7 i. rr. 1 . .1 err 1 I i takeu together, mull convince; every mind nat Geeled by pr ej udice, that the Directory, fearful of being iov peached at the bar ptClhe councils by Bonnier aod 116 bcrjot, for the mod criminal obftinacy, "and a deter ntination to prolong the war at ail hazards, although they knew the country pained for peace vfccrerefolved ti get rid of both the Mhufters, as wtlfas the papers, before the objec"bin view could be carried into effe&. LeV.it not be faid, that fuch a raeafure is improba ble. Pall experience (hews them capable of any thing Thc. fabrication of documents to juflify tht violent infringeixient pf th q tSaitbelemy and thofe member? of the Councils who,' were obnoxious to the Dire-Sory, isfuf&cient to prove they would not flick at any crime to prevent the pub lie detection of theirown. enormities. ' ' Lateft European News By the Helen, Captain Haraden. arrived at Boftoo from. Liverpool. LONDON, July 8. yDn board his .Majefly ' hip Cambrian, off Havre y::'4e Grace, July $J ' - ., J4! TIAVfc only, a moment to write you, that we Have been informed byHwo fpics juft received on board, tliat the French fleet havebecn DEFEATED by our gallant tars, FIFTEEN SAIL TAKEN AND five sunk. ; - " ; ; - rcoit rcipccuui aueruisn to me, with fjneere regret ;j and rbeg you to be affured, that I feel with proper fenfibility the intereft youare plcafccl to tae in my welfare;, ,: v-..-";'., . Be fo good as to accept of my. war me ft wifhes far yonr individual happlnefs and profperity, and believe rae with great refpeft and.efteera, ,-- Yourtoaft obedient fervant; .Raleigh, Sep. ii. . WILLIAM R. DAVIE. On the morning of his departure, the officer s of the cavalry, .together with a nurubcr of their troops, met at the Stae-HouTc Tquliifcr wlfclngjol t&i' by" the inhabitants of this city, the officers of the federal troops remaining in town, and by a outnber of other gentlemen, they waited on the Governor at the hour of his fet ting out,-and having cfcorted him, four miles on his journey, they alighted and bid him an affecti onate adieu." "" 1 We learn that the YEIXOWFEVER is in New bema pcVfoif dirett from that place informs us, that Jon T'' day and Wednrfday lall; indufive, t6 JxrCoiiS' tutu- mrs. yrduuicK. uasiyu uuuug uic lan wees, mc .whole" of her children ; 5 in ?numbcf-UThe inhabitants are flying in every direction. ? We hear alfo, that the fame difeafe is raging vio lently in Warning ton. 1 J '.y Plymouth, 6. Yeftcrday arrived the John cartel, of this port, Capt. J. Singleton, from Morlaix, which he left en the 4th inll. in the evening.lt was pretty generally icpoited there, "that the French an j Brit'Uh (hips in the Mediterranean, had had an a61j0n in vrbich the Britim Were faid to have been defeated, but we Gnccrcly hope tha't the reverfc may prove to be the facl. Capt. S. has been many times to loilaix, and until this voyage-had always been permuted to 1 , . -TT- - - ..a...... W..J4..J-,.. - -4 land, attended by a. guard ; buthis vciiei na ;now a doubre:!ua"rdJput oij JBoard ber, and too petfon was t permitted to "it her, except the prifoners that were iroin hence. The guard informed Capt. .S. that the news of theBfuifli- defeat had been received two days beforeiar rival, or oq Monday lail, asjie arrived the Wednefday following. ; : R A L E I G H, September 17, ,1799V I.,,.'1 Ht pwwm W V '' m 1 mi . 1.. B -..)-!-I . On Wedflcfdav lad, the Governor of the flate left this place on, is way to Philadelphia, in oidet to.take h him the imoortant duiies of. his miffion to France- T Previous to his departure, the inhabitants of R:r Wli and of its neiohboui hood, met "and can fed him f . :, it r r t i I .1. r..!1... 01 tfii-t;i iu-c ioiuiw- " ?A. Son of the Hon. Timothjr Pickering; -Eftj. 6eC. of iitatc, and a Son of Judge Dana, liave entertd the Navy as Miolhipmen'; Mr.' Pickering has jull gradua ted at Cambridge; ' " . ''" District of NokTH-GAROUNAr ' .'f'$trUnb Offics, Raleigh, Sep. 16. HpHE citizens of the Ditlrict ot iorth Carolina, JL are hereby inforjned that the Pref and-Dies for 4tmping.--VeUum,-Prchmenuai-Pap thts place; and tKat-MefCnanTSr mdrrTaird'pthers may be fupplitd . with fuch Stamps as they. may re quire, by tranfmitting a fchcdule to me of the lind and quantity. - Orders trar.fir.itud ty pcU nill be at tended to, though not vkithut,the cnor.ey fhall accom pany them : and to acco-nmorlat e futh as m ay not have it in their power to procure Bank Nute3, they are m formed that the paper currency of the late willbc. re ceived in payment at the rate of tei (hillings t0 the dollar, and a difcoumt if1evcn and one half per cent. flowed for every pen dcllats worth purchafecl. C3 The Printers in the (late arc dtiired to iiifcrt the above in their papcs for-the fpace of one month. SHERIFFS SALE. ' TO be fold on, .! ri utlday, the 8th day of October next, at tltc Court-Houfe in Cabarrus county, for ready money, the following traftar of Land, to fa tisfy the taxes due thereon, for the year 1798, toge ther with; the, contingent charges, if nof previouflr paid,, viz. '' .-.. ' '' One traft containing 300 acres, on the waters of Little Dutch Uiiffaloe, faid to be the; property c the heirs cf Mr. Duflee, of Newbcrn. One traft on the wafers of faidcreck, containing too acres, joining the liBes of James. Macmahin and. Peter Keple, faid to be the property of a Mr. Dry. 100 acre? on .Dutch BufFaloe Creek, joining' the lines of John Sofeman, faid to be the property of John Mires of Iredell county. lOO, acre3 on the waters of IriQi BufFaloe, returned as the pi operty of William Holbrooks, of Georgia, now occupied by a Mr. Currell. ; 330 acres on the waters of Codle Creek', returned as the, property of the ReVd. James T'empleton now oc cugijed by Oliver; Harrjs, -d William OTeyJpintng;-;. tlie lines of William Rofs. and John . Houllon, ; Efqr; too acres pn Rocky river, the Jxroper.ty of the heirs of John Gi imesj- dec. joining the Hncsvof . Robert An drew's and Robert Martin. J :'.- oq acres on Rocky river, formerly the property of John Alcorn, dec.- faid to be now the property of Da vid JJohcrty, of Meckunbuig county, joining the lines' of R obert M rti'n. and George. Rofs. ; WroM-:0&-' 300 acres on Rocky river,:-; notTCturned,"' fonn'erlyv' ' the property of Max well ChattiberV now occupied- by Sam. Brouvri, joinhig the lines of David Bradford and Mrial Bradford. . " ' ": ' - " .. ioo acres on Caldwell's Creek, the property of the . heirs of David Caldwell, dec. joinrog lines with-WilH-am Wallace Spears and Enoch Morgan. .v -"'7ir too acres on both fides of Codle Creek,, the proper- mg lines wit u vv imam Kol? and J ames M' -1 tleb'. One lot in the town of Concord, fonth-weft fquare, No. 3, returned as the property of Adam Cauble. 300 acre3 on the waters of Little Dutch Bufialoe, joining the lines of Paul Duflee, faid to b: the proper ty of. Albert Berry. . . . . - , -; . ' H. PATTERSON, sShf. Sepiemler 3. ' - , "if. .::: SHERIFF'S saLK. - " 1 to be prefented with an addref; jngli .a copy. - ' : . To His CxccIlency Wm. R. DAVIE, C -votrncr tain- General nr.d Ccmrt.w&T in Chief in and ever the fiate of North-Carolina ; " fin. The inhabitants of the city of Raleigh -and of its vicinity, learn' with concern, that you leave this place in ".the. morning, pieparatory to your departure from the Hate, and in order to takt on you tKe dmies of the appointment to which they uodcrftand you have bee a lately called by the Government of the United I States, asi)ne'of themifiion to the Republic of France, j However well plealed "and" gratThed-t hey- may--be-at-t h i s d i ft in g u i lb e d mark oft lie high'tru (V a ad c& n n d c n c e rcpofed in you by your country ; and however ready they feel indiwiiJually to declare their full arid entire iciiance on your long tried and acknowledged patiio k tifm. and talents ; yet they would do a violence to 'their ieelfngs Vvetc they to fuffer this opportufvity to pafs away w ithout, a dec la rat ion x f their regre t "at the no cefiity of your ahfence, asd without an expnlfion of the afFsilionate and tcfpcctful fentiments with which they are perfuaded, all who have the pleafure of kn0jv nr you beheld your .departure. That the grea.lt rat 1 onaLobje wh icJialw.iJ jialkyxuiXrjr jnent, your family and your friend-: in Caro.iria,. rray be fully and happily accompliiKeu, is their mod fin cere and devout wiuW AJ they beg you to be affured, that asjriends and feliow-citize;is, they not only feel jnIy regret your departure fiom among them, but offer up their fincere and bejl wifhe.V for your perfonal fafty, health and prefperiiy during your ahfr-.ttce; and for your fpeedy and happy return to the bofom of your cou n t r y pto' your f a ttri lyanilT6 your" fftetidsr". .. . Signed by appoiiutnent and under the- dlrefttqn cf the inhabitants prefen rr- 1 "' - John Haywood,': IV tn. PoVx, IVw. White y. J. Cf'avev, ' y ; : 6V Haywood, "'; To which the Governor returned arinfwer as follows : fo the Inhabitants cf the City of Raleigh' and' Its vicinity. G'ENTtEM E N, " ,:' ' ; ' ' : -, '"."T" I thank you for the polite ad friendly addrefs with which yo:i have beenpleafcd to honour rntr ; fuch an expryfljoh of th-l-i'HeQionMe' e my, fellow citizens, could nm faifto Excite ths mofl lively lenfar '' jipn The imponnnre of the ol.je of my-iourney. Rauiglj, Sep aod the hope of .be j tip more: ferviceable to my; coun. .irvv- could alone reenncile me to an ahfence from the Imtci of my ofli ce, or even a departure from th Hate at this intcrelliug crifij. I lb all h-ave the citfofJla: 4eih, whtrj cvcrYVnoCTent' h3uVftark:iith the UNIVERblTY. R'OPOSA L8 will bereceived at Raleigh fronvthe jL I jtlcfay ot" jrhe pftfent-month, unthejt 5lh d iy of October next, oy William R. Davie, andjohn Haywood, or by either of them, from, fuch perfous na .nav t'Hcline to undertake the Sievyardfhi'irot the.Uni- vci fity of the Hate afordaid, Tor the ' eniulng .year, on tir a term or yeais. wr. iJ.i!rana Mr. nay'ood,as u Committee of the Truiiees, ar; not only arthorifed to receive propofals, but to make fuch contract in this relptct as they may think proper, wlu'.h they purpofe doing immediate ly on the expiration of the time a! ore laid. ' W. R. DAVIE. '- - -jo BN H A Y WGOD. - - . Raleigh, Augull 7.' 79 15 Od. . , ' ' SHERIFF'S "SALE. i Efrbe fotu-, olTriuTrfday the 3d of Odober next, at theCourt-houfeln Fuy etteville, the following Lands, (not jriven in), or fo much thereof as my be neceflary to fatisfy the taxes due thereon for the year 179S. 102,592 acres of land, fuppofed to be the propeity of John Dickfon. . ' ' 16,33 acres, fuppofed to be the property of . "Dmo'urrw! -'"inir-.r. r-'-:- - V-'1 ; 26361 acres, fuppofed to be the property of John Gray Blount or John Sttother. 170 acres on the eall fide pf Cape-Fa?TrTv.er,nTuppo-fed to be the property of Daniel M'Intyrc. 40 acres on the weft fide of Cape-Fear river, the property of theTame. . -' 106 atires on the Shop branch of Cydef creckt fupT pjltd to be the property of Malcolm M'Donald. TO be fold at Moore court-houfe, in the town'of Carthage, the ?othrof Sept emberinext, for the taxerduelhcreojvthe foiling , 200,000 acres the property of Torrance Brady, part of it lying on every water courfe in" the county. 200 acres on the waters of BcAr creeki. joning Ca-. gle's lines, the prcperty of Gi!more. 100 do on BufTaloe, the property of- Reuben Milfaps. 50 do. on BufTalpe, joining James Williams, the proper ty of James Hynes. ioojjo. on Cabin creek,, called the Black Place, fuppofed to be the property of Jo nathan Carpenter. 100 do, on the fouth fork of Bear ' cteVk, joining William Cable's, the property of Wil. Ham Cole. 3rd do. on Little-river, fuppofed to be the property of. Meryl Cox and Archibald Black. 5a do. at the White pood;, joining Ramage's lines, the poperty of John Leggit 150 do. on Crane's creek, joining "Gilmorc's Line, ftfppofe to be the. property" of tC-5-JJ5. zJi &JlL-.j- ao' wateis. 01 urovvmng creek, the: property ot Drinald M-Lain. u!y 22. MS00lbd. M'EILL, Shenf. .HI'-'. v. W .100 acre? joining Mark RufTcll's land, near the Pi- ncy Botton), .fuppofed to be the property of oat Da niel M'Lean. ' 2 70 acres ritar Flea Bill fuppofed to be the proper ty of Daniel Wheaton. , " 50 acres on the flat .Swamp, near HufkV old field, patented by Thomas Rutherforl. . - ; 3 20 acres near Taylor HoltCreek fuppofed tcTbe the property of one Colrane-. .' ; " ' ..1.?.Q r.'.JBlaclt. Crcck Bridge,, name of the owner unknown. - k- ; - ' sll : M ' A LL I S T E R , Shj: CumberlawLQoitnty, Auguftiyh. - RUN-away fronphubfcriber, about th fit (I of June lad, a',tn'0jffo fellow :;naled Jm about 27 years old, ftout and clumfy made, about fix feet high, has a rsmatkabic large footharbeen branded oft , the forehead and on one of his cheeks with the letter D. He was raiftd by 'Mr. Heaufer, at the Moravian towns ; he has frequently runaway, and is well known in many' .qf the cuntk fellow to me, at Fayetteville, or fecure him in any jail 'fa that I get him again, fiiall receive a reward of Ten Dolfars ." ' JOHN DICKSON. N. B, He is apt'to change his name when he rUn? " away, and alfo to cndcavor. tp pafs lot a 1 free. man. . Fayetteville Sept, 2. 1 -77 .'4 . NpRTH-C.ROl.INA. ' ' 1 Cqmptsoll&r's Officer Auiul 1, .1790. . UCH of the Clerks of the leveral Courts itr this s W A N T'E.D, iie UnitersIjTT o f No & th -Carolina, JWOlor;thice :qu Jyiz a generous price will be given by the ftate,-who have failed to forward on to this office their returns for 1798, -are Ifercby informed, that un lcfs they arc received here cn. or before the 4th day "of October next, au exprefs will be feht for them, in which cafe the perfons failing, will b fiibjef-ied toihe expence As this,will be art. unpleafant bufinefs to me, '1 have to a flc that theie concerned will forward the returns re-quir.ed-of-them by law without delay; "T" - . J. CRAVEN, Compt. . .w K; B. -There-arc yet wanting in thiiofScCr-ipr-years-prior; to. 1798",. the following" returns cf tax fees and fines: viz." from the counties of .Hertford 'Ruther ford and Mecklenburg, For the year 1 796. ' 'Beaufo.r,.. Orange, Hyde, ,Rutherfordnd",?.Iartin, for tbe year 1 797. From the ChTrks and Maftefs in-Chanceryor A J thc-dHtrias of Hillfborpugh, Halifjxlmd-Faycttevine ; " Q for -i 797 t - and .-from-t he Clcrksot tlie pcrror Court s m'ont! JOHN RO.GERS.. mm!eri.i of Hilifaorough andEdcntoh the fijit for 1 7964 J 797 'kpd the latter for 1797, : whTch will be.cni'o ; unlch tnfy arc foon received. , l J, 0, - ... 'fc ,4, 5 f '-