. 1. , . ' - .m. k "1"' - BY PITEK PINDAR. " Envy must own that iTio j art passing fair ; .Love in thy smiles, -and juno in thy air -: Yet CfUa, if with Gods I may b frecr . ' I think that Jove commits a' tort of -am. By stripping all the Grace to th kin, , ' ( - Merely to make nonpureilla of that. ; Cia! .thou knowest too that thou art pleasing; Mom spider-like, the hearts of mortal selling ; And what too maketh, m confuindcd sjjr, .:. Th)u Wnowest what I wish ro hidtr, ,v -, ,,, iri ?1 " .l. xjl'JlJJ.,rtJ ' That I'm a simple fly, And in thy pow'f. When Kature sent thee blowing from above, .. She meant thee to jupuomha cause ol Lute; To keep alive a beautiful ccation ,'Thy graces hoarded, girJ, thou must be told, Are really like the Sordid Miter't gold, Worthies!, fai want, of circulation. Behold ! a guinea, by a proper use, ; ,: Another pretty guinea will produce? And thus, O peerless girl thy tsauty , , 1 May bring thee cmt. per.veitl. wuhntbe yeaKj!; Tiiat is, -another beauty may appear , f , v . If properly it minds its dutjr. r ' .'L Of wonder, ' to,- thou puttest on the stare 4 , 4 It seems a dark, and intricate atiair ; . .. Thou wantest'a good, able, taund adviser -Well, then,, my dear, at once agree, " As chamber council to take, me j - s. . . Ikaavvnjne bettci qualified, nor wiser. , Faoia Y DAt-TMOOtw Gazette. , " rriat vuilhreajon judgement, tafucommn a, Mehi worth but baft w'ab Jally joined", THERE it a cttltom very common a mong the female fen, of altejiog.or. chang ing their drefs, at the approach of a lira ti ger, or thofe with whom they are not eve tjr day converfant. ', ! For every kind of work-performed in a houfe, there is a fuitable drefs ; and. they whopafa from the parlour to the kitchen, mult wear thenv in fucceffian, as tueir but! "' nefs reqairea ; that which becomes the one, is Tery unfitting lr the outer. It would appear very uneconomical, and even ridicu ' lous, for a perfon to wear' ihe fame habit, in wafhing, baking, or cookery which Ihe - i . r j . . -' wouta la lew nig niuuiU) or waning uu wm-pany- . If then, there i a drets fuitable to every kind of ncceffary bufmefs, why (hould a woman be afraid to be ken to it f V man of worth acquaiuted with indaftry, would have as high an opinion ot tbe raise woman in her Hfhab'dU in. the kitchen, aa.when drefiea to ner nciieii anirc in iue pauuur. If any, to whoaothefe remai ks may ap, blv." deftre the eftcem of the mod wbrlhyi lee them aboliih tbi foolilh cuftora, antl conform their drefa to their work. -'. , " - - From th Massachusetts Spy . THERE ia nothing which makes a per fon appear to grater difadvantagc than af reflation, etprcialiy a tcmaie. it not otiiy indicates a want of fenfe and judgment,, but deprivea her of the efteem and friendfliip of thofe around her. Sylvia ishattdfome, flie is fenfible' of the privilege, and like females in general, endeavours to dreis in toai. manner to.i win difplay her charms to the bell advantage. But unfortunately for aer,- ihe occupiea more time in adorning her ptrfon, than is confident with the cultivation of her mind, .and her fifiie dark eyes, are oftener employed n rmnn triir o Wn "radiance, reileded from a mirror, than looking over thofe pto- Stl !. W, . -.r - "du&ious whtch ate calcuUteJ to teacn her the frailty of the objeeY to which me pays homage. Wlien pvtvtA ia engagea in a eonverfation With one, or two of her own fex, with whom flicja intimate, Ihe appears to the gteateft advantage, berbehaviour at fuch times being natuiai ana conKqueutiy eify i bat in a room where a party ot both lexea are leateo, ocr inping acceius, in formality of her fmi!ei,r4Sc ftudied geltutes croclaim alound the defeds of her undei- - fiandiosr. . Br endeavouring fj violently to apper eracerul, and attraft-attention, he rr .r . i i e. fiu..f. gentlemeni. whofe admiration, (he. evidently wilhes to gain, turn from her with difguft, to enjoy the. conveifauoo-of EMii.Y,..her vouneer filler, that elegant fimplicity, and eafinefs of expreffion, which is the tefult of ber natural erood fenfe and a mind properly cultivated. . . - - ' " . -'Mature na not- Deen lavim ot ner cxicr.. rial graces to EmiLy i (he may rather be. called plain, than beautiful ( but though at berfirft appearance (he is far lefs -ftrikiog than Sylvia, a few words are fuffici'cnt to convince her . hearers, that her AWraclipoa -,are far greater- -The. nnftudied eafe and eleo-ahce of her manners, connwt fail, of rcn- dering her foeiety agreeahlenwhue h(er good - fenfe, the. propriety of her cxpreffions and "thefolidity of hex -judgement, procures her jtherefpe&pf U.br' acquaintance, While. STLViiis ridiculed and fxeqaently peglcft- 'ed, EmilT ' admu; arid brrfocitty is - folicited .by ;every perfpn.of tafte- and diC- ' . n. ft..-.f ' IT (L' cernment. . omce ancciatfon u auguunig iu "every obferver, may the daughters of , Co-; ' iumbia ceaCeto practice, it, and by really . poffeffing eteiy amiable quality in which', tW would be thought to excel," way; they gain the approbation of the wire and goo, aad tbe etleem of every fenfible heart add by tr judicious difplay of jheir exctlleQcicay .contribute to the btiafiftioa aad iaprof tk ocnt of the ' . 1 LEICESTER GIRL.; uniferstty: y 1 np,H E Eaercifes of ht Umyerfity Carolitia, will sgaio commenaw1 onlthe firlf day of January iiext nodertKa' rlirectierftrftwK.ev. joiepn umu, rro -jl , - r f 7 -7- i I 'T-.I - li -1 I ....... - ... b . t . . tenor ot Mstnemanc ; auu m 4uc . William Bingham, Fioftffr of Languages. The price of .Tuition will be Twenty" Dollars per Annum, Twelve of which mujft, be paid in advance for the urit lemon, ant the "remainder mud be paid in like manner, for the fecond ftflion. - "! , The price of board will be Fifty Seveli Dollars per Annum, Thirty Three of which muft be paid in advance, for thefirftfeffioat . and the remainder mull be paidla like mani ner tor the lecona fewon. ,.'' The Truiteev,' awaie of the impropriety of continuing the Grammar Schoal at the Unuerfity, on - the plan which nereility has hitherto compelled them to adopt, reWvl their mceciig in June lift, that From andf- ter the firlt dayt of Jarjoary next," the (aid School mall be kept apart and at adtltance from 'the College Buildings and to" that end tney nave proviaea e -convenient ana fuitable Houfe,' which iVhandCwaely fituS ate and is ncacto one orthe bed fprings in! the'Villaw. This 5cboolrwill.bctt"d'-tlid immediate direaioa and iupcrintendance oij i .f..7r. .u- TT:..r..,f..i-' tne principal jrroivaur ii mc witlimj the time be'rog, and wjlt be opencd on the firflday of January next, by Teachers en gaged by him.' The Students in it will be confidered under thf. guardianfhip of the Trultees, will be examined in their prefence, in like manner with thofe on theeftablifli. rhent. and will be tauerht on a model fitted to that of the higher part of the Inftita.i t!ion. - - " ' The price of Tuition will be Fifteen Dollars' per Annum, Eight of which... muft. he naid in advance for the firft feiTion, and the remainder inuft be paid in like manner f,-.r'tTi. fcrond ftfUnn. ; ""'-" is ". ' Board foT the .Students of tliw School,, including Diet, Room, Bed, .Wood, l.ar AU. Walhinrr. Mcndinp- and Servant, will be readily had inthe Village, atthc rat of about Seven and an Halt Uouars permoqw, of Seventy Five Dollars for the College vrar berhaDa forlefs. -t The Truftces of the Univerfity,.evtr mindful of the importance of the trud re-, pofed in them, and anxious tO'4iicharge ,t in a proper and fatisfaftary wanner, hold it unnectffary to offer tythe public any Tirofcflions with refpeft to that care and at. tention they fectbound to pay ancaufe tO; be paid, the Students of every difcription which fnall be pUced under thetr direciontj they will therefcre only add, that the elevan ted fituaUon of the Uoiveifity, and broken face of the country around,. .together with the uocoromonlnunober of fpriogvwhich if fue fortbon every hand, point it7out as the feat of health ; and as promifing that encr-s. gy and vigour of mind which health pro duces. v The advantages which will refult to the; Qrnrlnm on the Eftablilbment of the Uni verfity, by bciftg feparated from the Gram-M mar Boys & leftto purfuc their Studies in '4 .1 n. 1 .:.l,,,. !l.,,,.t;u. 1 nrr l??EXZul.Y.iriiOte of thisCou.t, within the improved and duly appreciated by them. wcu. uiiuv..M.w . - --r-" Kaleigh, November 28, iaoi.: Thirty Dollarsr Reward. RUNAWAY from the fubferiber, a , Mulatto Fellow named ISAAC, a bout 5 feet $ or 6 inches high, 24 years old, has a fmall piece of one of his ears bit off, a lump on one of hia big toes, has black euily hair, which he generally wears tied, haiarupture in his .left groin, and bears the marks of a late ' whippinghe was rsifed by Win. ' Whitfield of Wayne county He took with him a blue broad aldth coat, which formerly had facings on' s drab tuloured caffimere jacket and over. allar with raifed ftripes, a neat fur hat, white cotton dockings, narrow toed fhoes, 'two pair of cotton homefpun" oveialls, fen old grey cloth fhort coat. and feveral ruf fled liuea fhirts. He ia a " Riding1 Chair Maker-by Trade, atid fomctimes pretends to be a Cabiriet Makeand Carpenter; Any par fon - who'wilt fecttre hjoa in-jail and write me fothat I get him again, fliall be enticed t the. above reward. JAMES.. &EGQ I: Fayette, Nov ; li , ,1 3o I . $1 , : 1: NOflCEV ; A NY perfon that has money to pay in to the. Treafury .for the 3 Entries of Land, may purchafe Certificatea of me at1 Mr. Parifh,r upon teafanable Terms. ' - .--J AS. WILLIAMSON, ; Juft Opened and for Sale by " . Robert Fleming &;rCo. ?At tht Store en PayettewlU Street, fsrmer T ly occupied by Mr. Wm Campy Sadler, 1 Very general ;afiortment - of Dt y XX Goods, Hardware, and Fancy At ticleawalfo Madeira and Sheiry Wine ) Port Wine in Bottles French brandy, GiniWell.'lndia Rum, Impetial and Hy fdn Teaof the lateft importation t CofTee, L'Loaf & Brown Suc;ar i China in fets of 50 f' : , ; . r. ..... . ri.f. W.. rAlirrpien, tney wiu icu cfieap lorcauiur produce. . . ' ' HaviaV-'tftabliilied-a-corrcfponsleBCC in Pcterfburg,' and throughthem with all the towns on the continent, they will receive oilers for any articles which cannot be pro cuired in this city. A 'Ralegh, lugujl 25. - Tzve?tty Dollars Rezvard. - -' V RUNAWAY from the rubferiber,-a tie aro niau 'uViaed GEOilGE, about thirty live years old, about five feet nine or ten inches hiffh, yellow compleaed ; naa on When he went away a pair of negro cot. ten troufers and jacket, died a dark colour : alfo and old rackoon hat. Alfo a neero woman named VlOLE T. , nbout thir ty five' yeara .-old, yellow complied, her diels not remembered. Ihe Mellon tome times oalls his name iiaac. 1 he above re ward and nil refinabl charges," will be paid f.jr appiehenditig ahd fcn ling faid trcgroes, Hi Any Jait, fo t lmt I -can get them again, 01 one halt ter either r them and iiffiirges. . yyv'M.jOHNbON; , Sneydt'batoogh, Aofon county, November s a. 95 .STATE q'N. CAROLINA,! Hillfborough Diftrift. 'Court of fOrfy, QQobev-Term, 180 1. . Between Nathaniel Rocheftei , Complain sot, and Thgmaa Critcher, Executor of Thomas Crilcher, dec, Elijah Mitche ' and .Silly bis wife, Jenny Mitchcl, : An mioiftrator of Charles Mitchel, ' dec, . John Gore Critchert James Critcher, Williaft) LitlUjohn and George AHlon, Defendants. 1 N this ea'ufe the court order, that fjib licaiion ke made three weeks fucceffiye ly in the Norjh Garplina" M inci vi, Tttat uulefs Thomas Ciiteher, one of the above named Defendant's, do file his at.fwtr to iht Bill of the Complainant, in the Clerk and Mader'a Office of this Court, within the three firft days of the next Term, the Dill, as. againft him, will be taken pro confed'o and decreed accordingly, : ROBERT BELLr c. m .1. November 6. - - State of North Carolina,! Hillfborowgh Diflria. j Court Mquity, 08ober Term, 1 80 1 . Bitwccu Nathaniel Rocheder, Complain ant, and Thomas ditcher, .Executor r . Thomas Critcher, dec. Elijah Mitichcl and Sally his wile, Jenny Mitchel, Ad ininidraforrn Charles Mitchel, dec John Gore' Ciitcher, Jamts Ciitcher William Littltjohn and Geoig'e 'AUloo Defendants 1 N this caufc the court oidtied," that pub licaiion be made ihiee weeks ut-edfive lv in -the -NoithCarohna Minerva. -1 hat unlefs Thomas Ctiicher, ope of the above named Defendants, do file his .tnfwer to th l PiU tn Bill of the Complainant, Sn the' CI aud I c.n (.1 . t..' i .1, n II imcc iiiu uaT 9 ui 111c utAi iiik-ii. as againft him, will betaken pro Lonfeilo and decreed accordingly. k -ROBERT BELLrc u.m ev, November 6, . . Tojbe Public, ' And Travellert in Particular. I AM induced to contiadict a report pre vailiqsr a little north and fouth of lhia plaije, and detailed ; to jtrafr'clleia by the" keepers of gill-pot Caravansarys, and fried meat Taverns, that my . Houfe of Enter tainment in Louifburg is fhut up, &C. .'Tis oherwife j and thofe who may pleafe to call on me, (hall be 'accommodated in the heft manner in my power, My bill of fate (hall not appear better on paper -than on the table, nor will I promife wine and .give vi, eegar. J Will, BRICKELL. LoUllBUrg, JNOV. 20, I90I. . ' 94 Xwerity Dollars ' 'Reward. X "UN AWAY from the fubferiber 00 'XAi the 29th of November,' a negro roan named DAVE,' about 23. years old, low in ftature but- flout made, very, well fhaped, lark complexion, and very fenfible ; he -was railed by Mr. Marmaduke Norfleet, of Hali fax county, where it ia thought he will aim for. The above reward will bt given to any perfon whd will deliver- to'lbc "owneror ' locate in! jail the faid negrc. - .-. t -. . , PETER H. COLE, Richmond eauaty, Dec 4. , , ; , ( ' -Just.Pilhlishedi And for fale at their. Printinsf-Offices in Halifax, and Raleigh, at 40 dollars per loso, or four cents each ; 2$ dollars per -"500, or fivey4ach 'feeeti-dollarsper grofs, four dollars per half grofs, three, quartet sof a dollar per dozen and tec cents fiogle . Hodge .& Boylah's NORTH-CJlROLINA : ALMANACK, ; boKlhileat ' of our Lord. t8jD2 Being the fecond after Bafcx'tiVor Leap Year,.and-the a5th 271I1 'jjf'Ame-. -. V , ncan Indepcndencei Calculated for the State of Nouh Caroli na, being prrcifely adapted to the Me--ridian and Latitude ofthe City of Ra leigh, ji - By P. BROOKS,-Aft. Richmond County, North-Carolina. -" c on tain 1 0 The Lunations, Rifinir, and Sett me of the Sun, Moon, & Seven Stars, Solar and,Lunar Eclipfcs, Remarkable . . Djys, &c 8cc. -ALSO, Advice to younar men. Important ad vice on purchafing a hotfe. Peter Peri-' winkle to 1 abulia '1 owzcr.a mod .delicate love fong. Of horfirs teethwhereby the age may be known . Of the eyes of a borfe. Hine advertilhment. There are many oflca without -long ears, Cure for a Wen. Bio graphical anecdotes of "Jedediah Buxton. b jjvinwij -.. jumtt sua ihc uurgcon. Ariftocrat op Democratr. quettion. Epi.- gram. nnecupte. 1 tie temarkabie duel. It will do for the prcfent. How fhouldf. work it. It ia better to borrow than to buy. 1 told you fo. DeftruAion by Earth auakes duiiiicr the lad centm v. A receint to make an excellent. American wine, Cen fiis of the Tnhabitanis of North' Carolina, fubfciibed by J. Weft, marfhal, July 1 801. Government of the United States. Federal courts Supreme, Circuit and Dif tiiil. North Carolina date courts Con. ference, Supreme and County, Stamp Duties. ' :. . f This Almanack is fold, wholefaie and retail, at tlx? pod offices of Edftpn, W'indfor, Murftetfborough, Warrehton, Louifboiirg, Williamfborough, Hillfboro' rough ' and Wafhington, at Mr. F. Web ber's dore Newberu, at Mr. R. Donald- foh's, and Mr. David Anderfon's ftorca Fayetteyille, and at the printing office A. Hall, Wilmington. Si THOMAS GLASS,. WATCHMAK!R, T3 Efpeflfully informs the Public, that JLv he has opened Shop, on Fayetteyille uicci, jitii Lire luaici xaauic, 1U vuc vkj of Raltigh,' .where he carries on the above uuuKcis, bu nupcs, uy ins m iiciu amy ana Attention to Bufiocfe, to defeive Encour agement, y. He has on hand, at prefent, a few . of the fallowing Articles, viz. Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Table and Tea Spoons, bugar: iorgs,t)noe antrivoee Jiuckles, Va liety of Gold rings, Lockets, Bracelets 'Buttons Ear Rings, &c. ..JL C , . Orders from the Country executed with Care and Difdptclt. lie li&bejt Price given Jar old Gold Silver. Sept. 21,- ' ' NOTIC1 .1 TnTipr i . r .1... j....-.,.. r. n 1 1 Bl-RT ADAMj Kjij. late pl'.rayaUkHilcirid WiitiUiigtoiif'.ni-.-a'hani, aud of .the SulMvtiuert having "at July term now Uul mi ot' the court of Cumbei' land ruuniy, . qiialitied as Exetutois' of hit- last will and tcsunient. Thuse indebted to the estate are rie i.ed to make immediate payment ; and those hav ing accjnts ur dema id against the tsu'.n of any kind ur tlt!noniinati4iij are required to exhibit the Same for hqu Cd 'uit and iymeot, to the executors, agreeably to Uiw, and u uhin the time .limited by. the act ot General Assembly, passed in 1789, entitled " An ac " to amend a i act, entitled An act concerning " prjving wills and rantinf letters ot adminutraUoo, " and to pa-vent irauds in "nhe management f imei-'-ia!e f!tfs,'-T 1 a failure., whereof die same will be pWai In bar to ilip recovery of any such debt or de- rnana. iejr4jA M't-tKAJN, . - JOHN WINSLOW, SAM. GOODWIN, ' Executor JOHN LCCLES, JQHKLHQGG, tayttt-mtile, July 17. 76 ?m O T I C E. WHEREAS three bonds of the fol lowing description, viz. one for 5000L.N.C. curreder, payable ir,th Feb. 1786 one for 10,0001, Virginia currency', payakle l2th February, 1786 j and oae o titer for iOJ.1. 78. Viroinia currency. Diva hie July, i7yi,witneffed by Thomas Steele, Thomas Ragfdale and Wm. Ring, (aid to be given - by the late Gen. Thomas Per Ion, to Robert Johnfjlon. Steele, of Richmond county : Whereat the above feveral boada appear to be barefaced forgeries, all pcrfons are hereby forwarned from takjng any aiEgn- menu thereof. - - - ' . LWm. PERSON, Adminiftrator . , Warren county, Nor. 1. 93