'.' ,t , . J" ... ' . ' i R A L E I G 'A D Y E R X I S E R. A L E VG H .--Published EVBRY TUESDA&tf t tiOftGR akd-BOYLA, :J&jkWW V6I.IV. T U E S JXJJawua (jFros Commercial rfdvtrlifer, BARRUEL AMENDED. sNO, U i v -.;-tfoHccnth chapter of Nuirnbers, we havr an account of a popular tfcOnteAt among the Israelites, om jcoouoiof thtdifficrttiea' tbWy hada-ncoootcr-in cocqutring the promised la nd...v J t fccini that - none ( the i fraTitcsy ej ofohe, ba'dlbJ-Cinaafli e$il$r at general defenptionv ; In'putTuance of the command of Go Mofes difpatched mcfiengersto that country, to examine' "it, and bring information rcfpe&ing Iti foil," proa'u.&s, and the fircngthof the inhabitants. - The Ipiesiratofned with a revy favourable account of the produce of the country and ptefentcd a fample of ita; grape; but all of them,: except Caleb and Jo(hua, were terrific with the ftrcngth of the cities, and the populoufoef of the country. " V1".''";" . ' '. Xhe report of the formidable appearance of the na tions to heconqHered, had' a powerful efFeft on "the - -fickle populace. In a fit of defpair, ihe people, irna ajined, they faw giants, huge fo&s of Cmach, to op pole their progrcfa. And. all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried, and the people wept that tiightt" This is precifely in cliarafter. A fickle po . pulace, not fatisfied to labour for the blefllngs of pro mife, and meet with patientfe " the ordinary difficulties of life,i murtnured moll :bitter!y, ' beewfe theyncould v noenjoy jhe laud jif promifct expttc3, it feeni, to be fupported' vTihbut labor Vnd to indulge themfelves in eafc and luxury, without .the fatigue of exertion." ' to the cafe before us we hate an admirable fample of popular gratitude f Mofes and Aarpn had conducted, them out of Egypt, where thiy were feverely opprefs cd, and expofed to peftilcn.tiaf . dtfeafes : for it is evi JjjmdetU ratiain-of ;Mol& ,tft one-mothre for: bis wifhing to quit Egypt ;4f4Vyi4 a plague, and fettle it a rooteiheaUhjcltmaviaofea been a . commpo man, he would hare totf ia. efForts to fcrvc the Israelites, been entitled to .thc.cUai grati. tilde. ; ; -7.--.r-. - . ;7,.:, But mark the iffue. The moment the rcorLs met with the leall difficulty in obtaining their objeft when-, ever they .were QpprfTed with hunger or third in hcir journey; r they murm Vhey directly charged all the;r calamities to their m - lers, or to God Almighty. ; ' Why hatk the Lord brought us into this land to fall by the word.' Woul4 to God we had died in jgypc or ,n this wildcr refs" Were it not better for us to return to Egypt I .This is exactly the character of man in efciy fitu ation, impatient of hardfhips and (Jifpofed to murmur againft their government. Wth(yjt making due A lawDcc for the extreme difficulties th?t attend the rnanagemcnt of rational concerns, and the necctTary ctifappbintmeuts that difconcert the beft .views and pro jects the, jPOF ta, the fovereign people, are forever d.f titisfied sr,fd ready to fall into a pillion, on every oe calion of difficulty j venting their rage at their rulers, and-tven at, their God. . ,In modern day s, the fame, character is difplay ed. "THAOYSme the deierts' Lharlei, whale report is aiJoUows: - ; I M;'Thett)fcntunate oitn'SjinUdrfi to ". - vCi him thefr rufcr, att reft the authority fit them in 1 We ihall aextcaU for ihe'e7dciee 'oTtiie Afchduka himk an d his. font, lai hereditary fueceuToH. . Gideon had' moderTy'ahd gobdtfenfe enough to Recline the o fer - But mark the ehara&cr of the txDulace--iNo J moncr was vriacon af e, inatt me iimcniei 'Tiurneo .1; iva aireaoy iu6cieniiy &uowaf A laaiicoosacmyicu. ana went a wnoring aiter oaaum--tuey rcmemorreo s ax preiciu, meray to giving; ne uiw.vciToe;jasKii,; not the-Lord then Uednor Skined htmli w bvkfrh ml ,1 lie fcvcMit. itaxqh-nMVf'Jatstt4T:x ' of Uulnn." AM toe lertioe rrtluir deliverer were i v. " un th tfuuNU tneKtuaocorMr tilKf ta: ftitrrofTWmenr Cep: KorfakowV os) the U inlif f- ir$ the' cpidnin ofFitU liar ihal Lieut Hotz, e, on tj inthTnear Uxnach; 'Weri pirated by the eie my. ' The fowoer' corps retreated bjrtlit way of SnglK Si4 mi thrright haoaVof the RKin ami 'tie iblumn 'of Field" MarOial Lietu. Hout, on the "zfitfc bjr St. Gall, into the diftricl of the-Voralberg. J1 Fieliidarflial- Prince Suwarrow waa t Uiferia. fjir.'t-AU the-Tcrfieea tthir" delivrer wSe forgotten gr of children, GtW fcftV .natural fon, called Abimeleck, by a woman orSne chem. AmbitiouTof, owerf and either feciiVg hurt at his own degraded eonditicm,r , indinH; Jt ; the ungrateful return his family had received Ifor hw father': fervices, he determined to exalt himfelf into notice and pwer. L.iice a true jacaom, ne aciarc.uvd rumieu to of,.Arauuwhere men mull encounter hardlhips wile nsea, know thia and are fatisfied to make the belt of their p Jot. fiut the populace are forever changing and grum- , bjing,: aud feeking a captain to lead them back to " '-gypt.J'thari7"nc bis count rymenj-the people of Shechenv hts mother's relations reminded them that hefwasbf thcCr connect on, and aflted them wlcther they dife to have te ruler, or feventy foiu w Jetohbaal for , rulers ? With this flattery he iacJftjft and thus eave him momey with which he j Klrrf. vain- and light per(on3 to fellow him." This after all istha ...... s.'v. V.. Al ; L' . err. n. i i r ' way to carry jacooin points or mmrreciion ana cnor-'gaiizatton-s?dfrjr and mom well didributed, to hire vile defperate unprinctpled men. Nq fooiier was tUi Demagogue, Abimeleck, fur nillicd with fuppOrt from . Jefperatefaciio.n,than.-he--murdered all his brethren but one, wh fled and hid himfelf, And let it he noted that the feventy fons of Gideon who "were murdered, were legitimati ; lawful heirs. And this is in charaer in all fimilar fchemea of revolution, the lawful, pofft forsof power and pro-" perty are CiCfificcd to daring ufufpers. Abimeleck was, by his faftion,' declared king. Jtham. the furiyiag brother, uttered a parable o.V this otcafion, in which he aunojgees Mthat thjs ungjrstgA5 ful' ad vMii end in the total deftruftion of the faction., Let fire come out f tire, bramble aniTdevour the cedar qf Lebanon." Such was the fate of the TuaioV Abimeleck -had rciVncd on. . ly three y cajri,. wfetfJi Xjimt, jutjeaioufx atfe between i. him and his dherefS.i 7V The men of Shechem -deaft I. . trca'cheroufly with Abimeleck "they fay in wait on the' hills and robbed wa pcop c ; thus ppn.iHin rim for his ambition and cruelty, '- ,; JO QH Oi 0 H Q . LONDON, Odqber22, Ycflerday arrived th only remaining mail due frm Hamburg;, Overwhelmed as we iuve lately been with the raagiiitide and muUiplicicy of the fuhje&s wMqh have come Under notice from Vlhis quarter and from Paris, we are happy in thBearljrarnvil of thi mail, which enable i f ua to contradict fomc of the impofitioiis of the French Government, and tomdify t he opinions we have lately fubmittcd to oui readers, upon, the ycra city of their officiii comii.uiiications. ' Ih our paper of y'elteiday wp have fcen that the Frt iicji. admitted their telegraphic accouat4 of the victo ry over fflarfhal Surarrow to hav been a fabrication. They do not ittfe, hwcyr that it was a fabrication of the Dire&ory, and: toublilhed in their official paper, I. the; RedatcJu.rM Whilenc Joumal pretends that the joyful news onginawo' m a p aa-tranjiatwn or tne teie, graph, the D it ector iaf Ga2Ct r c alfcrts'that an impofi tion had been pracliXrd upAk their printer, and that the fabricated telegraphic account had been received, with' LouLlufpicfeaoXXjrgcry, atihc oHice I The confiden ¬ tial paper of the rrench government, however, did not nilojut.ihemiilake-he-nex tmorninglte-7ninirteTr No book fumi'hes more Oofreft and more numerous eimpIciDlheimperfecion of rVan,-nor-more excel' lent difplaya of the human, character, than the bible. Men mi (take who fuppofc the fac red writings intended r fohijy ifor refigititt inftrucionThey contain a vail (und of political truths, which would be extremely Affeful, if the modet n jhcorifti weri not too wife to be iipArudJcd. -" .'"c' . '... ' - The.ftory of Abimeleck in the 9th chapter of Jndges if an indmcive leffos.. It appears Jthat the Tfraelites after, they fetded -i PalettinejwereioTTrtdisg time bariafftd with wart and revolts among ihe people whom ihly had dfpofllifiiied, and fevcral times reduced to ab iolute fubjecioti.'to their enenie.J Aition the nations icoil4ttbkfoasc, were the MidianiteChVniaintaiii ed a ptedattfry war on Ifracl, dettroyirig the harveft, and plundering the country. The Ifraclites after be ing driven .to the meuntains, at la.il found a deliverer in Gideon,, a man of low condition, hut brave and iudtg iiaot at his country 'a 'wrongs. -This man by divine au .ihority, aflembled a handful of brave men', attacked th fidiauite8 by fiupcize, put tliens to the touted and ch'veied his country. ' t v . - As fooas peace-was eftablimod,'lus cointryraen, did not uideceive it, nor is it declared by whom it was deceived. Notwithllanding this recent impofitionjiew. fSlegraphs arrive ; but this time" they "'are authentic.. Whoever lent the firlt to the RedafteuT, thcDnettbry fent thefc to the Councils. If t?iere mould be any fr aud this "time, it is no longer an anonymous crime but the citme of Barras a .id his afacites. It is worth while, therefore, to enquire with alittle nicety and ex adlnefs into the truth and accuracy of.thefe authenti cated relations, and this unexceptionable authority. : The lirft witnefs we mail call to impeach this high teftTmonyihall be Gen.' Maflena,"than whom no one ta mure con verfant in the whole craft and myftery of te legraphs. " Hejs at variaiice, however, with, the pfefent ferics, and difprovTsthemully iu his letter to the t)i reftory of the oth. inft. which we extracted yefterday fr'Om the Moniteur of the 15th. The telegraphic dif patch from Maflena, counterfigned by ope oftheDi rejaprs, and read ia. the Council of Fiv Hundred on Vne tfith ihlt fays, ' I have completely defeated Su .. ' i if '.i 1... ' i.I III. and Gcit. Auffeobtrg at'Steig on the aethL f . On the 36th Fitld Marlhal Lieut. LiwUfeo de -feated the enemy, and tookprifner, twIattJiVna of tQo men, .witthe whote of theiaff'tt4tWof ' ficeri; t od ta ftand at colourt. 0 nhriftlr.hrtf' vauced to Glana ; but not being abit to open a com rawni'iation, either to the rijht or to the left he ' ftw himfelf un Jer the neceflity to withdraw to the Griloa country on the -29th'. " ' 1 " Field Marlhal Suwarrow, and fSe brigade of Gefl. Auffenberg, having advanced as far as Schwiti:"onrthe a8th,Harrived at Glaiia on the-ift Ocrbutfoot.bii' able to eiTtc a junction with any other cprps, Ffaki ; 1 Marlhal Suwarrow was obliged to march to the Gru v fan country. , " Field Marflial Su varrow has, however, aeeerd- ing tp a eircular lettee which ha been received -thia morning, defeated the enemy near Glarii. aad takea 1000 pi ifoneis. At the fame time, the column f the . Imperial RulUan. ' Gen. Rpfenberg made 1000 of the jmftiknniMe'r-ii fTp1ecsr of cannon"; the: enemy lofsSn killef and wbunc'ed, on this occafion, was h'kewife very, coaSderable, ; Signed) '. -;.::::,r::t. - CHARLES, f. yi tEromtth- letter of Mafienar iWor,'v -ifprove the telegraph (; and front the Archduke's difpatchea we difprove both theflne and the other, excepting in one point, xxf their concurrence, namely, the. retreat of Suwarrow, into the Grifons. . Confidently as we have -predicted thii event, in the cafe that he ihould be at tacked prcvioufly to his co-opetatioa with the army of Prince Clurles and Gen. KorCikow, we have a double fatfsfaftion in rinding it take place, with the addition of important fucccITts obtained by the Field Marlhal wherever any part of his army has been foccjed to engage. Wc may concludehis retreat to have been ,the jcterfe ol the retrogade,vicorie.8 pf MafTena, who conqu?r fo ofter- only Tetreat. Suwarrow, notwithllanding the neceflity of reti eating, haa known how ta conquer in efledling it. ', :: - . We continue to think the gufjtion of Maflena, tho fr a moment fuperlbr, tohaliaandoua i the extreme. There, is no doubt, from the concurrent teftimoay of col. Ramfay and the whole of the German. acCTuns7 official and private, that the ilofs of the French greatly exceeds that of the Allies in the whole feriel of thefe bloody contelU. We have no doubt that the lofa of ground . will be quickly recovered.-: Had nof treachery intcp-upted the views of the confederates, the French would have been fiirrounded.'oTthe "aSth ;of Septt Stti! (j-y .mf ,cnCj( for the'otbwartdf-ad turned thejr righjjwjngjjpQnjhear,. "have met therchrfuke, who was to haye crofled the Rhine between. Bade and Schaffittufep, while Hote and KotfakQwconfined tr attacked htm On' the Weltr Whoever looks at the charts "of thafe Cantoni and con (Iders the pofition f the armies, will lee tat the addrefs and ability of Ma(ena arc more likely to have retarded, than to have defeated the de flgn. which may (t ill be effected with fome variations-in the locality of its exe cution, We do not oblrve in the French Journala tho lead mention of the ditad vantage ttiey have fuftained itr Piedmont nor any notice of the defeat of Championed and the ttoiming o bu.a an 1 riguerol. I 1 "," r- warrow. Maflena, in his official letter, dated hi toot day earlier from Zurich, fay8,-VThelmpoflibility of deploying my forces, Jtc. determined me. to leave to Suwarrow the liberty of entering Schwitz by Enfei- den. : . I hoped, &c. but deiirons of avoiding a geaeral aftian," he threw himfelf into Uie GrifcSs, At' Pans, an extravagant joy is to be difcoveted mongfl; the caufes of, hick there appears to- be none real, except the return of Buonaparte, who has smithed iy defertiagthe Army he has fo .pfte a bctraxed,.jind fo nearly exterminated. :Theughtliere be, no new caute. for all this exultation, there is sv ftroog motive for aflec'f ting to feel it. will be difcovered in the Council of Fife Hondrcd,TThe Diteftory have addreffed ef fage to this body,1 ftating the deplorable itaie of thefe Fiaaaces, and a Ajwtoi rgo millions. I t is to fill up this cbafm. that newjmeaiureaWof feverity and privart tion mult he invented and. taadc legal.. It ia tictorw alone beyond the froatiec which can ttreogthea handtovernmenure at home to the jioiat required : and eve thofc V.I