.'V . '. . - i ' . . ." ' . 'V- ' "; ' ' ' : , .. .; , A N D .. . .. , ,, . . , v - :. s k ls iGitfPoB BOYLAN, PtwTEitiT.ri :$f?&i A- Vol. IV.' i '"'JC.-T!' VIS Be it tbertiaed, That ifcrftutCIcrk fhall receive' a cdmpehfetf&lf for hh -(tryccttfJh&io-be cftimated by fi6 offti' jadgea,; : accordJiig t he bufiueft pcrforrtned,' .to tcVfd$ng.fiftT pvuoifyeran nuro on- certificate of WKicft ftorn (llw. Jide? tKs Treafarer flntt be.aijthwztntrpa VII. And be it urrtiie enafted, That fctm and after the paffing of tliis ac llilfupenotcAMU j-idiiigB; the diftrifls of btbrgtn aodSaUfiorflirm pofe one riding, called iEe firft nding y the!:.; )f: nuiieorougn ana i,ajeKeie, tue lecono ruvai.-..: uw di drifts of Halffax and ;E denton, the ihiri. i riUf-'-'t and the diftrift? of ' Netfwrn and Wilfliirigtpn, ix;v. 41H riding. ' V '.'... . And trhereas man.fraufda are fuggtftcd have been coftwined in tiie SecretatBO cerns the jaifticj arid, konont of tbeate, that the pct' petrators of the fai j fVaudi ftsonltl be purfaed to punifli Vl II. Be it therefore at9iei," Tii?it the Governor for the time being, ihrrby authorized and empower cdr when he may dccrii iu expedienr,, to iffue a com- imifiloti to the Judges, empowering them te lit .at any An At directing the Judges of the fuperiar courts to meet together io , fettle quejtumz of laiti or equity art Sfmg Dttjhe circuity-and to provide for ibt trial of all ferfcns. CDnctrtied in certain frauds A IkI HKRE'AB-great -tncnenience have ari fen, V V and much delay iii ihe adminiftntidn of juiiicc hiatccocoafidaed, from the want of a fpecdy and it i) rfoAxdccifion iff al tfarft ? f law oreal ty ari fing -wi4vfc1c& of jvptnidn io the JiieiyV froat a defitc of further eonfideration, or frrtto a. wkot of a compcteht number of Jndgel a the law etifti ai prefent : to thtf end therefore that thefe inconveiiieftceirniay be remedied, and that deoifiona ihll be had on all fuks and contrpvetliesat prefent dc pendirj pr hereafter to depend in the fapcrior courts of Uw and equity, with as much difpatch and uiiifoi m ity is pbfllble ; ' ' - I." Be i thtfef6re enaaed. by the GeifefuT A (TembTy. of the ftaftt of brth" Carolina, and it is hcrcb) (. Batt ed by the authority of the-faraci That fro:n and after tKe paffin of this a&, the Jadglfthe.fuperior courts of law arid equity within this ftate, fiiall meet and af femble together twice i each and every year, at the city 6f Raleigh,-on the- roth days of June and Decem ber, aud if faid days (lull happen on Sunday, the next fucceedinjj days, jfor the purpofe pf detct mining all qiieftjon of lk wand equity arifing and renmniug unde termined upon the circuit; ' " 111 : And!; be it-fuHher enacted TJiat the; fid J uds, or any tw of th'tW at the fit It, meeting after "I theTpaffingdf this' aft;" (hall appoint a Clctk of (kill and, prbo'ity, WhpTfliaH give bond with, fufficicnt feca-j-ityi payable to: tie, Governor for thi Umeicinj;, jo. :i1ir fain pf Jive thooiand pounds, conditioned rer the, faithful difchargc of his duties in dBcc, and for the Uk keeping of ell records committed to his cuftody ; which fiend (hall be lodged with the Secretary of ftate. And the fa'd Clerk when fo appointed, (hall hold his effike duricg good behavior, but before entering upon the exectiioii of his office, (hall, he fore the faid judges, or cither iof themi take a oath of thejame tenor and "courts ef law. '' '-'.' - ' ' ; . - III. And be it further enaaed, That when ever any . queftuins of law or equity hereafter (hall arife upon the circuit before any f the Judges of the fuperior courts, winch the Judge fitting ifiay be unwilling to determine, -and (hall be dcCrous of further confidciation theieo.i. and a conference with the other Judges ; or hefe any cjueftlona of law or equity luve already- arife n on the eircuitrand nave remained undecided by reaion of a tlifiigreement of the Judges on the. circuit, iu. either cafe ihe Clerk of the diftria, under the diie&ion of of the Judge then fitting before whom fnc.h quell ion ir qucttiofis jhall arife or come, (hall make out a tranf ?ript ot the proceedings in the cafe in whith fuch quef tion.or queftions (hall arife, and deliver the fame to the he Agent,-whoe dgty it flia) t8B1l&attg 1 fuch pcrfon6;as; iftt;cte and whS (hair fgn :Hf;m:mma pectd of aiiy of th dfreocet terelu bfittoiie'" ' "time of their meeting lu-reby aypoiHttd, for the tiial of fuch perfohs as fhall or may be apprehended for and ion account of their having committed, or been con cerned in tbe commiffion of, ftaudf in the. Secretary's jofiice. of in the office of Jon Armlircmg or Martrn I Armftrong, in the fraudulcHt iffuingt procuring, ic ceiving or traajferrfffg" bnd' warrants ; of in . the frau dulcntly ilfuing, procuring or receiving grants on. fuch warcauust any uf thsid Offices. . A mUhe fa id-Judges, or any two of them upon a commiffion to them direftcd as afoiefaid, (hali conftitutc a'cotjrt for the trial of all fuch offeoers, and (hall hiye all and finguhr the powers and authorities ntcefl'ary for the trial uf the offences aforefaid, "committed vn'lhm any ditlnVi pf this ftate, and (hall lure pawcr and 'authority .16 give judgmcnv and award executtn thereon 'auy Iua j u. intf of the Ju.1g6 InNtby appointed, dull alfj h? t'-ie Clerk of the court hereby to be conllituted for the tu rd f offenders and for the faithful pei format) ce of his ditties in oface, Hull give bond with lufBcicnt fecu rity t the Governor for the time Ining, in the fiim of two thoufaud '-pounda ; wiridi bond (hall be lodged iu 'the Secretary's office ; end tTefore tnttrrngon the du titsofhisoffice, (hallti.ke the fai.ic oatk as pit-fenbed by law far the Clerks ,of tlieupencr eoart. cf law 5 and (hall be entitled to the -lime fees a the Cleiks of the faid fuperior courts are entitled to in hmilar Ciiics. T And We it further enaaed, That thirty days nievious to the time fixed'Tor the meeting of any court- to be called under this ccV tw Governor (hall illue a comm'.fTi jn to three Jvifticei of each of the counties of Wake, Franklin, Johniton, Chainam, urangc anu, rlnnd. direttinir them to nominate ana cauie 10 feveral counties, I ... vl "fl .L I.. r. . r.- 'c.- u.. tVi T.i.l... Kim. ! Uf fnmmvnrri hv the oiie'lKii oi utir under we aweaioo qi me juugc, . u, irJuu."" VT . r 7 , ' .c .. .1 tuS.Ac;t r,nn.;fl! and t,Tht tri-fnn ncrsu Kitri ui ,fetf, as the nature of the catc may recjuue ; and Juch ymtffijw'.Xo mad M -FcrefaiH, the Jdge rtiafl Ue at the meeting ot thlrJuu'ges hereby appointed, tvith their Clerk. , IV.-Ari be it farther enaaed, That the Judges at their fail meetini?, or any two of them, ihall proceed rfffsctoTetara to ETffKe -and cetcimiaeu yueuiuus brought beire themV and (lull fet for ten days at each Snd every r?.eetirg, Urtlefs the Lufj.u-i's fhiH te fooncr finimed ; and ach and every Judgo at their faid rneet tng, (hill give their Timd opijiiou iu every cafe iiLwri ting,. to be' riled with the Clerk, and by him to be entered in aiiook kept fpr that purpofe, ' . V. And be it further' enaticd. -Tliar it fliall belle duty of the Clerk of the faid meeting ut the Judges, t he perfuns fo no mi 1 .a ted ;m d f u m moned wi t hi n five dav befoii the mectin.i'of.faid ceutt, (h?U be bound to'attend the fame, under tlteTame iolcs; an.d regula tions E3 : jurors attending the fiiperiof courts ; and fajjl rerpivf I'ji each'andevcrv daY. attendance, thefum ot wt:tve4wlUags. jd ,, fls pejifldJheasJ'amJot. every thiuy mile's t Key 'wall travel to aficttrom tne fame : ind it fiull be' the duty of the ShaifF of Wake to attend faid court and execute the orders, judgments C-ntenrei thsreof : and' of the SherifFa ot the coun- -h ,arc-in '.mentioned, to fummdn and make return of the jarct-fiTomiivated agreeable to this aa, under the' ifame ruicB and penalties prtfciibed by law for likejer. vice's fit and to the fuperior courts. '' " iTiifted. t hat it hail be tt; any court Called udder1 lhiscl,)the turir oforty tJottnd each : arhJ the pbne Agebt flifaU foin4 fyipus tq the fitting of.-Tatd cbtiftZirfato (hall be kept by him, rtceiv fiich mpenCaioiv ii &dl te allowed fyXU(iiu&tt&& - XIV. And be it further rcaftei ilut 6nr Jadge .(lull be Heist ajn'd deemccT comet eot io Twpcnntet aodi tdrea alUhc- bunelt f fttftttoft, tt'mSjg(im fentence cm fuch peVfod orperroAjis fla becoaviaed' 'before him to do which tvo! Judge9 fliaH be held, ind ideemed nectary. And if no Judge (hall attend the ;di,v JLKed. yn f tne fitting the c6Utt,the Sheriff of the county of Wake, or any other SherifT attendisg, may adjourn the fame from day to d"ay for three dayi. And the Judccs (hall foa'r range theridiriffs amontrthrm. . felves, that obe of the Judges of the fueVidr courts (hall attend any cf the fuperior courts of law and equi ty;; Bid one Judge cd the faid cpmt (hall hereafter have full power and authority to hold faid courtsand determine' all cafes both in law. sad equity depending ar;hcreafECrt. depccU (u the faffl thing therein which the Ciifc may lequire ; any law id the contrary notwithftanding.. And the faid Judges ft all pafs thiough the fid ridings, oh the fame princi ple of rotation -8 heVetofore prefcribed try law." " XV. Andbe itfuriher enaeti Tiut this aft (hall continue iu force from .its commencement only lor two years, and from thence to the eiid of the next fuccecd- An ABJoraip a revenue fur the payment of the civil lifl ar.d contingent d-jrges of government for the year of:e tboufand eight hundred. . . I 'R 11 caaed uy the General Aifemlsly of the ' XJ ftate of Noi lh; Carolina, and it is Hereby enaft cd by the authcrity of the fame, That for the year one 'thov.fand tight hujidud, a tax of eight pence fcr eve ry hundred acres of land in this ftat. and a tax of two (hillings or) every hundred, pounds val6e of town lots with ihtir improvements, and a tar of two (hillings on every poll (hull b& levied,- colieaedj-and accounted for ia the mar.Derdire&edljy the feveral ads of Afiimbly for thofc cafes made and provided. : " II. And be it turther triaacd, That a ' tat on all ftud-hoifes within this, date, of the full fum which the owner of fuch ftud hoife (hall aflc and receive for the fcafon, of one marc to fuch ftud4ioife, (hall be Ic vitd, colleaed, and accounted for iu the fame manner that fuch taxes have been hctetofore, levied, colleted, and accounted for. III. And be it finthef enaaed, That no finking land tax be colleaed (or the year one thoufand eight hundred. . immediately after the rife of each and every fitting, to XI. And betth,iH-- . "J . . . .- - r 1 1 r - . c -. ft . i ........ n nA Snlin t itr I tf nralfi. 31 (J laCU roakeout a full and correct certificate oi the .Aeemou -i. -cmy -i ."" ".'yq - , , . ihe Judges, ready take delivered to the pe, Ion in whole of them, i,nmeJ.au!y iur the paug pf (" - . 1 J r il. - T I l. . t-rt r nil,ui t , i - M i ill i o tyI if Trtr Zl II 1 1 A) I J l iJ 1 1 i wui utf w i r r : - on application ; on if application (Inula not be nude, to be by faid Clerk tranfmit.tcd to the Clerk of the '.'fuperior-. court 'of law and equity, where the q.uedioiL, had been, depending and had an feu : a nd the Clerk of thV faid Xoperior court ihall theiejufpon-ifTuelexecytion Tas may be proper in the cafe, for the debt or dama ' .jea that tnay have : been rccovaed, ipgether witli the Ipfts in the court of his diftria, or other wife proceed si the decifion of Jddges piay demand -' . whereas the compenfatTon proper to be .made , '-'i to ' the Clerk hereby appaiatcd in entering fuit, enters ipg up the 'rpimon of the Judges, for certificate of dc--ci(ionrand )t lifer fervices, cannot be accurately fore feen and .pioVided for ( and the procuring difpatch and tiiformity in judicial deifions isan objea f public Tl)gniiud and (hould be with as little expence to the 4tulividuaL6iltr-as pt4llblHf ; vi; h.'ii this it ate, war rants to appreHena every iucu petfon as they frail fufpea to have been cpncetneaia the'commifSon of any of the frauds or pffer.cts hercm mentiancd , which" warrant or warrants (hall bc.dirca td to oil the Sheriff's of' the Mtc who arc hereby fc veially authdriied td execute the fame. ; And if any perfSn appYcfiend under M WfanfJ 'fhall fail or refnft to enter iirto recognizance lor. his appearance at any court to bewailed under this ad, he (hall d may ;;,A- lAihe traol ot the county. in which he (h.ll be apprehended, if the facte be We, itMt tq the !! f 1 a. . w until caol ef the difl ria in whicti lucfl cpyuty uj MT twenty days before the, fitting of the court, when he (rarbe"67dcred and conveyedld the gaol of the vountj of Wake.,,., . -:' . ' m '' XI rr,'ftnrbe''it fmthti-efactaT-Q Jn -Acl to. after taiti the amount of the certificcdrdebt of . ;. ' tkijjattsz? ..',:' '.; WH ERE A S it ia weceffary to afcertain , the a moiijit of the certificate debt of this date, to " the end that provifion may be made for difcharging jtln? - fame V . ... - - :' ' ,,' I. BE it therefore macled by the General AfTfm- blv of the llftte of North". Carolina and it ii bertby e- . . . i ' V . . e. 'Is!.. . .r nacfed by the ctnoruy crjne iamc, .i ut u pcnuns holdiiie ce rtificat es c f.'tbe defjt of this (late, (hall on or before t' e lirft day cf DecembVf, one thoufand eight hundred present tne lame inc nufttui ids tcuiui er ; wliofc duty it fhall be to icgifter the number date and amount 'thereof, together with the. name of he perfons td whom the fame fhall-be madepayablci in a . book to be bv,him provided for that purpofe and the Trcafurer (hall note..n;. tlie;aid .cer.ti5catf,that the famehas been prefented and regiftcred as by this aft "required.''". . r' '',' ":'. 1 JIrATiibe.it farthet enaatd, That, all certihcates of the dtb't oHbis ftate, not pr.efucd to ihe Treafurl ar for the purpofe of regilhation as aforefaid, within ; the time limited by this ad, ihall forever thereafter be barjed, and hall pot be received in any payment to tha Hate, nprin any office thereaf. IT. And be it furthercnaaed, That it fhall We the.. duty of the Treafurer to . give public notice of tbe re- TV'

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