warrant ui iffucd In fMWoCBOtier,". without :ay? I -...-.. - r. . apparent ttapitcr, except iGfauHMwuk ou tuc entry or the, warrant, an tbe hand riling f; Arinftrong.'or, rhitclerkv 7-- jd.7 Entries have been mad by one perfon, and, the ' warrant iffued to another, w$itnt eve fuch mejno randurri of transfer,.-. . .-.-h?i-v v ' .' ,; f! J . r-i jdcTransfcrs of-the siat'eiVa right t others, hive becu frequently road, by. palont. figniPjf at agents. ' -4thTTril)if era have be.coJiaiSfcf luch-unauthotif. led perfons, affigniag the watBat WthtmfelVei. : jth-.A warrant iflues, to on perfoiy whofe name is afterwards eiifed, and the oqh of forme thetjpfcned 6th. A warrant iffues in favour of one perfon, the 3and ir furvcyed for and granted to another, without kny affignment whatever.- fcwiii ' - 7th. 1 ranslera from the wirrantee nave Been .vey without toptiSii e'Wii ' cnted etants fot'both. . '.. '.,' .-dHe: hu iffaed warrant for the lull baunty of 1. j UKn nnni' h ' the mutter-roll, to hate muttered only for nine months;' rrTrr. 'ith. He-has itfqed warAnt to foldieri, who; ap. pear by the mufter-rbll to hate deferred, and executed grants to others at the affigncca of fuch foldiar.. ', . v.v has iffuedwarrants. to foldiers, who have ' l.CrteA: and executed a erant t htmfclf as.the aJugoeel when ta f& no fuck a,encw wiuttborifed . ' ..... . . r ?' - 1 '- . t -rrv.--.- - r ' l i i. L . af fuck foidier ; . 7 nrrrrrr . fthU He hat Ifllfl warrants to berns whofe names dbotppear onlhe-faufteV. bo cettificate can be found. - ' . . V . , . 7th; He fcat.ilTued warrants to foldiert, and grants n thofe warrants, to fpecuUtora, 1thout ,py 'afl"'g; anent whatever;' ". . " . . .' -'J; '"'. ' '8th. He has iflued ' grants; 6a .military warrants, where hit own fignstBre as fereurjr tb the warrant, hat bceo tprgea. - - . r r 'oth. He has iffued grants to ntmfelf arid othera, .00 forms .of -warrants, without sny'fjgnafute. , -.. J .jothHe 3ai iffucd grantt tV himfeU 00 fuch un- affignment we take to have been forged by hiro or by Ulf ji WV ' i.aatiai - u ; itth. He has ilTued grattt without any Warrant -whaeW. ; '3--. ir.'A.-t.: . ;wdence.u perhap nectflary to fupport thofe charges but wat the records on which they pre found "d,'wiU fupply, unjefi it, it the chai ge contained in No. . 10, i to eftab.li'h which .tt.mar e ncceflary to; procure th$ teftiraony ,p( Samuel.. Hojladayj, :ff the.cousity of CJWji; $fo&fh.fyiirt' jfted, a war: raa t in favour of James, Harrifdn, (oidier wfeo-inuf-. teredi. on the back of the warrant n there -is an aflierf Samuel Hotladgy : the body of the aflienrornt it writ- , -ten Dy.uiaigowf . tne name ot Damuel rioUaday ill wnnut 10 it, it jorgeq, aao la warrant nas no ugna turepUiii warrant and affignment theSecretary iffuet i grant to himfrt . f . ' The vaiiout pafct fating within the foregoing;, de fcriptiont. and imputed to the faid lames' Glafoow. art . contained n the bopk jnart'd, with hi-nane,.accom pantihir thTt report ; an ; the. felcfted . watranta .oh. which the charges are founded, are alio marked with kta-naoie' and mre herewitlt tent to-rttnr Ei!ehreY.J, Cut although the Soc'remy might be conJidcred at the principal, he cannot be eonfidejed as thi? only per fori concerned ! many thf r pf font have been as cul pable, pertiaps mrecu!paoie, tnan nimieir. oecween fix and feven.. hundred thopfandNicret of land have been found by the prefent Board, tobave been tfranted jo perion, 00 military wartant'j' wiiwa titit, in. me opinion of the CommilTionert, have not been fairly de rived. The vaiiaiM defcriptioot of frauit which have been practiced in order to obtain thr fe titles, hive been fully explained by the former Board The ctfea vdif- covered by the preftntJJoardcorrclponding with thofe lcfcriptions, are contained' io bqpk A and the war- rami on- wuica inoe iraHOt -navr-tJceouracueea. are herewith fe'nt to your Excellency. The molt flatrrant, and perhaps th moll pumerous, branch of thefe frauds; ' has peeB the forging of alignments from the foldierto fume other perfon';to. whoni of . 40 the .afltgneea of If AV the opinion of the Boar,;ht frauds of this. Kind would be the Subject uf criminal prolecunon, they have endeavouied to difcover the perfonscoocern-' , iisy arc uiiauic in naf uie names or ih fn a ' r.. t...i ..' 'r . .1 . Tt m Necs, : thn Jaffjier, McJes .Shelby, Wynn Dixon, Mann'.'phiMipvBenUrnin. -Sheppsird, Samuel Samford' Thornat Butcher John Prce, JobiKtiheppard' Joftoa Dav,,!.,j;WiHi?f, Jajrctothijrlofeph ,f ewebetj Jobn. Bondi, .Arthui; Pearcej Willoughbr.Willianw, Jothua Hadley, ftocTdy .Donelfoa and WiHiim .Tyrrell are the perforja wboi haW been ptWipally concerned int ""'"g ana lorgiogitlie Talle alignments, -V "The ca&a ln..ili;K tl..r. tnnA. k 4.I .a: J . are contained to nineteen book which ate abftraaa from book A.. Eich hooV is marked.Uh thtirame.of the perfoa rejatian of h.of forgeries it contain a The watrants an which -.the chargei nicfonnded, and; to winch each book rtfnsAivplif ifrtl -nlUAn 1 into leprat; parcels, andeach. parcel is alfo hia'rked charfje. The hole of thefe books and warraius are herewith fent to oor Fv.lW.; . . ; As the oaraeiof the perfons to whom grants haw even -tnally been executed, i .cooficque-ica. of thefe fongei silignme.jti, aroountfo fomj huiuVds, andaiin m- l"e 'Acy mat have been ftxaiMrets to the forre- rir it.. ca . . v. . ; . r. v oni BHignmeBtj the Comoiiujoneyt thaught 'c u."n!cefla'7 J" load this report with an .ii.fertiorf of tbeir jm, 3 nimes are mentiftjed in the cafes in Which they are refpeive!y interAetfsari alfo eve circjirpftjncc coimeaed with fth cafe, which the mor leu deemed neceffarv to be telated. 't frequently farged, a furvcy asaia in behalf of the trans feree, and erant iffued ttVliiea.:! ii.vtc'.-s th.-TTransfera from the warrantee hae been'forgt S, and afterwards another tranafcr'-back o" the peiJ in who committed the fir ft fortrert; has been tonfeit allth- JlothAlwaftant (omea40t4h"e bi&ifMr Jetiuty furveyor, who in lead of ftirwying it ifHt'theperfrin entitled, furvevs it for4nmfclknd a eraat mucs: to .nim accorttinirlv.'-' ,'-.-r - imli, A errant ilTue tnrirCom claiminir tiflder warrants, to. which ihcuama of noha'Aroillrong, the Entry-taker, appears forged. r- f . ' V.': : .' ' , 1 1 th... Grants have iffued to !rfoT)S claiming urid a piece of. paper, purporting tbfe a" wirrant, without having to it even tne jgnar-nre- o-jj.mi t-i" - Uth- Grants have illued witOBorany warvani wat- ithv:ToTwarianlsl)ave fft'enlly'tfftied W'biie ntfv. and praritnTive Sen."iieut f for bot h . 1 Ath. Three waiTanta have Ifftied for one entft,' and grants have been fevemlly executed for the three. . . . The book of remarks NV i contains a ftatemcnt of all the cafes arifiag. from th frauds in 'this office, aad correfpondent to any of the foregoing defcripti ons, which have been-dikovtrfd by Xht prefent Boaid. The warrants to which each cafe therein fiated refers, are fcleded ani fent, together with the book,uto jour Excellencr. ''''' v '' names of the perfons who, id the opinion ot the Com milfioners, have been guilty ,ol kr concerned in, any of thefe fraudulent .ttank&ioWtt and the remarks therein are alfo defcriptive" of the whole "piocefi of . f i r f. 'rr f. 1 m 1. v each warraatj -from tne tuie i us niuing romc cure tuition of the title; ' ' . " .' V '"..jj -t It it- highly ; probable that ?'iii f bnie ' inftanees tne Cainmifllonertf may ;Jiave cBnsred' alid .;. teported. againll fome warrants as fTsVidulent. which jn fail were fair nd againll foririe perfonj cf Vptjccrned in. the fa brication f 'illcgkima'ie ifTignmcnis, iio Jd tiuih we're not-concerned . It is certain alf?, that they have palTed over many larra'ta fair, whicb were qot fair, and left unnotrccdand Unimpached many per foul who had. been employ ed ' in cheat Jr tlie, folaier and . the fta'te. Thefe errors have not'ercpljn from ioattentiou, but from their not pofTtfllnjj the means of difen'mina ori or drteftion, In fo ample a nrinner at wat ncefTary for the difchargeoffo difficult ajduty, . ' . - -The reaordr having arrivee, and Mr. 'GranarnhviiigdecUoed'ka ing as Cbmmiflioner, ' may have i.endef ftill naore -to. tt?.rej4jrfhetprovin mentsiaTleCT. -..We have the hiao'urio.hf, wjth real refpeft, your Excellency's obedient. Tempts," . T : -vv v;.. "I., BASIL GA'tTHER, , .' Aad tirofe eafti hcte". ttieoStaiiJe ddplkates, and aligned tbe'origipalt. to 4tockly Pf nelfon'who alfo aoed. one sjhalfj bf L0" .w tfthrsVfc afGgneet.- ; .-.;. r . ', ' ' ; There hae been no aflGgomnts from the etttcrett t. the Elblints, that; we have been aWe'jo dlfcover ) the! affigprnenta froru ilit Blpunts t btheta'we tale to -be; genmuer and not .(ojycfcjttihg fuf mer iopard appear. bavg4magincd.-T - , , . TtTr . . 1 here are xtlifr. inHMifiaf. J rJ rrn 1 10. : s SAM tJEL: JPUpiAKC Cbpy frortilBe WltrllWlttW-tiW8 m -gejercUry, . -aN V '"C ' . His Ercellency WiyvUM IL PAvii,EfquJre, -SikIt was the care of the laft Board of Commif floiycrt fbf the Inveftigaifon of frifuds commtfted in the office of the late Secretary, not to interfere generally; ith fuch of that bufinefs as had been thoroughly Uv. the fftniter Board c But at tire duplicate wii rants iffued from the offiae ri... a rntilmnif. ni) 111 tthiVh Tohn Grav Blount VI Utlii A rn h - . .up. nil ndlJiQmaa.a3uuwifc"'Hr"ya"'Tar inert; is. a icvui u jchit in cown wmcn reported on by iheloimer .tJoara, were peroapr w"hicj4Tiad.iiTued froav thiiflicojgliB Armdrongt n viws;iuiriii uturc; Kiua. 9e uupucatf iuw"- iriTToch infllficct iflited.-t. .D'.9'jaii9B unkft in1 hert; ilich dupUcate baj be turned into tbt ComptrollerVbfllce and at jhcjr ardetleith'ac turacy; ia Uek L of the former Board, we thought it . unnecefl-ry to refer therii to 4parate lilla. - V r-r yc have tle honour to be your:Excel!eiey't obedv ' . atfnts, i ... BSa.GAITHER, . - ' ; The h.ll for caAbliihipira courtor ilie hiaTof fuck perfons as may , have'tranfgTefed the laws 6f 'lhe Oat. F hav.ng bri cooroed io the cominiflian of certain m V,,-t'f,JeMtioa' en irwa moved ; tby Mr. Guffonnd rccouded, that-the bill do lie over until the rvfkt'AflremU-, M M.. l.j feconied. that the queflion be detfided byiheyeasand l ' fa:. rai fiillow , t S rtP". Claytoh, R, Croon, 1 - H',U-Gr; Har- SoS ' 5? r" t" H"' Harrf" ' ' Ja Koonfe, Love,.i.Kiray, Loonf Le, M M; P Mebane,, M Morton, S.Moore Move, 1" S sS"' o?,BPnkt.. Pattenrorter D.' Smithy Stewart, ,Speed,' Strudwick, Tutle! Jtlle yilJiams,.aml Vance. ij- A I , VAVC x a .'. T tt $&&gt ei'mlerBratjleyrBritce Blight Braodoa, Bentan, Banner. J. BlouWCon! Tnft.T r rA M ?, iit7l 3- Hinton, Joftph Jo dan M .Jones. J, Janes. Kenan. L.cer j. iobk,, wartm. ft5o llfnf.nr MT.m SS..L-; RobincL r. Rm! i :;,'0.ri,-'rr,'"c? i ., V V" , ""-"'.. oaaw, oeareil, otan W, SmaU, W. Taylor.Tuiner, Walker, WhitfieW,!,nd vyr,gl,t, 44. - , $0 ;t- w rcfolyed,: tWt the bill ds- iie over ..uotii tne nexi Ajiemby,; 7 WpdtdtU&tltfi m ihtUrenX,. ,, oppefilion. .... . ; v., .; . ,' . BOSTON, November a;., Ycfterday arrived at Salem, the hip Eahny. Capt. Boden, cj dayt ffflni Bilboa ; A paiTenfrcr. BeloDfir- ' ing to thit tpwn, ifjm tjji that lettert bad beenre ceived there fiom very refpefiahle fources, acquaint- ,' in?, that the King of Pruffia, in confcqneaee of over- turet made. -him by thratlied powers, has determined to join the coalition Jgalnil Fiance, and-had alrtitJy maici.ed 40,pqq mcrv towards HoUafid. to reinftsie therStadt holder. , This meafure was deemed oflm portaiice in Europe, .. r, ;- : " " " ' "r . ' NEW.YORK,.Pec.3. WnwBtbJiedt4 ou. laftsaptrdliat' advfeet were" receivrd in this city", of the Trench Fltet having bee; feen off the Irifa coaft. We' have fi nee been favored ' -with the following extraft from the letter which coa- taineo trie newt J . : .. . - ... !, The PrericV fleet hit failed from Brft. and haa been fcen off the , florin; t'fcaft. - lit objeft it fatid ta be a dtfceflt upoti Ireland." 1 hope the report itwith out foundation ; but have my ftmrs on the fubjeft i and thtfc fetrfareencfeafed bf the circuKlflance. that ' five exprtfles arrived this day at Belfafl, on their war to jjuDim, cnargco iss h ii wn news to govcra ment of the firft importance but what that news u has not yet tranfpired. Seven of the northern counties. v are again declared in a Hate of rebellion." V , r . The letter, from which thtfabdve is an "exttaft, is :. dated Belfafl, the tcir-aay. of ddober i"- n&xLZ. " iUltefoeA Va ,k ki.e ft. ie tl. a rt i . rv -"rnmupcjj yppQjj tt. , , . .. $tehei'mtimin'i& afi ibV Mfeaefu1tin.fiSm W"''" Vta' &V. which had not been tho ?ypW wMi hf the fvVrmct- 'Board and'have o-ifcavcrtd thit manV fiaud, have been committed iq liloing warrants. Forgirip 'affigttmetrtr, and exteufiog 'If l!?1?" ,h,t" The nitore and maq iw ot thefe frauds rnsy perhaps be defcribedat followss fintnet have leen mad by one petfon, and the atl) nr. ft. arrahoted and' methodized in the books accompa ii,.:. knrr. as niiirlTt he rieceffary ta Xtull and complete" knowledge of I'd irnportant. an i.bje, the Commifiionert have rade them an exception to inn VuTe. In obedience to the wiflies of your Exccl!encr, tliey have' prepsied liHs which' are appended to tnu fupplemcntary report, and in, which thofe warrants are more prccifcly ftated." In ahefe Kits' your Excellency will perceive that we'have referred to djfflria claffcs. , Tfcolf' ipltatcrwrnW where ihef had made r affignen'it1sr of the on efnal or duplicate, but where they had obtained gtaats on the one. arid Donelfon aridTyrrell an the other, roboratcs the. intelligence! cor? . here the have obtained grants on the duplicate, "and alugried Uie ojiginal tcDonclfon and Thbie cales in wnicn iney iioto oui"u the dupiicate and afCgned t he original to Stockly Do nelfon, who thettupan obtaiaed grants for hmfef. R A L I GJH, TPfiCEMBrR 17, 1799. .! Wt htor from rinltuLtyhia, jh (it Prrfdtni of ibt "' tjmtei Slates it iwmitioteJ ft tlt&ttuiuii-AlJrtd Moon, Eq, Id jHijfffy;ti.ftf tf jmtnn Iredell, fq. at en "Afi ' ftc'utt JiWf to Aty" fj tfit:bvtedbtdtt;i- "i. ' The Leg Mature of. Vtijgipia has clefted Mr. Mqn ' roe the Gwcrnor of thit 'State? ': Private letters from; the cwntincpt of Xvrpe, reft' ved in Dublin the' 2 1 It of Sept.Nwjnlion as a fact uo1 erfallv believed., that a wMisnVw ptaee jt on for 7; the Emperor of Germarjy and the French , . . "-.a M - t.iJ aas retaaw Manaerm. rr -Thofe cafes w here, hey Kin,, and obtained grants let ipemieives on to. uu- ''-'"'"-jr, -ftsfc JA ' plicate. 7 . . -t v . ' . .t. r-sriHP n;in,rfl:n- nf MAftArjJfinRG & PAS- A.M i"l 1 .r . a i x. U i, .DCint' wuoiicQ an hjvib'mw""" t rrdiiefled, to' come far.ward and fettle thfir accounU 1 and thofe wbo have any demand, win prcirnt loem ts . Ja a a . v - w n v cither of us " V. MAiaa-WIJU ty, Rakigh, Dec. i1. . J. J. PA&TKWt

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