dercd by an a$ of the laft fcflion. They alfo find, that of the former appropriation for; that objeft, a njountinj? to 1 ,000,000 of dollars, therc remained, at he .beginning of this year, an unexpended balance of. 700,000 dollara. It appearing'' doubtful whether it will be expedient to' haften the building of thofe (hips, fo much as to require,,, for the pcefent year, n expen diture beyondthe amount of that balance, and confe qiiently, whether the good of, the fcrvice will require any additional" appropriation for that object at this tioie ; 1 bave the honor of requeuing that you will be fo good as to furnilli me, for the ule of the " Commit ' 1ubrl . ipi&ZT tP,ht point. ;jiaerfuad-,.. d that'll ; would be gratifying to the Commltteelo be favoured, ".alfo with a ftatement of the fads and reafons whereon that opinion may be founded. i have the honor to be, with fentiments of -rjttrgfr tetpectro'T'ryoxtrTnrmtlieTttr' very humble fervant, . -(Signed,) ROBERT G. HARPER. (No. M.) Navy Department Bih Feb. iZoo THE livemk frames fqe tTreflX74 gTirt (hips, will coft delivered at the building places, 300,006 dollars i Theoihcr timber call iSo.oco dollars. The riecefla fary preparations at each yard, for building pot only" thefe, but (hips that may fee' hereafter authorized, fe curing the timber for feafoning, purchafing fufScient groundlbr capacious building yards, whre. the timber, rari bedeivtyfiteji in-mtrr fe as avmiiftnfiderable expenfe in piling an J unpilin to get at the particular pieces wanted, will coil 200,000,. making.68ovooo dollars. ' - ' - V. . .' - .; V '. :- : The greater part of thefe cxpences ate already incur, red, and the whole mutt be incurred early ill the fpring. This amount added to the coft of trie fix Tmall veflclsto be built out of the appropriation of oh milli on of dollars, being 300,000 d :l!afs, will abforb nearly the million of dollars appropriated for thefe 'objects..;' me mms wnicn nave oeen advanced, ana mult ceaa-. vanced for copper, will amount to more than the dif- terence, but there may be a laving in lhe cxpeiice dt jl VMI llJ IIIV U" MO ., . It is for the wildom of Congrefs to determine whe ther" we maintop here or go on rapidly, in building the fix 74 gun mips. In the latter cafe, (Jcccco dollars, vnllbe wanted for thefc (hips in the prcfent year. But if, we may fafcly want until the timber foi the fliip.s is nroperly feafoned, they will be infinite! v better and .14. . ' . J mote durable-by many years, -than if they are "now built W 4 1.11 lllUUkl - V U It III! I III. WVI.'US Ulliy JIllUV. pim.". and the vaffal of a foreign power. Tre yoke of bon dage was confidercd as flavilh and humiliating, and was felt to be impolitic and oppreffive j our commerce our. manufacture and our'revenuci were, controuled and li mited ; the Ihips ofour merchants were obliged t cling to'our (bores, until their deftination, was permit ted and directed by afoieign court, and the fountains of our revenues were ordered to be turned intq a foreign channel. The genius of Liberty lighted up a park of heaven-born freedom in the American bread: ; it grew into a flame which fpread from end of the conti nent to the other j but; there was no chief to direct its operations, ,ir toUhmulate its exertions. There was however a tatmervJtj a neighbouring Rate, whole valour in days of old had before been witntfTed, and was now" recollected witlfjoyrj He had liurig up his f word,- and ""-as cultivating underthe lhadei)f his lau elgTfrcnTilld'anrof ealfeTiTlalhef la w til m"oa the heights of Mount Vernon, tendiug his flocks and his fields s " the fineer of Heaven Dointed to the fpot - beHArasalledownithclainourouavQice to unfurl the ltandaru of treedom, and with modelt duty he obeyed the call. Ten tbouiand heroes rulhed tothFpla herty.wiped;j away 4he.teaj:hc....f''tftarj;ing. in her eye, and the "-iadjenid;yagci'bf ltM vr.Wigbt cned into joy. v', - I will not detain you With a tedious detail of the Various misfoitunes and the various fucceffes of his nai li fary career. It i3 fufficicnt to fay, that owing to tfee numberlefs difficulties which he had to encounter, a cloud Iiungt-over the early-operations if his-arms, but by his attention and by his kill, that cloud was foon dilrJcrfed, and the funlhine of liberty burlt with da3zling fplendourron our wellern world, fie wrt!l ed the blood fpiinkled fceptre from the gripe of nujcf- ty, and threw it again acrofs the Atlantic ocean ; the manacles of flavery crumbled into allies at his touch and the lofty American freed from the (hackles of op pieflion, raifed once more his peniive head, and walk ed at large with all the dignity of free-born man. -When at length he had-reftored -us t peace and freedom, he refigned his command, but to his eternal h o no vn t f u fed 1 o" recei ve-a ny co m p enfation for his Hfervicer for he was contefit in his country's caufe free ly to fufeject his life 'to peril, kia fortunes tojeopaidy, and his conltitution to decay. But his term of duty had riot yet expired the United Statts thought pro per i$ cement their intereits by a more intimate confe deration than had before fxilted j our picfent confli tution was fotrhcd,and by the Unanimous fuIFrage of his country he Was once more tiirjj.from.the enjoyments rcTe'ntT'bftotlarhYer winter, and confequently in a very green (late and if we can lowait, this 600,000 dollars will not be wan ted for the prefent year. If we flop here, we fhall always be in a fituation to lay the keels, and to proceed -with fuch rapidity in. building the fhipsv as to aTr4 ground tohope that they maybe fent to fea, in lefs .than a year from the com mencement of the building. ,ilnavc honor to be, with real refpeft, fir, your mod obedient fervant. . BENJAMIN, STODDERT. Ion. R. G, Harper, 'Chairman of ihel ; Cmm'.tfce of Ways and .Means. y ' v , The refolution" contained in the report Wa9 a greed to without amendment ; ayes 50 ; and the Com mittee of Ways and Meuns intruded to report a bill, accordingly. . " " ' : -''.: RALEIG II, March 18, x8o0. r-r t r tr f. r . I I . I i i i .c? foiioiving aetacnea jeuenccj from toe u; aiion 0; -rirpurYian Fayetteyilky on the lid ulu wilt give the pulhc Jnc idea of that ' gey -tleman s jlyle and manner . . The taflt of celebrating the actions of other men has not generally-been difficult ; they have ufually been deferving of praife, on account of fomtr few com- mendatory qualities, or lorne. few remarkable atchieve- mutifo 'l"'KwlvJft "' - f . . . ." 1 - - v - r ture : perhaps he remembers that he was jnit, but con vinced alfo that . he was rnefcilcfs, he fuffers the half finifned image to link from his hands.- . Perhaps he has recorded that he was' brave, but recollefting alio that he was cruel, he hallily clofes the defcription. The . front of the building' is fmooth and elegant he 'there-, -fore paints"" that fide dkneand hurprererus tlie partial andfc3pe to the public eye. He will not however def cribe any of the other angles, left his pencil Ihould be eorhptlled to. difc'ofe a rotten pillar, or a crumbling ' arch. But the noblje edifice which -is ijow attempted rn be drawn, is not ol'i tht defcriptiAn ; each fide f f r 1 . i r prclents a new aod-iglonous lpectacie ; aoundiei8 va riety of beauty Is featteied over the ftupendous dome, : and falutes the eye at very glance ; innumerable ex ceilcncies rufh on tne fight and claim to be. the .fiift pourtrayed.- The hand of the artilt is not arrelled by the ftar of difcljOfing a defeat, but by an apprehenfion that te is unable to delineate fuch an, affemblage of perfedion; He has not to confider at what angle he ii to flop, he is only perplexed to difcover at what feature of rariegiied excellence he fhall firft commence " rhere was a time when the United States of A nicrica did not rank among the free nations of the jearth ; when this im men fe caantry was the tributary- 1 -.V ..- ." -. .'. ....... "... . magiftrate of the Union. He heie (hone with equal brilliancy in the charadttr ot a Itatefman ; he formed on, an oecbnomical p'an, the arrangement of bufinefs under the new eilabiifWeut ; he fecurtd by treaties, nht peace isch he hd ubxiwitKiliy hisfworj. Ctom .ro.erce again hoilted her canvas to the gale, and each ocean was l'panglcd with ihe ibrs oi cur flag, The cheerful hufbandraan again whillltd at the plough, and whtrevcr a town had been dellroyed by thefnes of .war, a city hitd arifen from its ahcs. -At length he rofe from the prefidential Chair, and retired once more to the waiks of private lie follow ed by the blefiiiigs and the thanks of a grateful people, and pofleflld of the viituou3 1 conicioufnes of having deferved them. " He will return no more t(f afli.t us with his conn fel, or to protect us with his' arms. The hand which faved his country, lies , motionlefs in death ; the eye which flamed terror on her foes is riofed in night, and, a cold clod rttls on the bofom which once warmly panted for his country's honour . .'... But his re putation fhall never die, as long as vinne remains alive. Ages yet unborn fhall tell his orth to ages which fuc--ceed them, , and when the hand of time lhall have rnb bed,cut the mcmorialslvhich gfatitude fhall inferibe,. Amer'ica itftlf will leruaiii hi6 monument, for as long as our country furvives, the nian -a ho placed its name' among the catalogue of nations can never be forgotten. The verdure of other laurels may fade and die, but the luftre-cf-ow-wn-roortal chiei-llxoMi4m'e-ta.glowMiv.uh- -encreaiiHg-fplendour, Thefand-which-is gatheredby- one flpod lillcattered by another, but the rock al ways continues in its place ;" and the ftream of blivi on which is continually wafhing away "ihe difloluble fabrics of other heroes, lhall roll withont injury over the ademant of OUR WASHINGTON." . Have arrived! at JDifbon. This agreeable information was brought by Capt. Machet', who arrived here o,n Saturday laft. from Cadiz. Tbe intelligepceLwas rt ceived at that place by letters from Lifbon, dated tjic beginning of December,; "" ; r-'h Bojlon Paper. - In Senate of the United States v . V , . Fell vary a 6, 1 800. ' v , A motion waTaiadc! ihat it be Refolved, That a committee of privileges be, and they are hereby diieftcd to enquire, who is the edi tor (of the news. papr printed in thecity of Philadel phia, called i tSe General Adycrtifer, or Aurora, and byr;what means thtedito of a bill prefcribing. the. moder-ofeciding difputed eleftions of Prefident arid Vice-Prrfident of the Unt ied States, which was printed in the aforcfaid newj- y - .. - r: ! -. - paper, pullifhed . Wednefday morning, the 19th Fe bruary inft. and by' what authority he publifhed the fame ; and by what authority the editor published in the fame paper, that the honorable Mr. Pinckney a fenatar from South Carolina, and a member of the commitcee wh brought before the fenate the bill a forefaid, had never been confiilted on ; the fubjeft ;: and generally enquite the origin of fundry aflertions in the fame paper, refpeft ingjt he fenate of the Uni ted States, and the members thereof in their official capacity, and why the fame were publifhed, and make report to the fenate ; and that the faid committee hare power to fend for. perfons, papers and tccordsi ttla- ling to tne luojeci cuiimnucu 10 uiera, ,A. f'lf Counterfeit Bank-Bills. Frm an Alexandria paper, of ' the. 2 th uft Yelterday two men were apprehended lor having pafltd a number of counterfeit and loo dollar, bill of the hank -of the United State3. On their examina tion, it was proved, that they, a few days fince, arrived at this port in the fchooner Two Brothers, from Kew Otleans : and. from , evidence it appeared, that vaft quantities counterfeit flotcs of the above dtfenptt 01 were in general circulation at that place. t zz&zizz gxMzszz sz'&jz zz.yZSi szsssz sis: ' Toihe Freemen of tit 'Counties $f orange, ivuiiuoipii, ounrora ana caiweii : ' Fellow-Citizens, - ' THE timeTor which the Prefident and Vice Pfefi dent of the United States were elefted to office, will expire in March enfuiugrand in November aexti Eleftors will be chofen by the People. to fix ori Men proper to fill thofe important dations for the enfuing four years. ' . ; - r Europe, within bat a very few vears paft, has - ..- hibited to the world a feries of revolutions and political con vnlfuins the moll awful and aftnniiTiInrr I Dfnlat int appears to have fpread its tefrofa on every fide, in that ArvnteA niiartr of rhi" crloh. 'nA millirvna n( th man race have perifhed in the ttruggle. TV It-.t.V- J Jft,! , , .! maintained her internal tranquillity; and though her .- - . m, . . commerce nas Deen injurea Dy tus rapacious violence ot "the nations at 'wafjye the bleflings of Peace, end her citizens that Security and. Happinefs which can be found, only in the land " where Liberty is the object of the Conflitutiorr, and the Laws are faithfully adrainiftertd. Forrmy own part, L cannot, help attributing thi$ Peace, Security and Happincfs which our country now enjoys, (next to Divine Providence) to the wife firm, andpatriotic meafuies which our-government, under the adminiftration of Washington and AbAMS, baa adopted and purfu'ed in thefe critical times. " Deeply impreflcd with tbefe confiderations, and fe- , " ; - ' 1 riouflyr(apprchenfive of the confequences which might refclt from the intrnduAion of oppofite coaacils ; I -no'll artlentlv w'fh to fe -men of the fame nolitiral principles continued in ojfice, and being aware of the ftrong oppofi t ion which has been made, and is ft ill to be expected to the election of luck men, and tajhe ve ry meafnres, which in my opinion have promoted our profperity and flrengthered our union I have prefu med to offtr myfelf a candidate foxjhe ofEce of Elect or for this diftrid. I feel myfelf the mcue emboldened to do fo, fince no confpicuous talent of mind arc re quifite in fulfillipg its duties ; no other qualifications being heceflaryj as I conceive in the Man who (hall be fo appointed, but to be pofleffed of a proper fenfe of the value of liberty, a due legard for the real intcrefta of olir country, a drift adherence to its conftitutional principles, and a firm determination to vote for fuch men only to fill the offices of Prefident and Vice Prefident, whofe charadtcrf, for ability, virtue and patriotifm, are eflablifhed and unqucftionable. Such, my fellow-citizens, arc my fentiments onthi iropurtant fubjeft If they meet with your approbati on, L will hope for your fupport. -- -'-..:.: . .. : WALTER ALVES. Orange County March llth 1800. ADVERTISEMENT. THE"fobfCfibertegrleavrro-informhepo general, and his friends in particular) that he has taken that large and commodious houfe in Green-ftrect, juft above. the well known ancient dwelling of Robert Cochran, Efq where he intends to eftablifh himfelf for the reception of fuch genteel boarders and travel lers a ffir hnor :. .Hiri. with their company.-- His ac commodatibris being equal to any in the placed and be ing determined to ufe every exertion to give fatisfac t on, he flatters himfelf to merit the encourao-empnt nf - the public, " - ' r WILLIAM DIC jt. V Z 'ir-nr .. I .1 -nl - r ayeiieviue juarcv, pD IOOO. . .. ADVERTISEMENTr HpHE Snbfcriber propefesrempvingirom this place" X to Nafliville, in the rnanth of May pext, where he will refide as a Lawyer'. -In that capacity, and) a agentifor weftern lands, he offers his fervice3 to his iendi in this State, and to. the Poblic. Lettere, poft paid, directed to him at Lumberton until, the firft of -if X i?d - after :that ' -time' to Nafhville, ia Tenneflee, "will be attended to with punfluahty. " : . - -j;- ; 4 v.' v ': davId ker. - Lumierton, February 18, 1800. '