AND R A t.UlG jj PtrBusHED every TUESDAY by HODGE act BOYI.AN. . . i: ' Vol. IV. T U fi S D A OcroEE r 'i 799- 'zz: "LATEST EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE i V Amjlerdam Faciei, arrived at Niib' Ybrk in 49 v itjr from Glafgotu'. 1 LONDON. Aiiguft 3.:. . -I S T - TV ) I A H O u s e. -T RearAdmiral Blanket, commanding his Majefty's :v ftfrps in the RedjSea, fn.d.tO;J.-.,Wi!foiiVErqagent' to tne nonoraoie lau-mcia company, appointee :' Tigre, .' St'l Jedn?IP.Acrt Bay, May 16, '99. ' Your letter of the 27th of February from Juda, announcing your mifiion from the "Honorable Govern "Sr in Council of Bombay, has reached me here" Buonaparte, findingTris popularity and his refour ces to diminUh in Egypt, made an incurfion into Sy ria, in hopes t make himfelf mafter of Treafure amaf- fed by pezar Pacha, and having taken Gaza and Jaf- ra aircr a leeoie- renuance.-aovanceu t tins iown, vhlch he laid fiege to on the 1 8th of March lau The Pacha having fent vrae timely information of his ap- proach, I hatlened to this anchorage, and arrived be fore the French army, time enough to put the place in fome Hate of defence . to refill Europeans. I was enabled to furnim Gezar Pacha, with heavy gun and ammunition, without djfmantling the jhips, having htrgt5Od0rTune"f6 intercept Buonapartejjs bauering at!r5ra1rt11t''''on' boaVoHBiieotifla, from Alexandria and Damictta, the whole of which, to-the number of iht fail, while they were a great lofs to the enemy, afforded us the rooft efFrual means of annoying them ''to their approachers. The town (landing on a rectan gular point of land, in the form of a fquaT, of which ; two fides are wartied by the fea. his Majefty's mips could likewife afford the protection of their guns to the garrifen, and to the working parties detached from them, to throw up two ravlins, which taking the cr.e- ' tnj'a ricarcft approach in flank., have confKleHbly im peded his operations. It would be enrUefs to enter ," into the detail.flf the events-of'th's. rooft fngu lar firge ; fuffice it to fav. we Ii3ve been -within a ftones thtow eTyarty made otmet on. the crou n o ihciiVd mined the twer forming the mlarid an.le If the town: wall, (which is compofed of curtains and fquare . towers after the manner of the 12th century . Buonaparte having trarifported cannon from Jatta.ana .--!-. x X.r .jvaVftf -the Ceire. attempted poor wretches who could'tnove, decided to fteer.ftrait fir us in pierfecl' coafidence of our affording them the good effices of humanity : hi which they were not dif apppinted. We are thus put in pofTcflion of the i2 poonders, by which the firft hrcach was made ; as to thc 24 and mortars which made the laft, they Jay fcattercd along the road with-the dead and dying, the whole way between .Acre and this olace. Tlie reTOnaof,thil connncs or JignrptuciMt Army could but come u prilS: thmtibe' would jTall an eafy prey. Buonaparte tfufts to meertng reinforce ments from Grand Cairo p. but 1 hjvfcj I hope, found occupation for the portion of his army left there ; To that whatever part of his force reaches ,ucz, it'eannot be formidable to Indid. Be pleafed to forward a duplU cate.of-this letterto capjlibajitjudda fbrthe fonnation'olh " F have. the honor to Jr,"'cc. , ' . . - (Signed) W: S. SMITH." - Vienna, July I his days Court Gazette contains the following account of the " ' ' ' r Occurrences of the IVari . kw . . to ftWm, and -was repulfed ; fince wtiicp, ne n-u.-u-nolcfs than eleven defperate attempts to carry ;tLp.a?e y affault, in, which he had been unfuccefsful, and ob liged to retire, with the lofs of the flower of his artfy, and 8 ff'"" al officers killed and wound:d. k . ,rmtnllvfniiited and worn dawn with fatigue and difea refufed to mount the breach an tnore bver the'putrid bodies of their companions ; the Wfre confequently paraded yefterdayV and furrrfhed wUh fhces and water goufHs to enable them to crof the rmlflaries in the frencn camp, .m- a .of Mv emi fii- a,hSnh. is mentioned there as the ooiev t.-,Mr' fnVenlatibrt. thntfch without any .hopes , Ifo-nfted. diminifhed and exhanfted army JCSbIeJ:o,repo Italy, mod of the troops under-general Moreaii are : 'be tween U!trifk Savano, Vadb and , Loano. They on ly keep port's on the mountains, and between the Bo chetta and Saravalle ; the hoftile Grn. Colli was Ra tioned, with fevcral thoufand men.'in an entrenched pofition. In. the city or Genoa the French girrifon ; the armed citizens mountM guard them felves, and carefully rcfuicd them entrance. Accciding to anthertfc advices received by the Gcoeral of Cavalry Mela's ' confiderablt number of Englifli fhips of war cruife off Genoa arid Savano. On the 28th ult. the French made a fortie from Coni with 600 men and took a few head of cattle from the neigh bouring villages ; but the armed "Pcafarita Itopt their ta rthej,prore;l3 and.dr04rr. tpem back a$Jb king to k fiege the citadel tvf a jTS ' tre of Mantua. "General IVhcdonahl had left Piftoja ami Florence and advanced entirely io the fea coafl, it feems with a view to embark ; all the country people are in iitfunec tion again ft l!ie French. In order to prevent sccITcs in the city of Florence, General Count KlenasVat the rt.qucft of a deputation from Tufcany, ordered Co'. f thr Rancreis. tnllantlv to 1 1 r 1 uai c wuii.i-i'iun --. ri-' J i3 are ma- More couriers are hourly expected with news.of wha,C ha bappcn?d at Leghorn. The fpirit of idfarreafoti preVailed likewife in the Roman and Keapolitan tern-. iforics.Macdoaald's'Cfuation b'cepmes ve-'CTitici." -Should heTat'tearptobaflhhereT'tne EnglluSlhipV ct-uizing between. Leghorn ind Genoa, will oppofc his 'Another Courier, who is iu(l arrived here fromFlA. Irifilrgents has tffeti$Mtufam trobps 111 Tufcanyand drove the French! onipifloja ' and Florence, which tlicy , occupiecf. . By the lame conveyance we learn that Uie oyal armjffider "Cardi nal Ruff) hasefcated the Republican army andsr the Archhilhop Cardinal, arid taken the lattVr nrJfn., . ..Thisdav a putatecTfelto Jn :ndf)te:nrTeturn tbOTomfninns,- When oonaurmeiyaatanceav fcveral places in the Romart, NcaDolitan W.Tnf,.. terfitoiies ; but every where the inhabitants rofe wobo them, took them pnfbncrs,, or brc thcr iffct Coupled thbfe places thcmfelves" Cardinal Rnff ) the hate "o natrt urU.. r.tom. leghorn, puifueiijy the Auf. tnans. :. ,-.-., ';.; According ttf ofher amounts; cd to capitulate to Gen. Klenau. . It is Reported that the Alhes have taken arid occupied theBochetta , their ""ufi.u cnoa, 1 no longer doubt- :.,j uia 10 dc aavancitjg wan his army from Naples tc Roman territory, and )jhf feints of Tiifeany, uiLcrcu tu niarca-.jqt4PM;ives-again IHwasi ed. Gen. Duval, who arrived here eprcft did not brine the of Moreau's defeat; all .was quiet in Italy and the imperial army abfolutcly in want of !"dt' lhf no.ff llier operations were to be onderta ken for a fortn.ght -The obj.ft of General Duval'e m.fSon "Fated to a Ma.l !wg with letters,, taxen from the French army ,n Italy, contaTningLalfb fame let ters rtfpeftinsr the Ki-fr of Rn;n . .Tj . . , . r ti L t wingr tp toe is expeexca io4i ixniua wiu loop mrrencer, icor hiitic diforders being very prevalent among the Garri fori, olr vvhich feveral men die everyday., jt alfo Want's both fait and wood; . -.. A courier from Italy,, who arrived here. to day it faid to bring advice that Malta has furrendcrcd, . . LONDONrTuly Ti7T" " The Gazette of Saturdiy Iait is the richell in naval ' m. . - m . - . march to Florence ; he ordered, at the fame time, a J captures mac we nave icen lor a long tinje, and is ano- cA.nn nf the Hufrrs of Neuendortt, under J-tut. tner prouu iropny m ine uiumpnani -jlBc ever It vs, . ,. .. J.9 "- . ....... M M- however, ny duty to notify thfs poHisle Intpt-on to yoVi fpr your government . I a retaking mcalures to iaufeiiStnAireaWtiarfaffi - T' fi,(V Vn hfarin rr from V0U bv all tjffihLE-OpOTi tnnities through Egypt; as Bell as bfway of Aleppo Tirrll of courfe endeavour to keep you in formed -Qi. vhat pafles on this fideot tri jiuimus. , : "v I bavc the honor to be, &c. W. SIDNEY SMI in. Col. Iverekes to follow him. 4t According to a feport from the Archduke Charles receding the expedition made lately by the Corps of Field-M.irOial Lieut.' Col. Sztarray, under Gen. Meer-. velot and Goer'cer, againft the enemy rear OfTenburg, their lofs in killed and rounded certainfy exceeds 1000 men ancl o prifoners. ' Qui bis in Kuled arid wound ed is only 1,50 men. : A counter revfthu ion has now broken out in Tuf cs.y. Many inhabitants of Florence, encouraged by the viftories cf rJieVAljies; qver Macdonald; the cap-.,V-r. T4lrrn!i lanrl lieliiiii cr crotfreft -o-f-the Am nerial arms.- as well 'as by the advancing of gents of Arezzb, alTembled crt the. 14th inft. on; place of ritti, and cu t down the Tree of Iberf v. divifion the mfur- the A fSIcned ' a 1.. ' 1 ,Wi" . At anrl t tth inft. I am enabled t., fend this dnplicate of my. letter bv the good offices 1 I dvc 111c of French Dragoons haftened to the fpat, and :d the people, " Meanwhile the tumult increaf e cconle' deftroyed every where the fymbols of 0'f Kmi; Baflvsw of Jetufalem, wnom I have the fjtisfaaion of joining here, in the pu rfnit of B nona-arteVbeatenand-rttreating army. He was obligee e the fiege of Acre on the 20th. lc ions as above rnenrforied, I preceded hi narte to raifi difoerfed . , - ... .. 1 a . .v. nrnlc 'eftroved everv Liberty and tquamy, noiucivB.c v Medicis, decorated the portraits or rranciB n Paul I, with laurels, placed them by the tide or tne Grand Duke and the .rope, amr uiuminaiea me eu.y t, amidft fuch loud rejoicing, that the trench antrv arid vigilance of ourfdilors. It contains official accounts of the capture or deft'rudion of forty four velTelOnd T fixteen carriage gtins, nor fo'fewas one thoufaad fevet hundred men. v 4 t . At the moment our paper was about to be put;, to prefs, the Hamburgh mail of this mbrntngVeiched us. The following is a Ihort abilraft of its principal coni tents': ' r ' , ' ; A fupplemerit to the lateft Vienna Court (Sasett contains an account of the furtender of the Itrong fori of tjrbarib, after a heivy bombardrnejnt of thre hours. Seven hundred nieri;lhirTy pieces of innpV, and large magazines of aniniunition- and rproyifion were taken, there. The ganifon was dumiffcd, ori 1 tts engaging not to fcrve agamft the alliesfor fix months. )-" -- I he Itrong Tower, cl'" Cerefat before Mantua, --,'.- .-, . '-.ii. . :' was taicen on tne am in. qrm, logctncr witn tne ged Knowing his g van co- ;far as Gaza, in his. march along mrau , - lycjioljim luron as I 4iawancdJtrejtai bv tlie Arabs. The pride bfth VanquiMjri-vant cooqueror not allowing hW to make the jnualovcr, tnrein fivor of hn Vrtundedi after v havinjr clofed all " V':.. i. kTM-?nTrtlenf letter : to me,r fofieaY of thf - -r rf ,1ii-rfnetal defeaion of bA army, he ,.. . - t it.'. J..i ka'1 im( wh'.rr f farther, tney w.ti?-'5J V , V 1 j . : to fburid heietpsethrr with his twelve andght . onn and howiten. which were found too - vi". . t. , - . jm - - lor land carriajre m the find. Theie (vellela vere at riJorht rarrifon thought proper to retreat py tne gate caueu aj GWnrfn. On the next dav the Senate of Florence ViV 1 'ww-v-x, - - ------- j. , t, l,m Vn nld o-overnment. in the name ot- furgents at Arezzo, and to feyeral .cities in Tufcanyr to imnrire Them. of the Counter.revolution .which had taken place at Florence, and actually fpread thro the greateft part of Tufcanyr Four deputies were lent to Klenau, at BologhaY trom whence aignor rr grea Gen Bridge over the Bajola, and its fluice, The guns of the ecprid redoubt were difmounted by the heavy can; 'notia'de";il:ffd"fe'eralbattenes.were creeling to fecure the front of this capital pott. -"Befoie Aleflandria the' third battery with all it gun . was completecT, -"and the trenches were almo ft ready. . Turin had futnilhed 20OO waggons, ! 50b Carts, and 900 horfes, for the tTanfpprting of befieging imple ments. - . . , -L..' - . .-'; . ' ' . . . Macdonald's army, about. 15,000 men, is dated to -have directed its aarch in two columns, one for Luc ca and the Genoefe the other for Leghorn, after havj irigleen hard, pr.effed by the infurgents of AreizP. Macdonaiq nimien is aciamca at rntoja oy nis wounas. The territory of Rome is almoft entirely evacuated it rr. - r.k :.A,m,tli rrhe 'and letters --f r'Auc- is yvfij. 011 ' TT eill went on,. in.c.jyut.itLitgAlit , t. .- r . r . . T1,- r..nlnr v)f l ot Cardinal Kuno., -. , , , ; , it For thiSitJourt, tr tne vjranij xyuivt ai.u .v.K. . . n- i n.t n i - . i VS,;;.:- The French Patriots had fledtW ' Two Spanifh meflengers, laft from Parts, M arrived 1 T7..r mm mnt -it mra rnnif Atilffl ivtth nrnrinf itirtn t nf : vjfion. ;or (eamen to navigate them, which I muft Tnn,. snt nnlv a tew ot tnem were arrcucu. uc Uf., of Arezzo had made. the mfelves matters of- peace K- Cltr'of Sienna, aod Gen. 'Kleuan was going advance farther from Bologna Urbano, was daily epecled. to- The furrender of St. ' r.:1 Aminlfrrfident here, has alfo received a courier with the news bf this counur-ietolution. ' Wcdnefday morning arrived jLfJ9njgJur to Falmouth by the King George Packet, capt. Y eU comberiri fevendayfi. This packet briDgs an accovat thai immediately pi Ue. iJe this as . u may, . muic i ..r-.,- 5