... 1 ' ' ' . ; J ,-. . ... ... . . . ....... - . . .... , NORTH-C ARftLINA MINERV A,' RALE I G H A D V ERTIS ER, 7? a Z, G Published i very TUESDAY by HODGE cjr EWLAN, Printers to the State. Vol. IV. . T T T? o ': -r-v -..' A ..u r. o U A I , APRIL I, 1KC0. 207 THE r Letters from hi excellency Mi. Kin?, in London, dated 24th Deccuibet, mention, that, from accounts there, Denmark had -joined the coalition,-and Swe den was expected very ihortly to follow the example that a general Peace was not expected ; but a partial peace between France and'Auftria was not improbable. . NEW CONSTITUTION . . ..." -',.-'..- . OF THR ff oittciAL con. -' CHAPTER I. At. 1. The French Republic is one and imli?ifi fele. ; ' ' " " ' .... Its European territory is diilributed into-departments and communal dillricts. 2. Every man born and Uefidnt in France, andofj the gt wfii jrci, wKo ha luiciibed his name in the civic rcpriftcr of his communal diftrift, and afterwards remained a year on the tenitory of the French lirpu! Iic,iYa' French citizen. yi 3. A foreigner becomes a French citizen, who af ter having attained the age of 21 years, and declared his intt ntion of fixing hi'3 refidencc in France, and has icfided there for ten fiiccefiwc years. " Tjjg title of FrencircitiEen ia forfeited : By accepting any office or. pcnfion from a foreign governirent . ByafriTiiion with any foreign corporation which ' fuppofes distinctions of birth. liy condemnation to corpoial or infamous punifli nients. , . - 5. The exen ife of iho rights of a French citjxen is iuipendcd oy a banki uptcy, or by a total or partial fucceffion to the propd tV of aa infolvent. By a ftate of hiicd (crviiode, either attached tothc fe r'vrcc of t he pe r f n 6 r famil f . r fey a (late of judicial interdiction, accufation, or contumacy. ' t , 1. , K. In order to K$roTeth rlrt MMUpT thcy nnidhave been acquited by. being domiciliated by a year's, refidene, and not tor faced by a yea;'s ab fence. r 7. The citizens of every communal di(lrit Hull ap point by their-fuffraes, ihofe whirn they think mott worthy of conducing the public affairs. There fhll be a litt of confidence, ccouii)iiij a nu'n.Uer of nam;s equal to a tenth of the number of citizens po Helling the right f fiiffrage. ..Fcorn hs Irrlt colmhunal Hit the public functionaries of di.lricts ihall be taken. 8. The citizens comprifeJ in' the com onnal lifts of a department fhall a'fo appvint a tenth of their number. Thefe Hull conltituic a leco.iJ lid, caU'.d the dtpart ment lift, from which the public functions of each department fhall be taken. . 9. The citizen iucluJeVr in the depait mental lift mail alfo appoint a tenth of tl.cir . number ; this third, lift (haH'confiit of the.itiicru of each department eii gible to public national' hmdtons. 10. 'flie citizens who dull h.ive a riht af co.ope-j rating in the formation of any of the .lilts .mentioned in the tliree prectdlnr articles, fliall every .third year, he called' upon to exeicif: the power; of replacinj; thofc jo. ha ..lhalLtia vs-.4icu f-j wtedhewrv--i-it atty- othercaufe than the exercife of a public falter ion. I lTTTiqnmay alio withdra.v from the lilts, thofe' .whom they fiiall not ju ige proper to continuerMd replace tlem by other cituens in whom they "muy hay greater confidence. -v 12. No one (hail be erafed from the litis, btherwife than by the'vote's of the decifive m.jirity t f ihe'ciil zanp, having the right 'of co operating in their forma tion. .' -,-:.' .-. - 13. No ore fhall be erife J from the li t "of thofe e'.i-. gible to public natijiial fiiudlions merely becaufe his name may have been itruck out of a litt of an inferior .fuperror degree. : 14. The appointment tothe lift of ehVibles is only neceftary w ith - regard to public function, for which that condition is'exprefsly required by the conititution or by the law All the lifts ol the eligibles fhall be formed in the courfe of thc yth year ! - ' CHAPTER IF. . 1 5. Tlie confer vatory fenate Jhall be corppoTed of So members, ef 40 yeartiof age at leaft, to' be ifrcr .movable during ljfe. . - ,- .- . . For ahe tnfortf3ti6n of the-fenate, ihe're (hall be nominated, in.tht; firft inftance, 4q memberi-r-this number Ihall been'creafed to 62 in the courfe of the 8th; vear, to 64. in the 9th year';, and Ihall be gradually en r-creafedoby the addition cf two Tncmhcrs-iaach- , 1 rTln nAmtnAii In .. CT. C f . A ll I . 11 . . a t 1.1 ' :! 1 . - . I. Dy me ienate, wno than make choice out of thefe can didates pre fe n ted to th era j the firft by.the Jegiflative body, the fecond by-the tribunate,-and the third by the chief conful. 1 7. "The chief conful, upon quitting his office either nccelfaiily, and as a mattcr.cf right, becomes a fviia tor. The two other confuls (Jurinjr tnc month which f-d lows the expiration of their functions, rpay take their feats In the fenate, but are not obliged to ccrufe that privilrge. - . " They lofe it altogetlur4, iflhey quit ' tTfcir confuTar fundtion by religuation. 18. A fenator is always ineligible to any other pub lic function; " - ' : 19. All the lifts made in jHe depart rneats by yirtue of the 9th articier' flvairbe addreffed to the ftnate. ihey Ihall compofe the national lift. by the oratois of the tribunate anrl tne governments 35-L!Ete fittingiof-thc tribunate andof -the-!egiflr-tivc body,-fhall be public ; "the number of fttangeiild cither of them not to exceed 200. 36. The annual falary of a tribune fhall be 1 5,000 iKHiesr that of a legifJative' lo.odo TranciT'- 37. Every decree of the legiflative body fhall, the" ioth day after it be made, be promulgated by the ehftf conful, unlefs in'the mean time it is referred to the fenate, on the ground of inconftitutionality. Such, reference cannot be made with regard to the laws tht i. . .L,k-1" r ornujgaiea. 20. From this lift (halt he elected the legiflatori,the trlbuiiea. th eotifids, the udes of cafl4tioii, and the JJomnvfaires a la Repun ftbii:t, 21. They -fhall confir -t annul 'every aft referred to them as unconftitutional by their tribunate, or the government j the liili of the .digiblcs fix ill be included among thefe acts. ' - - -. 22. I lie revenues or national domains, the terms of. the fenate. The annual falary of each of its mem bers fhall be paid hiu of ihnfe le'venues. It fhall be equal to a 20th o' that uf tlielchieT conful. 23. The fittings of the ftaate are riorpublic. lit. Citizen Sieyes and Rer Ducos, thetwocon- fuls who are to go ou or office, (hall be nominated' with the fecond arid thirl conful nominated by the pcfcnt one. Thefe four citizens fhall appoint the nv'ju.-ity of the fenate, whiih (hall afterwards complete uicit, aira procctU to the QkJtions entiui;"cd to its di rection. -' -H. Of the LegjJIative Poww, " . 25-. No niv law fhall be promulgated, unlefs the pLn dull have beerr piopofed by the government, com municated to' the itiluiiute, and decreed by the Le giHative B'jdy, 26. The plans' which the government may popofe fhall be diavvu up under different heads. -In every cafe i:r which fach plans )u bedifcufTcd, the gp"ernment may vviJidraw them, and p.'tfent them again in a mo dined 'It ate. .... " 27. 1 he tribunate 13 to be compofrd of 100 nem 4crs 01 25 y oy jjituj evriy year, ana in.'iutciy they ..rc-main u.n the rutrunal Jiit. 28.Thi tribunate -fhall Jifcufs the plans.pf every la v that may be propofed ; .it fhall vatefRhVadop-.' tion or rvjcctio.M of themi " h ih. 11 i'enJ three orators taken frohi its body, by whom the motives of its vote, with refpeCt to each of thc.p!an3, fhall be ftdted beibie the legitlativ. body. It fliail refer to the fenate, but for the caufe of io coniUmtioMaliry only, the lift of the eligibles, the a&iro-HIre k-giflai ve bocry, and thofc of the govern- rTiTeilTsT years f age! at leall -they mail be rene wedi :vriy yeiir, Tn'cl' infinitely re-tiigibte"'"" while 29IuihalI-cxprefs-4t-pimon-'-as-'tdthe-Ia-ws''ni3de or to 'be made, the - abufei to be'Coriefted, the ameh orations to bi attempted, i:i every part of the public ddininri.ratiott, but .never relative to the civil or crimi nal referred t.j the . tribunals.. ' The' opinions it ih.ill give, by virtue of the prefent articles, : ai c to. be. followed byno ncceflary .confv.quen- ces thty comptl.no conltituted authority, to come to any del'oeratior. ' J .'.' ; , 30'. When the tribunate adjourns, it may appoint a committee fiomtch tf fifteen members, charged to convoke i't if it .(hall be deemed neccfTary. v3 r. The" legiflative body fhall be compofed of 300 members, of 30 years of age at the lead ; they fhall be renewed by. fifths every year:-.There ought always Lto be one citizen, at leaft, of each department of the republic prtknt. a . 32. A member who'goe out of the legiflative body cannot rc-eater it till after the interval of a year but he may be immediately elected to any other public func tion, includiag that of tribuie, provided he is In other refpects eligible-. , ; 33. The fitting of the legiflative bodynhall. ebm mence every year on the firft Frimaire, and fnaItco'n: ttnue only four months ; it may be extraordinarily convoked during he other eight by the government. iii The legiflative body enact the law by deter- min i ng by fecret - fcrutinyandithoutnyi 38. The firft renewal of the legiflative hnl A nf the tribunate fhall not take place till the iotb yeAr. ; . . chapter iv. - r "t Of 'the Government. "r'v 39) The government is cntrufted to three eonfult appointed for" ten years, and indefinitely re eligible. Each of them 13 to be elected individually, with the -diflinaualityofchiViHrecondTiirhirdoiifuLrfeer firft time the third conful fhall only be earned for five years. ' ' .... ' , ; "For the prefent time GerKlBuonaparte is appointed thief conful jiCitizen Cambaferes, now Miniftar of Juf tice, Tccond conful ; and Citizen Lebrun, member of ihtcomfii ttee of ancietstfrthi 40. The chief conful has particular fundions and attributes, which, when he is cxercifing them, he may be temporarily fnpplied by one of his colleagues. - 41 The chief conlutis t promulgate the laws ; -he is to name and revoke at plcafure the members of the councirof ftate; the miniftcrs, ambsfladors and o- army by land and fca, the members of local adminiitratioa and thcxommifliontrs of the government at the tribu- nah. He is to appoint all judges criminal and civil, as well asjtiUiees ofpti.ee, and the judges of caffation m with;'!:': the power of afterwards revoking tliemj-.v 4.2. In'the other a& of the goveinment, the fecond and tlvfrd onfids" rr In "av.lT;r7i"---v4--"' ZZ!?7Z irraTeTaPgrin . manifeft that they were 'prefent ; and if thcy pltafe,- they may counterlign iheir opinions ; after which the determination cf the chief confid fhall follow. " 43, The falaiy of . the chief conful fhall be 500,000 franc?, for the 8th year. The falary of the other two cor.fals all be equal to thice tenths of that of the 44. The government is to propofe thclawj, and to make the necefiary legulations to enfure their execution.- - ' -'. "' " " 45. The government is to direct the receipts and expenfes of the ftate, conformable to the annual law, which determines the amount of each ; it fhall fuper intewl the coinage of money , of which the law alone fhall order the iffue,' fix the value, the weight, and the imprefiion. " ' - r . ' .... 40 When the government 13 informed ofsnyebn fpiracies agafnft the ftate, it may iffue orders to. arrclk and bring before ihtiu the perfon3 who arelufpectcd a i -thof8-or accomplice ;?but if within ten days af. ter fucharrcft, thcy are not ft ti;irtr . tivuu 10 trial, it ihall be confideied on. the' part of the miniftcr jigmng the order as an-aa of arbittary detenfloii olflKe part 01 iti : ;mcfflbcrij . upon the plans of "the law 47. the government-is to lupcnntend the internal fa fe t ya nd externa lilcfehce b ftne!rlate ; it is o $iP tribute the forces by fa and land, and .regulate the di rection of them. - - ' 48. The national gusrd on dutyjs fubjecTto the re gnlationa of the public admiuiftration. The national guard not on duty is only fubject to the law. 49. The government is to manage political relations abroad, to conduct negociation, to make prelimiftary llipulatione, to lign and conclude all treaties of peace, alliance?, truce ncutfality, commerce, and other con- yeHtions. 50. Declarations of war and treaties of peace ; al . ietfcies and commerce, a're to be propofed," difcufled, decreed and promulgated in jhe. fame manner as laws. Only tlreifcnffiongtfii'dehbtTations relative to thefe objects, aswell in the tribunate as in thf legiflative bodyL ?re ta bclh a fecret comrnitte, if the government dtfires it. - , ' ' ,...' V .... 51. The fecret article of a treaty cachet be deft rue tive of the public articles. ' .': -52.- Underthe-diredion of the confols, the council" of ftate is charged with the drawing up of the plans of the laws and the 'regulations, of the public adminiftra tion, and to refolve fuch difficulties as may occur in all adrniniftratiTe, matters. : , ' - -; . ' 53. It is f rom among the members of the council of ftate that the oiators are to be felectcd, who fhall be jppjainlejdjopftejAihf namfaf-gxcotjb fore tlzc-IejiflutlTC bedjTherc - arc never to fee 1 i .' 4 - X 1:3 A -a

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