' '.f,,, . i. far mi to laneruilh ia obfcurity with that contempt which he fo eminently defervea. ., Can you, citizen minifter c njoy " the light . of life ? can vou with pieafure breathe thia - tilal air, -when 3tt caaMer for a moment who this man is that you appear to be fo muqh afhamed of I If you are capable of refle&iou, how much are you" to be pitied If vmi am nnf. hnur mnrh are von tn he defptfed.' A' moment reflection - on this pouif mutt excite wunin you lecungs no f " r I ways cnviab e. Your conicience moil De . ... I k e at vulture that breva upon tfiur rene . lag livtr,-Md htrQws urf'the vert deptfj'of your loui, 'waea you come to experience dii i .1 r if-:rrrri:r.- ine rcn worm 01 uoawin. until you gain this experience, permit me to inform you that h it rnntt fnl..nHil rrtnitrlla'inn . .j... .v rfiat ever illumined the political world. This fy&em of political molality ia calcula ted better to meliorate the Condition of mankind, than all the jurifprudence of Lvcurzus or the folendid victories of your nailer. If ever divitf honours ought to be tendered to a human being, you ought to make atonement by proftrauiig yoorfclf be . fore the oneoded flirine of Godwin. But are you really fo much afliamed of him, as to bej absolution from a btitiop tor the ado minabk fin of deficning topublifh his works? n my h'umble opicion, fir. you need ..riot. fclulh for any t:ng that he has done,. I allure r ycu. Wh at tmmente h onca r,; what effia-" blc glory does he cdnferon tlnfacred fpot - which - gave -bati birth LHia iniifverfary ought to be celebrated by a grateful world, 'as the moft aufpicipus day that ever dawned ; -or the eaftero. Jvsmilpfore I ., Let it not be. 'nougat ttiat a Httiy aamtratioii ot his tat- . .1 it -. n. ri i r. ' . ' i Biitaoie excellence mama trauipar; me into the oriental regtous of flatterersjrjd fyco . rfhants. "Hii immortal works . can loeak for themfclves in a language which no mor tal hitherto, or perhaps ever will excel, or equal. It feems as if Providence had mail? Wm that perfect character which philofo phers and posts have been food of delineat ing, 4irat her as a fi&iog of the imagination; than with an expe&ation of ever feting it realized. He is endowed with an expan sion of mind, with an energy and intrepi Vrity of foul, every way qualified to convey the moll ufeful preceptr to a degenerated age. Ever collected, cool, and complete mailer of hi fubjeft, his arguments, carry -with him the Krefiftable'weigkt pfjnfpira. lion. Sophiftry veils her varnifhed face j falfehood and ignorance htir.k fiom "the idfu'fferable majefty of hisappioach ; while truth,, tea fon, and all the fair train of vir- t'ues a'tteffd hirni" His fljfc ir a-proper re " Juicle of the moft fublinfie truths ; manly, en ergetic, flowing, & It the fame time pi.fTtf fel pL co m p lace n c yjp f ni a w p e r , which we may compare xo the great fouihert) ocean unrn3ed by every little cfer vefcent breeze which fports upon . it a furface ; but rcufed by forrie great occafioo, rolls up its unfa " thorriablc bofom, fweepi the fedimcnts of error, ignorance, and prejudice, and depp-. fit them oi the oppofing (hores; Yet this fs-the man whom citizen Pichdn it afiiamcd of., But could you perufe the volumes of futurity, citizen Pichont a Jhamu for your, felf would annihilate you toT monad. There would you behold the fame of Godwin fliining with undiminifhable Iu(l.r, while a.ll the monuments of human art were ..falling to decay, and mouldering into dull ; while dark oblivion had fpread her fable mantle , tiie narag6T Ffcnon,rand qrr ntrrccr; which he reprtfenrs; and the ; nauw of : Dwicht, and f Rhqde-Ifland, , which h difhonour. The Ttars mail tafle away, ihe fun grow dim wit.h pge, and .all nature finlc in vear's t but Godwin's name fhalf flonrifh rin immortal youth, unhurt, amidft the pu -sy attacks cf minifteriat pigmies- I Tiave" to more to add at prcfent, until lihall hear And as you and Dwight'scomminiicatioiis lave taken fonae,thing of an official turn by the application of your frgnaturfs,.! have ' thought proper to add rhy name alfo, not -frotn snot ie of vanity, fir, i( for what ho nour can T propofe to my felt by entering the lifts, with Pichon and Dwight) but ;n ' order that my productions fhould not. re ceive, that contempt which is due to all 'anonymous publications. In the mean time, ' too mall hear from me again. ' LEMUEL" SAWYER. -' Norfolk, December i, 1801. , , tTJESftAY. D.CTMBER'15. 1801. . - ' Extract if a Letter from a Mmherx efiCtXfati to the ".. Editors dated WatKneto.. December , " I have only time to tell you tat Mr. MACON is e ecied Sneaker ! the House ot-errecrattves the votes were 53. for ifacrr, 26 for James. Bayard, jnd 2 for Samuel Smith.of Maryldhd. ' 'ra-t;- "John Beckley is appointed Clerlt -he nad 57' votes, and Mr. Oswald 27." . : n : ... : ttr'l , , It is expected (sayS the Waihington Federalist) that ' lfi President will send a Message ioCongresi lAsrtad el delivering a Speech. ..We understand tne vice--president has ictrhed llbme,' Without an intention of taking his irat under tWoorthree weeks. , Wttiiam V Murray, Esq. late. Minister at the' Vague, and family,'' have arrived at the Federal City. . They sailed from Amsterdam in the Paatoa, ' aiidr The MAIL wm ROBIED Sdlnsimilei this tide l -r ri r .l:' n.: ry t, : f. your Of JC ; GiHSrist Onf for 100 6tAjaitA the 9d March, J 800, f N. 3374.'. Oaedoi fcf .100 dol. .8tb September. 1801. No.30S2. , One' do. AO dIi.t 8lfc Sept. 4798,. .No. 1118.- One do. 30 dp. 83d Januiy,; I BUI, Ho. 17UC. One do.- 50 ax &iH hep :iui, o 3399. One 50 do. same date. No. 3326. One 30 do. 2 lit Aug. 1800, 42fiX, One 50 lo-16th' Aug, 1795, Jio, 1795. ; .'y The following Notes, all dated September 8, 1801, and for 100 dollars each, are SMmxHedtt) be taken out at the Same time, at thojr were pat k the mall for rtliladelphijK No. 3W03, 30yi, 9148, VIVf, 3t ?15L 315 3153, 154 and 3135. : CeDtleroeti -pire Mquented to Iceep a copy oOhete numbers. ,a it ii the only 'way of detecting the vit!aiaWiv<. '-.'& -"' ThaHdn. SpnieeMCay, labn Louit TavW,' $a muut J jhn-ton,- and John EquireV Jigi met in this City, on the 10th iwst. agreeable to law. lor the purpose or Settling tuertioiis ot. Law ox fco,uH ly aritiaj in'ihe Superior Cyurts. " ' "v - -'; . Ceiieral John. Heard i appointed Marshall of the Pistricf of N. jers)v vice Thomas Lqwy, Esquire, turned put. ' - 1 ' ' - The Bill to amend the Penal Laws and to .establish a Peiitefliiary, wj rejeoieda-ths rio-ise of Ccim mmi, on Wednesday last. . ; The Btil to repeal an act, entitled "An act to re peat s much of tiie ve il lawi now in force in this state as )raat$ per'to'OieTrastce'fot' aeUftiverstty of N.. C. to eii nnt possess fjr the u& of the satdr University, any escheated or unfiicared pro tay,'' pad last Session, was rejoc.edio the Senate en the 2d reading, ;Th.iday la. - HdasE of Commons, Tjioispjr, '. Die. to. A Bill to cntrtij. Jongein fore? at4 to .a end an -act pa;scd-hv" I'Sgntitred An act.direcMij5 .ii1e' Judges of. the Superior Court?, to meet toge her to eule guestijiis at Law or Equity 'aewin; on trie Cii eJtf and to pramde tar the. IriaU of all persons eon-. cernea in certain Irauds, was read and tent to the Senate. ' . - Jvfr' Grilt', frjm thejaiftf htfatlrvfo CjrsDfo cers; ifl6Vd,lii Geoffi T eher was- WeeteirCdli; n John LbCk first Major1 fof the 7t-,. and that &- tnuel Lindiay, wat elected Major .1 t ie otii o.igade, Mr F. Walker, presenwd intructi rts f.om a Coin. mitteeof BLutherlord county to their Membe i-f Xii lerrrblyj direciaif them to" usfe their e-dea-ours to rave a CONVENTION called fo revise the Ccn.titu.- tion of this state, which being read, Mr. Walker semta a Kei-iution to enecr trie arat, and it was ordeted to lie on ths Table uniilToesday next. Friday, it th Dumber. , The' Bill o establish a company fur the purpo-ie 6f tacuttaung .the naviKa ton 01 Jveuie River, lrom Snvjthf.eld ta the mouth of Cub-Tree Creek, wai iead thP 2d time and ent to the Senate. " Recetvjd tr ra the Ser.afe, i Report f the Cora mhtee tif Finance, directinr that 10 much f he Rag. ged Mory now- in the Treasury as may be deemed uimt lor circulation,. snau oe isurnt. Saturday, nth Dee. I I Received fruit the Sena e, a Bill to amend an act, "en:i(led " An act to prevent thefts and robberies by 'Slaves, free Kegiues'of Mulattees, and 16 amend' an act entitled An act to prevent the wilul and malicfoui killins'Ot Slaves. Read the 2d time and returned. Mr. M'Kane from the joint ball j ing for Officsrs of Cavalry, and a Brigadier-General, Recorted, That Holland Johnston wa elecfed Colonel, Edward I'asc teur, km Major, and Hance'Panen.'Sd'MaJ'r of 5SJ t.avahy, lor th d BngtCej and that Thomas Holli i!ay, ' was elected 2d Major j.t Cavalry and Bryan Whitfield a Brigadier General of the 12t'i Ciga'Jt. Mnr Whi ne d had 107$ Major Calvin Jone 49, and Colonel Burwett M'ing 9 vote .J Medical Society. DECEMBER 8. On Tuesday' last, ihe Medical" Society 'f North- Carolina, met in this City and dissolved on Thursday e , r ninp. A cpRsiderab: nurober ot resectable, Phy. sic ans 'from' various 'pin uf.tbe Slate ' were presenL- At the opening of the Scierj-, the President deliver" ed an Address, in which a cursory naiiUtion of the progress of tl-e Science of Medicine from the earliest a-es was given, and the most eligible means of pro moting its u'.iiity in lliis c'luiitry were 1 oiftted cut. Yarpus subjects of Medical Science were-discussed ' Ai ingenious praciic.il t rea iae oi- genifai rJfopjy was read by D-ctx .'Wlieatjn, 'ii,.yhic'i a successful ine hjdol tiva'.inj; tbat lormidble disease was illus trated by relations of particular cases. Xhe bociiiiy. re8iavtAfl.attemjurEJojajyje a col. 'ikrn'of such of the md&eiuHit i:rodtietions of ihe United State!, a-, may be fuund to have medical.rp-J peruckf-a JJeraber-'ot llUt iaciety .is appjio:ed to sti- 1 penniena ir.oir cuiura.iou ana presdAC inenaur Botanic O.itlen, which tfef are tai-ing .meS Ures to establi.h at the place of their annual roeti.r)gs' ( , It consequence of Hie invitation given by the S.ici ety at their last' annual rdceiitig, and'the encou'ragV' 'nient "ofTeredseveral medicinal articles bavr bernr rukivated in different places in the srate-wiihadvan tage, but not in s'tach CjUarisities as. to,cmir.le.ay. per son ;o a premiurn. ..The partial success of these trials have induced the Society to continue the offer of the premiums f r the following 5 ear. ' " ' . A Committee- of threet Membetr is appointed to de vise' and reportlotlte next Convention of the Society, a plan for the establishment of a Library , vfi the col 'ltctionof a MuseuTtof Anatomical preiarationS, and Such other" Curioakies of Kature and Art as may be deemed worthy, of preservntie' by thai ' Pliysiciau; 01 r aturaitst. . - - ... .. . r7 ' v Four Members are appointed to present tessellati ons to ihe next annual mreting. ,1; ' 1 The best mode of precepting aJid' CufihgTnfarltiii , Disasesit given at a priw; subject for the ensuing .ear. ' . . :. - t ''the OJTcers elected far the year 1802, are Doctors John C Osbom,' President ; Thomas Mitchell and' Richard Fender, Vice-Presidents; Jamea Webb and, John Claiborn, Censors Calvin Jones, Corresjioml ing-Secretary ; Siarling Vbeat.m, Record!. g-Secrt-taiy ; and Cargil MaSsenburg, Treasurer. i5Th! advancement of this laudable institution if air object In which the wi Aes of all classes of s ftiwy' may be vnitH,- and1 we have plenir jfJcongratuBN ipg the puJlic on the flattering prospect which wisdisi cover cf its increasing; re pectabihty rbie.e u no science in the perfection l which men artf mote, fcw terested .than in that of Medicine. The imp Raiice pf an art in which the preserx-ation of health, and Kle 'de-. pends, is acknowledged 'and felt by all .mankind-for , all art exposed to diseasea and deetii, arid'uvery ixer tipn to rel eve the f.nner hi posione the senes well-if syrriet'. - - '.'" . . We also believe that this society may be useful to ihe puhlie in a more extensive view than the impreve. ment of the ' h.aling art alone 1 our iiril and citma e are no doubt adapted to the produetis n of msiriy dieinaV article which are now impotied'f:oma"jreigft cotmrrresata great ne-lf mese ean be iumished, itf our oprn soil and .tite Ubour of our own Oftac ouS stste will find as abundant sourcs (rem rbicb its waalib may be increased at well as its obligations to ptieplstcin HoJku& : T&e fiataviap Di- roaory have come to an open rupture with the two branch of the Legiflative Body JkS have V directed the atreat of he police Mftclofetbe halls 0 the Affemhly. and the other xjepartmeata of toe two hranchesnd toprefnt the members of the AflemWr in jtM interval from Aflembling at thia place ?yi velfewer,-and : like wife that the" Agent "ffcytfi&klh ifDecelTaiy, be rcadv with an Inied Jorce.'"Thcy"fuTthet calPoiiclhd --rcucnn m inct wo orancues to give ine ceffary; order to the Commander cf 'the 'G aitdt to plaee hitnielf tinker the direction 'pf the Commander of the Heideaee-ihtt thit hi done to prevrot the fhedding of1 innocent -Wood bi a nfeltfs Kiiftance.'" This " tc "VOloribn" lias been effeftedhy three direc- ttra againft the opinion and confent of the eOter two, and apainft the decided voice of tfce tvt branchet of the Lejtpature ilfl Artieiica, or ia England, this would w.caiitEU wjiirpaiiim, vui sa il luiu jyirity asps) after the example of two memorable re rolo tions in France, wc mifl not, we wil t call it I mofl atrocious and tyranmcaljlretch ot power in me icctn 01 political juuicc ec Qonuititauo'nai rignt. . spectator. ,Z ThV following are ftitef te he The acqui Vttoniof cacb power by the war and by the DX I tit. WAR, Great Britain oiiW rCeylon, the Cape All the Dutch and French pofftCioiis tri.thi aft;except Batavia and the Mauritius jMartiniquc, St.- Lucia, St.' Pierre nd Mi lojielon,- Surinam, Demarara, Curracoa, MiDOica, Malta, and EsYPt. Belgium, and ifie Linitii of the Rhine, Savoy, Piedmont, the Milanefe, the Genoefe, Tufcany, the ;omtriand of all Italy, aclnfe alliance with Spain,' the fnl.jugation of Portugal, the Spani(n?part of at. D6m neo, the eltablimmnt ot Ke pHihlics dependent ppon her, the Helvetic, atavian, r Cifainine.' and . . LiflUtian: and the ereftion of a new monatchv dependant 9p0B her, called the kingdom of Etruria. .J 1 may feem to fome, that we had a right to demand the retention "of rnoft cf our ccn quells, when wc conCder the immenfe ac (jpifition of territory and influence, obtained qif'ance. Wbat is the' fact,, and what ddwe feaio BY THE PEACE i" Creat Britain $aint Ceylon, Ttinicada, and the Cape 11 to be 4 free port. , ffrmiee js Belgium,-andrjelirntts of l lit svuinc, oavoy, mc curniuauu ui ataiy, Spanilii part of St. Domingo, an hereon quetts made from her in the JCan ana tne Weft,1 PondicherrV. Raiaport, Sec. Mar. iiniqne, St. LucTs, TobHgo, St. I'ictre & Miautlon, the enablifhes and pteierves tier influence over the Helvetic, Batavian, Cif alpine, and LrVurian Republics, (ha obtains the acknowledgement .oft he new JC ing of Etttiria, the piocuica..the cfluon ot the Dutch pffeffions in the eafl, eicr pt Cey Ion, Minorca, SuriinaiH, .Ikmarira, and Curracoa. It-ha been fo tepeatedly nnrl cofidentty aflerteslthat the' Spanifli poircifions on the Miffiflippi are ceded to France, that we are coitimclled to attach fome credit to there port. Should the information prove,correft, it is proper to confidtr- what effeds will follow. It is certain that the refllefdifno ilition ofthe Frcrrch, will reutlcr them lefs peirc'r'sble" hcighboora than the fipaciarda. bhouid trie rrencn government iena 10 mat countt y " a great pusnber of men who have been engaged in their armies, their military chahfter w ill " r ender the tit fot roidablc in cafe of any difpute. refpeCtipg territorjT or trade. In cafe of a war, or e vein in peace, thev micht propoxate principles amocg tfic blacks, which would endanger the fafety of their mailers. " ' - V ' ; ' But even admitting that the French fbouhj take poffeflioil and live quietly, their' aftive entetprizing genioua would ultimate ly Viiff a formidable rival commerce. ' It is well known that the lands along the MflSGip- Si prcducV, in graft- abondance, moft pi the aple exports of the nothern States ; and from the vicinity of the mouth of .that ver to the Leward -iflands, the Inhabitants wHlbe able with cafe, to fupple them with flotJTjiork, beef, lumber aod mahy other atticleaiat a lefa pijce thatn the Nothern State; lf the French pofltfs the mouth ofthat river, or fotne principarjport they 'cpajP bevble tot fupply theiV poifefliona in ihe, "W&Xb(R&VM.,b&. Itiorlolf the I fame atticlea from the. United State, 1 ' . - -l j .; '" It U by no . means probable -Aat the French fcanbe united under the fame go-1 Verrimeh'f; with the United States, dr with "the people of "the country above, the Ohio. In cafe of a rupture then between the Uni ted States and tle French fettlements, the latter muft be conqueted or they will have -the whole commerce of that river, , in their power they may pbllruft th??6aigation of Seize the Ihrppiagit if of immence con. feqncnee to : the United Stafea, that fach fettlemeatsfhcul4e pieven ted. Supported by Funce, the people mighc be ettremeljr ' troublefosn aad vcb formidable.: The na vigation of that VaQ river, mufte'free, or endlefsf vwar4-vHtl-Ttifttw very intereftlng that the whole of the terri tory oa that river and its tributary ft reams, fhould be under a single government,. A. rcpert . ii current ia (London city,) ' that Buonaparte, has caufed it to.be made knowa to- the Lord Mayor, that he pro pofca to dine with the Lord Mayor cTeA of JLondoa,; pn the 91 h oNov. . ', , FrmAexahdi frwe IearnTthar Ih e rf port of Spaia having declared wer againft the Unittd States, is witfeout foundation. - . ' j:' t. " " Cliar!ettrt December Captian Smith from Gibraftar, informs, that captain Dale; being with the Frigate Prefidcnt in AlgeGras Road, fent a boat with a lieutenant. and clevctvtnen to Gibral-. tar, ta olTcr loch American tcflels as sveie ihert a convoy up the Strairf t ter" re turn ths 'boat was uofet. and evttT foul pvriihed. 'Commodate "iDafeTrcqueRed capt. Soiith tcj make thia unfortunate event . known. . : ;;f. ;i .'. , - ; . . , ' CHATHAM COUNT"; " '. " THE Trustees are hatt y 4.1 having it k theirpowef to Intortn the Public, taa' iha Academy will be " opened .on ihe &tt day of January kextj, rude.-the mj:eiinU!ndnce ef '14 tv Dyuid Caidwll, ton of tne Rev. Dr. Caldwctof Gnilford county,' as Teac er of theUtm and ?,ek fangMaife.j, at4 the uaetul and omanlen al branches jf learning a siltd by Mr. Geri. "man Gutin ie, iai mar Teacher at ibe Academy, ' 1 (he English Grammar, Reading, Wrirhia and Cyphering. The Trasteaj, feel asstsredj t ra ihe known Abilities of the- Teac'iers, a id the strict attention that will be paid to rne MoraTr of the Stude'nis, that jcerai satis faciion will be given. ' : : A : :. r . , , The healthy situation of Pittsb toogb, toyet'-er wiifc the Cheapness of Board, being generally to be had for Biys, at Fifty Two Dollars pei Anhom, must give it a decided preference to- most other Jns;ktions of the kind.-. '. '" . . - v... , . PRICES er TUITIOil. The Latirt. and Greek Langnages, and Sciencesv U Djliavs .' er Anus, Bgllih Grarrmar witjfUeading and WiS injf, &c. 13 Dollar.-. Rreadtng, Writing anl Cyphering, 8 Delia s'. - ' " .. -"'J'lt1rft1TrlSte'vt..' JAMES BAKER, Secretary,' December 9. ; ,t 97 g Robbery oJ'tkTAtaik THE Miil fit)m.Charieston to this place, wis R. bed on Wednesday evening, the 2d instant. In which Mail was letter frftrri Mi-: vVlinm Hf;iiU,n a-Ch .te wiojh Subscreri, inclosing the foHow ing Ban liotes,, via. NoT3u75 ViuW Sta "hi Foil'. Wote, psyabte. A. N. Larriere, tea day s at er date, edited th Uecember, 1800, 300 dollars. K6. 3Q75 United S ate Mmk Note, payable to A. Cilchftts, da ted4th Sep ember, 1801, lOffdoItars." . . BMhrNo'teVemfcrsed; thus : - " Puy to tlie Order of D. Mac Millan . Go. , i. Wm. Melligao.": . It i !'c-ahieiily requeisted. that should the aboVe Notes be oflVd' to he paiied,; they may be sto ed', as well as tbe person who ba them id possessionso tfaat diicovery may be made of jhe thief. . DON A l.DSON S, , MAC MILLAN & Co. ' Fayetteville, Decemifer 11, 1801. 97 3 . Lands 62 Negroes for Sale. BY virtue ef a Deed ot Trust executed by John Peace, sen.'a:id I'-aasKittrell,' AG anville coun ty, to secure and satwly a debt due to Thomas Dnr and Cj. will be" sold at the Court House in the county aliwoaid, on Fiiday Sc Saturday, the 8th & 9th of Jan. arynexr, aTract of Land, lying en f abbs Creek iri the saidcufttT, eonuining 900 tcreseiiiir ihm land wjer.,'Pn. jbcaid Juhnieace. nowll) vet. AJ .o one "trier 1 ract ot .Land lying on Gibbi Creek, same coun ty,: containing 416 acres, being the land wnercon the said . Isaac XUtrell now livesi and 1 twpl Nrr, Slaves, coaiisiing.of Men, Womeo and aiildrcn. - '. , AtEX.fiALCONER, Trustee. - DecemW !?.' ''';'i''M57 5.' t 10 be rented for one year,- commenc. iott on the firft day of fanuanr nexr. that part of the Plantation adjaioing the Qi ty of Raleigh whereon the late col. J Lane lived, which lieth on ..the foutb fide of the road leading from faid City to Hillfbo rough i intfuding the Orchard, Dwelling and out Houfei j alfqi a fmall Field upon ihe Rocke Branch, well' adapted to the growth or lodiah. Cotn or Cotton. For ternta apply to:: ' B. WILLIAMS. Raleigh,-December 2, i8at'-' ' . SHERIFF'S SALE. ILL be fold at the Conrt Houfe of lS tokS-Countr on Sat urdar -t he 1 jth of February nexf, too acre ot Land (or fo much as will : pay the faxes or th years 1798, 1709, and 1800) formrly the the property or Peter Myera, and adjoining' the Lands of Mr.' liaghleit, on the watera . of Little Yadkin. - - . " ? x ''-t MAC NELSON, Sheriff. . N O T I C, . HpHE fubrcriber having" ijoatified at Sep. , X tember a Exectitrix to the eftate of the late.Major John Paine, refuel all thofe having demands agaiaft faid etlatc to bring hm forward properly, attefteda and thofe indebted, to make immediate Payment, ai fiidulgebce cannot be granted. SUSANNA; PA I N E, Executrix, crfon County,' Dec, t' i8pi. 1:4 1 1 .1. i ffi. l