Q Tin tk I v7 4-- V .'OfStirWi TOMORROW. w1 'HEN you my chaining fair, I prefi, With Imilea you answer my cards, xut io my conna.it sorrow, Whrri love ex pedis hit d tie, reward. Mr baraing fighs you disregard. Aod fay I will to morrow.' . ' '" ' ",,v ' ' ' . To-morrow comet ; as foot! it light . Has cas'al the ling'ring clouds of oight. More lively hopes I borrow ( :. . I fly to meet my fair again, J - But, Hill flie trifle with ray pw, . "And bids me come to roonro., ' ? Bat, cruel rhaid,: you mud beware. Of foot) you'll have your proper lhare, . : Of grief and anger too : To morrow, love may turn the beam, To-morrow, you left charming feem, And I lefs warmly' woo. ' i From the Salem Gatetti The following humorous paifiige" was tran scribed by a gentle mm of this town ftprri letter from Dii faAKIttrii to hia bro. ther, written in 174J. The letter, when "the tranfefipt was made, was in poffeiBan of the Doctor's filler, in Bolton. -- ' Our people are extremely impatient to hear of Vonr fuccefs-at Cafe Breton. My fliopt is fitted with thirty enquirera at the toniing of every poft. - 1 tell them that I (hall be glad to hear that news in three mootha hence. ' Fortified towns are hard tuta to crack: and your teeth have-not been accuftomed to it. Taking flrong places Ts a particular trade, which ycra have taken up without ferving an apprenticefhip to it." Armies ansf 'veterans wed ,kilfuI engineer to direct them in their attack Have yod any f But fame folks feem to think forta are as eafily taken aa fouff. Fa ther Moody's prayers look tolerably mo deft, .; Yoo" have fail and prayer day for , that purpofe t in which I compute 500.000 petition wers offered np to the fame effecl ia New England, which, added to tire pe tition of every family," morning 'a rid even ing, multiplied by the number of day fince Januaryic, make "45 millions, of prayer : which, fet again ft the prayer of a few Pried in the garrifoo, to th Virgin Mary, give a vau balance in your favour. If you do not proceed,, I fear I fh all have but an indifff rent opinion of Prefbyleriao prayer in fuch cafe,' a long a I live. Indeed, in ' attacking ftrong town I fhouM have more dependence on worh than on faith for, like the kingdom of heaven, they ate to be taken by force and violence ; Sc in a French garrifon I' fuppofe there are devils of that kind, that they are not to be caft out by prayer & falling, 4tin1efs'it be by their own failing for want of provifiooa. , I believe therey's. fcripture io what 1 have wrote, but I paAnotBdointhe'inargtn wiih quotations, havibg aVad.mcraory, andho concordance at hind 'i betides no more time, than to fubfcribeiyfelf.J:' ; ' " Your, &c." HehpttbePojOftce. A- TScijtf rom Lundon papers. ."'" Jif'hiitSB BvLi During the lata dif ,turai)ice;inN Ireland, the following wa 'wroteby an v officer of the army : ' This J lowri '.i ill in 911 uproar, eapeftinjj the re" belatVery houri-I am in a,d n'd hm-ry. and while'. I write you -thefe few line, i hold a piltol in each hand and a fword in the DrJiLUNO i one of the few evils which may be fupfofed to increafe at the clofe of a war. Med who ate in earned may not ea fdy get out of the habit of fighting. About a century f ago, "when the King of France publilheJ an edict againft"Duelling, one of ii officer exclaimed " Mighty fine! the Xing baa pt down,, Gaarfng and Stae playing,' and now want to put down Du elling. l How doe he think, gentlemen are., to divert thtmjelvet ?" The prefent falhion of wearing long (hoes waait i well known, the mode, in the time of the Edward and Hcnrica. : ITapptfri,' however, that a late a the time of Charlta. II. the fafhionj prevailed. In a book enti tied " Youth' Behaviour," printed in '68; we find a : man of fafhion defcribed as one " " whom, if you will look upon hit piw. t dered head, you will think a meatman, and by his feet, agaioil, wham mo (hoe can fit but fuch a ia made upon the lad of Hcrcu- - WV Doring the" memorable proceffiori on Sa turday lad io' the Park, a grenadier very peatly oSferyed, that John Bull ought in future to change his name to John Bullock. Why fo V aiked, his cortttade Why,, repeated the indignant foldier,"3on,t you j fee how kindly, he fubmita himfelf to the yoief ...'.4. ,, ; : By the terra of the new . Convention" Treaty, no captain i itloweJ to Jearch without jud and- fufficfent ground for fufpicton." ' Bcautifol, iodtrfiiNrte 'worJ What fodpai ever procekd Ko fereb a pafarer, without reafofaabJe;" ground of; lulpicion, ' that he coueaieeyemtwtf va,tf dated aot!t. Clflx;:,:. . ...-.J;- i'-Mr-,;: , :-Ti''wWlpm JFir earn'ms the MAILS of the Utntiv STAiiiyOn the foBovhj Pofl ' roads i' v3 f U received at the General, i'tjt Qffiee t JVabinfton City, until lit f JOA day of Jan uary next, inelujive : .f 33. Krom Hali&x c h. by Piniytvania e. h. Hemy A t. h. Patriate. h.ani Grmuloa to Wem N. tnco in two veeki. Leave KilHax every otter Men der at 6 A M aad arrive at 3ler the next Friday fi I'M. WurntHg Leavo Miqnv.y ouicr tuts dy at 6 A M and arrive at llaflUit c. b. the uext S tuidaybyCPM. . 34., Frjra HirrivHle fcy Hidtf- rd to Hlii'ax JT. C. twicu a w.'ek.. riarrir.iUo evtry Wfcliwsday and Sa.urday H i A M id arrive at Kaiiiax, by 6 P M. R turning Lea e Hli' Tueiday at:3 Friday at j A M andaurivea Ha .ri.vii.o by 6 J M , , 37. FmmSwthfieidbJtfru4le0, tlie Cross Keys, GDldioiiville, BruniwlcC h. Geeibrrdge, St. Tarata- by s and Mclenburg. , 10 iBr.nanvuic, mcigx ay LhriMiaitviUe, Luiicnburg N Ii. tdmuMOn, Gold njvil!e, Hicks'.-ford, the Crou KctCI ai Jeniialerii, to SmiihiU-U, 01102 a week. Leave SmXhfield eery Tbursdav at 1 A M and .aniveat Goldsoville Sa turday ly 10. A M.-"'Lcae Goldwiville, at Ull'pas; 10 A M a:fd a.rive at Moctlenburrih c. ii. on S.inaar n mn, jid jetiinr tu Sroitliiield on VVediiesday by Y PM. NOllTH CAROLINA, . . 33. Eiom Norfolk Vs. by Kompsville, Va. 'N. VI. River B.idge, Va. 'full. Creek, Ltduunawiv, Jooef b irg, Bliiabeth City, Nixmton, and Hertford, to& deiiusii, oiiceaweck Leave Norfolk every Friday it 3. fM and arrive a; Edcntu die ne'x. Tuesday by 10 AM." Miif L avi- Edenton every Tuej-:.ay at 1 ? M and arrive at Nurf'lk (! next Friday by 10 A M. , '-. -.- " 09. From Suffolk, V. by Edenton, Plymouth, and WaihiiijSiOiv 10 Newbein twice a week. . Lt?avs SjI: fulk evei-y Mund'av and Friday it I F M ar! iv 'a. . ' dentdubriT Trclda y1 and Sirurday at 1 V Mi; "'Leave 'E'Je.itoufa; 2PM aniye at.Piyinouth on Wednesday aivl Sunday Uy Z X M. " Lea e Piy mouth at halt Pant 6 A M arrive at Washington by 6 P M. Lee .-e Wa h-Higtin- at 7 P M a id arrive at Newbem oa '1 h orjiiay and M imlay byt P M. U-lurwi; Lsa.e Kewbeni every Friday and Tu,dayat,jA Maud arrive a; Washington by 5 P M. Leave Washiigun K 6PM i-rive at Plymouth an Sa urriay and Wednesday by 4 I'M." Leave Plyrnou h at half pas; P M and arri.e at Edent.m on Sunday & Thursday by 9 A M. Leave Edenton at half paitt 9AM and arrive at Suffjlk un Monday , and Friday at 9 A MV 40. Fro-n HJli at by Northampton c.'b. Pnnretoii, Mjrfreesboroagh, Winton, Coleraine, Piiyh Landing and Windsor, to Edenton, once a week. Leave Hali fax every M nday a; 7 A M and anivc at Edenton 0.1 Wednesday by 1 P M. Lave Edenton every Wed -nesday at 4 P M and arrive a: Halifax on Saturday Ly 10 A MT ,4l. From Halifax by Scotland, H gston, Williams, ton a id Daily'., to Plymouth once a week Leave Kalilax every Monday at iPM and arrive a. Ply mouth on Thursday by 10 A M. Hrt'triin Leire J'lyraouih eveiy T ursday at 'I P M and arrive at' Ha- lilax the. next Monday, by 10 A M. . 42. From Halifax to Tarborush once a week Leave Ta bwounh every Satuci.ay- at-6 P M and ar- fivear Halifax on Monday by 6 A M. Leave Hali x every Monday at 9 A M nn arrive at laiuuiough by 4PM..' , -. 43. From Halifax by Joneivillfc, Warrcntun, Wil- liamsboroiizh a id Ox ord, to Hillborough once i week" --Leave Halifax eveiy Sunday at 10 A Marriveat Warrcntqn by 7 P M Leave Waireiition on Monday at 5 A M, and arrive a Hillsborough on Tuesday by 3 P.M Srfriit? Leave Hillsborough- every Thurs day at 9 A M, and arrive at Halifax; an Saturday by 6 AM. 44. From Louisbure by Nah c. h. Tarborouth and Gree.wille, to Washington once a wek Leave Lsu isburg Saturday at 8 P M, arriveet'Ta bj:-ougb on Monday by 4 P MLea-.t Tarb i ough at .5 ' M, and arrive at Washington on Tuesday by 7 I' ll. Itel'tri- iiZ Leave Wishingtan eveiy Wedneiday at 8 A M, arrive at TaibDrotfgh on Thursday by 9 A M, and it. rtve at VVashinjton on Frif ay by 5 r M. 45, From Raleigh by Smithfield, Wayne borough, Green c. h. and Km ton, to Nevrlwrn once a week. Leave Raleigh every Tuesday at 8 A M, Ind arrive at Ncjvbern 0:1 t'tiday by 10 A M. iMB.-viiiur-'-Leave Nevrbem every Friday at 2 P M, and arrive at-8.aieigh on Monday by 5 PM. 4b. Fr-.ni Raleigh by Haywoodsboriu;h, Chatham c. In Chapel Hill, Hilbbirousb, Oiange c. h. Mart'.n vhle, Salem and Lexington, to Salisbury once a week --Leave Raleigh every Tue ay at 5 A M, arrive at HilUbiroughon Tuesday by 7 P M Uave Hillsbo roueh oh Wednesday by 4 A M, "d arrive at Salem 6n Jnunday by J P M Leave Salem at 4 P MjagH arrive at Salisbury on riiday oy iu a s aa tnati. Leave Salisbury- very Friday at 2 V M, arrive at Saiam on Saturday by 8 A M Leave Sa em at 9 A M, arrive' at HilUb-irough on Saturday by 7 P M Leave Hill bjroulvon M- nttay at 3 A M, arjd .arrive at Ralnigh by 4PM. , - : 47. From Hillsborough by Mount Tintab, Tenon c. h. Lccsburg, Ca well c. h. Lc-x Castle nnd Rock ingham c. h. to Germanton onct.a wreek Leave Hills bor .ugh every Wednesday at 6 A M and'arrtve at Gcr m anion the next Friday by 6 P M Leave. Germanion every Sunday at 6 A M, nd arrive at BilUborough the next Tuesday by 6 P M. . 48. Fitun Salem by Belha'nia, MounJ Airy, Grayv son e. h.and Austihville, to EnglUhville once a week Liave Salem every : Saturday at 9 A-M, arri.eat ; E.igliihville on Monday 2 PM. X Returning Lewe Loglishville on Tuesday 10 A M, ana arrive ai aaiem onThrrsday by 3 PM. , 49. Fr .m Salem by Belhania, Huntsville," Rock ford, W likes and Morgan i n, to Ruth )Hordtvn once a week Leave Salem every Saturday at noon, and ar rive at RutherJwdKm die next Tuesday by 7 P M.. Re liwnm: Leave Rutherlbrdton eveif Wednesday at 7 AM, and arrive at Salem the next Saturday by 9 A. M . " jU. From Salisbury by Staiesyi.Ie, Cbailo:te and Lancaiteri S. C. to Cambden, Sj C. and trom tiience by Lancaster, Chailotte and Cabanas c. h. to SalUbu-' ry,once a week Leave Salisbury .every Friday a.t 2 P M and arrive at Cambden th e next Monday by7 p M- iJi'w' Leave Cambden every Tuesday at6 AM, and arrive at Salisbury bnFndaby 10A Mi 51. From Newbein by Trenton and Richland, tor Wiimingion" once a-week. Leave Newbern every Taesday.at 5 A M, arrive at Wilmington on Thursday by 10 A M.. Returning Leave Wilmington ev7 Thursday at 1 P M, andarrive at Newbem on Monday at 4 P M. ; - ., .'....; ", ,; 52. From Fayetteville by Eliaabethtown to Wil mirlgton,; and Irortl thence by South Wasliington,tSa redo aid 'Sampson f h. to Fayetteville once a week Lvave Fayetteville 'y Monday at4 P M, andarrive .ai Wilmington oa Wednesday by 7 P M. " tteurning. Leave Wdmi-igien evfry Thursday at noon, andar rive at FayetteVjlc on Saturday uy&PM. -. 53, From Fiyettevill by AiiderSVille to Wilmington . note "a week Leave Fayetteville every Friday at 6 rA M, and arrive a Wllniinglou 011 Saturday by 6 P M. ' Xeeurmji&4Mtit ) TtffainfjmT. every Mosday '" &, ',. r-'i'."' !"' "T pr .;,.-(., llirourh ouht 1 0 prevail . at T AM,' aad ari4a at Fayjertll? !' Jay ly f P M,' & -4' . 'j ii:V"f Ifcbfrtti i ' ' ' . j 5. From Fayetteville ay Mopree. K Carthage and Randolph Cv b. to Saliibu y,' and Com Usance by Tin 'dalrivllTe,' ' Anion'e. and RJchmond c. h. to Fayette ville oace a wottk--Leve Peyealle nvt.j Tueaday t 8 A M- arrive 1 afitHrjr the neat Friday bj io A M Leave Salisbury every Friday at U P M, and ar riva t Fayetteville the next Monday by 5'P M., 55. From Lumbertonby Elixabetbton to Aoderrville one a week Leave Andcrsville eve y Thuracay by Li A M and a:nve ai Lulnbertbn by 5 P M, Kelurn- tng Leave Luniberton every friuay Jiy bA Mt aud arrive at Aadarsville bt 7 P M. - ' ' NOTES. ".'-. . - Ko e I. The j ostmasicr General may expedite the mids and alter the times f arriial and departure at any time durinj the CiHUinuanceof the contuct,, he previously stipulating art idequa e conipensation fur any extra expense that may be occasioned thereby. - Note 11. Filteen minutes shall be albweaTor open ing and closing the mad at all oiSces vrhere-no particu lar "time is 'specified. . t Note llt. For everjr thirty tniiiutes idefay (nnavoid ble acciunt,s excepted) in arriving afier ihe times pre scribed in any cuutiacts, the contiacior shall lorfeit one nollai-; a in ii the delay continue until the departure of any dependingmatl,whersby the mails distintd for such depconing mail lose a trip, an additional lorl'eiture of five dollars shall be incurred. . . ' Note I V. Newspapers as well a; letters are to be sent in "the mails : jj id il'.auy jiersoii, hiaking propo sal, desires to cany aewspaneta other than tho con veyed in the mail, lor his own emolument, he must state in his proposals, for whui sum be will carry it with that truojiimtiit,' and lor w ai s.im wiihout ikat emoluiaeni. . N.ite V.- Sb mid any person making propijsalt, de sire an alteraiioa ot tue times ul anivai ic departure above specnivd, be must siat ,in',hts proposals, the altcraiinns (ic -iiedt & I he diftereucc they will make in the terms 01 his con.ract, -- ' - . Note Vi. Per ion ruak i ng ' projxw als are dcsircdti. aiata tlicir firicas by.llw year... ".,1 'iumi wliu toiitraol will receive their ia iu,aitcrly, in the m mth oi Au-' gust, November, February and May, one ntuii.h aiter. he eXoiration 61 each quarter. Not Vll.. The e.nt acts tor'theabove rules are to 13 in notation on the list day of Aui i I next, audio co ninre in tmce lorone year irom tua-lime, exec rug such routes as have a particular note resecting tie; continuance oil the connect. " GIDEOM GRANGER, Fnii-Matier-UencrJ. Geshial-Post-Offici, 1 ' Washing ton Cuv, . Dec. 7, 1801. S 3 Meffrt. Hodge (jf Boylan, : T HAVL lately j.en a n.lir,cation of William Person, X Aamtnisu'at r nl Gen. Thomas i erson, dcCL-aicd, in your paper, rtla-ive to cerutin Bonds in-my " osse. sion, given by said Gen. Thomas Person io me lorwannnjf the public " Irom takug any assignment ot t em, and stat.ng them " to be bare aced torgerie At to the negotiation uJ the .Bonds, Mr. Person, may quiet his mind on that head, as I mean-to. keep them i'i ray possfessm till the . law obliges him to discharge .hem ; a.id a, 10 the I -ige.y, ihe public and an h neni jury, will at lest i-ay as muc 1 lesct to the testimo ny ot' impajual, disinterested living wiiire-ses, as 10 1 he opinio;! Mr. Person,- who is concerned. ROBERT J. iTEELE. R'iclimon-i County, Dec. 6, 1801. Sherifs Sales. WILL be exposed to sale at the Cour -Houe in Fayetteville, on trie 30th day of Jan .ary next, the following LANDS, or so much thereof as will be sumrient to satisfy tlte Taxes due thereon for the years herein inserted. . . . 420 Acres on nr near Black K5ver, la't the proper ty of N-jcI Laughonr tor the year 1799. SOU Acres supposed to be the property of Joseph Simkins, near Black R ivrr,-far the year 1799 900 do. on or near Black Rivei'i formeily jjivirn in in the name 0! Fenuell Penny, forth year . 100 011 Black Rive,- or on the wa.crs thereof, oc cupied by John Gardner, Ibr the yeais & 179, J00 do. patented by R ben Wilson, onjlie ea-t side of the Buck-head, joining M'Cskili'i,la.n!iF for the years-1713 a.id 1799. . . 600 do. on Bfack River, tlie property of the heirs of John Smith, dec. for the ytar 1799. 10O do. on Black Riven1 laie the property of Jesse or Absetom Stricland, lor the years 1793 and 1799. 100 do. on Black River, supposed to belong 10 the heirs of John M'Neill, dec. tur 1798 and 1799. 200 do. near John Smith 's ferry, tiie supposed pro perly of Daniel or Peter Sutherland, f r tho years l'798and 1799. -.. . . SOU do. laic the preperty of Pobert N'tris, near Black Rier7 for the taxes of t798 aurt 1799.. - 100, to. tm Black River, the property of Abel More, for the year 1799. . ' ' rive LOIS in Ave.-asboroush, the pto;ierty of A lexander Aycra, , for the years 1798 ami 1799. 55 Acres near Averasbirmigh, the pro.erty of Elir tabeth Buropass, for the y.ar 1799. ' 150 do. near Samuel HoUiiigsworta's', the property of the hei s .f Wm. Watson of Bladen county, lor the years 1798 and 1799. 7'25 do. cn Carv-r's Creek, the property ef Daniel Malfeit, for 1799.' ' ' .' 131 do. near Jobn Smith's, given in , by Miles Ca son, for 1799. . " t " 150 AS. near Flea-Hill j and 400 de. below Fayctte ville, tho prepeity of Roger Cutlar, for his taxes lor the year 1799. A House and Lot in Campbellton, latcthe propecty of Roger Hall, dec. for his taxes lor 1799. " . 90 Acres on Black Rive., patented by JolirTHadly, dec. for the taxes ot 1798 and 1799. , 1 be above Lands are. situate in the county of Cum berland. ; , HECTOR M'ALESTOR, Late Sheriff. Decembers, .I8O1, , 98 5 dtcls times ward NOTICE IS hereby given to all persons having demands against the Estate ol Paul JetTiyes, late of Person county, oecea-ed, to bring their, accounts properly attested, "and receive paymeriTwiihin rihe time liraitted by taw; or they will be lorever barred.. Also all those Indebt ed lo the said Estate, ' to come forward immediately, and pay off their respective accounts, as they need not expect any further indulgence, pec. 16. 'X SUSANNA JEFFVES, Adm'x. Just Published, And for fale at this oifice, . Hodge & Boylah's ; " i NORTH-C AROLIN A r:ALMANAGK,V, . . . For tie Tear of our Lord, 1802 j ; , PittsMroiicdke CHATHAM COUNTV. TTHS Tfuiteos ara hmj in having it j, X to in-oj-m the Pubbc, tbat the Academy will km oj ened. on the fir I day of January next, inler thT sjipertntendance . Mr; OmiJCalML n ofth. Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Guilferd eewnry, aTeac'ar f th, Latin and G.eufc Linkages, tni&tuiS ornanjen-al braiKhes4 lesmtns;, assisted kg Mr G3 man Guthrie, lormer Teacher at die Academy ju ,T English Grammar, Readirij, Writlring and Cherin, The Trujile, leel assured, t the ItnowitirwS'' ot tlie Teacers, a d the strict atiention that will ha pa.d to the Moials of the Studems, that j,. tttlJJZ laciion will b given. , ;-, 1 i, ' The healthy situation of Pitfsb roagh, togWerllt the Cheapness ot Board, being genwally to be'hadfi B.ys, at Fitly Two Dollars pei, Annum,, mu,r oKeit a detided piefeience to mi.i other iiitjiutioiu ol'.tlre The Latin and Gi-,-lr 1 nw.... c.i-...v ' Dollar , cr Annum, English Grammar with Reading and Wii i-ig, 4c 13 Dollar r Rreadilig, Writing and Cypliering, 8 Dolla s, , By ordsr of theTruntes,'' ' . ' December, , 9. ; ; JAMES BAKJR, Secretary.' ' ' : ' N O T. I C E. . npiIE Subfcriber takes tbia method of X: informing thofe whdi have been fo good a to favour bio) with their enftom, tiat he ha tnttrefy difpofed of his Stock of Good on hanf, and earneflly reqiieft all fuch si have , open account With him to come rti and clofe the fame, either b giv ing Note or making Pa ment iti Ci(b of Cotton. Mr. Jam( Thompson , or bins' fclf, will give due atfendance at th e Stora tKfulVbt JOHN PORTER. ' Rilcigb, December 8- ' ' 99lf Juft Opened aud fir Sale by ' Robert Fleming &T ;Cp.;: At the Store on Fayetteville Street, former ly ccupiedby MrWm.Campt Sadler A Veiy general aflbrtmeut of Dty Good, Hardware, and Fancy Xfr tide alfo Madeira and Sbetry Wine t Port Wine , in Bottle Frenck Brandy, Gin, WcH-India Rum, Imperial and Hy foB Tea of the lateft importation ? Coffee, Loaf & Brown Sugar China in fet of $ and 75 pieoe ; Queen's & Glf Ware, &c. AH which, they will fell cheap Jot cafhor , produce. . ; ' Haviao; eftaUiibed a correfpondence in Petctfburg, and through them with all the towns on the continent, they will receive oder for any articlet which canpot be ftp curred in tin city. ' , '. . Ralegh, Jiugvjl ? 5. ' v ' Dollars RezOard. R U S A WA Y from the fubfcriber. ane-. gro man named GEORGE, about thirty five jear old, about five feet nine nt ten inches hih,' yellow completed ; had. 011 when he went away a pair of negro cot ie"o trottfert .ad jacket, -.flied a dark. colour f alio and old uckoon hat. Alfo a negro woman named VlOLET, about thirr ty five yrats old,' yellow xompleaed bet no remembered. The fellow fume call his name Ifaac.k The above re , and all reafonable charges, will be paid . lorappreocnaingaoa iccu ring laid negtos in any Jail, fo that I can get them again, or ope bait for either of them aod charge. Wm. JOHNSON. Sneydifiorough Aofoncouoty, November..!. 95; - Lands Negroes for Sale. - . t -v --.v.- , . r T) Y S irtue cf a Deed of Trust executed Jy John JLXTVace, sen. and 1 aas Kittrell, ,l Q anville coun ty, tosx-etwe and ni'tisl'y a debt due tQ.Tomal 'Det ai:d Co. will bu sold at the Court House in the County aioresaia, on ruaay i Saturday, the 8th & 9th ot Jan. ary next, a Tract of Land, lying on Tabbs Creek in- tin. r. -iintir ..mi.iiiinn blVl .......U!. ..L. IUJ ..... -... -..-j , .m,..mlN& tC3 IWlllJ UID wiieiion live said John Peace mjw lives., Alsoone otlier Tract ot' Land lying on Gibbs Creek., same coun ty, confining 16 acres, being' the land whereonihe said Isaac Kittrall now lives; and ' twelve Negro Slavci, consisting ol Men, Women and Children. - Alix. EALCONERk Trustee. - December s. ' " 7 3 j notice: TO be rented for one year, coramenc. ing on the firft day of January next, that part of the Plantation adjoining the Ci ty of Raleigh whereon the late coL J. Lane lived, which lieih on the foutb fide of the road leading from faid City to Htllibo rough ; including the Orchard,-Dwelling and out Houfea talfo a fmall Field upon the Rockey Branch, well adapted- to the growthoL Indian. Cbift. or Cotton For. terms apply toe.. . V B. WILLIAMS, Raleigh, December ia, llei- SHERIFF' SALE. WILL be fold at the Court Houfe of Stckss County, on Saturday the ijth.of Ft bruary next, ioo acres of Lan (or fo much as will pay the taxes for the years 1 798, 799 and 1 jqo J formerly the the property of Peter Myers, and adjoining Lands of Mf. Hugblett, a the waters of Little Yadkin. L -. ISAAC NELSON, ShctifT. Dec, 8. itioi. : : SEC 'Shi on po lefs th derds eight ; 70,04 Them! ed, as tingei States confti unlefi fell th tempi inthi venu . Th the Dutii tor Inten cei Proci pu Dutu The ifl dutic iftj lto; limit 2d fame itant mate 140, only lays may the to el prot mor . 3C lie vi fold Con cent lars; paid Ieavi 1S9, 4t treal pruc mati lars. tfni Stat v. van I off al, ally ftit'u ons prel frcic the ven fax Brii the: rI the the Aw eft -for xj the vria tol pot yea Jfjr lflipfcutmg.- App'y bove May: i"'