I V. ; On? pirty i,xtjre?itt.feoC,M to all at,, eicroschments of the Eagliflt; Here ihfte vigilence i all alive. -Tfiey hiva g?at facility at d'fcoveriag harm, when it cornea fruin this quarter ,They ar.e prone ,.o etery thing which, may gie offeac toihe, tioa they bitterly Jute... They rejoice at itidiibeff?, They roaurn af its triumph. On the contrary, they are .governed by a bits equally ijroog in favor of France, Their .f heart are ,ouf eyeq rwhett the, ir, icifls 'would ..difpptove.;. 4-They;eoocel rpllwtf ,or c,ufne j; they pity our -cala. Duties ,tney connive at .iiywea Pi fulw ,from'yuV Solpkbaa. vengeful and irafciolej to EngUnd,.the t fhatUyrtlvjpk no wrorg endures much, and uafy of entreaty tcr Fiepchmen. .,. What obvious ind convinient iools will thofe prpw:.i any critical ffAir i,'How eaf to eofrrct this iMtqnl. bias, ; by , arguments iddrff?d their i16flj pafii job, and perfonal inierelti. We have learned Jto fet Hi ; true price on rtpuliuM virtue Y nd national Spirit ; Tp feme gwnng lUuliont itu; .brought not land, i vitzetlaod, .. aod Genoa into out fnsres, will, ,.wi;h as much, facility entrap republics that mill bciuor at pur,n.ercy, aod ot.' which to? members are more, an fjiiant and ruotley."- - ,T, . . . M.This party, always formidable in its pint jtapd numben, nas lately, gotten tut 'maltcr. - The majority of the pcopleAatd their prefent rulers, art pliant clay fitted , fvruje.,. froro tneie.wc may .exact neu trality to ail our fihemes.; .They will, take pains to (hut their eyes .againll future eviU. Tiicy will be rcroatkab'y frikk fighted-to the dangers of-a rapture with us. . Their (truplei egain'l the violations pf treaties and againll otTcnfive war, swill be wonder. fu Iv itrono-.v 1 hey will, fagerly iwaWow the plates, that we ihall piQvidefor ahem, and thank" us : for any porton .that anni hilates their. own fears orcnibai the in to lull thofe of the people . A$4 noij wiiho.utfltoog. teafon may they deprecate 4 quarrel with' France, whom tts new pojutonnir oaiucfiifwHt rcn; Act . a ul'eful friend, but a i tatal eacrny WliervJWa, becomes the topic of difccurlc, this people wilMm't their eyes to the cala.'. luukg of i5t-Dominejf), and iher to .tlteiuj ovtn ptnvncts, wotre tne iroc inreKiqt; plague exiiU in a degree cquf iy-iui midable diu where their utmoft cairjs tcqwilite t " picnt the lruggli"g mifchitf, fioia butH in? iu bonds.. ... , . . , -J Devotpd to ihe.wotft mifejir is the naiion .wni(o n tiwb jh, hi ooictn aiiorcign xacej brought. py iraua,anc rapine, Imi tbfit native,la!3 who aie jbereaved of til the blcffiags of huwanity ; whom a erml tivit uJe infpi.c w.nh all the vices of fctue, apd aiT the p of Dtinans t vh!e. urines have been lo gieal liat the law of; ci!-jirtfevj,tin. obliges tlie fltc ti Ccdk. to the ciuz n the-power, of Ticking lit fl.jve free ; ivhofe, indelible ,dUlictioii ollutni, colour and perhaps organization, will forever pre veot. ihtnf fiom b!ei ding with -their tyraats,T into , one, pepleij who lull tr aq eternnl "fefertmeut., at ;ppfi,n"un, and whofe, fwteteli hour, wpdl, b that, which, butried them and theii lotds in a comnto.ad itnnie?.J'urahle ruin.' -r , . v . With -what prudence can' this nation attack neighbor, "who can fan at plcaf'ire. - the difconntirroMbisc inteft ine entrriy .who can .ie union, iriefign -and arms, lo its dfttiOCjye efforts at revenge f . Who can raife, at ny moment, a Spanacui opL'Ou vtrture to dAncl tht c uels, and etrpiox the fuice .which might oibcrwifc annoy him felf ; whbfe own fad expciience hasittfprai td hirr) pf .the power of this weapon agaiiilt (he public; jKrce i whom .the maxims pf r wiH juflify itv turning -Ahii weapon aainft hif (enrayj ;8d,whofe local fitUi i ition enublct him to r life .this weapon with fWoft facility .aod, diroei it vvith moil force , . ..Thi nation is pot ialtnfible to all tlufe dariffrim An exm'Ie is before theii eyes pf iervie war.. Thf k country, is full of ' exile's from the vicer of luch a warlAje.--, '.'Tfccij traveUet'.t heir, daily ppoa fuppi j ihem with the. p-idUire, , all. its cite urn- . Itantial botior.rTiieyfarc fhaken by jp , ;-. ics ,0ft- this, very account all eady, and up onfjderatin Aould have a flronget ,ii.flu ; tnee on' thqir cy pdii.cl.tHan this, 7 -, -rr - . " ROMjTllE :BALAKCEi. , . DUkNGji,e ar 6f, La . Vendee, tne'Doke" de RcCHttvcAvtr (z(iniicmn: edto die, a veil ashia 'latia'htcrj found jrf lie, tefoiiic,es.pf tltfltiiffeflionate girl, the weans .of ' copccalirtfr himfelf till a period f dughtef,.WM fufferiflg under ,the extreme t poverty, j Qie Jearnt, tht her father's iieaun wasucgnqing (rr wanttoi aue nur ilmcot, , bhe noru jfaw.no, way put to de vateher life to fave her fathct's.. and fhe Jnftantly made tbe.refole.w A , General of. the republic at that very time wis pa fling through the city in which ;was her placeof concealment, and to him fhe wrote the fol ' low tng letter, . fJ, j.. . ,r -,'t CiTitiM Genual Wherever, the yoice of nature h heard, daughter may be allowed to claim the compaflioaof mea in behalf of. her father, Condemned to death, at the. fam jme with him who. gave me being, I have fuccefsfuljy preferved htm from the fword jtt the cietu- tiooer, and have prcfervtd , my ftit to .watch over his fafety, -Put iu facing bis ..life, I have; not been able to furoiih all ihatu,ne eeflary to fuppqrt himc- My. unhappy, . thevwhttfs; entire property, isj" .coufifcated,; fuffers a( this moment the want of almoft evtiy . thingr. Without clothes, without bread,' without a frieni jo faye him from" priifhiog of. want he nas notf even the re- iource of tlte beggar , which ftill f urnilhes a little' hope, that of ben j ab!e to appeal ta hecVmpflffi;nte, "d 10 p-tfot hit white hairs to th ft thaL tight'le inovd to"gie him aid: my lather it, he, itpot fpeedily fuccoured will die in h i? p'e, 4 1 price I , nient, and thus, nficr ft a'ching liim fvm a violent denh) I (hill hvc 10 fullain the .mournful rcfkSion of having betiaycd him toonc tnoie litigenng aotI,piuful:hat of dying of ct'ld and hunger,' ; . ; .J Br the julgt, Cttitm G nersl, o,the extent of my mi&fon tnte,and own that it is worthy of pity, ; One ,re f.-mfe is only left to me. - It is to raft my felf upon your; generuury..' :1 offer you my head t ur.dtri take to-go, and to, go.wiliingly, to'tht leaf.: fold, but. give immediate facconr ia ; n.y dying father Below Xgivr yi.ur-i.be name of my place fconeea' went 1 4lTe I will expect death with pic n fine, if. 1 aiay pror mfe myfelf that, you will be u uched with tiy prayeTsTndTwilfrelTtve my old and deftitute parent.' . fX'f' v i Tbe fold ier had 00 foonrriesd this letter thsn.'lif vbiiAeiKd.to the a(ylom of Madam de- RochefoHcauIt,. aod no on y rcheved her i at her, but fecretly p'Otefled botbr-and the lad feflion of .Use Legiflature,tanacldreft ,t Gev. ' Williams acknowledging his fenric es, had been moved in the Senate, and that James Turner efq ( now governor) was the member who oppoled it; It become s'a quef don. now what Cervices Governor Toruer has rendered the date as yet, for his la ay of fix -teen hundred a year ? - Will the People of Aflie & Pafquotank JbeT benefitted if the Go , verrior has the fafteft hotfe iq tbVR'e'8h' and. the bel Game Cock lf ' Let the Demo crats proclaim this-an. ilhuturcd fabrication, !et it (hall, not fwerve the Editor torn pub,. . ilhing the truth, however difagteeable it may he to lome. We know this much',' that- if. a FederaKft whofe'duty it was to lee the laws carried lo to effeil. "inould be the 'fir ft ton 'rfyePthQfe laws' we fliould dot have heard the lift of It foon. V, POSTSCRIPT. . j , ' I Fit, atcSt Cfiifervalor. v i iue roitowiog.intercittp lotemgwce was. '. I headed to'the Editor of the Conferva tor, : f this afternoonv he deems it hi duty' wlv give it immediate publicity. "' ' , - r :t ';:l.:tftfetetja.:.$,. 103. - , ', 9 aftethe-O'h'tThoraittpriprocured. -thr, re flora tin of M .-de Rochifoccault's property by a revifios cf their fwiteoce. - Raleigh) TUESDAY, FLBRUAP.T ,S2, Adf2. -arrived mre favotuableto thrtt jullice which 1 e'tiicccisfully . chimed.. i H?'a d,aogh'ter U.t care was to place him under the friof 1 mrprote4lionu of an 'lafttlan, who had for ; nverjfhren a pemt flic in the; Dnke?a'fei vice, after . fiich Ihe pu-curcd atTtfylum for hef fyf. Thty were thus both fecure from th invmcdiare-povi'frJ of their ftfecutors I ' tut as the Duke's property was eonfifcaied, aud as compriliao is apt'to grc w weat'y hi good offices, the means of their bart iuuimcnce were icon wora out. ; vviux tnc . ThiDay 4s the Anniverfary of the JB'rth of .General. Gcoro e Walhiogton - We hope it will be obftrved as a Dy of ;Te.ft,ivity. by every, Ametican If the Day whuh enrolNd us in thelift..)f Nations, is menor4''t'--tbe. Daytwhich gave us Htm wlvf,Arm achiv .. ed that Event, iarquall) jmernorable-.. , . ; On,Tuefdaj' and Wednefd.iy laA,7 a greate'r oantity of Snow than ,bas been uoeffed n this tort of the Pate for a number of years, ft wasfijppQfed to.be at lea ft.: ginches deep; The oldcji iohabitant iemembers to have ften two, deeper fnow y t '.,N ;! v ! 'Alli. "i- The, tlree V Us due this week, and the Wefterr iweek,,' . arrived juft hen tbis pap. Jrjcf., ,51 t GavVror'bfrtli-CaroIin Duting the': adminiflration of that oflice by' Genera'; Davie, thp Lfifl'ture psfled a law conipel ing the teCdence of the Gover. nor for fix months in evey yar at the feat of government. 1 This, law. Governor Davie flrifliy complied with, and wfonevr he as about to be abfenton j'yifilto, his family during - the ; other m'oaths of the year, he caufed it to be niade public ift t,he, Newljia per,. n order that the citizen havino biiftnefs with the executive migl t kaow.Where to find Hill . VW'VMfc . . i Vv citizen of this place, from which he never was abfent but a rew days in each yearj the. copfequence was that in no iprtance was there att application on buuneis wrijcn requnea ex ecutiye interference" where the sppltcant 'was delayed! - Tlie Legifla ure' at their taftffi' on,, fenflble of the, utility' andV'y ( 8 pcrpianent refidence from tthat( whicb,w.is, evidenced by the previous' ?dm1o)ftratiprH that they an acl making it tpre .'d'tyof. the Qoyernor to refide conflantly at, the feat of ,the goverpw 'will oiT.the People ljppac1ed( by their fceprev fenttives, Uie prcfent Goverpor has not been at h,is Aat'on more than live or fix'days'fjnce I the 1 8h or. 20lh of December Ml .'.In vatn may ; the citizen,, who perjhapl has travelled i5oril5S,onbutiP txejCiItiyeV'at-.-.'teft.raRwtejryiewhe'.Ja', torbe,.uiforDied; 'that the Governor is gppcQ tlie. Ancjent Dominion tn-fearch; of , a Race. JIoi fe" and probably a Game Cock,' and jh, if hewill wait a few weeks, he ihay likely, fee hin-' W hope for, the honor & dignity, of .the 4th ftate in the union, this fTory may npt'go be.' yond its limits and.this publication (pf jt to --rhe Peonle" of r North Carolina would not ' have been nude',, bad juftice fanAione'd our hlence." lrwiii De recouectca too mat at Cimntuiiicdtiim,--tn Extt a8- ,.".,. Character ot a Republican. ; 4 A clobmy , fattrrnine, faTiouinary prln cipl'e aoitates the .Bread of 1 Kepuhlicso.- Oiisfavage eye-rdarts malignant T i!a(hes ,of deilruction at .the appendages of ditlinctton, aadhe is at rternal yriance.wiih. regu'ar government, however it may be tempered by mm .: . . " a 1- 1 v w n a iccetiary .controui or tee people. . nis reiticfs foul is in contirual broils1 with itfelH 'while'.ithe' fhadow: of eCergetic '.government exxfts In a country where he refides, and be is fure to fe k all opportunities to dimtnifh the powers of the h'tate, "and to cavil at the admirjilhation of the public concerns.'. The bjeel which aAuates hit mind is the love of dominion and he is -a greater, tyrant in his heart, 'tiut "this mod . abfolute "monarch n earth. His lamours foe the freedom of his country are excited by the motives ambition and bts'on'y wifh is to obtain the powers of controui aver the generality of his cotempo raries. ' f He cannot, bear the molt dLflantidea of reftralnt, and the regular fubordintion of good government, is hateful to the arrogance of his feelings. . " H. hit no re ilh but- for dernocVatical .rbnjufion, vnd the profpcA of CRabtifhing his owu conlequtnce in iociety, upon" the general diiBpation of found poUcy, and the uni verfj. flruggie Car pre-trainence He hopes to acquire a princifif (hare is te mangemenrot tlx public, concerns -srid he is ure to ufe his power, . if he obtain any. wttn the molt iciolent prelumption, ana all the tokens of the moft unbounded tyranny " MARRIED, - v AtMr, Seawell'a in Franklin, on Wed nefday laft, Mr. 1 ward Jones of Warren, to Mils JJetfcy Seawell , feieS Dim. ' H f VAbout ten days ago in Franklin county, after lingtrinp under the pa'fy for 1 a months, Doctor Thomas" Mitchell, a ' tnan who has b' en a ufefu' 5c refpe clable inhibitint of that courty for a'grjkat number of y eats: He was a native of Scotland; which he left when young BY virtue of a deed of riMff; executed to ; the" Subfcrber, by -William Fitch, to lecute tne payment of a decc auetovation and Ebemzer' Stott, Merchants of Potesf burg, will be fold: at the Market houfi in the town of Hillflsorough, On the th -day rf April next, a iracT of Lsod lying in Orange county, on Little Riverj adjoining the 'Land of Daxid Ray and others', containing three huodrkd Acres, Otiginally granted to John Thompfon, and by-hro conveyed! 1)0 faid iitch I there are fame ImrJrovenwnts on the Land, which iY well calculated for the 1 uf ' ture' of GfatnA -credit of nine months will be fiiven to the-uurchafsr, onJiis giving fatisfaflorV feeurit fof the. payment of. the purchale Money.- Any perlon wiihing to view 'the Land before the day of Sate, will anp-y to Mi. Fitch.; who refides on the Pre rmfe " DUNi CAMERON." ; HMJltrcugb, Feb. lo 1803. r t . ' . . IXi lUE IRfcLMEN- - - - ---- FayettevllleV-DistricN Friet an J Fellow CUizeni,'' - " ' FROM the 8olicitat:ons cd a Number of the refpeAable Citizens oft his DiftricV I have berf iridut e d to cme forward at this late period,-and offer jOtf rny Service to'ie prefent you the eniuin twdj years in the CoaZ grefs of the United States.Shou'd it be your Pitfafure1 to confer' that sj pointment op me, ibo' poffefs the Politics- of I" ffei und well Vegulated Republican Gavernirierit, you may felt aflurtd- ihtt Nothing (Kail be omitted on my Parr to advance'yctfand -the tefl 6Fmy Fcffow Ccuhttymen as ia as my A bilities & j iTnder the date of the 6th inft the' In. tendaui Geutral of thefe provinces tells me. iht ,the utixeos of the United States of A- - mertca. can have no commerce with his ma. - jefty's fubjeds,they only having the free navigation of the river for the csportatioa ' of the fruits and prpduce of their eftaljlfh- i mentf to foreign countries,' and the impor- ", tstion of what they may want fro-n them ' as fuch I charge you fo far as refpefia yony to be xealrjus and vigilant, with particular 4 care, that ;them i'vhabi(antafr neither pur.' ' . chafe or fill any thitigafo the fhipping, flat bottom'd boats, barges, or any other fm&lUf er vtflels thaf may gQ Alongth tfver, dsf-f tined for the American -poff-ffirtns; or pio- i ceedingrpm themihat they hall be inforV ' medof it, foi jlL-ir due compliance of the. fame. 4 i l-i-. .-i,, m v.,. , (Signed)'. - it- - ,i Carlos De GraHjpree. ' , Baton Rouae,. Dtc.-' 231802.' - The forcgomg ii strat flation from the original, directed to me Sy bis lordfhtp Car-; loa De Giandpee,-colonrlofthe RoyalJ, Armies,-, atrd Governor f Baton Rouge. ' ' (Signtd) . ' ' t ''.:,t- J. O'COXN&R. " : - ' ' -Cyndk oti Dllria. ' t Baton Rouge, Dec. 17, 180a.1 Robert Fleming & Co: . Have jtif received a Frejh Supply of, -. Befl ; W eil-India Hi'- Alfn . ; f v 'Rum,' 4tb .p;toof .Sugar & Cofiee r r French Brandy, .V- nouana. uin n, impenaij Madeira & Sherry Port Wine in bot r ' ties. . - Molades.otc&ff. i : With aCenettil ffortmh ot &pieer Young Hyfon and touchong, so Dry Goods, Hard. Ware, Queens Ic G!a Ware, which tney continue to fctH L.ow for Cafh 01 Prflduce.t ' Raleigh) Oafrf-en-T.. I remain,-Gentlereert,' vrry'refpeafuHy, ' . 1 . v v J -..Vnr nhptiinr14ntiKr. " " ;r,uSAACl;ANIER. -a- r STATE OF TliNNEoiEE,). - .Mero D'ilria,-- J ''- f B tpi'ily November Term , 1 8ra. ; Reuben beaicy, Complainant, . , a . t. i ' John R, Editor, Sl.n.'i ' i , .A Defenduntt. Stephen M nit. J r- ? "1 TTHEREAS tlvc complainant obtairh . VVd an oadtr'to amend his bill, bens' tofote- filed . aj:m!t the defendants, aod - caufed- ptctfs of Subpotna totiiTue, coma- maudingtlxm "to aufwer-he'allegti6S fe forth in the fai 1 a mended ' Bill .hich .wat returned not found.' ; A nd tt appeartpg-'to' the fatisfadion of ibefaid coutt ihatMity are otnfdenfs vf : ihi flile; ittis there fre or(crcd, that 'fahfs the aforefaiddefen. alants appear at b'ur nex Const of-Ecfuityf . to be held for the Didn'cl sforefaid, a the court. hotfe " in Naftville,' Ow thevftcond -V,onday in 'May," .and either plwdsanr fweror demar, r,he fctllw ill be.takenpro confeflb i.'.'i- "A' . ' 1 , - . BENNET SEA RCYC M. C. E. ; .," . '' , , ' ' ' "'. Land" for Sale in1 Chatham: 'AVjMaW.Haw;Rtverrweir'known:f)y , jHL the nam :of the Red field Ferry', 'eon. taining 350 acres more or lefs 1 the fate 'of which will he on the " ad day of March nextVen a Jengthy credit, the purchafer giv-i ingborld afd fecutity" " '" '" ' :: TKe EXECUTORS" Fth. $t '""'ot Joseph Hiciiiay, "dec; , A Li. thofe, indebted to thf . late jirn of ! (XJL- Hogg & Adam, are requpded to call and make payment, fuch as flilf owe on open - , account, wi J clofe thena. by giving if note of bond if immediate faymcnx is not cpr.venient. ' , Thofe having open accounts, whq dq pot pay A r r rant notes .with feenrrty where it may br "K re"qoirjrd, at r before the ecfuing court qt ' Wake county, need rot be-at,all fyrprifedjf hy find, the debt in.fuit agajnft them immc diately after faid comt, 4 j n -'.., A. 4. r . , .-JOHN HOGG. Raleigh t:Ji: 15., . . ( , ...Ciw - Wee. 'ajlSoa, TV TAY meet.with emfoyment,' on'appuV 1V1. cation to DAID RUTH , " : i J CAaiir.mai 'Wkeet-Untght Raleigh Jni 11 if:- : .Notice rpHE' ccpirtntrlhip of JOtiN TC0YE8 ' I ak'SON,' is this day diffojved by W. tual eonfent All perlons 'baying demands will call on John "Noye? for payment, whi. is authofifed to' receive a'l debls duethe'x:6ri corn. : ' J JOHN.NOYES."' 1 r LEMUEL',' NOyES ' "LumberUnfRthifon CwntySjanlH'ti t a V . 1 v4l".1P,.'i V sr V V r - PS F 5 ' r 1 N it av & 1 '- .'-fSMJt .. . I - KJ i i f ' if . 1..., t 1?' .... '.' ..';-: ''.u-;. ' li JSw .. 1. ' t: .. jlv ' L ;v..ii.i..,.,..T, ... ... . ,r -r pl ... 'V ir-sii-ZZ. 7 . . - 1.

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