en tad iteJfieM refpecing "'. pft toadir Referred to thfrtommute appointed on tha fabieA- . i. ' : . .' '.- Mr- Va Nefa moved to go into commit' tee of the whole on the bill for the appoint onrtietit of reprefentaiivei, u;(r ' Mr, BVyard fpbka aainft it He confi. dereJ the fubjea of the bill of great im portance and as there were number of rnember abfeot, he'wifhed it poftponed un-til- Monday;, k- ''",.-.- v ' ' Gen, 8, Smith was " toow of taking it up then. It would be ntCeflaiy for the legiflaturel of :pcDojTylvirtia to be early acquainted with the number, of members the bill would gieilflthtSte. It had k.. r,;,i rKc Vm.flwai thin., but he believ- 'thinner flCIt Wtclt. Tht .v reafon affigrted forpoftporung, ntij Monday would operate wUvof.H jjoupm's Monday weeiu- ", jV;--i Mr. Pcrkina oppofed taking tip the fub at that time. Helhongbt it was of i'ucb importanse that lima $0". be ger ter. . Bayard "poke again id favour ef poRponment. . ve copuaeren is wrong 10 urge the JdatSprjiMfift -Wch would appear4ike tatig tlieni by.fnrprizrt 4 1 , Mr. Vau Veft wai fuVprifed io hear the fame.argumeo.ta.jma.de ufe of in favour of a further pbSponnient - which wi. urged at ritlt. Would gentlemen fry they were ta ken by furprife .when the iubject had been fo lonar tefore . them and the bill prftM. Heretofore "gentlemen wifhed to wait for, the return from TrnDcITce and a aorrectton of the , returoa fiouv Maryland, both of which were befor'them and.now they urge a farthj dctay which h jt.ho'pnneceirjry.-' Mr. 'RMhedge coufldercit pf rnore. frrt poitanie' haf he houfe iouUl decide: coK it&ly than that it Ihould decide promptly. He had never known an iaftance when geu . tlemen afked for time on an important quel". - tion that it was denied Several gentlemen hare faid they were "not prepared, why theji hurry them into an immediate decifion ? For his own part he had not had an opportunity of confering wuh his coleaguca or of conli dering the fo;jct matuiely. It wan a fub. jret on which much divetfity of ojwnion pre vailed and it wn.no t likely a (kcifio wou'd take place that. day. He was of opinion therefore that by poilponing it until Moo day, or even Monday week, the rinal deci fion of the quellion wouKl not be poftpon ed. As he believed no inconvenience weru'd aiife from pollponing it and as confidctable advantage would relult from it, he 'moved t o poftpone the fift her.cmifiderai ion of "the fubject until Monday week. When the que it ion was put 38rofe -iti favouv of tt & 37 againflf it." The hoafe then adjourned until Monday 11 o'clock, TOU&SAfNT LQUVERTURE. L-Commandtr kieJ rJtjMtrj.StjI)mitt go, to citizen Buonaparte, jirjl artful of the trench repubitt. r Cape Francois, July,-15,. ilSoi . Citizen. Conful, The miniitw of the maiine, " in the ac count' which he gave you of the political fituaiion of this ('colony,' which I coiumuni vted to mm in roy ditpatcnes lent by the cotvette d'Enfant Prodigue, returning to France, mull have fubmittcd' to yon my proclamation, of the 5th of February Ult, for the1 convocation of a centrJ aflcmlily, which the moment when the union of the Spanilh partjtoihe French part of the ifl tnd waieffefted, migKt ,.forip of'St." Ddrriingo' only oae and the fame country, fubjrfVto the fame government, and fix "itaddh ij by wife la wt, fuited to localities and the man oeri of the inhabitants A have now the fetisfa&ion ot auttouncing to you that the h'ft hand hai been put to thin "work, and " that the refult hat been a conftitution, which projnifwhappiuefa to the inhabitants ; of thfa colony, Jlo long unfjil una t e. I tak the- ariill -opportunity- of jfendinglT to yem, for your approbation and the facti on of my government For this puipoftf, 1 have difpatched to you citizen Viticeut, di reftor general of fortifiealiotn at ot., Do mingo, to whom I entruft ihu valuable tie-! poflt. V The central affembly having Vequefted me, in coafequence of the want of law, & the aeceflity oi making" their empire fac eed that of anarchy, tocaufe this conlli tntion to be provisionally put in eitecutian, a being likely to promote iu future wl fare, i have complied with their ' del'nei, and; thra conftitution hat been ' received by -flafi f xitiiens'wilhiranfpottrof - joy, which will rtot fail of being received whrtiit niallbeiaKiled TwIth the fanction f government. ' ' .. Health and pioibtind refper, ' " TOUSSAINT LOUVEKTURE. COLONY OF St.- DOMINGO, ... '.Pen Republican 6th Brumaiie, f la the name of the French Colony 01' St. "Domingo. , louffaint Louverture, Governor of St. - P. Domingo. . , . 1 Tfi ?oft effectial mean to improve th tnorali of etn, the ligament which the moA ftrongly bindi them to fociety, it marriage, lathe fit ft moment! of the revolution, St. Domingo would not have prefented tonhe world, a fpeflicle of fo much unhippinfs, of fo frightful a difToIutioii of rnorah, if the; maf of the inhabitants had been retrained by thti' powerfqUheck, by thofe ferjtimenU of order which habits of dome (lie morality produce -in every1 bjeart j ' by the proper affliction of a father for Ua fonofa fon for his father, his wife, and hia rclatioui t If in fine there had ei ifted a fpirit of family union, the fource of public tranquility and rhappisefi. ' - ' It m in confequence 01 thefe reflections, confirmed by experience, that I have never loftlight of.Ujja intereltiog objeft, the er hortation of my fellow ''citizens to marriage t bnt'as prudence is nerefTary even in the dif: penfotion of good, and as the beflinftittrtT ons are liable to be aDuied j whether' it be owing to ignorance or ill faith, this natural and Isgitimate cttfire has beet accompanfed byceitain irregulan'ties. Tn. confequence of the organization peculiar t o the Ifland 'of St, Domingo, the order which fliotild have teigoeu in it habitations, has fuffered in certain cafe, and miaht continue to fuf' fer injury.. It belongs to the prurience of the government to arrett attiles dtftructive to the public profperity, and to obviate the 'Imputation which a fpirit of debancheiy" and lawlefs indulgence" might occation, whillt t!oaking ;iueit under the facred pre text tf marr4:ige, The Governor of St. Domingo theie fore decreea aa follow : ' ift.' No foldier can contract matriage without the approbation ot the Governor of Sr. JJimingo.......;.. , , f id; f o cultivator attarhtd to any parti cular hibitation can efponfe a woman at Inched to any other habitation, without theexprefs pcrmillioo of the Governor of St. Domingo-. 3d. No foldier can marry without hav ini ptevioufly prcfented a requeft to the chief otticer of his corpo, ho fhall be bound to communicate to the commandant of the department, with a report refpefttng the moral character of-the applicant. The commandant of department (hall there fuh j'jin his obfetvatiora. If the requci con tains nothing contrary to law ; it the mar. u'ape be approved by the parents, and con form to the obfervatioris of the faid chit f, for which they (lull be- refponfible, I will give my approbation. 41b. Every cultivator attached to a ha bitauon, every citizen In a ftaTe oF ir"fli." mflicite," wleii they entered marriagf, flia'l make a declatation before the muoict pality of the place in which ihey rcfidc I bis declaration (hall contain I. Their namt6, ages, and quality. I. The refidence-of'the pcrfou to whom ihty att-attariitd "3-"TlRir meafis cifuhfi(lancearid re foiivres of learing and educating their off fprint. - 4th. The municipal adminiflrations arc invited to mtlte known to me, fnch cafes as (being1 teenfarJy certified to them) may render the connection -inexpedient,- With.; that j n't ice and impartiality which fhculd -diliisguiih the ma'flrates of ."the: peo ple ; as alio to give m ihmr advk m fa vortif.fuch as merit, my approbation.'. j'h. It is forbidden to public officer's & mini Iters of, religion, to affitf at the celebra tion of apy mirriae, jf the fonnaTTTteS pre. fciihed by """the pefent , airette, have not becu ptf vioofly.co'jfvrmeil to. The prefent arrette, hall be printed,; tranlcnbed on the regillcrsol the a;lminif trativeand judiciary iodic, read, publifhed and potted wherever it fhjll be necefljty ;. it fhall alio be infcrted in the Official Bui Utin of St, Ddmingo. Done at Cape Francois, the 8th Ven dem.iiie, tenth yiar. (30th Sept, The Governor of St. Dominjro, " TO US SA INT' LOU V ERTU R E -f- B i Raleigh , TCCSDAY, JAKUARY5, 1802. F..tra8 of a lett(r from an rjfictr en loari the , . United States frigate Philadelphia, to his f iend in Norlo.lt. , " I rrgrct e.xti.nely.that I have to an nounce to you the lofsof lieut. Cbgget and Mr. VViJlis, a m.idfliipmau, and eight of ourkbell men. The Commodore having oc-i eaiiun to fend difpatches fo our Conful at; Gibraltar, Clagget was difpatched on that feivicc, with' a midfhipman and nine men. On their r'cuiro, the boat upfet, in conle- quenceof a fudden flaw 0 wind, and only one ot ner crew elcaped wie- lurvivpr re ports, " that lieut. Clagget, not being able to fwirn, temained bf fbe' boat until (he went down. TPoor Willis fwaorj as long as his Arengtli enibled him, and caught hold of one ot the, men, who, Boding they mult both perifh, difengaged himfclf, and faw Mr. , Willis go down in a few fecondi ; the man, was taken ,up, by one, of the guard boats, in great extremity. . 0 Thelofs of tbefe Taloable young men is a circumflance greatly, to Be lamented; tbty frood high in reputation, and promifed tpbe. a credi to their friends, and an honor tattheir countty." J ,L . :' ' ,v. ...' . - i' '' ',-'''' " ' ExtraS ofg tetter from Port dt Palx, dated 1 . , fl'ovtmter z8, l8ot . , :'. . ;' i v" .At 9 o'clock, this j.day, all the nati Opal guards and regular troops,- received orders to meet at the Public Square, be. fore the General's houfe. There the Ge nnal ordered the judgement tf General Moycs, formerly General at, - Cape Fran cois, and fecond in cdmrbahct of this ifland, t be read, by .which it appears, that he ii condemned for having raifed alfomiiioii V) 'V the? Province under his command ; of paving fuffered1 aflaflination to be torn'mitt ted ip his department j of having refufed to ybiy his fgperiors "orders t-of-iav,ing wril jto ao infolent letter to St. Dcmingo, af ter a declaration of the commandant of the Cape in confequatnee he is condcViiued to tfeath; His judgment being read before all tfie tioops, they were ordered to march to tlie fort v hereMoye8 was couStted. About minutes after, he came out, and was' hot at 11 o'clock." ' ' " ' The following is the concluding part of (Tie ratification, on the part of the French Jtepubiic, of the Convention lately entered into between the - United States and that (Crtivrrnirtent. - - .-.--ii-- . " The govtxnmcnt of the United Stilts hav iig added in its tatlflaition, that the Convention jhould he in force . for the fpuce of eight years, and bavwg omUkd the fecond article ' the go Vneinment vf ths French republic confents to ac ftpt, 'ratify and confirm the above Convention, ,!Hith the addition importing that the Convention fhall be in force for the fpace of eight years and with the retrenchment of the fecond artulc l fro v'ukd that by this retrenchment tjse t'rtofletet renounce the refptOive fireteniens, tvhich are jhi ohjeS of the faid article." - . " ' It is fume what fuigular, that not one Fienchmao hat been concered in the ntgo ciation between France and Great Britain,, the preliminaries were figned by M. Otto a Swifs ; ratified by , Buonaparte a Corfi can t and communicated to .the court of London by geneial Laureflon, in Ealt In dian, A cheap government may be -very popular for a time, and the prefent party in power fee ra te-tclt their claim to publi c confide n e very much on their exertions to, render the government cheap., there is great danger however, that a cheap government will not lali long ; like a crxeap cloth, it will foon wear thin, and want mending. Our houfe wives obfervc thatchep goods prove dearer in the end ; fo much trouble and pains are wquired-itt-patcbingand fewing up the rents. A govermticnrthat wants menairig with a revolution, once in a generation, id not a vey cheap gsvernment. XL'm. Mvertifer.j f xtraff of ieiter from a gentleman in Rich- mvnJ, to hit J fiend in Alexandria." ".r You will have feen the outrage on ail de- centynid-proptiety commitied by the Speaker of the Houle of Delegates, on his election fo the cheir. It has been ufual on fuch bccalions to aj dref to the. members a (hort fpeech cxpr'cf five of gratitude for ihc'-honour conttrrtd and apprehenfion of inadequacy to thc-ar . t!uo9 duties. of .toe Uauon ; .but pt,omrfirg bis beft endeavors, and fopciting .the fuo- port of the hoaie. This trail oiiginjlly marked-Cut-i)y plain common fen fc," has ery genraliyjbeeo fol!ov;'ed by its yo. taries, and all who have feen the pre. fent gentleman in the chiar, will readily ac- knowledgewhat ntver a Speaker might with more propriety have made a modelt difqua. lfymg. fpeech than Mr... Smith. He has howver thofen to depart from the ufual courfe and to irwhilge himfclf in unbecom ing and indecoious calumniates againft thou who were too hanoll and independent to join the fenferefs yell againll the adminiftra Hons ot VValhisgtoH and Vdams. Is it not difficult to penetrate the mo lives which lead to ftich condudV. What'. ever "rnaybe his political milignity Mr.Smi'th is a gentIeman,-ritrconrequently could not be fcurrilous from the chair, if he did not really believe that by being fo, he was pro- moling objeas important to himfelf. Rtly upon it, he mult be a candidate for fone appointment undej&tlie prel ?nt executive ot the United States, and the fpecimens gi vetvin the anfwer to the merchants of New- Haven, as well as on feveral other occafions, f the temper which prevails at thefource of appointments, can leave no .doubt that virulence againft his predecefTors in office will be a very acceptable offering to the al tar of power, Should he fail ia this, he muft wifh to be our next governor, and he well knbwt that nothing can better forward his views in this relpecl.'trTla lrritating and injurious, afper fiona on the minority. , I will acknowledge mjf total incapacity to read the human heart, if Mr. Smith doei ( not either foon receive aa appointmetit from . Mr. JefTtrfon, tr!becoraet addrdatcat snfv: -next election for a governor. ' v -- ; When violenc andinjuflice are recaWed.; as fubftitutcs for marit. violence and io-- 1 juftice will mark, the characters of candi. -dates for office. ; , - ... " '' ' --v ' Pa'r 11, oa.,3-. ' -' ' LE TTE R I".: From the Council of Adminiflratiim of tit -ifland of Guadalcute. to General Butna. parte Firfl Conful of the French RefuKe. ' Citizen firtt Conful, ;v,-j,-J. U'; ,: ; ACROOS a fea covered with enemies, : the eoiifiilar genius guides 'and frefervel vour deieoates. and cur faviours.. The I day too long defred, js.at laft tome, when our ncarti. ODemna io ouc, 11 1 cjtuc ui. the fame lime th do.uble expreffioniof praif, ant) of gratitudeV ' ' ' To complain i a painful tafk, it iafweet. er to "praife. France, profpfroua by your j care, enjoys a happinefs that your labourt -r hav prepared her; And Guadaloope, that -interefting part of a great empire that your talents" have rendered flourifhing -groaned ftill under the monftrous government of '793 - We were Janguifhing we were perifliirig j you have throwa tbwardi us a paternal regard, and our fjtnation is chang ed. Deign to eccive,'Crtiten Conful, . ihe finceie exprefCon of our gratitude,. We -e-rere 'nohsippy-ihit was tittle t we -were "con tempt ible-i-y oil have "Wcrned the colonilla of Guadaioboe all their dieoi- f w ty," jh fending them chiefs, wohy to com mand tbrm, " Tbe4onor acauired by one in the impor tant functions (that "have been entrufled .to him the regtet which t-lic otier canted witb, him from the plate where he commanded, are fure prefaces e.f the:r glory, and our feiicity. One man cnly carried away with him'o'urefteem. t man only merited it: The tribute we pay to gratitude is an homage 4 due to truth. Tlie departure of General rtaa 1.-. ff tn ni ka.l CnitnJ K a S3n be filled only in the -hopes of finding him in General Batancour. " J - ' Deign, Citizen Conful, to turn yonr fo- ' licitude towards this too long neglected if Frenchmen. You will always ftpd us refpect- -fulto the law.' faithful to the eovernme nt. and full of admiration foryonr virtues. (Signer!) JACQUES ZUILLI RF1ES, M EG RET. MOT. XI AIJRUm At W,lr,iitnH' n !. 74tt nit. M: Cae.leioi Walkib, MvaUDflicerof that por:, 10 .Mis Man y.osEfcgv. DIF.3s In ihis ciiy, on Taesiay last, Mrs. Indies, Wifeoi' CoU J. Indies. iWMM' Wi'l M M'MM'I MVlM' ; -3 -r r?r f.r rx -s- Lift of Letters remaining in the Ptft-Ojfice lit. ..Jin vilify 'jit JUI.HVMJy , v w r which -if nat: taint up befort the ifl. tf pril next, will be fent to the General , Pofl-Office as Dead Letters. ' . ' YOUNG CURT and Daniel Baker, Cumberland county, Abraham Brown, . and.' Daniel Campbell, Robtfon couaty, Pcfer Clemmcns. Merchant, Favetteville, , Neven Culbreaih. ' Cunibetland cou.itv. the Rev - lodiih Cole. Faveiteviile, lohn . lofeDh Cabral. Favetteville, Wm, Caldwjl,; j t i are of Robeit Adam, Mcichant, ravette- iite, Robert Dlckenfoo, Moore County, - y.'mcl Uougps, itichmonel county, Jahn tag;'n, raycttevi)Ie, John rutty the, ray- ; eyctteviije, z , jamet ricrningv nucrcuniK, Fat ette vile. William Fhn, do. Robert Gor don, Cumberland .Coonty, Alexander Gunn, Bchck)!maffer,: Cumberland toontyi"' lames Galoen. Favetteville, Andre G'a- bam, Blatlen county; Sheriff of Cumber land county, Thomas Johntton, Cumber land couritv. The RcColiin Lindfev. : Robcfori county, Alexander MKjy,jun.'. Fayettevhle, ' Dougald M'Phaul, Fayette viile,, Duncan M'Nicoll, and Alexander M. Failaue, Richmond county, Mary. M'Aj time; Cumberland cofmty. Duncan M'Afee, or M'DufTse, Rnlcfon county, Duocaa M'Coll.Gum Swamp, Duncan M'Eachran, Bladen county, John M'Lcnnon and Hugh. -M'Beth, near Favetteville, Robert MKeen. Fayetteville, John M'Allifter, Richmood coonty, rtiexantier tNicnouon, nicnmon county, Mary Patrick, on Cape Fear, Duncan Philips', Sampfon county, Nathan Prince, Cumberland county , 2 j Seth Plum, Fayetteville, , Sarach Price, and;' Sufsti Rediford, Fayetteville, John Grant Ren cher, care of Robert Adam, do. Angus Ray, Robefon county, 2; Edward Ro bertfoti, Cumberland county, Morris Smith, Cumberland county, Patrick Shaw, care of Donald M'Leod, Fayetteville, Donald Stewart, Carpenter, car. of Duncan Ma . Leran, e!o. j j John Stone, Curabeilaoa county, Pcleg Sanford, Fayetteyille, Rich, chard Seffmos, Sampfon co. The Licnt. Colonel, Commandant of Cumberland co. John Thompfon, do. Archibald Tesrell, Favettevilie, John Fraidwell. Sampfon cp. " Jaraea Weft, below Fayetteville. , - 'y DUNCAN M' RE A P. M.- '

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