. -i . ... i' 1 i.r". t ... '"Ml X. , .... -----'r-T-rr?r--ry-TK--''a.'.r. 2r.v.,.r.v.i., t.-wv -v-'-d-i"-.y.?" ,'. , i .'y.Tf -. -r... . v, f' ,t. f r-- - Wic? ROTLEOGE'i ADDRESS r th x sxptr a t or Ttf i v i r Ip ii- .tMtf 1 "or imrbif r OKiVct '. ' Trteiiiiatui JPfUw-Qitixenf, v. 7 - tfwlll Jbe M the recollcdion of ininy.-.bf yoii, - that I bad expreflcd aJiiorehtioa to retire from public life, priar to the bft eleftion ot members of congreis, but-that 1 wai bver:rul cd bfihe purfuafiona of many r efpec table peilons.bf yollr dirtrids. It is ato m yotir knowledge, that having yielded upr movcn inclinations and iateireftfto the wiflicst)f my coriftitu cnfsvy wis r e-cie&ed Tto a feuvlii 'or"reTs,I' in a manhcr.t fl u tering tp mykefings. .'I he, period,h.as again arrived when 1, am to decide whe ther! hall, be a candidate for your i'uftragc,! or withdraw from the pub-, t lie lerviceX have wighedi&quef; : tion maturely, ad I have relolved to reirervrCi'hi'KJnd.';c6nfi!Jeiice which yda have been p!ea(ed to repbfe in me, evidenced by repeareB ele&ions, en iHesjyou to be jnfmciLof the reafons of my reiblurions7 'thtf hre lounded on';conridera tions in part perfonal, and in part of a public nature . s. My pflyate affiiirs, having fuffered by me sfliiipU entire 'devticjn of my timifj Tor -the lait iic yprs : to my public duties", nqw require myatfen tion jat. homc, niore efpecially fmce thg -venerable friends, w ho hereto fore totik, charge of them, have been torn from me by death. . I truft I (hall always be prepared to make facfifces br the public welfare. Yet l do.irot perceive that the iacri- fics of, my private injerefts w'ould produce: -at this period, any 'equiva lent public godd, 'And l feci mjfelf more at liberty to purfueVmy, own inclinations, fince, by ths.tfew raodi- fetiefa of the eleclioh!'(ti(tnds'c' the di'jlri&s which J have had the honor, to reprefenr are feparated from ea;h oi her, and - yoked to" others' with which 1 have' ffevcr had ally political" connection .:; . : -. ; ; ;-" ! - - 'fhs confideTabxTM of public na tvre; f which hav guided my judg- 5 bent," are numerous and 0overiul. ana naturally lead to a targe retro-. wiinif briefe r . . w The termination: of the war svith Great-fihiain left tnefe"DnitedStates in an exhaulted condition. Great debts hif been contracled by cbn grefs, bj the feveral itate' and there exifted no means of pa1h'g and providing for them ; public credit was totally at an', end. Individuals vere equally deftifdte of credit. The ihiteg, Without ah - efficient ,i,liead,' crumbling in their weeknefsi and ur ged bj the want? diUreires oft heir - eifcensVlfelbrted to. inltalments arid ' tehder jaws, to paper money and o- ther eispedients,. which aggravated ?mty wnder which they laboured. f he moil Kloiqiny aDprehenfions be- Kan to be entertaiTted for the fate ot -theuntJl'hs'etrunent men who fiaa planned and effected the revolu Wamington.;f tThe. firft, care.' of the ( ncv government was to. provide tot the liquidation of the public debt, and the punctual payment of the iii tereft of it j to reltore public credit, and to fecure the: found adminilba tion of Jultice .- i he .luccefs pfi the meafures then deviled, and fince pur -fued,v has been complete.' ,Tl'heita tion advanced with gigantic Jleps from pbvertyi ' didrefs, weaekriefs' degradation, td' wealthj2jtharalcr and greatnefs. Iii the mean tnneta war broke pujt iarcoietVttnpTce? dented inits pature, ; extent ao4 eK ie&hZ; It -wasrthe intefeft ol the A merican nation,, and the iJuty utiti government, . to arold being drawtf into the war and to enjoy the advan tages of its neutral pofi timt France delired, and Great-Britain - appre hended, that the united ( brates would become a party in the, war, juid intriguci wtr e? fuar ed.by theH fornler to feduce or to fofce them'in to jt. Indeed both the bctligerqiit ahufed their rights and their power, arid the enormous fpolhitions com mitted by both oi the medcan com merce, made it dffiicuh to pronounce w hichTjf - thenr w as molt" inimicatTcF America, or with which lhe fhoutJ be firft compelled to wage war : the tufion, aided by fbtrie others, who, Iriendly; in. the, hrlt tnltance to. tjiat . murument, ?na oeen. anappointpd itf their perfpnat expeilations, form ed a fyftmtit: pppofuion to the ad ' miniftration of It- 4-i he afluptiori of thedebtspf the ftates incurred in a general defence, which fa ved lever al l of themffpm bankruptcy j the fund-" trig1 the riaupnal dbt. which revived riublic credit ; the eltablifliment of a" national bank, which gav e facilities' to government and to commerce, be fore unexperienced, ivere all refill. PvVhen the French revoJution bro):eN ua, auu a general war, .m Europe, compelled the American government to; decide what conduct it would pur (ue prefi.dent Wafliingion,. WhoTe' penetrat irig j udgment quickly dif Cernedith.e true path 6t found policy, iffacd his p;oclamatiDn,Qf neutrality, reeallirigthemft a dpe attention to Cie duties pi a fair neutrality, t "i'his wife meafure iii m ly adheared to, p eferved our nation from ' JA.flilv erigageing in the war.- No man of fenl'e will now.derir this. Jatthauiine, it was reprehended chief difference between them cpri fiited in this, jLhat the Frenchjupcf addeo infult to injury. . ! .ThiV (late of things demanded the exercife of the greateil caution, mix- cd with frmne srJJjy4hemerkat government. 1 he diihculriesand the at th? refufaj.ol America to'make varied hoftile appearances which threatened our peace ; the ftruggles & the ultimate fuccefs which crown ed the labours of the adminiilrations of prtfidtnts Waftiington & Adams, are: known and felt by us. all. t Our nation alcne of all civilized narions, connected with France and Great Uritain by commercial ties, efcaped the ilofm ; and by the wifdom of the j; government, enjoyed in troubled time?, inc unmcuic auvajuae or a great neutralt "commerce,, which en riched the people,: and extended the national reibiirccs. :. . , .... - . ' Purine fhe whole courfe of things thus funtmarily .brought to your re-; dcHeflion, there exilfed a. marked opppA'ttoo to im por t an t-mea; lute, which .b? ated u The. a- doption of t t conilitufionT Wds refilled: w, lencej and to a degree which endai3gyred it.t. Ma ny vifionary mctwho4ciQwVdgl edrfie imbecilfcy 6t the pfij confede ration,' Were yet afraM toririfl an govefrtment with the powers' (Telega ted by the ronllitujiofi In general5 howeveri the fmall dates had the'dif. cernment i o perceive t hat if wit deep,, iy ineitinierru to aaopi inc comuttt in the wildeft terms of . reproach an I alfociatlott with'the deftines bf France4 was the. great object of. democratic defire& the government Vvas: am-' dered,irid almolt haken .for da- ring to'riegociate with (Jrea.r-JJrain," and to termmat the differences with tnac ijarmn, py.ueary. -in trie pro- rated- uort were alaVmed at this apparent Wue- of' their rojU and fufferings ? ttole''Yat thereexifted an imoeri. imDerr csiiecwity tP provide a remedy for: ujcic tvus.v va; convention roune Sates $a called ; it Was filled with great iridvirttfous meni ;11iey foon fcoyered jthat a national head was fcamingfr and that nothing mdrt of 'uc iqrraauon or an enicient generai government-could relot e the coilri : try to a found Ibte'tjiey therdorc : formed a conltitution or framepfgb vetament on new prindples, combl iung the advantages of a confeder republic with thofe of a national JjOVernmttlLw as 'adopfed in the1 Hate conventions, arid went into o rerarioa.b AjSg, under Prefident common qatife with, them, commit ted the molt flagrant violations pf treaty, fpoilcd pur commerce, ; and rejected with fcorn the folem'n embaf- lies fent to concilia e them.; When every effort at negotiation failed,, the United States had almofl exhaufl ed the cup of humiliation tp the dregs the national ; (pit it rofc,, and.lpydly demanded meafures bf nayalandmi-. litary preparation, to place toe cyun try in a pofture of defence,, and vin.'. dicate the national' honor and cha-raSerT-Tbe call yas t obeyed,'- and. congref$ tooH meal ures o : equip a' navy, to form a provifional ar.my to fortifv the defencelefs leaports,' and to purchafe arms and Ammunition,' and they impoled the taxes neceflry to lupporfHhefeexpendiuTes.----7 They alio palTed als by .winch dao. gerous tirangers, lurking in the bo ldVnof the community, ' might be re moved 5'; and: tor the puilhm.en o fedjtipu petfons Thefe ails grew put ot the then Hate of public, aff airs', " aua were in nifon with the tone of thff: public, .inind. -l T he. immortal Walhington, at that rime retiedto Mounf y ernumi v reflected op: thefe meafures with. a Jieart ever L alive tion - they were, weak, without if i lS!fT-"nhiap thisthey:werefenftble,-and acceptcdi-J0 amsofjuly; ik--.x (t.I: k ;oiA:-B ; i i70o.v' Yet. thote who bad uncea- their Itate convemiotS' '1 lie cafe mr $0 'ftpproycd every fljeafure of far different in thegrt ftateS , . &m?J3biS dangoroui to the public lit pride Pf date fbvereignty wpuld be humbled by a fupermtendin " and controlling general jovetpmepti1-'' Nor cjojlld they brook'" the1 equaT rW preferiratjbri in the feii'a'te'pFiji(e;U: ted htalcfi.' 'which made Delaware as impprtar.t aj, Virginia,'' New-J? rfey as, loncmany, p tneemmeqt 9en who guided the councils of the Rreat ftateswefe galled at the reduiliph of their authority & exatea avtierce t oppofitiopw the adoption of the in- ' ftrume'nt vpich was to produce thefe effects nor was it adopted' in Virgin nia, New-York- and Pcnnlylvariia, without mighty ftruggtes, and by ve ry fmall jnajorities irf the two former; The good whkh has been obtained by the adoption; Is on recofd.V Tie(r evils avoided iare incalculable. v It ritated br defear; thofea had oppofed the acceptance of th&cdhfti. An onnnfitLvW fn ftladv. OTffanll ed, V aftive and virulent, could not be .wilhftpocL It is wjbndeftul that. tne vreaerat aammiuraiion uooaus ground fo long as it did, Nothing i bati, the.'-, wifdora oHtaheafures, its it,,:.s All thefe ultimately were m svailinainft thePbntiriual inire- preieniauons ana uanucrs wuicn n failedif.' The opbolition,' by llitoti- latmg difebntents, on the impoption ot tne new taxes rendered neceuary by the circumiiances4f ,the tirne i by'infulin diftrufls in the minds of the people and by a thoufand arts pracifed oh ;their, xrcdolityi cpntri-: ved at length to render the ad mlnif- itration unpopular;ffAt the election pf Prefidentiand yice-Prefiderit, the federal candidates were rejected, and , , ' v ';. f '.i .. J' ' r ' i ' f '. 1 ' f. .: -.' ! .'- -m the demcratic,ca9ijate8,were ele6b td 1 a majority) was- alio. obtained ia the houle: ok tcprelehtatives of the f United StateIt.pimc4'Vy ape f uliar cb-inddeiice'tnat this change" pt (ovirftmeriX l60 place'ffidtf -time, previous to the termination of jthe war in turopei4fije.iedawfsf' Whole wifdomhad ial'!oeS'pefioia-t Vtd the United: StaesoniaCiIy! pluriging into ihat'wart.were'rejed.; -thc deuiocrafs wljofe. coufej wpujd . have, produced- thsit pffettjwere, cle-,y vated lo $iow'eis f..i yr. t:ti';.is;i-:'- . 1 - Itiis of. prime inortance tp; fe maikl tliat the individuals :wh'oyerei'ii... chiefly oppofed. to. the adbptfon of -, the conftituticn, or dilfati? fled' With' -it, .were, the perfpris gch'erall wno.' have alio . been oppofed ,td all great ' meaAircs,. whictihavbeefprici in' practice to be productive yfidyanta' ges to the Unitedf States Vahd th ;y: i nave been, (witn-lc.e'xcjepbon.sjp--the perlbns whofe activity and viok lence, contributed, cfiieiBy to the? change of admiiiifatipii.; Snd that thofe men now fili the. great Ua tions ' in the general government. ' It is al io worthy Pi remark;- that the ableft & niol influential men of this del crijv tion, are ttom tftegrea nates, which fo reluctant iy; came into the ' uiiion' undet ihecbnltitution -.f I mean Vif. Ginia, Norifi-Catofinafy .'Pthtilth-; nia, snd NewYork. VThere are ex ceptions 4obtleftftd,the4e,calesjf but they were hot very numerous. How wilcly the. people ol thr United States .have ccted-in thus t?kicg ther" government out 6f the'handsv ofthpfe who lormcd it, and nuried it,; and maintairfed in its tbnjftftutftinal eneV- gy in ortftr to. place t ititxhe hands of thofe .iyho were oppofed to its a- . doption;" and who refilled all the mea.'ures calculated to give it luIJ free Operation, U not for" an ind?vi-' dual to'dec(dpv, .J fubmiOo the will1 ofriiy coutrv more cordiall. iA;spr'6Tpejriry undei; any admillranon,.v i r: , pn the acceon ;of the prpiibnt ininifti,a.tioiin March ,i 80 , -it founds the nation at peace, but prepared for war. I-.- r '. ' ' :;srf ;'- ' It found the differences which had fublllted with-Great-Britain arnica biy aiju fled, ' and the northern poll , 'lurrendered up.- ;..- ':'.':'-:: '- -y ' It found the difpurei wiih Spaiijf terminated.- by the able negobiafioris' of Major Pinckne ; by jwhich thb. right ;to the free navigaiop . of the! 'Miffiffippi'wis .fecureia smd (Irengthj .. end. x.-i , .', :, ;,vIt found the Indian, tribes on our frontiei s i eprelted ad qujei.ed."; --ij" It jfoun d a fmall -it my orgaijifed . and forminpr the germ ofanyioTce - which the. public exigencies .'might require.. ,.v-v.;UM " It fou tid a nav created j jwhich had -rendered fubllantial -lervicc" tcrthe7"-" nations- i-'--':trpx .K''r, , It found f he; national debt provided .r for; arid irj part i educed r s It fbiinji .meriireaTwjrfuiI, raniTKel' ; pubhV'feclit. higli.'?; ' V -' af fprind a. jicoplericrerfirig in po! v pulatlQfi and aVcbuntry. adyanohg' in prpfperity, in a raariner unexam-''-pled I n any , preceding age or nation., , Suqh is he Vcountry, and, ; fuch is the Hate pf thing s, .which the federal adminiitration left io their fucceflbrs his the firft wilhpf nry;hean,;and the moft ardent prayer of my mind, that; the; democratic fadminillratpinc. ' may fo adminlfter ,tus governmenty , t that thejr may deliver to their furctf fors,fo Tair a country in fuch1 high1 : profperity. ; f 'iy. VTime alone, wllecidei But"hx : ' icems tp beet4ed,i that.if the, lame -end is tp beuobtaitied, it fllall bebyt. -far .different means. Already great changes have been made, "and more,! v are contemplated, Already the mea4 , (ures calculated plE.de the 'coiiiHtp " . . ; tj...., .. . i.. : :t-t-. ft 'A I "' ' Z- - ,.r. ' r f .f'..:''''" . .1 ,' , ' '''V -. " . ' . -. u . ,.: ' 5. f :

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