1 - 4 . -r- V. T - m 1 ti- flroy this nation. I hope they are all gone,, for it it not my wifh. to .injure them ; it.U abfolutely neceffary thai they fhouldjdepart arid that" immediately, or they will forfeit the protection due tojall men, and by the' law of nations ought to fuffcr death by being hanged as confpirators againft the peace and fovercignty of Mufkogee.- -" " ' "'" -v J . ,- -'There are fomg by them ; they were ignorant and did not know the . confequenceof their employ. James Dereztux at the Cowettas clthough he has Bad acommiffion fiom the Spaniard he Im not done much harm because I ftop- " lt aw'n9 . tne man wno M not Souc I mull ?o immediately a he is a, dangerous man and will -eaufeJbme-mifiei ifjjt find him, for not obeying the proclamation, and - proceed againft him according to law. 1 requeft you to make known this talk to" ill your towns,. As my papers are not come down yet, you had better keep them until yen come down yourTclf, or u n til! I fee you at your ho, fe, for as foon as l have dif- : patched my bufinefs here I will pay aifit to the town3, which I expett will not be long. The people whom IlerTheTu nd me when I came to meet y vKaaviag.JireajLdea Uftroyed aim oft every thing C left with them, or let the tvater fpoil it which is the fame thing, which I feci norc for the fake of our beloved red people, than for royfclf, but it will not be long Before all will be ftratght. J am your ''ibcTreTrlend,-' " Wm. A. BOWLES. Let ie hear from you and the news you have in you town. To the Little Prime $f the broken arrow, alius Cowafife ' Norfolk; January 23. Our readers, no doubt, rcrneinfrer the eailant ac- i ion between the fnip Planu-r, of Richmond, and a French pmarecr of Superior force, (the account sf which we long (incc publifhed ) We are happy in liaving it in our power to Hate the amount f th? prc fents given by the underwriters at Ldy d 's to that ship's company. , L lgii!o&i.Liwi.- fmaOer do, cinUdia a c. quart each.-with-Tt ladle, neatly engraved on the edge with all the tro phies of war.' On one fide of the-cups is a reprtfen tatian fthe engagement', and on the other this in scription : . .. -v . ,"r" iPrefcn.ted by the Uncle nvritcrs ifLoyuV tb'TvIr. David Maclnfnraiter of Themericah Ihip Plan- 'rrA of Richmond, asa'tokeji of their approbation of i ew.ttpUry bra.rfty.and .perieveraiice in uren;l j iiisy the laid (hip, and beating off an enemy of very, iupeiior force; on the toth July, 179c)." And in cifh too guineas, ; '..'-,. - j To the. FirJl Mateo guineas. ; Secon it. Mafe-rr-r o uicas. MoalftVainlO guineas. Gunner 20gui fleas, 7 Saiiors 8 guih"oas . Sailors dce&iy nvbutuled guineas. For Saiiorsfriends that fell in the a3ion 50 guinea"!. . ...... . ; . . '. Two Lady ta(jer.ers elegant goto svatche3. .. 'Two Gentlemen Pnjfen'ert clsgant fworus. P A R I S, NoVcmbet . v T.FIhey,'wi.ite trocA Maus .under date of thi 23d Oftr VnaiJaring the Uay of the Chouans in. that town thty .pub'ilbed thctc ihe following proclamuion : -..--' We Count Lotn'3,, Vidor Duchaine de Bourmom, TKnijjbt of the Royal) and Military Order of Saint, .J.mm's, Colonel ot Infantry, comrrrflTrtr i.i chief for jthe King i4i the Provii.ce of Maine , and , the adjacent eniuntrv ' r . " - " . f Frenchmen, your nu'sfortunes" arc dramg fo an 'a. i t)C iipur of combat is arrived. His royal ll.'h n'cf3, iVloi.fic-ur.i the - King's brlther is pnly waiting 1 t r li;s lire. til! 1 t a Unuing point he fecureJ for him . to arrive cn haatd of the ailiel favadron. 'which h cruiilne otf our coaits. u.Fron one exttcmity of FrairceVto- the oth' r the Roy4ii Hs 3y to arms, ; The flower of thofe of the oinccs"rot the towns ot Nantes, Vanr.es, l Uncnt, at. lJrionx, Ucn, R 'A I XL,G,H,Fbruajiy .4, i8op.T The Committee appointed; to form lhe.or.dcr of pro cclaon and & make choice of a perfoji to deliver an Uiation on the 2id inft. r cncrl George VVashinctdn, have chofen Ma- (CTIjejbabitants of Raleigh anJ county of Wake, are mvited to attend to join the procefilon and other teftimouila of refpea to be, then (hewn . . '. . '.' .-. .' Ntw-ToRZ, January 20. - ExtraS of a letter from a gtatleman of great reffeabilitj - - in Str 7 homat'sj to hir jriend in Nt-jf Torh; doled 2 6th Detemler. . ". . , " Newg-pf high importance'terminates this rear. PlcC S0(1 lt maT PrvT truj, . iBuoBaparte, affifted by Sieyefe and Roger Ducos, has overthrown the Rc pjihllrcan gprernmcnt by fafpcnding until March the ;two-Couiicils, rtheConftiiution arid:theJDire(aory7 This triumvirate call themfelyes National Confuls, They have feje&ed from e.ach hoiifcj .25 deputies, to form a Confular National dfftmlly. . A n inftant hzs been fuffi- -cient-toeltroy the ariciBtoloiras,-and t'aer'eft -their new authority.; to ftrengthert .hich they have, it, is faid, piomifed peace, before the expiration of three months. This is a , very flattering-allurement for the French people ; and itis fo much believed in France that MefT Ssgeraii and Gauticr. have given orders at Guadaloupe not to fend.fiom thence any of their vef lilt until toe confirmation of peace' ' : 7T- , 7 1 hefe events were likely to have coft Buonaparte fe. W hillt tie was addrelling.the Atfembly pre-. vipnsr to their difmifia!, he was fhot at twice.: The' ball xaiffed hm. But he woidd affuredly have been,ftab bed, had not a grenadier, who !trod clofe by him, a verted the blow, and received the woundinlris own arm " Thefe tranfaftions were pafling when the agents appointed for Guadaloupe left France. They haltered to fct off, left tht y fhould be Aooped by the new aiitho n'ties ; which would undonbirdly have been the cafe, for the fir ft itep of the triumvirate was to deprive of their efflptcymentrtheg lionaticarid to JCvdl thofe. who hdd appointments out of France. ' , " They arrived at Guadaloupe in a large frigate, ac-cOmpaniedJy-alloopf-warSince4hat-time Vhiee vellels from France hav alfo arrived, one of which Brings news to the 1 7 th 'November. It is by them that thtfe particulars are made known. The prevailing o pinion ir. France is that a monarchic?.! cuhilifution will TptTotfrs'cckT " an6ririatttT$ iVttie planXF t te' tVf vV" rulers, to have it put into execution very fooh. But who wiil this King be ? What is on that fubjed their -defign ? You are feiiiible that if it U not Louis XVHI, no hope cm be entertained of feting an endlo the c vil? and troubles of Fiance. " , ' ' " The names of the new commifiionera arc J;anet,r Lnveau, and an old man named Labesi). They have been peaceably received, but without jny fen fat ion of plcnfuie. The fir ft and thiid appear well difpofed, and "chey promi.e to preYcnt-! he Iecon'cTfrojn tloing any mifchief.1' ; ..' " " The news from St. The mass wears every femblance of probability and of authenticity. The latcuefs of the dates, z thiiraSfn Ji the three Kien faid to have proll rated 'the fiily RtjiubjV, and the circumllantiality of the account, all concur to "render the fUtemcnt wor thy of implicit confidence. ' The rriuriih ous and fanghinary Republic of France hath at length ariicd 3t its Lit hour ; its fatcllites have, by the bUfirug ofGcd, been .previouily cxtin gniihed, 2nd its votaries, cxpiiihg, already lilefhe iujl. The llavvn of Peace breaks upon the-World-; and long fuft'eiirig; Reafon fhail, foon eitdt her perftcilcd head o vrr the. crcft-falkn geriii of illumination. If the la ft rtSitnorulVnt by any, Independent nation to '.thebicod--ttained Ufurpeis, whofe"wverthrow fa abotrttV be con-, (uintnated, fhoiild not, unhappily, excite the tefent-hu-iit of "His Moft' Chiiftian;Majeftvrwe;fcV'ndthiriF to piecliide the cominenccmetH of an tiniv'erfal reign Britifli Admirals in commiffiorii' .WITH THEIA tESfECTlTE STATIONS. Berkeley, Rear Admiral,, KicKcrten, K.car qmirai . Blankpt Rear-Adimral BiitiportAdmiral ; , Collingwood, Rear Admiral Gettoir, Rtat Admifaj Cuttiis,' Vide Aroiral DickfoD, Vice Admiral Duckworth, ' Rc:ar Admiral Duncai, Admiral - ' Gardiner, Admiral G ame, Vlee Admiral Kei t rrrrVtceAd mtr al Tv"J nrrfrnMl Atmirot T Chauuel. dftto. . EalLIiidiec. Channel. ditto; - '., ditto.' ' ' .. Gof Good Hopd North Sea. w Mediterranean. North -Se4. Torbay. J . ' ' Nore. . - - Channel. ' tOMMVNicATlOJC. A kcfelotion was laid on the table of the Ffoufe of lans, Follow the example which. they you. The 'Journal de Commerce at the 6tii Vtnd.maire, th- FfHchDired3ry-injure3 theRcpublic oLFjance J atid its commercial inhabitants, by the late impolitic - A- . 0 ; . rA t 1 u a. ' ' I - j-j'v vt v"yu uic.um .ww. : th,n iUr canV.pofii!v hrt th -nercaaut pf hat city, , hi as he cfeHy proves that the grcatelt part of.Akeir car- .... . , ? Ter-t u , pes is. for French account -and already patd fif i arid 'tor. jvhac m; v be- configntd,-..tuwe two thifda . r three fotnih:; of the value has already been drawn, agreeably ilvctium t ilcTu ftom, on t ran fin it ting the invoicesanl '.""ThTi Is oTTYd ing. . , B cfid e$T"w ho fsiy t aVe off a ild' .carry t!ji; chief French produce winesto foreign markets, thnr enly remaining branch ivf profitable trade ? Who ' is to- iiidtmnify the French - merchants for what may penih, or fall in price, duVing the embargo I Surely ; "rf'the foic:fee nf commerce were, to be.a little, more ftu died by the fuU'rsof the Rcpublic.eyefaflanti cbxnmeiv' t il f'r.eafurcs would 'not have deitroyed the trade, na. ' 'tfu rifri' nig coiiair v.." ' Frtf'quhttJ.rJfllittc'es'.. need not hen have;ben. 'appointed' :i?y . govnn:c!)t. to a lopt ... V,., ,. ft - . . . ' 1 I. ....... t, 1 -.Un3 foir th.ptivewiou i't.t2iifcwiptcie,-...nicn cMru.' . ij.iJy 'fiappen thrctigh the : many ti iiiug. to'ns of r he T.rpti'ic. ' ; . ') '; v: j..-'- . .. ';' ' '-s ;''':' Rcprefentativcs of the United States, on the 13th Jan. b yMrTriircDrr,-iarihtr, repeal or t he fecond fection of ' Iti s curtou s to ob- fret and tvorry thcrhfelves attempt they have made to repeal this law the reftraintit places on their aclions, is like a ftate of bondage fo them J and the long time they have beeti interdicted from an iudulgence in their old plimc falfehood and lift, renders their exiftence almoft iufupportable. Should this refolulion meet with a fate limilar to that which befell Nicholas Motion, a death- ike palencfa will ftretch itfclf through eyefy feature' of ortion, The United States (hip Baltimore has captured the French brig L'Efperance to leeward of Guadaloupe, and Tent her into St. Kitt'a. She has 108 hhds. fugar qn .board. .'.", '.-.. ..' '.- ''-''''' '' ""'V The tefc&fi'g.tjn.jT, Lieutenant Hillar, has captured a French privateer of 10 gu?s and 61 men, . ; "! . ' . Thomas Mirrlhiv Ftq-vire,. late Governor of Penn fylrania,' ded at .Lnuter on th: 20th of January. ; Cork. - Lutwide. Vice Admiral Downs. ( Mitbanke, Admiral Portfmouth. MUchcl, -VicelAdmiral -ii-North Aca - -Nelfon, Rear Adojiral : Mediterranean. - Parker,-Viee-rt :clmiral Weft-Indies. " Pa rk-r,.Vice Admiral Chan net. Pd !Tt;, Vice Admiral Pole, Rear Admiral .iiairJcrJiccAdnrira.l Seymour, Vice Admirar Vandeputr Admiral , Plymouth Channel. :aft Indie 'Weft-Iodie.: Halifax. Waldegrave, Vice Admiral Newfoundland. Warren, Rear Admiral Whitflied, Rear Admiral Thofe marked are qommaoders in chief! Channel. , ditto. . ' - CffjtKissTOtfi Januarv 2f. Departed this life on Thurfday eyciiiDor thc;2 xi in- . ftant, his Excellency EDWARD RUTLEDGE Esq. Governor and Commander in Chief of thu ftate. The amiable qualities of this refpedlted man procur ed him the love of all who had the felicity to know him his great qualities entitled him to jhe confidence of his fellow citizcp which he portclTed in an eminent de gree. His benevolence was unlimited, and his charity fcarcely kne r any other bounda than , human mifVry and the extent of his fortune. In public life his fer vices havr beeri " greatly life fut trj . hircoun try, and his 16i7 will be feli in prooortipn asjt yilXbe.dif5cuIt,to fill r the immenfe void he leaves in fociety. The fuavity of his maRhers enabled him to prefervc the efteem even of thofe who difTered ftoni him in the thorny path of po litics. His family and his friends have fuflained an ir reparable lofs, for no man ever poflcfTcd in a higher de-" grcc tkan he did, the talent pf rendering happy all who furrounded him and enjoyed his beloved fociety. will be lamented as long as a rare union of virtue aad talents fhall be prized among men, and memory retains1 Ler fat. It is hoped that a Sketch of his life and fer yices will be prefented to the pslilic, by forte perfon qualified to render this fer vice to the country, aud this duty to departed worth. . '.- v.. i)ied on Sunday, Mr. Benjamin Lockharf,.rn, ., bitant of Wake county. - The Truftees of the f'ayetteville Academic ARE hapjy f have it in their power to announce to the public, that the difficulty of procuring fuitable and proper .boarding near the Academy fur young Ladies who refide at a diftance and wifh to at tend tha fame, is how removed : Mrs. EMMET hai concluded) to open a houfe for that purpofc, and will b as attentive t the manners, drefs, and behaviowr . of the young Ladies committed to her charge, as to their, cleanjicels and diett To-thofe parenta who are acquainted witk Mrs. Emmet, anything in her behalf is unneceffary to hi faid ; but to thbfe who have not that pleafure, the Truftees without refervation, do riot heGtate to fay that they are acquainted ; with no" fady; more highly qualified for fuch a charge. Mri Emmet's terms for boarding and wafting, ar thirty pounds a year, ajftl Bedding fdu'ad'or where tharis not convenienti bed ding may be found oh an extra allowance being made : One quarter .board will be -required. in iadyance,- -V Fayctteyillc, February 2, i&oo. - 2m. . W ANTE D, A-JSQffleyltta a generous price wilU be -given fcy the-month or year. . " William Daniel, Raleigh, Feb. 4. Carriage & Cabinet Mak'cr ; FOR S A L E7" ' A Valuable tract of land lying in sheupper end of Chatham county, on both fides of Morgan's creek , containing - Job acres, Soo of whicK arc good low-groundS well timbered ; the high land is oTa foft grey quality well timbered with pine, &c. fituate a bout four miles from the Uriiverfity. For term? ap ply to Edward Walton, who, lives adjoining the faid land, or 'to thefubferrbet rlivingin MecUenbuTgTigT JanUaryo'. , "' 1 ' JOHN WALTQK. TWENTY Dl)LLARS REWARD. STOLEN from my plantation on the i$th inft. a likely Grey GELDING, upwards of 15 hands hijgh, 6 or,7 years old, in tolerable good ridiog order ; his bread much galled with harnefs ; a oatufal troi ter, and high fpiritcd. Whoever will deliver faid liorfe to me, fhall be entitled to. the above reward, f ; JAMES GLASGOW. v Glafgovr couaty, Feb. u L. a .... A.

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