W1W THE NORTH-G ARLIN A I"1 jXfiCJfi-PpBLisHED 'eveiVy TtJES0;&Y ii HODGE & BOYL Alt. Y IP I I ft". pnm tht Palladium, i. " REMARKS, . Oi ilfr Wolctth tddrtf to tht Ptopk tf the United Stites. NO. V. ' .. IN ftating the refult of thar ex mination into the expen diture nv . ;w tn the ntercourfe between the United Stares arid foreign nations, , the. committee obferve, . tne.ac, counts of Mr. Pickering re not yet I finnliw ritYrA. He remains charged: with a Jura of 3,l8i dollarr anaf2,M cents, erroneouuy paia oy r'w" of a veffel. fuDpbfed to have been employed by the Conlul; at- rripoh v and with- another dum 01 3,289 dollars and 5 tents, being the balance of an advance made to karti ifet Hbdg6rir Jor the purpbfe of bet ing remitted to Mr, Humphreys at Madrid, in part bt his falary which -Mr. Humphreys did not receive Both thefe fums. it is believed, may, and will be recovered from the per-. fons to whom they were relpectively aJvanced." With refped ro thele fufpended and dilputed items, con cerning which, fuch a p-fitive opinion is advanced by the committee, Mr. Wolcott remarks, that " it appears clearly, that the officers of the I rea fury have formed no definitive opi nion upon thefe claims," that " it is certain, that they relate directly to two of the molt abftrad, litigated and artificial principles of law ; in any e vent, they-involve no queftion of" re-" putation." Why, there ore," he continues, ' was it mentioned, that, Col- Pickering " remains charged,' with'thefe Turns ? Why was it fo em bhatically, reprefented, that' he con ducted erroneoufly ?" Fpecially, if the opinion 'is confidered correft, that both thefe fums" may and. will 1 1 : . . j 4 . i-i -.'i cc recoverea iroui, mic jjci iuhs 10 whom they Were refpectively advanc-. ed ?" The anfwer relults from the. whole tenor of the report : Becaufe, in no other way could they fix a ftainxtpon a ereat and meritorious public officer ; bnt of the chief pil lars of the palt adminiftration. By ho otheTlnsut or tne comnuxtee ruini tne freat ue fign, for which they were fdected, to give to atrocious flanders,-the countenance of the. national legifla ture ; to afford , fuch fuel, as they could colled to all the zcalousnW malignant paflions, which they and , their partizans, had, for years, been inflaming. For fuch purpdles, in difputed cafes, thefe pcfitiw opinions are advanced ; concerning an abftract and litigated point, the Cnttdu'fted of Col. Pickering is declared inacontroverly, nof et decided and , in which the national inrcreft is at flake, the weight of the opinion of a committee of Congrds h thrown iri to the fcale in oppofition to the l ights of the United iStates, and contrary to the opinion of the officer entruiled with the decifion of the quellfon in its behatfUur the piirpol'e of tttgma tizing thatcepwith error and mi I- ' conduct, anTreprefenting himltill anfwerable to the United States for a confiderable arhount. SQch are the abfurd and mifchievous confe quentfes which" always relult when the national interefts a e made fc condai y, by the Ibirit of party, to the mterefts of the prevailing Teft, and winch the natiohaf authority in its hands is converted into an inltru jneirt tor gratifying perlonal rancour and private ambition ; to which j can 70I trrmh. and juftice, then never fail to be faenficed. , The Committee proceed to re'nTark Sn ! f ?ccou.nrs of Col. Pickering, that the principal rp;, which ap pears to have prevented an ultimate lettlemcnt with him, ariies from the ' C1.rcumltance of his rot having appli. edthe whole of the money drawn by him from the Treafury to the ... t U E S D' A ehjeSls for which it was appropriated bylaw. For the extent and.refult of this mifapplie'ttiotif the Committee refer ta the . ftatefnent marked. (C) accottipanying the ; communication of the Secretary of trie Treafury" and annexed to the printed report. - By this it appears, that; Col. Pickering drew- from the Treafury an aggre gate of fevehty-eiglu thoufand five hundred and eighty-eight doUars and eleven cents' under appropriation made . for defraying various Jflecific expenfef more than he applied itothe Various objecls. of ,thol apo&li ;i he Committee proceed, " the fam$ '4tatement.(Q will fhew, that the whole. atJht.utn . vtt tttpeHiUd.b him on thjefls of a public nature hsfar as the cony mittee can afcetain the jaft) but this eX: "fi'Sirin'rf Kipn"maftkfrn"rrt apprdpriations, defigned for other' objeds by law, the miatplicaiion of the money has prevented the Comptrol ler of the 1 rcafury from fettling his accounts la order riehtly to tlnderftarid the "teinper with which this report wai drawn up, and the cool and fettled defign of mifleading the public which, is iri every point of view its promi nent feature,- it' is neceffary to com pare the obfervartions of Mr. Gallatiri upon Mr. Pickering's accounts; i'hofe who would attairi a complete knowledge of". the important diiFer ences which exilf between their re lpeftive reprefentations we mud re commend, to refort to the publican tion of JVIri Wolcott, as our limits' allow us onfy to notice the moft ma terial. . -lhe accounts of Mr, Pickering, fays Mr.' Gallatin in his letter annex ed tct f hf rnrnrf- " hav hfin rrrAiT. f d, and his general account has-been "rthe auditor. . By this it apT rifurK. 1 1 1 I r 11 it 11 iiir" t pears, that with the exception of two items, fufpended for want of vouch ers, or dilputed by the parties, he has accounted for afl the public monies received by him, fo far as to fhov, that the whole has been applied tt public pur- pn" It is however evident from the account itfeif, and from a fketch, "is aepartment, inac aunougn he drew monies from the Treafury un der dijlihct approprhtians he did not (tit' ficieutly tit tend to thefe in the application of the uwney,, but has, in many in- under one head to another head of expenditures ; and has thetefore, in fome cafes, fpent lefs find in others more, than was authorized by law. The ftafement C) fhews theexcefs, which it appears, has been thus ex pended, fo far as the fame can be af certained. The greater part of the Funis, thus expended for certain ob jeds, is covered by appropriations made principally after the expendi ture had taken place, and in order to enable the comptroller to pafs the whole of the accounts, fome further kppfopria'.iohs are flill neceflary." By the flatement (C) referred to by Mr. Gallatin, it appears, that the fum " expended by Mr. Pickering be yond the fums drawn by hinij under the appropriation to which they ie ter," is the above aggregate, Hated by the Committee, of feventy-eight thouiahd' five hundred and eighty thres dollars and eleven cents." . . Mr. Gallatin proceeds to renlarK i " It is believed that the Secretary of tbe Treafury may, with the con fent of the Secretary of State, draw warrants in favor of T. Pickering to" I be paid-out of -the unexpended pa: lances of appropriations, which will Covcyhe whole of the above expen ditures, the following fums excepted, for whith new appropriations will be wanted, viz. - ..,.,. Prize, caufes, ,23 1 82 " "Spanifti Treaty,. i,028l6j Grneral La Fayette, . 5,509 57 " Polls; 14,7(53 0? Y,v OJcf obe r 19, 1802. Upon .-the above ftatenients Mr. Wolcott makes the following, re mart : 4 . r i.c. J 1 r the rieport of the committee, and the . w.iub any iuiuiu man 1 pcruie letter vot Mr. Gallatin, and De nounce, which prefents the moft in telligible, as well as favorable. jfehtationof the tranladions of Mr. 1 Pickering. ,Mr.,:Gallatm exprefsly admits that Mr, Pickering's accounts have WtVt rendered cinJ llated bv the Auditor. aH&ihat", with the exception of two Jtem, (fufpended for want 0 vouch erSicfr difnUted bv the narripe h ,haaCounted for all the public mo- nicji.received by turn, io far as to (hew thattbe whole has been applied for Jilh7th"e'Hce"pt1o btSfh Madf fons accounts, of which I have nd Knowledge, l ean aflert, that noSe- (teir of Statt hni ever a counted in $ni othp tr,aimer. Uhlefs in relation to expetjditures fbiMbjccta witf rarth'g Uhtd States, neither Mr. JcfFerfon, MrA! Randolph, or Mr. Maifhall, could,' at the time their , account? Wer fettled, do, mote than 1 exhibit voucljers. for monies paid b jJ them to accountable , agents of. the public. The ultimate account; which is to exhibit the application of the, money to the defiined object, m lift from the neceffif j of the cafe, be exhibited hv the Mir.ifters; Cbnfuls, agents and Bankeribf the United States, info- reigb coiintrtes ' i on this point; the acc6unti bl Mr. Pirlr print ilinA rr equai ground, With thole of either o the Secretaries. ... . V , -la vain do we Teek in thi R';i poitpf the. committee, lor the ini. portant facts, that the accounts of Mr',;Jf. ering have been flated.bj. tht Audjsgf3 and that fubfequent appropri attdrflTy liwtia v xrpmtwir wrffTti? cipal part-vf iiexm of 78,583 Dol lars and 1 1 cents, which they repre- fcnt as a mifappiication of money, j wnkh prevents the Comptrwllerfrom -Upon rhe charge of mifapplicatu n of public monies," which is the bui- den s the repj ferves : The Committee have repeatedly reprefented, that there has been a " mifappiication'' of the - public money, and that this ' rnif;ippiicstion' has prevemed the fettlemciit of the accounts. Without inquiring whether it has intended that tl is word, of doubtful import, fhould or fhould notbe Underftood by the c in uiunity in an odious fenfe or the -propriety ofapplying it to this fubjed in any fenfe it may be confidently ai ferted, that the amount fo applied, has been greatly exaggerated by the Committee. The fum ftafed by the Committee is.rfs, Sx dollars and 1 1 cents, and tho' it appears, from the ftatemcnt annexed to Mr. Gallatin's letter, that there exift mmtnat h'alatucs to this' atnount, yet it alio appearsr that without the adualreceipt orpay ment of one dollar, by the mere form oiiJfjAng warrants, and which' trans adion the laws authorifed when the report was made, thefe balances May be reduced to 14,782 dollars and J2 cents. The fyfte'm "of fpecific 2ppr6J priations requires, that until thefe. warrants are iflued, the . accounts fhould remain in their prefent fitua tion ; no ad on the part of Mr. Pick ering can be effedual,- it remans to be performed by thepreent Adminilir-vion whenever it may luit their convenience.-?"' ... . . "''" . " The amount of the , mifappiica tion," if fuch it mult be called, is thus at orlce reduced infadto 14.262 dpk lars arid 2 cents, being lefs than two hundred &q !ars above the fum gain ed to the public, by jCol. Pickering, on the purchafe of Bills of Exchange for the ufe of the Government, "as appears by the rejport of the Com mittee. "" . Vol. VII. Nu M H. i, This lum is conipofed of ad vances, for dcfiaying the ex pencej.bf Prize Caufes in England, and 1 emitted to the Bankers of tbe United States io London Advam es for , expences of rui- noig tbe Line bttweeit Flori da and the United States, in purfuHoee of the 1 reaty with . Sxin ...... , , . Advances to the family of Gen. La Fayette, by Mr. Munroe, and lii)pofedto have been made in the year 1795 ,020 63 5,509 57. . -Total, Dolls 1 4.762 02 ConcerningthefefneclLve.. fums-. which confhtute tbe above aggregate Mr. Wolcott, having made fome re marks to rpve the iPeroleicity, which-' the hew fclence bf ipecific ( app atiortmuft'TTecTflarily .bccafion in conducting the tJepaft'ment of the Staxe and the Trealury, proceeds : t!.! J,8 faience ha'a, hirheirillvyr.- in a Itateof progreilive improvement; yet even uport principles,, conceded in the report of the Committeie com prifing the Iateft refinements, the traniadlons of. Mr. Pickering, ap--" pear to be fufceptible of a defence. . he report, contains, the follow ing claul'e-,-' Ahhb'ugh the Commit tee will not fay, that there are noca fes,in which a public officer would be juitified Iri applying mehies. ao- propriated to. orie opjed, to expen- unures on another, yeC they are of , la the UmteiStatesj and in evert ,'uv,ti aic rt.uuciuiurcxucreor to wm grefsj ought to be made, at the next lemon, $ hich ihotild immediately ihei-eaft pn(1'., ' tive Officers', in CQnlequence of fomc urgent ncceflity, venture to adopt nieaiures, not authorized bv law; bue&r.frm'e hVinii KfiT' - they cannot too foori apply to the le- j giflativ'e body, for ads of indemnity. Such 4 applications muft however, in all cafes, be preceded by a 'confei- ousnefs that legal boundaries have,- in fad, been , extended. The equit able principle of the committee, .. When applied to Ipecific nppropria iion, may hereafter prove a con venient fnield for the prtfent admi hi It ra t ion al tht ghn of-cqua 1 1 y ca f- ctilated to protect the ineafures - of the former adminiftrt'tion. , . ' It has, however; happened, (for I wid not pretend it was thfe refult ofdefien. founded on a eohlridiort that the laws had been violatecf) that eflimates were exhibited by Mr. Pickering, and his immediate fuc - -ceffjT,Mr.Marfiiall, & that fpecific appropriations were made by Con grefi, more than fufficient to c4ver the advances, under the heads of Prize aufet and the Spanifh Treaty by Mr. Pickering. That warrants cannot now be iflued,- tocover thefe eypenditUrcs, in.the mariner which it . is admitted may le done, in relped to the other nominal balances before 'mentioned "is-iolely owing to the cir . CUniltance thci the funds have been other- . w'Jt ' applied by his t furct'ffbrs." O Mr. Wolcott then proceeds to c- i4 numerate the various fpecific appro priations which were made by Con grefs, and ought to htve been applied by Mr. Pickering's fucceffors to the ' two firft of the above objeds viz." defraying the expenfes of prize-cauf-' esin I ngland, and to the running the-Jin.e between -Florida, and the United Spates. " lb prove an " obvious . benefit to the United States, arifirig from the advances made by Mr. Pickering,, and to bring them therefore .within the rule of the committee, itisonly neceffdf y to obferve, that the records . pfthe Department of State vill prove; i hat in rclpcd to the expehfes ofprife caufes, a debt was adually due, and, . "' . - f ,:::t,,i f 11 V. "It - J .-.if - 'i