(J : - V Raleigh, . . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER . ltd. , Mr. Abraham Bradley, juo. eftj. AfliftaM Port Mailer Generaf, paffeJ thro, this City, on" Fria'ay lad, op his way to Georgia, for the purpoie, it is-faid, of making Tome ar rangeinents neiefTafy to the eftaMfhrncnt of a line of Stagei from Peierfburg, V. to St. Mary's, for the conveyance of the Mail 3 times l week. We are informed that Col. , no.mes ol Virgin a, haa contracted to carry - the miil nun ihi above nfan from Pf,fn. buigto Fayetteville, and that the Colonel . is dchrouj of farming out fo much as from K.deigh to Fayette vilJe. ' .-.1 The fuWcribers to the N. Y. Morninu St (- ' r i . . r .. . uimmicic, are iaiu to DC ourrues, Jefler ' foniansand Federaliflit, and the editor means tn niikl.'n. r.,,.1. , ..,' . Mtu an viiviamvwiwg paper AS n,... .k ..J .:,i L j r . ' He might as well (fay the Anti Democrat) try to make S mp of Water, Mercuiy and Ti ' w v w " ... . a Oiie ol the cnufrqutricct' of tht piogrtfs of ancient R,. the Ipirit of all other' natjons. while TUwi-f-d l.er bn. already BoNAPaati talks JD the tane t . ...-.(I.. .' . j ' l 1 i ........... ,w , au ni nvdig nna enemies, iikefl ves. ,Tfie Emferot pVGecl nnnj ir tcnrutuied hnt a lorm becaufe lie h?sefectEd:ii'imfcif PrcDdcnt of the l:i, lian Republic'. The GranJ Turi has re uewed bin old treaties wiih the man; wh.'fe expedition to ESJpt in t time 0f profuft'id ipraceflie wed htmfotbt ore rroiWnvJnfTI)5ir ligation. ?Ta; frrtothera her a-.gcr on ;te4Unt if 2nd Al Europe i. Uriviog to mjki its bypocnTy cooceil m terror. A rtr w y former war, th-no-edfon in Vu.r.. . -. . - . I. ... J.v, -V-w 10 arrange u eo icem. force in Older to K- t. . . ' nr'I,l , J " W3S " ri Com pelled ta i do as rt ought to be d f ( , bb - r--- uu. Wot one mer yupportedthi.fchca.esbutitwillbe w;n fooo have louifiana. A for Itreaty ha. already gi,e1t lo UVe Vliftcd it. contend ,(. ' -.3 w"? a ccnvenieDt Tea. 2n.8(Shewa1ts'tocoI,qurr,LeiIj3nii. 5bf -f a to let the t,Uf Aa)trita,18 rt0r .J3h..r .fa,., and. have -her; PS prof,, by the.r fnptnpmy i 0gr counfek, n ,,drB do all the yohat WlJ1nle ,uedi,ale, iuftug e Ihou'rf C'Jinm'nr. . ... r.a r a yrrfs aga,nft-luaiV-:l,;p4 a'ud manufac i.a' produce as red, cctton Great B:,U.u a .oru. ,1, ii V - aiiiiiiiii., prance w-II be .n HfurTr t.i fend he. Irion's .riTc, le thefe fcrti e 1-nrlc i fjr an eniDirc. Mi. u, i t... i i . . .. . the AliTtUtf,: Rk .. :li I . . . r wiurr- iu ue ahie to oukt lerma tur i.nr A. ,...! ..? .. ,m ... l..'.Lli ...mil ...1 . .L.I 1 , St v kcr tUaa ern, t:the ery- rfiS f w ilrY ihjll mnr. K .'1 I , ' - ".,"" ; nave becu ol. tore Medical Soc;cf. to be the fame l.an,t I THK 1 . . -: Uur wea!ih..frr.irw .1.- i- VDblers to oc the incin ive ta at, ;B ,le ,' ; ' ' ' Indeperidence. r tUrijy for ourte.ufs. ,T., g,t aBd l0 t V State of North Carol fla. . -r 3 ""1 uckiorr (Hat the Irtlrr T a c e.r f ,V " '-and. that ' c. carefully compared the oric;naTe, .J?? fepri,ld0B" inth Reorder, Od fiud then, ,0 bepreciWy lhe fj except. -one wow, wbic appear, to be an error j.ui,i.; n. . - Le,fer$ tre JluJed to. were nub 'n.ed.ntheMir.uvaftl.e.phuS , There ij in 1),, n--i 'rji . Aroiltronn m f,. .....u: . .. ti . J ,k " ",a'"""' " life, on which there m f,inr ... 1 . . t,i 1 . .7 ao uiir as a lld.t fcuihel. and ;v.it.r iir.vi. :. a.- .. . r- '' " 'S-juppoied irom in .........1- 1 . . ' ' And Tor fale at their P,i ;r o' . ; HaHtTx and Jlh. at 40 ; .t" r"w" . uuuars ier orof. ' " ana to eentit a m,.. . . ' 1 ALMANACK ii w .,, .nmextue or Lean Year, and the ii, -y.i. e . P . . (""Hum imtric.i 1, o . njeetmg ut the Mtdi t hr day of December next 7 Aa the feufiners of the tneetinc wifl be more ,h.n ufuaHy j m Rfl J tenda.ee of the members J3 ,cq&td. ' By Order, v : 16. r CALVIN -inMFo. , ' mcc y. i JO 1 as tea tp,oStby the mu:ual dread in lO.mp , Iin.r. ! .vhat h which rci-rv nn.it.. . rvl wu ul us iieiguQ ,r. Jitice the treaty of vrWw, the Jiitle p,.wni are eitmrt Ml f It. I 1 me ..my concern ta now ir had defence ag.in(t The e i, lair ooe Leuth,n and balf a fcore of IrnU fiA. T.ut as France irauhtcs old cswe, it i, material to no.e the points of d.ffercnev and leiernhlanee. ronn ma ft ...1 ! was tepabUca... France h row mW, ptec.reiy ,0 the Stale irt which Home 'became Ipaciiic and I began to feel decline. to corrupt her as h.1tJ, afttr tht h,,r mrs of hci civil war. Yet it in probabl "o naParti wkTs of a politician and- ,. ofa wair.ur ths-j Auouitus ih.f, t Roman Cisar . The Roman, too, had ,.-. foe near t.Itaa. PAay beyond t!- E' plates, and a j Lrt. ff parchiR f. nJr i, ; . out fo.inti?n of Vvcr, divide! -he gr.at g npitel of J Puttbia r, ch other. VV j6l )en . hoy woresV and .cry httle-Uertfle he p.-fTion. if ,hr ROpIc of titkei uf thfJu.f,;- J or.er " mini ifi fiiir na. 11 n on a brn mik , ; r "'" iivi'vi aiin i.curitv n.i Ijirl f,f ciimtnnn ivjrij, traizi riif-r..i .,1 :. . ..' , . witn Diiufin.en. AW.W ,'. , t-r hanki e and fir.iW..,i ,.,m. 01 . , , " ., . iue i- hrjgnd tn poMen rhaina. ,w, i,,,,!,. ivcintdi on. attd nut nn 1...... .1 re nh fpS!m.l, Pranc, ia u,nv " n ra-'ii 11 rahh .. .. - . jn r ....... j . r . li.jui; or tne Uity of (ilci .h o.-i.i-ca- .,111.1. jKpne to any change becaufc there is ' iLh r . u l K-,BCU "" t fv h..iardi.-.i U..rl,alf.w,tted Dh,cr,(s in ;i (T. pt,a, weaii.1 produces war. S fir rQm . ir'" , " . , , r-"'"- ' tne. pot ieHk,.. of wealth mak- a nation m- IT, ft. r.lr than " ford id, r.i!li,;g to tak'e k-ck. I, iHV. and n nr, f- ..;.. ... 1. . . ' . -:.7r"" Jt iiunor and lttu r.U. avr, has the Ip nt Ta camp, (f c ceoWW, ae,s-,uat EaHJ tuj tba-. of a cou'p.thg h.iufe. Prart the Firgi.vij Humid. Aug Davis, Richmond". -foppofe that Corn t fus. SvlIa. inftead bdicat.nff thc d.Aatotih p, -.roainedat .he - rinl th R"" "rm.V,, the Eon a parte a f,f,dabee,.emy 1,0 ai(d were t;.k.rou. Cur ,6, Q nty ad the .Syrian monarchy undei Ann ocHus, -e reduced to fc,;rin Where- the ati.krx.SUiA lind, in V. a lVIITHROAT,tS We f or - "-scnemieg near ar.d i ttm will not be oicillr '. l V er of h . P, .- 5 to "!afee P"w ke her ,, reate The or-.f Ti ' 3 Raff" h"aehoft..it..- vh, a-nl wilOf r;3n Cr"" B- , ,,- r mien t.'iCin on to her U f as aux.hanc, to ,tT fche of Jn dizement. U'e fci, -f, t- ,88w? Mjin. w d , :;aft,ffan14 thoufanJi of n.m . g i , '"me 161 t'L 0?;t,dTiu7ki til t Vr-Jwu thr,Y ' V'nd, Tf r J ' e.lriiJn, of 0Ur c" " Pn- .n .anVm.. r? ."r cre wilh fo. '"'irunt of ;renikr C?" tl'v 1 0 vr Km .Wl.HIN'G that the public my fcV. -vvrv pc.ffi opportunity ot co-rfft Lti',dKc f J' r,'nfei;Ca on 4 futj.ct f no ! : nd fo 't-'xeJUsr t the feti ng of ,i t 7CT"-'-ll . f ir m m r1.!! 1- 1 . ,. " vail..liucr. I ykLc liiitrt;. fubikly, to r r p..tKn;-e to aUer- (l.,,,,,,!,-th L;ne ;; ,, l,,ejPrr,LlJJ-Uoua at fooV - de.,iFMsifmijc, f.rcd;n ,w. .. ",c .0,".",,il 'ira .re i..t!gtd i-. the of v r i r n mi. Conu.m( g the Lunations, Ri(JnB, and S:t. t.ng of ih- &an, Nfpon am Seyin s . bolar and LuflaLEolipfca. J .mal k pXTRAORpikSRY Phcomcnon -J Unmn of tin? r.r . Detter ho.Te . On ... -.a V wriaje.- Peach tree," A . l ,1 -ffMcerf A rtrkable .. Kfr.. j fia-ftrt -n a do.. Z T7 nKm'"y- 'en,a,kaSI,,V or ine bite ot a mad dog. The lawv r s See tfre,bhnd beggcr dance, the I cVipJe D h-s .landlord To be CM by NichoS Branch. A boxi g match. , Adertifen Bt - vj,,,. u, Aj.ejperate Afliffins "-f-hsid'S .-.i.o . iriuitili icaiinn: P1..' v..- Nation rT TUtZHL r: a. nxu olatss. ienfus of heinhabitanM i,f N.-.l. ..i us or ment of the ITn rrrt 1 :n . f WrM No, th-CaroimS lauT cur Conference, Supreme and County. Ad ex cedent W. fte Painf. ' tX Sixty Dollars P SI"Nliro"-,he s-tfccibe" -f' Mr, John JJuuonihc-.i ph, of Z aCth.f AKft, ,.fJluabte - GELDING Chefnut forrl .. ... 7. . L' . Li t ' 1 old, Bbaut ? feet bfsL .-irnn...k.kU 1 . . r . ... i, : , . """7 anols the- neck he withe,,, a natural ,r,tlr -.nether liMnded-r-dd.' Whoever ,11 recover ,f,ia h(mfe ,ftf tl8t lhr V teflw','.fr- haodfome . SeVteinbtr MO 3ES ME A I.r Madeira.& gjherry jYouna.Hyfun I P rort Wine in hot. t es. . , ATnhifT Wi:h a tienr.;,; afr,..,.... Dry Go.,ds. Hard.w;.;.n: W-rc. whWi ,hn ..... ' lr' V"1 for Call, 0r Produce. RaUh,h t is fir, t U'low" nil Ui .in' .Tflll.lr.t ''- '"it ..t,.7 nit- Mr., ,;Te-.ro., a, wtietlur y,. confide, the one bev.V. Iv. g'.aiu..:ua, -u..i,.k Has ai-r f.tl,'. "'. btljje y,r(V!f icen thj.fe lctrrs who u aw a'r,, arq,:rVtJ w;h .... k,,,. .."".T Ut-V ' ut the livitnr, n -li .nil- ..:,... .1 " " ,w I II HI' aS 1N..T l. :.i. 1. puiiiS Iii-ird ? V'"J haw.-iy,,ibeett at. if.'c 1: to Comp;rtf thole -iWg.'n;,!, with fiiioiimrO ,,y C'ten.-lti Vl.c ot jit ,,f the ahove , niv' Vrw fcrct ire, nd. I pnfj t,',.. wji, m apcloLiyTo,. Asa public' Trvau, I or irc 1, ;ne editor of a pubi.e pVter mtJFi iu coui.lcrrd) I Ih.1,1 yf1, b(.u,,ci, pd,, y-urown .lilottion, 10 .throw all the lvht 6n',I"s fu' J d '" '--an. Should y(U, foe r vmv. i -L u ( ' 1 n l i Til-. amwfi v.n .t.iu .1 e mc aiiil ili; riuMiV ftrtier,clfijrs, Oct. if, i8b2. Lift tfj, titers remmuinrr h, tj)t p0j.Qfrtce Tt.Vj 4t V IJ 7 . (V ' , mi uay or January tiext, n 7-. u.-c Kjcna-ui Vojt-U'nce at dead ijfiiers. - - T OitffvT v - . . ville. fame . A. II..." r i. 1 A House 6f 500 Dollar A HOUSE, fituate ( naJeih 0ft y e weI ,de of FayttteviKe Stfe J, I n twent, flepi of the Ct-urt Jjope , ,t con U103 thi.teen room, nioe f W,.ch have fire" iTaveV' ,nTry ,eal'Wd for .onvenii-ht 8,a,l : 1. rge,Lfod.moft "'v u.ici i he lot ennrely ftp,r,ted from other ots by C , of confideiabie width, which will , fT? thehui,di gs from fit TtZ te thepremife, at a. reafon.ble pH a conven.tnt t.me. 0f credit or Jeali the f for one or more years, w,th a fn-i Y . hundred dollar, iJ cVfl, k Uh rood fem, ,V L. H . . Cond John Hop., of to'-w-K .'T: Mr. 4U'.nor.icd to en. er into any coi-tracl for me concerning property he may think prot-e,. 2 Hilifisorouh, f,fa 19. Early Fall GOODS tlirlr 1' 1 11 ml. n i . ' al, that ,hrir F-ilI. G -odVar.V 1 'L "" come ra,ely to hand. Their Imn Uoo of EUrnn t ' 'mPrta- Lit"s;:,.1f'. ;r-.a 'Mie whole vt ill ti n' , . . widbefo .h"Uim..- lions by ",'t ., ""rame .eVuU the Fre T? ?' would TufTeV. ao(! o Anfwer to Correfrtbndu.?. oiR,-An anxious and laudab e difjre to ' c carne'.t information ' refpedinii. the extraord nar rnrV.f.-.,..- l S t,, . - v.j.u.iucucc oerween -our PrsCden: ana James T. CaTlendar.-whic'h has lOW atmp-ir. - 11 -r Am- i I , 01 tne lJUt;,c Prins -Aineriea ha. t....r r .' - ih.k "v F,,:,"n'c. pelted, to you tile ahnvp lln o. .u. ,r 1 . . ' ... v.m uoic,iea to n,e ,i, the V r n anfw,r to the i.l and 2d, which require 0 know whether myfclf an, af ouaintecTwi.!, ?..hand writing of Mr. Jcfferfon, and whe tner anv ntlirr iSp. . ..,- T - "i-..., HLijuainre i with Mr. Jeffe.fir, , hand wrjjtin hav;Teen the letteVs, v.w.,t mar a am perfectly accuaint ed w.tn the hani-r .r.:Si--.--j .iu.. r nil . hiiu iuat,everal refpeclable characlers, -ho have called "on me for an examination of the letters, and who are alf , acquainted with Mr JefTeilon'a W writing Tiffm the lett fs d-pollted iri ny hands by. Wf. Cal ertder, to have beea 'nllpn Ku '1 hrt..... . T rS.-. - laintu v.oui) t". Wi A..n:.. r. ,? - '.. " '"1, or- rratt. mat I tev,.le, Dnn-Ttri Bor. ,,,nd HP, N. - l.x Boch-ngh.m, Faytw.Hc, J-mu 5nuKi CumbeT ...J Comuy, Rohe t tf, ...am I'ay.ttcviJlej.G, jj (r ' ,e!l Co!. ; Robert Jl-r,,rr'l j ,.j:.. eorge Rcfon-,B7owr Ci.berlaHd n Vn 4 '"n eml'bTl, R-ft Swamp D-?.d Colbreath, (J.1P.. John C t, Cum r.and County, Robert DonUdlon, -t '' Z', ?chr Mrgait E!1mftt 2 Hrael F, cfoov Cambcland C,y Wl '? f Ha'K' rueville. M.,garet Hill net land. Cnnnrw TY....:j it . ' . '- :" -""o n-Lnnecy, Count v. Mciir, )C:.... ..-l 7 ..ojrt W.!,n K.e, Cumbedand County, fcj ward W Faycttevilie, Hugh' Lamon Ciimherland U,,n:y, JtlTc "Lee,- pfy"r vihr. Duiican M'.m; l ori.... . - " 1 . II,.. M-l V , ' " L ""l0r"J Countv, joi n M L.an , C.mbchnd Couoiv,' Lu cretia. M'D.m ll A1..1 ... I' . ' james Mufe. and Alex,n,fer M'Q,een 2 hayetteville. lohn M'PJ.l C . . &..,my. Arch.b,!,! M'NieU, .,,! r1(ltl M Kenie. Famtetille ' Ni,i vv.t..: DoiialJ M'Cotquodale. Cumbi-rl,.,. ( ... RoWrt f comb Wl,i,c Maifl,. 6abVl rnrker, J'avettcvi 1. an,i,. r. F. .""""it- io:ri or orin. ditto ; M. D. ' . . . ,) r 4- Jr . '""nan, YVi ,,.,. , , U " '""u otewart, Cumher land Cowiiy 3 ,V.Dncan Stewatt and-Jolrr- 4 - w r 1 ol " """" oteivarr, I ,f,-ph .S,B,th, John bhw and; Samuel H." Sibley, T',, '7t ,1!1W' Jt0b'fa,' Conn f, David Torry, Fayetteville, Hcllfy W,i. Iiams. near Favetuw 11. , 1 arbefe, the u,Z i 1 ST an" ic :o I'mchafe by KVIrdelale to ' tailv " JielaIe to tome forward PlodtlCC tl nrri' . -II . '-id Inr n 7 " 'ecived, N' tt;?rds,ons McMan & Co. . V- U ky Ik vc ujx Hand, and for Sal,- -?. Thf-nd Dn,eU Liveitoi Gcn.Sumptcr's saddle bags. Tb pcrfor , who has found Gen. Sumiv ters baddle Dags, ,, hereby informed " that a reward of fnri r-i l . u 1 , , ,. J J win oe niven to hm, on the dehvprv f k. i . ... n h 1 , . a r i, S'i -t apers. &c. to Mr. Grove, m F,ye,teville. OcV. ,2 Noticed T: A n"cI0,Irbe)tfl-'- - 1 or .jando ph, Mont-i Romery - Anion and Richmond f of uS all pcrfons . concerned are deflred to notice. . v 7f nenatrjMiM. tth Sefhmief, -it(02r An elegant Saddle Itaife, ' v...r- I .1 y jVi -;r-:vw,. ri. -.,1" Juci:, and uifli to 1- . -.