""ST" .... - - 'r ' if ; f;.f ?-: . !. - fe'.:.t.Wj .. i:'v.:. wij f-w ' to ffll fion t toe matU i- iyj&v ....... . the trio r r.avav . 7' ' i f -:tv pwlt ... J" , ft tl th- -V r' I 1 - " KM perimentsl the bonfe jnoft b convinced of the propriety of the repeal." ; . J. V- Mr, Dayto, of New Jerfyt trnfted It wa not the difpql)tiooot the mover tpprefi a decilion todays He thought' U would be improper tV potrpone the difcuflion," as gentlemen Would, be thereby pi ectuded from offering their opinion ort the fubjee.''' He hoped the motion for poftponeroeBt would be withdrawn,' that other gentlemen might have an opportunity" to fpeak. V ' ;" Motion withdrawn, .-- v ts? .- " , Mr, 7oiM ifl. of ,Mairchnfetti,faid St would be agreed to on all bands that t.h1 waa oae of the moft ' mpoTTartt qoeftions that ever came .before a legiffauire. ';Were be iroraf thi ow'aiW h wuuld not have vtfco to offer hi fentiaients. ' But he felt fo deep an intcreft ' in the queftion, k from the tepe which he entertained for the dif tricVof country he reprrfeoKd, he deemed it hit duty to meet the fubjeA, and not be fatiaBed with eriinar to it hu filent negative. It waa well known, and he-prefumed vrould be readily agreed to, that no people- on carta for the Ult twenty four yean, had been fo touch io the habit of rorming fyf tema of government aa the people, of the' i United Statcl. " Nor had any people been fo fortunately fituated for Cool and correct deliberation. " , la the conftitutions they had formed, it would appear that there had been an unL form concurrence in the eltablibncpt of one gTeat jtrominent featttre Thai the le ' giflative, the eltecotive j and the judicial " fhould form the three great - department! of govexpmeQt juhcy.ihTouid badiQla bmm; sod independent of each other.. And the more thesproceedingi and fentimeati of the people were, eaarotoed," the more telearly would it appear that all Ore 'new and addi tional checka bad been applied to adjoft the relative wcaknefi or ftrengtb of the feveral department of government. ' The fame principle had been bfcrved id the old world,' whenever an opportunity prefented for forming a coDttitution; having for it objtel, tha protefttott ;'oi; iadividual "rlghta. It accorded too wih the nqiform opinions ' of the mod ' celebrated hiftonan andpoli ticiaas both of Europe and America ; with" the opinion and pra&icet of all our legifla-turea.- Nor bad Mr. Mafon everheard any one hardy enough toeny the propriety of its obfervance. . ; ' He well a-ecollefied that among the great 5;rievaoces, which Jiad roufed u into an af.. ertionof our independence of England, it wai declared in this inftrumerij afRrtirig"tht independtoce, that ' (he crown .bald the ap poiotment of the Judge dependent on it will and favour. : From all thefe circumSancev he conclud d that .the people of Amerfca, when they formed a fyflem for their federal go vernment,- intended to ellablilh this great principle ( and the cooclufioo .would be confirmed by att cxaminariooof th conlli' tutioa, which to every fcctioa recognized aw.rcfcrfcd to' tiuirl$t: i'-Hr- fk .The coaftitutioff ia the conftrudlionf . the etecntive, leRiflatit, and iudiciarv de partments," had affigncd to each a dirTcrent teaure'The refident was coofen for four Tear tithe Senate for is years, fubjecY to a prefcribed rotation bienialljr ; , th H6ufe f Reprefentatives for Jwo eri t and the ' ludictarv' durins ffood behaviour It favs to the PreCdent, at the eipiration of every four, years, you (hall revert to the charaaer of privatt emzen, tiuw fpUndl Vour talettt of tonfpicuoua yodr vbtliea.' Why t . jDecBwc we aw Buigocu 10 jou powers ; which it t dangerous to cieixifc-rYou hav? the power of cTeatlng offices and f- fie'era. .You have prerogatives. The . tempution tq an abure of your, power f great" Such ha been the uniform ezperi ence of arei- - The conftrtution holds the fame labguage t the Senate and Houfe of Hepmeatatives s x jays, n u neceuary for the good of fociety that yon alfo Ihould revert at (hoit periods to' the-' mats of the people, becaufe to you are conligned the moft important dunes of government, and becvfe you hold the purfe firings o( the nation..sn:0 ft y--v--'tv,. ' r To the judiciary t What is the language applied to, the ? The judge are not ap " ber of year j :;bot they hold - their appoint mentstor life; iinlefstheyjnibehave them ielven Why f vFor this reafon. iThey are- .. Bob depoutajie otthe high preroga tivea of rovernment. T Thev-ueiihen " point tov office, ' or hold the purfe-ftring of the conntrr, " or.;legiflate for- k.- They depend entirely opoo their talent. which uaU lhey have to recommend them. ThCycaiindf, Ihereforebeifpofed " to pervert their- power to improper pnrpoie : duties f To cXDOund and is. What are the . piy ipe laws.: . , o uw una wjin ooeiity ana lkitl require a length of time? 'The reoui fite knowledge is oof to be procure iq a .' day. Thefe are the plain.' and (Irong rea fon which muft flrike very mind, for the different tenure br which the judge hold their offices, and rhey are fucb a will eterf " nlly endure r7hercr.r liberty xtit. Vr- - i . On examiat!oi4t mWU the people, in forming their meant to make the iudtrt- av iadettondei of theleffiflatore a of -the eaecatlveC' B- ''ftitutioa, UUf to abidby JtnWiwe ScaUoponthem toponndf notedly. th UmAlixoiio. iwmeraniarofe trdna th ( nature of Hut the copftitutioo 'alf"f -in which-i -Hhe1 W etuwtwaiec im: i na? eHaoummeiitt vblwJ the pjer of cnecklng-flitlellflaturfr-paa U oaf4k.flnittld nafa fawa jn violatkwfcof the conftitdtloff For thjsHfeafoo itwMmore iMnmi b: thai the iu&et. in thit eijuntrviwA to eiccute .kfiJSuch was the labour Aould be placed Uyond" th cdntroul ot 1 where no fucll powef attache tottat! Mr.t'Mittn chalteBfted gefYtlemen tcve hibit aCn'Eliriftaricel beftdei' that lately furoifhed by Matylaba;- of a leglflartvea, repealing a law patTedtrf execution bF etti rtitatidn,uhde which' Th? judge held their office doriritf wtfoo behavftfri la truth, no HicB oower-ex led. nor Wa U tne powei ofany Wiflature,' lo'tlreimianced.fhat threat founhi.pf the time of the judge by a fingle law .to dafh them ok of exift ence. : -"' . - r--v-5;.... nu V.. X The'6prihb of Mr. Mafdo. therefore was that -this legrflatota hive no right to repeal the judtciaryuw. "ror iuch an aa would be 4 . . . ia direct-VioutfOtt at tne vodki-t tation. ': , 5t ill . , it;$ iiit fi The conftirotion -fay .The judicial power of the Unitdd Sfatts ihall bv veiled in one Supreme fcourt; and in'fuch inferior courts as the" congtcfa hiayj' front-st rne to time, ordain' and - nabrifh. 5 i hf jtfdgeti both of the foDremeJ arid ' ifaferlor court. hall hold their offices dwing:goed behavioii. anu init, ii naieo limvs.rccrivc aor tticir fervicet, a ebritrierifatfd?f, Mhitri mall not b tuminiinca .aunng ineir continuance ib-vi-- -a baa it fays, lhe judgea Ibm boUWmt officer doring good behavior Ho ca6 this direction ' of the confticution be"com- plied with,- if the1 legiflacure fliall from fef' iion to" feffion,' repeal the law under which the office is held tc remove the offal-! He did nptj tooceive that any words, - which human ingenuity could de vile could moretomplete ly get over the. remarks that had been mad by the eentlemart from Kentucky. - om that gentleman lays, chat this provifioo of the coiilirtuiion applies exelufively to rbt preudeot. tie conhdert ft as made -to Id pcrfedethe powers of Ahe prefident to re move the judges. But could' this have been the contemplation of the framers of the conftitiltion, when even he right of the Pre Cdent, to remove officers at pleafure, waalt matter of great doubt, and ' tad divided m opinion W moft enlightened citizens. Not that be ftated this circumftaoce, becaufe Jij had doubts. He' thought the prefident ought to hve the right t- bot it dd not etn,'-' afiKT from the' conuitutton t was not ti, prefsly found n the conftitulion (but fptan from legiflative conftruAion. . j - r . , Befides if congrefa hive the right to re-- pea! the whole- of. the law they mult poi ftfi the richt to Teneal aicfiion of it.-If lb they may repeat the law fo far as it ap plie to a particular Jiftricl, and ihu,gct aid of an obnoxfoiia Sudee. ; Tbet may re. fnove hi office irom hira Would it not be abfurd ftilt to" fayt; that the removed judge held his office duung good behavior". V.i The CQuftilunioa.far. ' The, V judge (hall, at ftated times', receive for their fci vice, a compcniaiion wr.icn inau.not oe ui . i tninifhed during their continuance ia iffice' vJiy t this proviBpn,;h Why'.. gba;d . againll the power to deprive- the judge ''fit. their pay (n, a dimiputionof jt and upt provide aanft what was mbreTmjj'ortaqtj.brir exiueocc Mr jWafonkncw ijtiat a IcgiCSae ! bft was 'occaGonally uibjeci to the domioaoce bl violent paffions be knew, that they might paf unspaftitutional lawr ; & that the judge, fworo to fupport the Cenllitution, V6uld tefufc to carry them into etTel ; and. baknew that the )egilatnre migh contend for the execution .of tbeir ftatutes. : Hence the tteccflity ofpladag the judges shove the influence of theft piffibosj and for thefe feafon the' contirtutlon bad -put them put Of the power of thejegiflture.i StiJT.i,f gentlemen would not agree withlim as to the dnwnftitutionality of the meafure ropofed, he would aft, what is txpedient ? were there not gTeat doubtexifting through out the United States ? Ought not each gentleman -to Yay, though I may have no doubts on'-hefiuncy-are not 'i largcpbr tion of our citizeoa of opfnipn, .that it vwould violate! ur coaftitution Mf thi fi-; 'verntt;,of fentimertt' exiits, oueht -not the ,aiua uaiwvuitiu suiu ui uitulIDk VUt chizeas f Wa npj the jpoafUtution a facred inftromerjt i jliaftwtntvet to4e ap-r preached with reverence; bo Inftruaient which ought not lightly to ' be drawn froni it hollowed retreat, and jjvbje$ed the flux and relua of pafllori. ' But where i the evil complained of ? The fyftcta was e- ' (Ublilhed only laft feffionrfcarcely had it: bicn yet organized j fcarccly had we tried it on its Very threfhold where then the nc ceffity of bemg fo pdiatcd, af to delroy" a fyflem Scarcely- formed J dayssgo KDoes not this maoifeft preclpitatioa I Will.it obt br fbon4 that I wniieMorje ifaa gnitimityi Uprc , tttio; orro. 7eMi Uc judgt of the Stu uil kinir nw aDeftranldallMn!FKJ.lwi OKI tuica Bua. wiajHiipvpowOTwco' ot Ll iire reaioii uuiiuie tuiu ocpenaiog were no parauci i arnco wu ivmc I fecdr M. wdjflblu:n. N fet of o thir idutie,ilhat tticy were donffiltiiie,!, Anr lfthdr or itaotovement. fiefidesacafe ' htard of oqetrrm' by one judgenAi Voftpdned for confjderjiou to the oexuiM term aiiotiittr judge appeared, ndl)l. the argument er to be gone ovr anw y OO me unie wng migru n.ppcn again u agaSoi Was this the way to extend juftice 'to oqr citizen f Was not the delay equi vaicni i w;d"h ui-iuict.. h w aiu naaoeen raicen up in iravemng. -tfjx .-i -t It may be-truevhat the-Btttuber Qf foil in the federal const- i ItiTened and if the. 1 internal taxes atef to be fwept awav, it may be ftll-ojort Uffened Is .far at depends upor that ? fource:'' BH ia Ut polTthle, that was will go oa-dimini(hing a the gehtkinap eem to ihiuk-? Is reifoa fo preddminank i. U the railenium fo near at hand On tte contrary, is - not our commerce enoreafiug with great rapidity i Is not our; wealth en creating f And will not controverfieS tn creafe in proportion to the gr6wth of our number It .proptrty.vCoDinprejfieri ..which'. iiatltl i m lvh (rAeri ,r!kun'al frna a a rtlie judiciary, fy Hem .it f-thc documents quoted bv the eentlcman from Kentucky, it appears, that more bufi nefs has bteo- lately done in the federal courts, than in any other antecedent time, except in -one or t wo counties in Peonfyl vania. -- " ; ' ' :t , ' X Betides (faid Mr. Mafon) even if thtre be not a great preffure of bufiu.efa, had we no better pay the-'paltry fura I'of 30 or 40,000 dollars-Tor a fyftero too broad, than hve one that is .top narrow I Is it not a melancholy confideration, that in many of the European Rates, the cofts aie equal to the principal contended for i It would be honourable 10 the United btaia to exhibit a different exam ple. It woo W b honorable to them to holi out arl example; even if confined to foreiVn. ers, of prompt and efficacious juftice, though at , tne exutence ot ioo.coo doliari. " Such an example would be a canfc for naii ou'al triumph, and our people would exult. in it. -i,'.:;." ,:'.a.!;.-: ''... , inasmuch, . therefore, as.to render the judges refpedabU, it was necettary to make iheir appointments permaneoii. t..tiait k. hdrurVexperience, and long ft udy,. were ie quired to per lad any man in a knowledge of the laws of bis country, infomuch as it has been .thought good poiicv that the judg cs fhould be. well paid j and that they ihoutd be fo placed as to be diverted, of atjfear. and neither to. look to the right or to the jeinafrnuchjPI they ihould te fo placed as 10 rcnufr incm inaepeodent, or iegiUatiyc : wcB; s jCjif ex'tcutive povreri hehpfcd mn ibw wuum bui. pc repeaiea, , ; 'V. Thefe weie the reafons. which JMr. Ma fob "affigDed.'as thofe whicl would influenp ibeciriojflie. acknowlegcdV that ht naa I pot entered the houfe urmared to i.AfVr bis' ferjtirne'ws j but , as.tbc qucfltion waaa-. oour to pe pHt, lie. had thought it but to' offe,W tbern, fuch as ''they ,were, father than if gfa-;fiIcot votena Jubca.of fuclj :j WJVrnbl, Maryland, laid it mii.il be Jfeed hat this fubjccl was one of great imporURce from its efftet uoan our reve. aties. If the repeal of the afl of lad effion. was conftitutional, he prefumed there could be little, doubt of its expediency , from the. oocumentson ourtahie. , Has the eonftitu-. lion veiled the leetflatme with a Dower o ver the fubjec of the ttfoJutioB i If fo, then fhoiild a Jaw, ,hichf had been the effLof fluji fPon' ' herepealcd hy f reflux of reafon. He believedJt had Leeaiotroduc-ti ed aithe period of , an expiring adminillrn -fion. Jt bad -been refilled : byjthjj rcpubli "y can fide of the Senate l and, he truftedthaf now on the ct'urn; of reaforTk wpuiy be te-V i. An aHurionf.had been made,tp the ftate of Marylau.wluchtd repealed a law jrtf-. . peeling jtfie judiciarj, , MrvW. : terse quo f led the.conllitution of that rate, vwhofe. proviCoasi he obferved, fo far a rcfpcAed the tenure of the office of a judge, correr . ponded vwrth .tbofe of the cmrtitotl6r-f the United StatesATheh kgiflatiife 'of that Rate had been of opinion,' and corieft fcfodV'tbat; repealing a law formed by their predecef for. And the legiflaturef the United State poffeffed the f" fame f poer2 4This thsW had aliaailv Artrrmlnek K ka ha of the lad feffionVwhich,w.;ie it created number of new judges- aboliiA.-d the of- CC of feveral diftri judges. U wat clear that the conllilutidn meant to guard thc7officeF, and -notfhe office.' Will it be laid that what the leeiflature kc to-4jr they cahnpt annihilate o - !.. .". ' . ' " ' ' - :i above if cdnijrtft hVspower tdi dii b urn 10 fMh fiiyettoi1.' hive'' lb th''am"eMowehirrt i;ed.dW V;.,. kev - nab i ambr ot tne iwmrimdwr,t -ae we to. been the ci cn be ma ? If ib eaft W'thofc oTe?eebteJ thofe officer? b nBueifaatJrjit sriay it n,ot .btfefcii tiia?ifty4Bhewinre6oJ " ftituton;laWjhe httilkhi'tfy (ices were to be hrld, Io our regard for In- - dividual inieWlU iwgli"Maf Idfactffice " the great IriteMr-af twuntfy-y'andwts it not demoryftrfbW t'llratv cM--IvWfntf 4on- v-1 judge tweVV'fnfficjeat.flwben 1 Soafuif ex" iftt4,f tey. werHtiibt'irfoarw - ?;Th ggtkrin. frooC MaffaVhufcttr w' -wrong.! fitinZ iWMartl.rid'wai the'brt-"' )y ;(f JVirirMall4iiw cteJalnVld diciyi offices. if Virginia, if he waa not;" misi8tfjma,' iiacr;aoaan thwTaWHhfng Bu t' we Wanted nfltlthfcfaM'aeAil ' own 'archjefcr. fsjitWvAfthbehrnt '' precedeot' Wo bid rBccditlarjudget 6f uHwtiu va . iv iib Tciy getmerT meiij oppdfecl'no' toj '4he rfpe Ai-ofi hii h WJ rii1 Jitni ad tvai lhala Ka.r.uaaTPlZL fT T ' . . ve r jftno Ki -tVnall honnd bv the folii'i - of a law. . - ' , "T . , - -- " which; ought noQiiWfcd ? f Wlfy tbe.aprtffi?n" tn-the conaitnt'towT"1 The- iudicjal. , rowrr! mm WrerTed'n tin, 4 -mmmim WMtixftm4. peared,?lWnlrttirgh-heB4he f I ed the meafure i,.nrprohib'rf edit 'Siw i - V . a . as.-, ' . . aV ' relieving inejuaicisiy iaw)6l hi lad'lel- -fion had'afittb irooi difpdfitfoot(6 pSovide ' 1 or aoc.warpn Ultiwv w rpjciaii Bomr-v -nTftrationt beUeirtgshat;great:nicfnveiii.. fence had fca ur5, pence to. be' -opp'reflive arid.bfcli-viiigthat' if onflegiiSature hadatightf(aYsit,vaBo- : ther kgiPature had' tjKe ihme-right repeal ' jt ;' be'ti'uftcd that, howeveV-n-preceding legiflatnre might have been governed by pafiion, the prefent. lefVilature-Would by repeahng- it, Ihew that thry'ere''dvetjfed bjr v ; &-L- Mr., Menu, of NeWvYorki-nJPsei; fident, 1 am fo very "unfortunate, that the -7 aigumeot s in favour of the motion haVe c6n fiiraed my opinion,: that tjie law. to which"' it relers, ought not to be . tepeakd' The honourable mover ha tfld hi propofition on two giovb;ds. . J i ' iV.:hax; theJailkavy:;Wi:,: "feffion.U unneceflary and.?,',; ' - j. ra ;; Thaf we have a right to repeal it and -ouoht to exercife that nght.fr -v,-';- ' ' M ' The' numerical mode of rgiiment,f'niad,; uf of.tq prove this, is pereftly : novel, and Commands my tribute of admirat ion. - Thi Ls the &t& time I ever 'hetrd tb btility of ' Ml arlW dmiMiUtiitt4 that a cctcbratvd- monarch) of En'glrfd,- the ; Great AlfVfcd, had enaflifd fdcIaellib limed ruerj trib'nnal?.' anii'e Juch . fyttem oj pojice. that lapprfeof goldjnrght be Uung up m -the, highways vkhotrt any' dnmr:f'pntf:;.nkedHaHiW thofe days, Je would perhapaJMre attempt ed to convince old Alfred, that what he con! fidered agtthe ghwy nTf-trgn, was its greateft evil. Fox by takinge unfrequen cy of enures, as a .prthat. trbunalawcte suii fleV,r thua Jildlj iuoAwutiag .-,cTern(Oaufe.a-'the nlfnatiBbt de -monftrate.the inutihty f any iQjtution by ; 'aifyftcaa of reafoning tniojlalJacioMvr . i But, fir witb ibat, yvmcajrme of a- . 'hility -wlwch it ha 'plcy Gotta igiveme, I match on that ,groujndJthjch.l Jbave-beeu . fcUP?4 itfoecnl. lolidVI 'fij-Nld fay, l hat to to Jar a the .error . jadicial.in- . .. flimtions brevented the "i"???-!1,1 Jro df g'V are thofe tofti. ; iutionsnfeful.--T.his would be my mode of. lemoning,, but for the, wonderful difcovery maSeJiy the honourable mover of the rcfo..' Jlfah? be.enold.of, )he gTet expence . f ,l & i ud iciat y--tha c it. arnouuted to one , huo4d a,nd thirty feven (boufand dollars iAnd tbus auributing( tbe whpje,,expcnce of She cftabliftieno hi9ancular. law, it l,,ei;'F4m. n;ajrgripient that to repeal lh W w.?ldt- he -jo ;Jj . 1. 7,000 dollar . If the othtr 'aritrimetical arguments of the gemn we$ equally incorreft, his infer. tncea wllrbeentitjed t,but little attention, i ':: yof thi fuoir it appear from a report of hg Secretary pi lherTreafHryithat 45,000 dollar af for i the contingent expence of jurie, witneffer kc, which ferve in fome meafure to fhew that it it cipeded much bu. finefa will be actually done. . Th expeuc? arifmg under this law, that it is propofed to repeal, ' amounts to thirty Ihouland dollars,, exclufive of fifteen thou fand dollars eflimated for contingent expenc ; es, puking together forty gve thoufand dol ;larsJ'But "let", us not,; Bint the allowance 1 throw, id a few thoulandi more, and let the whoe.beftateiil at 5 (ooo apportion this ,., j May i. "2 1 '1 7T Mi rt ill

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