fROM THE ANTI-DEMOCRAT. PARODY OS CATO'S SOLlL.eiUt. T? It must o J a, thou reassiVst well : Hie whence chit pleeiiae hope, this thirst for pleasure This longing alter lovely Sally But why thii secret diead, and inward ihame ' Of being detected r Why shrinks the oulf Does rcujn'i secret, impulse itrivt to shake My Philosophical, and irm resolves ? . ' Til the soft tenderness that stir within me, Tis love itself that points the p.h 19 rapture, ' Aiii mtimates a paradise o levers. A paradiseoh ! pleating. dreadful thought ! Through wbai delicious scenes, of real blin j ; Throiigh what left sentiment, the soul muit pats ' The wide, the lovely object lies before mi ': But doubt and lean obseuse my distant view. rr. Here will I hold il there' 1 a God vf nature (And that there is ; all reaipn plainly proves In sweet sensation) he must delight in truth ! And that which he delight! m muit h happy But when er where thii voMd waade for cen ure I'm wearv of tonjceiure, Ui muit u4 than. (Taking Saly by vne hajid, vui holding tht key of the' treasury tn the other.) Thus I am doubly armed, mi joy and life, My vt, my pleasure, now I bold before me, - Thii in a moment would suffice my passian 'And thii informs all would be ttcure. The mind secured in constancy will smile At hartheit th.-eats, and boldly frowns tte.y t - Paine shall grow sincere, Gallatin honlt -"Cheetha tUtfjrtj Dam arwivt maflU " But thou my aouHh constancy i incere, Shall view uneaeved each variegated charm, 4 And Jaujh to acorn attractions of the fair. . - ' tKOM TBI iAUjLdl. ON 'EDUCATION. When one orDofed it to Solon. thf tt- mow Athenian legiflator, that he (houldes- ' Ublifli r quality at Atben6, he replied Firft make thai of it in year own family " E very family if m little commonwealth, or a government in minature ; and every head of a family it a ruler, in whom is veiled, to . ... . i .. j:.:. t a a certain extent, legislative juumai tuu ccutire authority.. This important and ve netable ftation require prodence, benevo lence and a happy mixture of moderation and nrmnefi. The fVo extremes or bouna. lefa indulgence and tjranoical leverity are equally pernicious to the intereft of thii siren. The child that U alwaya indulged is tn ' the way to be fpoile d. cn enervated Hate of mind, together with rettlefs difpofitions and diforderty habiti, are commonly the ef fects of too great a degree of parental.iudul gence. Efop's fable, of the -miitAy. that m the yearnings of her motueily fondnels fqueexeJ her young one to death, aptly" denote! the blind affection ot thofe parcn ts, who lay no tefttaiuts upon their children ; hut devote themlewes to the cratthcation f all their abfurd whim and petverfTTni mot. Such oarenti. while ther make thcmfelves the flavcS of thofe wbi they ought to govern, commonly reap the bitter fruit of their milguided fandnef, !a tbe un dutiful behavior of their offspring toward -them ; which often increafes with the in creafe of age. Characters of diftinguilhed piety and worth hive fomeiimca been itvnk. ; "id with this foible. Two very remarks ble and melancholy iuflancts are given in facred hiftory. : iv It ia thera attefted, by the reproving voice of heaven, concerning Eli, that " hi Ami made themfelvei vile, and here drained them not."- His cxtiemc indul gence towaids them feems to have been the fatal caufe of that horrid profligacy, w hich iflued in their utter deftruelion :, and Rand record a 4t folemn warning to alt who fullain the" parental relation. Tbe fenior pat of the family of David, feem alf to have been ruined by the extreme indulgence of a father whofe talents, in fome icIpeAt, were incomparable ; who poffefT'd, in a fu perlative degree, the finer f-eimgs of the human heart t and yet under peculiar temp, tatiom, fell into crimes of the bUckeft hue ' which were fucceedtd by the lowed ptoftra tions of -finaitre jrepentance, tbe cxercifrs whereof he expaeffed io Unguage the mod pathetical, the inoft hotnble and con trite, that, perhaps, ever flowed from the lips or from the pen of asy man. The . I.. A -r A MaMJ AWr.liiM mnA A Ann. th evinced the mott rftcking depravity ; and the facred penman remarked concerfng , tbe latttr (the other two moft likely expe rienccd a fimilar indulgence) rkiit " his fa ther had not difplayed him at any time, in faying, why haft thou done f$ i" ' To this unlimited indulgence of their childhood and ' early youth may he fairly traced the rebcl 1 iou difpofition and anVociou conduft of fholeyoung men whTch ovcrwheloicd their father in flood oi aoguifc, and " brought down hi grey hairs with forrow to the f rave." ' ., . ' , , '. ,' , - . Equally pernicioas, in ita effefts. is the oppofite extreme. An uareafonable rigour; in parental government, ha a tendency to benumb the fatukie of fome children, while it flimulaVes other to plunge with greedineil into fcetie of diffiparion, as foon tt they get free from the domeftic yoke. Wwwim clcgymaa of;rcfpectable ta leal and itreproachiblc oorals. At cue. sbt tn vice, .and feariag that Kit children anight be infected with the pollutions of licentious age, he kept them, as tnnch as poffible, from joining their equal even in the insocent amnfementsof youth. In tbc mean while, his manners, towards them were auftere and forbidding, iofomoch that they were ready to tremble at his prefence. It has been frequently toaaarked, ; that, whenever Severn enterceS a' room where hi children were fitting, they were inftaBt Iv ftrutk mute, and would rife up altoge ther and leave tbe mom, or elfc ftcal out ot it, one nfter another. This rigid difcipline had tffas direftly contrary to the mtea tions and expectations of the pious father j for his fons, who were naturally Ipngnuy and aftive, tfoon as they had obtained inat liberty for which they had long panted, be came the mod wild and euuipatea young men in the place. ,-J' ris a welthy farmer ; and dreading above all things, left hi fona fhould become fpendthrtfis, he has always been cartful to hedge fq their pah with thora. t The pn riod of4heir early youth, deprived-! -arcll of tbe neceflarv allowance of recreation, as of any confiderable degree of fchool inftrac tion, wt confumed tn inceilent toils, wncn ther erew up and married their father planted them aronn4.imtJjJttbjeAtj them to the right rem ot parental govern ment, rtd with a watchful eye directed and managed the whole fitheir , ronccm. Wilt vou n'ant a few pea, to day. for lumaer erceos i" faid the wife of ode of his fons to ber hufband. who then' thirty reartofaee. ." I will go' replied the do titul fon, and confult my father upon it. ' The fons of thtaover cateful fat htr may ne ver be fpendthrifts ; but they will always be thildrcn. Between the aforementioned extremes in family coveroment there is a Gtldtn Mtan and haDov are thofe who find it. Jn this number are Patrtchii and bit wife hudta Rcfptftable in their behaviour at homi, well as abroad, they have obtained the Ipon, taneou refbect'of their family. I be hrr irflen they taught their children, was obe dience to their authority. I5y caie ful y checking and cropping the fir ft buddings of chttinacy, they cafily moulded them to the habits of fubmiffion and order. By notitinsr and encouraeiae in tbcm " what foever things arc vinuou and lovely," thty excited in their miods a Rtongdeiite 'o ex cel. i-Their precepts being nirorsnly en oredbr a correfpondent example, are re fpeAfully received and cherifhed, and be came writttn, at it were on the heart." While thry are Careful to habituate tliei children to fpend their time induftrioufly and ufefullr ther never deny them innocen and feafooable amufemcnt j and, iu the mean timeare at pain to convince thern that the reftraiutt and prohibitions, which they lay upon them, are tiecciiary and kina iy intended, and conducive to their belt intereft. They-nak.: nd difplay of paren tial authoriry. N terrific rod was ever hung up io their hnufe Ptitracivi i not feen ftotming with rage, and breathing out threading," and vtrgeance. Eudotia feldemt fcolds or frets iind ' fhe, asfrUiom. i difobcyed. The uthorkyjs(hkh--hey exercife over ihir children, il fo hipp?!y blended with mildnefs, courtefy and aifi hility, that, ' the yoke is eafy and tbe bui den is light." With a mild voica, they fay to their children, " Go," and they go. " Come," and they come ; do this," and they do it. And this prompt obedience fpriugA more from affection ; hatt trOm fear i it is the finccre homage ol mingled rtfped and love. . 45ENEX. OOO JfCOOOO DAVID RUTH, Carriage Windsor-Chair Maker, T ESPECTFULLY informs" the Pub X lie, that he has fettled in the City of Ralcigh.wherejic tames on the above bu finela, and folicitt the favouit of ihVpubl c, which will be gtateful'y teceived, jand exe coted in fuch manner as fie hopes will give fatisfadioa. Two Apprentices will be taken to learn the above budntft. Odtber 25. N OTIC E. AT a Court Of Pleas anal Qiarter-Srfli-oni, heW for the County of Franklin, on the fecond Monday of Septeov er, 1802, the Subfcubert qualified as Executorf to the laft Will and Teftanient of Wtl&am Jifrtyt, dec they requcft all perfons having claims againft lata cflate to bring thom forward pro peily atitbenticated in the time tequtred by law or they will be barred of a recovery ; ft all perfons indebted are rcqucfleJ to make peymeat immediately. ' SIMON G. JEFFREYS, ,7 r , ROBERT N. JEFFREYS,! rt' WANTED, FROM 300 to 750 acres of good laosl, lying within fix or ftven tniles of this City, for which a. generous price will be givenapply to the PRINTERS. For Sale at this Office- i price three dollars ; DUTY anV OFFICE 'of JUSTICES ot PEACE, AND OS Sheriffs. Coroners. Conftables. &c According to the. Laws of the State of North Carolina. . , TO WHICU IS ApDIU AN APPEND FX.' Containing the Aft directing the Mode of recovering Debts ot twenty Pounds and "under 1 the Declaration of Rights and Conflitution of this State 5 the Conflit jtion of the United States, . with the Amendments thereto ; ' and an Abftracl from the aft of Congrefj, laying Du. ties on (lamped Vellum, Parchment and Pa- Tooif uti w ith A Collection of the moft vefal Pa sea Dtmi. Bv TOHN HAYWOOD. Efia. lato one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law ., . and. x.quy This work is'topiotiilv detailed undo the following heads j Acceikorv, Accomplices. Adiourument.'A- djliety, Att"ry, Apal, Apieniicet; Armed Go ing, Arrest,' Assault incl Baueiv, Assrmbiy, At tachment, Att.rney, Bail, Batiatry, Bastardy; Bat- erv, tuwdv -bouses. xMiiaviour, Bmeiniv, Bla p!e- my, JKoats, Canoes, 4tt. Beudi, , Bo - k., Bribery Bridte Buzery, Burials, Bu Elary, Butnipg, BuV' ng of liilen, Cattle, Hones, etc. Certiorari, Chai- jenge, Champe.iyr"X'heai7Xaui?nV'Clergy','''CterV Com; Commitiarnt, Cmmm Law, Conlession, ConiurlKijn, C nspirary, Ceinta'&le Con, ic ion, Corn Coroner, Cou ueifti injj. Counties, C umy, Courts Criminals, Debt, and iwb r, Deer, Dew nuns, Uis tress, Drunkenness, Elections, k.cajws, Es.Tays, tvi deuce, Examination, txioriio :, l;ee, Vea.t Covert feloiy, Fen ics, Fences, rire-huiHing, Forcible tn. try, Ice. Fore-tolling, For.citure, F rcerv, F.iniea. or, Freeman, Free NegroeJ. Gaming, Goal , i.i. olants, liuroian and Wart Hignways, . hog-urai. inr, Homicue, Horses, H .'and Crv, Hun nig, In diciment, I.tlants, Inlorrnation, Insolvent Debtors l.iSj ecci .n of Tobacco, Jurun, Justice, of the Peace Lands, Larceny, Law, Lewdness, Libel, Lord Day, Luna ics, Maiini ,g, Marriages, Marriage Con. t'acs, Members of Assembly, Mill and Mi!le Maintenance, Man laufnter, Ma. in Mi-advcniure, Miitiemeanoi, Misprison ot Fel ny O' Treason, Minimus, M ney Murder, Mu e isightwaikers, Hm comers, N.isancr, Oaths, Jriti aanes, Oro'.an, Overseers ot he I'oor, of Roads Pa don, Peace, Perjury and;!, Pen nai ini; Bail, Petty La ceny, Treason, Pi ysicians, PuS.ocket, Pillory, Pleas' and Sessions, Poison, Pelik-amy, Po k Preseniment, Principal, Prisen and Ptiioner, Prison Breaking, Piocess, Pro- phectss, Public Worship, CuaKers, tuaiantme, Xjue, Recognizance, See F.nes, Recoidari, . Rent, Re cue, Restitution :f stolen CooUs, Riot, Rout, &c. i'i,euand Creeks, Roads, Robbery, Rout, Runa ways,- Sabba.h, Sacrilege, 5cnoolmaster, bea na Sea. ch-War ant, Seil-Ueience. Self--;urder, Ser vant-, Sessions, Sheriff, Slander, 3laves. Soldiers, StahWng, Stwcks, Stolen Goods, Strays, Subordination, Sanday-, Sureties, Surety lor the peace, good behaviour, Surveyor; SuSLicieifi, Swearing and Cuis ing. Taxes, Tenant, Thft, Thrt.bole, Th-facing, T.-bacci , Traverse, Treasure iound, Trtupas., Trial Vag.antSt v ice and Immoral ity, tinned States, U lawlul A.semuly, Warrant, Wayr Weights and Measures, Widows, Wile, Witchcral , Women, Wood'. To DISTILLERS. 1 M E Subfcribcrs, havinsby pur chale of Col. Alii : Ameb.oN, of Lam berton, New Jerfey, become poieffed of the excIuCve right of rtiikinj;, conlirucling, vdng and vending to others to ufc in and for the States of North-Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Keutackey, and TeaneiTee the Improvement im this Art of Distil LATioit, invented by and fecuredtothe fd Col. A. Anderfon, by Patent from the Unit ed States, for the bijiill'mg ef Spirilt upon a new principle and on on improved plan of SliJJi, by meant of a eondenfmg Tub. They wifh to make fale af the Patent right far one or more of faid flates, and in failure of making fuch fale, they will fell the Patent rights to individuals for one or mote Stills as? may b required. -- Tht Advantajes of the newbWof rJiftilling, are, that much lef Fuel is re quired, and the procefs fo accelerated, that a Still can with eafe be run off twelve timet tn twenty jour b$urt A Still ef 1 io Gallons, with the addi tion of the Coadcnfing Tuft, and a Still of 54 Gallons of the common Conflraclion fof Doubling, will produce from 50 to 54 Gal lons of Spirits per Day ; if employed 300 working Days in the Year, lay at 50 Gallons per Day, will ptoduce 15,000 Gallons of opinis. v A Still on the new Mode will be, in ope ration a Raleigh, daring the enfuing Seffion of the General Affembly of North-Carolina, to ecmmeoce at that place on the 3d Monday of November next. . , Apply in Perfon or by Letter (pojl paid) to Tohm Hogg, Raleigh, N.. Carolina, or to Hi-nrt Wattsrs, Hyrneham, near Wilmington, N. Carolina. ' - Henry Wattcfs. v : John Hogg, , MUlhrtugh, Augujl 37, i8oj. , Scheme of Lottery Nor II. WTHtaUSBD by Aft of Affemblr. tor to tot other uies of that Inftitution. . d - j- ' Dollars, I Prize of 1000 4dUr$ 10oe 1 ditto 500 4 - soo 2 ditto 250 r0e 1 ditto 100 to it the firfl drawn ticket Vn the I aft day's Browing , Jao I ditto 200 tobt theUfl drawn tUktt 200 ,0 aoo 5 75 i 895 20 dim 15 ditto 895 ditto mlus 14,000 li0Vr " 5 Mia each I4OOa I be-uramnnt t this -..; mtnee m the Civ of Rl,;.k ,1. .a j... 7 ' won vtjirjiuay ..... w,,,.., -win ft tid ed as toon uicr mi 4. 1 acncaoie. The Prizes hall be paid hy the Treafurtr w me umver iftatant Urnt nfirr ing it clofed, with pun8ualii fubjett to ueuuunrt vf 1UICCI! pCT Cent. The nutnhers tt the fortunate he huhUfLtA ft ie f.l 7 . - jhc tair t " aii-r riztsvimtb Iball not ire ttePMMitd uitAin ninety days after the drawing is jinijhed, wilt he eonfidered eu rtlifiquihed, and held at a Donation to the Univerfity TlCKiTS to be had at Five DtllarSy of the Triftees of one Gentleman or more in aimofl ever Counts in the State and il. I , 'it y riomnioners at Raleigh. trtm tbe liberal Patronare Jhewn to the formet Lottery and from a belief that the preent pojefes advantages to the adventurer. .mw iU 4nm Q-l - I y, rr s .,..,,,,., ui jintr, it ommtjytoners ure inuuera 13 eope ana relieve teat tbe 'i tek eti of this Lottery will meet with m rt,if faie. t-- BFJJJ. WILLIAMS; Cesnmissioners jvuti nniwuuu. I WILLIAM POLK. Lapp"intcsl by nui 1 1'U 1 ill. I the Beard at HENRY SEA WELL, J Tustees. Raleigh, June 22, l8o3. NOTICE. U-(tyrlMerfipe-rawm under the firms of " John Hogg & Co. atHillfborough, Hore k Adam. Raleioh. H Aving craftd and expited on the fir InflanT by their own liaiitation. ihcfe 'ho flill Hand Indebted to either of the Firms, will pleafe to nr.ahe payment without delay ; the death of Mr. Robert Adam late of Fayctteville,. one of the copartners, reodefing it indilpenlably nectffary that the BuCref. of thefe Firma mould he rlofz-it aa fpeedily an poffible. I tt Uooka and Papers of the Hilllbo rough Firm, are in the poiTiffiofl of Jameo Hogg, jim. fhofeof the Raleigh Firm in the poiitiiiun ui nnarew naie, wnoare relpect ively authorifed in the abfence of John Hogg, to receive ihe debts due to and ge nerally to fettle the bufiuefs of the refptft. ive concerns, 1 JJ JOHN HOGG, for felf and ARCHIBALD FLEEMINGa Raleigh, J!ug. 9 Surviving Copartners. Doctor Henderson, HAVING juft received from Londotj and GLfgow, a very large and com pktr ifToitment of DRUGS and MEDI CINIlS He offers them tor fale on the? molt leaforible te,-ms. Medical Practiti oners and Store keepers, lefidiag in the Country, may rely upon their orders being fpeedily and punctually executed. He has likewife for fale, a variety of the mod celebrated patant Medicines ; as alfo a large quantity of well aflorted white glafis Phials, narrow and wide mouthed glafs and marble Mortais. Graduated Meafurcs, Pill Boxes'. Gelly Pot, Lead and Ivory 8f U 4 inges, Pewter and Glafs Funnels, and va- uoos other Articles ot ohop furniture. 6 fayettevtlle, July 18. OTj" A r ution will be prefented to the' next Geneial Anembly; priytog the eftao lifliment of a Superior Court at the town Of Smithfield, for a di&fiA to be compefesl nf the Counties of Wafec. InlraOn Win and Greene ; of which all persons concern mt h" 1 f?Fliri I A fair Blank Deeds For sale at, this Office ': . 1