. e .: r f - IT appears by letter frpm Wafluogtooi that the Prcfidcot hu ot (trtain ajuraacet from the French Governmcat, that the jr had'1 the grcato4deGre to cultivate a good;; iinderftandine with the American Govern-- meat, and 'that , General, Vi&ocb.o U-'taT command io Louifiana, had recclved ioftruc- tioiia from thcfirft eooful tb 'puru' eonlidf. tory meefuret wen. as wouja couQce ,10 'harmony; "and ? rrfhtual :: ijnprpytffleo'jpf the interefti and the-rizhts. rterritort'uoi ' perfons of the people of the United iftea. We hope, k'weat fore, that there ate none - in the United State who would rejoice- more finccrely than we mould at hearing ibis' 'an . Bouoced iif rwe1 could fee ot "ictrofceti of; ' ' the CQoduft 6f thcrencigoveriaeot at?d' IV - particularly, it thai ot ooapatie any one j x- j. caie jo wricb T'";""6,v",vu French cant; Whenever they were Mauling add iofalting ao jr nation, in the perfon of itVflm&aiiadar, . SaWalfo?Wwy9&f- e.defcfe that. - havin viewed the wholVof BbuaparUs con; eujloms and property Jball berefptJSed, 'all pro" vifontjor the army Jball le paid in mwey$i 'Tfcisjikeveiy fauiQut fxacVionsHe: eftablifljcii emocri tftj andwith tbe;new:goverotiiw'at 'Wade a treaty by which money anuival Bores w thejambuatijbf fix million! tF livers ttd. three, fhipij of the linewere given to him, ioj return for which he gave-to them certain af- ffCofiFriedi7'4,W,' he performed in his own way; by handing'them ve In .i-.-. -; -': .-ni.t--ilijfi' 'Ll'Ai. lout inouina iicri ut ius ircuiv.vi muiuw Formib, to the inriyoh ff the proud JSoaJeof- AuftW : C-? r ,V rt v) ' i haW 4 God merciful andgrac'utut Thertftw Goi fat Gof' he bat fe iiTbt ';Frcnch oitufitbe $uprime JSeihg, ami banonr tlx rropba ana btt lyoran. . . - Culaior thi commander i f the Spanijh Squa-' droni, andyvben ) our veehjvtert' "taken "and 'cartUd-inii Spambport AlgtrattQur jafouint wirfi ttaay lyuajome pfocr txtujt jor: fhetf eondu3,d WWinihefe few day ibetrpd m . m - U mm . w .. r jboa ttf effrontery to jay t bat an toe plundering! jtutrt quarantine regulation' " h' travel tell the iubRcthat the Amerkahi dud well enough, we thiuk, .to vmake a Vo l ' - the very profefiion offriendlhip hc haa made - as iietJatn tfurvtci bf.Wi had intention. . ' He mutt bff hut a paltry politician, and lit. tie fTead indeed ia; the buroatvhearti, wh - will noe'iOi6r upon, the cbuntryr than rrjgiccd at, r s au p to o . ,-0 f p e ace. Let 1 qijtc ; what gronnd,Woavcfbr f"th a TiaBce ! Oh i - if wejhad bt half .terfaUiromhteouf;' nefs iii Chrift "thawe Bave for ftar in Ffacci we might hope"o call ,down prbtejaioo and , bki&ag f0 ,ttf .h1'. When jhe f renchetere4 Holland",; tbey iflued a proclamation to tiB)cfeift l Wt ttjderyywaefrukdt ' JdenitM ' k&than'tio - years ' " they fleeced he D.utth of fifty fic m'ilbni of dollars i . or a .whole province of. iheir tfrongeft b"amer'tonnd of a feapoi t. Thf plediiUeouritry'v comirlflioners, iiid cbnfifcaled id tbifir own i- ijfe, the holcfthd Belgian Clergy pro-, pertf , to the amount of 250 roiuioDS 01 dot ; fara. S, that tlie ireedpn thf y gave thit country accbrdiiig to promif' Was to free " then"ot: : 55,000,000 v,s t v . ; Polls.- .Jof.ooO' 000.. -, j When hetntered FVahcoiijia; if proclaj: mation calling ;on the people for confidence ' ' with other ceiiaui ; affaMitces. Wat before the army, And a volume' is 1 publifhtd in ' German, and tranflated ntb till ihe lan ' guajtes ib Europe, of their muiderV pillage, exactions abd ehjomitiei:1;;-:, lb Lbmbirdy, Bonaparte IfiTusd a proila mat ion !--" fiationt, of flaty, lbe Fririchar wt are come to iriak your cbaini Tbe French - are the friend pjf-jfie 'Peopk m every uuAtryl Tour property, your tufiemijhalt be rtfpeQid . ; fSigned) i-it-W, r-l 'te - ?. -iyui. ; In MUn he pubiunoanotha t-aepecr for property,' and berfanal eeurSfyj refpeS for "tf U, French areirue Mttfulmeh-ndthnj ; fiiue. they kafebei to Rme and overthrew t'bejl Pope, .P txcitedCbrffidht aqmj JfmaefymT fMobcmedatmfT ) ile'retmns home,' ella blifliei popery, " and at folemn 'mail held ,; oh"tl i occafioiiJa the Uti ofthat wortU Ivvhd knew :'of Ids pretendibg f o almflulir.aUi he takes the facrament of the'Lord'a fupper,-' as by T Cxtisf ordaioedf'-accbrdin? tohe rituals of the Church of Rome.Iotanioui, abom1(ia6le bUfphcmy I " f V -:: " After this authentic derail, are wc jullt. fied in'caftinbj bff all onfience tn luch a uprof&OBs juilified iq tepbfiuany confidence Tthem is We are aware becabfe we hear it ery daj and fte tt before tis,; that many meu ar obuinately avcrfe to -war,, and would maip tain peactat aty rate I but have thbfe oee luns'duly conCdeid war or peace ip all their .bearings, aud Yelatibhs ? War- is a thihg.that relates to foticty, not to individuals, and it individual feeliilgs orjpriva tc jfetf inter ejj en ter into the conipofitiou ot a man's thought 1 ' . . 1 r a i 1 '. u on incie lUDjecis, jtney canuqt oe corrvw. We miill often Veoturrlife to fave it, and to redder it moefccureV afd to make it worth ihfi bavfng -and many men hav loftthelr all by beinjf afraid to venture, all 10 its de fence,' ' ' Oac has a land fpeculatiou ano thaf a cbmaierciJ buei " Obe is afrtid that lands will fali-asiother that iHrur aoce will rife, v But this docs not Htr the rra!,-ria lute of the : :4Ocfiion th que ttibn bf wat or peace exte'ods to 'whole countries, empire, and gi6ui ;Thfi fee no further than the fcene jot their oven eflatti, otwlis or jtheir bwcrwareh'jilfe ( and let them put this qutf, tiob to their miuds and hearts t . and as ihey" themfclvcs are not concerned! perhaps their jodgment will not b warped,1 and they will , anfw.er it fairly : .Would it no! haye been better for the places which ! have nieDtion- d to, have tifcii en mnffci ': oppofrd Bona-"1 or V uttant wen vraveh tell toe fiuilii are treated bt Spoin.wtb creat and encreajing tefpeSl'ylt would feem that the dembcrate wi- neaa 01 aucmvung or 'ayumr vmuimic vur rigRia were niy joutuuui wjinu anujmiogjju the eonduci of the jSpaniardi.- In . tbejlyle V Rawdo'pb'e -orTspring, the fcnCbilily Jiefolu J they literally 'vindicate our tnjtmet.' . ' t In the year t JJ0, tiie, Spaniards fetzed upon the Falkland I (lands, which? belonged to the lirUybcrbwnheJ) Jfoufe of Lordi moved a Refo'ution, ' that Hie Majefly' be rcqucflei lo lay before Parliament fucb information as bipoffffed refusing thefeii- ihr rttinr.n at eounlnet 1 , tbe e are. our itmi 1 ucust utr wuii ui nut ouik, w uwu -ftrt.Vi;,.4- j tv s ' trie language or promue aou.expea.to nave '(S:gbed - ' - . ' . it belfevcd.: Alas.Alasrfatewell'.4he .d.ig ? yZJ - nNAPARTE. ' ' iiitrf maiihood -iris lure!:; fled from the Now let us f how, he made gbo all this I ' -Frosif tiMktttfy?tytfw &tt he. exsaed ebntribuuon'of twenty million.: if uvret, or one mnuon pouco i, wumrj . afterwards oihciuucctluve exattionKo Uie . amonnr;'onii'"inilibd Doaad tterltAir .JThe chuichcs were given up tovp!undci every J teUgidus fund,- and every public titafure.was 4'confilcated l and ihe coontry was made oue t fcene of rapine and. a lfortjcr. At ravia, j ' crarrifdo of the French troops left by Bona paiteharing 'wantontydcfiroyed the tomb OI pi. rVUgUUin,. WlllLiyu uiimuiuui, uhu twlwjjfs Vcligtpufly venerated, they collefled aroiind'and tboJktht aa(n prifofters,'- but carefullv afeftVined from offering1 violence to a finale foldier1, Bbnapart marched back, . and carried mi!uiifyrexcution over the wnoic country ourni tne town ot icnmco, parte; and Tun the jhaturd of all tb grierr' ous"murder, -opprrjins,Aexdiuo8,.;.a'a$ plunder of war. in aa'houpndjte rtlttlance, , vitb chinceof fucceeding, than to eodare aqd,ibfamy of cowardly iaft fubmiflion, to ar.rbgantaraced impotjuic ' nd 1 forefy it fpeaks enough of Buniparte. W hat cab7 we faj-whtt cldi SbakcfpearcMilton; and all tlie poets m tone, iagioctCarrbgact' impolt uitf worlc iliaa bis having the wipu- out ana put coo 01 iimtnaaouanis ta cm m q$ bldbd f and thett marching jo Pavia , tocjtlf by ftbfaiand mafficred the iohabi ' tacts. W ;.; i?vj '::.J-ff : , . . ooapart fignttf a treaty wnh'thf Duke V i ' of Modeoa prouifing neutrality. on the payf ' t meut "bf, twelve million i of. livers.; iWhcn tjtat was paidhe'arrefted theTDukj:; ind ikt tortedftom him 2C6.000 fcqoin oa thi another- trtatr was iffrted," called Convent . - tioh de $artieihKb,:'M cburftf, waa folio-. ' cd bf freflt wolatibb and exactioos. -i - Ita 'breach ofhcireatVj ,. tralityi l; be jtoo ; pofleaoipr Mguoto to ' . Jtiii,tb$ Btitiih ptoperty ljibg theifndh tbadff the Duke yif Tufcany pay the xpepce t bf hU army; marchicg thefc.'tv.7) . When hVtfnteied tlV territories ofYenice hejffued, acc"attTmgrtb cuflbnii 'a proclamti, on of certtiitt ajurances.' Bonaparte to ' ' the RebulTic of ytidcc ' H it to deliver the earth." when the molt that we can fay under oppreffioD, ii ' Ltl me, b' let me die in fence " ,-'.. , P - S: Does Bonaparte fay a word about oonighi at N. OrleauS;-. Hii-ffurancee are a declaration that, the right does rtoi txill. Having u fed the word oaths in theoutfet of this writing1 we think It right to obfeive that Bonaparte,' with his arm, iitipofcd en the peciple, and fwore (jdtlity to tliatcou ititutibn which" he aftet wards put down. ' j r - MONDlAY, APRIL 18, IBpi, , Wi lately promifed to take fame further notice of ihe conduit ofadm nilration, relative to the occlufion of the port of New Orleans' and the cejftok of Loujiand, and to tonlrajl it witSHbe opinions of the Earl Chatham, and with what bad been done by Great 'Britain when placed in It will be temempered not tin otjeaions made to Mr'. ,Grifwold'!e ' Refoluttbtf, requeflafg oftbe Prefident information of ihe CeJion ofLouifianal were, that it might obJlruS the negociattun , that was about e'ornrhiticin with Spain, that it might pojjibfy V jj bought -io iv ii Hufpicion: of unfriendly or improper condua pb thV part of Spain,' and, irritate the met .honour of the puuddftoui 'SpMta rds . which if feems notwitb' (landing the multiplied ' try 'tithe' and Infukt we qave receiver w ; wctr oanas, we are not per' , nutted even to Jlilietony lt has1 uniformly been faid, ' intxtenuation of the Spaiuh I Government that tbe Intenttant uaed without authority. Vl oyunijir duutytew w mu conveniens jmartfj bae encouraged that belief.' In the fame mtarmerz when our yefLclt were detained and plundered ett iireofthofe iJlandsord Weymouth and Lord Jtltfljborougb oppofed the motion J Ley fetid it might i cmbarrafs the 'negoWion 1 which was dependioc 'Thet infilled uponihe delicacy of Sp aniih honour; that, fafiiitti attention and rr : I til J .. i: )'.- ,. ,t. ...Io'jE.X '-r it gtsra pugps so oe jievm to tot vj uui Gikirtrzjftwat andi win. tiot the jail of the King of Spain, but pugbtio be charged, tffbe rteguLir; coaduft of the GoyerAor of Buyeno't :Ayreti. nrp,. "' f.ord Chatham rofe andftcondedjhc" motion of the Duke of Richmondin an eloquent Speech defyetfm&fudj a part of which wt here iafert .l T'b 'e eeincldence in pfeiencee. wutmauS. of our Jacpline, with the Lords Weymouth and Hillfborougbj and of vur Federaufli in Congrefs with the Great Ear of Cbatba'm,is 'Jriih$?-Ilf foppoftng Weymoiah andHiliJbonugh to be 'John Ran-: dolpfytnd Beau Haw fun, and Lord Cbaihani to reprefek Rofs, or Grifw6ld,and by changing J Falkland Iflaos" into New Orleans' we may very Will imagine the following fpueltobqve been recently L-linirrti in Conereft iThbfe who ' U and ta tad it for political information will difcovet 'the jouitow. opinions ana mijeraoie exeaienis oj our leading democrats, and tbofe woo rtaa.it only for iit rhetorical merit, may pafs over unnoticed the remarli which we have occafwnally inter fperfea in it, aid it will afford tlcm'niuch 'enter'.' tahimcnt,- - -v-C r- UJt would be offering an infuU to. the itudcr' fandingf of our readers if we fupefled they did not already believe that Lr,d Lbatpam i o mon alone' outweighs the opinions of a . thovfahd fucb men. as Robert, ,4Jf7imVy j W tbepreitous fet (ftfynegadiesand mivee, "w7io form the tobinet council oj '"Mrtffetfonl. Vlfifiet in attentive ptrufal, jtbe fopowikg' fpeecbf let every .candid man ajk Umfelf tfthe peremptory eci(ive tone that Chatham would have affumed if f laced it (ireumflanies fimllar to ours, would not, have been fteferalX U the abjeft, degrading fupplicntions of our adminU Jlratiun', and whether the former would not have made us feared, and pur' tights refpttied, and whether the Utter does mtprtjlrate pur national dignity, and invite d repetition of infult, ,t . ';' i kuCHiAi. t rife td gve my" hearty 'affent to the motion made by the no bl Dufee. thy his Grace's favouri" I have b;en permit toJeeTt, before it was .Offered to : the Hbufe , i I have fully con Gdered the he ceftty fof bbtarning fio'hr the. King? fervwu a communication of the papers defciibed in the motion, and t Mia periuded" th4t the a larming ftate.of fails .a3.,yell al the ftrengfli, of reafonidgy which thcSnoblr Dyke has urged; and enforced. that neccfliry, iuft have been powerfully fJt by your lordihips. ;vFor entering bbon fdchcenfideraiiohsn fealon r is improper ,'no occafion ftould-treg'eflied.. ) Something mud be don my lords, and iai ' mediately, t five an injured, infulted, undone wuntry. f If not to lave the Itate my lords, at leaft to march out aod drag o juftice thofe fervants bf the Crown,', by wh'ofe7gabf&ce,' neg.'ect or treachery, this once great flourifli log people are induced to a .Condition' dhi plorable at home as it is Jefpicable abroad. member Jaciins, that this fpeech was deli- vered . K?Sg ago in : Eogland a ; The ,orator. therefore does, not mean you TBefore'this .country tbey Hand as tlie greacr imtnalav Such I mail prove them to be for 1 do not doubt of proving to your Lordihips fatisfac tion i -that finct they hayefbeeo tdtruiled with the conduit of the "king's ffairs,' they ; havo done every thing that' they ought not to have done, and hardly any thing that they ought to Bate done.; "' The noble Lord Hillfirq roukhl talks of the Spaniih punclillios in the lofty llyle and idiom of a Spawad. . ;We are vu uc wuuucuuiiy icnucr or inc opamui pome cf honor," is" ' if they bid Wri 'the "''complain., ants', ' as if rArjr had received the' .injury; ' I think he wodd havtf done Better, tu have told us what care has been ; taksn tf tV Englirtv liqnour. -! Here ; J,oro Hilllbbrough thould have ihewed a bit of naber Jtbbut fo hie iCoVeied "with foft ords about fenfbility.2 JWylLords;" -t ard; well acotuain't with te characlejr' of thai nation, at lead as far as is ' r . . i i .i " a prcicnica oy ineir court ana minuiry, ana UicJd think this coufltryVdilh'ocored by a ibibparifon pt Ebglilli good ' faith' wiih the Eeglilh arc a wndid,Jan ingenuous neoplc i Enpliia merchanC' the generous limit if ouf ;oavai arid mfftary officers WouVl be1 degraded-S " v Jbyi ;cbmpar,ifM -.' "bccrsnWjthh;nun i been dbligcd id aegociate, and rievec'met with . arv : inflance' bf candour, . or dignity in jtjbeir ; ' procee'digs. fAftefl- a lobe ieir.wantfcaiuIour faitb; bWd'; f ' ibyfelf compelled to t4j!k't6 tbpra in ''petmt t taryy aecijive laoguaigc. wuauiam vas not a ." E junto fcave'feid himfeJf ia'Carter'ilDbiitttatBK t thb (ighVbff a few: Light horfcJ inee ft however, for reafons unknown to me, it Ifas ; ? been ihoughi;advifable Wnegbciate with tlie , court of paiii, J 1 hould have conceived that ' f , tba great and fingl6"oijeft.1of fucb ?f negocia-" tioi) would have beer tb has! obtained com- ' ' plete, Jatisfa&iob. for the.injbry' dbne'tothe v, verbwo-fandrf people f "Engfand.Buif 14 underllood ,tbe noble rd,"Tthe "SnNr object S ; bf the prelent negobiaJon4 to find a falvo for f- ": the. paocntou'libnortlbf UieSnaotardfThe'' "i ' Abfurclity offiich' injldea is in iaelf uofupport.'; V able.l titi My Lordi'tbbjecttobur nego-; ciatlng at all under poi prefent cirHm (lances. ''".' We are not in that Ctuatioh ia whichreat f ?arid-powerfal -ot&b it-W 1 Si-A itweign Mwet ha? forcibly robbed his U .:-.n -r . r ..: j. . . t . . "'"Jvv-y1 PBr-Vl u "onnnions. . u tns Ifland reftored I Are : you placed in i Statu fo?f Is the port of New Orleans opened oi ano- i thcplace of depofit affigneo! Q'y If that hjid', been done,; it micht then perhaDs have been-1 r juftifiab'e to treat with; the aggreffor bpoa ihb ;u3iction uc ugnt -1 mane tr rtnc.jnTult offireito the trownof England; But- will -you defcend fo low ? Will yoa lo lliamefully betray die king's honour as to make it .matter' ' pf uegociation, wbetfier his Majefty't poflefli- ops man oe reitpred to him or not 1 Whether we Iha'l be allowed the free navigation of tha Miffiflipplor. not ?J I doubt ' not my. lords, that there are foroe important rhyfteries in the conduA of this aftair which ,,'; whenever they f ae explained will account' for the profound "4 filence nw.obfervt'd by thb kios's fervanu: - Tfie time will come my lbrdi, j whn they mu Dj?,ajyie? .rrn nyiir concealments Thefc'are fome1 queftions-which! fobner or s. laf e r, muft be anfweredvt ; Don't treaible .fl Tacobtns.' we tell vou once more ill this, hao- -' ipencdin'.Ennd 1 ; 'The miaiftrWi I' ind,- j"S p! ro ppneis inc puouc wun an -opinion, that the Spaniih Court have cbnflant-' Jytdifavowed the proceedings of their Gover- "t nor I . at tome perions I lee have been Iharac- lels and daring enough to ad vile hi MajeHy to fupport and coun termnce this Opinion in his i fpeech froin tbe throKe; Ceruinly my Iq: ds, there never was a more -odius a snore Infi'. mobs fa' fe hood impofed on a great naiion.w It degrades'the king's honor-r-it h an infult ; to' Parliament His Majcfty has beeo advjfed to. cob firm, and - give currency ionabfolute falfehood ' l I" beg your Lbrdlhips' attention, and hope Lfliali be underllood, when I re-; , peat.j that 'the courpf Spain's; having difa-.'.; vowed the aft, is an ahfoluted palpable falsehood. Let me afk, my Lords'; .when, tjj'c firft com raunication was made by the cbunbf Madrid of: iheir being aprifed of their uking of Frilk'and'sl lflands,;: was it accompanied with an olFjr of ioltant itftitutioo, and the puciflx. mem'' of the SVni tiovernbT I Pit they jikye not they have adopted the aft; as the r own, arid the very riientiori of a ,diff vowal if " 'art impndenj-inlslt offered, to. the king's dig- " nity. The king of Spain -dilbwns the thief ; I De Yf ujoMifowns the iniendant. while he leaves him unpuniihed and pro6ts by the tbefuLllo.vtigar.Englilh,, he is the receiver of ftolcn goods and ought to be. treated ac cordingly, My Lottie, if "it falfcbood' bf th's pre tendtfdjdifavowal had been cotfined o '- the coort 'pf Spaib, ; I (hould a havel admitted Jt without concern . ! I mould have been con tcut, thdt they themfelves had left a door open for etcufc-aod accomrnoda'tion, The Kiug of Englabd's horruur is not touched . stIl be'. adopts rnb Talfeolc3eliv'rt. it-fa .his'parliaateftt (or the Prefident : Rates it fa the Govcrnon-of SiecluckyU and snakes it ihis'QWji.' c , H 1 ' ' ' - ., !' I - cannot juit this -fuDjecl-.witbout.cim. paring 'the .conduct" cf theprrfent miniftiy with that of a gentleman (Mr George Grenville) who Is now no more. The oc; wOOns wtre fimilars The French ha taken a little Iflaud from us called 'Tu ik ' : I land ' XbeMinifter then at the head of the Trea fury tboke'bufiBefs upon'hiailelf 'yhni he did not neeocute : Cor expnC 'hUfenfiSi f3 he fent for the French ambatfador, and made a peremptory' flemsua. .. ex courier w-. , defpatched to Paris aiid r jreturned in a few ) days,;with otders for lnftant reftjtution, not only cf the ifland,- but of every thing ihc Jf EnrlilU fubjeds had loft. , ' fion " what I have faid my Lords, I da not douht but it will beaffefted tabe undcr tiood by mail Lords, and given oat to the public that I am for huttying fhc nation at - all e vents into a war .with SpaTi. My Lords, ldif claim Juch eouncih, iui I beg. that this declaration may be remembered. . Let us have- peace my Lords, but let it be honour- able, let tt be fecure. I have better rcafoua pcrbsp?, than can v. of your Lotdlh'J x 4 1 s: ( ' 1

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