall to lend all U Skip' to the Fr 'ch. li ai4 !, t!i Sir Ralh Aberciora--' . bie and Sir Jam fufcweyv able fcce ' areCadi-i-, ' A. .; Wt are coheetMd W the loa of an Ea t Ind.a man TneQtweo fad Ken-, ta t MuMuen, arrived at S'. Salvador tth-I of July. The Queen waj; totally dettroyie, by on ibe th, 1 wMrnW-Wagg W k.X,. : . . Account! f orti Copenhagen stare, that the Dcv uf Algiert hat given up, w bou1 ransom, tIle .uhhviyi taken y hit carsa'.rt, a circumstance thai ha a(T -rded the frratett wfnfmctLn to the merchan.. ' of lha! city. ." ' , . . ,v. A fetter ftoia Itary men;.on. that the K ng of a p! hat rested Poote Corvo to W rV- l,at fivwi onfc tfot Benavenu shall alsd be re to. ed x a I. T A. TV fjllawi 'g h tha tiate of Maita, acew'a to the H CII vv- - - , .''v. jua-c G.naan mie. The p-.ipu1atKm amoun t 0. ' 1W 000i uli. I revenue which it cumplettly - balaiiced wuh h ejtpence', amount to 3O.IW0!. per t annum. . The miliury fCe which ca t be ran;d m i t time of war, 'm ca of emc gency, can ra ed at Vvj2,S00fii'hti.'f men. The number o si, t ..I war ' i' and galteys. tanwtwd. of ten t U fr.mi me 'i return ctth j efcund m the barb-ur of L'. alette, it f .J - .u., ,1. t- vi itantt. tie Trent ii. muH have T a iv . f the mot ierviCfable, and tliat Wan idfLVed to mtUer ij o dc- ";- - iw-,Cs m.Im tJm?ue of ihat Ciuatr. Tha t.-n wh-ch. l'tjKaiectpital, u teryttionjly fortified-it Uj Bi h J5 V 'J 'aSeJiwd Jihe rwidence o the G Suul Maitet 1 .Iiv.vu.rAk:l.J. ndha) a maanibcent hys- i 7 f rjtaLJ if divided n three pair, wa! arirsrrra ' '. r.iy sir t areiici:w4 .and, he bouc 'it Jai SkV.-" ' . :. " 1 dropjnng out of the rrU. unVf a heavy fire fiom the ihipj, kmrMrong t.ait.ic, itigun-o a", iw "ner, ith IwO 41 prtiruim eaWi r e fort ot' Moi.r.i Joui the tame time throwing ihls. "ibe Mmtitjr and Niger were a!l placed in gcod'Yason to covw hs parif . The lervlce wai peitormed thrug ou "wk an enter. riiin; rJ;T., tood condiiff.Xin agallant nile IWLfe yHJ I thaB inuirm ,oor of kilh rf. and etjunded fell p-incipaliy njm tVo bi, nut great, when comj ;aad to be tiuiatian the number of boat and to rmr.y men were placed in forto cetntder- aUe a time. - L . The ihip ab.-t eleven o'cloc k were perfectly clear from the ne cf tbe enemy 'a tat rric arid gun boats, the men of war c' ecking the movement of ihe Utter ; the ihipt captured are Conception (alia Esmiralda) and La Pat, about 400 .torn each, mounting twenty two b tti gum lacKe and nine poundrn, laden with pro Lj.iand ttref&c tuif ottd for Batavia, and on Dutch account ( tbr wen to have taten 3(K) fro -p of the rrgimentcf Ba avian Swit on board f runt the inland of Majorca. Ifou id tcveral Dutch officer! on beard the timiaWa. Yh pmceri an4tevral of the men oil a Pat,' during 'be action quit eeJ her in Ixtu. La Pax, i'a very ine. iliip uuite new, never at tea -lMMrei: wUi:':l!'''W' WtMrJai 1 rualjt ,qi doubt your LurdUii) will fiiid her in all frpect calculated tor bin majesty' crvice j & EtmiukU li'a'jo a very An t hip.. - .;- , . I beg leave niongly fo recommend to yir Lord tliip'f fKHice Capt. Hillyer aod Lieu'. Sh"uberg j thrir irrviceJ ilpoii th occajiwi der .th hi.it ai teoiion and the higre piaise j at the ianic lira'' 1 can no? put Ml:h:nit notice the general goxl cuniiurt ol -,vcry om T and rr.ai :.frving under roy i wnnurld. . I Lave (h hunor to U, " JL. 1 .10x11 Lovit. - ice Admiul Lord Kei ' '. CJf tober I V Rumoun cfavery g'o my krnd re'peTftnsi-Ru s'a were ciiculatod vestrrd-y evening and. thii morning. The return ot'ibe B itiih Conna, who warrutprrmi;. ted' to land l C.'-i'i-l, wai cafttdc.-cd u a prewge of m tic fc. at ile tMi4re; and it in a!.c), tr tha; the R .iiian Cuargfc d Affaire had i- ru tor a paWpurt to leave ihu country. Gfe'', inaxMj Mai e 'be, ii ibeie ri mourn prove untrj r vui ii "it hj!l be foun.i that the Ruian Cbrge cl'Ali;,' it he be Xiiig iVom thii ..cntrjr atal)A I cJv- ih wmhax i . 1 ' 1 C ..- 1. I...n..ht 1 hid he.t-K . .. - e-ifrr rrftr In l i 1 v :The kmt frx MaUa ii so exrFfnvrr'TiS Lie rVf .i -t ... v, mr it mrrr9 ol en:. I .. .. . - ! .1.. :i'imlitv rf K. , October J K Th Fre'Thjauma'i wa e that hi Sicil'a i Valeity b published an edict aafrtft the ub-ects 0:' Sjiaij. a virtuaf decbtrafiytr of wzK Ic tint e dkt he it laid to deciam, U art .eft Spwi utea oy uii cruiser u wy et a id M g'w1nruc4it6jhTorarrKlttt of Ut torn and battcrici fd fin? upotl ad SjrUA shtps '4fa ,,ti-.t',ii a..i.. to-ioortaf,!; Jhcaw JTLtiw. The tlcctar-uf ww rum thi LondowGazjtti. S 1 XorthumUiand, off Malta, f e;V. '2J,;.. 1 0U- . V v k"! .C to acc;;.t v u'tiiat' t- Fh ; .gamaonttfLa. VaWtto Wrr.W.yeev;.t, tne ( AffiedFareetWmg MaU. a.J to encbtt c ., y f. of the anic et t! eapmiiatwn. f., T r 01 JT at,u ,u obuio an account tf the 3 r:;;. in th; za . e ' ' can be pure I Will transmit it to your i I encloie a Gtt cf Iht sWps a. veueU foand in the v liaibour. . , ' ' I have the h nor, et c. , (Sid) jGFQRGE MARGIN. ' A LIST of t'.ie VetfU in 1! harbour of La Va- . L'Anteru MihxM: ibip, of 64 ,gK -UDeg.. Maltefe .4 guh, 'not in a f.aie - . LaOrtatSa, MjUeteriga-e. notm a t.are . proceed 10 tea. r . ' Two Merc"tant tlhipt wajOing repair. ; One brig, fit for tea. . , ' ' - . : One iwbeck,' and twa'cantr mVI ?UL.-.. Five lix gun-Watt, no. fit tcrvic. . Com f liwn Vicfc Admiral Lord Keithi com mW iaChief the ,leditet-W "" Nepsatt, Etq. daltj Fxlt,arv, Gib. attar aj, se.U3.Msoo.;; . v ,; ; , , ; ; Mvlctuirofthe Utb. intr wUt ba-e acanajnted thear " kmptr w.4b. ' . " . !.A..j ; tk IlinfU of Eftrcelona Dorteoii rex-eiyv'6 "r . , . lniu t i'ha taiufartiuaiif tor the rdisl 01 Mar .y - : informingou, fiat t'..it .ervice hat been vc-yd.. -1 ci uly arrangt-d by captain . L-ww, of the Mm eu?, d rnit a-antly aod .ccewfully ec h4 bc au r Hillyer of the "Niger, and IreuU Sch fliberg. oftl.e " Mom'le'ulf'tit the tmtrf bete Ihipi. at will a.-pear M the'reVort mark- to rat thwm-Jjypvaouii; copy of which it herewi emrloied. I have no dwbt- ' thaf their lordtUip wil J:ry appreciate the mwr.i f the fifficecs by vtwm thii gaibaht a.id.imierp,iiing ter- ;ebaMeneiarmed, - J , JUthcbanurtabe, &c ;. ,. ::4 ;' '' -r' Movktaur,;Se.'' 1S0Q - w ant and V!. yotu M.WP' ' JJifitt terviceofiny country,-by .catring; I or dKo ,he tw0etr1y.ngj flarrd r idv Wm&W yo-r kxdtb p;,-0 de.t I, rapt OlivT- and In orttanb check, the tw- th.pt taiiu ierstvcie in tbc Wlowig anempt : 1 o ,XUeuiD8ftbt3d inat. af er ha;?,ng dehver- ed? riiV rf m 'W,SH JSIf LortUbip, a breeie ip u"S H flW th Tf"wa5t;m -bt. Capt Hillyer hd' Lu. Z"- rrwi the;tervic. ai d by beut. Wrrand, Lrwry , ieTHea of .he" K.ge fc licut Jawelles of the martnet. The boait WflMv ..taur abJut eight eUk n tta titfrnj. JJ 'fc T'iSdt 1 badtbe pleaii iguilat;li ti tee lira dr . 1 uim i ' ' m - . --j . . j . ...... - TiTnunaiion "ft ri uic pnet nnw, iww;" 1 ihe nu ket '.lf)th aid of whta'. ' ,, : "OciJerti. ' ' -Mr. Sharp, tlieBjuh C ultSu rvmlnngh, Ht tc tuaaft.Lo.,Whiiw-'h; rli!niotlii k.nfiittci(rJLiwd OrenvjUe' dnectMW to go bw k f. fVterlwfm JwsftiW had Un aWu iuast j rrJiirH fol 'arrived in town yef rcay II ..II WIU WWW J IWUMJ 6iut ik .JitKortf rumi irt kt Pii..-klj.ii rtl. re- 1 y-T I r ' . ' tufmH in the Af'-vftt.iel that caoricd him ojt. ; , l at CirCJg) ja a ci .mru uirr n.arni ntnt tnercanthe men. and va i aii . ppiniont w c iornnxl i to tlic caute. pine even Cjutldered h tiS jei at n; auuc mrref of mom ioformaiity in hit i au. rt. It ii icjored. that the Rj tan .Charge d'AiL'u in .t: . i. . .r. ri....' uiu country nj i,wii, i'!' n Britain. ; ShjS thi prwe true, it jvu'et evilj b .Y we hope tl iH4 fiiirttlation in the rumour. By letter frj, Deity, received hyr dy we learn thata ktackul joiit,' valued a'l.X)l, wa; consumed on $uoday nili "? " e.ippt.ei lo-?af. b ;t viliufiy dccaiiofxd i mft!aei ! Oit tbat Oij.v t!ia litl .k Mrvk X'ithiii ta kiLl f M.-Jrlt-r Haw fiianK (ire JMMI yflr 4 wmivf, " - iac!i event ft ffiy-eig cvtt tin y w U mffT mjve! ; v ..... ... i . Sit Ji.koCjia Wajren, with t tq iadmn under hit ..,L-- MMriin.B' PtvmoJth. Thlf I 1 WlXXt". with the troetaboard, art gone t j ihe Meuiterraivan. Mil Ma--sai Cjy.fl paeo n aji,iuim h w.ir aUe Thunai kcabim to bt C 4om-l in chief m'Ue ruvallrisb iftpcat Ot'art'ticrj, vice the Earl of Car hamptoti. X K " r ' . . y-- -' -gHOLLf 0er io. ; - A iluiurtt Lt'oi'iini i i lliii iir!. it ho hat L.T- Ty' peirii;crWtfprika ..... .A nmt -I'li'l Wli A' Ik. diiolajie'W'f' ke iiwtu Mural trat ;wivg t. A .he mcorrej eii il nu hip ihiiiiw . , niifli i.m- 4 a aiud cooador.ibiy,t-C' an e(t uniav t-uhe i;' head, mailPCft 'arent coie ;'.m a..m- jasffbiidi? km tMtmmr j tovien f v-i,nc to cauttoit tbM'f .ti pr;le "-i m to nauiiixr tin b;nhack Lf p.ct j tiwir ft'WIut it. alkd la'.i.. ' pWtt bipra'UX te. caci nan i-:ua.r n c furt.i. inudll tbatttic cnpa' m- .uj.ftMia.iei m thint -hA.'-ff -an- attention -Ui vr'ucU mat- t)j jLw -menftif rrj' acieiH-;--.-. F PARIS, OcJ.ci ". , J,urtevitk and in the Apaiim ni ofiiit- Miuitbe. i iiiivod. AAer bavin :oiilt;rii A wi;li the Mib-!nrl- anl the major, hmijirpfj in-jx-i oi a'l the.ti'n e U ht, Wt apjcarance ; arrd "u. e-J no a:n to prucaiv tor the meijihert of the C.:i.ca lodging a:id acCom- . midiUM awiUMe- u tliew ti 6oity. . -SALMv-(jW NjvuVr CT. Bv the . i. al tt ti h.-p Thuri-'a! Ku jel. ino '!.? Lutl, pit Tu- U) ia ! r.i r v w iui n "hr M .bf.JjW of Sctrmber, we l.:u e:bal -vkKir, that the Frt-mh wt-m wi.hin alf- miles o t": at pliti e. th.ii they hail ben rrre "Iv defeated tn the adjacent viHajei'; and !hi tiie iim-b:ia t ol lb rn Ucre !r : tenmned l resrvl tlif ir a,',u4chc to lUa u hKmt i their pjwr, m wee roiv- l on nVltsrwliiig that ci'T trom t'trir irawrwl cm!.,'4.'i , which t(ey have twice U.ted tlit' s are. ( l o'. ., ... ' . NOTICE. IHE iubWi'ibrr..hav itij br.-n iiijured by irtjy puie dt:aluievith hij Nrif vr, give$ n-,. tici- ilm he wll be ttiark'W to ev'ery iwoen maa wIm m iII orr t m-nk' ra.err jy of hia Negn't, who . may bs ituntd wiJiant a w (at (nn either ol bi 4ia..i.;vvin to givikTi.il KKx, trr(: lie.' Via mn ; &jy"ruHr " jiriy h-v.iii Hi i'v .my thing 'or t';-elt anything 'to, a.iy ut 'his S'c,;! if ,,, a. id ilf'.t he. wrtl rue:uu wiiU tx i;!'',t r; -, cCiy ."i'.on wlio have the " lrt dt-jiMji t..lt, ir rv-iitii ti-. rom'c to thrir by tie - ' wiiiun t.m.- jjlatUrf h ns .my ot' hit Svgcat, uilh out will en j uiinc",4 vi b? tkatl g e orpidl, A ijjrMi()K either u! int ia.'tativn. no loo or ui?iiwLiev. t hum, ta'-. c ur i'i ii .itiy purr hit chared .'i uni .'caf-u la. ii!. ' t t'fi 11 t lj ri i wLL'LBl jlhi . r.ce or iw em ki.etli ,10. -rfi. 3" .3 et inn f jt K rn It wat orfitS'tl tttinua j t!i.v. rrjiae-i . r' 4i miifjv-Vthe l?,(r00 troo. wlocU he ha, n .he Up-jt-r Paulina. e. ' A W'.ur l'rm Livxin, !afd Oc ol-er 3, seyt " Ky r'ie S-'ani put oi h'i mjrnini? inl.Hitia ..) ha Iven .-iH-ii'ved, that ihe mxtalif, in Cadiz, is m.itier al.lv d-r-ea ed Fro:n ihe l'Un to the-.- iX ult. I ir.hcfly winds had prevaaU-d.. and t numb.f 'tif ii rtji.s dving daily i rcdurt-d froin '"" 1 W0. 1 am i 'uV tv have to iM, th u the tame tcrr ble dit-ordjr-ha cUvmIzA tu SeviU , wlie.e it neemt to b rUib'gr.iin' w'.'r. I'rccaasio-ii a takm so -prevent it entering tkh tounuy. There jtare,t lien-, that BerthW hat prcvaikd up.n the kins ol Spam to lend all I. U ship- iinir Fienthiltl d here, ilat Sir Ra'ph Alierr.vnbie and Sir Jnie Pulinw; , i.th a co iiitivrablc iorce are . tt Cadi.- , . . Tne American mail of the first inta.; i li,!da n td at Falmouth for taifinj orierl. ." WfA PlvniLi nil. Sir I. B. , ar- unArt hi command.' coni t- re-'firi.iniKI'""' , . inK of the reniwn, ot Ti gunt the impemevx, Sir Pc-nvw; tKeLomka, a4 the Cingeux. Tbena-if nor-.i, with the trrrpiOi MW, ar- g r) .' to Gitar. I titer nam C.hua.t.no,i, n-'d Aufei,;. li, n-eni- i the rtW. - fctte.hr ur. o.s tiardiV U-; Tii-e da' Cypui', Jnly 8, tia mg that Sn '..rln..v, Ihlp't company w. re well. I.-tt.-n frn the cavt. PacW written the lOiH, ..u:.HJia,kc. w A the Turkith Beet.- in wmpany with Sir Siutey Smi.h, in LeTigrv on their way to AKa.Klna, ror.he urpoe of commencing acuvs opeiaajn aaU the AUti received bjr tlie Uibon mail of vcrerday, daied Gibraltar, Set. 10, mention. L-lowing . terming fac : " Ut week a br.g wb.c.i had bem fit ed outy Metsn. Levy and L aid ttrn.- tner Jcwt, a.id sent to Trimdad, curruW trom iheftce with "a return ci go," a pt ared in the Cutrwkw artrl a ship m-nm mg IB gunt, we , a rt u7 a number of F.-encSvatecrt.-The t'up at taken, andtSe brig (9wmt3 theb irttmg f agart du-ing the ani-jn) took fW, and burnt w thO water t edge, anderthe-ApeV-Hill-m the BaJ.a.1 ct . he. dn cfw got o: i!.o.,' except one man lift nS tlie bf, taii of hu-tllirt. - ' " . T- h it not true,- ay a Id er front HamlTJT: i tX-t. .3, tba' the Lmper.r hataUied the p-eminane c n- ciiided for a tcpa.ate peace ty Co ant J"en. - to-elnejsatiporor sijnea ino "t" - j- '..aa.j . r,,,,. Wuf Lahorie.'t'itt (Ampin a;. tVi ejpiraii-OT of twehe bourt. E'tofthe projon gariJi of t'ac arraittice wat known,' I- court attack 1 ,.n ,k 'M.i ih fcmnu rail of Shamiiain 1 yrol. VII . I . -i. . :.t. -t ....1. .M.iHa iitbni-i!;l- '. Knt l inff inc re nil oj t-ic ii ii"" . - n e-iu J the acfijtj. X i wkkH the prcparationf f ;r ( fmTiirAi A nn fit iwthrirTi iron it Tt. an aftnT of 50.0(H) regular wa 4?Vmb!t:d. The Hpngai-n fK AcU an armv (ft frUtY -turr TnWriTd infancy and l,-0tH fial7r-bf-w-U- middle ft tMtooer; l ncre are mrwm ... - - 13 hult.-f.om the Ruvia froulier. UtingI that, the army under Qen.YuudeTahlen ha- lcn ordered to it .T -r . vm .r,- it laid to'b pc-rlectly lafisfwd with the itmnrici in wkit.h the &?we be.wten Enzland and Dentnai k -bat bew tctieti. . rw .t.. t 4 Yeiterr'jy a denu airo t of ibe mal: d.ttillert waited on Mi. PiO, at bit hou.e m Downing ttreet, to en. diavuur ta ptevent, ly ome cmpwnie, ne matijnprojJOKdb- htued it tfH : A'M' Lett,.r fwi,,!ii.rteir apnattet. th h iafrit-.i :of Mal.a arlt!fe t t's Vetidq.mVai to Uic W-W Kal va.ll ui, i i.iij.'..i :L--.j--rfH-.. V . t j , . . . ,- ' . j i .. i t oi'tiie - "ea'ed leJJre tV: ? tk- uie. ;... ..:j.M,..ii;e,trrU "wvirti iia iTi t'1? Viri 1 . tnr el-tun""- j"v 1 1 J. .1 . ..tit . hat rirtir n :d V l''t g I n mt'iic. in-i a Sptni.h rrgi tfiit which wat .-. r ho w tn iicin'.abi'arttl n I" i: m they think wit u-r:Uy iU.' ea -V landing.' " ' ' 0":Aft3.. i:..i;.nbj(jS wis ri. r. 0; tin-Tr i n, w i''i ' .k:i! t ii i w: maps;.; al)!c Lands wit l IlilL 'o i .It ( t-, .1 i Mil.-.,: TTaTTT 'ma ll 1 Drif 1 f I . 1:1, 'f. : , ll ,1. ! .- .1 .in .1:1 V .' Ti- -'-' 'Vi r.iV.L VI. .5-U.lL, ... . ": ri'oJ trt provitmenji. Nl 1 1 ' 'Ti ,iim- m, 1 c tviwti . -i thr ? - -feijLpriJ jtuntt, la li, i i-.ss tiajfercwjl-' . att u . 1. ... rt. in triwa r al i .: .1 llir . afc A ei.tit miitt .v ' . i :, t!ir w it 1 tt' , 1 1 Iv 4j .t mciitu.rd P.;. ii.. t' 1.1 t-tlnii, 4MI the ,.:JL .y.(,,.,...... .,H....vli 4i iB-'.-. ' :! !,.J HI V .11 St Co. v . ." .cTiVvl j :-e'TjT "Dr. 'Tii- Ai.fX .YAM, I N O 1 I JVc-ai"' c i. 1 .ii.. . !.:', n,.-. c.i. .ty C; 1 t'mtM M.Mu.Ta 1, .uur.unea :l...ls.!.uI Wt(ii -r- .ui'n on tiiert;a.v ! J.i!.nH-wi, !iirtiu jr untya 1. il i Hi (iiu iutrk r r cotac;- Jw niak i"mejiai tiatrr,.'.4, othv.wie tun a - tuii tiii.a. . :i 11 in 0. Ui.e Jilk' I II II I 1.1 vl KO. ., .i:ra:,7-. 1 i 1 Tllf tor truo,", a id G i'W- 'il Ort,aer In "ur made hi clfrY into O::oh-r 10, Aievti; of an' cWiairtiioa.y na'rtr. hiU-,'l (Hi- f.rt.y natural, will P1")' ie-efai -y bet n-en Spaiiiaml P..-t.igab A i'muj .. e i. vi vt out irotn Brairal (or L' b .n a- tne ta ne fme ' .t nvr e :j u I'nun Pata. f. n-fKiir. t Ca . . Tnr. AeeiH met. Ta r ,m.UM ! ; K ie of comfciaa a-e.l'np. bv.v'i ... 1 , rnm aanv. aH an icik ii k" r ' Ui'.J la !i 1 w ,1. llr: i I . ". !..r " r 1 , I v il tvit" ii 1'..' i i .. 1 1 -,ik.,, Tin .i.i.iii'ii vee. iti.; ..i .jwii .on nw d ti l . km S aiii. which -it ii. aU ol iiic ai i ia 1 . ( WWfj, wilitaj. it to a p acu in o'-urli ti. n. - s.. -a a in the a'u-fii '. n i .ne. A rv bpio'e yeitr day a t; e.uad.a'' t -Jntr M n f . with da ti-iVnei'lrum tk8 French G iv in t it l.i Cr-.us i Atelier. Ambattad e trout the re,..- in rn.- r r.. uf"ftdRn. lie it taid ta be tbo bvarv. .d ; i a y ol -Pvace tiaw-lv-J with Cai-.vii.il, ai-tUeimp.r.o'it.1 the court ol Madrid. '-... TJ-- ''. ' 1' FRANKFOPJ3, O- rlicr 5.' ri L 1 :Tkw.f K'hfp'r;au lia, imit d tn tht I m: u,iraii m i-a rity ol Alc.aTi-uburg arjotribul. i H AK,0 hi Iwre. The elco M to pay 350,000 I hit part. T k h.. r paiiww;javmadje.he b-'e I Lt,AL' - ' HAGl'S, O.-fh-r J. Re.rirtt frn B-ri.u tp. ak. oi the nVpartute -if " " De Do un lor tiie C . r;U ut.Luno i.Jt. . ... -.- -.!' ...ALGIFiRS, Seember .u:-f v- wi. n i eiS ted mi Fef:-cTtiii tlt.-rrr- n'l illim i" " . . i - l. ...11 n iiu- AlsiCr wiui a li iji Jl :m--eiuiiiii miii . . , . i AriTatrVf ati;an.ed- t? w .tiaa . r, a ....... .1 .Mii ij-i.i -n .ir. i a. n -. . lna li'' 1 1 iA 1 'Hv U I . Vi . i, "e .i'Ti ,. . i .i! : !' i-iii.:tc, a id 'a Ma, ,l Am . "i u eai i .; i' i; i i j i ,i ;, i.', ' i a -i iiiii .v i i ; .. . i ilie, : m- .rvt 1 1. i'..i '. ;J"-.' p. i. : w'.th i.tit. til- i .. n-' .j- x V. ( i n ;-, ..ll a ' .'i' l'ii,r 4' i) Mi.r ; .(. '' .him--, wiii i '. 1 i i i u i v in I t Cjuri.- tN v. .. .1 ;..u.'. n- i a la! i- tjuaaii.j uf. ,. i I...-I -rt i v.'mi i in liht-.tttinia-" H 'ii k. :' .a t, i r ,iial tu.aliV On tinr'iV- . ii... j .at r, wm t-; tow at r;.e i .i k. . i 0.. i, and uud y other ; i-'i l.i U- hitd, ith.jiiv;ei'iy vl ibe 0 i Or I.P.I T'.' -VMriS ) l;.HMs bU v.s:7 -JO.TN K(.)Vil.AMJ; IS Vreb. ti n . NOTICE - ghei to.'tbe D'Tp and-FHw'-Riv er Ka.vig'a Xiinra r -teat l'n I' Ttm-ral annnal nieeting ' u i 1 be bt kl at t h'tifriCr i;i tl-e liind 'MiMday' in V-i-b-'inrv iieat n t! e day . fall wio,;, wiil le wild at pihl.f kale.'a'il th e .ubicriher" thart-t who thall uot, un or iiefimr thai U ". mikr tiiti, rep-ct.ie pay rtien t i'.;i . i lil.i itt rlilian tur rae'i thare t'.K-y have tubK-ri.-: b-cif. Hi ft- wii.i tiaai! an.v jait ut triair juh".i .a-i-H. are wrx u.t' liCvrrpanv i &kt. !'ilti:-n f'-.'4 i"i '' an. U.--. H, IRtW. 5 mi tli field. ' '. fulifcriber offer for f!e tie b- - , .. .-i. r .i iiin. m.nm neioic nan h;j . 6. ... fitiniV lhal the Dry wai not rli.pp.cJ to accede to the demand, wul. which hi.a. r rv . ..a.. i. ,k mn of ornatn- cbafaed. 1 iey were cnnii r,",", .. .. ing tt gMtuirdi'cluri. of ah a " ) MaUete Nea poVan, and Mit-nee Uvc., taken i with tuglub iat- 1 . 7 . ,.iu. ..iv.d Mr. Falc i. aid giv- i loe uey v'"i i.-v' ----- -. -. . him phive pro, .hat tl .menace; Ad,. al Keitn aaa not i'iiimiu' ' , . . , . . Thi new cooiul ha made pre-enti 4 great value, and renewed" the Trea iet. A new rUi.te. hat bet added to them. It eiprctly Malt tUatAlgeiioe fty shall UiSq ed tin,!er erf kind vl ll TeWtLghh'-.hoaldlHS.dt ior a bUrtkail poS TneSnSr.li. are to fumith m 15.oay. a frigate lociny to Contianti'n pie the Vek,,. '''l1 at preentt:Oa the A September Mr lakot. wa mialltd in hi minion , and the ta.ie day the fngat. Carlra, which W-u&ht h.m, Ht out with 20 pr,i. e,, atedged.U bave been rc,uril.a-ed. . ..v-rulltr rv-i'-hi-r fi. Oenetal CUrke, the bearer of the o.d. . of Got c iu ant, and wfao U W W" tiU.orvUrK a, Tavrt . .t tit? ft of the Spread Eagle, !7"T?feinyc'ff ... -- r-t t firl It is an exceilcot tlunj f irljufinefi. I' Lciiier fituate near the. Coof t-Hmifc. A - . V . .'. '. i. ' r Mechanic would da weilo puhalc if at all kinrJi of Mechanic iitmucL wanted HcteV and wbulil he fuLtahly encciprasred. Thetx il tppcittitiing -to the dwelling Houfc, all the necciTuiy put Houfct, and five acici of jroond. Thf defijabla faua tioo for either a i" Tavern" Keeper or Mecha oic will be fold on v. ry reafonable temti," and the paymenti vJ; c.fy j$ ; ihe jmr chafcr. ... J ".. He li a!fo f.r fale, 400 acrea of uninv- proved lnd,: Ijing withta thtee nsijet xi SoiitliScU. ."' , THOMAS ,CAR RELICT K. B. If faid Houfe aad Loti aie net fold befutr the ijthaf Ftbruiry, they will beleifrd for ouc or mare y tart. Sxiihdd, December I.

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