--'x:i:l:-:':-:.''r 'J-.-; . ....... . - . , .-..-. THE AN D RALEIGH A D V E R T I S E R. F - HODGE Csr B0Y).APjit5 to. the J5tW TUESDAY, M?6, 1800. 7 ' y.0 THOUGHTS ON THE Increafmg IVealthisf ' Nathnol Oeconomy ,Of the United States of Americ. introduction- FROM the time of the eiUblifhment of cur Euro- pean Anccftora oil the 'weftetn fide of the Atlantic O. A STATISTICAL tABLE- - For the'Uaited States'of America, for a fuccefiion of yean, compiled chiefly! from Official Documents. .". JLtngtbof the Untied SiaJet I t$o mUtBria&th 1 ,040 - mjlet containing mort th, totou million Jyuaretnilett tffr if, ' cettty to tjitKii t' r ' J odrperidence? ait fartETul reprefcntations'oT the rapid growth uf the country, were in Europe deemed fabu- j.Jous, .and Jtill there mull remain a va(t variety of ooi- L Kntl, V a -an -1 r ' r. T - n. .anuria uuiii in t,uiul 1IU rtlUCIILJ Un II1C I31C 01 OUr annual j'ricrcafe. To point out an eligible mode by which to anfwer the vanous fuhordin ate (lion- eomprifed indtr-the feveral heads of the Statistical Table annexed, and to confider the natural rcfult of the whole, is tbe-foleob jeft both cf the table and of the explanatory rcmarka. i he 'hr.lt Jtjj0jwiir.be oitrred to the public jn their r, BOSTON, April 14. - J Yelleiday arrived here, ll.ip John Adams, captaii Tplmao, in 54 days from Liverpool By her we have received .London p3perslo J?cb.j:i 3th, which, though, feyeral Iay later than before come to hand, contain- " p r- ' : : i-r: " ; m : tug uvujiug ui uic4k nupurtance crude "Aate, in t he ortlcr in which they may arife, but if they mould ever be conhcered of luflicient'tmportance .to call for a rcvilion, method may be more attended to in claffing the ftveral reinarks each under its, pro " perbeaUr-T':'; ' r "" T No. I. On Topulation. The very ingenious and indefatigable Dr. Morfe, ia. his elaborate geog ra phicI 'ork , makes th; follow c to 2 S S!Mtr;, :i ."K.y;ieiiursrijn; preparatory . proceeaiag ot thq e ' - vo ooi cav, w m - Ort ' ' I . '3 I Untilh Mioi!ter in the late 1 -t -. f ' o 00 0W 4 M o vo w -J so 1 N O W V1 CO 4 00U M sl OJ VO O Oft 4 4k oso n w VO O 0 O -n OO w4.. -uo5 0" 04 4 00 "1 4 O OOO M 'ol '.M U U U U W ti ON C'- vi 4 4 M m m 0'"""i2. s. h (hwo o i o v a - 8 6 O 1 o o 0 0 O 0 C ' (J 0000000000 OO tO QO O 0 0 D OO u u. u o o. o o o o O vO OkO O O 0-O o o os co cc-i j o o 0n 4 iuremaiks, which ate wartanted in facl both by the pamaus-uJ-iheperieiicci .t- ;u 1 s t j , ; , Admitting tlie population of theJJnited States at prefect (1796) "to be five millions, and that this iiuraber will be doubled in twenty years, and continue to increafe in that ratio for a. century to come, at that period, viz. 1 896, there will be iir United America one huiidieJ and fixty millions, nearly twenty millions -more than there ate at prelent in all Europe. T S:r Wil.iam PctTy7ia"tmr rretic, has giveu an average valuation for each inhaLi tant of Britain in his time they arc rated by him at -pa pounds r ftcrlmg-pcr-'h--iroollaTj'-ifTttrfa' rule be applied to .'the' prefent inhabitants ' cf thele States, they are now worth more than two thoufand milHons cf dollars ; in addition to this; t'latemen?, the following will be more generally underllood, ar.d as far as it agrees with, muft, ftrengthen the pofitiein formed from Mr. Petty's rule for a pcrfonal valuation. The taxable property of the Ui.its'd States, pcrvalu ation under the recent lavvof Congrifs amounts to mure than 750 miu.oi-s, 75 o o too CO C do!s. ON OCO O O 4- O -1 4 -. sC5 M W Xi M 1 vb 5 4 O - M vj 4 C vJ M 'k c t jo ( (m -ii -o ON x -n CN'-ii -f- O VO o o o 0 0 OO O o-o o O 0 O O 0 0 00 O o 0000 o 000 p 0 o o b b b o o o b 00 o o o 000 b b b O O OO 8 -I 3 rV cr. ft rr T f ' 5 1 M r " u tjt, .i Tf pj oo o o co - -t : jt 9 . S ui C 1 " tTi r o .y - - - - - o - r. o O OW(!jj Co- X O O no vf - ' .' J O 2- -1 o n- 3 C- QC CN4- Cv t tM 3 T O 0Ni C ' v 3 o.jra a O vo 4. O -n K. O S V f w . f l O VO O ON cr a 0 to u. Q r X, : Un! periencc has fliewa that a population lefs than half that ofdnna would L more Conducive to health and to eve- i xy raw.i.al iJavinttt. observator; cr rt .. , P - rt v rt -ts 1 'JG 5 a r CP- rf T t T vvhitli wilt authoriz? a vsiu.aticn f . perfonal property in flock, inont inippsn?, at as muc 0 fnote .... ii na about 500 millions of lands to) average one dollar per acre ; J . : - 1 ot.d 20CO mil -An annual compound increafe of 3 per cent will double the given number in-abjut 24 yeara, by thia yule the population has been averaged in the annexed table from the time of cenfu in 179Q, although the ex ports of merchandize and t he touuage have more than doubled in half that time ; yet for a fuccefiion of years, it may be ffer to conride ia the rule adopted for the rate of incfeaTe in' population, more efpccially when it is found that under fuch- prudential calculati ' ctis the nett amount of- the increafei. of wealth .for the ; hi year only, is at leail three per cent, on two thou- fan'J mii'ions or the fum of si xty millions oFaDOL " l a a. i -Wlr-'nrtr'rn'frd'grtruVi'hal h e wh o IcttdH his -sC.ual incieafe amouots in fait to a poiiiive though ia part a paffive fund, an. , is therefore-called-a natural finking fund to dillinguifli it from the vifible operations' - -'of the ordinary revenues of the ftatCJ . Iencr ;it may "not be difficult to conceive .'that, the' United States arc within a (libit fpace to Tauk with the raoft powerful States on Earth both in Population and in general weitlvn Arid further to conlidef thc effedts of ppptfta t ion only it 'may be Lid with tiuth that by conftant incre-fe it has lince the year.i79 reduced a public . debt of 20 dollars for each individual to fifteen dollars 1 ami if the cmfjicluraT increafe for r'fliouid be veri fied the whole amount of eighty" millions may then be redeemed by a capitation of -fifty cents only, the ul timate population dtftined for the United States may be betttr imagined by a comparative vievif of the. old woifd, where it . will be found -that 'Fiance, England, Italy and the Netherlands will average abput 160 inha- iblc differencceithcr in loil or climate, has abovethree . 'Note. The feveral fumi wilder the head of metallic . hundred,: which rate of population would give to' the medium, are neceffarily copjedlural, but are neverthe - . . ' ii- ? '' . . 1 r i ited States above thiee huniucu millions : but ex; Mcls ot lmmeojate impo Cod" 21 a- 3- ON CN CNV-rj 4 !o 0 W K) M m m n o - 1 O w O ooNn 00V1 d rZt 0 O 6 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 O O O ONO O O CO OOOO OO OOOO O cn rt 3 rt a ' - N h M .'no- -a M W---.' ' w vj 4 o 00 C"i vi 4 jo on "o b o o n i "0 ON MIO 4- V3 Ni M ON O m ON O O 0 O ' ' N-r I'tt , P , p Pi3 o -j"4. - -CT'-b-b----b-NO-r b"'b'"""':'v CO - 4 IJi O O O O OiO W - - - - n o n o Q n ' OO -4 -4 W 0 N NO CAW .4-- O, OO) C O -kv4- u-n-jo, t. o n O O O O n o o 3 . o O Co u ogj On Cnvi t-n 4. k N OMW,. NN CN OCOl NO O CO ON IOQJ 4 ON o so o o Co bVi on On os h o ft X r o O o 2.3, 3 iA ? .a"i0,p On 004 " - J - d 4. tf-Cj -j -J 3N1 w Vfi M vj - -' XO'JUQ O N -1 -f' O'vJvj 0 C OCso CO ic Nn o 01 I. J O NO 001 OO M o Co s - rt expedition to Holland1.; mved, for a cbmmittccjof the whole to inquire iato the caufea pf its failur. mf,. wag ncgativecf, after a fhert debat. " For it, 6 Againft it, 69 " In the courfe of the obfervations made oTTLis fub- jw-4u.pcnu--wia.-ic wnoie-numocF or-troopi 2H Orq . -i . c PI I o o -. o ? CD - 6! n . rv, tr? ST.' H' '' c w . .; .a -1 0 r. O o - s o a. rt O C 3 (v. w - 5'iT o c ju w (-1 no - 4- b o 0 O 0 o 0O- Tir - - P.O.. cT ' F 1 o - o- a-J o- . rt W BJ ftl ? Ji. 1 t " u 3 f) O O ? 8.? a o ?i 2' " z H o IB CO t 25 (4 '-' q z -Or CO rtance to the completion of the table, and therefore inferted to be re confidered in the next annual ftatementi "-zt which period the whole ta-. ble will again be compatecj- witl-t.he .pttblic documents and errors orredted. ' - " ' v. employed in the Dutch expedition, was 45,00 ; and that only 80a of the Britiili troops were killed in the conrfe of it, Lord Mulgrave, faid, it was a queftion of climate wind and weather and that to thole a. lonc were to be attributed the failur. of the expedition. On the fame day, the army and navy fupplies were granted in the Houfe of Commons. The whole num ber of the army voted, was 192,000,. which is 32,000 lcf3 than that voted the Jaft year ; although the' Hand ing army is hereby augmented to 40,000. - The fubjed of the Legiihtive Union of Ireland with JrrcatBrit3i;i , was JaitLbtforethe I rifh Parliament, the 6th February ; by a meffage from the Lord Lieu- lJj3fltThe ,axia,j1n.elwj,.tunguomAiicraJiatperiotl the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire yrTbis mcfTage it was noted Ihould be taken into Confideration ; and a debate enfued j when on a divi-. lion, the numbers Hood- A yes 1 c 1 Noes 1 1 cMa- jorny in tavor 01 me UKlOi). ' - Under the Hamburg date of the ,4th of Feb-, we find the following articles ; ' The intelligence is ac Jengtkxoftftwedthat the JiuiSaa tt oops have rinee fequence of the differences exifting between Aullfia and RuliSay received orders to mum home; This e- vent has caufed confiderable, anxiety throughout Ger many ; and England is the only power that will'be in a llatf -Iter the re-ellabiifhmcnt of the ufua.1 commu nication, t.o effect once more a change in the deterini nation't f the Emperor Paul. Rulfia and EngLnd ate on fuch ttfms c Reciprocal firitndlhip, that every thing may be hp-d from the interference of the latter. ,c. By ilie ci-mmenta on this article in the London pa pers the fail appears fubitantiated, that the Empcrcr Paul Waits to be coaxed by Great Britafri, before he will again cordially take hia. Brother of Aulltia by the hand. This ciicurr.ilance, hov;-cr, has not abated""" the commanding tone which the iiritilh-miniltry here aiTumcd. -. ' It appears ptobable that the'H'gH Conful cf France, is in titaty with the SuHime, Porte ; for we find by a Pari article, that the Tuikifli AmbafTaior at Paris, had 'conferred with Mr. Talleyrand, after the receipt of d fpatches Irom CouiUntinople, and aftet wards had dined with Buonaparte. - - Mr Pitt has given notice he fliail require a loan c f 21,000,000!. ftcrling. : ' Ths Loire frigate, has eaptured a Froch frigate cf 40 guns, after a fmart acion. - . The King of Pruflia equally refifts the perfuafions of France, as the threats of Ruflia, to urga him to re lirquitn his neutrality. The Hetty. Mcale, from New-York, is taken by lie-Frtnchjandarried-iflto-Sti-Vndero Loyd's lifts, Feb. 1 1. ' ' " ' '.' " .- -' ; '-' ";. 7' " : 'J;"" - ;' :. -The Englifli channel fleet under Sir Allan Gardner, was at fea, Feb. 8. - - ' - '; y ' "' - A repQit"wa"' cu? rniv ui Iilverpboirarptie'ilme of the failing pf the John Aciams," that the Amei fcan En voys to France, had arrived at Patis ; had btt t cor-r dially. received ; and that in conftquence, orders had been iflued for the releafc-ofallthe ; AmeWcans confined in France. :This Livetpoel report is enlijely "ground-, lefs. Our Envoys were at Burgos", in Spaio, on the ipth February ; which is 770 miles fio'm Paris. Ha ving ftated this geographical faA, we need give no o. ther reafon for contradicting the article. We have no doubt, as a preparatory mcafure, the French Conful has fat Pur prifoners at liberty. , - To many other refpeclful.trjpu.a' of 'applau(,,6f the 1 life, talents, and virtues of our Washington ; it -is with pleafure we add the following, the pathetic efFufion of one of the Frnch Legiflators t , LEGISLATIVE EODYY I v 13 'Pluviofe, teb. 2. . in ipeaKiDg 01 oen. wainmgion, rem l auicon faid, : . , This ii not" the- moment to retrace in this hall all that that great man has done for the freedom of Ame- i