. v...- - - .. i. .-. ; ; :. -r . i . .. .'7a'v.--r':'u 1 '' "' ' ;jt -rf I, HVvii t kh b TUESDAY; bt;J1 DD 0E-.': Aio B'OAN,"Pti3EkA - 4. . Tlie'tioedkioft aaia Holbid wi onderrtken for tlttiwwtd iurjwff ot teHriog the ancient Order 6f "tttpC(l'V fcl,lnSjifie "United ProVioccrfrqBy the inSijence of thrftWbiC- Tliff l ; T i . - ' r" L-'-Li: ..t rrl x Hi r r '-ViCi IKiwJ 'i. 6tttehek0eleVhorw(f were ffarcdet mf tieijUororoibeyoke of , rtt)c, 'IV aOitarf force tWt w (ehi was ftrtpgitoogttt indoded tVeWptefdVbvjI)M trtJeiittVihld to trui4 io'&y ibT,xbeT wer? .rtfrtfed by be French lore io the country j ytefid:tteiVftMi are ffoit ' th;M.imfielitti;ifeeithi; ibt Freticlt ae only in the ptipottioi of on to three to the DuHlb woopii'pnil .iftthe ncltt' placjii ll allowed that the great ajoritycof;,th wlwtye fought iafnrrtioo. ia ny Ptof,,th JUVe not herd of one.? We. J?;-? 6Utnpt of the pranpu, on the Cdrf 4f GuelderUnd, vJit no Toiwi jned, them, ind thei'infttrjen't them- " f1ei were iitfmci 'io$ tfi:fBn -who tofroed the )inckcw(nn)ii(int-f. Araheim) -' tUxthcf would talulcarei that fach Tei flibulxfcko bcxcpeated.r-ThM if a rooft importiht fifti 'It ftowi pt oorjthaMKietiq'fjheTrutonCi "itiiottalityi'bt'it proverthat "any attif mjpt to iavade the province on that fide will be refilled. ' lalhe force wehirfeut, ftroog enough to conquer Holland, or it meant to perfilt in the expedition mn after U . iwcle rly afce rtained 'that the feorimefitf " mf tj,e Dutch "welnoTW 'T""y" roan." who coafi' v 4ti, the difiacuUierVhish ht nature of the country, and the tefiftaoce of the pesple, , WooM pppofe to fuch tnterprife 4d4 t th walU-af Bntilh Wood and treafurei T whfrb H fh5,. iwtbJec(nfeoiiencer. ' will we a perfuadi, anfwer that we ought nof. How we can nbawto. tbe 'enterpriftthbut dilgrace,' oe can fay to.thf patohi , W? oneted you whi to br releafcd fro m th? influence and power of France. W aftordtd ,Tou tbc faeanWyou fejed, them--We fefa, Tliii it the unilteraLitfii imatfztS if'thc 'ax. tnre xf thingi ij ft Tctoiel t viH.be mdere-, landed-bauM, WOjni diiSkefift UVelTumWjth conftancy..4ipp'pbfe f tfi i toito a powerfalbolwarti ln4.Jtb. tontnt hat bowlbci againft yo will tttirt broken and difperfedf froni jriaripi)etra'bil fiodtter. The prefent coalition Ti rnanftfius. It.ii net itjitl aturof thiogi that It AouJd iibfift ' j it raoft "Jiijai bf the dilcordanct of iU'ownfcnietitar ' ' " ' : ' 1 i " But jet thit ry.coalftidi,wouli ne'Ver itV. Mid, M$ it not owedlif bwtjbCHf out own falTe view Employed ihe argjofnent fcf oiiriuefbi'lbft fcaraoffurrounding: tjjfltaw Km 'propagate! iW idfWt bn' wifte?i id f(6bKcanIf all iEuroper and toi ittitk jf IrifgtBct&tiX v&tf ftaej,' Would jiw4t'fii'fowiif Hgtne of tbecoalitio ? fleclire fleiny thiriii yoa? ot.jcia to Ue fre ad" fiMepeadieAifr1tby4r bot lhaVyou fld pot .ift 0 1ii'ibcVernainiif My fther nadbnlt-iJiat . y !i'a' not ' g 6 ,'thjr prowifltion oT jrepflMican prineipleifroiri iftf iing Jut ;toi forjie 'of f ao3:y. .ijcnjtu wj wi-m tne toantfon it fcoft powerful weaponf 'iVtaUrTl (pint itftft ITor aytfUxt I M&tithifa the nioft thorwib FiSmtheVeWediiioo.igawlt Holland, we turn to the gperal Vjediof the war agaiitll Ffance. ery thing tends t prove that this pcrpr of Germany bai -'. o iutentionfif-tmploying b" 6" iortbe puipole of cffecling a change in the gowrnoieot, of Franctfof ' ' this, wtniaert are,- wt believe, fully onvfflced. Hi Izr IpeTtal Majeftt;tw .confefl' it. Through the me dium of the Archduke Charles, he fays, in the prcu- ' ,lar letter addreflW'to the; Frwcs of the Empire, that if all the ftatet furniih : their contingents, the French will be forced W the conditions of peace Iajid down as a balls io the refolution of the empirf id i. If thefe J :0onditwni then QBhi.be obtained . which had not in view any change in tbe (govcrament of, France, he would make their peace withthe French Jtepuhlic. V The mod important and intending parti of the Pa ris papers' relate to the debates in the. council of five ' " hundred. The nntUdire&priaJ party are by no meant fubdued. Qa the, 1 3th inft. a motion was brought v.!ribrwfrd.:;fn the council of five JiuLed, fardeclatMig the" country iftvdairgfcr A mcdtbate look place '.which laded two'days. The. Jacoitfpntyi fjd " d -b JourdaniInrv,vCirt.itp"ci' fiertrandr of 1 ' Calvados, were for tbe motion Lucien Buonaparte, v , Xheniev-Dauoon an fiouliy:rt)f la Meurthe," agarntt it. The diieftorisl party at length ttiumphta, and , the motion was rejected by a majority of 445 pgaintt. .' Dining tbe dicuffion, large groups aiTcmUcd round the Thuillefiei, and when the ,rcJcftiM of the Motion , lor declaring the' country In danger was Jtnbw'n'" marry - . f the denuties who hadt voted againd the notion were Jllidedimik.KprflacM ;jJ3et ween the. two. parties, it xtpeiied to take -.place; for the ;J6bins,-tb'ongb d'efeated:on thellth and 14th, appear tvbe-ft!U.ia ecMiBjeraWe.ttfeoth.. -, v s In this very important debate, .the.following fenti ; . : wreurs were delivered by Boulaynf la Meurthe.v .-They -1 are the mora inttreftinj;, becaufe poulay .is intimately a connefted with the direftdry, and is fuppofed to fpeak . ; hir Opinioiit. ,The fpeecbet of ucien Buonaparte , m incftMber. leinS men oh thJame fide, were tfluthe . ; now J trchftllnr rnnnamiV . -11 J A. J T" I j i " H ' be, ahe country ' not in danger.- . 1 reafon and mifcoridufjt may ; ltave coiiitributed to the it" ' Ur r'", t but difafter ; wat nlmbditQevitV tf y bad. "extended ourfelS a great deal too ' 'triucn." To he preserved what we had acquiredr til .btfndred thaufund men would have been neevffary, for i".'4 ,e u muc'- ffe4iffieultV it Ireuites many more men,! to telawiha to; cbnquer,,- The coalitioa .itfelf will ;w .iiy fadutiohtdifeofitufeiBits firdfuc- nz lenrmKOitanu wunct ui ovr conuuifDiii c iatMtig-'prbff(ecll ;f tbbndaace from tb1a borfof.thc people by-Wnd nf by fetbepfofpwty, t rfirrftlteJddomercef wfthllanRpg intewup t Wni tceafioned by the Velltgerent flat of a great part qfihe world-ithe retort of health, indiiftry, arldtrade ! t fioa cltre's wbjcb 1H Uiir te HflJIaes) wW sfifr ejafc J -and "the'warioas ht inettintahlc fdya'ntagef, ci'r 4U wnd rellibittX wh&b', iectfreal under ottr b'appy ftahi V , dftS&virnfflwrtait-'cintinbei ti as unimpaired dc . tud f f tfi wholi A6ieificai( people liacrr thaokt tsv i bevolehiiitV; fo? the fneraftil dieKtwn qx ; bis'iPvdvirice. ? -But '-vViterri1ieft'.iuaUsTOib btefDaeb cohtcioil that tlitf 'FrrncS'' 3Df6le Will never fuhmit ltd eVivexa law from a fortffl boerjLt our force be, ej erted with ability. Jtj) not eihauft our means and rfcfources,r"but 'mploy'th a Snaaner tha wit idorn and grudfcn&ciM juftifyl It the efforts of dor gallant youth b"e direaed'byMful gimeralt, and the country Warbe'faved'u",-.X.t.: - " ; iV'. 7 -V " , The. cartel which irnvel pn (iaton tyankjirk brings an'ictotthtthst gttaflScwg on re&iviojji the' newt bf ihe b0e-ot the' niheteentbi and Vharopf afpoVI, Neth;lUnd. . .-'J ; 7- -h? U ' ' '- . :7"':-"-i' I It ' pyobable that anotbtf 'ttacl will foo tik? plac at AlkMkaV, . becaufcf oprd ujp,a .our fqrte is at preTeotbpon a ptninfuM it canwtNtefive affiftv ance or eitcnd prdtediob; to ihofc- -bo may b$ difjw fed to cro-bpeiate " At the Itajt'rsw momeo'tV .CSanceV'bn'dio reinforrthtJfrmy, i,jTbi reftilVwf ,thc, t-ext attack wilf enable us to dcteroue whether there be, even a Chance for ultimate fuccef. If the enemy cad fo long JlV.pouY progreft befoiC Alkmaar, how many blaody battles may We '.anticipate in die ctnquefl of a country where fo many obllaclcS miiSbe furmonnted ! - ... - : ;. ',.. .; u . CONGRESS. ; .7, -y- JIotJSE OF RjktREIJltATlVS. 1 " . Monday, Dec."' i. ' Tbe houfe having formed a quorum, proceeded to the election of its' Speakrr. On the ballots being-qoirnt-ed, there appeaVed forfilr. Sedgwick, 42 votes, Mr. Macon 7, Mr. Dent ij.Mr. RutledgeS, Mr. Sump ter 1 vote. ,- 7 -. . -7. '. s Mr. Sedgwick faiiing-pnrvote of a itaajority of the members prefent, another ballot wat taken.' when Mr. . Sedgwick, had 45 votes -Mr. Macan 38, Mr. Pent 3, vMr.Rutledgc 1.' ' .77 " 7rj-;7 .. 7...-,' ;;WhMe,upnMr SedgrtnVkjvas (Jecjared to be duty eiecieo,- y pou ucmg conuutsca ine. cnair, ear, Sedgwick addfeffed the ho'ufcia the following words i Gtntlenuny .: '. ..Although I am confeions cf deficiency of the talents which, are defirable to diCe'harge. with ufefulhefs and jig nit, the important duties of the high Ration to wliicli . I am raifed by the generous regard of the enlightened and-virtuous reprtfentatives of my countryi yet icpo fiag myfclf on the' energy of their candid fuppert, I will not innnit rrom me auempu it rlcplJeaeaij, iVpWMsAt&f to the ungrateful 7 turtk 'wSixR' hjs beet aade lorfWrm y lbsnt; tf the (- :opic iq certain eououet 01 arcnqiyiTsuia j wner;, tct itcu oy ibo- urt una r-iijrcprcicTiui'iuHi i mn-jmnjf- et)l-th bate, bpe nly Irebftei he taw dfrefiiag ibe Valuation of lioiifc and Unit.' 'SuchdsCsffe was girt C iothcivH autboMty rejidered boeleff ajirtbet. ittnptibyl'UlbTW;t6 enfire I'ie-eicecaiioa wffSe LWsaiWl iCfieWsWfary titrMriilitarV"- . force to"bt eployedi cohfiSing of Tame fotnpsriics of teguiar troop, volunteers.! ua jnilitia, by whofe seal ...... . knd at3ivi(y, in co-operation with tBe juuicial power, order and fuHmiflioq Svtre ttftotedr7aad.macy of the toffenkri arrtflrd. ' Of thefe forne have been conrid- . ltd of mifdeme'ariori,' ind other charged With vsu ious crimes, remain to be 'tried.; ' -'- 1:7' ' To givedrfe etTeft to'tbe cfvfl adminift ration of Go " )rermnent', aodto Jtjtuti h juft Execution ofhbjws aV7 efion BdbB?mfcn(tbe3 t diriifjMy7heeilsry cibntrfit tsmntbBt bajn tW the: intefpretatin of the laws and tbe right and du- ' .tie of olncert' and citizens,' mnft arife. Dn the one , hand, the lawi fliould be executed f on tie other,"-!' : dtviduils Ihoiild be fi.SrfnBott Neither r lot tbefe .objeft it fufficientlyaflored nner tbe prt&nti . drga,nitatipn of the Vdlcial deartmtnU 1 therefore !earneftljr recommend the fubjea io youi fcriooc cnd . 'dcViltW;' 1 A.-;"'' 1 '-'::;.'..' "" '" ..' ""'. ' r Wrfl; v v f Frts. jp'iWMn wUaht liadj 'peen invariabljc prpfefled, and fincereTy piufuicuy--7 7 xby he Executive Aotnority of fhe U. S when indfca ' tio'ns were made on the part of the French Republic ofa:... difpolition 1 to accommodate the exiding differences be-: x tween tht two cpuntries, I felt 'it to be my duty tw prepare fbr meeting iheir advances by 1 nocniuation" of Minifters upon' certain conditfons, which the honor . oFour country dictated, and which iu moderatioa had . given it a righto prefcribe. ; The affuraoces which' were required of the French Governmrnt, prevfous to ' the departare :of our Envoys, have been given tkroUjjb theirMiaiflcr of fotcign ReJations and I havtf oi refted them to proceed oft their minion to Pain's. They have full power to cpncfdde a tieaty,- fubjcA to the cfinditutioaal advice 'n eiMuVrtt of Seriate. ' T!:e . n '. - c e "X" chaboers of tliefe fttTi'c'r?''3f fuie pl-.do.ea to their country, that noti.n'i El co r. js.7 1 ibic R i th its Isoeor'or inloreft, nothitia tvJc'oufittsht .whh'ow oblfeatiotts of ;n; wiilbs Hi good faith or f.;t:i-(tilp to iiy other on pulated. . . ' '.V.'" , ' ...;',.' ,7 It appeasing prbalti-Tipm l)iz Wbs-'afiSiuii ,1 fectt vedV that eiur,Commer.jiul istcTSonrf - with fon5 pons in the illand of St7'P0!r;riTii.'l!t. ffiely bc'i'wfwnV .. I took fuch fteps affcewiid t-teye4tent -t aitii taA that point, The sefob; DeinjalUfaflory, I sl..n in conformity with the ofjCongreft on ibe hr.JtAj, . direled .the reftrainti aud proTiibitfons of tf.rt i,:tcr- ". oourfe to be difcontinued, on terms which were mn'e known by proclamation. Since the renewal ol Uu'i mtercoune, our xuizens traaing 10 inoic puns, ,wii ,1 .-il 1 0 a n O! Pi h ri Accept, I pray yoti, gentlemen, my pratey. acr4heir prvpeityvhaye-been duly reipeaedi and pnvateer- ktiowledgemeBTof the houarycjO"Te7)leaf;d to confer jnpciT and with it, an .ifTurance that no cor.lideration (hall fe diice me to deviate, in the leal degree, from a dired line of -impattiai integrity. - , :'-vr 7 Mr. Condy was elected Clerk,7 having 49 otes j Mr. Bcekley 39. - , .7 ,'7. 7, ';; " ..r-?;- Tbe Senate haying alf formed a quotum, and chofetv Mr Livermore Preiidflrpr6 tens. .B.Meffage . was (cut to the Prelidtnt of the TJ. States, informing biih there f. ,He appointed to meet botbboufes next day at if o'clock . - - 7 'a,;'- ' .7-7;';;,7 7r,:;, Tue(day,Dec. j,-- 7:;v, ,:'vV; j Botb boufes being aflcmbled in the Reprefentative Chamber, the Prefident of the U States appeared, and delivered the following Specah s., ,7 ' 7 ' Gentlmen of the Senate andT1 ; Gentlemen of the iobfe of Repufentatives, It It with peculiar' fat isfaflion that I meet the Sixtb Congrcfa pfihe United1 Slates,, of Americjp Comiria; from all. parti of the, nniqn, at this critical and inter. ftonrthofe pnits his ceafedr In eiamininir the claims of Britim fubisft by the Commlflionert atThjladclphia, undr the filth anicle of the treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, with Great' Britala, a difference of opinion on points deem ed efTcmial in the intrpretati'n of that article, has ari feri beitweea the" CemmiiSoners appointed b'y the Uni ted States and the other members of that board, front "which the" former have thought, it their duty to. with-. draw. It is fioctrely tp be regretted, that the execu tion of si article produced by 'i Biutual fpirit of ami , ty andjlifticej Ibouhf bav been.tbus unavaijably msi. terruptedi 'is, hawver, confidently expeed, that the fatine fpirit of amity, and the famejenie of juftice, in which it originated,- will iend u fatisladtory expla nations. "In'cohfequence 'bf the obdacles to the pro gfefs of the coinrm'flion in Philadelphia, his Britannic Majcfty bjy duefttjl the com million appointed, by him, -tindcirthe ytsunick of the treaty, rclating-t(0 Brit ifh captures of American veffelt, to withdraw from the board fitting in London; bat .with the ttpreU dsdara- '7u - . i x ro 7 :W t Jc j tre ' . c bufi It, lay o 7''lver ' 7; J." . Vlace - '.' . 1 i 771; dv i ft ere ad i poffel- coitTsjy vkTiicH he ji

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