"r I '.n , 1 y t .c;v ...... : R A L E I Off A DYE R T I S E R. RA LE1G K.-rPuBLjsHgp bye tr TUESD AT iy T10DQE ani. BQYLAN; Vol. m Numb. 1 3a "j -" r, , CHARLESTON, September vj. ' " Late : European Accounts, , . Rtuivti by Ttflerdaft Arrivtlt. ; ; iNDOlVAuguft 3; - Ptrii paper to the 19th of July inclufive were re 1 otived jefterday.-? They .bring the confirmation'of the oaptBrcBfaftfonlrheTXceptioiiof -Leghorn- where they left a fmallgarrifon,7 probably tot protect the laft embarkation and light of their officers. Mac dbnald had efcaped to Genoa in 1 felucca, bat hit whole baggage and artillety -were taken by an Engliih brig ; and two privateer from Minorca ;: . ., t The recapture of Naples it acknowledged 1 and the French',; who remained there at the time; arc keot at boftagci for the Neapolitan! who have, been feat into r ranee. :zy,r ..'.;.,...,T ; , 1 General Maffena it dated to be in greater force than the Archduke, and ibme murmurt cicape at the inac tivity of the French. - ' - :; ' In the interior of France, troopt arc continually re called from the eitremities of the Republic to Pari amongft otheri the garrifoo of Corfu. . . , W hear no more of Pruffiati mediation and the con .ftitotional king, except in the Club du jWan On the contrary the French paper allure, on ihe authority --of !th-Joiirnals of Coorlaad,that the Toiwr Duke tf Uriean rut recanted the errors of the revolution, ana -- it received into the mercy and favor of Louis XVII I.: The aflaflinatioM in the South are afTerted to be pub licly committed in the ftreets of the great citiciat noon day, and amidft the appliufes of the paffengert. The ChuOant and robber of the department are a chief care of the public mind, and the at reft 1 of emigrant! and eoafpiratert form its principal amufement. The difebvery or a plot for the iafurrection oT Al fice, m which Audrian erailTariei, defertem, and priefti are ftated'to1 follov? the Iriih practice of fecret oaths and enrolmenti, ii the mod worthy of notice. The generals who were fo lately io a ftate of accufa ,, tion, are 'promoted to commands, while the arrival of JGm Viaor it Par4V44o be added '-to-the-dtfrniflal-of fo many of hit unfortunate colleagues.' Great hopes we'etiwrtainad that the forced loan wilt be throwd out ia the Council of ldert. " The refignation of Talleynnd is at length accepted 1 both he and Ramel are thanked for their pad fcrvices. Reinhard, the directorial commiffary in Tufcaay, ia appointed hit focceflbr. But there is reafon to believe be was taken prifoncr with the retinue of Macdonald, which hare been captured near Leghorn. Robert Lin "det fucceeds Ramel, as minifter of finance) Camba ceres it new miniiter of juftice, and Bourdon minilter f marine. 7 "The Clef dn Cabliiet of the X id July affirts that the etrobined fleets have Called from Cadii. The Dutch bae creeled telegraphs all along their coaft. Ia addition to the intelligence brought by the Paris papers a letter hat been thisday received by a mer cantile houfe in town from Venice, dating that th King of Maples made his re-entrance into his capital . n the 20th June t and that the citadels of Alexandria and Plagi, had furrendcred to the Auftro-Ru5ani. Maatua, it it faid, mud foon alfo furrendcr, having butfiule provifion, and no Hoei of relief. .-,v3.r The Vienna aewfpaperi Tay, tfiat two Spanilli mefr fengert have arrived from Paris, with propofitibnt of fiice. It ia certain that the Spanilh legation at Vi- " enna hat laboured for a long time to detract the Impe fial court by negociations. The 'Emperor Paul long ince folicited his ally to difincumber himfelf of theft di plomatic fpies, wlio are under the direction of the Che alter D'Azara, a man notorious for revolutionary Brioeiplei. 1 : ' A' Paris paper fayi, oidj three or four of our ge-j aeralt remain with the army ot Maples, tue rell Deuig cither tilled or wounded." . " . From the uniform and authentic advices received, atf well from France ai from otaer parts of the continent, we can no longer doubt of the immediate and total de liverance of ItaJy. The French afl'aiis were entirely and irrecoverably Ttipcd on the tyth of June, upon thebanki of the Trcbbia. From tjiat day, the one fijy baTr thought only of fscujrtng a' retreat : that of Jiacdonald appears incomprehenfibfe"j for it ia impof- ble lftdiwncjwhy fefougfu ted infurgenttof Tufcanyj while the territory of Ge 6a waiopeo t Ms army. We havefio authentic ac unt0f b Pfeft fituatian.4 he is, indeed, faidio ine tfflbafkdyfjthbU Staff, at Leghorn, and that , tiie jemains of bis army'have got themfeUet into that laceTwhich is incapable of holdinout for a fortnight. Jdoreau has abandoned Genoa to gain the oaty .road "r whichI''wat opei to him 1 and retreats upon Nice, By Savona, lano, jht principality pf.'Oncitle, and the Ponent. tgi' 4Huion, ,w . xj iacuonau in the vtlley af Tano,' has yctutied t Oem lu fuffl. cieottime to rejoin Moreau.' "t .'u . , Thus, on the ioth of. July, Iht litttr hid about to, 000 men, fomc thoufantjt of whom he potted in the Bochetta j not furety, ai we tie told, in tht fiivolout hope of covering Genoa by defeiiding lliit ceUbraUd pa&affe, but to retard the .(narch of tht-tlliiii and if' ford-hit arjMime Uecoaapliu ewkla. thi borribl BUuciatiwn 01 phiioioarjcrii yijiattis and tools I Ixt w tht two ptrtiet it cempatiblt, wd fiiat one of them m'ttft fall, , -, . v ...-.ff-o. , -j..;. Theft t divifiont cannot fail to end in violence and profcription 1 and to .complete the horrible picture of France, wt (hall, pcfjilpt, ft a ct'vij war rage between the different pahiti of the ?epublicani. . , t tuy wt not ami 11 it pouipie tor any government to. jvej left in poffe,ffioo"of. itt inbbitanti, famtlhed! and in the greateft confullon, bt doabtlefi, at thit moment of oucwrtting, opened itt tet to the coniutrori, ' ,A11 the swlightened roibtarjr men in thu country acknowledge the fupejior merit of Suwarrow, lit tin lated'ecifive actions,, and confer he hat demonltrated a capacity and energy beyond their eapectatiun they greatly admire the happy,boldnef, (which Torn t c viller hare ignoranUy etnlUrtd) with which Is weak ened his, retr, abandoned ftreral pofitloni and collrft ed with his peculiar pramptgefa a body of 1 8,000 men with which inarching himelfib reinforce tht Infufli' cient corps oppbfed to the fntmy, by dteiflve and irrelidible blow, made himCtlf, onci fot all, tht undif pdted I mafter of Italy. ' ' According tb the UIV. adountt, tht allied itmv, 60,000 ftrongt had tu right upon the Irnptr'al FieU, its left upon Coni, itt centre it Alexandria; iu ad van-'wdTOftrit-Novirrwd-rkteai-qtarteri tt Voghert; A rcinrorccracni wt jues mm ui arrived n 4iiwf to join. MoreaU bupc that tail will be the la(l tlrugglc for, their cratl. UnmiBlUon, antf that the rctut uing . ienU of the peo pit of thit unhappy land, will peace and fecMrity to Europe, and fate their couotry. ftom the intcrpofiiioK of Arangert, . , ..,:.h:xj,qi f.- r. -. Reiuhird, wjhb.lt to replace JTaKeyrand at Minider. far Foreign Affairt, hat more capacity and morality thin hit prcdfceflori h Ji miliHo hit rojjnnert and modcrttt in bit princtplci j lie hat filled,-with , fyime ilegtct of prailti tht differtnt fitliationt, to which be- f hat been, placed imbog others, That of Commifli-- ry in Tulctny,, where be conducted, htmlel witb in tegriry tod moderation 1 Eutiti doubtful whtnberjte will bt able tb evtrcife his new employment, for it J faid he has been taken pufontr iu a fltip, on board of which lit embarked athUn.- w ; Robert, Llndet, wno is made Miniller of the Finia- cetrwtt t member of--tb(Hbm'Mrtirra'-'Aiif- aaifjf unoer Aoucipicrrc 1 ne 11 a man 01 acuity, out u wfedJtreviatiagiqwardi them. J entirely dtVotcd to the Jacobim. , , Since fomc degree t liberty hat been riftortd in f It wai not certain on the aetFof July 1 1 1 ' ' . . . I J f . J 1 wm . , Y -. L . . , 1 I . . 1 France tb the public writerii to the denunciator!, tad to the alarmidt, we are told the moll frightful trutha of the atrociou condact of the armlei and commlfla rie in . Italy, For example- At the cvaciiatlbn af the Neapolitan, ftate, the moli barbarous and mimelefi crueltiei we're etertifed upoii , the women and old men were, in rarlou places, calt inu the ilirhei or irnlV facred, to the numbr of between three aitdiliur hun dred. The verified excelTes upon tnit'oeculSot, fur, pafled all thofe with which fomi; other divifiuiii, of the Italian army bad before palluted themfclve v. The fa gendaWc9oe1ifindittl t mattered (oWof their own officer! who ttteoipted to reftrain thtm. Such wat the reward which -the -inhabit ant 1 have rteclrtd for their affidance or- aeutrality which enabled thefe brigands to take pofTeluon of the country, who have proved themfelves at mercileft afiet defeat ai after their victorTei. They have lefrbehind them7;lnre' ver, a deteftatioo of the republic and French coanex ion, which not the lapfc ot agrt will wear away. Their dihonor it pubtifhed throughout Frince, and contributes to the debafement and contempt, into which every thing belonging to the republic it pro greffivdy and rapidly falling. . . The month of July haaparte'd ai peaceably in SwU zerland ai June t whilft on one fide, people art ifto nifhed at the cautittut inactivity of the Archduke Chi. MalTeUt is reproached in France for not acting 011 the offenftve. It it hot till after the arrivalo the 16,000 RulTiani, who are approaching from Sivabia, that f.he Campaign will refume its fcctivity Maffcna boalU of an advantage he obtained in the VaLis on the 34th JuTyi it wat only a trifling affair of poili but ferVei to fhew that the French are prcptrld to defend thit frontier againft the progrefu of the Imperial ten. Had ick. - The leviet go on wrr flowly in thai part of Swirterland hitherto delivered. 1 . Governrnent are not without confiderable tnaiety refpecting the final deftination of the combined fleet!, which it it feared, way yet attempt the favorite object of the enemy, in a defcent upon Ireland, if they bare been enabled to el ode the vigilaat purfuit af Lord Keith. ; . : - V ; Orders, it it faid, went down yeflerday, to coun termand the immediate embarkttion of the troopt on the grand eipedition,, that this force may be directed, fnecenary, tor the protection of the utter kingdom. From the lad Pari papert down to the toth of Iu. I) t aclufively, we cao perceive that it may very foon be laid, Chaos is come again."; Oa one hind, the Anarchical Jacobins, emboldened by their fifftfoccrft, and too impetuous to moderate their pace, have con verted their club in the-Thaillcn'et into a retlJHhrO'. itvt tody I they make 00 fecret of their intention to re edablilh a Convent', a CommUu 9 PtARe 5eiff and tonreve theridicu Un the other hand the conftitutional Jacobint and the Directory, juftly frightened at the boldneft of the Terroritft, at tempt tb maintain fubordinatioo, to prefervc the con flitution,,aa4 to fave Funce from g new reign of mu ror, which they apprehend would create an elmoll uni verfal drfire for the re-eft abhibmeot of the monarchy, Tlie majority of the Council of Ffvc Hundred 4tio J tavor of the antrcbiiU, that of tbc ancieatt of the pie' fent government. Thut we fee that tbe etilleuce of 7 1 . , whether the Frctcb General Joubert would accept the, command about to be refigned by MoreaU. Joubert haa had a feridui difputt with the Directory. He hat made a formal declaration, that he will not let out to com mind the remnant of the difpiiited troopt, which have been beaten under Schcrer, nd tlmoft annihilated un dcr Mtrcau, but on condition of net being perplestd with any Commiflariet i,t the government, and of being, himfelf inyefted with the fupVeme cemmand both civil tnd ai Hilary, , .r----1; The force ufed in Frtjicrttompcl the wretched.., Confcripti ta march, already caufed many trou ble!, and Will occatloh many feVious infurrectiont, Tlic deftrtion amooa tbem.it immeuft oo.rooner.arejhey arrived at the placet of rctidfzvbut, brat the army af. flgned to them, and they are unbound, than they feize the firft opportunily to cfcape and mum to their ha-bitatldnii"".- " ..'-J , :.. -5 3t fehtl.. ,Jt ;j. ' Lieutenant Trefcott, of the Louifa gun brig, hat. arrived at the admiralty thi morning from Gibraltar,' with difp'tchei from Earl St. Vincent, announcing that , the combined fleet! had epttred Cadia, from , whence they had not failed ou .tlic ioth.On that day lord Ktith wai eipectcd to jpaTia the Gut with $$ fail of the line, and woald inimeiliately proceed to the block ade of Cadiz. . : Tht difpatcbet giving an account of the defeat of Tippoo Sultan", fent by Mr. Fawcett from Bombay, ! were yefterday read in the court of directors of the Eaft India comptnyr ' '''' The aftlon took place at the entrance' of the Ghauitt, on the 6tty of March, and the victory was brilliant and complete It was attended with great lof io'the field to the perfidiout Prince who provoked oar aimt,, and iri1trewnfi4etccrmaf4o0tve1iia fall froria a throne " wbiebbe baibeld, ftni.e the peace of Scriogapatam, oy tne . loroearaoce a.10 geocrouty ot Great. iki talo. . '4v- '-.- ' I ..- : A lter from general Stuart 'j camp at Sctdapore, dated the 10th of hUrch, Hates, ' that Tippoo's army wt! then moving from Periapputtum, apparently 10 the caftward, and that the Koorgs acre iu pofLflum of the Hill of Seedafeer . . . . The following ii au extract from the general' orcen, : iiTued by the commander in chief, gea. Siuart.after the battle 1 ;?'': :- ' ".. tr TMf coMMANnaa- in chiiv. . 1. , ' u Cam ntar Seedabore, March 7, 1799. - ' The commander in chief it happy toJiave fo ear ly on opportunity of congratulating the army on the brilliant lucccft obtained in the conflict of yefterday. la. which they were oppofed by the largeft body ot" Tippoo't principal troops, commanded by himfelf in perlun, . He bat on thit occaflon particularly to return 1 . ... ... . .... AmMAJMn!iBgm.umeftmho ttneA ntm felf with bit ufual judL'ment 1 to lieutenant-colonel Montrrfor, and tbc right Native,biigadc, who fuftain. ed for the greatcft part of the day the repeated and warm attackt of the enemy's army after they bad fur. rounded Mm.m ill fides 1 to ieu teaant colonel Du- lopand that part of the Euiopran brigade for their' Spirited charge, which fiaally defeated the crjcmy,bit thinki are alto due.". - : v-"'4',-'" M BiOMpartt bai perhaps (leered his courfe to Suet, io order to cicape Into the province! of the defeated . i- . . -sw r- --..-:-r..?r ,..... .. , ,, - , ; -;, r - t', . : rrf r-"t "' t rr . .... ..... . .-, I VAX 111 1 1

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