o 1 - TO TH,N&IGH80tR. :" , Sm, - p" .; ; ;7y 7: ' J I am a Farmer ; and I all myfclf' a midling liver, becaufe I have been midling induftrioiis. Indeed t luve'al ways been tiled to work pretty hard-; and I al ways had enough to eat, and a little to fpare. I have .brought up asoniidfirabkJamiJy, fo far, as that ajhny. boys are able to earn fomething, and all my girls, ex cept the youngeft; are old enough to help their mother about the dairy and houfework, and fomc of jhemHto" card and fpitv "I once' thought I " fhould have a hard flint to get along, and pay all my" debts and taxes, and , come otit fair and fquare at the end of every; year. 1 had Ven like to have dragged myfclf thro a'thicket of . briars by looking round on other folks, who were bet ter on't in the world than myfelf, and comparing my fortune with' theirs, who could Vide about, and vifit when they plpafed. They worked only when they had a mind to ; and I thot they loved play better than work. I cotifcfs I felt inwardly four and cfofs when I faw fom of my old playmates and fchool-fellows, whom I could always outfpell, and outcyp'her at fchool, and who would always be at the bottom of..thc elafs, now forfooth wearing' their gloves, and clean boots, and fine ftiTrts ; while poor I, covered with" fweat and dirt was tugging at the plough, or hoe, or fey the, or fpde, or crowbar, from morning till night. This was a forer mortification to me, than to fee (ome of the did-- ycr'"' lawyers 'Tn Ihcif offices, and mdpkeepcrs in iheiF v fiiopsj and rich gentlemen in their caniae3. And I freely own that all thefc fights fet myfpiritsa. working towards envy, and difcontent and murmuring. I grew tfhorolt and fa foy whenever I met any gentlefolks ; And if I vas driving a team, and they were in fleighs or wheel can sages, t would always jkeep the path and makelheurnVut jra 1 put them hrmorir was I tfratifiVtr " fiut'TlW , found that this would not do ; that I was only let ting every one of my neighbour againft me, and making myfelf un happy to no pfirpofe ; that all my fretting and grum bli g and ill nature . would neither hoe my corn, nor mow my grafs, nor fatten my hogs, nor bring a fmgle cent in, my pocket, nor make either the real or the 'mould bt gentleman do qfty work for rr.c.. So I put on, and wore my confidenng cap, and fet reafon to work. - I refle&ed that the greater part of the people in the country rrnift be farmers, and raife pork, and bread, and bead and butter, and cheefe, and chickens, -and eggs, and apples, and hay, and oats, elfe what wbuld become . of all the mechanics, and of all the lawyers, and doc tors, and fcholars, and of all the reft of the gentry, whe ther poor or rich ? I confideted, too, that tho a far " mer's life.- wa6 laborious,' yet in all lahur there is pr'fit, arid health and honor too ; For the king 'himfelf isferved "f if ihe jefd r aad-M is bet ter than all the kings, that are now in the' world, is a farmer : And when I come to look a little moreclofe Jy into things, I thought I could fee as much content ment, and harmony, and independence, and happinefs, among farmers, asaaiong any other fet of folks, either in the city orin the country. And altho I maintain my family by my'hancb, while others did theirs by their heads'; and tho 1 got my living by my work, while ethers got their's by their witsj'yct vvhn 1 confider- ed the ware and tare ot conicience, as well as or intereu, ..which Tome; had . tVfuffer, wbilft I could -fleep in a whole (kin, uiidifturbcd by 'ftctifTs without,.; o'rlcornT function within, I thought 1 would not exchange rows with the beft of them for a good deal to boot ; for their's appeared harder to hoe than mrner ? i confidered further, that if .ever I meant to deferve the charaflei of a good man, 1 'muft be fubmiffi ve to Providence, arid contented wirtj my lot, that if ever 1 intended to be a uferul man. I mull continue to be in cluftrious and faithful in, my calling ; and if ever I wiih ed for thegbod will of my neighbors andTellow citi zens, I -m u It treat every one-according to Iiis-rantand. dignity, and be kind and condefcending, and obliging and friendly tb all. After-confidering and pondering, a fpcll in this manner, I rcfolved to go theei fully to work and be content with my condition, and tobe good, and to do as much good as was in my power ; and to make every Sod y my friend, by doing to every body, . ras 1 would have every'' body do to'mrin like ciicuni fian'ces. Accordinirlv, whcoevr I an driving mv team, andnect4adies andgenileiii'en in thcif carriages, I give, ' . - " ' r. . , 1 , 1 . r 11 way, and try to Tave them troub'e; arid whenever I flop to jet them pals J3).e in a place of dfSculty, I am paid with a pod, and, tlian'k'-cci Sic if when I am trudg ing ifi'the 'i'fun about my necefTar'y bufinefs, If char.ce to fee gentlemen who live without work, fitting in the hade at their cafe, in their eool drefs, or the lawyer's, cleikii in theiriowfe gownsami nankeens, leaning b.ick in their ami chairs, with, a book in thcir.fap. aild their feet as high as their heads, inftcad of dchring to-cliangc conditions with them, or- wifiung them to be d -d.l confuler that I have my. fatifadion, as well as ihcy their's, and that they have as .good alright to enjoy their, innoctnt amufementi, as 1 have to enjoy mine. " IkVhen I come'oiU of the mcadVws at'nlght faif t and Weary, lugging my fcythe, my dinner beg and battle, with my frock reakiog with fweat,- and my trowfe'rs drabblfd in mud,' and in this plight happy to ... meet 57n gggritlcmm--efOH -drxw nf ladicrU in tbpjr mu'flins white as 1 ill res and neat as pinks, do you think J carfc them in-my heart, or wilh them dragged in the : -ditch that rtcrnbled into ? No, sir. nVj I try to think that their dvt-'Vis an CLiible.n-ifhtlr inward p'Iiy and innocence. I bow to ' them foiilingjy if I knbiv them, and I always receive a bow and a.fmile from them Thus Mrf Neighbor. , I fteer clear of all untie cclTary brambles and glide over the rough gcound without any bad falls and bruifes, and get along the narrows and round the corners, without butting heads or breaking fhins with auy of my fellow travel lers. wjSuch. is the heju&tjbla conftder'ing cap. . It has ben better to me than a King's crown. IJy wearing of it kept myfelf cheerful, contented, benevolent and Mannerly. jTwouId recommend it to all my brother farmers!, and to all who are inclined to be envious, and to fret and grumble : And give me leave to fay, I think it will be no differvice ; to you, Sir. Excufe my boldnefs, and believe me to be Your Friend, Szc. r?K XKXXXX HKXXK X X H XZZX XZZ T ' COLLEC TOR's SALE " " Of'Lots in the city of Raleigh. On Friday the Jl of November next, will be hid for the taxes cf IjqS, at the Court-houfe in Raleigh. L.2 theJoUoiuing Lots in aid cit nt givers tnas. tU- : taut requires . ' No." 14.2, 14J, 125,-164, 87, 201, 164 5o, 99, 144, I, 3, 22, 2l6, 217, 245, 260, 26i, 24 249, 264; 265, 243, 272, 226.258, 192, 176, 174, 180, 172, 196, I97r i82, -.183, 2QQi 105 1S6, 202, 165, 148, 19, 150. i5 152, 153, I54; l6j, I38,' 70, i?h 20, 21, 36, 37, 23, 22- 38, 39, 24, 2, 40, 41, 42, 9,0, 45 i49 273- 2 7 4 1 2 O J r 2 04, - 2 05 , ' 2 1 9 , 2 lO, - 2 2 1 , 23 5 , - - 25 I , 267, 263, 260, 34. 18, 35, 19, 6, 211,527,169, 1 1 7, 80, 81, 96. 95, 79, 48, .49, 6i. 43, 59, 16, I7.32 33' r4, '5 S1' 3 l51 98 l?2 197, 198, 157, 1 4 , 156, 140, 180, 2X2, and part of - 130, GuTtirieV -Joshua suGGrjurirConfaorr SHERIFF'S SALE. nV On Saturday the izth cf .OSoler next, mill be fotJut tbi Court-houfe in Fajetie'ville, the following L AND S, or Jo much thereof as may be fu0cient to fatisfy the taxi due thereon for the year 1798 260 Acres joining JefTe Jones, the proper ty of Neill brown. . - 270 acres joining 1: Fo?fom, th;pTopertyjf Da niel 6uie. : ' 1 S50 acres near D. Shaw's, the property of Brouart. ' , . 200 acres near James Atkin's, the property of John Burt. 50 acres on Ilockflfli, (Gilles' Branch) the pro. pert y of William Brown. 305 acres on Boue's Creek, the property of MaL colm Blue. 2cc acres on ditto, the property of John Blue. - 300, acres joining William Kyall's, the property of Martha Collins, . . T 106 acres pu Great RockfiHij , the property of Mrs; Cameron. " 150 acres on a branch of Dan turuyX reck, the pro perty of Ifaac Edwards. '95 acres on Upper Little River, the property of . Laurence Griffin. .- . ' : , . 400 acres near Rockfifh, the property of W. H.' Harrington, 2220 acres joining Blalock and Brown, the proa perty of Jeffe Jones. ; 1 00 acres at the fork of Shepherd's road, the pro perty f Janet Buie. " . ; 5$0 acrts on Ncili's Creek, the property of Johat Jones 1C0 acres joining J-uncs Atkins, the property of Alfo 305 aires of land, jhe property of Samuel-I J-'PC.s.Joncs. NLGROES & LAND FOR SLE; , ''THE fubfenber has fur fale 17 1 acres of land, JL lying on Roger's road, 7 miles from the'eity of Raleigh ; on the premifes are an excellent Apple and Peach Orchard, and good buildings The crop of Corn now Handing, will be fold with'tlf' land if re quired. Alfo 'l'wo likely Negroes. The abovemay be had low for Cafii. To be hired for the fpnee of one year, TOUR Likely NEGRO FELLOWS. September lb. . THOMAS CIIEVES. ' North-Carolina, ' Trkasi'rv Offick, .Sp, 1, '99. THE ShetirTs and other Revenue Othceis of the Hate afoitfdidj are hereby reminded of the in difpenfible nectffity of a punftul CGmpliancc on their parts with the ad of AiTcmbly, which requites that their accounts in.!! be fettled and the amo.unt pf their ;cqlle'6ioos-paicH lore' the firll clay of QAober ai.nually : -the coufe q'lences of ne-leift or failure being alresdy wellinder.- iroud, it TrlieTTjiriTrrect them or to add furtlier, than that. .the revenue laws will be rigid ly and fuliy enforced at the Superior GoTfrt for H i i 1 T borouqrh. ,,Diilricl, which will commence on the 6th day of October next. V - """ ' , : - JOHN HAYWOOD, P. Treafufer. take notice, that unlrf the purchale money is paid up on .or before, the fixd day of Oclober next, fyr all en erits made previous to the I ft of January, IJ798, fuch e n t ries -will-la pfe a n cl4h sirj jghts. Jie Jo iUt-A 11 lands entered in 179S, , mud be paid for in the courfe of .the prefent year, or they will iike.tife be loft. ' J. H. . The Treafiirtr requelts the Printers inthe late i to infeit the above in their Nevvfpapers. - F O R S A L-E,:.,.-. FIVE hundred acres Of L AN'D, lying in the coun ty of .Wake, adjoininrr Mays' bid fiftiery, and lirrg on both fides of? Richland-creek? well watered with' two or three beautiful eminences to build upon, running down faid river about a mile ; containing high and low land, the greater part is good for tobacco and wheat-6o acres of it cleared, on which is a very good annl.- orchard. For terris vn ;ly. to the-fuhfeibers on the premifes r 'ISAAC HICKS, - ; : r . r : DARLING perrv.- - LANDS FOR 5ALE. - . '-Tf-HE fubfcriWr 'has for fale 505 acies Of LAND -- ly ins onthe-waters of Horfe Creek. 'Alfo, 2 00 acres lying on Lick Creek," . ' tVake Sep. TO. , . .' ISAAC HICKS. ' i NOTICE. ; . GREEABLY to.the aft of Affembly 'n fuch XX cafe made .aodoyided,-J-:'; h.erey7gir;;06tice to all psrfons to. whom it may concern, that I am ap pointed adminiftrator by the court -of-picas and quar ter, fefikms" for the county of. Cumberland., of the goods and chattels, rightsarid credits of the eftate ot Francis ,Brice, deetafed ; that the" faid ellate as far as I aim at prefent able to judge, is inefficient to tlif clnrge the debts: all perfnr-j hrrt.foretfavin'imy againfi the faid eftate, - will plcafe make timely1 appjir cation,, as T fhaU procecJ to cdminifter the fame "agree able to law. '. .' J . . : PETER MA LLETT. . . n ? ' t. ' i.Tii.-.t . 1 iou dcrrs-iaining Mcnara uiajocK, inc Dropcny r'of 'Lewis Jonea. . t . 1 : , 5u acres joining jamcr m&ins, tr.e properly oj John Jones. ' ' ' ' liCo acres joining James Stevens, the property f Btittam Myatt.. 130 acres on jBig Rockfifli, the property of John v M'Kennon, ' ' - 150 acres on Colecamp Swamp, the property of Daniel M'Millan. . 50 acres on the Great Mai n, eo acres on the Yad kin road and Hor epen Branch, and 50 acres joining ; the property cf Daniel M'Millhii. 50 acres on Colecamp .Swamp, the proycrty of John M'Donald. ibo acres on the eafl iide of the Gallberry, the property ot Ae:n M'Milian, ( Ulack-bimth.J 50 acies oit the waters of Rockfffii, the property of Daniel M In toft. ' 680 acres ocenpied by John MFarland ; i 00 acres on pi owning Cieek, at tht bridge of Duncan Mac farlarjd, and 60 acres in piuey-bottom, the property of faid Duncan : i-- : 50 acres on Rockfifh, and 25 acres on the water 3FTI aTf-'tfwa m p 500 acres on Buck Head, the property of Willi-""-zm M'Pherfon. ' ; 'f- - J 05 acres oif the eaft fide of Cape-Fear, the pro f perty of 'Farojuell ANeill, 50 acres joining Edward Graham, the propcfty'of""" Kejnneth M'Kin ven . -';'.' .1- ' 50 acres oh the'head of Beaver Dam," the property of the fame. ,' -.- ' - , 10b acres on Little Creek, near Black River, the property of Duncan M'Millan. . .v 180 acres on the head -of Falling Run," the pro.. . petty of Sylvapns.Wilfon. 600 acttson Sandy creek, the property of the fame, 213 acres on Cobb's Mill-Creek, the property of William Ragland. . . t e nrrf u ! iimnT I WW HWIS.O .illlVilWI O UU till J . "per ty bTDTvid "Sftveh T. "r . ' -- J 00 acres on Big Rockfifh, the property of John Stewatt, (Black-Smith.) . 90 acres on Cape Fear River, 34 and LVjaiaing, 320 on the road to John Smiih's ierr,' the propetty of Peter Smith. ' 25 acres on Rockfift, the property fo? Rebecca Wilcox. . ' , ' ' .:; . 69 acres on or near Rocknfn, and 20 acres weft vf FayetteviUeth'e pirperty of the fame. 300 acres on Lixtle Rockfifli belonging to the ef tate of Richard Wilkinfon. " 50 acres on the branches of BfFaloc, the property of Malcolm M'Alpip. - ' v ; 50 acrq near the above, the property of the fame. " 50 acres joining the Robefon county line, the pro perty of the fade, i 66 & 1-4 acres on Black River, the property , of r. v niiuu. . . ... , , . , ,1 v .-fijDCL acres on BcJtyer Creek, the property of A fexr. ander Gunfi. r ' .'"' coactes on Cape Fear, near Jofiah Evans, "the "wopertyiF'l&iotVilfon. . v :- - . 39 a zffcres on ape-rear, luppoiea 10 dc inc property of -1 M'Dougald. : . " -."'. 26.0 acres belonging to the eftate of Edward How-a'rd.8odo,- belonging talthe fame.l-.--l; .. . . ' Fayettcvilte, J uly 1 5 - ? :; Cumberland,- Sept.. 2 ;'. ; '; . ; ' v: :i 7 5 - , r-:&- Blank W rits'5; Bon ds. for fale at this office."' 1