61 V Numb, tot T HE following is aJiH of Landx in New-Handvc county -the taxei of :which tcmain unpaid : - lhe fame will be fold on the 13th of May Wxt,: being Hie" grft day of the Superior Court, or as much thereof as will pay the taxes and expencc - - I ooacrcs given in by .EranciHiryt.and due f grijg'l j r0 ditto by , John Marfliall, ditto. )00 ditto ditto by John Simpfon, by John Wallis, by-Joinr-35urB ditto ditto. ""dlttor ditto. ditto, 'ditto, ditto. ditto. ditto. dittd' ditto, ditto. J.dittq ditto, ditto. 125 ditto 275 " ditto 108 ditto" 00 ditto 50 ditto 960 ditto 283 ditto 2cr ditTo" 375 uitto .10 ditto 200 ditto 100 ditto . 18S ditta - ije dju 650 ditto 4.00 ditto 200 ditto 360 ditto 250 ditto 450 ditto 122 ditto 175 ditto 730 ditto 400 ditto 1 00 ditto ..800 ditto ,175 ditto ditto, ditto. John Corbett JamesCorbett Edgerton Motte Archibald M'Bride , Jacob Powell Jame 1 Thomas Daniel Morgan y: Job MiUer ... John Piefcott William Taylor Executors of D. James ditto. Edmdnd Mooie ditto. Henry Holly ditto. J.Wa!kcr( Moore'screek) do Jofcph Brinfon 97 & '98. H Irdy"" "Parker d i t to. James Parker White BarwTck -: Peter.BatfoQ Jacob Eafort James Price James Towning Williain.Devau.ii George Dcvaun Beniamiu Gideon Thomas Gideon fen. ditto. Thomas Gldeo, j-in ditto. Michael Lopor - ditto. . John Mal(u , - ditto James' Rogers .ditto. Tnliii Swinfon, fen. ditto. Frederick Bulord John Erwinn Arthur. 5tnckfiyi:: John Stokeley Jn. Williams Plin Fuller Arthur Savage Henry Blake Thomas Scarborough ditto. Tames Kinnear ditto. Mofes Wntter ditto, dittos ditto, ditto. ditto, ditto." ditto. ditto. ditto! ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. 300 acres given in by Beni.Motteun4c due for98? Jortei MajDTena U indmingtoardjSuab -polTcffing tie Griion couoi'ryi fie l'iraidtt for" want of provifionsV The Aufttlai army pjpbfed to him ka HenTcinforc'td Jrand contcmpUted tb relite Phaiipf- borg again; V , V V; ; ''"Cv:, .!.;' -,' -l ' The Auftrian geb Kray is i-1aire the" chief cm' mand of;the ai y defined to operate agajnft S m t z er-t ditto v ' by ditto by -dttto-by ditto by ditto by ditto by dstd ,-by p-Jokn Page; dutp ditto 45 200 -J0Q 150 4? 070 "ioo .50' 365 75 ditto 3 25- ditto 860 ditto 610 7 ditto ; 700 ditto 455dit.to III ditto . 350 ditto 200 ditto 2o ditto 310 ditto Siicoh Malf ua nchry,Mafpu8 , GeojfgeNwtpB Jofeph Newton George Nixfim Hady Powell by Francif Pridgtri " by V;m j:H. Rarafiy by har ney JluOel ,by hy by by by by by by by Ecjward Spearman Thomas Simmons JaTrieSmfth." Jahn Standley CH.oQias Woodildes v J ijmes Wilfon , : " Gerygr WhlteT " Luke White . John White WILLIAM NUTT. Shetjff. Wilmington, February 1 f,-1 '"' 1 "r'-y-- dttto.: ditto, ditso. "(3itt67 ditto ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. dittoL ditto,' 'ditto. ditto., dittos ditto, ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. LONDON, November 16. It is faid our government has revoked the proclaraaV tion, declaring the ports of the United Provinces iri a (late of blockade. Tle exportation of Weil India produce from hence to France it is "thought wilt be al lowdWelearii.lha Government, will permit the importation oi Vc(jIndiap7od1ucTfm country.-' , T. 'r1-'- , Ill'Sewral Journals aiwuri November 28. Admiral Lord Keith is appointed to command in the Mediterranean. . . dittor ditto. AWalom Taylor William Walker .ditto Wm. Anderfon for'98 Tnly Thomas Bufley Daniel Bourdeaux Tlionias Baflow William Buxton Jofeph 13 ri'ufon Nathan Cook Jacob Ceflcn Peter Cafar TyTf!ae-Goften---"by John'Currie -by JamiDejaun hy Tohn Edens 4 HF Jacob Edens Jacob Eafon John Fellows Nicholas Fennel Samuel Gurganus l)xuidHa!l hn Hunt ditto d tto ditto ditto--i--dittor dittq ditto ditto ditto ditto' : ditto ; ditto -ditto TinverHowaTd; f?n. ly." William Henileffey by -William HerThams hv ' AUanHen'ncflev Ly " Thom.asJIim tsr'-r-by J.jGa', Ktowlton by. . James Lcf "v: ' by Thos,Lfe3p6n by."-' - IfaacLam"; , ly Woiiey M'Clamey,, ly Henry. Miller LyCL Ptte M' Bride d it to :; Ly Mark M 'Llamy ditto by Mary M'Clamy . cHto ?V ;ry:; Jod.ua M'Clammy ; 'ditto ly ' John Malp'ui," fe ditto. ditto ditto! 'ditto, "ditto, ditto. ditto, ditto. dittor -dittor ditto.- ditto. ditto. ditto. ditt,o. ditto: "ditto. ditto. ' ditto:. ditto.' --ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. . ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto The Cebera, Britidi frigate, lately .engaged 5 Spa .ninvfrigates and two brigs, beat them off, and burnt avtilel' under their convoy.- ConiparatiVe"'fbrcc Britifh, 3I gwFsrf men. . '. It is reported at the Hagte, that Holland is to be 1 made neutral by the negotiations of 'Pruffia ; and that the French are to evacuate Holland, in fix weeks after the Enelifh and RumansHamburg.vefTels are no len ; fx. .(M.,, .. r , a ...... ger embargoed in - t "-" -, The Chouans are raifed to be.2oo (Ircng partment of Maifterre. They are mafters of Quimp'er Cozenin. The Fresch confuis have fent influential chnrafters to nVgociate with them. - Napperifandy is to be fent to fort St. George in Scotland.-2 1-2 per cent, addition is to be laid 011 all taxes the enfuirig year. December 3 A yeflcl in three days from L'Oricnt, informs, that the city is much alarmed frm the in creafe of Chouans in that neighbourhood (reported rto,ooo fli:ong)-thouj;h the republicans have recently gained fome advantages. Rear admiral Story, learning hat thi Dutcbgoycrnment intended to arrelled him, has come. to England as pntoncr f war,rr;e(h troops are ordwed to the Weft Indies. . , ' 7 'December ' Twelve tfinufand; troops of the line, it is faid, are to go to Ireland. ' - Govern ni, ai have received, official accounts of the b.ntles in Italy",' on the 4th and 5th of November, By tl.u fc it appears that, the Fieurh loil in thtfe two days, between '40 and 50 killed and, wounded, "4000 taken prifoncrs, including an adjutant general arid 70 Half and fupt rior offu'ers. The A u.ilrians loft 1 600. .0 a the ioth, 1 ith and 13th, there were aHo battlesr .The French removed their head quarters frem Conito Pietra. '-- Ancona furrendcred on th I3th of November. Prior to the 5n otNo'vemberr the French army ,,b beJRJilue . Jiai? auoerom ManfielmeJfeati ng the ' 'ludrians, and taking1 pvlfeifion of Carlfruhe, ;Dur ic!T,PfQriheiHeilbrm and Pbiliplburg was! befieged , On the 6th and 1,7th, iht French Jnrei-ee&ated, driven to Manheim, ' ani Philiplburg relieved. The French loft 2eop killed, and 960 prifoners. ; Therr general, Ney, was wounded. letters received by the laft conveyance lrom,Pns,"and iiircutated among ft. the French emigrant Nobility, report, that the unfortu nate LqiiiJCVIi fuppfed td hayc expired, in the temple, June., 1795", isltin alive. The Conful SiV eyes is aligned both as the author of the report, and t be evidence. if the faL 1 1 was he who js faid to have fubftrafted the devoted Prinze from theprirons of the lf National Convention, He p rocured a child of cot icfponding age, from the Hofptal of the Hotl Dieu, incurably affedted with the fcrofr) Ja, the pretended dif eafe of the young King ; and admitted this unfortu nate child into the Temple7and exjV't( the body, dis figured with ulcerous operations, if.i?ad of the Royal Viaim. "" : -pTfVR-I- Si NovemberS Pacy sur Euret a large town, 20 leagues fim Pan is taken by the Chouans. The Chouans entered Re don, November 9, to the amount-Gf-ir2 or 1 coo ; af ter many excefles, they evacuated it. The emperor-' of Ruflia has engaged- by treaty, avo put atthe dHpolaToT tfiefff NaleV'9'battaHonf of infantry, with the ueceflary artillery, and 200 Cof facks, to be marched as foon and as fall as the road will admit.' Ike Neto ConflitutiGh December ii 4f Several plaotJbf a conftitution are circulated. Tha in the'elgrtloTlorSii allured will be immediately Itibmitted to diTculhon : A Reprefentativc Government Is prcferved. . The number of aclive citizens is to be very much re duced. " 'To entitle them to exercife - their: functions, tbey . muft immediately, pay a contribution to the a mountpf twelve days pay. o " . yhe whole French Republic will be divided int 'twenty five' grand divifions, to be called prefectures ; each of which will be fub-divided into a certain number of cantons or diftn'fts. AH the citizens , in employ ment, Ihall meet in the chief place of their canton, and there reduce themfelves to 100. Each of thefe cen- is greartaient8-)r ftis- g.rcatiucceiiesi!.i.c. jury is to pronounce again ft himafpecies ofoftra cifm, andaccording to an expreflion which is going officers, 2CQQ non.commiffiorieToTfic7ranam m IWrs of war to the A ufti iansrTher and calling him to one of the 20 places, whiclTwefaid 4 nw j J' ' " - I . . 1 -Th--gamfonjc.onfifted of 6 generals" of brigade, befideS -LimnAgnt.---2j"ftaff officers, zoXlTonSiEBiiffioned- times is to reduce itfelf to ic. - - - The total amount of thefe tenths, by a late eftimate will be 5CC0 citizeps, who fh all alone be eligible to the places to which the people.liave hitherto appointed. But who will make thefe elections ? There will be a conftitutional jury, compofed of 80 places, of -which 20 will remain vacant, for the purpofe heren after men-" tioned. It is this jury that will make all popular elec tions, and have power to depofe for rrafconduft. It will have another function. Should one of the citizens clefted by it, or any other perfon filling an employ 'ment ot influence, become dangerous to liberty, whe ther 1 hey became pri: were found in' the .'place 585 cannon. ,32,294 pounds gun-powder, 4,400 fmall arms, m the. harbour a ir.ip. of 70 guns, and one of 64, befides fmall privateers, ' December 6. Lord Nclfon has determined on a vigo rous attack m Malta.. Several bguTaj)d at Mefiina and Minorca will be employed. The Boadicea frigate is to take on board a load of dollarffor a ftcret expedition: , JTlie Dutch yet boaft that they have five mips of 76 gun 8, and 1 o of 68, and 6 or 7 ftigates. December 13. The Auftrians are Xucce fsful. Af ter the battle of Ncmb.er7"arGenpb,-tJJFrencIi1 column under Viftor, was driven from Mendovi to Sa fonna and Finale. Grenier's colum was forcefi from Burgo Sti-Dalmazzo, to Robilante-i-and the Auftri ans ttilt purfuing. ; The Auftrians vigorbufly befiege Coni, and have taken Lemone. an Ofma ; and it is al- (o faid, they have takcnLCol di Tend4. It is added, that the French have been routed in the vaUjes olMai ra,. and"that the Aullrians have advanced TSeyoDd thfir frontiers. Reinforcements are marching to Gen. Mclas. were, to remain vacant in the jury itfelf ; and each of the citizens thus abj orbed fliah rife by fenicirity as one of the 60 places becomes vacant. Befides this, the conftitutional jury has no influence in the government thus compofed. 1 ; 1 ;, - At its head ihall be placed one citizen, to be called -Grand EkSor. Immediately under hi'm will be two Confuls, one for the interibj,abeotier for the exte-fior.- 'They are to be Governors in faft, but depofa ble at th will of the' Grand. Elector. Under t he Grand Eledor and the twb Confuls will be a Council of L;tste,: compofed of fit menibers and fgven 'roiuiltera. uch is the Government. t The following is the compoflition and organization of the legiflative body : . - . There will be two chambers,bne of 220 members, to be called the Senate ; the other of 80,- ro bccalled ike. - Tribunate. ' :' . ' ' . " . ( '...".''' ' ThVTribunate ihall alone poffefs initiative of the . laws. It will difcufs tbem in prefence of th Senate, Ijimfhall judge when the difcuffion ought to be clefed,