.. 'V XJL ; V. ,r ....... . . ..... 1 t- 1 -' "jfc'vf X (7 fPubLisHiD btjiskt TUESDAT by.HODGE and BQYLAN. Vol. T U E S P A Y, September io, 1799. NumbVi7$ V NEW-YORK, Auguft 25. J7 rv5e arrival yeUrdaj of Captain IVdtDBtiaas, from J- ' . M ' . -.' aamourg,levenitt dojt latejt. OPERATIONS 10 SWITZERLAND. LOWER ELBE, June 29. u"; By the Vienm Court Gazette, of June t nth, we learn; Thauthe. Archduke Charlet was at JQatern, the oth June. ; He toox at Zurich, from which the French hid precipitately retreated 04 cannonj. " On the 8th Prince Roffenbere attacked the ene. 'i in y near Albert ned, and took jU ri .' ,The enemy having been rtinforced after their T defeat on the t Oth ult. on Mount St.' Gothard, near i the DcviPt Biidge diflodged Gen. St. Julien of iome of hit advantages, gained the 31ft. .However, , Prince Victor Jtonan advancing to Bnegen in the Wal- loon"Cuotry, and Gen. Herbert from the Gtifons, the , enemy were forced to abandon the advantages, they . had io tecently gained. FRONTIERS of SWABlA. June 16. . . The Archduke t head quarter were at - Kloteu the 3ih.rHt intendi giving a few days reft to hit brave army,jrhictL lw been fighting with, admirable perle verancc for the ten Jays previous to the4th jnflf.:r;.n OHhfritK Mflena,ti headiarterrwitWal-' denburg, on the road from Soleure to Bafle. VIENNA, June 11. - ' ' Oo the 4th, 5th, and 6th nil. the Archdule aU tacked the French in front of their ftrong intrenched camp in the van of Zuiich. The combat was long, tebftinatc and b'oody ;and the particulars are given at length by hit Royal Highneft. On" tbe night of the 5th, the :Arcbdukc intended making "In aflautrbn " all their linet : but the French retreated in fuch hade as to leave in their intrechmentt 2 c pieces cannon, three riiowitz and iS waggon. In the morning the intrench, tnentt, nd Zurich were taken poUefEon of. In the latter $4 cannon were found. In the attacka Generalt .Ketey WalK,"and' H'oddic. were wounded. Our loft i Very con fider able j and onr troops combatted -with fdeh furf, that after ftormingnhe edoubts they Seized the French that defended them by the hair, and dlfpatcbed them with the but end of their firelocks. - In the height ff the" battle, hone of the enemy's olTi eers obtained quarten. ' . STR ASBURGH, French Repu!lic June it. ' On the 7n inft. Gen. Maffena'ii head quarters were t Aran, and Xht army returned behind the R.enfi. ll-l.-.wet,:.: . . .i. . General XtTnrauIes, whd commands in the Wal loon country,has informed the Helvetic Directory, that lie defeated the infurgents a third time, on the tftinft. and drovcetn over the Lat, in confequencc of a bride - 'engagement," in which 22 6 Au!Tf7ahs wet e taken pn" ' fonrrt and fent to Lau'fanne."Th,e, infnrgents had loft upwardtof taoomen. The inhabitants of feveral val-. leys furrendered at difcre tion, and Gen. Xaintrailles was in hope,s of being fonn able to inform Gen, MaCT fena, that the chief end of hiam'flioh was accompli (hed. jSuwarrcfar's and Moreau' Armiest an e- ine hit whole force td'rncountcr the enemV s heral SuWarrowj: it $aftehiog with the main; army to wui irenoa, to mpport film. The city of Fcrara is raifing a corps of 4000 guards to co-operate with the Imperial army. ' We expeel here aa army of 12,630 RulSani in all June. ' ' r "., The FrencTilfbops'Jn Tilfcany ; are joining Moreau." Every where they impofe contributions, Even at Bo- logna they demattded two millions,- but were offered ... ; June ie. :V ; ..; --: ; JVhe ttth general Hoheniiollerrt fuccfcdcd iii i rcpul- Cng a French corps of 8000 French, who approached Modeoa, and tok 860 pnioners. But general Mac donald't army, f Jo.ooo, appearing, the Auftriari generaL retired to the Po.TThe-French, extend to. waH s Ferr t ra a cAiiz., receiving iciaiorccmcni. . vrcnrrai ixrhj is gone in hafte to gen.; Suwarrow't heaJ:quarters, to concert the plari of 6p"erM lung agaioll Macdooald. The Duke ofrarma, and family, have fled acre fa the Po where they; arc in fafeti lory had .''r'"': ' V MILAN. (Capital of the Cifalpine Ex-RcpuWic. j June Io General t'llegarde is Rp"ne to Piedmont, frorri vhence he will march apainft Acqnif with. T27660, and penetrate the Gcnoefe country rtn that fide, i We have j'.ift now learned, that the van of General Macdonald' arm yias been d efeated" near Lucca, by. Gen. Ott, who has wade manyttrifonfrs. The fortrefs of Unbain hat capitulated on the yth'. COO.i'rencn pnioners amrea iron) L.ugano. 'Cjrjen.lMorMuw has ftrctched kis right wing towards Genoa, to fuiam Geh. ViSor.-who covets the Liga. T rian territory on the fide of the imperial fitfs. ' i " V "June' it. ; . . Gen; MacdotiaUl't irrhy is flationed part an the rnountainorTufcanyV and part towards Lucca. A gbod pofitlon: '"" - . t. - June Ti. , '"' ;'"' -ACter Moreau had detached Generals ViflWr and GrenieJ tojGenoa; Gen; V marched to the valley of Taro. to'co-opera(e with Macdonald. They then diflodged gen. Ott; near Pontreaioli, d beat him , -back as far as Parma. ; VERONA, ;Jone,tr.;lr-; In cfder to cover MTJonald's march by Santatia to Genwi ffWr Mont tichard wat rtbjiged id make a move ment ith Rcoo men againft Modena j but gen. Ho f henzoIlrn hat repulfed gen. Ott, who it now--colled-" V ROVEREDO, in thfe Tyrol country June 14V Gen-Macdoffli- has a arched frorrrHantf eafolf 'and Sanzano towards jGefip'ai to LoinKtoreau. General SuffOTow-willTcakuHfoTieedrriaf fi-om Sstaja to Aliffandria, and anotlirf battle will be deciuve ot the fate oj Italy. His army will confift of 50,000 men. " The ikgc of Mantua is fufpended for a ftioit time. ''. "T June 19. Count Mclas writes, that Gen. Mcteau had retreat ed, and taken a poGtion near Savona, in the Gul of penoa, which enabled him to wait his leinforcefMcnt from Gen. Macdonald'i armv. and Generals i.f ontii.' chard and Grenier's dMDo'ns,1 from Naples, Tufcahy an) Doiogna. . .. I : " In order to oppofd this junftion, and ha piofe. cute the fieges of the citadels of Turin, Tor ton a aid Aleflandria, the troops finder General BeUpard end Ott, the divilions of Generals Frochlich and Hnhen- zollctn, and the brigades of Generals Seckendorf and Alcaim are fo foim an aimy of nblci vation, to aSl as exigencies may reqUH e. celiacs thole, 1 1 ,oOo Riif- fiansr who have marched through Kajcliau and Pcft, will join Suwarrow," which will m ake Tm rei nfor ce ment t i J,COOTT1k proportion; ft'ill therefore be" kepf up. - .. - .- t--.--, - - - TURIN, (Piedmont) June 2. Gen; Suwarrow, and army, have marched f from' hence, leaving a Itror.g force to befiege the, citadel.. The commander Gen. Fiorella, it is expected to make 'l a vigorous defence, to efcape the fate of the command ers of Pefchitra, Pizzighetone, Milan, Ceva, and Fer rara. ' After the battle of Ova, Gen. Moreau left the" en virons of Aleffandria, aad retreated towards Afli on thel l ith he continued his retreBt to .Carmagnole aiid Com ; and on the 20m fell back towards Com, Ttn- ca, on J M:ce- ' The infdrreclion in Piedmont have greatly contri- buted to its evacuation by the Ftench They have had fever? 1 bloody battles. with the French, and! fre quently have been obliged to yield to the tidies and efforts of-the French. "-Ail is, quiet 'now at the French retire, the infurhftion ceafes, and the peafanta return to their woik. All the King's Officers arc re- riiiftatcd.' ' V . ',.:.......'. 1 , June tf. ' -. ' ;:..,.l. Jutiflibn of Macdon ald with Moreao. "7 Gen7" Macdonald havingeotefed the'dtfiles of-the mountains onahe Tea coaft, his inarch through upper Italy the accounts of his jtindion with Mpreau are no loriger rfoubtcd but the junction of the corns of Ge nerals Gauthier and Montricbard will be vigoroufly impeded. !. - f Gen. Macddnald hajfcffefted l a 1 juhQroa 1 wub'Mo reau's army."' " '. . Gen. Moreau1 left a confiderable garrKoh at Cpni. . ANOTHER EXPLdsiON IN PRANCE'' Paris, jm . X dictatorial power of the Directory over the Journal and Pamphlets,; and provifionally decreed fix ( article1 on tne uoeny ot tue rteis. ; . j . The Council was informed that the Direct c declared it fclf permanent. " Tlie Councils decreed, at I i o'clock at night, the OKifHan of-Trcilhard to be unconftitutional. Laril iairoediately ceafed bis funftlons as Director.. y-fl;crda; the ex-miiifter Gohier wat elected, ind . procl aimed the new Director, - ; , The Revolution of the Executive Power is complete, nt(J of all tbe Directors fto'm whom Sievet fa lately received the fraternal embrace, on hit toltallation, there it none now remaining but Barras. ... Boulay dc la Meurthe, in pdifuance of hit plan to annihilate the Dictatorial bower of the Directory to a fpecial commiffioru -lie exprefled hintfel very ftrQnj ojLinis occaiion onjne jJigaipi impwnica nuwri rate ' wifhed to affumc. .. I. reealcd. to. ou, be faid, three days ago, the fecret of the circumftanc'es in which we are now involved. . Since the 13th of Fructidor, the Executive power has alTamed the dictatorlh'tp, and neglected nothing io yilifj' tile national reprefenta- . lion. You have remained 6 lent ; you thought they would ufethis immcufe power for the falvation of the Rrpnblicr- fewthey- have only employed it.wbriog on Ju ruin,-They4iave rendered stheobitdsof -the-dtv Tleftation of all nations. We will relume our place in In the Councils of 500 and ancients, Briot and Si: vtif exprefled their ajtohifhmrnt at the neglect f tie Directory to rf ply to the McffaglTof the Legiflative aflemblies of the 5th, on the interior and cxtetiof (late of the Republic. A new requcft was made, with the addition, that the Councils' would remain permanent until ah anfwer Ihould be'recelved. ' Three hours iftei the Direetofy promifed an anfwer next dayThe Counv: cil of je6 neverthelefs continued permanent'; , ; ; y After violent Ufcufoa the Coaapl fufpended the Europe, and we Ik til be beloved and refpected. ,1 ac- cufe, above all, Merlin and La Reveiller as the authori of thefe evils. 1 hefe men can never remain in the Ex. ecutive power. . , . .-Arena informed the Codncil of feveral facts, tend- ' ing to inculpate the Directors and the Minifter of the Police, in whofe office he fatd they had been contiau- ally employed durinjg four and twenty hours,' in burn ing papers ; thefe papers, 4e added, would without doubt have tlifccrtejed the arbitrary and" illegal mea fures of the Directory and.havc throwo a new light on t he conspiracy,. . -r- . . "faflcir orNahttzp.caufed decree to be pa.ffcd jn . the name of ihe coramiflion of el-ven members, to ' whom the meiTage of the Directors had been, referred, importing that every authority or individual who mould make any attempt againtl the liberty and fecurity of the Legiflative Affcmbly, either in giving orderf or in " executing them, fhould be outlawed. Th(t decree wag fandlioned on the fame day by the Council of El ders. -At five in the afternodn the Council of 500 re ceived a letter from each of the Directors, La Reveil-' lere and Merlin, by which they gave in their rcfigoa tysn in order to avoid all diflention. . , . A lift of te:i candidates was immediately drawn up. out. of whidi the Council of Elders elected Roger Du- cas and Gen. Moulin, Directort. The Council then fufpended the fitting till eight. Very heavy accufations are brought forward apainft Ramel, Minifter of the Finances, and Francois Neuf- chareatrr GenrralJoubert-ii appointed-to- the conv- mand of the military force of the capital," in the place GIllot.-Tlic three caniiered DifelQori bad attempt ed to caufejo members of the Council of. Five Hun dred, to be arretted, which Barras, oppofed. -They afterwatds ordered General Femeres the, Commandant of Paris, to ai icTt twenty Deputies, bdt be refufed to obey the orders. Merlin, who has been called in the Council of Five Hundredj a fecond Duke of Alba, it faid to have committed the" greateft enorrhitiet The numerous . arbitrary arrefts are now to ceafe, in confe. quence of a decree of the Council of Fife Hundred. Paris has remained perfectly "quiet aou'dft all thefe e vents. . The play hoiifes,' coffee houfes, public gardens and walks are croiided with company. " The new Direftof Gobier has accepted, and has already-been inflalledr--- - NAPLES RETAKEN. Z.- F'mmet jat the ItaJ of tht jidriatit" June t An, ad vice, boat-has arrived here from Naples , , with, the Tnte1ligeiice, thatthe Rufliani Turkt and Englilh "Bad landing, near the city, into which Cardinal Ruff had perletrated; at" the fame time, with an army of 46,000 Vnen. ' A bloody aflion is faid w have enfued,f , in which (everal thbiiflad patriot and Frenchmen were f either killed Or taken prifonert. . HAMBURGH StJMMARIES. ';.rr ; Vy-r - - LonEe. June It. . The Vienna Court Gazettes of the nth and 1 2th of . June, received on" the 20th confirm the chief eventl detailed of late. -; . , General Melas, onder the 3d of June, advifes rlo ma"te:riaJ'"6ccor1e1i"ae in the tfrof at itid roond Turing FieU -Matmal "Frolic t:pu Banculiere and Carignarro, occupied Foflano..with a ditiiii, a.k fft near Savijaiaiid, and hit patrolct ... . 1 k

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