BARTHELEMY; If it were nectfTary to find any new ia. ftance infupport of the precept, that man " fiiould never dcfpair, tje. hitlory of Barthde my would afford it. ' After living to the age of forty; amidft all the convenicacies and luxuries reqnifite to one born and educated ill the firft c.lafs pf gentlemen after refi "dence at the court of Lbndoa, 6r(l as Secre tary and then at Charge 6ei Affairs for the King of France, he negociatcd at Bade the ' peace with Pruffiv and wai then elevated (if elevation if can be called) to a place iu the Director y of the Trench Republic. A mi 1ft the1 pomp of this unhappy greatnefa, tMs mifcrablc grandeur, he was feized on th-tlJ ArfiintrmKm. I 4"rtf. h ntAer of his colleagues, and others, and on the btn, was placed in an iron-'-Cage on.g carriage fome thing refvmljini a gun carriage, and wss ' ' thus removed, with fevers! other perfont in ' feventecn days to "Rochefort, palTing the night in the word dungeons of the towns, ia which thty flopped. r " ' . -The-next day. :thyitrj forced into the . hrtld fmall wTTr-l. and. wk-en ' thirtv fix , ours had "ela"pfid' Once tljiry had eaten or , raflk, a pail of water Ws Jet. daws amoogfl v them, cco:noanitd wuh two-ot the crews . loaves- t Barthrlemy, with three others. ' or this told; Iri fedJd with cjnaTaOMS, wi t h ou: a hammock to lay their heads upon, though, unable to keep themteives upright. Their ftKKl. dviri.ior a whole vovairer which V. o rarriivt" thrm mftr( Atlantic. w. w. " ftife bifcuit.' with boik&gourgane, or beans ' without fcafoning, "tod tn fuch ihfuflicient quantities, that, at tim;, when they were not affetied with fitknefs they feft the molt OrniiMittflniv sAwnrtfcrr ah I . swv fa 1 1 n w flu. of his. companions, the , unfortunate Def Tonville. altered fitch crier bt rage, that, fays Ramel, we were afraid, he would bite s. On their arrival at Cayeme, Banhelemy . and his companions were confined in a pri 'fon in the dungeon of Sioamaty, each hav ing a hammock to himfclf, btii neither ta Die, chatr, or any piece, or turnintre, or uter fil. Their food wis preparedly a cook, taken from the houfe of correction, who 'twenty ftmei threatened ' to poisn them, and their btead w'a often t03 fall of worms and ants to be eaten. Their. dns were .overrun with febrpions, tnillepcd, gnats, ; omfquitoes, and many, other fpeces of in ; feds and reptiles, not excepting lerpents. .They wer.e tormented al with a ftecies of bug, called Chicba, which enters the pores cf the flcin, ard if not carefully removed, Juccd thetej'arrd dettroys the flclji fo rapid ly, as to render -amputation ieceffary. Tneir who'.e prufyed, eveifrom the ram pattaot tu tnt,"sral and impene aJjIcJdjlLr Tygers, that came wi:liin mufcet fhot d the Fort, the flirill end piercing lu cams of monkies, the r'ifcordant notts uf aaroti,' and the croaking of- vene.iious toads, of which the foflefs and the muddy banks of the River were full,, rendered this Icene a wildernefs of bow," Hete died the brave General Murtnais, one of his com pagans, a man of the roolt 7 accornplifhed character, and of a large fortune, all facri ficcJ in the Revolution, which he Tiimfelf bad promoted, in -its firft , fiagts Here " Barthelemy, though fo Cckly, and fo ail ing, that tven his exiftencc, was a niiace, in the continuance of wbiih he had hiniiclf believed as little as hii profctibers, pofTifled van internal principle of life and a ilrength of ' miod. which the calmnefa of his external appearance would fcarcely hue given room to fufped ; but which fheved itfelf with energy on every occafion." ,. In this prifon Francon de Coudray and Lafond, two of the deported weie poifon ed. .Thef two viAims lay in the fame loom in their hammocks, which were their death beds," oppolite to each other. The cries their tortuies forced from them, re echoed to our raom and far beyond ihem. Nut lii 1. it could aDoeafe their fatal vomit inr e n . t Lafond ctied out with vthtmence ; he raif td his hand towards heaven, and called, a -loud upon his wife and childrcu. Their torments continued twenty five day, at the end of which" they expired s' and wn. the outers couiDiamiu tir imc. me Lommmd. cr, who netore uie revolution, nad been a footman, he told 'them, they ought to know they were not feat to Sinamary to livti to eternity." v The preceding citcumftances t.e collect ed from the nanaitv publiflicd by General RjithI, whe wa traufporied at the fume - lime with Barthelemy, and who'with him cfTrAed an efcape, of which an account wa pubiilhcd fome yeSis "fi; ce. I; is luificieiit to jhe purpnfc of thii article to add,'that on the JOth of Sept. 1798,- ooe year from the commencement of this Scries f fufTering.. Btrihelcmy entered the Briiidi chsiinel 1 that he was protected for fotne time in En land; and that after bting reflored to his dative country, he.-is now in one bi the belt' fit nations which it offords, and may, thank GOD, that his ' principle of Jife and hin firength of mind" rjeser was i fubdued by di fpair. ,' '' , - -irh . - SCRVAPS, FROM LATE LONDOSL-JPAPBRS. Art Etigliihman and an American,- in Paris, having made a, wager of 200I as to which of them could remain longed under water, plunged both together into the Seine 00 the 4th Frodidor. . The Englifhaian continued uodef water five minutea aad if teen feconds and the American, Jive mi nutes forty-two fecondswhiclu's confifrred as very altoniiliing diving, -, The Eoglirti man has not yet given up the. cootefl, but has challenged his aatagonilt to another tri al for double the futn , which the American has accepted. " The following remariablt circumdance may be depended on as a fad t Theflup Fair I American, waslott, about fix years ago, on the Ifle of Wight, and many boxes and o tber property were ftolert from her. Ye Herd ay morning, ( Aug. to ) howevtr, Meffrs. Hopkiu? and Gray, who wtre prin c'pally interefted, received a bx, cootaioing 49 watchca and within . it this . Aort no tice i-ly Advertile t.hefe, that ts- right owner, may have them 5 , and ataat T fee that done, will fend you the restas'sider.'" " A mft extraoidinary leap wa takjn by a horfe belonging to the 17(11 light (dra goons a few days ago, on the Creavet near i'MiHar. wjfA twaoE-4ha msn were- going thiooh the forth di'ifion of the fvrord e- ercife, 01 horseback, fully ac.ontied, and ht. ing at full of there perivtnga large hole in the , ground jufl before him, clapt his fpurs into the horle, sod cleared it. It was afterwards meal a red, knd foOnd to be iS feet 5 inche's over.. 1 he liberties lome nrwiaspers take-wttti the itw and htJatenvtvVi'xXf Hiocking.- The Jr'tjb Giant has been und; the necffnty of coiitradictrng the recoil of his death by affidavit, in which he fvesrs that he is not Only now ative bnt vhis fo at the tiine he was laid, t be d:ad ! , - A gentleman pafliog through,,. Hih Street, St Giles'?, obfeived to. hi, friend. that the glau was very high. " indet,d it is. quoth an frith labourer (who happened to hear him) a halfpenny higher ,thao .u ought to be !" One ilioujlit of FiiireBbeit; and the oiher of his.i of gin I he author of Tot Rtlnton of Natwre tie- R tateJ, "aflcid'a bigot, bow many religtottk and feds he thought there might be , in the world r Why, fays he. ? J. can make nn judgment, I never confidrred that qtrel tton.' Do you think," laid Wojlanon. there may be a hundred ? 0 yea. aleaft ?' Why then, f nd" the jjhilofopheri it ii ninety niae to one you- rs in,Jlkej(wixiug.'' CTB IN SEDUCTION -J, " ' A girl inrtiiut4 a protection jagajn,l a young man tor leductmo 1 bnt on ttttiig hercafeJier lawyer did noilbirik - Jhe4ia4 - very'inelancholy, but retu One rrt. nt;r. verjr melancholy, bnt returning nextjday with air ol triumph, (he faid, " Ariuthrt fad, Sir ! he has feduced me agin , thin morni;.lg," , In the year 1587, it wss jecicd st Gre nobic that a cluhl, rbornc by the wife of Mauleon de Beaumont, in the courreoffotir yarii during which he had been ablest from her, was legitimate, and thai (he had con ceived by thinking on her hnfbjsnd. The decifion was founded on the tXATOtoaiion of Vidwives hi all, declared that fuch bad frqe.ntlv been their eafer-' ' 1ECD0rE. An extravagant ftllow, who had got into the King's Beneh prifon for debt was called upon by his creditor to know if there were any termj he could pro pofo, as he did not wilb to keep liim flere, " I'll pay you 5.1. in the ppund, !ai the dtbtor.J " But," replied the other, you offered ten before " True," snfere! the debtor, " but I've learnt a great deal ett, and Once-yti fent me ta College you mull e'en pay for Ttny education." ; A lady feting the Shu iff. of -a cpnty, who was .a very hatidfoite" young gertltjman attending the Ju ge whe-Was an old an, war:. afked by a gentleman Handing' by whifh fhe liked bft, jthe Judge or the (he riff? The lady fold him .the fhenfT- Why f Becaufe, fays Hie, though I love judgement well, 1 love execution bet' cr." ; ; j ;;; , Medical Society. THE next annual meeting of the JMedi cal Society of North-Carolina, will be holden at' the city of Raleigh on Wednefday the firfl day of DeceiEber next. y As the bufinefs of the meeting wi'.l be mote tliao ufually important a punctual at-, tcndan c.e of the niembers is requefted. By Order, Oft 1 6. v CA LVIN JONEC. Sec'y- PETITION will be prerented t,o the next General A (Tembly, pravine the Eltablifhment f a Supe ior court at the Town of Henderfon, for a Giftridl to be com pofed of the Counties of Rando ph, Mont Eoniery. Anion and - Richmond ; of wbich all perfohs concerned are defired' to uke notice , . HendtrfmtM, tyh Seftmler, I8oj. . '. J . From the RicorJer. MRS. WALKER: ' In the Recorder of the curtent i re ference was made to a cir.CHmfhncr, which had occurred a confiderabie time fince, be teea a certain great pc: Ton age, and a lady in Albemarle coanty. We meant to pub lift it for yiriatis reafons. One of them ia that the public have a right to be "acquaint ed with the real characters of perfoas, who ift fthflpo(n ffers or the candidates for of. fice;: 'A fecond reafon is, that an enemy cannot refafe the right of being attacked witN his own weapons. Everybody mult well remember the1 noife which was made by the democrat in fummer, 1797, con cerning a perfonage of thO' oppoLtc payT who haC fallen into an illicit commerce with another man' wife. Sauce Jr tht gooe, met for the gander, fays the pro- A third reafon for publication ia that we have been loudly accu ed of a defign to at tack the charade. nf moft refpedabk laoy, whereas fnch a t king 'never owx came into our heads. The. Bee had publilhed the ftory, with .n contradiction or denial of it. Meriwether Jones, with his wonted judgment and delicacy, tranfplanted the article fnt'o his Examfnefpfb thartheRc torder cannot be charged as the frjl pwb liher of the tale. Inllead. of ariaigning, t t going to vindicate - th lady's cba rafter, if inii'eed t char terer la nncommonly refp -Aatle and ami ible tpiild be fuppofrd -to dand in want of vindication. Wc beg to re finderllood that, if Jones had been film t, we mouldjnoiojjbjy. TTitkrwtFe. But a certain great nerlon age has got luc'h an abfuid fet of de'endcrs about him ss ould he fiifficient for deltrry i ig the chir-ter of any man. We nevet beiore witntffed fo complete t etomple of literary fuicide. Without ai-y common otace declamation upon the fanctity of the leventh commandment, or the guilt nf fr itHttion, ot fuch tiite mattets, we (hall "e l 1 plain ftOiy that in uiivtifally' believfdj md that ought lopg fince to have been pub lidied Mr," John Walk-rr of Albemarle is a gen tleman of independent fortune, and a molt ineproacbabl ch-irirter. His lady is uni- verlnlly reprefffed as worthy to be.ih aattern of her f-x. A gttat pe'fonagf ' ho refidca at fome di'tance from Mr vValker's, and who had been at fchool with hjm, had, after Mr. Wa'ker'a maninge, ot en in fome meafure.' domrtticated by him. Upon allaccafions he wan received in Mr. -Walker's family, with that cotdial holpi ta!i-y, for whtth aVugiuian country gen tleman is fo proverbially rliftintraiftied - Tlre retttrn tTTtTiTrfnendlh7rwas an at tempt, as toohlh, as it was infamous, to injure the virtue of Mrs.; Walker, and the happinefof her hnfbind. He was repulfed with the contempt he r'eferved 5 and his intended exertion of hit ENERGIES Jor-the multiplication of our fpeeiei, was, in this in, difappoihted. The lady, at the re. q'left ot the great perfonage, cotifenltd to the concealment of the propi.fal. She did ibis, on the promife of Letter behaviour, in time to come. Mattets remained in that situation, for a certain period ; how long we do not exadly krow We did not tufped that the great petfon sge had pofTeffed that ardor of ecnflitut'wn. which W3S ntLcffary for the ret-ewal uf fo deteltable, and fo drfperatc a fchenie. We have been, within ttie lalt fortnight, al. mcft overwhelmed with reputable affuqia tionsofwhat was, before, futfiienly ere' 'ible. A fecond attcmp was made, by flrpping a billet into the ladv ' hai d. In the comirifli n of the very fame cria?, a mnltituda of fubordinate circumtances "may leflcn or argument the ptoportion "of guilt i aid there is not, peihaps, any vice, where the degrees of guilt admit of a great er diverlity than in that which is the fubjtft of the prefent article. Upon a topic d delicate we decline the hazardous office ot endeavoring to expat iate.J Ve only fay that, in combining th'eiiiiU'r'tlances of this Albemarle confpiracy, there is not a fmgle point of ajleviatioo,.: : Whether the great perfonage was, at that time, married,' we do not pretend to fay. We have, in relating this affair, adhered to a generality of txprefftcn, to prevent the little contradictions of our1 precious .public printer. On receipt of the billet, Mrs Walker took her hufband afide. . She put he paper into his hand, and told him of the former attempt, that fhe had conditionally promifed to fupprefs. The great peifon age received im mediate permiffion to quit the houfe; is almolt needlefs to add that this permiffion was accepted , Mr. Walker never mentions the name af the great petfonage but in epithets of the molt ardent detettation We, have been affured that he. received; from the gt eat perfonage either one or more letters of deprecation I and that, if any clamour (hall be raifed by the democrats, thefe letters, cr that letter, will butS upon the indignation of mankind. Now, dopt give us any more1 challengci to fublifb letters. You have had quite enough of that. For, in fpfte 0f the childilh prattle of the Examiner, the. Re. corderof Odober 6th. made an impreflion which can never be recalled. Dont giv ns arjy more defiances to do all that y can do. If you had not violated the fanduary of the grave, Saily and her f,n Tom would ftilU perhaps, have (lumbered in the tomb of oblivion. To charge a nan as a thief, and an adulter wis, of itfelf, bad en ough. Bat when yoo charge him with an adion that 18 much mere excrable than an ordinary mwder, even that at the Bloody Run, is the party injured not to repel fuch, bafenefs, with ten thoufand fold vengeauce upon the mifcreant that envented it I RefuH of the Ne Dj Jerfey EleaUn. It is with much fatisfadion that we are enabled to annonnce to the Federal Re publicans of the United States, the favora ble change which has recently taken place in t he" political charader of New Jerfey. The late eledion, , like every one. that has preceded it fince the sitting of Congrefs, here American! govern themftlvet, lias rc fulted favorably to the Wafbingtouian Policy. Lai year the democrats obtained a ma joiity ofne in the houfe of sflembly and in. Council .1. this i.year. the- Federalifla hate a mpjority f one n the affembly, and - ih aYvrl narlv m in Pnuitl .m mretine. where the Governor Jind at h Itate cdEcers ate appointed, the two partie will be equally balanced. The Federal Ticket in Cape. May, we are credibly in'omcd, fucceeded by a ma. jority ol flarly three t0 cne. ,-Mi-JStocktonT4t is faid-wilt be the Federal cancidate for Governor, ia New. Jfef. ITrehtonFed. " JUST PUBLISHER, And for die at theJr Pi ifiting-Offices in Halifax and Raleigh, at 40-lolIars per 1000, or 4 cents each i t ctollars per 500 pr 5 cents each j 7 dollars per grofs, 4 dollars p r half groi's ; 75 cents per dozen and 1 6 cents a piece HODGE & BOYLAN'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMANACK, f er the Year cf our Lord 1 803 ; Bein the feventh after BiflextUe or Leap Year, and the Jtjth iSthof Arneric .si r - j 1 i mocpenoenee. j... ti Calculated or the .Sum of North Carol ia" "S. precifely adapted to the Meridian and Latitude of the City of Raleipff. f North. Canilma. Containing the f unations, Riling, and Set ting of the Sun, Moon, and Seven Stars, Solar and Lunar Eclipfes, Remark- able Days' tec. &c ALSO, lH At KVUKiJINAKY Pheaomenon, AIj Origin of the Grey Mare being the better horfe On female neatnefs after marrfage. Peach trees, A remarkable ia fiance of fidehy and attacVmttit n a dog. Extraordinary memory. A remarkable in ftance of longevity. American longevity. Cure for the bite of a mad dog. The lawyer's prayer. Means of preferving timber in veflcls and bridges. Cure for Cancers. Recpe for the Cholera Morbus. Recipe for a cough. The choice of a wife. On Celia. Take time by the forelock. I have feen, anet ! have not feen. Owe no man anv thino. See the blind begger dance, the cripple fine. r.i - t.j. . .,1.1 iTir. xay, woo ran away indented to his landlord. To be fold by Nicholas Branch. A boxing match. Advertifement. Beware of a couple of Defperate AfTafllns. Beware of another .Villain Petrarch's idea of Books Multiplication. Calculations. Population of the United States. Cenfus of the inhabitants of North-Carolina, - Govern ment, of the United States. Lift of the mem bers of the feventh; Congrefs of the United States. Federal courts Supreme, Circuit, artdDirtf cVi North-Caroltna ftate courts Conference," Supreme and. County, An ex cellent 1aint. ICP Couhtr Mrrrhnntt mni tuhhf ihem. fehet -with this Almanack, by applying at the Stores oj sriejrs. uonaiajvnt, Masmtuan is Co. and M' David Anderfon, Fayettev'tlle and Mr. John Hogg, Hilljborough--on the vfual wholefale prices. ' Robert Fleming & Co. Have jufl received a Frefh Supply of Belt Weft-India I Alfo Rum, 4th Proof, Sugars & Coffee, French Brandy, Holland Ginni-, Imperial. ") Madeira & Sherry Young Hyfon Jvg Wine, and touchong, J w 11 . it? 1 i 1 on vvme m doi- - ties. - iMolaffes, &c.&c Whha . General A ffortmeni of Spices "Dry Goods," Hard-Waie, QuteDs & Glaf Ware, which they continue to Sell Low for Calh or Produce. Raleigh, 08. 5. - ... 4-... '': 1 .1 ;