THE NOR . i f , - R Jl E I G M . P ublished every TUESDAY b y HODGE & B OYL A N. went f jive Shillings per TearC From the Palladium, REMARKS, On Mr, WofcotfsyAddrejs to the people cf the United States, " NO, IX, . -j: , THE committee next proceed t criticife the application of money for purpofes of a confidential nature in the War and Navy Departments. Upon this fubject, their general af fertion is, that certain acts, pafled 1708 and 1 800. te the tJmiy autkwttics by whid ib Pre- fident might fetde any part ot the accounts or monies drawn from the Treafury, by making a certificate of fhe amount of fuch expenditures as lie may advifaolenot tofpe cify, which certificates are to .beta ken as vouchers for the Officers of the Treafury -that in all thele laws, ihii power ' is exprefsly confined to expenfes occurring in foreign inter- courfe. It is not, they add, " therefore, without confiderable furprize, that the Committee, have feen the fame-principle applied to the expenditures of the War De partment.'' Mr. Woi co rr, in e ply, after citing, at large, a report made by him upon this fubject by the direction of. the Prefident, in confequence cf certain doubts" rail ed by the Accountant of the War Department, goes on to remark, . It perceived, that it was merely the object of this Report to .fiwj:u f.,N - i .. : C1L4UUU1 IUI.I1 A IKJl III lUi eUJlWUUMUg expenditures of. a confidential na ture, as would moll effectually pre - vent abufes, and " fhield the Offi cers of Government, from, odium, or fufpieion." 1 never doubted, for one initant, that fuch expenditures were .?, and that the principle fhould now be qacitiuxrrd, has cs cited a degree of afcrtJj.uent in my mind, at lealt equal to the furpjize' of the Committee. " It is then ferioufly averted, that in the War and Navy Depart ments ; -eftablilhrnents, which, from their nature pre-fuppofc an actual, or probable- ftate ot War; wliirh are defitmed to Drotet'r our country agunft enemies, that the pre cile objeSl of every expenditure mutt be publifbed ? Upon what principle are our Generals and Command, ers, to be deprived of powers, which are fanclToned by univerfcr nfage, and expreisly recognized as lawful, by all writer on the Law. ol .Na tions ? If one of our naval Com manders, now in the Mediterra nean, mould expend a few hundred dollars foi intelligence, rofpecting the force or his enemy, or the mea- lures meditated by him, ovht the prefent Adminiftration to dilallow the charge, or publifh the fourcc, from which the intelligence was derived-? Is it not -equivalent to' a publication to leave in a public of fice of Accounts, a document ex plaining all circum'taiices relating to a payment-? -Ought, the tuuh to be concealed, by allowing fictitious .accounts'? Could a more effectual mode of 'pt eventing abufes be, devil cd, than to eftattlifh it as 'a, rule, that iiH ronfuitr.iial expenditures fhould , be afcertained to the; falisfaction pf the Chief Mugiflrate of our country, that his cxprels fariction fliouid be obtained, andtiat the amount of all fuch expenditures, fhould be re ferred to diPdncl account, in the pub lic Records ? . ' There exifts no colourable cx- cule, tor exciting t lie public j earn u ! y xvl this fubicct ; 1 am confident "'tliar theiecret' exptnfes'f the War" Department, fince iheeflabtifhment of the"1 prefent government, do not exceed a few 1 thoufand, probably not more than five or fix thou land dollars ; The firft' expenditure, ;vhich-4can recollect, was made in ' i79o,.or V79i,and fro.-rl the nature T U E S D A Yj of the object, as well as the ufual mode of conducting fuch affairs, it is highly probable it was known to all the'then. heads of Departments ; infor mationi that " fuch expendi tures were made, was giveii to Con grefiin 1792, as is proved by the following extract from a printed Report,-in relatroa to an eftimate for the contingent expenfes of the War Department A-. It is to be obfeXvedupon this article, as welt as xwhy other irt this fefiimatcf ; that- fJr every cent ex- pended in'purfuance thereof, vouch ers mult ce produced athe Trea fury, except'mg perhaps the furhfy ihhicb mjy be expended for fee ret intelligence, where the names might be le concealed , but for the propfiety of the fmall f unis, which might be ex pended, ttye rcj)0a(im ofjhe co ing officer is pledg'edWTe pubtic?--' " An explanation is due for Mr. Rofs of Pcnnfylvania, who, ii co'n- Jequence ot ttie ceitmcate or ffeli ilent Adamf , .obtained a credit for. five- hundred dollars. It is within m y know I ege; t hat t h c expenc 2 was i ncurred in 1 796, that the object was authorized by Prefident Wafh ington, and that it related to fup pofed defigns of a foreign nation. " The Committee feem to fup pofe that the act of February 9th, 793' authorized ferret expenditures in leladon to the Department of G;ate. In my opinion, they have neither traced --the iuhject to its loiirxe- nor comprehended theob jeel of the regulation. wliicrTthey have cited ; tin set, which made the" firfl provifion for the expenfes oi- foreign intercouife was pafled on the firil of July' 1 yoo ; -this at firft gave activity to t tie operations: Mr. Jeilerfon ; it authorized the' Pl:fidclit to d'ii-iv from the Jreaf-try ferty t.Mpvd dollars annually,- for the f-ip-p:i t ot juch pcrfbnsfXS he might coin miffion to ferve the United States , in fo:eign parts, and for the expencc,- incident to the bufinefs in which, they might be employed ; except in ie Ipect to the Salaries cfAliivlcrs and: SsiiTfane.i, wliich . were limited, the expenditure of the fr.ncl, was ' alfo- lutety commited to the difcrtthii if the PnfJenf this dilcretioh could net however be more unlimited than that which Avas veffed in refpect to the fund-for the contingent txpenlcs cf the Department of War I he Jil'ovifion of the law of July ift, 1 790, only di rected that the Prcfidc;;t fnould ;c count ipeiifi afy for all fuch cxpenc- es,asTn his judgment ndht le mule puttie, and ado for the aiuount of , men expenditures as nciniknttmnK 1 it aayneauie mt fpeciy ;- is ctr- j tain that tn:s provilion ti;. net te'.d the dilcvetionary pvw.r previOUi given' and it is to bu imderftood merely as a direct io;i re('ieliag ho 1 mcde of 'renderinarcounts.-, , v I ne act ot t cbruary 9th, 1 797, cited by the Goihinittee, exprefsly revives th". Act (f"Ju!y n't, 1 79c, j ' The act of February 9th, 1793, tnen anoiit to expire : tms circufn ftanceis not ftated by the Conimit-tee-: is is however'caule the Jifirffw-trt ptfiver. of -the l'reiident, was tnereoy- ontinmt tn lull force :--whiJe the Jecnd Section which the Committee have pleafed to confider as a fpeciat Authority to ex pend money for "ecret fervices, merely provides for the (?ttlem:nt of accounu, according to principles, pre fuppojtd tQ.h 'wfU underjlpod) fodtjjried. " , '" i4 1 he Act of ilay iotn? 1 800, the laft cited by the Committee, is, ' if puflible, more irrelevant' to the fubject thn the former ;- It "merely confiders expenditures for fecrct feFvices in the Department of itite j-, as a defcription of cotitingenj fxpences -tithey mult truly be fo viewed : they. have been fo confi dered by the Department of War : a November 16, t$c2. -t-flo perfen'ever imagined that fuch expenfes were an ordinary charge of th; Government; requiring an ejla blijh'd provifton. . "The refult of this examination, therefore, proves, that certain iums have been appropriated for the ,C tiiigent Expcnces of the Depattmerit "of State, war and the Navy ; that no pacific, cbjecls have been defined, in the laws, 'to which thefe funds fhould be applied : that the application, ihre-ffi-sct toihe Departments, has b&A'leoualy riitknarvXJxdLthulfi that waar;ixr?niave been. eytaU It', lenvful tr ufdnOfu't i that a few in-' cnfidepble exp?;ices have been iu-r cured in the War Department, the objects of which could not, with pro Dtity, be communicated to the 'pub lic: and that in tire mode 9f adjuiing the amount 0) jhee expenesr. a rule has been purfucd, which the Icgiflature had pre.vioufly eftablifhed, in respect to th e d epar t in eh t o 1 S r a t e. . " The. committee Viffi to have it believed," that a jpnhl authority has been given to " t he Uep trnnenrdf State, to expeil . mon-;y for -cret t vices, and to infer, from tfie defect Of a fi ntilar authority in the ctLr meats, that the "expenditures have been iliejr-tl. As the facts, relating to the, were not f ully and cor rectly Hated,, the inferences have been demonff rated to be unfound ; If, however, the erroneous premifes of the committee mull be aflumed, it is proper jo note, to what conclu fions a fpiritof chanty would lead. It might be oblerved, thai it k - the j cfuty of the Secretary of State, m con- I duct negotiations, in timed, war, for the pur pole of obtaining peace ; i and in time of peace, by fricnly and j representations to the w.. r.ts of j forjiicu nations, to . prefer c'- th peace r-ntm-Ttiui. nu .1-.. .... .a. aligned, to tr.iz omctr, wi:i, n n-is not a pacific tendency, or relation. If the refinements of cafuiftiy mult le lubffituted for the maxims, which ordinarily govern men cf bufinefs; if the pOflelii:jii cF a let.rr neceiTirily illiplieS the cj'tcealmeni of fotlie r.uinota Jitx't and if the funds of fee ret P: vices' are always employed ioi purpofes of corruptive (p'r)fitio'n whicii I do not admit,' fiid it be urd, with a fembiance ;of argument, at lealt e qu'al to tha,t of the- Coinmktee, that the laws'.pf War authori!e: the employment of Spies, a:u! in-. many inftances, -the fctnclin: ot enemies ; but that all artijtiC Irilvry and czrrup::jx, 111 the Civil lntercore of nations, is de clared to 1e unju.'tilia'jle. Fro:n hence it rr.?i?,ht be concluded, that while no d(uibt -could .cxtff, . of. the ru-ht of a Secretary o ifV, v, or 11!'. . , crctary of the Navy,' to empioy no- tr j ney as an engine oi ho'iVu, a Lh-ex- 'itije d:;penjliiwa was-requifitf, to iatif 'ilyff the piliiofbphic fcruples of a Se "d fcretarv of State. ' ney 'Tii -fugg-ff ion of the C tCC, that the practice, of the om nut- former Admiiiiftration is not reconcilable' Admiiki.'tration 1 with the principles government, is a of a reprelentanve as incorrect as their otner -ooiervations.. ir iney nau proved, that the Government had united all the .citizens., hi one bond of affection and confidence 5 that it 1 t r 1 r .1 . L.J ma punned all tnc exotic and pun ous elements ; 'that it had'" fo elevated the virtue, and confirmed the patii otifm of the people' that the funds. of-foreign actions Cocild here find no employment ; , then indeed there would be caufe for congratulation, Llhatthef e:w fired ll luff ration : but to bvi iiiciit. on thefe topics and to deny to cur'ga vemmtht the means of repelling "the force, or combating the intrigues, r(ot foreign nations,' i$t virtually to declare, that our cut? magijh-ates, cholen by ourfelves, have no integrity, and that unliipited confidence may be placed" in thejultice and virtue oi foreign ru lers:'- ' " . .' - . .'; " V.ol. VII, Numb. 345. 7'he lafUteras in tlie catalogue of the financial crimes of the late adm niftration, fu fKciemly, " imDorta fox the precedents they may herafte turnifh" to attract the attention-of the Committee are two cafes of ex penditure in the War Department. One being a payment to Uriah Tracy,- Liq. the other to Mrs. Ari- ana tRfcNCH. ConcerninK the firft, the Committee alertThat Mr. 1 racy was appointed to exa mine into the ftate or the garrifens. iy ; tiiat he received a compenfatiori for his traveling arid other iriciden taj ex penft-s, as well as for hisown fervices ; that although he'perform ed fome cf the molt important, " he did not f ulfil the other objects of his iniffioii." Upon which, they re- ' mark that Mr. Tracy's acceptance of this appoint merit has tte' appear- once at leap oi iwconfiftency with that part of the Conftitution, which pro vides that " no perf'on, holding i.n of- fice under the United States, fiiall be a lnciriber ot either Houfe of Con Ciefs." They proceed to ftate, that he'wiis, at that time, a member of the Senate of tha United btute's, by . the pay-roll of which, it appears that for -the laft ievemcen days of his million he had a double compenfa tion from ihe public viz. his ex penfes and pay as agent, and hi$ travelling expenfes, as a member of the Senate, from Litchfield. I he circumftancs of the payment to Mrs. Akiana Frencii, as Hat ed ty tht' Committee, are, that Mr. KVHenuv, former ' Secretary of ' VL,r, had, in April, Soc, Jeafed a houfe of her for one year to com- nience on the firft of lune fucoced. ing ; that in May lie refigncd his ofiicc of Secretary ot" War, and an ctared that Mr. M'llfiNRYih'ouhl pay to Mrs. Frknch 208 dollars and 95 ccLli, for her damage fuf- ; tained by his not accupying the houfe according to contract ; and that in conformity to the opinions of the Secretary of the Treafury and of the Secretary of the Navy, and by the direction of the Secretary of War, this fum wa'paid Mrs. Trench out ot the fund fur defraying the contingent expenfes of the War Department. , U pon thefe charges Mr. "W p l-' cOT'r'remarKs : "" The ideas to be collected from cy, are, that this gentleman, whi!e a Senator of the Unietd States, re ceived an appointment which has the appearance of inconfiflency with the Conftitution that but a fmall propoi lion of the duty afhgried was performed j that - an exccflive al- lowancc lias been made for his. fer vices 'asrager,t,'" and .. that for. feyen- J teen .days l.e 1 eceiy,ed a double com- pctd'atiou,' both as an agent and as a . From what the people-have heard of repeated violations ot toe Coniti" tutiou oy the former. Adminiftra- . tioii, and whaL they have obferved, during the (hirt career .ot the pre -" lent, it is but fair to conclude, that, owing to the f orce of the paffions of . men or 'oilier caufes, an obfervance ot its injunctions is a taflc of no little difficulty. Afier what has Inppcn- ed it is high time to dihnifs all con cern about appearance, ' and confider whether the Conftitution has, or has not iii fad, been violated. ed a part of the Conftitution, they havexojLfaid, in .what manner it '. m 1.1.T1 f 1 lias been violated. - j ney iurcty tto not maintain meopinion, mai me Prefident cannot appoint agents for fpecial ferviccsv without being cx- er has been exercifed from the com mencement of the government, and ' l J v.

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