THE NORTH CAROLINA MINERVA AN P R A L E I G H A D V E R T I S E R. 1: R A L B IG T. Published every TUESDAY by HODGE and BOYLAN. Vol. IV. Tr U r-SrD: A Y,QcTA-8, 7.99- ..iW(pjiWi,JlS!l!"''in.r4i..' J 1 It CHARLESTON, September 27. , Late European . Accounts, Received by Trjter day's Arrivals. . - LONDON, Auguft 3. Paris pipers to the 29th of July inclufive were re ceived yefterday. They brinfc the confirmation of the capture of fall Tufcany, with the exception of Leghorn; where theyjeft a fmall garrifon, probably to prptcct therlaft embarkation aud fliVht Of their offi-'ejCH. MC w'alFjhad efcapea to Genoai n it teluctaTbuE Till whole baggage and - artillery were' takfa by an Eiiglifh hrig and two privateers from Minorca. ; ' The rcc Freach, who remained there at the time, are kept as hoftages for the. Neapolitans who have been fent into France. -' General Maffena is ftatcd to-be in greater force than Jthe Archduke, and fome murmurs el'cipe at the inac tivity of the French. -- -IiAhe interiort)f Ftancei troops are continually re lje Paris aniongft others the garrifon of Corfu. W hear no more of Prufiiari mediation and the eon ftttutional king, except in the Club du Man'ge.Q'- the contrary the-French paper's allure, on the authority of the Journals of CouriaHdl" that the yonng'Duke of Orleans has recanted the errors of the revolution, and It received into the raercy an J favor of Louis XVII I. The ffaatipMs in Jthfi outh are affrrted to be pub-: licly committed in the ftrctts of the great cities atrtoon 1 day, and am id It the appuufes- of the paiUngers. -1 he Cho Jans and robbers of the department are a chief care f the public mind, and ' the atretls of emigrants and coafpiraters form its principal amufement. Tbe difcovery or a plot for the infurredfon of Al face, in which Aoftrian, defcrtcra, and prieih are ftated to follow the Iri Pn practice of fecret oaths and enrolments, is the mod worthy of notice. - The generals who were fo lately in a ftVtc of accufa tinn are promoted to command;, whik the arrival of Ceo. Victor at P;iris is to be added to the difmifial of fo.manv of hi3 unfortunate colleagues. Great hopes aie entertained that. the forced loarY will I? thrown "tut ia"ttir CoutTcft of Mer?. 9 The refijii2tion of Talleyrand is at length accepted ; both he and Ramel are thanked for tlse'ir-pail fcr.viccs. Reinhard, the directorial commjflary in Tufcany, is appointed his fuceeffpr. But there is rcafontp believe he was taken prifoncr with the' retinue of Macdonajd; which have been captured near Legbornr llobtfit Lin net fuccccds Ramtl, as minifter of finance Camba ceres is new mini'.tcr of juftice., and Bourdon miniitcr of marine. " . . - .v.. The Clef da Cabinet of the zi!i July aforts that t!e mbined fleets have failed from Cadiz-' .-.The -Dutch fcave (reeled telegraphs all along their cpalt. , In addition to the intelligence brought by 'the Pans papers, a letter his been this, day received by a mer c iutile hoijfe in. town' from Venice, ftating that the . jCiogvOf Naples made feis re-entrance, into his cnpiul ot the 20ih June ; and that thVcitadels oi AldTatidna and Plagi, had furrenered "tdlfie -'Att&ro Ruffians. Ivi3utua; it is faid, jnuit foor. a!fo Tarrendcr,' having, but little orovifion. and rio hobes of relief. The Vienna neivfnapeis fay, -that two Spaoifii mef-' "angers n?.ve arnvea.irom rans, wia pmuipuiuw-wi " peace. . It is certain that the Spanifh legation at. Vi nna ha3 laboured for a brig time to detraci the Impe, ihl cd;utby negotiations. . The Ehperor Paul loog fia.e folicited his ally to difinctimber himfelf of thefe di--plonviitie fpied,; wtiorarc iihder-the-Tlrrfion-TtfheChe"' yaiic"D'Azara,'.a.' man notorious JoiLjttolutionary principles. ' ' ' . .. . A Paris paper fays, b'lly three' 0 Ffour'oT ouiTge" ctraU remain wilh the army of NjoIcs, the reft being either killed or xVatiwded' - . . Fvom th; uniform and authentic aJ vices rj?ceivc J, as well from France as from other parts 6f the continent, wecjtn ho longer, doubt of te im.iiediatt and total de Irtfenincc orital jl7rrepovfraWy-nMod oa thewtth of JUfe, upon the banks of theTrebbia. From 'that, day, the ene my have thought only of feenring a retreat : ; that of Cj4cdonald appears incorrjprehenfible ; for it is impof- , jBble. to divine why heoujijLJf icTinfurgents of Tufcany, while the territory of Ge r.oa was open to his army. We havcno.autrtentic ac: count of his prcfent fituation : he is, indeed faid to l;ave "embarked with his Staffrat Leghqrn7 "andthat the remains of his army have jrot fhe'mfelves into that jjhi i nea pable -bokJmg-otf t -for- f cn-trrrg4ttri Twhich wis ppen to him ; arid reVieats upon Nice, by rgl.a.Inorthe'li.rincipal ity of Oheille, and the "' ... nxi. ViAr' flLu?irkn'' l'ff hv Marf'n!ilil in the valley of Tano,' has returned to Gc,noa in fufiL cient time to rejoin Moreau. Thus, on tW loth of July, the latter had about 0,000 men, fome thoufands of whom he pofted in the Bochetti j not furely, as we arc told, in the frivolous hope of covering Genoa by defending this celebrated paflage-but to retard the march of the llies,7andaf ford his army time to accompiim its retreat. Genoa, left in pofleflion of its inhabitants, famifhed, and iu ofrwnting, opened us gates tojthc ojiurorju "Ail the ehlightciied mriitary men iii : this,: country acknowledge the fiiperior merit, of Suwarrow, iBfthef la te decifi v c aci onsr a nd co n fe fs he has dem on ft rated 4; capacity and . energy beyond their expeioftiiHli! greatly admire the happy bold riefs, ( whiiitfomlCi villers have igiioraaUyeiifujre cried hisrear:raiBdoned fevcral potltto'os and collect ed with his peculiar promptnefa a body dfx3,cxx men ; with which : marching himfelf to reinforce the infuffi jcieut corps-joppofed to the enemy, by a decifiviTand irrefiftible blow, made hirafelf,' once for all, the undif puted matter or Italy. N - ' According to the .lift accounts, the allied at my, 60,000 (00, had its-right upon the Imperial Fiefs, its left upon Coni, its centre at AlelTindria, its advan ced pofts at Novi, and its head-quarters at Vogherar A reinforcement of 5000 men has arrived at Nice, to join Moreau who is retreating towards them. - Since fome dec. Fancc tojthe pub? t c yri ters, .to the denunciators,, and. to the aiarmifis, we'afe told the oioft frightful truths of the atrocious condufl of the armies tmd commiffa riesin Italy. Forexaiitpte At the evacuation f the Neapolitan ftate, the. moft barbarous and mamclefs Cruelties verc- exercifed'iipon ..the' women ; and old 'A hieh were, in various placea, call inp the flames or maf facrcd, to the number of between three and four hun dred. The verified :exceiTes u'poij .this recafion, fur-pafll-d all thofe with which fome other, diviliqas of the Italian army had before polluted thcmfclves. Thefa vage and atrocious banditti even murdered fome of thti'r ovru officers who attempted to restrain them. Such wa&-tK reward whitii the 'nrthabitahts have"- received for their afliitance'or neutrality which enabled thefe brigands to take pofTeflion of the country, who have proved themfelves as merciiefs after defeats as ifir their victories. -They have left behind them, howe ver, a detcftntion-of the republic and French corfnex- whtch not thc.lapfe'of Jets will wear away. the two parties is compatible, and that" ortcvof them muft fall. . ; . . VX. ' Thefe divilions cannot fail to. end in violence and profcriptioa ; and to complete the horrible picture of France; we (hall, perhaps, fee a civil war. rage between thefcifferent parties ot the repuolicans. ion, i tieir diluonor is pupiuneu turaugnout Trance, anu contributes to the debafement and contempt, into which every thing belonging to the republic is pro grefTivdyssiand rapidly frtlling". " " , J : " 1 The month of July haspiffed as peaccr.bly in Swit zerland as June : whilit 0:1 one fide, .people are aftp nif!ied at the ca-utlous iTiaclivity cf the Archduke Chs. MatT'-'a is reproached in Frarxce for not acting on the offeniivc. It is not till after the arrival of the 35,000 Ruffians, who are approaching frotn Swsbia, that the earn .paigi will refume its activity. MafTcna boafts of an advantage he obtained in the Valais on the 24th July, jt was only a trifling affair of po its ; but ferves to (hew that the French are prepared to defend this frontier giinlt the progrefs of tic Imperial gen. Had dick.. The levies go on very flowly id that' part of Switzerland hitherto delivered. 1- - Government re. not wit!ic5ut ,confiderableo anxiety refpcAing the 6nal deftination of the combined fleets, wKich it is feared, may yet attempt the favorite objed of the enemy, in a defcfentjipon Ireland, if theyhavi. bhehate'd t vigilant purfuit of Lord Keith. - - ' . v 2 ;LOrderi it is faid, went down yefterdaytocouri tiermand the immediate embarkation of the troops brt the grand ezpedition, that this force may be directed,' if ncceffary, f r the protection of the lifter kingdom From the lafl: Paris papers, down to the ?oth of Ju ly t ncluiiyely, we, can perceive that it may very foon una id rrmj a fT 1 1 rt ' ' I 1 n . 1 . J L be Anarchical Jacobin's, emboldened by their firft fuccefs, and toojmpetuous '-to. ,'mde;Rt'e7llei?-pce, have con verted their club in the Thuilleries into a tza delibera tive lodj ; they make'po fecret of their intention to re-, e.ita.btifh a Convention, a Committee of PubTic Safety, and t revive the ridiculous iyftcm of 1 793. On the other hand the conftitutiorial Jacobins "and the Diredory j n Illy frightened at. the boleraefs of the Terroriftsf at teppt to'raaiiitairi fubordination, to p'rcfcrTe the coh ftitution, and to fave France from a new reiVn of tcr- -fori-whwh they ppfchcm&-wtrfdT jrcrfal dchrc fpi Lthe ' rceftabliihment of the- mpnarchyr The majoritjro f tlieCpuncilof FivtHandred is. in favpr qC the anarchills, that of the aucicpts of the pic-" Heni OTtrnment Thus we fee that the eilftence of May we nct alk, 18 it poffiblc for any coycrn merit to afSict-humanityVwith fo jaaany evils, as this horrible ISZfcUiat4 j&m initjpflV- and that the returni ng r ie nfe jof r t he'pc " ptebf that unhappyIandwifl peace, and fecurity to .Europe, apd five their country from the interpofition ot arangers. rt J '-r.r-- V ! Reinhard, who is to tepUc'.Talleyrand as'IujijiAcr for Foreign Affairs, hat more capacity and mprality than his predeeeflor ; he is mild in his manneri and moderate in his principles ; he has filled, with, fome degree of praife, the different fituations tp which" he has been placed ; among others, That, of Commiffa- ry in Th fcany teprnry and moderation ; but it is doubtful whether he will be able to exercifc hia new employment,, for u i$ faid he has been taken prifoner in a fliip, pn bpard of which, he embarked at Leghorn. t . . , , Robert Lindet, who is made Minifter of the Finan ces, was a member of the fampus Committee of PuiYte Safety under Robefpicrre : he is a man of ability, but "THt was nnt certain pn the 28th pf July whether the JxcndLGcneral JpubertfeWa about to be refigned by Moreau. . Joobert I14S had a ferious 3ifj?iate wth . tlie Directory. He haa rnadc a formal declaration, that he will not fct out to com mand the remnant of the difpj(jted troops, whieb have been beaten under ScTiereVahd almoft.annihilafedMi der Moreau, but on condition of not being perplexed with anyommiiTaries-of the govern meut, and of being himfelf invefted with the fupieme command both civil and military. ; r The force ufed in France to compel the wretched Confcripts to march, has already caufed many trou bles, and will occafion many feri Inftrrrclio.n. Th t 'dHertion among them is immenfe ; no fooner arc they arrived at the places cf rendezvous, ptat the army af-' figned to them, and thiy arc unbound, than they feize ' the firft opportunity to efcape and return to their ha bitations. . " r ... ' Avguji 3 2 orchch. ' L ie u tenant Tre fee 1 1 , of the Louifa gun brigf has arrived at the admiralty tliis. noniing from Gibraltar, Avith difpatches from Earl St. Vincent, announcing that the combined fleets had entered Cadizj from whence ... ' fney had not failed on ihe 20th. On that day lord Keith was expected to pafs the Qut with 3 fail of the line, andwpuld tmmcdiately. proceed to th; block ade of Sadiz. ..!'". - ; ThVdifpatehes giving an account of the 6feit of Tippoo Sultan, fent by NIr. Fawcrtt from Bombay, were yefterday read irtheourt ofjHrectprs of theEaft: Indii company4 , - The action took place at the entrance cf the Ghautix9 on the 6th of March, and the vitorywia brilliant arid complete -It was attended with great lofrf in the field to the perfidious Prince" who provoked bur'aims, and in its confequences may involve his fall frorn lhroae which hehas held , fincc"the eabe of Scringapatam, by the" "forbearance and gentrofity of Great-Britain, v. r .t"-;' - .. ' , " A letter frbm general Stuart's camp at Setdapore, dated the joth of March, ftates, that'Tippoo's army " was then moving from Pcmpputtiunt apparently to the eaftwardjVand that thjcKpcrgS-were in pofftflion of the Hill of Seedafeer. - . . . The following is an extract frbm the general orders. -ifTued by the commander in chief, gen. Stuart after the battle : ; 1 . ---- '. Y -TH E GO M'MAKJ) I R ! - -A. IN CHfEF. ;, Camp near Setdapore,, Match 7i t7Q9 ' The commander in chief is happy tp have fo ear ly an opportunity pf congratulating the army on the brilliant fuccefs obtained..-in -t lie conflict of yefterday, iri which they were oppofednby the largeft body of Tippoos prbcipal troops, commanded by himfelf in . perfpn. He has pn this occafion particularly to return hitflhariksQrsf-general Hartley, who exerted him felf with his ufual judgment ;x to licntenant-colond ; Montrefor, and thcTright Native biigade, who futlain ed for the grcateft parr b'f the day the. repeated and r iwarai attacks of the enemy's army after they had fur, rounded him on all fides : to lieutenant fnlnnpi riu.- Top, and thaf part ot the Eurppfan brigade for their lpirucu viiaiKc wiin.u uB&iiy ucicaiu ine enemy, pif -thanks are alfo due." ' . : AH-Buonaparte hs perhaps fleered hiicputfc to'Suc, in order to ffcape into the prorincci of tjie dccatcd f