.,- -J" J SHERIFF'S SALE. On Saturday the 1 ith of plotter next, tutll he fold at the A Lourt-boufe in b ayettevillet the otlowirtgj A N D S, orfj much thereof at may he fufic'tent iVfathfy the taxi ' due tier eon for the year 1 798. ... . 266 Acres joining JeiTe Jones, the proper ty of Neill Brown. ' - f '"T ' 270 acr.ea joining I. Folfam, the property of Da niel 'Biiie; ' - . A " $50 acres near D: Shaw's, the property of SHERIFF'S SALE. TO be fold on, Tucfday thc Bih day of Oaober 4 - ty Court-Hdufe fn Cabarrus county, for ready money the fcllowtn? traps' of Land. toTa- v zoo' acres near JameiAtkin's, the property of John 'Burt. tisfy the taxes due theieon, for the year 1798, togei ther with the contingent charges, if not prcviouflv paid, viz. . : On? trad containing 360 acres," on the waters of J-.ittiejJut.cn iJuttaloe, laid to be the nrooertv of the iicirs ei wjrt xiuuceK ot Mewbcrn. One traA an tfce wMm rf wekr oMaunng 1 CO acres, joiningthe lines of James Macmahin and Peter- Kep-faido-'bVthproprrty'of -.Mr.-j)ryir--; - 1 00 aties ioreDu tch Buffjoe Creek, joining the' lines of John Sofeman, faid to be the property of John mires or ireucu county. . 100 acres on the waters of Irifli BufFaloe, returned as tne pioperty ot William Holbrooks, of Georgia, co acres on Rockfifli, (Gilles Branch) the pro. pertr of William Brown, r ";'C:" " 305 acres' on Bone's Creek, the property of MaL . colm Blue. " ;;';;"" "'!". "'1,". 2C0 acres on ditto, the property of Tohn Blue. 300 acres joining William RyaH's, the property of I now occupied bv a Mr. Pnrrll , Martha Collins. ' 330 acres on the wateis of Codle Creek, returned as 100 acres on Great Rockfifli, the property of Mrs. the property of the Revd. James Tern pie ton, now oc- Cameron. cupied'by . Oliver Harris and William Wiley, Joiniog . ?5QacreiJ)n-aixraneh of Dannelly Creek the pro- the lincsf-William-Rofand jTlitr llou ftm,;fqr pertyoflfaac Edwards. ; - 200 acres on Rocky river, the property of the heirs 95 acipes on Upper Little River, the property of of John Grimes. dcc.;'ioinin(T thp Unw nf R,.h,rt An. - 400 acrei near' R ockfiftV the property' of W.; H. Harrington. . , ' -' . .' .:. " 2226 acres joining Blalock and Brownj the pro perty of Jefle Jones. 100 acres at the ferk ot Shepherd's road, the pro perty of Janet" Buier- , :.y-A., 650 acres on Neillfi Creek, "the property of ! John -Jones. - ;; - . . - - : :'r-- too acres joining' James Atkins,- the property of James Jones . it ....... - "': ' too acres joining Richard 'Blalock, the property of Lewis Jones. , " 50 acres joining James Atkins, the property of Johp Jones. K t jo-acres-jolnmg-james Stevenf the-pfoperty'of" Brittain Myatt. 1 ' ' 10 acres on Big Rockfifli, the property of John JVl iVennori, 150 acres on Colecamp Swamp, the property of Daniel M'Millan. 50 acres on the Great Mat fii,i 50 acres on the Tad kin road and Horfepen Branch, and jo'acrcs joining J the proptrty of' Daniel M'Millan. 50 ncres on Colecamp Swamp, the proyerty m John M'Donald. - 7 100 acres on the eaft fide of the Glillberry, the property of Neill M'Millan, (Black-Smith.) 50 acres on the waters of Rockfifli, the property of Dan;el M'Intofli. 680 acres ocenpied by John M'Farland ; iffio acres on Dro wning Creek, at tht bridge of Duncan Mc farland, and 60 acres in piney bottom,- the prpperty of faid Duncan. - . 50 acres on Rockfifli, and 25 acres on. the waters of R.aftrSwamp, the property of Daniel M'lntofh. 500 acres on Buck- Head, the property of Willi- .. ;.atn M'Pherfon. ; ;.-..v -. - 1 5 acres on the eaft fide of Cape-Fear, the pro perty of Farqucll M'Ncill, , ' 50 acres j.)iiiing LdwardAjraham, the property of Kenneth JVl'lvinvcn. 50 acres on the head of Beaver Dam, the property of the fame; ; x; ; ' too acres W Little Creek, near Black River, the property of Duncan M'Millan. 180 acres on the head of Falling Run, the pro perty of Sylvanus Wilfon. 600 acies on Sandy creek," the property of the fame. - 213 acres on CbbbV Mill-Cretk, the property of. William- Ragland. : - 200 acres j -ining Coll M'Allcftcr'a land, the pro perty of David Stevens. 1 00 acres on Big Rockfifn, the prpperty,of John Stewart, ( bJack-btnitn.; drew's and Robert Martin. too acres on Rockv river, formerlv the nronprtvnf John Alcofn, dep. faid to be now the property of Da yid Dttherty, of Mecklinburg county, joining the lines ot Kobert Martin and George' Rofs. 3qo acres on Rocky river, not returned, formerly the property of Maxwell Chamber, now occuped by Sam. Brown, joining theJi&ra'DivrdBrtd(oVd and Mrial Bradford. - lodacrea on Caldwell's Creek, the property of the heirs of David Caldwell, dec. joining lines with' Willi am Wallace Spears and Enoch Morgan ' IOO acres on both fides of Codle Creek, the proper ty of Col. Meredyth, in cf near Murfretfborough, join ing lines with William Rofsand James M'Tclcb. srOne lot inthe'owrFofGoncoidf foBthiwefrfqtiaVe No. 3, returned as the property of Adam Cacble. ZOQ acres, onlltheiwaters-Jof:Little-Dutch-BurTaloer J0nng imes or raulDuike, id id to be the proper ly ui niucn ucrry. . H. PATTERSON, Shf. September 3. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. T IL..L, be iold, on 1 huriday the .3d of Oaober flPTfr zr t WfCnin-t l,,..f.. V . -II . .1 s ...v-wvui k.uuuit 111 a v ci ic vine, inr - SHERIFF'S SALE. ' WILL be fold, on'Thurlday the 31ft of Oclober -next, at the Court-houfe -in Moore county, . the fotfowlng tra'cls of land, Or fo Imuch as will fatist'y the taxesdue thereon for the year 1 798, viz. 100 acres on. Lower Little River, the property of John Paterfon, of TennefTee. 'Ji Part of four t races belongrng to Abner Chapman, of Georgia, lying on the waters of Daniel's crctk. MALCOLM MCNEILL. jc North-Carolina, ' v ' : t fREASURT'OFriCE, Sep, W' THE Sheriffs and oVher Revenue Officers of the Jr ?Lattc afoid, are hereby reminded of the in difpenfible neceffity of a pundual compliance oti their parts with the ad of Afiembly, which requi.es that thciraccounts fi)all be fettled and the amount -of their collections paid into the Publjc Treafury, on or be fore the firft day of Odober annually the confe aiece? Riio'' failure being already well under itopd, it is held unneceflary to enumerate thtm or to add further, than that the revenue laws will be rigid Iy and fully enforced at the Superior Court fox Mm- oorousn iutnct, wntcli wiU commence on th- ,u day of Oitober ntxt, - TPTT V t J0 HAYWOOD, . Trtafurer. TFIE.Enterets of Lands under the eo: uJ ke notice, that unlefs the purchafc money is Mid up 1 or before the firA day of Oaober next. J. encs made previous to the ill of January, .ifucb entries wiiLiapfe and tlwir tights be loft anda entered in 1 79S, muft be paid for in the com fe of the prefent year, or they will like vife be loft. J. H. The Treafurer re quelts the Printers iu the Aatc to infett the above in thtir Newfpapers. District of North-Carolina, rpHE at.zens ot the Ditlrid of Jorih CarolinaV aamping Vf Hum, Parchment and Paper, are now at una pace aou um Merchants, Traders and nth tak on may dc lupputa with Inch Stamns as thrv-m... qu.re, by tranfmitting a fi l.edule to me of the kind and quantity. Orders tranfiiu'tttd hypoft W,'1J be at tended to, though not without the money fliailaccom piny them : trnd to accommodate fuel, as may not have ft in their power to procure Bank M( .k 1. - "-vt, tiicy tire in following Lanbs, (not given in), or fo much thereof f"or.mtd tlt? 'e paper currency of the ftate will be re as may be neceflary to fatisfy the taxes due thereon for tne year 1798. to the 192,592 acres of land, fupDofed to be th 16,633 acres, fuppofedto be the.DroDertv of Duboi8. - 7 ?AJ5 1 acrcs i 'PPl!5? J ;h property of Joh n ray uiouni or jonn DtiOtner. - 7 170 acres on the caftde of CaFear river, fimno. fed to be the property of Daniel MIntvre. . 43 acres on the. weft fide of Cape-Fear river, the property ot the lame. , loo acres on the Shop hranch of Cyder cttek, fup pofed to be the property of Malcolm M'Donald. . . 1 00 acres joining Mark RufklPs land, near tile Pi- ney Bottom, fuppofed to be the property of one Da niel jyi uan. . . - v 2 70 acres-nrrr-Flea Hill, fuppofed to be the proper ty of Daniel Wheaton. 50 acres on the Flat Swamp, near Hufk's Old field, patented by Thomas Rutherfori. - 320 acres near- Taylor Hole Creek, fuppofed to be the property of one Cofranc. 200 acrca near Llack Creek Bridge, name of the owner unknown. - H. M'ALLISTER, Shf Cumberland County Augujl ?.qth - cciveu m payment at the rate of .ten (Utn:-. dollar, and a di 11 j r , u unc na,r Pcr cent. allowed for every ten dollars worth purchafed. , - WJLL: POLK, Suptrvibr K C D CT The Printers in the (late are defired to infert' the above in their papers for the fpace if one month TAjvK NOTICE, rpHE Copartnerlhip of Ciijriss & Pster Pel JL hjm, was by mutual cor.fent, difiolved on the l.4 of November laft-all pcrfons having demand' mi faid concern are rtquefted to exhibit' them, and 'hole indebted are icquefted to male thefhs. Wm. Smrii & Co. who ".ar full. Lu-is MletUe the buiintf of faid comnanv. CftARLES PEL HAM. PE 1 ER PEL HAM. FayeileviHf, May 29, '99. 65 Sm. 00 acres on Capc'Fear Rivr, 34 and i-jjainincr, 320 on the road to John Smith's ferry, the propcity of Peter Smith. . -' . , . 25 acres on Rockfirf the property of Rebecca Wilcox. rTHE debts of every defcription owing' to Tames JL C. Gokham, by the inhabitants of Wake count v. have lately neen placed jn ray hands for collection I am inftrriftcd to requeft all perfons indebted to come forward and make lettltfmcnt by payment or civintr 66 acres on or near Rockfifn, and 20 acres weft ot theIr-!3Pn8 otherwifeTto commence fuits againfl thofe. ... 1 f I J n n tion lmS 1. Favetteville. the uroperty or the tame. uct...Hui .wuuuui viiicrnniu-noii. 300 acre son Little R.ockfi(h, belonging to. the ef tate of Richard Wilfctnlon. Raleigh, July 23. . HENRY S E A WELL. r n rr t n 1? 7 - r 1 1 vrAl t?IanuiC8I iJU,a,oc, PPRy- -pJ3Elaft.jil.ar.d,teita?ientofJoHN-K-sEDr- of Malcolm M'Alpm. - - ... . hte mefcnmnt oF Hijntfvillc. aeceafedriiaVinff 50 acres near the above the property of th fame. at the laft tcrm of $u J QQ' hJXh 2 nr rtinimr the Robefoii countv hne. the nm. ...... 1 . ' . 1 ' . " U1" rtU pefty ' of the fame. f '. 66 1-4 acres on. Black River, the property of P. Vi.nfon. 600 acres on Beaver Creek, the property of Alex. andcr Gunn. .' 450 acres on Cape-Fear, near JoQah Evans, the property of Solomon Wilfon. ' v . ; ; . V . & 1 2 acre on Cape-Fear, fuppofed to be the property of .M'Dougald. 3 60 acres belonging to the eftate of- Ed ward- How ard. , 80 do, belonging to the fame. . 7'!, IlECTORtfcESTER,' Sherjfi, Qtptherjand, Sept. 2 .-.. --7? ? mitted to probate, and the fubferiber having been qua lified as .executor of faid will, and taken on himfclf the execution thereof. - , t: - n - -He herebjr requires aU perlons ho have an v demand againfl the eftate of the faid John, to produce their i av.uuin. piwpcny auuicniiateu within he times li mited by law and all thofe hjdebted to faid eftate, are alfq requefted to make immediate payment to HUGrl MACLEAN, Executor. N O T I C F. T HE Subfcribers having du.'y qualifiedajd letter, ofadmmiftration beenarantedbvCharlm rrt ty Court, they hereby rjotify all perfons indebted to the latejAMEs Paterso, dec. bv bond or honk n,. to makepaymtnt on or before the I,. ft dav of Odober next, otherwife their refpedive dtbts will be put in v fuit ; and all the creditors of the faid late Jambs Pa terson arc hereby required to exhibit and make de mand f thc.r relpcaive accountsrrdebts and claims to : -the adm.nulrators hereunder named, within the time ; hmitted by, and agreeable to the aft of the General Affemblyr-i fuch cafes . lately rnadcT-or they will bd : barred from the recovery thereof. . JOHN RAMSEY, -:'" '' i WILLT A M WA RDEX, J Chatham County, Augujl 16, 1799. ' TIVE hundredf acres of LAND, lying in the coun X ty o:Wakr, anira WAN 'iTrTlJ iiinfeiWaiT$ & Bori ds for falc at this office; A Sady hpneft LAD, as an apprentice to the Xjl: Apothecary's bufmefs Such a one m- witK.encourajrement. Tipply to the Printers; - : v liaieitit May 2. . , fj, v- 1ymg on both fhlt 8 oFUichland - creekf wel ltereJ " w,th1lwo oj!e beautiful tminences to tuild upon, running down faid. river about a mi! rnn;;nn k.'i. afid lo land,' the greater' part is good for tobacco and wheat 60 acres of it cleared, on wUch is a very good apple orchard. . For terms apply to the fubfcriber&oa the premifes ISAAC HICKS, 1 - " rANDS FOR SAll& HP. r ubferiber has for fate jbf w es of LAND JL lying on th e-watery of H or fc Creek. Alfo 260 res lying; on Lick Creeki " HICKS. Blank Declarations for fale at this Office. 4 .2: - K

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