MINERVA,, l':.J.Jl NORTH CAROLINA 1 i u. hfy j?XCHf-PuBH6.PBD b very TUESDA Y n HODGE & BOYL Aft. . .... Z -t Tirr sn Twentj'fil Shillings fr from the Palladium. REMARKS, On Mr. Watt's Addrefs to the 4 t the Uti ted States. ( NO. VJI. . f The advances for the feryice of year 10,ai3u6 43 Of which the accountant " " has fettled and render; . ed to the freafury aC- -count. uMheamt. pf ...fijJJI&'J , 53 W.n,a balance of Dolb. 3877.i92 5 , The public will perceivefrom the ' enfuing ftatementsr made by Mr. Wolcott, how this fum i fwallen by the committee, and how many im - hbrtant faclisLrelar to the real ba fance, are kept back by them tonne i purpofe f giving color to the charg es of misapplication and wafte of pub lic monies, with which it was the de fjgn of the report to load the palt ad miniftration. He fays, , . " it is to be obferved that the firil fum includes the amount of all balan ces, open on the books ot rhe Ac f count of the War Department, on i :the fiiit of, January 1 797, comprifing every unfettled account, from the eftablifhmertt of this office, being 16,39 i dollars 56 cents. r 1 he expenditures of the War Department, -during five years from 1797 to 18. i; incluliv'e, were there- fore only 9,846,963 dollar? 29 This fuH amount compnfes all the expenditares of the year 1 797. a yer, when the army : was on a r ery reduced eftablilhment, and before any meafures, attendedwhh expenfes ha'd been adopted, to repl the hollil itics of France. It alio comprifes all the expenditures ot the year 1 80 r , although a new army was difbanded in the fummer of the year 1 800, and though the 'expenditures', fince Mareh3 ,-r80' have been madeuru der the direttjon of the pre'ent ad minilt ration. " I he expenditures of the War Department, on a. reduced peace efta-J bliihmenr, before the year 1795 may be eftimated at one million two hundred, thoufand dollars per an num; this for five years would a mount to 6,oqo,ooo dollars." " The extra expenditures of the War Department in conference of the preparations againft. France, therefore, amounted to np more than 3,847,000 delist .."..'..,": 'd .-,.. 1 his iaft fum not only comprifes the pay, lubfiltance and clorhing of the new army, , but a,Ii( expenJb of lorrmcanons, magazines, tne rabri cation of cannon and (ither anns. and the purchafe'of military flores. j The value of thefe obje&s may be eiHmated-.-Bt one half the fum lalt :nentioned. : -; " A part of .the military (lores were .confumed in fervice ; the . refulue, conlfituting a ..liberal Aipply corriar ed wit h r the quantity . n hand' in 1 797, with all the other public pro perty, acquired , by thefe expendi tures, was delivered over1, to the pre fent adminiftration." JLTheiirit experiments forxafting cannon were but partially fuccejstul, cwing to the deficiency of fkill in the country it was even neceffary to hpr- row rannorvotihe Itate of Neweci to equip th hrltfrtgates for fea. AH dim'culties were finally fur mounted ; and the cannon, afterwards caftin thef United States,rereTqual to any which could be imported, and were attainable in any quaintities . which were aeureu. Manufaaories offmall arms were A T, Jear.J. v " eftablifhed, the pfddu&ioni of fome, of which rivalled thofe of thefirlt, eftablifhments in Europe. Ihe ac-, quifition of this Tkill i& folely to be. attributed to public encouragement,; and its value is not to be eftimated irit money ' " ' ;: "'.4 '. The committee purftie a fimilar line of conduct in relation to the expend it uresjfor the- navy depart ments ; ftarjng them . in general-; leaving the whole balance in a' fitua-J tionto make tne molt umavoraDie impreffion upon the public mind by its greatriefsy without givjng any in. timation of thole numerous and im portant obje&s of public fervice to which it was applied, or enumerat ing the public property in the pur- chafe of which -a great proportton of it has been expended, and which lk now ia the hands of the pre'ent adminiftration, ready to be applied to any national e xigency. - - The committee fhte, " the monies advanced to 'the navy department from the eftablifhment in 1798,10 the 3 Til of March; i 80 1 " as amount ing to WVrtn 73cts- Of which the account ant has rendered to the Treafury ac counts to. the a mountof Leavinj; " an unac counted for, or un fettled balance o! " -5,810,661 j(8 4,i7,6jr 7 Upon which flatements "Mi Wol cott remarks : 'The expenditures in the Navy Department include dhe coll of the navy itfelf, and its equipment, ex cept cannon and a part of the milita ry Itorts : alfo the coft .of the navy yards, Itores and magazines, which came into the pofiVfiionqf the prelcnt admit. iftration. 1 he only exception, recollected is in relpefl: to three fii.?e!, which, though nearly fijfh ed, were not equiped for fea, when the Navy Department vvas eltablifh eJ. " It is neceffary that thefe fads be known, ancj well coniidcred . they will certainly difpel mauy prejudices; they demor.ltrate, that a great pro portion of thefe expenditures which havexcired fb HuchrHncratettide ha'ebeep for objefts which the molt fiiictrepatriots or our county have deemed proper preparations for the public, defence, eVen in the periods of the f-reatelt tranquility. " The iums which the committee reprefent as unacounlcd for, or uiifhtled are, In the W n anme :t, Dolls. 3.87T.I92 .',0 " Ai'd in I' c-.V.ivy Dej ar mom, ?,l'il),ttjl "i.i By 'thele expreflions, " ntmcwUvJ for, or uninjled" repeatedly applied by the Gbmmittee to thefe balances ; and which obvioifly were intended, to lead the mind into a Belief that they remain yet in a itate of doubt, Concerning which nQ,pftoS opini- i on ran correaly be rormed, Mr. L Wolcott declares, in that liberal and candid manner, which characterizes the whole of his addrefs," that 'the Committee did hbtmean to fuggeft, that there exiftea any uncertainty reflecting the . fjtuatiQns . of the ac counts, or any doubt, ibhet'heriheivhfe of thefe funis had been advanced for the public fervice." He proceeds : " I'hcre has been a jime, when doubts were expreffed of the pro priety ot advancing monies for the public fervce ; fuch doubts could only have been fuRgelted by. ignorance, want of reflection, or a defire. to delude, the public. It is certain, that if no payments were to be made awthe - 'lVeaiurybutof would be neceflary for the nub he agents to drav from the community a capital equal to the public, expen diture,'and for the I reafutyto hoard another equivaJenrcapitaUTfcr the pur pole of being enabled; to .make payments. The diforders, which fuch an attempt would o$cafion, No m b e r 2, 1802,. . need v; only be imaRined.. ro iuftifv the? patice, which ha obtained. .". itvances', of monev beina in-' difpenfible,' it only remained for the government to adopt the bell mea furesVfor fecuring a faithful' and e conitilcal application of the public fund' and a .regular fettlement of accounts: at convenient periods. '.tiiough the committee) haf e"cri ticifed particular tranfadtions, yet thet have, not fuggefted any doubts of ft'roDriety of the DrinciDles. by which the. expendhurei have , been govfi4y.f that t,he oiScejri he not proceeded with all Dracticar je celet jry, jnx, adjufting the account tney )fnerely remark, on the Itate, merits ' of the accbuntants, that ' al tho they exhfoit balancesr apparent-. iy unaccounted for to a Jarge Amount the";hTtewife fh'evfr that , accounts h;vit)eeii renderd for a confiderahle porfitjn yhiqh are in a train of fet t1einent but not finally clofed." , "ica fiateot th:nSs as h c?e. fcrihfld, tfiuil forever .e&Wito a piifev lie office,-for-the fettlement of ac-' courrls : there, will be accounts on hand; which have hot been examin e Mothers, which' have been exa mined, rut not ftated; according to theforms requJite for entry ; others which have been, ftateii but not en tered in the public books : even af ter all thefe fonrtalities are cbmDle- ted-it remains for the accountants to prepare ftatemenf o? the accounts whrch hive, been adjufrecl in their officrgj and to tranfmli theni,' with the, oj tjixial accounts, to the Treafu ry, tor Tevilton. he balances, re potted by the committee, con.prife all -accounts, which had not been rendered to the Treafury ; they muft ot cpurfe.compnfe an amount of ac- coUnts,v" which had been fettled iri tneofHcesot tne accdum ants, when tfie'Teport was made. This amount cannot be conjectured, as the petiods to whirh the accounts have made their returns to the 1 reajiiry, are not ftated in the report. The miiconceptions of the public, from well known caufes, in the fum mer of the year i8oo, in rcfpecl to the ftate of the public accounts, led t a critical examination pt this Jub jed; before I retired fro'm office. . The information then obtained and, the refultf ot inquiries at the feat of government, during the laft wiri ter, enabled me to make the follow ing declarations. ' ''That there exifts no delinquency in the ollices-of the P.n-Malltr General or tha former or prefent Purve orcf the public Supplies, or the former or prer tent Quarter Mailer (General. . That the public will luftairi no lofs in confequerice of the contiatls for clothing : this I infer, from a ft ate-J' mait, in my poiieiuon, vunu CAtir bits only one balarice due to the pub lic, of lefs than two thou'and dollar. and which is well fecured by -bond The contractor difc barged his du ty faithfully, but was rendered in.ol vant by an unexpected rile of the prices, of cloth. It it is judged e quitablc,1 the, debt can be" recovered yf his furety. -;-'. " " All the principal contrafls for fup' plying the army with provifions, to the latter part of the year 1 800, have been finallv fettled : molt of the tub- i erdinate contracts for fupplies at j rccruiring pofts", have alfo been fet- tied. . ' .- " From its fifft eflablifhment, uh- j 1 the fummef of i 70S, it was the ; duty of the -Treafury Deparfmcnt. to for aft kinds of ftores and fupp'es, tor the array and navy. As many tranfations were commenced, but not finifhed, when; the ad: of 1798 was palled, my agency in procuring" ftofes and fupplies neceuarily con tinued for a confiderable time long er, and did not entirely terminate ,Vol. VH.vjNuR,B343 till I refigned my office. I am well Informed of the characler of the different htfaaor,the ftate oF their accounts, and the relponfibi lity of their fureties, and perceive hp reafon to believe tht the public will I u flail any loft bj anj contract I which farnted while SrCrttnry f the Treafury. u In refpeft, therefore'; to all the principal offices of txpenditwt' and ali 'con tratls ot tnutb impvrianet) it appears tp me fafe to affirm,' that there has oeen Ue amiuit men a variety ot concerns as are etnbraced by this' ffatemenr fome,' which ought to 1 6rih except tlonilia heen..JbverJQokeL if tuch is the 1 acl, 1 , defif e that the er ror may be ccmiled . by the prefeftt adminiftration, -Ihcre f no tranr. aciion, which I am not willing fhould be corredly and fillly uriJerftbpd hf " the p'Jbfte; '"; " v; , ' ;'- - -.. '- . It is true,' that tere tiki p" 'vr, of. accounts ;opeh in -the pub lid bocks : birt this is a fiecefl" ry con fequence of numerpQi elfablifhments; over an ex'enfive couniry. . lhe ag- gregafe amount of Unlettled accounts is alio confidcrable : but this amount muft always be .proportioned to the Revenue and. Expenditure. Partly cular trahfations . may have ifTue'd un fortunately,' arid contrary to ori ginal expVftations f jet thefj he banned with a Critical eye, let them be tvtlly undetftooJ; and rhey wiit fiee I no ' polfgy "In refp'c-a to, the NavyDepift menf, a fingle obferyarion will fuf fice. 1 he expenditures have been principally made by the Purveyor of puDJic supplies, and by agents, irl i Portlniou'lh, Bofton. Nfwnirr. Ph laaeipnia, i5aitinjore,..and JNorfolk. I believtf .that ho meinber-ot-the pre fent adminiftration friij; af this time, impute any delinquency to either of the agents' at thefe places. Indeed, as no individual is mentioned by the committee; it is right to prefume, that.no fufpicion were entertained. To fofter a fulpicion againft an indi vidual, merely becaufe he has an ac- . count opennvith ' the public, is to reaiori peryerfely, as the circum ftance, diltinctly confidered, prove nothing more, than that he has been deemed worthy of confidence. 1 he Cammitee fay. that the lare ' hour, at which the Voluminous docu ments arramranv no rme i-ivi-.. . - . i . wete received by the. Committee; (upon the 9th of April! and the la bor neceffary to inveftigate fuch a -mafs of accounts, and of advances unaccounted; tor, particularly in the War and Navy Departments, em- i ' j m ' . J iv-fuji bracing an expenditure of twenty muttons 0, aaws, nave reHaerea it im foil iDre ror tne ommitiee, conhlt ehtly wi'h the r attention to 6th?r duties, to form an opinion, asto the manner; in which this fum has been expended." " -r--Thefe obfervations lead loan en quiry, what kind vof invefli gations vas propofed ? -Whether the ftate ments of the offices ought to be re garded as evidence of tafts ? Or whether it w as the duty oi the. Com mittee to examine all, of any, of the oriiririal accounts and vouchers ? "1 hcltatemehts, to whichaheieT pbrt refers, are not annexed to the printed report, which was laid b&. fore the Houfe of Rerefentanves. There h certainnTd'angertbat.'anjuft prejudices may be excited againft individuals, efpecially if the praftice of printing extracts from t liele ftate ments'.fs continued. Not having feen the ftatements, I can orily con clqde,' that they are fuch, as have been prepared on former occafionSL; that they exhibit, the amount of ac counts fettled under the proper heads of expenditure, and the names of 'all no dthneiuenni. and that the niiK. licbufiriefs has been executed, uci" ' Incctfs 0 Jjds ' ever.-. Mter.dd tranfoftiont. It is Imboffilile: fhaf 'A i 1)1 I 1 -. 8 .- I

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