, ..... I - THE NORTH -11 --i nfiA',K'ir'"7" 'i , R ALEIG Published eveV T E Esf BO Y L AN. MINERVA :s:- -: -: - j ... .i4m .'''' 'V ' ! 1 ii ,1 " f' ft ,- j3 3 r Teart From the BJtimore Federal Gazette. C? There is much truth, independence, and Jpirit, in the ubequsnt aaa es. A NUMEROUS and refa e party ot federal republic celebtated the 4t.oi" Ju'y, Chir'-pn Oea county ....n Mooda.- 1. , "wrier- harmony ajtdjbciai tn lereourfe prevailed The company dined under a tent pierartd for the occafion, and ppoiatef TkmaicW Pfideot and John JUiliir, Elq. Vice Prefidcnt. 1 he Prcfident then nuVe th:: fo'lowing addiefs to the company : . t -' Felkv)'Cltzens . WE have been told, and all of u5 believe, that there are times tor all thing!?; and happyfhouldl 045 copul j confiderthis epoch as a time lor the . s mtrican people to rejoice--tb fl'emb!eas foimerlyinthe confident, f -ngt h of their uniorj "and the glo ry of their power. But departed in the time, and doubtful its return, when the watworn foldier fhould niqer the companion wl his labors, fharerinhis lame, -without dif- . Jr. ! Such are the unfoi -tvnute c ents of the prelent period, that al though equal virtue and equal a; tachtnent to our country and conlli tution exilt in different minds, yet the machinations of uefi:ring men have fo worked uptfnihe undcr 11 afidi ngs of many pe Ions, . pofTefk'd 01 tbe felt ir.ftn ions, as to induce them todifcard men whofe political career co mmence il with the r e vol u ticn, and wbo!e virtues will be the theme of suture ages. Every pcrrfon prelent can call to his recollection, Jomeevi ence of this lad, and the annals of this time . wilLfurnifh the hiftoiia'n wiih ample materials to tranfnait to pollerity ihe rnalue with. purfue ard driven irrm effkej meri who had n ade the public good thiir end. Ntithti ubleurity ot birth, ncr want of irfluentiab connections, flood in the way to pi to rment, un der the late ol der of .things. - P.lcrit and abilities came .':p f r a memori al, and integrity and talents k-und heir due reviatd. He - v hid the re verie ! . On' this au'U-icious .day, fa cTed to the cattle of thatin-fl-ead of littering to details filled with the app!aul'e .due our national grcatne "s, we hive. to reflect that the voice of the people has placed on -the pinnacle of our government, a man who ipurns" at tne lervices ren dered in; the .revolution' ani-by whom virtue has left to reward its votaries. Perhaps ere "the 4th of July is marked in anoih'sr calender, the people who - boldly dared in the fucri 6oufc oi Jibctty and mini, may be conliirned . to" receive a .foreign -yokerand auoretgu: power ! 'I iut- your fouls dildain the thought, and that your arms would repel the at tempt, 1 have no qudHon -but vi gilencc and prudence ars as necefla ry in the camp asbr .very in the field. Let us devote kunctrring to thofe rinciplcs, md every one of u3 ex tort His neighbor to ju'Jge fur him elf ; to look into the book ot our public 'tranidiprisj,- and torrefied whether fuch men. and . luch mea furcs as "are there exhibited give: a confident hope that our political bark will efcape all the dangers that threaten without, and mnce us within. - 'v ; .. . . Let us confui r whether meafurc-, c&fcuVated to divide afeiotinfended to dtilroy; ' Let us look back in our own time, and . wc fhatl fu i tholt heroes who obtainedior: us our glo rious mdepender.ee, forming a con ititution and admjniftcring . a o.i. vertiment to the happirvpfs of all -V"caf . we.fliall alio find " w hen in the ful-tide ct 'fucccfstut -experi-ment, f a mdcreant band pppfn,,; the lawsr?nd bidding defiance- tr its prncers.-influcnced by a W ad.-S" , Venturer, vho now fills the. firft de lj "Twntjrfive Shilling ft . . partment in our treVfuTyy and to whole fidelity the tax . on our induf try is all configned. By what ma- gic infidence is rhe fpirit b) Ameri cans fo deceived ! Who of all the American people that wirnefll'd the revolutionary ftrUggle, could have fuppofed that the influence ot a Mf"fi: t' Pton,, who at the head of an unpaid, uncloatbed; and . almoft unftd y o manry foiltdthe forces of Jthe-mpft warlike nations of Europe, and by hi? magnanimity and vitruefo great ly contributed to the etlablifhment of a. conllitution and government, founded on the pui eft principles of repubhcaniim, fhould when in the priiiiifej?f syers. vi t tue1 and .in th adminiftration ct that government, thus have his infiueiue dtftroyvd by hour of danger, deierted his pJt. and in the time of pofperity fand fa e- ty, was ever anxious to futn'ert .that excellence which he coulu not iivi- tate ? . 'i h at mifcrean ts ihcM Id feek it r iavor under the toftetirg wing of dilconttnt, i3 not to be wondered at ; but that the good ienfe of our country fhould give vvayto the fa'la cious ai .d i; fidious councils of fuch as are without tharacttr or attach ment, is truly ma: vt lous, Painful i.s ihe reflection, that cn fi.is tlay, when pall Icrvices and generous rew-rc w;ts tne tneme 01 panegyric, we flioitld have to lecouht the fad re- verft. No longer does n inifleiud avor left on thofe, who in uefnee of rapids, mountains apd climte, held their fearicjs way, to win: their country's clu!e, or lofe thnr.ielves on firitiflv ramparts t Canadian fnowsi .'JThe blood flaintd n,arch to f rvand the hard i. tight, hiiulu. oi the var. a?e.np rcqvtf j emntjbfi ed,.and the hoaxy 'veteran is driven, ffcni oflice, to procure lubfiUence by the labor of thofe limbs w; ich have been team d-in the feryice of his country 'i he lad, and the rea fon -or it is equallynotofious ; but however, this conlelation awaits, that ill .imerh-a it is no fhahle to hae teen the friend of W Jhwgtotu ,. 'ihe iciroval horn office will be among tlie'brighieft.- lecords of their fame, aiid hence the werld does' . know "that 'izt prevails, and impious liieti hear lw?y." . bikh men as are .ready to fati ifice at the fh'rine of pop u arity their country's' fa'ety and hjppiii'tfs ; w ho at 1 day when doubt and anxiety filled every .reflecting mind as to the teinitnation ot a. war which as unexampled in mcidenr turns, lov tne iicvattation ana oar ba'rity which marked its progfefs in. the 15 world, arid from the evilfpf which we vver in a great lieafureV pirfiwA i.y the, wifend ft. m mea- pf pfi'i vf-il Ly the wile and fi". mjne.a- hires ot an adminillration, uneciuai Ied for its virtues i Hay at that event ful period, have we not fecn thofe theoretical and deiftical philpfophers ; (fitution and Ckn ernineiit. Is either, endeavoring to lap the foundation my fellow citizens, did any apprdv on which all e-ur hopes had reded ; ' ed officer of that , government, for and to make way to a repeal of the the. f pace of twelve yeais, embezzle tax on wniiKey, iney nave prourateu everv means of prelent defence a gain 11 a lavage people, whole mjr nudons we are told,- foon vv 1 tanu . onthefhore of our weitern world. Trcm every thing on w hich we can r.rourd an. opinion, a fyftenr. -has becn regularly purlucd ro fufrefider our foveieigir.y to a nation vho Our redoubted financiers, as 1 men have fubmitted their hapiincfs to a tioned before, teb us that they have eitfpot. !o prove this to the fats-paid the public debt ; But how? By faction of tvery unprejudiced inijud, ; borrowing of one ioreigner, and he- it wouid beonly.necdlary., uadj ert' roll e fcc-tfdtidV dtmaTlsSrha-.; r dera nt w-)u rower, and w e fliall I h: d au pngft themnhoie vvho by ; lalfhdods ai'.: I ypocrify have c uled iticihon to av". its dreadful front aniui gft oni citizens, and obliged our tov'cfnment to put on the. coun tctiurice of leverity,and exhibiMhe enerty of th'!t principles at which t is the ioiiy and wickednefs of the prefeol f ulef I tti level a, $&$frWst; few.. ..pylons are Urangefs t1oJthe manner in which that buiihefs comT nehepdi arid we have all felt the.bur theri nftthat tax which was .necefla rily raifcd to defray the expence of organising and marching the miiitta to cruH an nfurredion, prompted by mervhole noie novr governs bur coyatry, "and who, in the dmgerous hour,-rfieh ciiiidifcord threatened to ffialtl Ouf. .Cohftitution to its ten trej ild for thr: arrival of a Gallic armytQ decide pur fate, and fix us under fh'e juiisdiftion of a fadion here ;who have acknowledged as their chit f an alien, and in: conjundi-oh'-vcith his aflociatts, has ever been t n'dea XViiM " Wliop " thr w heels "ot 1 oir gVivernmenr, w hen they pro grtffiaU with truth and' fcoB.or,..j.v..,J. : ' 1 .herave now the reins and the Secreta'of the wh'Ifkey -itd'urrecti'.. on (3; Wctfcnft : I6f eight r, -fio or pofeld (fit adpptipri of our ConKttu tion jlnij ufted with the principal dircfljph'of the vehicle, and. if the crnh'lacS of Amer r.i is continued e moitluttly ru;i to ruin. hole perh n, who sc once fondly be Jieved, would bav flood a rampart around the tree of our hope, are ihii lly-femoved. and the. axe -of luuctipnis teaied, aid ready to be luel at 'the root. Ihe voice c-f the pcopfe; alone can ftay deftrucfion. Deception marches in the Prelidtn iial vafljl and deiolation mutt bring up iirt TTcar. ; Ai archy i with: her twin-daughters, venali'.y a:;d y;ce, fl and I ijyi y to tumble our Loa t ed Conlltutio.n from its once 'envied htiftjh .to thelQwelt abyfs ot wreteh edi;ei !o more pi cud in repub lieiin fuWsdo ve ftand like the fitm regardlctK hears the; 1 baring cr ihe ftonn, whillt the yielding willow r . 1 i it z 1 1 "ii hendcand brittle pine isfnapt from its ba!S. . An enemy threatening our borders, and alarming commo tions difturbing our domeftic tran qtJ.ity,, ought .to have rouied the vigilance of our government, and cauledittp adopt fuch mea furcs as would have en in ed. 10 us faf'ety and pr oltdjon.' But in preier 10 de ceive and deftroy, ypu are tVU that the public debt is to be immediately paid ahhouph rhe internal taxes are repealed.. Certainly-fuch duplicity alone is fufficknt-to give ih'o fbmp of infamy to a let of men who are arrogartly 'and xclufively .ftrlir.g tf-enife-U'es rt pul heat::.. From true rcpubljcan charadeis the. w orld -has witntut iinfadminittratiott incapa- i ble cflaud cr deceit ; to whom po- fiticaf 'pej lecution. as 'unknown, and wnofe jull and milu - adm'miflra - lion paled tvef withcut" rne 'car front the HofcTof civil (1:h'o;d, wr one tint of blood appealing en the gore km band that unites our Va n-. one cciii 01 inc pjtune inutiry, an their tranfadions have been looked at by the jaundiced eye of -malice, and nothing but a condud that does them the highdt honqr is difcoveK cd,and the voice of truth is now calling to the enemies to ccaie bit- 'ing. for they gnaw againif 'tf file coming indebted to him foi the a mount we owe to another, and, then ! claim our hich approbation of theie j condud, wt.illt under every pre- tence, our runus are lavuneu uu ncceilarily away. 'I he repairs to French Imps' of war have colt us not alittle. and it a mode lately made public is-continued, we 'have great reafon to believe that much ol our wealth will be lavilhed on the bloat- - x ' Vol. VU. Nojb. 3 edilfirfteiiad!istiat0trlir cafe, of war or embarraflment, the impoft on the neceffaries ot life mufl. be augmented. , An extenfion of impoft on fait, bohea tea, colfcek brown fugar, molafTes, &c. mufk lurply the lofs ot tax on carriaces. refined fucars. flamnt DaDer. whift key, &q. . In cafe of war, money muftt e ra'fed, or a dc graded ftate of vaflalage Jubmitted to. You are therefore eitfer to .become an eafy prey,: or fuppcrt a war by a tax. ; on the neetffiiries of life, whilft .mary of the luxuries have ceafed tp yield that fuppot't "which the lfdprn,of the late adiniriifl ration hadrdrawn from theni 'i he advantages of our trade trt folelyrreHed on ior. the fupport ot governfnenta lybftantial evK'ence of Jh5 prppfiety ot ..; the mealum adopt td f y the. late fyflern of 'ikHy ics for its prefet ai jpn j. .- ai d ouf gtstfftfde'iicallei forth, to tho'.e gallant n.en who di'p'ay futfi prowefs wi;hoi:r mfahj navy. . .i,on ast)Ut , coa ft freed from t be dt pre daiions of thofe wretches who had pIQndei.ed pur Cnarnied.-ft.ips, and' tdken cur citizens into ignominious and tarfarcis captivity, i No longer did they d;;re.to avail . thtmfelv.es of I tfeperroiflionwiveh them, by a mi- r.mfrorout lanu, wno, in denance of the rights of his country, e-flefed to the Frei ch . nation a f.crifiee of all our merchant men." , bach bafe vel'i was prevented as foon as it was km wnto cur beloved and lamented V,fi,ngnn, ;,nd the degraded mini M) was -.cbiigtd diigracefolly to re turn to Wi irjuf ed country, where, atte;r avowing the fad, his abettors procured fvotii him the higbeft ho not ihaj his native ftate could bc- man: the -criif tent condtd of the 1 . - - . . " mcerent men : un the one fide you fee a Munrot the lepreientative of" his country, cfferiiig up to the1 French, what are now efteemed the fine ws of ycur w alth, and after re turning vith thi- load of infamy to his government, y u fee him by the dcir.ncranic band rewarded whir the gPytrnn-ent of a poweiftll itsfe, and ai! the party ft riving fo do him ho-me.- JD11 the other hand, you fee 'the. '.Valiant Trunin and his brave iifiociates, who glorioully defended the commerce of their country, and the honor ot our flap, reviled, con temned, and iniuhed I y a let of type men, who fix the implements of the prei, accof cling to th' miniffe- ;. na'l ncd. But this condud cannot j long prevail. 'Ihe iiijunes done to the meritorious d.izen: 1 ciiuntry, will- call fo; veu . their enemies, and the bra t trull obtain retribution fo zens of our vengeance on t"Kadgers trud obtain retribution for the cru- ewtrr txpei iencedin-a-difnal-dun -Ho;i, where the mandates of a ft. lib nanifter confined. ...him for ! i' ether reafen than .having nobly :v.i ed the Joes or Coiumwa ; and Wo a U vvtry indignity, ivhtn, tihry, thought proper tor him to be dif cl aTged, ordered him to depart from their fhore-s, and tell his country of the treatment he had met with; I cannot coueltuie my addreU to' you without j'gain entreating your vigi lant attention to the prefent ftate of our affair's. Be allured that it is ne ceflary to be ready-to rendu- every lervice yoiijare able 'to perform to " jouf couirrty," and trult that a pro per exercife of thofe powers, which i lion and the Conflitution has ex ; tended to the American people, will yet fve 'us froiri the' premeditated evils' of our word of enemies, and thole nations who anxioufTy' wifh our downfaT will viiTfy look for an accomphfhmcnt' ot their purpo ts. ' 'l'lic ilaf iT'ar" .of ftuir t:ui U'.ii! oin illuniiHC out weftfrn lu'ii,ifphit, and the guardiau ang 1 of liberty fh.-hnlf u-i'h the fer.iph of itli.ion, and direct us , in lb.- mui fuiuinatiua ot U iLai u-ao cuu ui.'h Li. . ''mi - "I - . i 1 . ' 1 : - i 1 -i ii

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