- ay 4 'RJLElGt-?vuunt6 jsverY MpDAY b y HODGE BO YL AN. L E NORTH- CAROLINA MINERVA li: J 4 Twenty-five Shillings per Yeari EmrdOj a letter from Wqfbinston, to the Editor of the Gazette ofthe United Stateh " Though you find, in the National ly tf .hnftudr. a Print il iiatement of the mod J important votes which ate taken "in jhe ( houfe of repnfentatives, and a very fmooth I account of the courfe of proceedings. Wl ii vrin no nn aili-niMtp idea of the miniiterial fi mode of tranftcting bufinefs, You will inJeed, occafijnaliy Jjnd jsry iinwarrania. ble ftaternenta in that paper, whenever, in the opinion of the edi.tor,-the chara&er of his party require) from him that kind of aid. In the Intelligencer uf Wed.iefday the twenty fourth of March, it is-afTerted, that the difcoffi?ar of the bill, for reliving the luxuries of life fiom the burthen o! t X e, confinutd with little inter miflLm for fix i days, ii-daring' tuMefr JmfiJk.k.Ji Mi I I 2 1 1 1. Jl ... A ..... . f .7. I by the minority ft adjourn. Inthhunufual it devotion to public bufinefs, the citient avill dif v tern a laudable fdlititude to terminate the Jejji- in mt the eat hejt period" h is to be hoped that this indecent r i mifrcprefentat ion is chargeable only upon .the Editor of the Intelligencer, and. .that I be has not been put upon it by fume man f more conf luence. X . Notioithfimnding Kpealtd maJicHt mJe ?) iy the minority to adjourn.' '- The faft i, , that on tour fucctffive days, out of the fix ' here rneiuioned, t'm miniiterial party ad .. $ Journed in great confnfiort, fo thepuraof: of deviling waya and means (o t xtnwaie themlelves- from-; the embatrairnunts into ...Vti-h thptf WPr0 iKiriivii h i th.-Ir niuil tiii. ....... ......... j rrrdmcs. , ....... (plnafmuch as an examination f ih? fnh jedi has been provoked, 1 will g vc y. n a hiilory of thistill, which, in tiiu (.: n oii of the Intelligencer, n fl d f i n.u :ti t nour upon the inxJu Iry, Ikilt, and perfever ance of the mintllerial party. " The -eom mil t ee o f - way a rd m ? d s which reported this bill, and of which Mr. tio, the word Jules at pnpionM and to Randolph of Virginia ischairman, wai ap j inferf-ic, ' mc avC notice '.hat hew pointed on rhe fecond day of the Txfii n. j ten Ifid to move further -i ..crul'iitins by After a eood deal ftlelay which exhaulted fub-iuutiiij? frown fu j,n , bshea ha, twifalt, i the oatience ofleveral of the party, I)vn i rt.of Kentucky moved a rrfoluiran fur the j f. repeal of the internal taxes, aud Hated as ! Ji Jiiareafon, the delay of the committee of ,"'wTi!'ffp" thlsHfui.jetVr-veii Ifthe Aurora thought fome apiilnoy neceffi jry, and informed us that the committee had ; t0 have this cam pari ion appear upon. their kfcfolved to mature the bulinels befire they j-mrnols, and, as the belt expedient which brought it forivarJ, anj to introduce it to occurred to them to avoid it,--called for a j'the boufe in a perfect ftace, fo that it j divifi.ni t the qucltiori, fo that 'the votes ' SJ11'!;'11 oe ac"d upon with promptuclb and j ugoil llr'kiug nut and infciti'ng (lioulil be !Without- embariaffment. . takeo fcparately. rI his was oj' Ard to, 'i ' At length, after fitting pre'cilriy 3 J as not in order j it was faid thai the mo j.jnonttis, Mr. Randolph iritrociuctd his well j tipn was 3 fimple prop'ofition, and confc .matOred bill to repeal the internal taxes. I qatutiy not 'diyifible by the rules of the Thebill wai referred toa committee of the houfe. It was referred to the fpe'akrr, .4(bole houft on Monday the 15 h of Mirch. j wh decided that the qneltion was not divi jjSome difcufllun took plUee upon the flic j lible 't'he party not to be th at ted in iiHts of thik perfelt bill, and Mt. Randolph ..tl:e r-conifc by t uJej,ilf.4Ket houfe nd de Mwa coitvibced- that 't might be rendixd ij.cifiqna o their own 'fpeabei, appealed from ( iyt.tnore perftfl byfdiiielIightalteiaiion.j jtle cutilequently introduced an amen metit , Ywkcioh4 xne Original bill. A grn , tleman remarked, that the atnentltnent ! ! bughi to be printed for the life bfihemem .- i a r-'" ", - .von. ui,ii faid that was hi3 objeft : but he hi fn,crat r&htr amendmehfs to proppfe, and thought.. i it belt to have them all printed at once. s'It was mentioned that no other amendment could be fubmitted while that was pend 's J,nS nut, the gentleman" might, wi.hdraw his firlt amendmentj and offer the others ,. with it, after which the whole fmieht h Dtrs DrtOre aftimrmnnn if. M, I? ...,t .!... printed. ; f " Mr. Randolph accordingly withdtew his 1'Mng ameodmcnt , but not exaftly uuder-,-ftanding what was to be donfc,next, l,c rnov 'Serf thar th M l : r ",v;""""! "le, atiu as totwHH-l fwie.peaxcr had relumed the thair moved that the long amendment be 'printed;;'.'" " Mr. GWury nkfir,.,! .L. u t.j no 10b to iin okIi-i- f,r ;.;.. . i ... j . tic iititj lit n..Tv k- - .. . ' . r 8 " , m roer to print a paper in thatgemiernan'apa.ket N.-am end merit J was beore tht houfe-nbne had been f e. ' frT ,1 l.he commi'f of the whole, f 1,6 gtleman knew not ho' ..(" t ' r , , v.naoipH made a lone'. ;f Jchrt , the diffiiul. V (till fetn.fn.rl pAt length Mr. Ra0dolph moved to go back into commits of the whole, lor the purpoft ot rtartriirf 11. , ,. . it I ' I r . p ' ' l,c IH'UICat - II cordmgly rtfolvcd itfcl, imo , LOlIimrtf "-"". na me long amendment " ,'f1 PP'rd, upon-bich theepm- m nrfl ,e,3:1the houfe. ordered, the a. mendmeni to be printed. , " Mr. RanMph did not chufe to liaza.d tr Him ..,!,,... . .. . . . " CV "''.' "'-':"",,' -d'.," ,-:';'. ::-,;:',.' ' ? -''.-.-- . ; . '"-'.' .. "..,'"'-".' N; r"vw' '''' "''' -....-.' ' i '".""- - MONDAY EVENING, May 3, 1802. another ftep that day, and accordingly ' moved for an adjournment at an early hour, and the motion was ratried. Of courfe, this was not a " motion by the minority '' " On Tuefday the bill-for repealing the internal tali s was again irfutned : A num ber of neiv ojjjeions vvere iriej againft thisrV3 bill, and Mr. Randolph and hlk. friends finding themfelves unuble to obvi ate them were ag-sfn difcriricertd. A mo tion was made to recommit it othe com- mittee of ways and.meatii. It was faid to ; be fo irusn icui 'har the committee of the wh Ae and the houfe could uot adv.inta peiiifly proC'-ed Aip'in itln rti prefetu form. Mr Randolph admitted the foue of the fb jtctuJns, complained that kfentlemen on the other fide uf the boulc only pointed out eirori:Mthoot:ffi5SK' , corfcA them, but obj'eited to the recommitment feuch was the im p erf eft ftate of the bill and fo evident was vhe nereffity of dialing it anew, that the little David of Ltgifl'tiuii, after orie or two long fpeecheii, Sisiiug that the qucftion could be no lon-gtr evaded, called for an adjournment, after-'the !p.kr had arife-n and Hated the qurflii-n to ne haufc, but before the vo.e c. uid be taken The A'ij miMrti'it w catrir l by the mi irtcrf.i? party rho.'i.ih 'he o'er (idc of ike houfe voted ag inll it. vVheti the houfe met on VVedneflay, Mr. Randolph lutrorfuce ' anoi Inr lo.tg1 ilrinj; of imendueiits whi' h he h'jped Would remedy the faulu co.npl iutl ot, am) fpdte him the m.i tiricat i 11 of' recon.m.i merit. A f;reat pan of t! t day was fpen in hearilig the irg U litut - d Ui.-. nvi;ilte;t hi) t to prve that tlul. anien.lmtiiit, would anier the v en!e ; '.iiially; alrgT the jTieTidmenfa had tjeen arncTi Vd by an cntrre new fcclioi) wliicfj Mr GudJard iritrOvlustd, anil by an alteration of feve'a1' ot."es, -they were a-i-ve 1 M. .Denti Uctumjki.d.tB.riltjL at of the. li It fcc- id pl ice of t.mi of ilk rcrtnrd a t-clc named in the bid, fur the puipofs of try ing ihe principle whether the fur plus re vee fltoiild be (pared rxclufively from j'"Vx:urTc or" iiFn--rn'itr-thv' necfffarieToi' i .ife. The niinilUii-d' party, did not with the decili-.it) of ihc bhair. i he queOion ' being put, " Is the a 'ton Of tile ibair in or- tier ? ' 1 h e in i 11 1 ll e r u i 1 It . tenacious of their turtufe. and aibing to com'iiafs their -end. - wiu uevtr miaht be the niTa'iTii, determined in the negative. tiere a W'li Micar farce. Cumuienced rrfpt-cting the fecond part of the motion. TlH-fe-wife leg til f! tires,- wit h the little man ot Jlmg-s at their head; had imagiued t'tiat by carrying the fir it part of the rnot4tm in the negative, and leaving no place defignated ' for the - infertion of the word tnffce, they would be able to avade that part of the sjueftion, and purfuing the fame coutfe with the ameutjirie.it? which they knew wcte to follow, congratulated themfelves "upoii a ne difcovery by which they expedted to keep their journals free fiom the ' mention of thofe articles of ne- ceffity which the conftit otionatills wifhed to fubllitutc for the luxnrie3 named in the bill. But bete again they . were brougli't up,- a s t li e fa if ors fay rail it a rtdi rrgTby an a " . ther rulj; of the honfe and'by a pofitive declaration of the fpeaker that the uetfion mi) It he put. ' Af er neatly an hour had been coiifiimed, and no way difcoVered to gt't out of the p.rplextty, a reconfidera tioti of 'he vote for tiividi:ig the qnellion was moved and feConded. After a variety of remarks upon this motion, the fpeaker role to put the qnellion, when an adjonfn ment was called lor and earned by the mill llterial fide of. the houfe. " On Thurfday, after commenci.ig the proceedings -of the (Uy. Jn-a. very .. curious and novel manner, which... will . be noticed furtheAin.; the houfe proceeded to. confi der,fome urther amendmenta offered by - Mr, Randolph, and Oen. Smith of Mary land., Aftcrhe ufiial time of adjourn ment, and when the meuibeis appeared to le exhaufted by the labours of the day, an idjoumment was iltced for by one of the conftitutioTialifts, in crder, as is believed; to give Mr. Grifwold an opportiiniry of fubmittipg to the Jioiife a number of ar guments, againlt the bill, but Which." he, thought would not be heard wall patience at fo late an hour. Qu this folitatyoc cafion, it is true that a motion was made by the tionftitutionalifts to a 'j -urnjwd was not carried. Mr. Gtifvold went into a very abb' and conclufive argument whiiti drtained tht houfe to a very late hour. A motivn was then made tu-ther t) amend the bi'l. bv inicrtinp, -attt r (Ve- word. "Jlanrptd ' ikJ'um, parchment and paper." the wtVdk ";i und the etuFta un wpjtUu Iroivn fugar,'y Mr Katidi.lpb had now got thtough nh all-iIk amendments winch fce had t 1 , ffer. . He began to look, with cxireme -.icitude, upon tbHt, tavourite child of hid legifi iti.e labour. It had cult him man) 1 htO' S t'd convuifibiii," in the pro !uc io-u, ai'd much anxiety ' and perplexity 111 I ie. i'Uji' U ri.t g ; and he became every in ,aicnt, more and rtoic dclirous o? ferl,g i . Mi. of .he reach ot thofe who had bor n ; II along, tn.ki .iiiy po n ing out to him d.e toimiues which his patt rndl eye had lift iiceitud, aud who for ought lb it he knew iiht Itifi difoovcr as many m ire, fluuid not be jJi'vrn them to examine it., li. . i.e efoY hoped that, the bill would be or dercd to be engroU'ed befve lie hnufe 1 . ui ; i' j urn i andfor thepu'pofir nf Javing ttme aid comicg at a prompt deciwn.' tie laid I.e njld move for the previous qiiettii-n upon ic amendment laft propofed. Ti e nn ti 011 btTug fecdnded it a put Ky the fpeak " iheTc words" Shall the main queiiioi, bfuow put And it was eanied in the Jl e,ga t i ve: by the . miui fte il ftrft, - Havin g ilMS cut the biifiriefs fliort, and as they (li,ed!y i.n.agit td, furmounted all obltaelcs tliey tnumpha itiy caded for the.q'j'efliO". e ffi..g. But heie again, J,kc an ill men, a rule of the h ufe, thwarted their coutfe and onte more put them at a Hand The fpeaker declared that the bill coo Id net be engrofTcd while a motion to' amend was endiiig, and this moTion, he iarhTd" been hung up by the previous" qtieltion jult tdken. Upon this, the OiiiiiHerial gemlcmen began to manifelt fome doubt of-the expediency of the mode which they had adopied (or Jav-ng time, and coming at a prompt decilioor Tliey attempted to teirace their Heps, and called for the qnelli on on the amendment upon which the pre viuus quellion had been taken Here aifo ihey were equally entangled ; for the fpe.ik. er declared, in confotmity with the rules ofthe houfe, that it was not in order to put the main nneliion on any mouonlfi" fame, day on which the previous, qthdlion on men motion hail heen put and carried in the negative. It was now eviderit, tha nothing further could be done --witl-rAit getting rid of thefe rules, and for that pur. pofe Mr. Elmendfirf, who has fometiines been called t he Bird 'to f IVifck de iiarided an a peal from the decifibn of the fpeaker,. Here again the ftft were reduced to the perplexing alternative either of going di rectly in the teeth of all rules ofordei, and again dtferting iheir fpeaker, or eJfe of Hopping fhort, and abandoning the tru uniph of a prompt dtcifion. In this dilemma anadjinrnment was called for, and-carried bitt not by the minority. . . " Having thus Itated to you the manner in. which the miniilerialifts ilajfed their ff finns upon fotir of the days occupied in the bulinefs of repealing the internal taxes, I tv ill now give you an account of the man . iter in which fome of thofe feffions com menced. The Intelligencer continues . In his my f al devotion of public 6'ifjnei . ifje.eitiifuj piltdifiira tamhblrfbMiwit-rar terminate the fejfton at " the earliejl peridd" It is a very haid thing to decide up in men's intentions, and I will not undertake to fay that the miniiterial gentlemen are not fo-. licittuto expedite public bufinefs : but if I were difpofed to writhe nheir ttil'iR'ujafc knowmg-tlipprogrels wnicrt they have made dating the prefent feffiun, and 'bar- tieulaily -Tttiowiiig t' e hiHory of the blil now under confident inn, I fliould never mention that Mitittide, left I fhould be thought either to fatirize them or to im peach thtir ulenti. Will .the'Jntrlligen cer place to the account of this folicitude tlien-9 houn and a half pent by, thefe gen tlemeu oV'l Eurfday, in makiug, debating, ''.T.Vif-, ' -r-f ... . Vol,. Vil. NuMfi. 3'7' and withdrawing motions to amend t"c minutes of ihe day bcf.re? 'the pai' which thjy wKhcd to have flricken out were thofe which recorded the decision of the chair on the indivifibjlity of. Mr. Den nis's motion, and that which fays that a deb'ate arofe tpon a querlion of on ct. It was faid by the miniilei ulills, who were in favour of (tnking out, that the journals ught not to contradict the pofitive rules of the houfe, aud thofe rules dire 61 that no debate fliall b had Upon a qaeltion of order. On th8 occafjon Mr. Davis, who .8 father Hubborn, and not fo well broken 111 as the generality of .the left, ebelltd, and declared that if the journal was not confiftetit with the rules of the 'houfe. it was. coulilluit with trsjtlu and with the proceedings .$ifch it rett.ded, and tbijfcf Ihould vute aga1n"R"''rtrli4ig cut. . ieveral o . be coijftiiuuotialiiUftppoled the motion. I'hey faid th-l the conttitution compel!-. d .he iioule 0 keep a journal, and tb We ubj et was jo enable, the public to judge wnctht r thtir proceedings were correct a net' pr per or not. The precedent of finking uiit what all atknowledgr u to be a ti tie (l i'i tnent of ladls, was dangerous in the rx tcme. if the mij.irity ivere at liberty to, record only fuch patts of rlieii- proceedings .s .hey might chafe, ilu- inititioii ofthe" .otiili utiori would be fruit-ared, and the 'I'.iu.fe might as well keep no journals. Mr. liajari. Lid, ihat if gentlemen would tun ; iiemltivcii into exctiies and ccntr.-vene the uks i f order for the purpnfe of coming at an oljeft which they had in view, and, after fl.tpiiig'tipon t, could come into the houfe aid new moiiel their Journal io-eop-.-ini'ty with their cooler judg rit'nt, it ould be better to ke p in. j.iui i.a . tor vhey tould ank'er 110 purpofe but .to de-.-ceive the public and pottrity. .'Ho Viifiit cd, that though tht mijority have the phy. -ficl pwi ol controiirigpt hcir own journal! ' and rcndeiiog them what they pleafe, yet, iiijullice and propriety, they can exereife that power only in rtndtiing the recoid confoi mable witii, the fucts which it records. his vas acknowledged on all hands to he the cafein the ptefent inltance. 'He faid ti the principle now '.contented for' by the other Ike of the h life, fisould prevai'l, he Ihould not tie: " futpt brought forwatd to ' eufe from (he j Turnals the ye'as and nays, -"Whe ne r'r the tnai-jrity nu'giit wifii to conce.il the names nt'thcfe' who had voted (or or agatntf any pauicn-i-a meafure.- It was laid in ituiv, that ihejoiiroalb are eniirely in the power of the uouic, diiu 1 wiinx it was I'.irnen.iiii t, iut itv.as cei tainly fome one of the fed, who dctlarrd that the majority might, if tley plcaled, expunge the yeas and nays? Af ter many other remarks, which it would not be convenient for you, nor very honor able fbr our .'national legtflature, to l..y be foi'e the. public, the motion ivdt mith drawn. Mr, Randolph moved to amend that rpartof the journal which Hands in tfiefe wdtds : - Another motion was then made and fe cohded, farther to arfithd the bill, by (Ink ing out in the faid fts.lt feflion thereof, the words ' faks at auftion," for the pur pcfe of iuferting 111 lieu thereof the word cope -' "r ' . .-. v. The pfopofitio.'n was to flrikp. but ofthe j-i;in al the words " for the pvpoft of," and the words " in lieu thereof," in order to in. fett the word " and," fo as tb mske ihe jonr'rial read, " by Itriking out in the faid firlt fecHio'i thereof, the words tales attiue- tion, and inferting the word.i. Upon 'this motion Mr. Bacon made a long fpeech and apparently proved to his'o'wu fatTsfac tion 1 hat a vciy nice diilincftton ought to be taken between the impbrt f the w'oids, and infer tingi' and the words "for the furpofe ofipftrt'mg?.'. - "JJe faid that as the motionHlood Tecorded upon the journal,' there could he no doubt that it was a fim pie propofition : that" it could not be di. vided and that he, on the appeal from the dicifion of the chair, had 4ted wrong in declaring that decili'vn to be not in oider. But. the cafe, he iufilted. would be veiv ''ditlrreni4ipdn a queftiort put iri-the other tortn It you had ever heard this old gen tleman fpeak, you would feel in. inclina tion to fee his arjjU.iKnts recapitulated in this., place. Suffice it to fay that be m.a'e a long fpecchi and f convincing was it, that as foon as he fat down, Mr, Jlandylp!) with- . drew his motion. The motion made the evening before to reconfider the vote for dividing Mr; Denim's molioa wai ibea v - I