' ... i. ". -' ".. y' ft'; ' i' H.- s.ij:: af uoan tKe terror I hsre.de. ihed. ,1 Know ty ftrength & preparation. , fths Hujeof Bdarbolvrp"ow;he 4cf deleft liiprepareU cooditipa of jthia coup ,ty. I kBow.oatby what oiifmnoigement v are reacedlo tbii Ctuarion fc and 'when I wafiier who We'th. .Penbj: whom 'Ji. war' 1 in the butfct at leafo n.ok be conduited, can i hat with for peace Jtej tRnjl'M fcreeii tbeAfc!ve,behind tbe.wa.ot pfibttUigence : .iad.,i.otf Uigccce ; v, now lucy nan. &lHlia.KC8f-ia,THll,CIMSv OHl will tt ieYetjooog jnUMcra,, thetrue In. I fo'urce.o, itclligenccti: (igav.ff Sagacity to compare caufea and etT&sj to judge' of the jf i fcKt,ftat of things ind cctn the :futui:e by a .'tarefurreVieW.,'of.. the aft. ' Other CrtmtviL woo aflonilned map kiod bv hi iutelj t" - i V ' ''-Ll!.. - -r J. d.:.'.; :.' jroo Jp'M m tnc caiu y c j T isub-b., Kuro dcJ He oblerved : fafta and traced . then! forward to lheir' coofequcnc8, From' wFat aa he conclu.ed what mult be and.be never was deceived. Io ihe.prefent fituation , 0f affair, f. ihipky U wduld hijrtadeiftii tJjtfnaiyst circumttancei, and with refptft to a foraigo. Tain anil ufelefjV 'TheTareYii 'ejlAcqaaint?'' : . i o t f-r-j-r-t-, ted vf (to the actual jorcc aod wenoeiioi this coUQtVlfa'ny of the K'inga ferVanu. Thi. & no' time" fo'r Tilcnce aiid refetvei I charge the mfni'leri wiih tha highellrimes that meu in their ttationa can be guilty of. 1 charge thfnt with having daltroyed all conten t and unanimity afhotne,'- bV a ferica ofoppreffion and anconftittitional mcafurc g j and with hating betrayed aud delivered up the nation defeoctfefa to a foreign entmy..1 ' Their ytmoftvigoflf haateatbed no fr on. Wheq they fliould hac AfleJ, they have cemented thcmfelveg with talking aiout it, GojdtffiitftioiaWytwi do; not Jland forth and do our duty ia thcrpiefeat crifiaV the natibk h frtetrievaSly undone. " I DE bPlSE.THE LIT 1X12 POLICY OF know, the whole of your Htuatioh. . If the information be be to lheminiftr y, let tbcal take care; to profit by iu I mean to route, o alarm the - whole natron to foufc the tniniSryt;if poffible, who feem to be awake to notiingI b,ot the prejertatioo -of their placea" to awaken the llfpg.""" '' From an po-itton of ike ftar h French Republic, presented to the Legislative Bjdy the 2 tit of Febru--Ay m. t ' ' i 4 r i " lter givJig a , detail f, t1i imernaj and external at France, -ihe ExpiiiwthuicoiieliKieji -1 Mtv uh trov are iul at Alcxantirm aud Alalia. 3o- .. vernmeat had a nj it inij)lala. Wi rt team," thai the vCi.cls dei(1ud to bi ing them bat'k to Europe, are iiiw in the Medltcnraneani tr; , ' v..? -j-.!- " I he government gjar.3 ee to the nation peace on t'ic caiuueut,, and it m at ilerty to hope jt iTio Cu ti mation of taariliipo pece. $ M hi peace 15 the want an) the of all nai'iont f to pjeerve n, the guvf mmem will do all that compatible with the lion wjr Ji Ue nation, wtuch u ei.'sn-m.ly Cojnicctecl -with -3 But. j ! England thi e are two part tel. who comemr: in pavki!!,.-! Thepne hae'ticiudfcl jeace, andapptas tttfrntiDedlltjmaiuiaJaii: theothrrlia 'ojn against tiaiice an implacable hatred ': -hence ;voceed thai fluo tuaijii utopuiiuis andof coiiwilsj that altitude at the. aarae time pacific and menacing, ";-" .zz-' -V Wii.e :-thi -xoSTtit 6ir-t a$lii. . shail tA?T,-THa.E SIvMl AltJ RKi ,W H1CII PRUOBtJcf INIIINITa TUl.OOHKNMiKT or TH KVPLB- LICJ JjVt PWPHJ TMOCiANO MEfT A. AND SHALL BE RfADX- T DEriKO ANp'tO, AVENOB i t. ' S range necessity, thr ;ontempHble pauion im pose Upon two nations, who by common interest and an equal dispwitwn, are atiached, to eace,h,i , " Wba'-ever may be at London the success of the intrigue, it will not draw cber natini' intc now wt liiion and jovemrnemiteqlare , 'wiiha jut pride,- tl at England alone cannot now contend against tunce ' "Batle US form better hojie', afld let j rather tli.iik lliat in the Biiitsb cabinet the c oncilo4 wbdom and the voice" ol huroanilV only Wilt be aliwrded tOi "T without duubv.pt'acc will every day We mure co:iaoHdated , the relation, oi Ue two Qpvernmenta wjll assume .that-charaptensiic ol irlentfahip whichuifc ihuir mutual jpteiet A happy repose will cause the long caianiitlea ol'- diaavbi wrtobs for,.en,--and France and England, an oaftuhin their 'ecip ocal hap- puiesi, will deserve the gratitud of tie whole worlds' " Signed by th Fust Consul, B-naparie. -"Sfcue ary "SU cj' ' ll C. Marct," a ' FMit-ADELPtnA, Apiil 4, 18(J3, In the American Daily Advertiser ot Thutdaylaisi, wc ve ptiblijhed, fmm the Gam temMhc JJnued Statea an intreitmg account of a nwst atroci us robber. - In the' Hunt'mgdoa Ostette ot the 28th ulurwa Snd the Jollvwliig additional IiiFoTmaiiOn ,u-f Miss M'Uowelt's Parents wlw about thrceycart a go removed from Montreal m M arla, ,. to tde t ot Kenrai'ky left- bei with, ' art.l wider the -care 01 her Aunf, who ptomised he should .intierit ber estate, S im iliort- ume agi hct-'Auu; . Ji.ed,' and the yung Lady hav ng a wiih to return lo her Farepts diaiwsea i the property- she'bicamepwtfessedol, which amount ad to the sum tif one thou, and one. 'hundred aid fi'ty floiiie person t escort her to 1iil place or rej)idence, who '-Hiiit. i ,mniUfl iitr unriinrn vniinir man wnrkin n . . iint w, j 0 o 1 ..." had ra sed Ironva Child and had his Confidence. Ilav- unit! tue-eveiung above memiond, about one hour af ter dart; herecoi t stop, ed hec, Iwhwrq the rtad i ais ed .h(feugh a thivk wood, 'pulled herefrom the saddle, and putting a pist' 1 to her baa3t, declaicJ shetwould uke Iter? lite, and tliwi he would have her houcy-r upon her piteous artpuil rri jf r Ide, . UiS putol h-il-rrom ills band bat he pit:k.eupa rough sucl(.& 'rcetl ff ii her mou.h or a ga,; aid tutd it behnjil, h :r liead with his hat batidj he tlien dragged her some dis aiicajn ihe thicket arid .stripped, her quite, ttaked, -iietflms Jianda behind heiHack wlthher gar er,v and . i.h i cord tied her around the watstai) a sapplin, and in ilai painful situa.ton s'iv remained avfreat part . .; :.;'--:.:!'0:'ii' :'.':: ilie night? in3Wu;t We' pari the j hal not her rfxerti."' w and wreathing xeep hetselt Jrjm reeting brjko Jip card-betpre the mornjue opened,; jfe found" her' way tp a' Kouser which was uicloscd with a fcuato that she, coulfl not climb over, nor open by rea;n that her hands Were tied behind hr back 'and could not tail m account of the gag:Sh. rernaine4,b,yt)ie fence-until' :'the Gtmilaroae .n4'iav'''l)ieir' awt-anee.v''"i' ij. on -weanesdy last, he was eett painf tlroiiga'. tms town, leading Mm WTKiweU.fcrse, ad ejiquir-" fed the fjad to TuskaioYlle?i iaMiijl in Cou.,y. t---f--.'. --..-i..Ak-.v' ' ' So much hajr, been, said of the philosophy, ot Mr. Jefferson it is truly asion'1 hmg riur there' are still men id be found,' who dibelie'e the president's' jioesh)j; it Duane, to show fin superiority , over ' Callender, exclaim?, Look at ny? children. AVheo anyono doubtshe"prcsiem' phdosopliy, he can eiclaim,a. Louk at toiy plh 1 of ft Dry Dock. " " ' ' A more foolish ndicukiti p!an was never Before co'n c'eive4 -to expeild flcar- a milllju of dollar:, ilig a huge oven' in a h,ill large er.uugli to contain twelve ves- scljofwra, in. which, they' may romfortably track and rot. , JJThis iji ph.tasophy, aye it is economy of the pfe j-' pie's motley tlso,but4ke all.the rest ofjeffersoa'i 0-' conjmy ahd philosophy, :iiunce ijf common ense s x-ofth cait-htid of it. : 't - v" T:: ; ; ' ''4 A. nombtr 'of Inch philosophers, have made ' applica tions to Congrcis toriipme reward for dl covering lon jgjtude and perpetual motion ': th c)i f dpek' dricpvery ' ougllr' not tt have been so ha;ily and cursorily ''IreatedV A vote of thahks at lea-if as i cjmplemont to the pre side ought Wbave.betn gra)lted;t liiitead of w;ikh jih .plut.i.-trcated Wiin.dftraaivndft'en-teinp by fais Very friends i one calling It a 4 mad project, an. HMjief, an tll-iiraed pjevt,c. i However all this willnot injurrthVpreldent tee1iAg?iior 'phnowphy.l i-H neat session lie should recommend that great wsterrtight case be made to eucluse tbtf Caprtol, and that 'the Capitol Between' sessiuns be nhas pickled in salt and water, -(be "better to'preserve "the. stynes tof which it is made' . I 'am sure'lhe project would not meet such a repulse a the equally thrvx-d lua d the dry duck,-- - '. i ! :.'. :cAt, whatlime fhall wlhe favoured with a fjght,oFthe iSi pafJcd Tall TcflionV apprbpn-" at.tiSTVO MILLIONS ofthepeopk'a jroouey to fecret Jervicet f Of when fhall we be informed" for what pdfpofes fo greai atfuni is to be exprnded i Had any thing like this tranfptretj under the former admi niftratt'Qns, the corner' of DunnV mouth, would haVe met at the back uf hia headrfo wida ha4 he optaed; SarapfsnV Jliying" Weapo'ri,' tbpwiagaina tVch CGttcfild.j but flow'hii hps ate clofed on th'efohjeft and you can; fcarcely decern the feani of his mouth. Why dde pot Sammy HarrifcV' Smith, the prcCdent'i other little ipltrumiMit, giver'u fome ot bts Ctodid remarks bt i interc!ttig au enquiry i :-: t- Abti1 Democrat. : I. py 1 out as yet-ne na po; jnaae bis appear- i ance. :Tn; laflt advices ve haye ad frobi ' ..Eurower by I'yeffei, itpm Liverpool of the. tth December in which came; paflencef mi- Aanwi viuk tnu-iiHipucCt and. a Fttsiclr'leoUeiiUsi'ilr General Victbt; to our GovemoV, announcing istpproachibi arrival:;; tbia'erent' is now rte geperal object of anxiety "for th $panilh jt'snd Impatient tqt withdraw tom a fceneV where'thear dominion is eipiring have funk' into ailate of dejeclion and ialHtude. Public bufinefs is almOlt entirely fufperidedi and no commercial obiefts c-in be effected, ' '.Our apprencnuons . .concerning in?. i'rencD are, certainly great but if we are left much longer' in our prefent epicene flate wellhall be ruined; t,iX have 'this day petm official xtraA from the airettes oftbe Cpufii', providing for jheVgovernment of fliis colony It fays tl thing more than merely deiignating the re, fpeclive authorities 'of v the threc, different departments, which are Captain, General, Prefect Colonial, and Comniiflarie" de Juflice, or chief Judge. -The paper was confidentially (hewn to me, or I fliould, have taken a copy for you. - In my next I hope, Jo be able to-. W ConjiUuHca vkfaed, tj tbt. Puknt. In this eveoing'a paper, (Match ic) our.rsd .si" r .-.-.,.. 1 tt'- I TO THE JlltCTtiRS I "THHE Term for Which Mr. Grove' was ' ?lL ? eleftcd expired on the third of this ; Month i ; as' he has declined a reflection, ' 1 h ' beg lea v e to add my Name to the Lift of Can- ' didates' who have' already offered fo fupply his 'Pa'fXim'jberIapt; :ttBator' in com-, i ing forward a a Candidate fofyout; Suffrage at a Period To Temotely iptenor totthat in -.: bicXthey;w as fome,' of theotherf Candidates have afrtttdy publifh- v ed iheh: Political Opinionst and fome of the Freeiweabfihe'Piitri . with mine, iimay jio); be improper, perhaps,'', ; that I , fhduld ftipow their Example. Wt . - : . 1 preferring theForm of Government a dopted byvtbe People! of the United States, to any other Form of Government, defignates ; the Republican Cbarar3er,"I am tberra-Rar LftrBLicAN, for I thuik the Rules orAcrtoo W r J ' ' . t ., reiuiting from tnat. Jform wore tale for thc " Liberties, and ' mofe - advantageous , to the : Intcrefts of our Co'dntry than' any' other.- J But if a determination "to fupport the Cdnfti-, V' totion, which is' the great Bond of out Union and the only ttHarr on' which our Govern ment Hands, be Fedcrallfm, Tm t' Federalijl ' " If rf with reverence J'deem' theTago and im politic Cpunfels of, Wafhiogtonand the phi-V dent & wTiolelomradminiftration of AdamsV preferable to the chimerical 'Vagaries of a it fublimated ancj;, or xhetilGoiJary Specu. ' lationa of an hnpraaifed Theoriil.be Ffder 1, . I We affeit and we wiflt the primers 'through theft ate to republish that in 1788, the ftate of Coapcdrcat awed One million' Nine hun .1 . S .f . & . i . . ft -Jt . ' urcu tnouiana - aowatS; ana nsa not a cent in the Trcafury. '," l l it-w f' In i8ojj the ftate of Conneft'cut riwed no debt and had in Wer treafury Fdur hun dred Seventeen Thoufand Two hundred Nincty'Four dollars arutt Thirty Funf centa in the f unded debt of the Unned States of which there is, 7i Q fxr tent Slocl Deferred' do; ' ' '-;'' Jtiihrte'fer ctnt, il. DoltC Centti 2 19.824 17 53 M1 8 9 Total 4 I T , 1 94 x -The re is olfo for th fthool, Fund One. Million Two hundred. Forty Two thousand Thiee hundred and Fifty four -dollars and twenty four, cents.r and fafh iu the.,Tre-fu. tyj -Tyrty Six Thoufand .Fjve'hundied & Ninety Sis dullats nod Ninety Six rei l!. r We ihall repeat -thir (latcmentgaain and again, and we wifii our brethren editors al fo to Repeat, it Who, have? manjgfd our Tieafpiy eoocarrs Cace 1788. ? Who now endeavour to dtfpace our rtiltis ? ,'W.hol SHAlL manage the fa cfincerns hereafter ? ' . .;, ' , ,' CmuuSieui Couraul 7 , jSlTr5! PurherfKe'Boflon poet, whofe name was Thorn!, in order that he might not be confounded with the infidel fci ibbler of the' fame na,me, 1ias"changcd biapamc to Thomai Titrate Paine. . ' v -y- y A gtntlcriiah lately arrived from London,' "reports, that a caricature priotis At ptclent exhibited in the' mops of ' that melropolui eVftled the American Recli in which the Devil is ufrcfented as playbgon aba? pipe," adorned with fiiteen ilripe f - ribbon WhiU Mr. Jeffeifoti,Tom PaiHe; Mr5aL latin, and ivit. Madifon ate hopping to his rnuficf . f V. Gazette. . The New-yfcEvcn Miajh thatj at a Democratic Tetc given to; S.vm rainfiit, the city hotel,'" five hundied was the; num. bef calculated ropon,aod mas to oDtaia aa many "as poffibltr the-admiflion tickets were offetcd at a ty Jw price, and at a credit Of fixfy days, jith an indorferj but not uiriiif andirnr all thefe efTotts to .afTembl a oumerous.'congregatioa j,only o cou'd be, muftered. .At the faid fete Mr, CajveMhc Treafurer- tVlbc TheifticaJ locicty or.'Co. 'lumbian lllutnimtli gave t,kc fallowing toalt.'. Succefa to the new-born bahtiingihe , third part of 1 ag of reafon." 1 ExtraS of a letter from jSevt Orleans, datcd . . v M'arth 6t t8o3"v-. ' " I cxnefted before this to have been able !to have furailhed you with"a copy pf our' 'Vrneh Oeneral Vi&orV prc!amatbn, on of1 hir aituming the" xoTetnmcntf. this eoja j , .-.V, ' ..V '' i-r?---,,iV 1 ."'.' v. ers will' fee that it has bjen foleinnl' deter mintd by. Ihc fupreme -court Cthc Unifcd' States, and the opiutoii baa been tormaJly delivctcd bv the Ciifef Juflice. thatMr; fef. fetfon; by withhohling .the tntfysmfahn irtioj'jMM A&X&ilX preferriog m 1. lunmiii j aunt it nfi ntucu uj llClur mer Prcfidcnt,. and fcaled by the $ cretary of State, has be$o guilty of an aft not warranted by law, but violative of a veiled right.". - :; ilL-riV-sr - 1-. And this, filfow-citiicni, is . I hat metk and humble man, who has no oVArc foi pow er! This itr bti of whoo his fytophaiitsaf ArValhingtoai, w an addrels to the people after the rifing of -the lali Con jrca, faid, 14 At the jjead prefides a man, who, for the promotiou of the public good, Hid the. pre- lervation ot civil Ubciiyt j otic til the UtnUatitn of bh 4wh potict t,the t educltau of his cum pri . viltgetf and the exercifi- of every tonjiitutionul ctttek U tvnut the exetulive tuii ' , What falfc Hood7 ".iWh.it. mockery I What infalence ? .But uttcily iftcompeteut i language to give vent to -the indignant feelings of the heart. Behold afuttlc, ,a fraodth- faced hypocrify conccaliag-an ambition ihe moft criminal, the moS tpormous, the moft; unprincipled. He folicitj the iianitation' of his xigUtfuf powers, yet lite brlt act . of hu-admiuJlia tion ta to ft retch his -powers beyond tlirir limitsj and rom motives the moflrunwonhy, to commit an, acl of dired violence on the moll (acred rights pf private property :. 1 -N.r.pvcningyoj'). ;The. female of" a woadm ful 'fpectes' of Eiflr, was taken on the Durfctlhite coaft in England, on the 9th of June tail : the belt ir;formcd hi natural hilory call it a non de fcript, as no naturahtl has ever defcribed it y. it is viviparous, having when taken, a young: one io her belly. , .When taken (lie had to her maw one thoufand,fevcn buudted Mac arelhi ; fhe raeafuied 15 feet in length and about 1 3 io ciicfimfcrtnce, had . four rows l teeth.: This furprilinoJrhabitant of the watery kingclora - was drawn , oti ihore by feveii Loifvj and about one hundred men. ;(3o.'Zswith Freuch prf fed foi iu. iiona, ba m rived at New Orlejnsv and tak en, up bis rehdencethere. .We have, not; heard ihat.be ;jiaa unduualfco to execute a ny official function, or whether he means to await ' the arrival of any- detachment of colqnifls faid to have been intended for that place".' i " j1, . Aurotd., a j YTJURSOKT 10 the directions of .it..M; General it ...Asbtr that he will. ui(iil die la t isy of May ncxi- from -those who may incline to - nncUriaKe.lti digcmg or. sinking two-Wells on the State-Hoii e Square, in the City of Raleigh ; winch are tot curbed or oiherwise secured with Buck. or Stone, filled .Wiih Pumps,' and finished in a W.rk' man iikc maiimrv i jkjuss tiAiwuujj. , Raleigh, ApriJ 15, 1303. .s-. ? : y V .y , , , - jf3 The Printer at Eden. on, Newbern andWilmlng-' ton, lor giving ttie. ioregoii)g a place muntir resjx.ciivc Papers one week, shall receive payment, on applying as above. j. ..-.. 1 1 : f ClNCEthe eftabrifhtng'a Poh 6mc'e in this, -place, the subscriber has been annually suDjecteq to an 'heavy Tax, in paying the Postage of Letters addres sed to bim,. ill his private Capacity as well as inlus Official Character, and written on business in which he neither had nor Was like have, Tiny PersonaUn-. teteJ or Concern whatever :This imfositlon has of la e encreaed in. such degree, as ta mduce a.determi uation on his part no longer to, submit fo it -Thos whom it way concern are therefor hereby informed, "thai fur ih tuture,; 00 Letter whatever ddressed to him ahd bein of the above dsecnption; wiH be taken tout of the Po t Office j unless tha Postage of K shall lavebeen raid,, previous to its beiii'brought here. - 1 - JOHN HAYyOQ. ' Raleigh, March 5f, 1801. . " ' ' ' Itbatfifm 'dJa7tr7.Y.whichywhile': it prelerved S pure and hiidefjled' the civil and religious fiberties ot the People main s tatlied alfo the' National Dignity of America -. .a)nd'railedvvherp0ftucaConlequeoce to a Height beforeuoknowni-If'J i"ayr prefer-. ' rai this Spim of Ad'minillraitionV to that fee- b!e and- temporifipg Policy which Vould prof- 'V trate the Dignity of bur, country If prefer v t ruig it to thatiViarrbw-minded,felfifhnef5, v-' which would hazard the Inteiefts of five mill , lions of People, frorrj fear ard dread of in- ' juring its ovvnt If pre fcrrio - it to thaunfa tiahle thirft for Anarchy', which not .content 1 d with deftroying the FeJice which the Con Aitution had creeled around the Liberties of the People, would alfo tear'ofTtht-laft Hold which- they had upon Happinefs; by importer ing and cherifhingin the Bofom of our Coun' -try the Wretch who had. calumniated the il ' . lurtrioui WafhingtonandVbIalpJiemed His;' t GoD--If this preference, I fay,v be Federal- ' ' ifnii I AM A FEDERALIST. - ' ' . But although I am, "and ever have been,' in thefe Refpefts a Fedcralifti I will take the -Liberty f repeating a Sentiment which mn . . ny of 1 you have heard me frequently exprefa - thac I will !alays be willing to fecond ' and fuftain any. Propofition' from whatever- ' Source ik iriay derive . its Origin, - which " might think Conducive to the lnterefls of my r" Countryi- and wilJ never be found "advecat ing, fronf the nfere Spirit of Party, any Meai fure which anight be Prejudicial to its WeU ' fare.". . i ' i. , i- v -: A yourtg Man, who,- like myfelf, has hii " thcrto occupied only an bumble and onimpor; tant Place in Society,! has it not in his pow , etojrefer to many Evidences 'of former Met ric by" which the Truth of his ProfefltOna mar be'fted. ; ; It can only he collected from my. ' general Chfadler .and front; the Manner in which I hsve already d ifcharged thofe Offi - ces which Ifave been committed Jo my Care; ( K by the Inhabitants of jhe County io which. I - , rdide, and by the Oeneral Auembly of the State.: ,1 would only remark, that the con-. tintied Confidence of my Fell?w, Citizens furoiflies fome Evldehee in favour of the Firft, r;- and the unanimous Thanks Of the Legiflature v: -a n- :. 'j rrt.n. .. i r. . e , may ne nirercu as .-a cmnioiuai iu. savour ot the Laft. v Difdainhjg, Jiowever, thedecciu, - ful Arts which are jometimes praftifed to oo- - ' uitl the SufFrages-of the People, jUwill trou- SJ : w. hie". them, ne ther now, . nor hereafterrsrith" "7 tin- Subtiiler-hcreby gives oKe, I jiy unnecelTary References to former Ser-f . Ptopo H, from the present time 1 ..... promifel 0f futft Benefit ii' ' I will not endeavour to jaccompiiihmy inten- - -tfons by llruggHngthmugh the filthy M2 es of Eleflioneenng Wrile$,'. nor will I per-,-' ' rijit myfelf to be, lowered c"owo from the dig- oified Cliarafler, of f n Hohst Maw, in or ?" ; ef to depreciate the .Rejmutiot. of. others, r or etalt my own But believingTthat the In. , tereft of the State is what will direct the Suf. y rages "of my Fellow Citizens; I will reft taj ( Pretentions entirely on their Good nature and. -iheir Good -Senfec .an ras my only wtfh .:.-. for tnetr Pr-ofper iiy and Happinefs,' thej will And,' that whatever may be the Refult, I will. ; neither be elevated by Succefs, nor deprefled ' , bv Difappotntnjent.1 , - ; 1 V 1 ...., . . - S. D. .PURVlANCEff . " Fayetteytllei Marci 14, 1803. yy .'3WV i Blanks,5 OF ALU.K1KCS, Ft S41 4Trn ftrici. tV., ToLase,' II'OR such a time" ai can be agreud on, an eleyant 1 HOUSE t the village 6rCha.)pemi11, ihepropeny ot John M'Caulty consisiiug Kiicbtn, Hall and lour other lloOrqs ail tinder the tame.ruot, Widi small Lot; on which-is. .a Stable "and Smokeht use. John M'Cauley will shew the House to such as ray aprly, and the Terms ot the Lease may be known By apply , mg to Hogg fc Aiw, Meichams, HiUvhrti-ough. j ' ' . v - rtiusoornugi,, v.jtu 1, jov.-1 'pi . . :t1.V.. r MM I" !.-'$f- .-..! : 1 ii.-i.M ,V.;. ...... i..-s 1 -

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