J" "V;?4f".s' A. From the Colcmbias CentiseI". l Thou hah not bear falfe witnefs againjl thy neighbrat H A R D.l'ay ing ! What Jacobin can bear it ? What, not ufe our tongues as we pleafe ? Where is the liber ty for which we fought,' if we ate not allowed to fpeak. evil, and bear fulfe witnefs againft that govern nent, declare ,vy ihrtli not cat ? .Who were the mftrunicnis of the gbriou revolution, but thefe very men whom the govern. iK'it nw declare, hall be rcUrainedjfronriJy- geaucc Fnv.n evcrv pait ot the continent i 'J 'lie S-Ji'hn Bill will If and a trioiiuinem of the in giatitude' of that country which has deprived the wide roonth'd patiidwcif 'yR.'ofa privilege, without the cn pynt of which, all their other privileges and ..righ.ra u re a & not h u)lTjLlieMtLBMJQ lie, 'that's the queHon and where the jachifi, who wilLiiot contend tor the privilege ? What co.uiitVy o.TThe globe would it be pof-fiblc-'to revolutionize, withouL-fome falfe witnefs ? How could rfreaiis-culotcsof France t ever have fci zed Lew is tlu-ir Kinr;, by the hair, without the aid , of this principle'' ?. How could-the fiflv women of Paris ever . -have bet n able to raifc the revolutionary-axe over the -neck of t'f a book co.-.taiimig the eflence .of, falfe witnef ? How would -RUclpWre have been able to" ma fiacre the cler gy, and put his hand into the cullers -of the church, hd he nor thrived affiilun.-e from lying, and it would " -ha'wi'in-.:pjaily impofuWe for him to bae rid hirn- felf of the Girondijl's without making life oM his policy. Ce fe to wonder, 'gentle reader, that a book, ton fining fo hateful a mixon as my text, a maxim fo con trary to true revting, fiionld have been tievl to the tail of an afc. ami di r. thinh the (heels of '.V. A -bookf -like the" Bible, ought not to havLvbtci lofTercd ira..cmtH4y1Uvj,; -!i prcttnrVd toroohuioniy-e 'tfcit 1 :,!.: the -v..i Id. Afk not the Lay Preacher, vkyrtf gf lh'gyT'xnt.iion-ftltf-pwH s, weJijUloilc vecllve nL-;M.it the Pihle bom France. The' hit was "that th 'UibiriTaleFto be obnox'oa, when ifreTany ""retitors lot p wer knew enough oK-ach other's pat' i . .. K ( t:R) coulj hand the uuno- ,Uy io thuch'.ppins houfe oOquH.lky' -.rUnderflaf.d -.JBXfltii-ri. feejyajMi J!lIi,i5.L,, Qjfe!i'??"eS when one W'f ihe: vi11drnyofbe'Ie7j7ngl)WrT6Tr'waf " fuffrcient. to hui.j; litem,- if a' 'majority could" agree to inform agahribthem. . Biit if you a Ik, why fome Gallic Americans diibke the - B'i bhV, the ao fvv ei o (' the Lay Preaqher is,: that the I7c7lfl.:ture ef : the Urdon ' have taken it into their beads to-publ-ilh the .noil odiaus maxim it contains, inuh: the title of the SeJilim by which is ehfoiced ',h,. wr v wouIh of t hetext," " thou halt not bar fife wit- XWtL lii-eity in f ile , ' "ii i l" :4-- SHERIFF'S SALKS. mUE LVxi.viiiff iialitl of I.asdi in New-Hanovct X county, the tuxes ot which temain unpaid : Tht fame will be fold on the 13th of May next, being thc tirlbday cf the Superior Court, or ab much thereof aa will pay the taxes and expenci( :. . ioOacrcigivcn in byFrauciiHenry, and due fori 797. .1 o ai-., W&ju, jpiio Marmall, .. tl,, ;,. 2?0 CllttO oy ueijiiim icuci, imm. Atttn hv Tohn Collen. fen. ditto. 100 1 oa 4itto 4y Juh Moriig- ditto. Cio acrci ri'ven in lyThoraaS monaft.ue 1; .O '. . i-h . L Jinn by Jaoiei amiin. . 7 455 1 1 350 "200 r3to ditto ditto -diiia-L ditto ditto ditto by John Mancicy . tuun. by Thoma Woodfidti ditto. by Jatnei Wr.if n dhuo. by Gcoige White . "o- , by LukeJVhite ditto. ' W ILLIAM N UTT, Sheriff tic Is 1 ira'j:;! thf icie in our rotinli y, 'if we ire nofalV.wed to utter faljl-y l!ous it si 1 :v. ;it-r, iv! I h intent . . . . . , 1 j.i . ,...--,:-ri-,j,"r.f." . uiw'er u oelt we live 1 iiiv Svc not a . iiht to m mac lhofe4hat ?re of our own be wt.ui,,K, our tulers,- Zi we jicafe.? Does t.ut die law aM.iwtis to whip even our wive, if we think they de fend it'; and ihall we be foi'biddcnrto kick our inters oii' of their ftats. wh, i. Ve v. ant ro ;;et into ihcnv ? If iav h tfts as thele are n. i n pealed-, - Uuvcninrcnt, win iV ! HI' " I ' , , : L.: .niTnu o f tri-tirlTFll 1 l j 1 1 h e 1 iedr-a wt-ev - ry Idea of tfj...'xvV,y, a" Iivifrm ve-.tji, mal be itveirii-p7 A i vim, rn-this, W "r-.wl.11 f idao, nor iil he. liicnils bi a..r fufter it, if it u in iiicl i-p i'A'er to prevent it. : Y bends' of a.bhrarv power--yc Congreis- yr Ju.i; e,-yeSenate and Prehdcnt-how can ye p.ohme the name oflibeitv,' by making a book 1 om I aiie iw long Hnce , noved no belter thanobethe of .natl which ties up the tongue, that ruly mem-. " : facobirni; and forbids if to utter its ufuwl tale o. 'J ritjr, wlmare alwas riht , a.idprc fume t(.meho r .e the 'Coi'mon Law a.a. ? Leaie their reliimitig to countenance an aiu.m.uy , J. a " f " " t knovviedoei, and leave the liibl to orcmed-paltor, whenever have coufulted the modern expofiters on the ninth commandment or ;Px)M: Paine, or Ethan Al x en, who make it as plain as a -pikcttaft, that the woiil' is" an "interpolation, and that no brench t5i--l Apiiuce the revolution, reads it otherwtfe than thus, -V,' hou than tear falfe witnefi agowjl thy neighbour, - THji 0, C. LAY.PUEACHLR. Thq TruItees ot the FayetteVille Academ , A RE. happy to have it W their power to announce " J id the public; that the difficulty of procunn fuitable and piopcr boarding -near the Academy tor - yo'.ur .Indies who refide at.a dilbnee-and wdh to at. tend tb fame, is now removed : Mrs. EMML I has coududed't'o'open a houfe for that purpole, and will be as attentive; tolfc manners, drefs, and behaviour, Vbf the yooWg Ladies committed to her charge,-a$ to t h ? r c 1 e a 0 lj ire fs and diet., . -, - 1. ;f To thofe pirentTwiiO ate'acquattitedtth-Mrs ' Emmet, any ing in her behalf is iineceffary to be iaul ; but to,th6fe who have not .thav pleafure, the riv tii'L" :r... A.. lipfitatc to lay that thev are acquainted witlwno lady more highly qualified" for fuch a charaeV: Mrg. -Emmet's; terms lor 360 200 500 25O 260"" 24 3'7 325 600 1076 36o 1 Co 410 MS 275 260 400 TO 060 tltttt) 2lS3 -32O" 375 i 6d 200 ditto by ditto by ditto by ditto by ditto by ditto -by ditto .by- ditto " by ditto by ditto by ditto by ditto ' by ditto by ditto by diuo by ditto by ditto by diiro . by ditto by ditto - by ditto by ditto by cli'tto by by iHOk ditto. ditto. ditto, ditror ditto. ditto. ditto. tl.tUH dnio d "to, t! .to. ditto ndino" ditio 100 188 100 650 ditto by. by by by by M dillo by ditto by diuo by ditto by ditto by di! to by iluto by . ditto by ditto by ditto by . ditto v by - ditto iy diuo by diuo by ditto by ditto by Vitto by uiu " by John Wallis, John Bums JohnCotbett -j-TrnrfCorbett ' Kdgertou Motte Arehibjld MlJiride J ;t C4 b Po w el I James Thomas' '.'Daniel.' Morgan John "Miller John Picf ' t William Tsv'l -r Executors i Jamei ditio. Kdmoiid h'ooic ditto. Henry Hol'y ' ditto. J . Walker ( Moote'screek ) do joteph In-infon '97 & V8 ditto, ditto ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, -ditto , George Devaun divto. " lietf fH- (arid-!!-. .4t t&, a ... Thomas Gideon, fen, ditto. Wilmington, February It, l3cQ. """' "' '' ' '- " '--" '"" ""'"' Hardy Parker 1 JTmcV Parker" Fitdrrick Rowe White l'arwick Peter Fiat foil Jacob 1 aloti . jijjti Price Jam cs- Po w in' n r - W-ilhion-Dcvaua.- ditto ditto ditto ditto --00 ditto '200 .illb 3 250 45 122 " 175 . 73? 400 ICQ 1 75 .141.: 2C07 zoo 762 795. -120 410 2C0 - .5" 5 1 CO ' '5, 1720. 57. 50 50- Iioo- - 500 ditto. ditto ditto, ditto, ditto, diuo. ditto, ditto, ditto. dittof ditto, ditto," ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto by by by by by by i 1 I.; .1 V : ; iKiaidin. and warning, arc thirty pounus 4 .)ii.f - h mr?? .x-' wra m ft. rti n a ; - or; wtier tnat is noi cuuv.v...f - y:Bk:im$0 bang m..c. :j ::; ; ' A-tlriearr'i board will be requit'cxOn advahe. I0 - 4CO- 351 260 100 500 .100. ' 3IQ 466 4. J95 400 .-.0O- 200 z3;5o icp . 35 " 5; 3 so "A45! . :'2oo , 500 150 400" . 670 I ICCf ta ditto- dit'to ditto' -4k-to Ly ty by by by TTy Thoous Gideo'v jun- ditto. Miwharl I-opoi- John Midpus Jincs Rogeis ..Jia.yiMoi,j'en. P.ederjck-Bu'iord j(.hii Erwicn tih.ur Stiukey J.-liTi Stokelcy J'.;n. Wtliiauxs Plia Tinier" "Arthur lvre Hcurv Blake Thomas Scarborough ditto. Js'tes Khinear... ' -ditto, Mofcs Writter ditto. Abljloai-PayLr 1 ditto. Willuni Walker ; diito. Wfn. AiidcifjO fjiSnly. Thomax Bulky Dauiel BouakauX Thomas Ualhiw .William liuxton Joltpil j'i iid'oa Natlian Cook -Jflcub ClU-a Prttt CAbr .. ' . 1 lfac Coilen - Juhn C.Miie ' Jarf-.es Doaun Jui., Ldens - ; Jacob-Eden -Jaiih Eif o n :z "john, l;cllow8 Nicholas Tenocl S a'Trme 1 G itr u t by JJavid tlail - f "'uTiiri I lin t ' b.y Janica tiovyaru, - leu. o' no. duto. ditto. ditto; ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. duto. ditto. ditto, ditto. ditto. ditto', ditto. ditto, -ditto. ditto. dittor d tto . ditto ditto ditto ditto "drtttJ""' ditto ditto ditto ditto : : ditto . . ditto ' ditto , ditto ditto ' ditto, ditto i ditto ditto " ditto ' 'ditto ditto dstto by ' by by It-' 1-7 by by by M by by b5 Cy" 35 ditto 75ollto . 25' ditto -asoijtiisisL by iy. by by- ' by . by": " yilliam"HenncIiey 'William Hcuffhami Allan Henncfley Thomas James , Jothua Knowlton - DanicTjverf James Lea Thomas Leddon Ifaac jatr.b AVoney.M'Clamey, i Hnry Miller 'Peter M'Btidc " , MarkM'Clamy , . Miry M'Clamy Jolhus PCia;v.my I.hn Malpua, feu, lienjamin Motte, ju n. citto. e:. Malnus ditto. Henry Mipp eor?e Ntwtotr ofeph Newton George Nixfott' Hardy Powell John Page ...' Vrancis' Piidein rk,iv R nrrfl r ditto r James Standley diuo. ditto. ditto. ditto; ditto. ditto'. ..ditto. ditto. ditto' ditto, ditto. dittof ditto, "dittg ditto. ditto. : ditto. 4 li!tS -ditto. ntfttOT ditto. Vditto. ditto. Kdvrtri Spearmsn ditto, dittos mount.., the iertiiuaie debt f this fate, WHEREA it is nectflary to afcertaia the a m'ount of the reititicatt debt ol this ftcte, f "trre-rtTd-that ptovifion ntaybcadcfor-dikhafging-tlit lame : , ... ..j':-,-, -,r:. ,- J. BE it therefore enacled by the General afTembly o QhtilateljeflK e '1 by the authority of the fame, That all perfons hold: ing certiticates of the debt of this lttc, hall oij or be foif the firtt day of December, one thuufand eight hun dred, prefent the fame at the uffiie of the Tieaurer; whole duly it fhall be to regiftcr the. number, date and amount thereof together with the name of the perlont to whom the fue fuall be made "payable, in a hcoJi t: he by him provided for that purpofe ; and ihe 'Pieafur ci hall note on Use faid certificate that the lame haJ been prefented anJ regtilered'as by this acl recuirtdr 11. And be it further cnatd, That all certificates of the debt of thi 'ate, fcot ptclented to the Treafurer ,for the purpoft of tegiftration as aforcfaid, within the timr liftiited by this ac, hall forever thereafter he bar red, and hall not be received inafty payment to the tate, nor m ar.v omce thereof. 111. And beitfurllicr tnafted, Th&t it hall be the duty of the f realurer u give piibhVnotTceof Tlief uiiketflof tiuOjnjllategaztj, ?iu at leaft three other newfpapers within this date, within one month. ham, t lie' 1 ife , of, the GiimUiUlSgjm the lame at lealt three months. , IV. Provided, and be it further eriadlcd, That tint aft or any part thereof Hiull not be contlnitd or operate to give credit or currency to fuch certificates as have by any a6l of this date heretofore been declared .frau dulent, or icfuie-d.to be received at the treafury or other oHcc's (iflfiTs Tale. "'""' State of Ncrth-Carclitia, . dECASTAkr's Offics, February 15, 1800. BY a'tfac"b"f the la (V General Aifembly, Yititkcf, ' An aft to pefed the titles of 'the officeii and : foldiers of the continental line of thistlate, And of ckims under entries made in the office of 'John Arm ilrong," the Secretary i.s.a.uthorifed to itfue grant up on warrant ifiued to foldiers that appears entitled by the milter roll, and fuch m may-appenr to be jut by the report of the comuHuHouers appoiiiied in 1 792 5 and in all cafes where the foldierY right has beta af figned to any other ptrfon, the Secretary hall not if- Cue a grant to the alliguce uulcfs evidence hall be pro duced lo'him of the lairnefs of fuch transfer from the original. claimant ; and that 110 evidence be pro duced to the Secietaiy (or if produced Hull be by hin. admitted ) but fuch as 'may have been given by pcrfoni in his eft i in a t io n di lint ere it e d T.r d worthyof- credit z Therefore, the Secwtky-eouceiving hiiiiftif unable; to j.tJge ofthc -.di.f1ute1-eitcdii.cf3 and credibility of Itran gers, pcjfoiis who in ay be iqi reduced as cvideiiCe, and having no poV.er given him by any law to adminiflcr oaihs, and alfo forthe couvcisiciicc of perfona living at a diltanee, iVp.'r,-That each and every per ion apply ing for a grHt upou a military warrant, or ffn a war rant ifl'ued from the' ofiice v 0 John Armllrong, and claiming The fa me b y aualEgulnti'nro'rra flig u men tsr mutt produce a certificate from iiTifkr the hanl of fonic ..V'-b tA tiL-ourts within -tkid-itinc.' wua the fcal of the county annexed, that the fcvTttal trans- ferToTfTu'2Tnrw and tnat oy cviucuccs, woo, in mv pwviiw cou rt. dideclalroatfrthaTtliey and that fome one of the Juticea ot iuch court, then, prefent, did affo declare that he was' acquainted with and believed' futlv evidence to be of credibility. - WILLIAM WHITE, Secretary. N O T I C E. I Have been infoimed that the ShciiiT of thie coanty, has levied an execution againft the late Benjamin jfl'r, otfiijNegro well known bytthe name of Cox, as being-the propVity of faid Benjamin : 1 do Jitreby 'forewarn the Sherift . or any other perfon from telling or , cxpolinghe faid Ntgtt. for falc. ; alfo cautidii all per- fons sainiVpucchaling of him, as whoever doei, wiil Undouotecly purchalc ao unprofitable lawfuit--r-the right of faid Negio being u me, as will appear by a1 h-ll nf fale duly cxecutedrand recorded irr the county ; urt ot fek. JOHN LOCKHART, Vkc county, P h. iG7, 100. . .. . V, A N T E D, -vV--.'. A Tourneymari Waggon-Maker, to whom a Keiicrous price will be .iven by the month nr vVar - William Daniel, Raleighi feh. 4. .vi'i' v.uu.vt Sherift's Deeds, Coinmon do-and Warrants tor laie ai uus wkilc . t . -" ..' 1 . r,., . t

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