'2? - ' i, NORTH CAROLINA M INERVA AND R ALE I G HI D V E WI S i ljiGv-PuBLisHED EviRYUESDAY BY HODGE & BOYLAN, Printers to th Statj. T U S D A T, -;: March 4; 1 800. .Numb. to3 . yo!.iv "r . ...reft -r LONDON, November 20. . AoMfkALTtzQuicft-NaiiM. ffttj $raJrtttr,firtm captain Macnmara, of Hit Majej! Cerberus, JSt. Andre t Ut. 12, 1 799. " Sir, ."On -the 20th; at 5 P. M: CapeOrtugal tearing S. S. W. or 9 leagues, a fl'ct ' d:f:overcd from our -mafUiead,--ftandi:ttp: -and, -nearly- touchio-gr-b ""''""iipf' neray nuw iVx'tied oiViy to Wiih to join Hia fquadroo to leeward, -as h'cjwrjjm!d.a;r Ia.iL fprthajjurp.ife, and his fire was uct verv h.'ii. To ohtia'.c hit intentions, 1 wore, and engaged. hiro-undcr hi lee. At hsltpalt S? Ins re was completely. fi!e:ccd ; but all my effort! -to take po!k5n of hi wci- rendered fruitlefa by the tithii buadrnn tit-ui ..up lj lupport nun,- .wnicik I no'wTlb'J'.id to co if. -V five filiates and twn ungs, On hanliit', up, t; v vc .t !-eir . -tked; we nearly fell n boonl of .one o; tliVm.' and carried away her.mai;i .torilail yaidvi-5 the "re.V-c!t pArt 'of tlit ti!ie keeping tip i fire on boih fiJ;,"I I'.'idc;- i :ic inortu y uig Ptcciiii y to Haul oi. 1 then Uid Im'M of on: o1. feT 13 no one who mufl not congratulate himfelf on the firft The Ictten from . Augftwrg ft'ate that general SiJ wan ow has -adually begun-hii march to retur n hbmc, and that hii whole amy i$ in motion Thii mult to a -eemmgrernirfcnrimilienITi montH,and roifionally thrown into prifon, have been A 1.J..1.. 1 1 r ' 'r . firtuuu.c, auu injure inc proiecuticn ot tne war a gain ft France; though it is xtremcly'eirjhat the im-. portance of the Rufijans"ha been greatly oter rated. Vienna the wiihes ol tht people are in favour cf peact. roltticians thrre thu.L that the late crrnts 1 C3IZS-2r25 Xirtrvimcr fronTBruncli of laft m aid de camp, lan've to Latour Mauburg, it has been conce -..1..T.. - binrcu 10 tririr co n -uy A';i;oii l was entmv'i fit'.adron was within a mile, (landi.iJ rovaid us. rsady to fuppart each oMcr. Chat vrrv zeaious officer, Lieut, St;ic- poh, performed thii TerTce In f th"Joily boat. Uiwnjr hard" snd in a heavy fea. The CerTffrm nHyjufffrejd in her fails and rijrguv, and tour men wounded ; whicfe fire, andan unexpeibi atiacK, mint h?.ve vhrowo the enemy into. I oliferved, in the lnti part of the afti n, fome of their frigates fired whole i"oV.Jfides with ut mot. 1 have to regiet I had not another frigite with rr.e, as in that cafe, I onfidint t "fliouhl have . deftroyed 'the greatell part .of the enemy's convoy, aid --'fcifS-ukcn "frrm'e "sftirt.WT irrrn-"--""'" Lnced ne t -fay. ilrat !v' cfTicn rtZ "hip'f rirtpl- " jytf HU McjcuVa-nVp wu'er ny. c-m-nin.-!, ihewed thcmfelvis cool and 'intrepid -u - i. ; ar.d tio-tU I hare -r ; not been f:tu n a i e crvu.;h t. rvk r a -)y or'i-e f r,t iv; y V charge 'jd'affairs- at that" court, is, gting to France-in ofdar to come to .this coinftry to fili thcofTjce to which it was mentioned in-the French papers that he had been appointed. ' armiftice between rhs Feneh ton fa! -and -Clionah chiefs has by no means put an end to the hopes of our government , from that predatory war. They !arn by private letters that they liill continue in grft Wce, xind that they7ererife iVcir adherents in open, day . The plan of an expedition to the coaft of Nor ir.andy 11 therefore jueferved with incrcafing fpij its, . and ihe,kopei.o.jraike--a-tIi;ent-':-n;'-Fri nee vnth 100.000 tfoops "of-ditTeufit f ations, EngliHi, Ruffians, Swili, and French. ' Captaiii Tnjrlor, t!ic diike of-York's fecretary, oes to Sr. Peteifor.rgh to afiift m digeftirVg the ncr ortRele cnanges, arid who mult not be dafirous of the latter. All thejerfons condcmnedJfl releafcd- The Ex-Prinee of Heffe, has been the laft who,h3shee at of the prefemt joTcrnment (hew that it is attempt brr to uciliate the public mind ; but, the ttyle of the Journi'ls i fiicrri that n has bce moft afluredly fucceff-ji ihall con trad for more troops than we ever purchaled Jniu yJcrmc t y eajW in thij fttiice or notr wextnnorfayVnbut wt know that the rumour of fuch a deiign will do rnre to unite all the hoHile patties in France, than the effected mo deration of tht coafnli, or tit? ihort -lived energy which the government has deiiycd ftum the late 'military con- vu.uon. . f circles of. Mr. Dundai's journey to Scotland' was frons dep political reafoni.- Some .fay that he is a b.int to retire from ofii e, and is to be called! up to ;h? firiiic"fPeersr"A"TnthffT tn f 1 r (S'it or tfi; r on t re 1 .. 1 1 i i v v i J 1 h 1 c h h c -. ' 1 mi .. utCM n;a. ' fauadron, I hope 1 may be v' ? ble alTiitsnce i recir ived rrof r.ii if.'htVv nnarter .deck, aud'U-c t vrur,,' A mv oriler?, -! Wk a" ?c!t. roeuvre tin or -tl tV .Kill the ThJp coriiDoiing lhc -e-vr.My a tq nctron. 'f-nd y 'mi' as picn to mt.by the '.mioncrs- taken out ot the nip we burned. ' i hare the hbor to Se, ic. - ( Sirred " I ' (2,t." ' . 'I ' Cil.7 Scotland'- at r Fi A C tl . perforal interview wiii) Sir -Ra'ph .Kerctombie, i'"1 do away Ionic ; 11.it luvritf !F".f;';n' which has oCrrcd on the late expedi' .ijnd. ruin to .1 e w -g fo ncctflVv'-.M'ur the enemy from Ik- A lette, Ikoi c:trr5.Tbhn -correfpondent of the 7th bat advantage o:: .ichji, great a fupeuo.i- ; inUa.:, 'li Our a,cha:Mo tf Icarcitrhavc fob a'otWrwife have -r- ih-:u. lV 'names of hxit .they ar iucccc.e.-1'by bur appjehenhousof hi conooiin'lhe rr.y fq ndron, I .herewith French' invalio'n and the t.tpop- forwarding to this 1 " : '. k ,1,- ,:rA..-v0.t,t,-n ii'it of i cMintrv feem to Ihew hit vurcrfroTernmcnt'a'Ifo 13 ot , . lav. ,Ki...uUi..i. L. Ce-es ' XiDiana L'Etncvalda 44 40 ' 4.0 '3 J..a.Merc.eJcji' aa '-La-Rclojoi. NEW-YOIIX, r.ruArr 15. q.-untry fcern tojhew hit yBurJgorernmcnt'a'Ifo' 13 ot without expedition ot inch an event. '".""The'Coiiudate.lnrc agreed to the demand made by Gen. Knox, cf re!idi::j at Ca!ais, for the purpofc of being better enLlfd tn i cany- iota ciTed the rcleafe of the Seoo Fiemh pr!.foners,.jlipi)lated by the conven ts ojCAinLiJciltlIkma unsbertisto ac- ... . ... 1.- l-company turn. - . ' . .. .A-vJcrman paper. tits: About coo itilrt rebels a- :'rvcA At .Emlcn, and were .received by a -Pruffian o'fu;cr, wiio -.-r;c; them one dc-llar, or three (hlllingj '.crling bounty each, licing bged in the barrss t!,tv iliOV' ht of reinlinff themfclvca with-pin after - - - ; rt k ' - , . l vn;'l,wJjh .puprn to tie fcvr-.tejnlii of Dccemhcr, r( 'ceived ttthi'QfTice of tht jVercentLre. Mverlifer. : their, voy'a.ff'e ; unfortunately,-. trey get too rr ucu in- and bean talkirfg or cutiui.cy oft King t headi, 1. h e fl ext m or n 1 t?g (Vr- 5 J. a o ncri v.f . .rerouitiBnai v-Mii e,- Fayette, were about-to be recalled. . Thiiis poffiblc, and I in a '-'certain decree probable,but nothing autheatic has hern puMiftied which lead to deonftratc that fuch a meiifure is in agitation. The recalling of the Dutchefs of Arerr.berg and of fome ot her Br abaLtefs furrimes no argumer.t on fuch a fubjeft. v ' ismce vvrtttrvg the above, we learn that Pans papers to the oth have been received in twn,--Themoft iati- pprtaat eircumftance which we can eelfeel from them is an inference which we are abIertodrawefrom the re. publican ftatemejits, that the Auftriani have obtained riew advantagc in T Italy. December 16; The Clyne, George, Wennel, and three other vcf- ftds,-on hia Msjefty's lateProclamation permitting "a." Commercial Intercourfe With Holland, cleared n-.t of -the- C x ftcm-Hcu fe i n L nd on i n hslla ft T6rArnftei4ia. where, on their arrival, theT were feized, and their 3bt e w4oif ge3:tfFgoaI:T:tEFBaiaviari ledgtng, that they had not opened their ports to Lng land. -eeifhy'the- E;'?h mil du'to-d he a dozeuof the mcrtt u.:-i(y were fluted with Vicna a C a -;t G t ' e : ;ai!liiJkniki-lC ThTiIerent adioris. .which" have ' t i'i. ' n . P: cf.Pon ?':g j j.'.e to ail '-therrit, wh- fec-ned to be all fine yo'ing -j!tlh,'irpen yatiwi'' ;p!iint..f:ary extfn-.ie'J-lme- rpdlti'c)t fro.n 8. to 50 Vai s of age. . They after- There hid bf'fii n (-rjyj.fMcntjnur rom every , , 'wre divided in mall parties, and convey edun- "pT'fl they'cctn)i;.'d ti.rFi.ru! li 't.. iiu-teih:wrlr-crTTvyn. dcr '.ftTonSv'0 x different regiments, where, the TKt- etizU 'tfr:vniM-'r.;;:-'i .reach ''wa.to t!ie f.$'.li:. n;cer tjtj hem,;th- would ft rr.oft particularly ta- fd m 1 1 , V, - 1 j t to tha PC- f ,mn --f 9ihi.u.rarri'n.riVrnnrV'rrQmmehded' I w - J : -T - - , J Djeccbcr 15.:' the hitDid!(;ii or arsrs ccnciuced the F; cn'ch"'4ii p s inbv rtod'-t h ar ritirr h e -yd - q ii T' t ' V the. -sotn iports; '0 CVan !,!u'' -re 1 the P;.iia r'-a' X r--?.?;i:teo i'1 -M " vol fe.'.!- -Tiiey by ve (i-'hn'i hi-'h 3' v r tHfe-iif re' of C'ivf vN, t'red fcim to h vc -,i ZZ.lviiicf.ii-, iiut l:-:-i2 rc'iiforcfd, ; ir-Ce- ', V'Wt.Vr, !"V U) fi' A' V r. Mil! . L- Tic! ra " Upon , Hid, the re 1 u . Ji 1 ,- l ' , I'lHMS It Jl 1 ' 'S C l N'-tVitliilandin 2 p'aflVs i'-to the- Ge 4dw2cetbH-cdoirxille,3'iid of .the royaMIt chiefs, fcuin-'-all 'the pa "Htppears that not'' o'ril'tthc dill rid otV-nnrs,- in which -revsi-'T.m-m.a. cd cao beiivSfn:;' -al.t--rti-),v---n;v oiienine. "-wi,:,.- tl4 bt n;t!;'w 4'T thenrbc. flr7-!V'cV.mpV-te!v c-d iecji, the An-' p-rid -: that cluv fr.'.ia ft ih kvtvpijc.a; I is laid, 1 ; 'e w I fe' t o b s' t' ! : VrrrrS i f rhe' A- K(lan .nvcr.nwent 1 b.e :nvt if-C;f!?...iGeral George commiods,. ami-par t of Normandy, t.', .w iv : -L in- 1 which ts urdcr-the (iirenmn ot Uenerat frottcenit- hiht their holtilitfe8.W4111.il ae republic, but that -the faUtisare parts, of theWtll, and particularly in Ac e'epartmentof which' Tours is thc.chief.place.; A letter from that city, da ted en the lit inft. leads n? todselicTe that the mo- rten. Hedouville, reiules vaihtr to the royalift chiefs than tohtir foldi ers, an that a great part of the IatterNlnic gone to 'incieafe:the:ot4rr i' is afipomtJi t. rvA povvem.1 -rei:jloipfi :nts l.i t,'.vli arnf'Y in this1 Urna .t,Jwa K;.ii r.t new , op'TCirioni nave i?en. : nrev i Rer to circulate, -'feri&Tio'it' 'A .jrcat;'appe,irs.'ute-'(;f pr'cbahd,.tyr, 1 .' Several change corps which are yet "der arms.- , hntK in'thr aJminiDratie .and in . fiitnae'v the confuls vAittoicr hasT t nrmw' Viav Vl(n tn : oeen appointca . 10 juccccn iiiiicuiaiuci. ?, wwnu ud it it thougrht '.thai the min'ifter d'Orquiio wilKalfo 7 - .... . j- -; . ' h ej e long bc'fuccccdcd by fome other perfoq P A R I S, December 12. Different Journals have given in a iiilVf the or.dt- dates -fur thr trorrf vffktprVKi'ipTZTeiv$ t of IKS'na have pointed out Citizens Volne' , Berliner am Tsd . lcyrand Perigord as Colleagues to Buonaparte oti-er", - . who prr ti-nd to an cqnl degree of information, aiiurti; " us -th.it BiTonapatte will he 'the firft Cpnful, and will have tor .his colleaijues Gars.t r-' T':c fadiM ftK Impatiert arc carly ilf.iu. 1 Cti.. f.ve: thing ..elucidated. We think they muft yet wait at lead ten days. 5 ' i Paris is at tl;i;s moment the. retidetrous of almofl. alj our generals. Buonaparte a (Tern bled at the Loniulat Jfalace, on the th cfDccember, the twoiLegiflative Gorasiifli- ons. Roger Ducos took the chair. Darvnou read the plan of the New Conftitution, of which we have only hitherto colleded imperfed frag ments, f j : ' ...'-- -;- - - '-: " The difcuffion was calm, and every way worthy of h gteat a caufe. They firft difcultcd it in whole, and then article hy article. Some of tfre articles weie ftrOngly combated, hut they were carried by a great majority : others were re- jeded, and it was here that Buonaparte manifefted his wonderful powers, for, after having colleded all the opinions for .and.,againft an article, he commented on the argument advanced,, and concluded by bringing the majority to agree to the proportions which he naade The affembly did not feparate till fcvea o'clock next morning ; anu tne cuimauic uiuiwi cumnu u digeft "the alterations which,wcre made ; and the aA .wilLhcjnade . ' Citizen Roederer has now lifted up another corner, of ThTTuTTaurrtnl The following iithe (ketch whichriegives sf the pub Itf eftijiment j : ' , ...'-,; . ' JLtgijiatlveovjer, , 'rr ".There is to be a Council oi State to propefe lv, which Council of State conltitutes part of the Execu tive power. -For the difcuffion oft hefe propoftd lawg, there is a Tribunate, or a felcd body of the Rcpre.fen tatives of the people ; and a Legillative body to decide epoh the propofitions after thCy lute been difcufled ot . aliented to. -. The Legiflative Body is to'confift of jco members ; the Tribunate of 1 o ; and the Council ofjtate of 30. Executive Power. -'.-' -- v-- : Thet e is to be a 6rft .or priBtipal Cwiful inrefted ; with power to appoint and remove, Mini(lcrs, Gene rat's.. AmbaiTadors, and Coiiufcllors of StateThere arc to be twei other Confuls to difcufs public matter in concert with the firlt .Conful. They are to hate but , a confultive yoice ; their perfons are inviolable. Th are named far tcn'years ; they may be re-elededi they at 111 hav 3 guard. The grand Conitil will have gco,oo frances of falaVy,. .-There are befides two councils of , State, the owe for the Department of Fdreign A fairs, and the other forvthe Home . Department.- , This lat trr Council will have the initiative. It will haye alio if fs 4.

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