i77P irODGE-fcrBOYl .',.-, Twenty-five Shillings Pr 2tar.. Senate pf the Uy Stakr. We d esday , " & b u a v 1 6i 1 803 . VifcV; ;Wtfin of DeJaware.'-Mr. Prefideht." On'this iubjccr,'; which hatf bh'a fbraKTday been' difcufled with to liiuch abllhy, arid witH i'uch eloquence bynVy friend from JPenh fylvariia, ' tHe honorable mover, of the relolinions,'. I hall fubrait the . few ubfervaripns I may make, in as. con die a manner as A am capable 9f;r; for.it is very far from my wilh to oc cupy ' tha time,T6r atfention brthe Seti:tte " uhneceiTarily. -. The refolu iions ori yoar table I approve in thir full extent 1 believe they exprefj the firm and manly tone; that at this' liroment, is Specially becoming the dignity othe government to affume ; I beTie vehey in ' meafures, that,", if" promptly purlued, will be honorable to the na:ion and equal to the accomlifhment of the important objecYwbich gentlemen on all fides Jeem to have in view. Thefe alone, with me, would be fuf ficient inijacemcnts to yield t hem my " feeble fupport ;-bit jn addition.-to thefe, and to the thorough convic tion of my own mind as to the courfe I ojLight to purlue, I nave the happir nel's of beihgTupporred in my opini ons on thisiubjett. by' the unequivo cal ekpreffioh of the fentiment of the ftate, rto whichI have the honor to belong. It was early feen, Mr. Prefidenti and required but little penetration to dilcover,. that adventurers emigra ting beyond the mountains; an i feci tling on our weftern waters muft poj fels the free navigation of the .Milfif fippi, it bemg-therr only outlet to the. ' ocean. Thrs iiajtant privilege it became neceflary on the part of the' government otthe United Statj to" fecuVe bf tfeatv.' & not leavtf io the capricious will of whatever. r.atibr might future! hold the territory at inc mouin or ine river, v iiccoramg Iv in the Ath and 22d articles of our treaty with Spain',"! find oh this fdb ject the fallowing Itipuiatidjis ; . ; 'f Article I Vlt is likewife agreed mac ine weiiern, oounaary or tne United States. Which febirat as them from the Spanifli"' colon j ' of" Xouiil"-! ana, ?s in the middle of the Channel or bed of the Viver MiffiffimvifrnnV the northern , boundary t of the fald States, to the comDleriori of rhe 1 1 ft degree' ,f latitude north of the equa- i.urv rfxnu. qiauainoiic majeity nas likewiie" agreed that the naviga'tioh yii inc laiu river, in us wjioic; DTCaain from it's fintre fn rH( orparrL' ffiall hp .free: bnly tq hisfubjets and'the ci tiz'eris of the United Stires''QleiV ne mould extend this privilege to the! lttDjects ot.Qtner. powers by Jpecial convention. -I).-. : . . . r-," t Art. XX IL The two5 high cohV tracuffg parties, hoping that the g.od correfportdence arid friend (hip which happily reigns between them, vill be further encrealed by this treaty; & that it will contribute to augment their profperity' and opulence, ; will m future give to' their mulujtl com inerce: all, the' extnfion and Tfavor ,hich th advanfages of both coun ; tries' niay VeiiireV ; ' .'''"l?. . Arid in c6nfeauehce:of the flinul. fitions contained in the fourth article. uis vauouc luajeuy win permit the citizens of the United btates, fdr'the fpace of three years from this time, tod'pojlt titer merchandize and tfftfts in the tri 4 sXew-brleanSf and ,tO expoft them from thence without paying a-' ? other duty; thln'a fair price for - the; hire pf ;1iores,Tand his ihajeftjr : promifes either to continue this per . Rnffion;- if he finds during that titne,' that ins not prejudicial to the inte rdts of Spain, or if he mould not a-' tree to continue i; thefe, hd jviU af- fiirn to them: oWannfhprTir?rt W Banks of the MiffilTipi, an Equiva i.ent Establishment." a :i . this inftrument, Mn Prefidem; it is knotn, ; for a' time' quietetfthe; fears arid jealoufies of our We(f ern Brethren ; they fuppofed it had5 re moved forever the poflibility cf any future embar raffment to theii.com. merceori thole waters; . And afterif had been proclaimed, as the law of the land, after it had been ratified by both nations,' aridbeebme oMigarory upon the faith, and honor e of each who could have thought otjierwiie Yet fir,' it has hippened otherwife ThlS Dlace.of Hnnfir at N(iv.flr; leans,-Tecured touritizensTby th? article Iaft read,', has been Recently wreltel from thiir hands hv the jh. thoritT of the Sbanilh covfrnrnfnr fa No Uthk r EouivliLENT oh afiar. find mil es tf ; bToar TtavitrafioriX rhv ihay diiembafk their produce in or- u w wuuu icr ici,ana wunouc this' advantage the nivLaratiiVn of rh'e river is to them but an empty name. I I ... (..'J L. 1 .t ' . . . dvc iaia ny rne autnanty or tne Spanifh governmenr. - It has indeed been given out to the wofld for'rtsf ions thutvcry man may conjecturei' and are unneceflarv to he mcnrinheH: that this; was not the acVcf; goverrV ment, Dut the rath meaiure of a fin gle officer, the Intendant General of the paniih. provinces that the Spa nifh ramifcer had iflucd t rdersforthe Ipecdy adjultment of thefe ditticulries had kindlv offrreJ to ihinw him. lelf into the breach to prevent this In- tendant i-reneral from goihg to extre mities with the Government of the United States. ; Sir, gentlemen may; piece of diplomatic policy, intended only ro amulie rhpm "." nH tn (av n. thing 6f the humiliating idea of re fortin$ to fuch a plairter for the. wound that has been inflicted upon our national honor, . if .they had :ta- Ffi9.Wc.'--'thcyH might have beenJinfofrried that the Spanifh Mi niuernear this government has no con trou 1 $ t , NeWrOrlearis t bat the Infendant General is like himWf an immeeiate . officer of the crown, and, rei pontic only; to the crown for his conduct. .? If, the, Spanifh m(niiter has interfered, which Tarn not diipqfed. td queftiien.'.to mike the. beft ot jt, it could bnly have, been' byjhe inirca ties of men in power; as a mere me diatbr,' to beg of the Int'eridant pc henrl of N". XJrleans, juftic & peace on behalf of the people of thUnited' Statesv.. Are ; honorable gentlemen preparecf to accept of peace onfuch' reTms Ihey might do fir for a. tribe" f ftarving Indians rjut'isi; thiuheV iaui. uja. wc aic ui noia among tne nations of th world ? nd it ie'ems that even.thefe fupplicating ad varices" are likely to aViy S us' nothing Jjy ao;". coun t,S:Ver' lately received from New- Orleans," by a private" ;letteyhjch T have eeh fmce thele rofolutionswere' librriitte4. to the fenate i Iriteh dant Geiftral haS exprefled much dif pleafure. at .the. 'interference bf the opanith minilter-rftating;tha't it was nofvvithin his diitv or fns nrnvinc ' and that ,he the-iritendanri, afted' not under Spanifh but French" or-' ders. , y t,::r:t " As to the clofiritf of -'the Timt nf New-Orleans atrai nl our 1 citizen the' man who can now doubty tftcr, viewing ail the accompanying circum ftances,1 that it was the deliberate acY of the Spanifh'; or fyenclj -oyer" rnent,; iiuflfiaye locked up'his fnind acainft .truth arid convidionl uriA determined to dif'eredit, even the c Viderice of his own i'ens.lRiir fir - itis not only thVdepHvirig us of bur right of depofit by. which We have been aggrieved ; it is by a fjrfterh of rheafuies nurfued antecedentanrf fVh- feaudnt td that event eoballv TSnrtiT and evea more infulung. 1 have in' ; M O N;DATM-ar;c h; at, 1 803; VolVIIL Numb. 363V I , . . 1 ... myjhand a paper, .figned by a Spa nifh officqr , which with' the indul gence of the chair. I will read to the' i'enate. ADVERTISEMENT. V. ; r ' .tTnder date of the' tcth inft. (De cember)sff he Intendant; general of thefe provinces tells me, tqat the ci tizens of, the United States of Ame rica, can . have no eomnterce. with h'u niyeflf s futfrfathcy' only having the free navigation of the river for. the exportation of the fruits and produce of theireftablifffirients, .to foreigti" countries; and thelLimborfsjtidibF. what they jmayrit from them-MAs. i?tfr Vjfo.far;7.fetfe0j jPtf ,7d; kjZtalQtti anigjigiUnti vttk particular ir-,' "thai ther ifhaiitants, neitUf purchari'e or. boifr, fagtfO&Myj ether . mailer ' vejpls that may go along the'riyer deftiaed for thv American poffeltioris, or pro ceeding from them,, that they (hall be informed of it for their due com pliance pi the famci , (Signed ) . CARLOS DE GRANpPREE. Baton Rouge,-Dec. 22, 1862. . . t ? The foregoing is a tranilation from' the original, directed to me by his Lordfhip Carlos de Grand pree, Col. of the Royal armies,' and governor of Baton Rouge. . ...... ' ' . T.O.CONNER. ? v" Cyndicpf 4th Diltrift JSaton Rouge; Lfea 2?? 1 80 2. J heie? are th nicafufes Mr, dent that -have been arlonfeH thffi- are the orders that havA beeA iffued," orme itendsnt ueneral, to every lifiei, wanton y, .infrad his Tolerrm treaty,;and his;.fubjer ari moment, undcrurTery eyes,.aOing W opeiL violatipn f it belt provifi 9ns hi withholding rom our 'citi zens the all impotant: right it gda ranteesio them of navigating freely the Miffiffippir'Aight effential to their very cxiflcncfl i as a people V a rights ,thar cari ne vet be abandoied by them but ttith; their livesnor yielded by usbyt with bur ijatioSal honour; " !?.ivrz-, iV- ; rfhould be life thatthis jm portant quefion will iibt long hi an affair of controverfy between the U. gtateiLand SpainTiatil.ouiun? iyw.ynqans,flJftj.jtt ulurped cairn of the. Spanifli governmenr ?td the exclufite rnavigationjoi.the MifliC fippi, will ,foon be found -in mother handsvrthat whenever wetnay have to negociate on this fubj'e&ither in the cabinetor the field, k-will'-nof be , ' mil 1 his Catholic roajeftyV' but with . the Firft Confulriot with a 7 king, but with the king of kings.-! anfwer that in thefe infultst,o ' national . dignity, we at prefent know no pow er, but SpaiqWhatevef ; agency . Bonaparte niay have had in this bu fmefs, he has been concealed ircra our vie. Xt is Spain Uha has vio lared;hcr plighted ijkhU. js, Spain th.nas trampledupon Vthevdeareft inured s of the United States and in- fu hed oun government ; to our faces without trje lcmblance of a caure; :& fhealoneis refponfitle tojjs fcrjlefe - ( outrages. And nnderuch cir'cum- ; fiances is it r- becoming,-; politic, or honorable: in us to- rrpsf fwV"i V - ' friend and a a jieio-hhnr urate .with , her, on .her acls of iniaf- vc, ana wau 1111 irejnau aaa intuit to mfult. ahd heart inim- niwi.m-. mry, or what is perhaps even woi le. 11 any uwng wone inan national de gradation can befal an1ind,ependent people, till this golden opportunity mall pafs ';. a wpy, .4nd .the facility of . redrefg be wrefted ffdrh out; hands ? No t Sirrwe fhoulq now view her as our open eperny, having declared wr . agajnlt us, and , do Mice to ourfelves., . .We,can nevfr baye.pe.r mariem peace on our. eftern vvatet s, till we DofTefs ourfelv eJt, .Orleans, andjluch other polltfons as uwjruc iictcuary rp give US tne com- J .ir 1 ' .... yizic Aim aDioiure command 01 the navigation of the JWollifilpi., . c have now.fucn an nnnnrtntiitv nPoi-- compliflifrig thisTmpQitanfcbieft as maynot be prefented agairi ini ctn- tuneSi arid every jufiiheaioff that could be wifheJftr-'4VaiIing" our felf es of the epportunity,. Spain has dred. us to. the trial, and now bids Us defiance. , She is yet in pQffe$cnT 01 mat country, it. is at this moment within vour reach nnd tvlthm wi, power. - It offers a fure and eay cop-queft..-We fliould have to encounter there now, onJy aM:eak",.' inaftive, & -unenterorifinK Deonle1 i hiir lew .months vary this cene and ' datken our profpefis t tho?. not offi; . cially informed,' we know that, the, , Spanifli provinces" on the Mifiiffippi have bien' ceded to theFrench, iind that they will as fcona poffible take polleflioft of them;f s What'mdrwe then!iexpea ? When in the fait ex tremity we ffiall be driven t(f arm; jn defence of our indifputable rights where now flnmfwrm KJ mv - with folded aims theiluggifh Spari iard, ve. fhaTI be hailed by the vigi. lent and alert - French ? Grenadier, .uu.iuiiii. uuiuvntu diiuui mat would-how -furrerider at our iR prbach, we lhall fee unfurled - the ? ff andardi ' that have tvaved triiirri phant in Italy, rfui rounded by' im pregnable rarnpahs," and- defended by 1 tie difdpliried yeterang ; bf Ff&p, ' I am; willing fif, to attribute to hp- liorahle frenrfmrin hh h(l'lt A titei. ' J am ture theytfo jaot wih to diitrict . of the Spanifh". provinces,' prohibiting the fubkas 0$ his Catho- hv uwjcuy Hum iiaying any com merce, dealing, intercourle,' br com munbn xvhatfoevcr with the citizens Of the Unite:! Starrs: tirrUiAiref ; e. from their fhores. for the diffance'of two hund red and fevenry miles, treating us like a nation of pirates or a.t?numiw ivouucrswno rney.iear ed to trufl in their country : & this dayfir, if a,veffel Jbelonging to a Citizen of the U. States, engaged in a fair and lecal trAf. nnnn tK. waters of the JMiffifilppi, . within the "Hfuuu, uiics, ana .m a nate or tne mod extreme diftrek.. the4 S Avho ftipuld yield .her aid or com-; fort., WOUld do It' at the npril- nf hi , I - - -" V. .MW htev .,. ...,, .... . ' f.. . . But whir do we rnnfine ftnr"flv: tO the MifliflinnL -atmnft ot.the Wbrld furnifhes; ris with cauf es of complaint- agatnfl: -ilie, Span iards ; fcarce!y,' a mail has airivcd. for a vear naff, tht hn nrt KrV,.,K, us lorne account, of theiroutrages up-. v '""sctccvj vX iniu-it our natiorial flac the7;.eetJthey feiz'e; our. 'mer1 chantmen rthey. plunder our ,raer ichantsof thdp"rooerty--they abufe uur -f ie;aii.cn--inacK!et tnem with chamsi-find conficn them ons and yet honorable gentlemen' cry out peace, jreace when -there -is no peace lf this be peace,' God give ur war. ';And pray ;Mr. Prefideriti what have we done to' proyoke all' ii-eVhav?.vipIatei nor irea With his Cathnlir fnrttv wit'dmu injured none of hisTubjeSswe have uchcuiicu no wnere upon rns CQm nrce f rather than offend .him, when he has fmitten us on one check, With chriftian; rheeknefsr, - we haye turned the, other -rhe i has made rib ComDlairit atrainfl! 'hi t t ht caufe of complaint-i-he does not e ven condefcend to-feefc a luftifiea. tion for his conduct, norie1 could br found but it originate? in- a dclibe- rately formed lylteni of infult and abufe, and hc;is proceedirigllep by fteD. to afcerrain hov'tnno-.fK pie of .theU. Statei wjU fjuffer them- ieives.w ee trampled wponfTith im pu?utv. Wc have feeft hm oatjur' 0'- i'.'ti'. '. - - :, .. lllll,n '- -". '' r.:'', ":i ''f::",-4 -J: r-JL,'Iirjl..-ii r- . ' f ..I., : .1.1 -

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