mill if it at i r. ' -.1 in 1 liwuiiiWv... ) k lio"af ni Jeterftiaitioi to fatal with pn$tiili'ty aid' ''good, tab,. ibe jMf aie.iit : witch' bji Mafrlty has cootracxed y hit treaty with the tfited. State, and Y -that-they: will be fo!irul;d ta reiiln; their functions, whenever throbtlaolea which fn?deyth i9(frefof the comminoaer at rauaacipait mail ds removed.; It being in like "ner, my CniJere determinati-, fb far ' .'; - at the fam decode onJiM, thaiVithyeouaf ji jnoal- I ity and good Taitli, the engagement contracted by the -United States, ia ihiejr trnttettmlh WBiitaauie Ms- jefty, lull be fuluile'd, I (lull Immediately iaitro$ pa " ' mioifter attndoor to endeavour to ftbtthett- atoiWfcaftry;) a jaftf ertiat, ' oeltjaMgei mriita- fc Afe prtf tt. U.rW Sute,. VTjth facfy difpoHtiiria oo bdth fl Jei vl cartaof enteriajn a dpuht,; that all di&cuitiet will Toon 1e removed, and that the. two board will 'Ihea proceed, and brings' the bufiotf'; committed to them, Wpectivlf y, to; fatisfa&ory Aaa-! . clufion. '). : 'J.1 V ,-,.; " The aftlof Coiigreft, Velative fa the, feat of govern-' able to the reputation of hi country have been torn jilted: within iti he-'nttf eherilh fome hope' that the character of the ttate wi'i be vindicated br the eneriry of the law, and the atle and faithful lo w (ligation which haa mow been completed under the dire(lion of the legillature. ; i ' ' ; . ' . ; The original reprirtVal lodged with the papers and document! to which they refer, in the office of the Se-' ctetary of the State' -Thofe which I ha e the bo ndBt tofubhtit ttt yofl ar certified by: hint, ai the of ficer under whfcfe keean they .have been plated. 1 havehe74oupiiberTithweafi(tTpea and cuniiucruwD ocnucmew, your, c. , ' w: .... ,, - A) ' v To Hia Etcelleiiey Willi aM k. 'Bimr: otK.Ki ne V-oraBiiUoaerilor the turr.ier invi.nia meat of the Uaited'Satea, jeqairinff, t'hat.on thtftftj tiaa' of franda f(8ed to"bave'.beea conimittctl in it mould bt traaaFerrad 1 the. Secretary a office, bad tne hunoar to iufjrm vnur Mandar in -DrcemlKi neat, rt mould bt trabtfe . from Philadelphia ta the Diftrict chofen foriu pcrma- . neut leaf, II it proper lor m i ;urorai yoD.:jiai tfie: Qoinmiflljocrs appointed to provide fuitable buiUingi f(irtlieaccoiq.lodtiol ot Conjreftj and the trefi jeat, and f$r the public? oBiceW; the Government, have, mide a report of the ttate of the bbildlnt, devntd, for thtfe pnrp fe i the City of Wafhiajtti, froni ' whiah ther.cfcachide, that the removal of the feat of" gojrernment at .the titoe req tired, will be pfaiticaWe,', and, ch .acfopuiodatid .CkiafaBa'tSf.' Their Hsport,' will be J4id bttora you irj Dinger -iwo are Honour ro uiTjrm vonr Escclleiwy ill theirvmU)f.the ibth of March Uft. that tliey had met pn she third of that month, bad ad jonrtied on the rpth n teonfequencc of the abfcnce of Mr, Oraharu ana" had agreed to mcet again on the icth May vlt.f--Duri.n jibe ihrtrt time Of oor fittingi our attention '.Kad been, principally confioed to tlw in veftif aliftn of the fraudi ptacied " in obtti mne. war ranta from the , .office lately kept by Joho Armftront:, and in obtaining grants on Tach warrant." We might at that ifmiog ( the Board, hive pro fecuted thia, pari f oardury to a conclufioa, but w Were arixiout fo obtain hc a ffiftaace of Mn Gtaham i marki taanat ve ry readily he fyuhd, for. want of a more I precife reference than that book contaion The cajife ot thia inconvenience waa a retyiclt from Mr. Whife, the Secretary, that the waitanta might nQtbeiranfpbffc ed from the order ia which we raceived thcoi, if , wo could' avoid it, at it might tend to coul'uf:, in foae meafufe, the arranfremt-ntt of hit office, " If however it ftiould Jbe neceffiry to have a more, prompt recurrence to the warrants, than their prefent order will pet mitt the Comntifliontri will endeavour to -effeft it, and will at all timet be highly pleafed to COn tribute any aflitlance or informatioa in their ppwer. which might tehd mprefpeeddy.andeltcAuaUjo era, braoe the otjefti of their appoin'tmeoU-. . , . The CommiSonert will continue to Ct without ad- joummcnt, uqtil they, haye completed the whole of . iiicie luvcniganun ; anu nope ry tne tan tne preient hioBth, to be .enabled to fur'h youi; Excellency with a general rfjprt, which, . will perhaps ,be freed from tl erabarraflmentt and defefta to wiiich a partial Hater ment la ubiecled. We have the honour, to be", with rcalrefpcft, your Excellency 't obedient fervantt, . jjasu. c;aithek,, . --:;r - SAMUEL D.PURVIAdE. Copy from the original. Will. Wmtt, 6ccrry, v" Gtfntlenta of the Hiofc bf ftepriltatativet. . I fhdl ttireci 'thieftiiltoiy t(tik4oraio3li, e-iJ Jinacquaioted wtb:diwamftaaces which hadoteafi - eeffary fb theiX ficuofthe:;en pned hit aBftnce. and Toppofing them of temporary with aHaccouit of the revenue and exf iadii ure, to bef ppefration, we indulged ihe expenation i that he. would, Lidbefiife"yoi. sp iring a periodrln winch a great;' lat anr frtondTneetinf, .ftiTd it convenienl lo'1lt'rcn6S .portton) of, ahejciviUzed wofld hat been iovolireflhyn a' We now learn cbat'hit pjfofcffioBaengagciiehta oblige ' war, unufaaitlyrwiimitoul attd dcrtroclive, it wat not' bim to decline die office., ,: ' - ' to be cxatrj, tnaj tae umtea otatet couia be n - cmpted f ftrat jtraotdiiiaryburtheti. - Although !the period it no. arrived,' whaa the fiueafurea adopted to fecore our country ainlt fowiga attack, can ,be re- -nouncedr-yl it ie.alikc neceflary to the honour oT the govemmeftt, and the utisadion , o? the : community, tht in Mlt5?SP'nrSu' oe "'tntained. iavitc yau Gentleman, to rnveftgate'te'fferefft branches of jtlic public expeadituree.- The ' examina tion will lead to beneficiaj retrenchment, or prodace a coiiWftiott of the wifJo n ol the meafure, to which -the tToeoditure relates. i -; Gentlemen of the Seoate, aad ' Gcatlemen of the Houfe of fteprerentativet. At a period like. theprefeot. wbenmpmenWus . chaoget .are.occurriiig, arid every, hfjur jj preparing aew aad great cventt. in the political world when a tpirit of war it prevalent in almolt every nation, with wbofe affairs the interest of the United States have, any con ntAioo, unfafe and precarious would be our fitdation were we topeglefl the means of maiataining our jull iighta.lZ.The jefult of theJmiffioo to France U uncer tain j but hewiver it may terminate, a fteady!perfayer ance iu i, fyftetn. of , aational defence, commenfurate with our refjurses, aad the (ituation of our country, is an obvjom diijite of wifdom. For remotely as w are placed from the belligerent nations,' and defirbus at we are, oy,uutoziu nice iu ait, iu iui uncncc io aoy, We have nowsnBe through an invefliration of foch of the afetarifin.ffons the pradices in the office of John Armftpn,. as- had not before been the fubjedli pf particular ;eKjuiry, we' have not yet completely 4i fted and it ranged hem f butat it it tke wifh of. your -Eicellency that the opeiations on thefe ffiovjd corn jnence as Toon as poffibie, we have now the honour ot pfefent you whk aiade iketeh of oirnsteweedtiwtt--! 1 nenature ana manner ot the tranUa committed in th office of John Ai-mfltoiig, wiU prefent themfelves to your Excellency's obfofvation on an infpeAion of the books which accotrpaay this note i we will mertlv 1 t I 1 .It M. - - ' l-remar, tbat tte w&oie mats of corrtipuoa u reducible I .U- Itl : J r fcrnapr to iuc louowmg ccicriptions : I ft. An entry i made by one perfon. and the war rant iffiift in favour of aqptlier, without any apparent transier except a memorandum on the, entry boo It or warrant, in the hand-wtiting of Araiftrong, or fome or hiscleus, taat wich traaster had betn made.- bet , id. An entry tt made By one perfon, and the warr rant tTTuea to anotherrwit,hopt even fuch memorandum of transfer. caje tOg,' &c; . - 3d. Tranbfers of the enterer's right pave freq'iently bea made t6 others, by peripns fienine as agents, when'in truth . no fuch' agency 'was authorised -See caff gbo See. ' 'Z -',' 4th. i ransfers have been made by -fuch unautaorif- nethinir (bort of the' power of repelling oggreffioM, I ed perfons to themfelvet. So? eae'iQtj, Sec 11 r w . 1 . : . I f '. n e r I ' .L nr.. :. .- - . . will fecure to onr country a rational profped of efcap- ing the calamities of war, or- national degradation As to my fclf, h is my anxious dcfire fo to execute the trul repofed in e, at to render the people of the U. States profperaut and happy,' ' I rely, with entire con fidence on your co oaration, in obje5i equally your care, and that oar mutual labors will ferve to iacreafe and confirm Union among opt fellQw-cjticeRs., .and at ; unmaken attachment to. pur JOverair . , f.. i United States, . Pec. J,s i709.,V , . ,. . ' ft the Ihnourahlt the Gtnertl Afembly 'if the JlaU tf . . North-Cammai - -X . . r; . ; ' GiNTi-aattf, ' ' . . , s' Brfil Giither and amael D. Porviaoqe, Ef juhm, two of the Cmmiffianert appointed fot the ourpofe el to have 'been committed in the Secretary 'a office, and that pt the late John Armftrong, met on the jd of Mirch, and entered, oppn, tbA paft of he bufioefs which related to the traofadians in the. laft mentioned office, sad op the' 6th of June, delivered the report to - ine marked, A cpntainiag feparate views of the moll prominerit frauds atmmitted In that officer. . Tliefa gentlemen continued their ipveftigatioa wkh, unwearied diligejice uatil the ilth of1 June, when; I received fro n them the general report,' marked B the refult of a careful and. accurate .examination of that mttenfive and complicated fcene oif iojqujty and , fraud perpetrated in the depvtmtat oT the Secretary of the ,.-Th report ecompaayfnV tKe(rparke.3 ; C cpn- tairit a claflificatioi of the fraa.Js committed ia obtain ing duplicate gran'ta,.; r .;V"-v: fy" ;- ". u ... X beg leave to refer the Gwerat 4lT:moly t diefi ieveral trporta, ia .whiqli'tbefe tfSnTaftioiis are" detail-, d in a brief but perfoieuaut and mailerly manner';. and while the citizen mar lament that crimes fjdifhaaut-. 5th; A warrant iflues to one perfon, his name is af. terwards erafed, and tHatJjffpme "other inferfed?; fw whom a furvtfy is accordingly made, aadgrant iiTised. r$tf taft 97, &C. '; '' ' , - . ' ' Sth. A warrant Ifue s to one! perfon, the land it fur vaytd for and granted'to' another, without any aatho rity whatever. Sue tafe 99, &c. . , ,7th, Tra'hsfert have beaery frequently forged, a Turkey .m'aoVWbehilf ot the. transferee; and grant if: foed to him. See caji 1070 JtcJ ' " 8th. Tiaasfers from the original warrantee have been forged; and afterwards another transfer., back to the perfon who forged the Cril tranifer, hat been forged alfo. See tafe 593,' &c. .'. "' :-'.',; ' . ''' j' " ..V . ;:', 9th. A warrant gets into the hands of a furveyor, who inftead of furveying if for the perfon entitled, furvcys it for himfelf, and a grant iffaei accordingly, See cafr 174.6. &c ; . ' . - tOfb. Granta have jfTned to perfons claiming under a piece of paper, purporting to be a warrant, with out even the (igaature of ,the .Eptry-takci. cafe 123c, kc , ;-;,'"'.'"; " nth. Two warrants have ifTued on the fanie entry, and grants have been executed for both. Stecife tj.. aad grants have been executed for the . three. Set tae 7i : 1 ever, Sic. ; what- l yf:-: X--.. - -., " ,. . ; lil-U'FU...U.U.'i 'l.J'.M H"n. i' lm,.fimift 3th. Grants have ifTued without, any warrant r. Si370.aTC. The name of the perfons bp We be?n principal,-, ly roifctWrdirt' nefe'Ira'adoietfYh are un- known to tl.e COoiimiffioner;-The books which acj company this note .wtll difcOjVer to your Excellency whorajhe Commit cir cnmflancts which have InduaeJ their fufpicfon. " . We fend to ytasr Excellency 'John Armftrong's book of entries, as alfo the file cpntainingthe fufpeded warrants upon which we have fdxi.' The ' Commifli-' Oners would abferve, that '(ban inftaacc may occur,' ia which the warrant meatiooed ia our book ,of re- To Hit Excellency William R. Davie, Efquire, (Jovernor, .c. t Hlie ttate of Nprib.arolina. SIR The Board of. Commiflionera for tUe further , invefligation of frauds committed in llile office af the; ' late Secretary after fitting' Cxty-Jhree Jay,' havis t f length terminated their enOuiriea, and have now the v honour to'pJffcient yhrBxcelknc''witb a' geBertl're-. port oT'tTi'eir proceedings. ' -Yhd-j,j.-jjf ie: jje ;(jatti which tuthorrfe the aj5pointmcntf the Board, ha defined iheir dtity-to-j:-confift, in examining the frauds committed in obtain ing military land warrants, find in obtaining warrant from' tbe office lately kept by John Armftrong, and ia obtaining grant on warrant in eitherlof the above . cafes. The difcharge of this duty has been diligently . . and eameflljr regarded by "the Board, and, in order An omit notning by whicb it.mi'ght be ' accomplifhed, 7tlfeybavc VsirefnU every warrant x com-777 mi t ted to beir infpeftion, which ha ifljed from eitJiex, Cxlifliibiyfi, pcj ?, .jindeppfjjered jvith ttntion rvcry eircumflance of fraud or' fairnefTwuT-" which each warrant Was refpedively connected. ' - In the examination of the military land warrant, the confideratioiii eiTentialfor the obfervation of the, " Cowiijiflioiiers, in order' to enable tbem to determine whether fuch wart ants "we're' fair or fraudulent, appear ed to T be Tt waT;- Firll "whether the foldier in wbofe name the warranf tlfue'd, waa entitled tit the land di rected to be furveyd fii'r him t And, fccondlyi if en titled, whether le had received a grant for it accord ingly. The m(Ver-mlk and cettificate weriecurred: to for llic afcertinment of the the laft was dif- coverable by advening to tlie grafts ifTued on military warrants f by which it appeared whether the land was w granted to the foldier in whofname the warrant ifTuea! 'or not. " v; iLi '- -, , Thefe warrants, however, having generally been the ' fubjjds of traffic and negociation, the gaants have been found mo ft frequently to have ifTued, not to the foldier himfelf, bat to fome perfon claiming as hisaf fignee. by aflignment endorfed on the warrant; In fuch cafes it was our duty "to enquire, whether the f'ght o:ir!iei dulent transfer, 'or whether. itvwalfair.iy duefbrd" by his own act, 'or the aft of hit legal leprefentatives. . In the fcertairimetof thefe particulars we purrj ed, in fome mcafure, the arrarigemeot of the former -Board. Wh we drfcovefed a warrant which bore a l! fitfpicinttt appearance, 'WTe)eded th famei -and put ' '. down in columns appropriated to that- purpofe.the number, of the warrant, the name of the foldier, xhc V number of acres, the name of the peifon by whorn the warrant was drawn, and f him who afligned it. he name of 'the perfon to whom it waa affigaed, for whoot fuweyed,: and to 'wbom granted. I he i?rge book, marked A, accompanying this report, contains an enumeration of thefe warrant! thus felefied by the prefent Board of Cbmmiffioner, on account of fraud " and forgery, withour remark on each, anwuuTitfng 10 the whoresto' about one thouund military warrant, H9T6W of tbf?TeTea iner Board. )"' ".-' ';' '.-''' :-' fii'many of thefe cffs, . althoHgh the ComtnifSon en have been able to difcover and detcribe the fraud. they have, not been able1 to dtlignate the perfons by w.hofc agency it wa effected. In fome inCUnets, how-1 . ever, thefe frauds hfve been accompanied with eircum- Itaocei whicn'induced the Commiluoners to attribute them to petfoas who the conceived, mull have been privy therV coromiffion 'the names of Huch perfon , art ajrwditiglyrMoiiobed In our' rinarksitii theicatci to wtiich their practice had extended: Amnigthefei - yalur Excellency will perceive, that v James Glafgow, Efq'. the late Secretary, hold a confpicuout pwee too praflicei attributed to him by the Commtffion'rrtj re -7- per hap rcfotvabte into .the following defciiptions : , ;.; ;' ftt. tie hasrllued duplicate wairairts, on the pre- fumption of the orioinal having, been loft, without. any evidence to that effect, and before the ifluihg of ? v, duplicates wa autho'lifed by any aft af the Affrmbly. - ad. He has iUued two warrants to tbeiame loldiar, -. iy.Y 'I: