I) THE . ' '''' ?"""'!' "" (- V 'J '. ' ' -it,, -m 'm i'i- .r- , 5 .)"""V.''' .7'-"' ...... '. f.----- "'T;J v t i'wtr ni '1801. i " ' Vol. VII. NuiB:J52.;;- a II t 1TTT R if ORE It is painful to be fo freaaently compeUed to hoift 'the bhck 3g, with regard to this gentkmaa .cha.. Vacr.4He;fq.ms to have rqcciyed,. :a. L..i f arm it hlaiii 100 THUCOt- -Bat a Duane continue toleny tne exigence oClack Salty, ami j hr , . children as ; he affe.te dilbthw. the account or mt Jf'"," : tomato ;-MWdto Wj is (lull hare inotltr lmaU anecdpte r-fii iifairirtitB'hiero.-'-And: to- put anend, af -once, to albfhi& nycnfeof.demalslprofela tempt, in which.hd held him. Mri Jones returnea Dotn oqna auu board 4ollart toMf. jetterion, Dy the perfon who brought tnenv ac companied with a rilsffiKe of etecu. tidit ' Herotefted that the veif firlt time he niet ovfe;eM tel gifiru i e vwould: ihoot nirri; w fince that trne, ne W-r fr(nnr as one of the (urtielt that ever dugrstfed Human natui aozen wunencs uk,- j . ? ' Wnrk weiiiih and her rnre of Mr. Walker,, andf the hand wtWg of rhomasj4cr. Jon himfelf the odious and dirgujt An .-lohirh dencv and vir- -A,wi-rAiYilrs 1 do not wiln to come in by the M tracks the name; the writer of thU article i iila fcribe J to it, . -rperhap? it wid befaid that the wtt enandthe Re-corder, arc tod dilpi cabWto dsferve the notice or to great apeifonage as the prcfident. : ' 1 hi Ibty will not bear telling, ahe (trokes of the U ccqrder have been fudently fett not trom an un. common Aare of abilities in the fat fcribcri 4or hi pretends to none Bin f becaufe he was rlve todirclolp a. : few entertaining. facte!?: By the in dufeenc or partiality of other edi tots, they jjaye-made the "'grand t6ur" of the continent. s Jf this paper , ciuld acquire ten times its urefent circulation, it ouldTnot make fo iouch inipreflion. upon the public minif, ashas been made by the inrm merable extract . in other newfpa- v Jew, ifhefe are accompanied and luuttrated by copious commentaries, the .collected labour of a thouland Kitelleas. . Thui, .the people get in formation ; and, until the people are well mformed there cannot be a fcrrectanu' firm government. 7 , X We now pf oceid with .the mam . iufinefi-of this article-. " ; , t ; Sdmetime before the 'revolution- perhaps, in the yearn 773, Thcwas - JeiTerlon was patronized by Mr. Ga Drierjoncsan. eminent lawyer,. who how reAdeS in the copnty of Uiick-: . iaa;ham. Heisfat-ein4avytocolo,: net Ifih llarvie of this city. A com fiderable fum of money was .borrow." . ed from Mr Jones, by Mr. Jefaarioru. It i3 tirider (to'od' rhaf the loan amount-' 6d to "ftVe" bun'dt-e (.pounds., for' this4 money7.JeKrlon:'eJtecute4 - his bond.. The bond remained. in the'hahd of Mr. Jones until fomc- : time during the war, whert; paptr money bad depreciated fo' much as to be. of little or no valus. At? or Crevioua to this petiod, the legifla- r. ; tnr& found it etpedrnt' to enforce the circulation of paper money by a ,iTENiEft av& ' Mr.'jefferlbrr avail ed himftlfof vrhli' ad vantage. - ( fept the1 '.amount of the bond with - the 'legal intercity irii paper money, tia Mr. Jones, and tender e J this paper inpayment.; Mr. Jones is, by birth, " ari Eoglib;.br , Welohman He has 'atiitkce)lentder(tandinB.':iieiflr r of independent cifcumrt'ances. i - lie . kn:w thirvif he Ihoold refufe to re- : ceive the tribnev. Mr: leffsrioh' would have it in his p.nver' to raife a hue ahd; cry-' againft himj that might be . mach m.rt to. hfsinjury' thaft hisbe f.irtg iwihdifd'out of five hundred pounds vHe judged aflblrorn this" jiyttfJ-Jfofr'at ncibwg' Mr.'foncs'j'fhere r . "fqre, adopted a plan, which faved. hxrnftlfV lroni4har-cal:imiryrand" fifswed' to' Mr. JefTerlb-i rhc con- Aftet: the ertd of the war, far. tefTerlbn fertt the full amount of the debt. I He did fo becaufe ha felt fh odPn which , woultt be attached to his charafter by having teridered WhAidnorial-Jiacktwaf', Ifthey thlaWpropei', deny this toy", alio. The only aulWer i& tharit ian be proved, by a reference to Mf. Gabriel Jones, or..ta ; . . T;XTwpr pj'fertioDS refpein j the fovitatipn of iit J Jsfif rfqn to Yhonw$ Pain to c6mo over to Anfcric. ,r----'- . Xo. II. APUBUCT rteafure fo lingular, fo aitoniming, fo degrading, to exe curive dignity, Ss fo. toreign from The ufual .'bulindr Qf national diplomacy, tas as the letter of invitation to Painh. writrea by , Mr. Jefferson arid-prefented by an am talTador of , the United States, ;ari- not fail fo pxctte, togetiicf ,Vta m digiiant fenTarionS, a ilrong cunofi ty to inveltigltte its mbtivej. ' Had Mr. PiN arrived to our IhoYes,' uninvited: or.had hetfet come,7w jed by indtvidoali of a Itibordmate grade, h.ts a.rtival would have becrt announced among' 1 he trivial occur rences of trie day.,, It wath extra ordinary jmnner of his jntr.oduftion among us, that h& attached.to this. tcIt-Utradeci,, rnan Jl lumcierxr oc-( grec of importance to render him an objtd of jHiblje iioticey , - . It has laicly been jlited to the public,' int tenns of exultation, by limc of the, democratic party, that there are alfeadv neailv. tw; hun dred thouland i.uropean criugrants irtthiVcoutury and eveay year, and eyery momh brmg3 a iange accellion to this enormous maf$ oUfoTeigneis i hey croud .out1 cities they direct pur preires-Mthey influence and de cide .. our elections ;they fit in oiir public tHnciW.f the)' govern oiir. fi-nances-they icnow thtir own num. bersthly teel thefr ovn ftrqrigth y and thdy ipeak to thd nation,; trm time to time, in: t))e language of me nace and fcorn' Vill not :heir nunv. bcTii TiletcTy from Ipontaneousjjmi g'rauohs, Ix: foon iufheient to give nt hhert)? Was it1 needfary tfiai the pen oF the apgult Prelident of the. Unifril States, . irt conlicdtlon with diplomatic agency, fhoukl be..eni ployed in inY'iiing over Euro'eau clj. tizehs to our- fhores f-or ;if fuch a ltrange ndcefliry really exilted, the etrdi$ is Itill more ltrarjge; ' , ., - Among .all the men in Europe, who .night have , been induced,, by diplomatic inviratioh to come oyef and Wp ij, was there no roan io dev lbrviug, 1b needed a' TwowtAs Paine ? By what wonderful fatality hii jt happened,-that the manwho is emphatically the lcornof Kitmpei1 (hould be felecVed and dillihgUimed by Mr lUFerfon, as the objetVot his? high efteem)- and (hb'uld be aSec tionattly invitedto irtcorafe with the people di thii counirf !of ever if it tere necellart tb make the feted-' ? tidri from among the cUiieps of jhe. J iaU thofe who had .waded-.throagh tne cicep ana appmmaoie mp pi mc V'rpfirh r'fvnliitions that misfit cha. Jange a competition ra preference r :-Why. pitchK Upori lhe .man that Iwd' excited . qualmin the bow. e rnF France herlelri': and-whom, toe was eager to difgorgo 2- Wtif picfr; iinrtit tK man tfirninft phemies thoufands of pibuiparentsl, iii thisf couiitfVi" had. in their tyinfc dhildrenl Why pitch 4poh thmah? that had bafelir inlaltcd this whole liation, by fJouririg la torrent ot'foitl i...r.. li. .1 .. 1 ;'' 'u.' apue aua uiacKguarumu upon urc Venerable Was aixoTON, who was eniphaticaUy ? the - Father of this country i ; " . ., Mr. JeffjiiIs(on s the reptefentai tivepf a greai natiprt a nation up on which no inconfiderable degree of 'ttar attention ot thcwbtM is fixV eJr-And. what mail the world think -r-wht rriuft the wileit and" belt men in Europe think", ' y hile they behold hirri Itoopingrom his dignified ftap tion diwh down fiivntf. to a' diploma tic . correipondencc withv Tiiomas Paimeio the beftQwmwt ;Opon him of hih ellsem arf to anrM"eci. tioriarinyitadbii .tio.thatircn4cift.; tizerif to come4 ovcrtor America I The whole nation is degraded by fuch a fpectacler ' His expoted to thd pointed ranger tof derifloa f. ahd trtult prepare to rcceithtiributelbt coni tempt. .v . :. ; iv J-;:rU:;i In tha hidorr of fitftioriL a formal Tniffion from the head.ajd repf'eCent pie to art unollicial;, individual of a. foreign lanJ, is an u.nufual thiagn It is a pecie of diplo macy, that rarely happens : and it naturally prefuppo fes an uncommon .degree of .Worth in tlie individual who has beerfthui dillinguifhed.. . Vheever .the tub; lme . head and ppocipal organ of a great, nation by4 miffion in the. leirfri form of au e;n bally, jcalls,upon a foreign fubjea or cilierjf p niii grate, and to jrpu'ifaie to ihe coun try of the dignified petitioner. ;ne favour, of, his prel,ence?' it prefuppfo-: fti the eXpectatron pt irt?poriant If r vices i ronthe.iixvited . foreigner.! What pod fey vices can thu coun try expect from. Thomas Pain ? I piuTs for a reply.. . ... .. . fAJSEBlUS. From the Courier of iXnvlfatnftjlire. IU ears nor! deaf than adder's to the voice Of any true dcciflon- V ' -' ; . . ; ASINGUL AR deftiny attaches to the nrefent xovernment ; and is calcilated to relate its fneafures frnm' trnnAW difcuilion. BefOf & the. publid mind has-been Jong enough occupied'1! upon .' a'tngle act, to trace, it to rcmote.confequenpcs; its atterv tion is irreiItibty( arrelled by fome novel and .i important occurrence, 'The complexion of the admmiltra tfo'if cannot be furveyedt in 'its nicer matf'cs and miiror f aturesj wjtlle its prominent tfefcrmYties , aftonifh and cohfmintF 6s. T'hus,' before the re peal f the Jdiciafy Law, haM tained that ample and ;igid diUU iint tuhiclr JA iiiiDoi tahce' demand-. ed; the, ifory of Callehder's bribery, came out in a maimer cincuwicu Ay attacn ennomy as wcw as .y-uc Rut this bufinefl however L marked with turpitude, intereit us now but mconuderably i it retpects merely ; hi t xcellehcr's peifinalryi iathn t and: while' iubjects" of im menfe importince are before us," wc IIJVUIU itl'l .. IViW (w- W" J " We are fiill to confided the ddfnrc; . tion of the Corri'hr jmbft' ftfjons evil that hasaflHcTed rrst If doesnor4, like 'renrnvals frombffiee; afteft only particular perfons i ft does notmere ly reduce individual :famiues to m: idigehce.ahd forrow t but.it lays the axe directly at the root of our Liber ties, and tends to- obliterate every, ivelige of National: bravery an sProvidential blefTing- It is a mea iure neycr to be y forgotten until oblivion has all the atls of the reign, jxlppwers with their authors and a-! 'igeiitvTheFederal, eonilittttion will Jong feel the violence of tha blaf.HocV,aha its friends v. IU lock for?- ward -with a, mixture; of exultation " 1 " ' .The, following reixar k's, fuppofed . ;W; perfectly appropriately thefuhjecl, . . . ' ciralelf, Taqd ate fubmuted,, that the - " fWbjeft may teti principles by aftions, ,t and Wih : hrr i-" toAisT t;,r the atrmffriirt' Af thp nhnf.. Va fnVi- "'. ject on wijich th??' will ere.: long be v All ihe powers, orlGoverhment, y, . egiflative and judiciary, refult to the ' ieflauye .My !.;The:;.concentrat- : , cifely.the definition oCdpotte gowt vernmnf U ur &a Kt uiii.:. ' hat .th$fe powers Will be'esiercircd - bya plurality offend ahd riot by. . ' a tingle one : One hundred and f- -. venty.threerdefpp Wouloiurely bcr;AJ -as opDrefliVffas.bne, As little' will it vfr: ayarfpstthat theylare chbfeaby; ici y c. , t ya 7; v ikipitifm war: not - k the ti'ernimente fought for?-, r 5 ,.fjr. ana paipawe as 19 trie cloua . Ot inconfiffeni??s whi'rh hri i1oiV - Cd-Lxecudyo-coriuaHtKedt -1 concep;iony that . the .author of the ' rorex9ing.pcriQd8fhould beVtheflrlt - ' -to lay his . hand: cthe4iumciaTj; -rW.dmfupi in : te. Whole , compafs , of .argument, .' ' more cortvinchjreafons .coutdnot' -be found why. thej Circuits Courts 7 . mould , not be. deftroyed; than are, 1 . wyi.w w ims.extrai.4 vvnartnen; cah have pt the. rrfan at fu!h a vr with his cwn. principles Have fd- pti , imprmanon ana , a longer - a flie i$, ijj-reluffantly; driver tb. ray that perfortal pique agar nift the judg t4 ahdValivjUi to counterad every; tneafurq ToMhe late admiaiftratiori, were the" efficient and. real motives and ' reafpirs. lytm'--. the fcwirt of Government refit ft ' io the lieifiiittirtVit ts$ispojtityt fV (ngrerV? aierictttiiti of a-;Prefident,: t abbllfh Courts' cftablifhed by laV'ind re move judges frOm office whpfe ten ure is Cc9tiV0T)6iCAi(XY:.uHng good behaviour , if in this way .tbc prorefs of judicial decflirt.beflop ped , and the , ; courts utterly, un" able to exerciref their fuhcltons,; ms wijtf 'iufe it is jiot clear; hat the independence -of he courts is no. more Mhat their powers doct forocV Lcfultto the legillature-and tharan adminiflrationj marked by fuch Con1 duct isdefatic. This Jcrambling for power among5 the different 4dqpart mentf, was int a right which gave the Prefident much' true (brrow; It irritated his feeiif&S, and preyed on ms pcrfotiuxt; i He law ' in it the oirien iuxd" futufc?:cphf ufiorr he ;aw fome demagosue arife in the tumult, leize jh h fecptre of t8fate and vvieldjt'wlthout regard to Conflitu. tuiion or txtfY Butnow, ; rice am bition hasmade him eafer than th adder ; fince' hs fancies, that he is above the form, and ,candireft its rage 5 hecah fee. the Judiciaf f abcl ifhedy and one pillar o'Kthe Confti tuti6nvmakrt;from its' pedeftal'.iri thd calm light of mfld philofdphr. He can fee, too, with fmiling fatis facpn' andtrepMrrevenge, the I molt, meritorious, arid approved of I fleers of Government, pufhed from , , their places, to p vJrobni for for eisners and oanifltes. without fuf- ' peeling that he : lhall ever be 1 con vinced ot the truth 01 his own re ; mark, an tLECTivir DispoTmr WAS NOT' T HR COVSttNMtNT WE Buchan's Domestic For sale at thtsoJJice ..".iVj; r .. ..:;,:,, . -1. '.1 :, fJ I "v v. 'L -:') 4 .1 , in rli 1 St 9 . j? " if ' ' I , ."'. .r- 4' ..

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