v't"''YY"': 7 - . . ;.: ;-, yy ''r-Ji i ' - ' 1 . -v 5 - 1 4 ''"if : ' . ' , ' ". ' ... . . . fXJL' V. .. . ... mJ,'.''::-1("r lr?, :'-'ti'''-'.':- v1 vc'": - ... - f . $ a refje&ttye Itate of preparation toVep?! hoiiljtf from any qrterK ate jreTerfed.-i The gannaof thy fiaall army lad navy, ere sited by thir f redeceff iri, ire mutiUted. The fiu.idatioa laid, for fecuring a revenue: above the reach of cafualtie, , Ire broken up. A death" blo w ha becu given to tbeboafted aodependenceof the Judicurf of the United utet, which i all prties, wetc. bound, by the ftrongell obligation of patriotifm and duty," to hare approached Wih aw and to Juve treated with'. veneration a the" obI y lafe afvlum for the citizen! in "the Wotedt contention of party, to which republic! are peculiarly ex pofrdu .jjy'vXf ; The, adnaioiSration U 'tj6tt avdwediy Partl gern?nisE NoM'bMjhbfitoCihp ,, dominant, . fec are admitted to any .(hare in public affair. To '" be ; of that JefyiYihc, only . road to employ ment, and truft,: howe ver ua worthy the characW,'or infcr,ior,the talen of the claimant". On the, other hand, thole who are out of the pale of that "leSW howevir elevated by character arid by fcrvi ce,' - are reg oroufly excluded from admit' Hon to the public- employment. Thus is purfurd a policy calculated to keep alive artr foirlt an4 vidtenV aiiimofitte in tie "community wbiM everf liberal and conci- liatory fen 1 ment 4 torg t e ..: 1 tie COOU h Wtop.kfclf i threaened with great altera--: tion. tendiiiflr to reftri& the ouiver the of national government, at the'txpenfe of the , f nailer, and" for ib: aggraodifeinent of the' larger llare. . '.. What ma V be the' iflus of thofe meafure, is not nerhaD. in hu.nan wifdom to fjre1 - fee. 7 ir jrp f iitvt lo -larmyo mioat wi.h the apprehenuom waicQ di.iKt .'An un j vailing refinance ha been made by the member oi Conaref who had long been nccmlomed to aft on' the piincipU whioli guided the il!u;triou'ltateJ'qB-,n who formed the conftitution, and, adminiftered . r ' it .for x elve yeatt' with f much glory and adriotage to the natiou, But every effort which ba been treated with fcn, or re ; ' jdttdt with jcontetnpt. do'T fee.ahy profpe& that ay martial change will take v place, duiiog theprefcnt'adiiiuillration.- Urtdei'thefe eircu'mftanceii 1 do not ieel it iaciimbetit on me to, remain a reluftaot wit- Wright, for tbedilnar6Wi!tnlngt on, J iCharlea Wr.Harrii, fortbc'OiW n'' itaf , jjuncanameronlof ue qmrici orf Hi)llbordagh h Natkaiiiel : AkU&torjJv" the dillria of Saliflwij WDIiaaa B.. Grove, for t,he dillria of Fsyctteville, ioAWal lace Alegajnder, (or the diftrift ofMo(iao, and dirced that, .through '&n,tpplica cation lhail J mad to the Citizen , of the State atiarge Jo he hope an4peajUort. that thtlapplv oL Bp'oki t.prefcii.t;4n4ii,. erifably' iWceflary, might . thereby and . ihfougb voluntarily cootriDUiton oe naci. T To the libera! atd jrnlightened roind, W perfuafioo or; argument whltever can' be ueceDTary, to !uUi" fuccefa ;to tbi applica- lion t To the Patriot none ca be needed, a', he will oot fail to remember, ? - that no 1 country ; can lonff remain free, . unlef it pef or the Uep by which the narrow view "ofa" party ad mini tl ration "may render the" government imbecile at home and degraded abrmd. . - Permit , mc, however, .before'. I take my, , leave' of you; to advife.you, as vou vauc the welfare oi yjur country and jfiiX felicity pi yonr own famili sr to cherim your, at : taclunent to the coivftitutiou, a the grand ce nent which bind togetherth"T:1Jn1ted 1 3ute, and Which aloiie tfan preter vc them f r 0ji . rnitj, t brotl all tlie, ti oubfc 'V Mc U ''foreign VV!rye."V',?in.:f in " tfVav bTinflf- nowrt jhem. ' L'et'the tonM A tiin aud ihc uuiot? be the 'ajreat.CJHS'' of Our afftaion, and of our ifiort. utdcrali change ol party , - aod under the 'moil ad rte cirenmftartee. and we flialt ftill be r great, prolpe.rqn and hippy people, Mf r o tne.roiuonauqt 01 iep'4r7 u?,,,,,lM" tipa. ihe. malice o( party fpijft'aod the UnA intpfi)fitioi of ioieiu inttisrucB and vr ,r , . u ..... s rm8 5 . WTi .Ttiat our appiehenrioo rnaybefl.nijaiea, that pur fondell ' hopea ot the public welfare riwy be rcaliaedr and hat you, my frten-ii; niay partake largely of th public ' felicity; 'ii the ulcere prayer of your obliged fihnd, and obedient iervnrY',!':'i'.:T''V'.'V-'f ':."" . JoaN RUTLEDCSE ? 4'iru!ieee of ? tie V' UaiveGty l of N?rrh Carolina preffsd on the ont iiandby mhe-fcaiwiner of iheir Fund,, and urged on the otier by.k wiih aitbmily and fatifaco-' ----- rily to atq'oit themfelve ofjthe iuterefting and' jlnpT tant public d bttea with' which they are charged, lave from time to time idca oured ;to ftdtice .ths.aftnujil Expenditrm oFtfjat iiiftitution within,he ppmpaf of it " mean : In, thi endeavour they. ha at loijtk, . tn a degfee futfceede'd, by fcrm -Cifij Vohveajcn'cc to ; 2tnomy,; and by a Joptiog.fu'iry tempor'aTy mffwre' ich: ftich:jf ftite of higr alan'Vcati ?jUlify y. " wh?re-thof; ctif a;inorei rmatipntJ utut; irrd tiach a? W'ardYar 6tief. 'cwnpori-'.,M; trte piirpifrj J nd iniemioii?f tftia Inliiu 2 UTon aa v wilt 4a wfcii the ''honor and digwry ' Qfthe-Staei.' sbr fot theprrfent necelTTrily; give.Mp or piftrJfV5ed.:"', To ettict W .an, ipfcafant i arrangtiiieitti iheirrufteea lr; iour)d the;hfcl vei ;redcti o,j h e fi J stH!iiily b;:pidj'rifepofed 5WJ roo-faf ' walli of the principal UililHi)j. aiid the alp i fiwft Quaked , fiwlv ; f the Llbr ai y 1 , without Monevi . they tstt neither effeau j .41.. ' II f Til . i . - r t ' t w;y provisc ior pe prot.ectrpn orpine n)rmer. from the 4eaiher, t nor fo'4ii''iepleirillii'ngv the latter witll the neceffary Kiok Th difaireeabty fit flated, ; the Board' at iheiir Jail meeting appointed one of their body fo. ; aah Diftria, ' Robert MonjgomeryY -for he rfillra cf , Edentnn, Calvin Jon ', "for the diilria of Newbero, Jolhua G. re'igiou, civu. and politic rign.ta arj au y uuderilood and appreciated by the maf of its Citizen : . a knowledge not to be ac quired, but through ftudy and the aid of inflruaion. , '. . I 'will therefore decline ; remarking q the " felf approbation and innate fatiitadion which caH not fail' to rcfult, ia.a Qoveto ment like out, from the fatherly and pa iriotic deed of contiibutiDg'eyen oie fing'c vo'yme towrJa the formation and improve ment ol the miudt of thofe: Youth who are . Ihortly to. fucced u bo the fiagc of lif at men, and on whom the character . and fate . of our country muft ' eonfequently Revolve Vthe rcligioui, the fijientiftc and 'the pat not ic, mull all feel en anxious folicitude on ihi head t aid I will only add, that ootwuhlta'ing irrmauydiffi cultiei, the Univerfiiy nt North-Carolina hj not' at any period fioce it etlabhih- mcnt,,furni(bad,fuch abundant and flatter ing. proql, that it, will rife fupetior to it eriibarraffments, ' and ultim Jtely ... fully meet the, wifhea and high expatiori of our country aa at prefaut, if we judge either from , tha i regularity' of tidfcipUne7 it growing charaaer, or the eocieidej and encrcafing number of. the cjtujient placed at! itfc sot to mention their. orderly and indullriou babit8.&.rapid progrcf in their - ; WILLI Aft POLK, Frtfi&nt, J'j Btard of Trujtu.. i FaM the, WairtiroToi FtfttaAltir; '.j XtiklffiRLEAitS V ikvttlANA ITbU paper wiireoofifl chiefly of extrafti front the memoriarmcntioned in my iaft. ; " - Wijl tbe' Oatci go to War ? And have we. ft ho Freo'eh) any reafon to dread hof' tilittea ? Can they not be eafily divcitc or iotimi-lated from open violence f Or fliould pacifying meafurc fail of fuccefi, are they not fufceptiblc of dteptr viounds than' they "ir able to infl'a I Let us predia their fu, ture condua from their baft;1; "r -. ' Thi i a nation' bf;pedlar and ftop keeper a. t Mo n yrngi oflea all thri r paffi- on and' punuiu. vror ini,iosy orvB ii the danger ot land ana warer incy wm fcour "the retnpteli'fea, 'and penetrate the rudefl" nation.1 ; .Thefr : ralinir tACion be in? money, no fenfe of perfoual or national dignity mu ft (land in the way of it gti fication. 1 Me arc' an, ealy lacnnce o the lull of earn, and the mluH and op priffioo of foreicner are cheerfully borne, p ovitled the get a rccompence of a f ecuriiary nature. - iniuiia auu ii'junca ini mew ui the purfei affett no ftnleThat they poffcfrj ann lucn it . trie leemrngiy mcwimcii w. fiitenc f the feereenary 'paf&-nV that the plllagefilSit p infinite difirotitent und ctamor ur e them to no -reverse: - The diaaKi of a generoui nature,' wbiiO ptekr honor to richca, and will hez.itd property and lift ttfeif u the a (Tert ion of it own or its country' wrong, are ttranger to their breaft. When the counfel ii war,' they prudently reckon the eapeoce, and determine -fahtr tokeep what i Iclt them, than 40 j ttk it m enaea voring to regain that, of which they have been robbid. - ,? . ' ' " ulh i their hillory ' fioce thfy have gron to a luilicient tizc to attract tiirton val attrntioa." " - ; Here the rremorialift ftatc the condua bfr-ihe-American to the -war with the French : and Indian, which wa) concluded by the peace of 1763, and the revlwtio ary war, which" procured indrpeodeoce, ao then proceed " '---;"",-? ' 'f:'""r' lli.Snce this period, (tndependence'tlty hive gfowu in wvidthr and r.umberi, -anjf hae been bufi'y employed in Iringing their dtfMiiud mcn.biTantd f.ine Tort of cnm ftj Editora of NewfoaDr within the State; who may frel diipofed to promote tne view ot ttic l luiteea a contcmpiateg in the foregoing publication, will be plea fed to give it a place in tbeir paper aa often a i hay mjy bud it cottveitient. -Ttntage. , Tbcjr- hive r folcmofy actnow-' ledged the right pf Spam to the wefiera- IJope w ihf great valley, andto the inoutha of the river, i' Tbefe tight ill be tranf. ferred entire to a. We (hall oot create unneceffary difficuliie by eterting ttofot. pw rightt ovtrjbe fajage of lbii river. . Thia it all that' they haye; hitherto demanded. Tbie i alj that their convenience will f0r (ome time, demand f and tbi we (hall ret,1-' .dily conce'dtt6'them''-' . acmana Hbe txclujtv fojejjion if (be rivers .. r Thit pofftfion our ftatioB 'at the month of ft. wfil give ti the right and the power to affutne, but a fiort ' tim ma be allb wcS'Uf- V:; ' elapfe before we cbini Jt; Wnaft firft ' make fore our footing! arid yet it would be ftrange if ten tbo'nfahd veteran inla colony . that i ftill French, did nbtr make furethH J footiogi after one d.y' mHitary occupation V of the'proinceiU,'i t i.-'K .. ; Should we bar up thi paflage im- I mediately, or Isvy cuftom on the paffenger; f what will be the, coofequence Tbey will:' fend Ambaffidpra, io' France to- explain. ' their rightSjjo foh'curcdrefa for the wrong; Etiquette wll makei thoufand delay. Thei common" form ; ef .diolomatu di win create a tnouiand more. ew turoa. miy begiveo to the " controverfy j new ' arabaflliddT and new power ili follow the T" old,' and the diHanceof the parties will put to at great a diilance the appeal to arm And the worft i that can enfue, will be ' the - necelEtya of warring with an undif ciptincd and faithlef rabble." ' -v -y NO. HI" , ; 'a - . jtExtratfe continued in fucceflion from thei ' latt number . " A carelefe obferver mar immsm'n Kr in acontei between the American State anc r ranee, thedifadvaotage mutt be wbol- . v vu. Hu, pm mu ua orange opi ' ion , for in ibe" firft place the Hate are vuineroic m every way and at every point, rhey have eitenfi te' commerce; " whiHTi7 " undefended by a navy. They have a long ; . line of fea coaft, on which all their gtca tVwo are fituated, aod wbich hoftile ar-i marocnta will find every where acccffible.f- i ne lost: 'A BOUT the 1 cih inftau t, on the raad ...iTL'. between Na(h 1 court Houfe and; mithfield, N. C. a f mall import d Hoond Bitch. ; She is a . black tan', . i wiih'whtlp. and anfet to:ihc lime of Faib, Miid She wt lately from S(T)itbficld, iin Viigi'ii. aud will probably t make that way.1 The . finder by leaving her with Col.s Atii'gun at Nifh court. houfe, Mr. Connelly at Uali fax, or to the fubferiber at Smithfiefd, fi Cfc or giving iufoiroation whre lhe ; i, (h?il he baouiomely rewarded. - , ; JOHN STEVENS, jon, Janutrjtlt 1803. ':,: '( ' " - ' - . ?. ,,-... ..- - :. nPHE fubferiber intending to; leave tti ! JL Country iu Apil next, offer for fa It in the town of . Soeedfliorough,' a valuable Acat Lott on. the corner of Broad and Market Street, fronting' Mr. H, PearfoaV DelKng4ioufc ; on which i a two.Anry D welling-houfe, ; 36 feet by' io, with a Store and Compiing room below acd four rooroa above, beiide a g ood ,Garrt, - a Ware houfe 30 by aqftt Kitchen, Smoke houle aridjother convenient; out Houfe, well calculated. cither for a private family v or public'' bufineft. The Houfe are all 'new and in good repair;' for term epply -to JUbtPH U. CABRALL. Snetdwnugrh January 20, 1803.' ;ll iltsborough J Academy. ' 7' rr ti t Tyutlfe of H.TfinrougbAcade- JL. ' my rcipeciruuy inrorm tne puoncic. mat ti win oe again- opened on the hrtt Monday In January for the reception ; of ' youth of bwU fexca, tinder the dlreaion of George Jobnltoo, A. M. lately frona Edin:. burgh, who wijl teach the Greek,' Latin, French and.- Englifli Language, with the plainer branches of, the Mathe.matic, "na -t tiral mid moral Philofophy, Arithmetic andlWftiing the fame at tjbe lafl ypaV.V 'Board may: Vc had upon cheap term . in efpeaable private iamilie. . 'i' '..r ".V . ; The TruSlce pledge themelve to caofe the' gttateJl atirntioa to be psid to the tnpfal an4 the;improvfmtntt 'of foch a may be fent to th. AtalemyV ; ' WALTER ALVES, " ;-r' r WILLIAM K1RELAND. ' W I LLl A M. W H ITTED. ' WILLIAM CAIN. 5 DUNCAN CAMERON. BWfionughi Jan. t, 1803. bintiOB riVbuilding up and u!!ftg down thtipattte '.cotiftituwma quellirg tumul.a "dtcitvdr by attem pif to 'evf Wff on a liquid poifou -caUtd,- WKilkey I in fupplicauig " Funce and England, that tbey wou:d W gooJ enough to repayjhe value tot utte p'uwer .commiiieo sy tneie 11 .tu ns on their c'cmmerc' and Sjo, that he would be p e frd to let them paf up ..1 d tiowa the MilrauVpi 7 and in ti;e molt Uriout and difirriitflul atiim't'fi'ie of party,' joiiiei ted by the two gea' rival in Euiopf and c nVtruNe at will into mere fuccefsful rni iiui Vf cot quttl than rrroitt and fleet, luftead of providiiig for tlkir oo defence, 4gatutt fotrikro or domtflic fori, bv armed ih'paand disciplined troop j ihcy have te liid -on tic power of Intrutty. and -on a ruUU if mlttia. t InlU'd of .alfcriirtg their iiatuiul clkinia to the continent of North r me 1 ica. the v have 'left ill 'their fooihern a:a. ..1 I':!"' 'v.:-ft'-.fcri jonVdefpkaMe naate grourd , fie greater part of their national 1 eve itie dillr a., and the " river in th- hai I and defei'telefa 4 lef an4 ridiculous but tormidable & fatal when traafrrVed to other.. . .,.-' 'fy :-'-.'. v", " -', " .Wht topicii likely t? produce con vidioo, canbc urged by the advocate for hatiile mrafurea The future occupation of the wetter n woild, by a rate congenial to thimfclvea t the extenfion of their name and language over fo larae t part of the earth f the future afquifitiona ef the itches if Mrtiro "are; fpltndid fimagea which ; might ferfnee the fage'io his c'ofet, ei the defpotio prince' ' whofe private will the la w-of -his people,- and whbfe- private Cafe would rot be impaired by the incident of War, but ar e idle and ineifeaual dream in the viw';of f he farmer, trader; or Artisan. Tjicfc claflea btuft provide rrtmediate bread for their children, and comfort and rrfoed for their old age. Chimerical and diftaot jgooda would "ha'rdijr -extart fr;m thim a petty contribution to the public.) or tempt them to march a hundred mile front home, y itb tnufltet on their (houlder :" 4 or to I'fque the rot ring of the corn in their grana lie for watt of market 1 thajofs of cuf tomer to their (hop'; and the inadtion of their (hips for want of frright. The ruler of Amsrica are tirher Farmer or Merchants themfelvet, or they hold their power at the caprice of plowmen and belmfmen. Among fuch there is rarely-.an pnderftand 'ing to esnceive,. much , lef any difpouYion to deny then felve; their cuftomary pita- v furea fri thc fakei'of 'national gbrj ttHtfii of dijant generations. S ''', ' ( , j r Wt may, ii" lbtlg a we pfeafe, avoid , eneroaching On their bordera, or even dif turbing them in thepurfuit of theifown ad- , 11 l .ii-. .JU!.!i-JW 4mJ-;'Jr Let tfiaoi za on,',' said Mr, . Gallatin in the iioute o; .Bepwahtativet ot the U. S. speaking if French 5itai itt thum go on, it will be cheap er tJ lubrait, Uaa' go.lu war," and all ike people said, . Amen I .;.'.:""". f'.; ';.;.'' -.' jT?bi:. .-?'iT ' 1 'i,'"JVn'i' iMi.ii'ii' nriT-iVr sTf 11 ' mmrk It jaw!XjV i 4ir&' ,'l " 1 ' iflfift? i" rfswia Mm 1 tl .w nom lbctr foreign commerce, Tw '-'''. notell or dtfpoil tiatt f thcrtfwe, it to aim " M the iworce pf alt ther flretigth. - To pll- hge or dettrny their great town, is to in flicl wound equally mortaL Their inland frontiejj a watte, deftitute of alt defence ' iimfL iuafion, and unfitted for the main tenance, or march of aimiet, into in Vollile territory. - " " v . , ' ' V " But the great weakoefs of thtfe dates' arifti (rum their form of government, and' rhycoaditioa and habit pf the people. Their fotogovei!nmeltnd4he 5atg.w of thr country if an hot bed for fi iftion and fed it ion. .The utaofl: foice of all the wifdom they pofliefs,' if exerted in keeping the hoiiiie part together. Thefe parts are uidike each other, and each' one baa the in. dUinualixiug prtjudice of a fcperate Hate ; all the pucie Jealoufies rf the greatnefa of ouirr 1 inc pcirjr animoutie wnicn m..ale neighbour quarrel with eacb; other without -caufe.- Hdv flight an additional iofufioo ia tequifite to fet this heteiogene ur nfi into commotion i H rich tie Jjf:t rut parti ineivnt differ mt vtayit ' 9 thi great ikrfiak tjfvar-'f- --T..S. . ':; The maftr of the Miffiflippi will be placed fo a to controul, id t(te nioft efiec tual manner, thtfe internal wave ' It is acknowledged that he hold in hi hand 1 he bread of all the fcttlcments well of the hills. He may difptnfe, o.r with hold it his plea--fure. '-See we not the mighty influence that t his power 'will give ua over the counfels op. thdtta(ea i v-:', - t-. '' Nature hat divided this nation,, by the v hil - that torn-thergreat water ppofiterT", ways- The intcreft of thofe whs ft all oc cupy the two flopci pf the great valley are .lb (amis. Mountiiha fvperate mankind 1 tivct draw them together, j The maritime : a.nd xheJfirvfWllateS.are combined by accU' ' dent;' 'i.he cosftant: tendency ia to part, . while the tendency i be lef ftrong' in the flate divided by the river, to coaltfce Thefe diffeieat tendencies, i the eafy pro vince ol France, io her hew colony,, tma nage fo.ti to make their enmity pvalfliip -' harmlefcto u. . x -"S ' t The peculiar colour of their faAions is, alfo, extremely lavontable ts thedefignsoC a powerful and artful neighbour.; Tey quarrel about forms of government. Thefe; lorma are not fubtile thrcrfdi, and fcarcely vifible, dftwa from the bowel of theit owi inveutioa, but are Ihe grof and clumfy mo dels takei from Eupttrtamplre. The tivalfliip between France and England haa exteuded. to the fpeculationa of thia people, . and by. natural coofequence, prejudico i thus created, ''which makes "one faflioa friendly 6 France, aod the oth?t to En gla ndic ; Tt'T' . ' ; ' ' ': rrr All the revcnuaV the United Btate nmrttewa from, foreign commorce, iince the iepeaJ oi' the law for oaiftding Internal Taxes. XBartk'l to popularity !i4 J . ".. .''''" ''"':'. l - ' ' - f'v.-.. -.(- ,' - w.-'-i 1 i,J'