7 Til .1 tb agents proceeded to'makeexa& copies of, them in tt'e waunei detailed tit their report. Thi refuCal will pet hap i be left regretted Iby the General Aflcmbly . when they arc. informed that the books; if they de. :" fer ted that ; - pame)pwert: fcr 'ufedj-det ached, a nd -ge' nertfly in Mid, prcfermibri, .that a large part f them ' " would probably hat anfwered any valuable purpofe after the carriage of fo long a journey ; the copies pcb'dfa:n$yiffig4& io the Secretary-office appear t have herti' taken with rt eat rare and .accuracy, aro duly certified ty-MakArcrruWg, and refbaivcty i'fn. !?r. fimitfu LacV. '.SeawelLYtncct, . R. rant. Stin n. i lritt . A trie 1 lioa. fiul.f Xl V sua. iiwaicci in.xiic .voniincniai .a-adiocis, arkvmciurcjwac; l.?arficJc IM-i Arir' In ik ft aWTJ!' a IY nnlhl inf vjmt, the fo$i&riiutt m lUs Jace, and tKeWoki exhibit an en Martin Jwmurong ana penoo 10 whoijiiuc cf , tK public bu u nefs in ; that ' ofe With truth; that as a aumbct tt Siirvieyori havi.gtofily, tbiifed the con- nr (cjice;Ht the cUt; to PfVr e.&turerand toable Aeegirratutt totakVtlreprp r t irrtn r ti im Tiiinir itifMiij nil i n V .1 .1 L. by h irteflVe pf i.ht te O.not DntFrtf 5 JmeBij $$rKlfon tT-Wllr ; , -&f the Coramtffiqneri mn?iiftted9 inyciligitp tjvHda. threjeoi,anfca 1 ; J IpcurrrLrenCtM rrttyiby;.agre- ioTiqjttpf ppb)ti jwJJt lour redAifed e u;e mode i toe account P m exeunt r i)6uujj"'vh r "r? " r " t rmintnitfM-iJtf da no lefet on oor ottt tf that com . books lo ecyttir)f ;6wrf.; ftould bexouji ilililit,'lii'"ifcV rtirtoh's mv ftrt relief iCI Cl--J VVTi ; " I f -" " T 7 7 7 """nrrttlr Miu icreq ? itfSSnrasc " V: Kf i i JB?ii',rii-:JJr541.ii.'ViiH,, ' iti : ri.' manner ifioVf I ki:ili" in 'imirif robies "of them 'niltfht'be uTed In out courts with a little deviation Trocn tac common u w maw mi oi CTiucirtc wdiuuiv. tCiHiWtU ireantile Adver.ufcr.Ibl w tnai e.y, wn kc ill Mctv-Orleans i . ;.-7 . ' 4r.xfw..ni1eana. Scolember '2r, ! ,Bt inlSrrn .;y.oii,j5MtU 7ifgrit,feat. .tferTpalchw from t Sftifli, arrived.here fiiicc thtee,: Uayf, ,bring an ofderYrork the KinV to; ioor.the entry b alt neutral vtffilrin -fMiffifiiThis erder exods4ikewii - ;-vife' 'ierfly baaVew irft-v .J y roforic:im t loiboor frlwjCiiV.V 1 J.' fcaoence of r renew Hotze, commaWslTrhli : i Kb me, . , 1 noreuctr crqe at vpt'' "UAt ieir. .he'aqiiirti -ftciftrWk airdwrf .OQd tdt he whli ? their cjifgoein thrsTtf V otiffejjheilege; of dcpAfutnyp the river, a4 is 'igreetf by thd)eaty. between tidairtKi tlieuniiea ocares. uur inttna- Jt it an obieanhy of WifliUrcattent'idri, to ,fcacf dependent Vpon it, might be clofed in. the iiQuiic ;-privilrgc we haVe enjoyed lierctoro i -Jl ..?;" imr th'tf.clirfAiiut- rteft. de; nrbtcion of tour? fUDet.lt; ant h fllread n9 ordrfr ip eiccution : out th( mttclkmw$i jla nterj.knoxf irg the evils which- would attenfi it. haVeioiiicd to matte a TCbiefvlltation to CO lpt. ?IJQwed the-iame- 11, 1 uiim a v. ?rtr . as 1 n 'CommonrJMmight4ppci Wl tOCUatta CdOCttttea upon ine Hno om, iinCfcexieny fucW teaf1 ;6 Y j&g? Vifter the report of the board, was received. 1-lTakittg it for grvrted, that :f the perfens incubated could be.profecuted with, the fame effccl, in, the otdi- nar'coutfc of hw in the fupcriof courts, that it would not be expedient to call' an extraordinary court for that purpofe. . 1 requeued the law officers of the Rate, In whofe hands this bufiqefs tnuft be finally placed, and ..a.j. rr.irYiirl tnSp acciuaiuted withativ difnctfl- WUU WHV 1 - , ' ij - .1. 1 r . : . th. pecl:t1ie protean of pur? fupetiorsj we arc almoll y thinjf to this ice from us. fa tbat voh miv-noc WxocMVriee any dtlappoititments in -' w. ' .i --.c ' ' I u'dur ntwratuiim and r.. ir ati'irea. we lhau aiwav8 in IMlWIItM. - . - 1 - - . ... . .. . 'IitJlSnt'mbly7brn :brjaftr;balle3 a region, uthoriting and rennj; iYicndh.p, your oUiged h.nble fcran r i s r wv lMP0RTvr7TiNEVs. By atr arUval at Ndwr-fidforli we bAyc,fre(hJoreig , Ocws. ' ,,, . y ; , '.' 7' - . Eukhuy'fen after an aon. A letter' from the Duke of York dated at HeIder, September JjfrenV!??' tie . iaaip jpf jooo ufliaiis auxiliary .troops'; and tli a t he'had had a conference with the hereditary Prince of Orange. The Rultun ttoops matched to the neigh bour hood of-A 1 kma a r l7 to join. t lie B i it i fli -army alrea dy there. id cntreiichcd to their chins. - That town had been fulnoncdbut fefufed to furrender. Many lrty.nl Dutchmen- were .employed i the Brittfli .army and navy-, -YefleU were put . in .motion to bombard Amaefdarp. On the th and 19th, the Anglo.Ruf. funs were to .'advance., Anftcrdam was expected Toon t5fdll. rhe French were faid to contemplate add ac tiullyjo.have commeticcd the inundation of t,he coun try. Hopes of keeping oif this evil teiled on the ra nid niarch of the Britim. Tl'e jDiitch troops in Rot- tcrdam ' and Amllerdam,, are fwppofed to be in favour tstailtholdcr. ,7L.:77tie,'triatwould arife in the piutionunjhe mditia v fy way, to give an official opinion on tlut fohjeft. . Thefe gWlemenaftrr the neceirarv confideratioti, 'bolitelf favored me witlt thciropmion on the 1 5th of 'isnKrT fao'ed me with thciropinion on tae 15m Auiruft; The proceedings of ths Conilhoiiers, togc- :ther with their" opinions, werj: fubmittcd to the coun oil bf ftatCk who gave it as their advice, that it was not 'expedient at that time to call a court of oyer and ter- mtflerv tuppoung iH4i icgiu.4tivc iiiiw.i Tt alfo aooearcd to me, for the numerous ? M ; HaV toired fWar agaijUt HatabWs.fef-r: men and Ltibrc. '-f Buonaparte. A psiX from Mfnorca-4s, tKat bel fun endered to SirSydney' Smith. i Hzfik;' An KnMlfK rriarlftn iri'the Eaft.TntftCS. is rUBUXUIW . Mautitius. - . r: ' ; v 1 hO ran d LoDofi of North-jCarobria, ' T "JTT ILL conven thia ntrt04ii$ o'docki itrthe V V ufual place ; to whicb time the Officers abd Members of the Grand Lodge, and ielegatcs trom ihLKlpeftiy,Lj?dges ettcod. By order of the Right WorfhipFul thTHonoulible Judge tiAYXvvoi. Ueputy Uranri Maitrr. ROBERT WILUAMS Twftty, 2 ;Vov. ' - - (?W Secretary. . . ..." 7 1 and weighty realons ItateU in.. me aootc ctairauuiwuiHis, diat a court of tfrcr and' terminer exprtkjy.conllitu. ted by law with 'jurifdiaion cmmeofurw'.yilth :rt-hc . - . - . 'I'll I " ' L.4l1 " Vk'J .1 t . - s , t Tiinnnn- . r C LI' Id alone effect the ourpoies t public ':lce;w-fetripOTt'in anv manner with the dignity' and k' iwfler of a larze and refpeftable tate. I beg leave. However, to reer the; Genetl Afiembly to the com-; munications accompanying this meffage, andparticu Urly the opinion of -the Attorney General, in which . he hastaken'a juft and comprebutlive vitw of the fub- - A letter from Bl ke. Baker.-Efqre v 4f te : of y. the 2 Silt' of- Auii!tV n the fulct of. the employing - an agent on behalf te ftate, for" the purpofe of col-. V leaiur and arranging. the;etidence againll the offend crs, aifo fubmittcd with lnfe documents, and the " Tubica recommended. to the, attention of the Itgifla-turi.- I hae already had occafiou to remark aui the ' - fldeltty diligence and aWKt y i v'mced JSamuelJJ. " Purviance, Efl- ,in difeharging his duty as a Commif jiioqer, aiid I have no doubt that they will at trad the attention of the Central Affembly., (hould th.-y tliink . A nnhia tuiinefs. the expedrency of which " is' fully confidcrtd in the official-opinions ktwernen, . ; tinned. -.7 -.7, 7 . . f ;-L-;-u . I have the honour to be, with- great rerpett and , :. oRGderationi Gentlemen.-your&c: ' ice ps taHca irom . rjou.ana.. t vuiam-oi Gluctftcr, Ins' left England fof Hollar. ; France. Iufurrcftion and" maffacre continue. The Directory have caufed tneEditots and 'Punters of the fdtowino' Journals to be anelled. Bulletin Official det 4rmk$olifeeu . 'la .Pariftem, Zaotidiefine, Li er ae farts ie vemocrait, murvn , 4..i i 'V:Wri.ilROESj7WhLliie:been o fed to the ola rit inc? of cof n . cnWM&hojn' I f w ff a Carpenter and Blackfmith4will be expected. A con fiderable fum will be paid on delivery of. th Negroce, and the balance Veil fecured, to, be paid iU one or two years. For further particulars apply 10 the Printers. " ;;-; g::e: "n;e ;:r; x November' 20, 1 799V- THE HonourahlcTthe ; Briadier.General of the Tecond brigade,' lias prefentcd the following a$ the Uniform to be worn by the officers and privates ol the fecond brigade. .' ' The officerslong blue coat?, faced with fed, white under dFefs, blaclt cravats, military hats with feathers Field cfficer$, "Adjutant's & Quarterrcaaer's,' full boots 5 oiheers in the line, bootees. . ,. ''";'',. The non-commiflioned officeVI' ad7oriva'te of -"at companyfhori Mue coats, faced with fed white un- 1 t 1 t f ' I.. ' j' 1 l 7 t' J:. v-.J ' L.i ocr arets, djck cravan ami uncc.innui, ruuuu um ' 1 . .1 . " '.1 1 . . :" . " wnue ana reo teaincrs, ana oooiecs or ganer x' 77i;rr ij' ic ' 1 r 7. .-...'..ii "u:h.ih . y Oil-CUTUUIUUUIKU uiuvtn Vil. a icnntii w jiMiii; linn frrf in the tafflt rriantif r ab enrhtTijfiiord fvfficctSU ' The uniforniHif General 6flicer8,"aiidof thofe af tached to tne general ltatt, win, as neietoiore, be bhie and buff. By orclef of Brigadier-General Sitppfo'ri, itf-'Jr ffiiiir Li NectJjairey Let Hommet Libre Lt 'Grq'na'earJ:toa'Le Defenfcur Hela Patria They were afterwards baaifhed to Olerori. It is faid France has : .RaUigK Septmler 10. . . . - . , TKur tKe forecrotnar meuacre be rctcrred to a joint, committee ; wd ht Mcffrs. Porter, John. "a (Vrr'pr rVnrdition on foot to be commanded bv Ber- nadottte. . DjrUniotte'it commanding admiral at Breft, lacdonald is at fans cor.iuuing tne ropetsuean ; lime" was thrown into his gtave, and cWumed his bo dy ; this was in order to evade'(a demand the Spani ards were expt&cd t make for the corpfc to-embalm it. . Preparat ions are faid to be making for the election nf i-nrw Pooe. There are three or four candidates. : ' Rujt,'t lias 'ordered T new kiy 6f 180,000 to. rectuit Ijcr, arr:es. : . Prufta is determined rf" remain neutral. Saxony, -UW,Va'Vn'lWftVrmaii Etnoire. has made a decla- ItUn to tin- fainVeffeft. The Ruffians and Germans V.'4c nt nw (nvovt to ftrftm : ' Obleft not known, lt was (aid the that Engliff nhifterliad been brdeied -troriM wc-.ri3uuan..iMuxiu nmuore wit yneA.ed -In kylanj. The Parliament prorogued to October 29, was luuacniy.iummuH v t pirrsBpROQGH Academy, THE femi-annual Examinatton of the fctudents of ' thU ira'dmv. ."''wHPrnrninfnre on tke iflh d v- nf Dpremrier naxt. and ccatihue fcveraF davi 1 the ; examinations of the day, and Speeches v,f the 'young uentiemcn, wiu dc toiowco uy mine ciramauc enter--tainment to be performed by the Student it in the evening- ; William h. vvillums, , AWi lfi. Secretary of the Trujlees. 1 THE fublcttber ha jaft erefted a good Fulling ; 1 ... Milt, for the manttfafturin of tlotb, in .tV .... r n ..i.; . r r.t? cr. 7c . . - i uiii i v . air - nnrKimrnam. wunin . 111 1 rr 11 miipii air i tc. . court-houfe, and about twelve miles from MartinviiU'. fcrews, ice, which he" will rent, or carry on th? bufi tiefs upon ihafea, for1 a ter'm of -year's- - It iVnecefTawr tn ohCfrve. that th mill Aan.'t fn 1 nefef failing ftream, in a good neighbourhood for cuf mm i tKrrp heindr no nthr mill fnr manv mi1ii. ,' Xlktf terms will be made known by applying to the fubferi- 1 . -t. . . L?r--ii . , ,, ' e iifnoAvf-t- rf ci Der ar. incprcrnuci. o.;u auiy ?m&rv h Korembcr I9 - -. .' i7 -.a . 1 - ... " 1

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